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Wearing winter clothes, bathing winter rain, with a strange feeling can not tell. Although the falling rain bead mixed with the cold wind gives a feeling of cold, but it rushed to the earth a happy new year bath, to meet the New Years coming. But also reflects the atmosphere of the winter.

Walking on the road, and the raindrops hit the crack on the crack, so I remembered the summer wearing a raincoat umbrella scene. Suddenly look back, everything as old The swaying of the wind swiftly reminds me that it is winter! All the creatures of the earth are beginning to hibernate. The rain in the winter is like a pearl sprinkled on the earth, and the careful observation of the dense raindrops will make you dazzled and dizzying.

Look up and wait and see you will find the rain racing scrambling to fall from the top down, and some quietly lying in the grass, like a crystal clear and shiny shining light; some directly falling on the tree, like a Precious stones to help it dressed beautifully to meet the coming of the New Year; some fall into the thirsty river and lake, for their quench their thirst, like a mother to feed their own son, so timely. Suddenly, blowing waves of wind, feeling waves of cold but the heart is so sweet, because we immediately have to New Year friends.

The rain has been under, it seems to let people review the winter atmosphere. After the rain the earth is more like bathing New Years weather, the air is more clean fresh, clean up the dust, but also sober people impetuous heart.




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The winter comes, the original green turned yellow, the original green to drop the plane trees turned yellow though so, but the winter scenery also has his beauty side.

Morning, the tree, the vegetable field will have a layer of white things, that is what is it? Is it snow? No, it is the nature of the painter painted white frost. In addition to frost, the morning can also see the fog, fog like a fairy fluttering with a white ribbon, and sometimes like the gods fall down the general flow of milk, floating, like a naughty doll, like people puzzled.

There is a poem written well: "Bao Jianfeng from sharpening, plum blossom from the bitter cold." In the winter, there is a proudly stand, perseverance flowers - plum blossom. Plum to ice muscle jade bone, Ling Han fragrance characteristics, noble, strong, modest character, so that people determined to work hard, learn his spirit. But also for the winter to add a simple beauty.




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My grandmothers dog called "Huanhuan", its head round yo, ears particularly sensitive, his face covered with fluff. Its limbs are very strong, walking, the tail of a Alice Alice, like a spring like a very cute.

Do not look at it looks ugly, but it is housekeeping wow! Whenever you see grandfather, grandmother and me, it can not live to shake the tail, that it is affectionate to us. Especially when I came to the grandmother every weekend, it jumped and jumped to meet me. As if to say: "little master, I can look forward to you!" If there are strangers passing, he "bark" called a non-stop.

Puppy Huanhuan very much like to eat bones, it saw the bones happy to jump up. Of course, it is more like to eat meat, I just throw the meat to the air, it immediately jumped up, and in the air two laps. And then devoured the meat to eat, it is always a wonderful performance to win our laughter.

Although I rarely live with the puppy, but I am not around it, I always miss it. Ill have time to see it.




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My family has a pug, its golden hair, looks like a golden dandelion. Its eyes are especially God, always stare round, like to see through my heart the same. Feet with a little white look very good. I gave it a nice name - babe.

Whenever I go home from school, it is always around me, the tail shaking like a brush. As if to say: "the owner you come back." Once, babe almost put my mosquito nets to scratch, the mother cursed it meal, it curled up in the corner, head down motionless After a while, head down at me and wagged my tail, as if to say: "Master, I no longer dare, forgive me." Whenever I was sad when it is always in my side, silently And when he was happy, it kept in front of me Sahuan, as if to say: "see you happy, I am also very happy."

You do not look at it looks like a small door, but unambiguous, whenever there is little movement he ran out quickly, barking called non-stop. Once, my friend came to my house to play, just called me soon, babe ran quickly out until I came out to let it go back, it went to the side to go.

One winter, morning, I got up and went to see babe, saw it cool all the body, I hastened it to the stove, but not yet warm it up. I am ashamed. I hope you have a good life in heaven!

Babe, i love you!



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There are several supermarkets around my familys home. My mother and I often go shopping there. On Sunday, mother prepared to make dumplings, in the filling of the time, suddenly found no thirteen incense, mother Teng not to hand, dad is not at home now, mother had to let me go to buy thirteen incense. I never wanted to go to the supermarket to buy something myself. I dont want to mention how happy I am. My mother told me to remember two points: first, out of the house, the vehicle must be careful. Two, buy the "Wang Shouyi" brand thirteen incense, to see the price, he settled back the money. My mother gave the money into his pocket, I went downstairs.

Downstairs, I ran out of the gate of the trot. Ill look around the vehicle on the road, and then along the roadside came to the supermarket, more and more people in the supermarket. I went to a superb collection of beautiful things, seasoning, after looking carefully, finally in a frame in a corner of the goods found thirteen incense, I picked up a box, go to the cashier to pay, the cashier twenty yuan, counting the heart the back how much money, with spices and change, swiftly ran home.

When I got home, I couldnt wait to tell my mother, "Im home."." Mom smiled and said, "its pretty fast."." Mom picked up the dressing and looked, "ah, whats pepper?"!" I said in surprise: "no?"" I took a look at it, ah, really took the wrong, and thirteen incense packaging is very close. I lowered my head awkwardly. Mother said, "never mind. Just go to the supermarket and change."." I ran fast and went to the supermarket, openly explain the situation to the waiter, very smoothly for a box of thirteen incense.

Although Im late for lunch today, Im happy too. I grew up and can help adults buy things. Although its a little careless, its also an experience of growing up. Ill do better.



