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My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak. Whenever I encounter difficulties, her eyes will encourage me and help me cheer up. When I began learning to walk, mother always lent me a hand and encouraged me to stand up while I fell down.


As I finally threw myself into her arms, her eyes Smiled with praise. Aftei I entered the school, mothers eyes still encouraged me.


Once I failed my Chinese exam, my mother helped me find out the reasons instead of blaming me. Now I have grown up and become more independent, but whenever I come across setbacks, my mothers eyes are always with me encouraging me wherever I go.





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My father is a teacher, he looks fat, but also wearing a pair of glasses, the rationale of a flat head, not tall.

Dad likes to swim, run, play table tennis, read books, travel.

My dad asked me very strict, he often taught me to be polite. Once to a uncle home to a guest, my uncle gave me a big and round apple, I took over from the hands of uncle apples, relish to eat up, on the way home, my father taught me: Make a polite child, someone else give you something, say thank you.

Dad asked me to be an honest man. Once I secretly in the room watching TV, my father told me to open the door, I quickly turn off the TV, my father asked me: "What are you doing?" I said: "I am reading." He looked at it and said, "Are you lying too? Are you deceiving me? Do you know?" I had to admit. Dad said to me: "I have to do something wrong to take the initiative to admit, do not lie, know wrong to change or a good boy." Dads teachings I keep in mind.

My father is a demanding person, I like my father, he taught me to do a very polite, honest and honest people.



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It has been estimated that a thousand years ago there were less than 400 million people on earth. Today, however, the worlds population has amounted to 5,000 million. What is worse, it keeps growing at a surprising speed. If this trend continues, the worlds population will shoot up to 7,000 million by the year 2000. This is what we call population explosion.

The rapid development of science and technology is the main cause of population explosion. We can see that the population has been growing at a tremendous speed since the Industrial and Agriculture Revolution in 1650, which raised the peoples standard of living, and the emergence of modern medicine in 1550, which lowered the peoples death rate.

Population explosion will result in a lot of such problems as food shortage, housing shortage and unemployment. It is time that we acted quickly to carry out the policy of birth control otherwise, mans survival on the earth will be threatened.






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My little friend, Zizai, is a very naughty and cute little guy with a

hairball all over his body and round eyes. As soon as you call its name, he will

look at you. I want to take it with me wherever I go!

Haha, sometimes I cant help thinking of it in ten minutes between classes.

I dont know what it is doing now! Did I listen to other peoples words when I

was not at home? If I was not obedient, would a gong teach it a lesson with a

stick? Thinking of this, Im really worried

Zaizai, you should be really obedient when your sister is not at home!

Otherwise, when Grandpa invited you to eat "fried shredded pork with belt", no

one would go up to protect you!!



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My mother is a clean worker, she has a long hair, perennial hard work, so that she made a hair of a long hair white hair. She has a pair of big eyes, but now it becomes boring. Her face darkened, eyes wrinkles began to rise more. In order to make more money for the family, in order to let me and my brother and other children as comfortable day, my mother swept the streets during the day and night to someone elses restaurant to wash the dishes, she washed every day like a bowl of rice, only to the Late at night, she can drag her tired body to go home.

She for our family to eat a lot of bitter, she will get up at three or four every morning, help us find clothes, boiled porridge to us as breakfast. After doing these things, she also went to the street to clean up. I only know that the cleaners are looked down upon by the people, I told my mother, said: "Mom! You find other work is good, open the parents will be when someone elses children are pointing to you," that persons mother is a clean Ah! Is such a job ah! "I have been looked down upon others, hum! You better find out the job soon." Mother did not speak, she head down, silently tears. My mother did not listen to me, still doing the job, I know my mother did not want to change jobs, it did not force her.

Until now, I understand that the mother is for our family will be so tired, here I want to call the world: mother, I love you!



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My brother is one of my most familiar person, he is 2 years old this year, have one meter two child, chubby face on a pair of big round eyes, sparkly, but god! Particularly lovely, everyone called him qiqi.

One day, mom went out to buy food, call me at home looking at brother, I have accepted the "glory" task.

At first, the younger brother noisy clamoring for eating potato chips, I say: "mother says chips have no nutrition, cant eat". Brother squirmed small mouth, and with his eyes left I said: "elder brother sa panic, you eat, why cant I eat!" Cant, had to give him to eat potato chips.

After a while, he began to noisy, noisy I after ear, I am a brainwave, a good idea from my mind, "for his cartoons!" I gave him put Tom and jerry, have never thought he suddenly quiet down, everything has its vanquisher.! Dont mention how proud of my heart, to see Tom and jerry the interesting picture, let us from time to time will laugh.

At this moment, mom came back, ask my brother been naughty or nice, brother rob to say: "my brother and I are good!" Mother kua I grew up can take care of my brother, my in the mind can be happy.

I like my little brother.









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Lei Feng was a model(模范) soldier, On December 1 8,1940, he was born in a poor farmer family in a little mountain village of Hunan Province. He didnt go to school till 1950. At the age of 18, he worked as a steel worker. He was often praised for (因…受表扬)his good job. On January 8, 1960, he joined the army.

In the same year, he joined the Communist Party. He loved the Party and the people, and always did good for others. As a result(结果), he became a model soldier. After his death, Chairman Mao called on(号召)the people to "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng". The whole nation were moved by his deeds(事迹). Lei Fengs spirit will live in our hearts forever



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Every child has a favorite father, no children are different fathers, I like my father, I will tell you about my father now!

My dad tall tall, thin face, pointed nose, moisten mouth, nose with a pair of big glasses, curved eyebrows.

My father is very kind, never how to criticize me, if I made any mistakes, my father told me some reason. What to do, what should not do, have to tell me.

My father is very economical, he often said to me, to save water, save electricity, my father often said, I had to do so.

My father is busy, busy also nothing, he is the unit on the leadership, generally at home, only my mother and I at dinner table to eat, my father is also outside to eat, sometimes, my father should take me and my mother go together The

My father no love to drink, drunk, home is not sleep. I know my father and mother so hard to work, do not want me to be better.

I love my dad, I love my mom, I love my home more.



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1. 地球因为有了人类而美丽,世界因为有了人类而进步,社会因为有了人类而发展,世界人口日,让我们为伟大的人类而欢呼,让我们为优秀的人类而骄傲,让我们为智慧的人类而自豪。

2. 当前局面很紧张,问题太多要思量。控制人口没商量,计划生育是处方。超生实在不好养,优生优育大家帮,世界人口日,愿你生活舒畅,天天喜洋洋!

3. 我们是一个整体,住在同一片绿地。各位姐妹兄弟,超生多生不可取,为了咱共同的母亲,憋一憋胎气,换得一生和气,国际人口日,祝你不费吹灰之力,尽享幸福安逸!

4. 世界人口日到,问题日趋严重。人口越来越多,耕地越来越少。消耗越来越多,资源越来越少。为了大家幸福,少生优生优育。降低生活压力,提高幸福指数。促进世界发展,造福子孙后代。

5. 世界人口日,单击“控制人口”,双击“计划生育”,撤销“养儿防老”,复制“优生优育”。祝你健康幸福,快乐一生!

6. 世界人口日到了,同守一片天,同吸大氧气,同住一地球,和谐要共创,优生又优育,人人尽责任。祝世界人口日快乐幸福、平安如意。

7. 世界人口日,愿你的快乐如世界人口一般众多,愿你的幸福如世界人口一般稠密,愿你的好运如世界人口一般不断增涨,世界人口日愿你万事如意,注意响应号召,少生优生哟。

8. "人口数量积聚的增长.粮食产量增长减慢,环境日益破坏严重,耕地越来越少,我们应当控制人口增长,提高人口素质才是根本,为了我们下一代,请大家少生优生,这是每个公民的义务."

9. 控制人口数量,提高人口素质,改善人口结构,是社会发展领域的首要任务。7月11日是世界日人口日。愿你少生优育,提高素质,幸福一生!

10. 人口增长和以破坏环境为代价的经济发展给自然资源和环境造成了前所未有的压力,直接导致了水资源匮乏、耕地减少、食物短缺、森林面积减小、动植物物种灭绝、全球变暖和环境污染等。这一切反过来又严重威胁着人类的生存与发展。

11. 老人是‘世界的从前’,儿童是‘世界的明天’,妇女是‘世界的半边’,人人都是世界一员,和谐是世界的主旋,平安是世界的夙愿。世界人口日,祝世界和平永远,国国繁荣富强,家家幸福圆满,人人创造奇迹!

12. 7.11世界人口日,众人接力来把祝福送:祝你人缘好,处处逢贵人帮助;愿你事业宏图大展,更上一层楼;让你生活愉快,幸福美满;想你身体健康,无病又无灾……——人口日,众多祝福绕着你,祝你万事如意!

13. 世界人口日到了,保护地球要重视了,环境保护要加强了,污染综合要治理了,野生动物要保护了,绿色植被要种植了,人口增长要控制了,大家生活才更好了,身体也会更健康了,日子才能更美好了!

14. 世界人口日,给你打一针优生优育育苗,保你生活快乐成长,其乐无穷;日子美轮美奂,幸福绵长;事业茁壮成长,精彩无限;爱情甜蜜发酵,浪漫无边;人生渐入佳境,好运连连!

15. "还在为坐飞机坐不起.买房买不起,买车买不起而犯愁吗?请赶快加入我们计划生育队伍,为自己减压,为家庭减压.人口日到了,给你个友情提示短信."

16. 世界人口万万千,五个大洲七大洋,你我相识就是缘,美好祝福送身前,爱情缠绵每一刻,笑口常开每一天,身体健康每一年,世界人口日,愿你一生幸福,一生精彩无限。

17. 宇宙环境是无限的,但适合人类生存的环境空间是有限的,就是地球。人口增长过快,必定加大地球的重量。后果难以想象。7月11日是世界人口日,希望全民动员,控制人口增长。

18. 一个人拥有地球太孤单,两个人拥有地球太无聊,一群人拥有地球太迷茫,70亿人拥有地球太拥挤,世界人口日,爱护地球,保护环境,注意少生优生哟。

19. 世界人口日,由于人口膨胀,地球负担过重 ,特命令你,把‘郁闷的你’、‘忧愁的你’、‘消极的你’、‘自卑的你’,统统杀掉,只留一个健康快乐的你。祝福你开心幸福每一天!

20. 物价上涨了,油价高升了,房价增加了,资源紧缺了,人口增加了,世界人口日,提倡晚婚晚育,少生优生,愿你世界人口日快乐。

21. “世”人都要尽责任,“界”内需要来承担,“人”有智慧创和谐,“口”念政策多宣传,“日”子幸福体康健,喜上眉梢“快”乐多,“乐”无忧愁好运伴。世界人口日快乐。

22. 上帝停停工,女娲收收手,世界人口太多了,就到这里吧。你也出把力,我也伸把手,改善生存大环境,人人做贡献。世界人口日,让我们共同努力。

23. 人口日,提醒你,晚生育,人有益,利家庭,控人口,为国家,要计划,育人口,要优化。世界人口日到了,愿你快乐伴左右!好运随你走!

24. 孩子的欢笑固然好,但如今情况实在不妙。土地缺乏了,资源紧张了。生活质量很重要,还是优生优育好。超生的烦恼,不再困扰,世界人口日,愿你生活逍遥,日子美妙!

25. 污染日益严重,资源日渐减少,人口日渐增多,生活日益烦恼。世界人口日,为了我们的家园,为了我们的子孙,只有少生优生,才能健康幸福!

26. 如今世界真奇怪,超生超育随处在。晚生晚育不可待,优生优育才最high,把握家庭的未来,拒绝多生的无奈,愿你世界人口日发财,好运常在!

27. 你是快乐的达人,好运的贵人,幸福的红人,健康的强人,聪明的能人。哈哈,朋友,世界人口日到了,愿你成功做个开心人!

28. 世界也就这么大,人口数量很庞大,地球本身压力大,我们齐心爱护它,不让人口猛增加。世界人口日,祝愿幸福伴大家!

29. 岁月在流淌,人口在增长,资源变紧张,稀缺的土壤,减少的矿藏,人口正膨胀,正视要提防。世界人口日,我们携手关注人口,愿你幸福常有!快乐永久!

30. 初识你,叹为天人;再看你,也是凡人;远望你,还算好人;近观你,竟是牛人。不管你是啥人,在我心中,你就一友人。世界人口日,愿你做个快乐人,常把笑口开!

31. 据说在茫茫人海,认识一个人的概率远远低于中五百万大奖。你就偷着乐吧,认识我,你不知道前世敲坏了多少木鱼才如此走运啊。世界人口日,愿你好运继续!

32. "世界人口日,为了我们下一代有更好的生存空间,我们应当从自我做起,“优生优育,人人有责”(www.sIANDIan.com 【闪*+点】情话网)。祝福大家人口日快乐."

33. 世界人口日,短信来宣传,控制人增长,优生是关键,你我齐协力,家园更美丽,祝你永幸福,开心美无数,天天交好运,健康万事顺。

34. 经济结构,宏观调控,发展计划。环境保护等诸多问题无一不受人口过多、人口素质不高的影响和制约,无一不和计划生育工作紧密相联。7月11日是世界人口日,愿你少生孩子多致富,快快走上幸福路!

35. 人就要干人事,我发现你就经常不干人事,总是干上帝造人的事。生男生女由天定,聪明愚蠢你说的算。世界人口日,和你开个玩笑,可不许生气。祝:生个儿子经天纬地,生个女儿欢天喜地,生个龙凤胎惊天动地!

36. 人比人,气死人。有的人,生而富贵;有的人,生来弱智;有的人,整天忧愁;有的人,天天开心。世界人口日,愿你:无论富裕贫穷,都要积极乐观快快乐乐过一生!

37. 世界人口日到了,鉴于现在人口太多,特送给你一把快乐刀,杀死烦恼的你,宰掉忧愁的你,扎死哀伤的你,切掉抑郁的你,剩下一个幸福的你,愿你世界人口日开心常在,笑口常开。

38. 世界人口日,愿你拥有男人的豪情,女人的柔情,老人的深情,孩子的热情,伟人的激情。哈哈,祝你这个凡人,幸福做好人!

39. 美好生活的前提,是以和谐为基。坚持计划生育,控制人口才给力。你我贡献一份心,收获众人都发力,将此短信转发给好友,保你国际人口日,吉祥如意!

40. 世界人口天天多,资源粮食月月少。灾害疾病年年增,环境经济日日差。改善环境靠大家,发展经济勇争先。世界人口日祝愿,人人幸福家家乐。



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导语:描写人自然英语作文怎么写?以下是小编精心为大家整理的有关描写人与自然的英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读。 描写人与自然的英语作文篇一:

The beauty of nature is like a magician. To daub on light green, spring to summer with a dark green, and, with dazzling aureate autumn to winter again put on a white coat; Ding-dong of the spring water gently singing tune, spectacular sea in rhythm, those little the singer with the wind also show up their indirect voice; Beautiful picture of nature is the blue sky white clouds, green hills and water, flowers, quiet mountains...

What a sight!

However, such a view, so beautiful, because human desire is dont have much, everywhere is named "tall buildings" tree; Flow of the river is called "car" of water droplets; Beautiful mountain "has been renamed as" factory "; Beautiful blue sky white clouds seemed to fit the nobility, clothed in black.

Oh my god ~! The beauty of the earths natural villages? Where is she? Oh, she is still there, just for old face... These, is she the children are making! The human and the nature cant coexist? As long as we are taking the path of sustainable development, mother nature will not be ill-treated in human ~! But now? Human unchecked, makes the natural mother scarred, also sped up the earths resources to reduce...

Stupid human ah, you really are in knowingly ah ~! Preached that environmental protection, and increase the demand, this is the face of love your mother? Action! Action! With the practical action to implement environmental protection, for future generations point f!!!!!





愚蠢的人类啊,你们真的是在明知故犯啊~!一边口口声声的说环保,一边又加大索取,这就是你们爱母亲的表现吗?行动!行动!用实际行动来实行环保,为子孙后代积点福吧!! 描写人与自然的英语作文篇二:

For the behavior of human, nature and the earth mother gave us a words: "who done no wrong, and that could change, be not." People seemed to understand the meaning of this sentence, and began to enjoy the environment of the protection of the environment at the same time, hope in harmony with nature.

Said to the man and nature in harmony, for example, we see a tree to plant a tree, to do everything in our power to our compensation fault before, treat every inch, protect animals...

People began to afforestation and the protection of animals, is also a lot of propaganda slogans on television. People in the desert near to shelter forest, prevent dust storms. Remember there is a news said: "an old man near their HuangShanPo value on trees, trees when I was a child, every day he came to see once, pouring water or weeding, seedlings grown up now, he has to go to other places to plant trees, he said, he is old and his son, and his son is old sons son." Old man planting trees have spent, also. Can such a man, what cant we? Wenxin after reports, it is more and more people began to plant trees. A lot of naughty children no longer draw out a birds nest, but long accompanied by building the birds nest at home. These things have become common now.

I believe in that way, the earth mother will restore the original beauty, man and nature will become more harmonious to get along, is more prosperous, human life more beautiful! Finally remember a words: "be gentle with the earth _ scientific development, harmonious.








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The first memory I have of him- of anything, really is his strength. It was in the late afternoon in a house under construction near ours. The unfinished wood floor had large, terrifying holes whose big and opening darkness I knew led to nowhere good. His powerful hands,then age 33, wrapped all the way around my tiny arms, then age 4, and easily swung me up to his shoulders to command all I surveyed。

The relationship between a son and his father changes over time. It may grow and flourish in mutual maturity. It may sour in hated dependence or independence. With many children living in single-parent homes today, it may not even exist。

But to a little boy right after World War II, a father seemed a god with strange strengths and strange powers enabling him to do and know things that no mortal could do or know. Amazing things, like putting a bicycle chain back on,just like that. Or building a hamster cage. Or guiding a Jigsaw

so it forms the letter F: I learned the alphabet that way in those pre-television days。

There were, of course, rules to learn. First came the handshake. None of those cold little finger grips, but a good firm squeeze accompanied by an equally strong gaze into the others eyes. "The first thing anyone knows about you is your handshake , he would say. And we d practice it each night on his return from work, the serious toddler in the battered Cleveland Indians cap running up to the giant father to shake hands again and again until it was firm enough。



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【篇一】英语作文: 我的爸爸

Father is also very kind to people. He often invites those poor temporary workers who are far away from home to have dinner with us. He always helps our neighbors repair bikes, fill the flat, fix locks, and so on. Whenever any one is in trouble, he never hesitates to offer his warm hands. All this earns him lots of friends and their respect as well.

Father is filled with enterprise in his life. He lost many chances of studying before for .some reasons. But he has never given up learning all the time. He has read many books on architecture in order to work much better as a house-builder. He has gone through lots of difficulties because of his inadequate education. But he hasnt lost heart at all. He keeps learning with strong will. Now he has become a very excellent worker in his company.

【篇二】英语作文: 我的爸爸

My father is a handsome man . He is tall and medium build. He has short black hair and big eyes.

My father works in a hospital. He is a doctor. He wears a uniform in the hospital. He drives his car go to work. He is a good doctor. He loves his job.He works hard.

My father likes sports. He gets up at 6:00 clock every morning.

Then he runs go out. In the afternoon, he plays basketball.Sometimes

he plays chess with my brother.

My father also likes listening to music and watching TV. He likes

listening to the popular music. He likes action movies best. His favorite movie star is Li Xiaolong.

My father thinks healthy food is good for our health. So we eat apples every day. We dont eat French fries. We often eat vegetables,fruits and fish.

My father is also a humored man. I love my father very much.

【篇三】英语作文: 我的爸爸

My mother and father are funny. They are my dear friends. My mother is not tall, not short but slim. She has a round face, two big eyes, a small nose and small mouth.

She often wears a shirt, a coat, a pair of trousers and boots. She’s beautiful. She is forty-three years old, but she looks so young!And her finger is long and thin. She often uses finger to tooth my ears, wow! Collected by izuowen.com

My father is strong, he is tall and handsome. He is my hero. He has a round face, big eyes, a big nose and a big mouth. He’s tummy little fat. He likes wearing a T-shirt a pair sport shoes.

I love my mother and father. I love my family!



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I have a strange old man.

He has a curved eyebrows, two big eyes, my dad high nose, looks extremely handsome. But he just doesnt like to laugh!

My father is very strange, seldom see him every day. When I got up, my father was gone. My father didnt come back when I was sleeping. Dad said he took me to Hongkong to play, but this thing has been in the past three years, my father did not take me. I find it strange that dad is always so busy!

My father is very strange, only three things to do at home: go to the toilet, watch TV, go to bed. What is more strange is that every time he watches TV, he always makes a lot of noise. I think its strange: Daddy loves sleeping so much!

Later, I realized that my dad every day to a lot of problems, did not laugh; my father too much work there is always a lot of things waiting for him to return home; my father worked too hard, too tired to love to sleep. I finally know why my father is so strange, because my father loves me, loves our family. I love my father, too.

Look! This is my strange father!



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人口问题(The Problems of Large Population)

It is reported that the world’s population was 6 billion in the year 2,000, and it is growing faster and faster. The world’s population problem is the greatest one because it brings lots of problems, such as water resources problem, more and more people losing their jobs and so on. These problems are mainly in the developing countries because the population of the developing countries is over 4/ 5 of the world’s popuation. So China, the largest developing country, has kept the policy one couple, one child.




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The line chart depicts that the percentage of those aged over 60 increased moderately from 6% of the total population in 1990 to 15% in 2010 in China. It is predicted that the proportion will amount to 25% in 2020 and 30% in 2040.

Quite a few factors can account for this phenomenon, but the following might be the critical ones: for one thing, with the implementation of Chinas family planning policy and the improvement of peoples living standard, fewer and fewer people are willing to have more children. Therefore, the birth rate has dramatically dropped, which results in a low proportion of youngsters and a higher proportion of elders. For another, due to the fact that more hospitals are equipped with advanced medical instruments and more professional staffs, many incurable diseases now can be easily cured. As a result, the public can enjoy an increased life span, adding to the growing proportion of old people.

The aging of the population is also a result of social progress and economic development. However, this phenomenon will be likely to bring about some undesirable consequences in the future. Hence it is high time that we figured out some ways to face the up-coming challenges.




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Is beginning to my big, big eyes, others scold me is a tigress, I not only have a pair of big eyes, and thick eyebrows, long eyelashes, eyeball is big and black, occasionally also with light hair.

The eyes are the window to the soul, when Im angry I eyes got slip circle, fierce light, make the person had to surrender.

But, when I am happy, the eyes have a shining light, let a person see the happy.

Also, when I was sad, eyes are full of sadness and frustration.

My eyes can express each not the same as me.








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Miss zhao is my Chinese teacher of grade one to grade four, also is our teacher in charge. About 35, 6 years old, she has a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes, every time when we have the classmate, miss zhao eyes flashing the light of joy, high stand of bridge of the nose on a pair of glasses, when son wear when son dont wear, wear like a doctor, dont wear like a mother.

Her to go to Chinese classes lively and interesting, artful, our these restless "little monkey". Remember once said "the Prometheus stealing fire," miss zhao dont know where to find a similar "torch" props, also let the class ACTS as a "Prometheus" take "torch" to "human", but also let us ask why the "Prometheus" took "torch" to "human"? We learned in the process of interaction of the text, is very impressive and interesting.

Remember once, my classmates and I play fell and broke his knee. Miss zhao, like they treat their children very carefully to help me clean the wound, coated with medicine, carefully looked at miss zhao that full of love and anxious eyes, my knees are on painkillers, much pain relief. At another time, because I have a fever off class, miss zhao use of noon rest time, help me with my homework, let me in a timely manner on the "catch" the pace of the students.

Miss zhao in the mind is very wide, the greatest tolerance under each "trouble" in our class. But, however, though normally miss zhao affectionate to us, once but when we make mistakes, zhao teachers would become very strict, first arch eyebrows wrinkled his thin, started a "why? How?" "Bombardment", and then bent up fine eyebrow, earnestly to reasonable, say you completely convinced.

This is what we all love miss zhao, she like a mother care for us, with love in eyes of strict supervision, we use persuasive reason we; She is so kind to us, we cant afford not to a genuine love and respect; Love persuasive, never tired, my dear miss zhao, you are our good friends, is my idea of a good teacher.








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To begin with, as the population grows, people consume much more natural resources, which often leads to excessive hunting. Second, with the increase of human activities, modern people take up more and more space. Which has a great impact on other species. Finally, the problem of pollution becomes more and more serious with the development of modern industry. More and more animals have to adapt themselves to the decaying environment or move to a totally different place, but not all of them are fortunate enough to survive the changes.

Solving this problem calls for, above all, the government’s efforts to control population growth, to decrease industrial pollution and to enhance the laws to forbid wildlife hunting. Moreover, common citizens should be aware of this ecological crisis and take on the responsibility of wildlife protection. In a word, only when the government and the common people make joint e f forts can we hope to find a satisfactory solution to this problem.






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Oh, do you think this boy is really ill-looking? He is my classmate in school. His name is Dai Shunxin. Do you think his face just likes a piece of square and white paper? He looks very poor. His hair is matted and brown. He has a crew cut. His eyes aren’t watery at all, and they’re fishlike. His nose is also ill-looking, and it’s a hooked nose. He has jagged teeth and his teeth aren’t very clean. He is bended, so he looks very short. He is ugly but he usually has a sunny smile. Though he is really ill-looking and everybody usually laughs at him, he studies very hard!




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My teacher is a beautiful and generous person. She has a pair of bright big eyes and a high become warped nose, and a mouth will smile, will be angry.

Her kindness. Big recess, she will jump rope, together with our next class still talking and laughing with your classmates, are our friends, we like her care saplings.

On one occasion, the school fire drill, as long as the alarm bell rang, the students have to be in the shortest possible time and orderly collection ran to the playground. In the second quarter on the language class, the alarm bell rang, the students can handle a quickly "in" the pen at the sky, waiting in line to gather on the playground. In the playground, we are waiting for the teacher in charge formation test, the teacher in charge beside xiao-wen ma stopped. The teacher frowned xiao-wen ma asked: "why did you not wear a coat?" Xiao-wen ma replied: "I forgot, Im sorry, teacher." After listening to the teacher quickly took off his set in the body of the coat, set on the xiao-wen ma.

In this way, after listening to the teachers "wooshing" speech, the students are back to the class. We have a few good female classmate against the cold wind went into the building and turned and saw the teacher in charge in the boundless huge crowd a great figure, is so sweet!

This is my teacher in charge, we walk through together for five years, she just send small bud, we developed a vibrant young trees. The teacher, try to dead silk, ended.candles burn. You are like a candle, burn yourself, illuminates us, do you use chalk depicting the great story of a root. Teacher, you will always be our heart the most special gardener!








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Progress in science and the improvement of living conditions have led to the rapid growth of the world population. Modern medicine, for example, has made it possible for babies to grow up healthily and for people to live longer. With improved living conditions, particularly in the countryside, people tend to have larger families. As a result, the world population has increased so rapidly that it has now exceeded 6 billion.

But the overgrowth of population presents a threat to the existence of human society. A large population demands a GREat deal of food supply and shelter space. However, limited productivity and scarce world resources can hardly meet the needs of the ever-increasing population. Thus, in the long run, the overgrowth of the world population will only harm mankind.

To guarantee the steady development of human society, mankind must realize the consequences resulting from fast population growth and carry out a family planning programme. Only by adopting effective measures, can human society develop steadily and have a bright future.