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Each season has wind. The warm wind in spring,the hot wind in summer,the gold wind in autumn and cold wind in winter are all called wind,but their tempers are quite different.

When spring comes,warm wind wakes up everything;many flowers come out .It can bring us joy.

In hot summer,the sweats roll down from our checks. Everything needs wind,but wind often hide and seek with us.

Autumn comes. Cool wind blows yellow leaves down. The corn is ripe and all the fields become yellow. The farmers are busy getting in crops. It can bring us the happiness of harvest.

In cold winter,cold wind blows so hard that everyone can hardly open his eyes

Wind,we welcome you,need you,but sometimes hate you. Will you please obey us and do good things for us.




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Kapok isthe city flower of Guangzhou. It is straight trunk. The kapok flower is red. it is very beautiful. It open in cold weather like a hero. The kapok flower can eat, and it is a medicine. I like kapok very much. Do you like it ?



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红日欲出 红日未出 红日初升 红日喷薄 红日艳艳 旭日初露 旭日初升 旭日东升 旭日临窗

旭日将升 旭日当空 晓日初升 朝阳初升 朝阳灿灿 朝阳普照 朝阳火红太阳升高 太阳高起

日出旭旭 日出东山 日出三竿 日上三竿 日高三丈 三竿日出 日色东升 日头露脸 火轮升腾

火球高升 为乌飞升 一轮红日 一轮朝日 一轮旭日 喷薄欲出 喷薄而出 徐徐上升 红日高悬

红日高照 红日当空 赤日当空 赤日当天 赤日炎炎 赤日烫人 丽日当空 丽日高照 烈日当空

烈日当头 烈日炎炎 烈日灼烈 烈日灼人 日头正顶 日已中天 日头正毒 日轮当午 日当正午

日悬高天 日悬中天 日正中天 日色过午 日头炽热 明日高挂 太阳高照 太阳毒辣 骄阳满天

太阳当空 艳阳当空 艳阳骄骄 艳阳高照 艳阳普照 春阳灿灿 秋阳明丽 秋阳明媚 秋阳高照

高悬天空 太阳偏午 雨后晴阳 太阳平西 太阳西斜 太阳偏西 太阳西沉 太阳西坠 太阳入山

太阳落山 太阳西下 太阳落坡 夕阳正美 夕阳如血 夕阳如丹 夕阳如火 太阳嫣红 夕阳欲坠

夕阳将坠 夕阳将落 夕阳西坠 夕阳西照 夕阳将沉 夕阳斜照 夕阳映照 夕阳残照 夕阳晚照

夕阳西落 夕阳西下 夕阳西沉 夕阳入山 夕阳余辉 残阳似血 残阳如血 残阳夕照 残阳消尽

斜阳淡照 斜阳落山 红日平西 红日西斜 红日西坠 红日西沉 日近黄昏 日头西落 日头偏西

日影西斜 日傍西山 日头西斜 日头压山 日头西沉 日头西坠 日薄西山 日落西山 日头刚落

日落西天 日出日落 金乌西坠 落日熔金 落日余晖 西山日落 一轮斜日 一抹夕阳 一缕夕阳

徐徐降落 阳光初照 阳光抚照 阳光普照 阳光和煦 阳光明媚 阳光明丽 阳光灿烂 波光粼粼

阳光耀阳 阳光艳丽 阳光正烈 阳光很足 阳光炽热 阳光暴热 阳光炫耀 阳光西斜 阳光暗淡

阳光直射 日光斜射 朝晖灿烂 灿烂朝晖 灿烂光辉 朝晖满地 金色阳光 金光耀目 金光万道

金光万丈 光芒四射 光芒万丈 万道金光 霞光万道 晚霞夕照 艳艳阳光 放射光芒 金辉斜照

余辉灿灿 令人目眩 色彩斑斓 一缕阳光 一团红光 一丝亮光 金盘滚动






























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白雪茫茫 银装素裹 万里雪飘千里冰封 白雪皑皑 冰天雪地 寒气袭人 寒冬腊月 冰清玉洁 滴水成冰 瑞雪纷飞 冰封雪盖 漫天飞雪 雪虐风饕 朔风凛冽 寒气逼人雪上加霜 阳春白雪 冬日夏云 冬温夏清 无冬无夏 秋收冬藏 冬裘夏葛 十冬腊月 冬寒抱冰 雪中送炭 霜露之感 冷暖自知 冷若冰霜冰寒于水 岁暮天寒 天寒地冻 冰天雪窑 冰山难靠 冰雪聪明 冰魂雪魄 风号雪舞 固阴沉寒 千里雪原 数九寒天 春冰虎尾 凛若冰霜雪窖冰天 漫天风雪







天寒地冻:形容天气十分寒冷。例:“他抡起大镐来象旋风似的,尽管是天寒地冻的十冬腊月,还是满头大汗。” 例:目今天寒地冻,军马难以久住,权且回山。(明·施耐庵《水浒全传》)


















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春花秋实,夏荷冬雪,一年四季景色各异,雪是冬的使者。然而,校园里的天空却很少飘雪。冬爷爷总是悄悄地来,又悄悄地离去。孩子们的冬衣常常被遗忘在衣橱的角落里。。 早晨,我背着书包上学,穿梭在熙熙攘攘的人群里。忽然,一阵寒风袭来,冷风嗖嗖地从领口和袖口钻入,寒意迅速传遍全身,我不由自主的打了个寒战,连忙扣紧被寒风掀开的外衣。看着周围在寒风中战栗的行人,我突然意识到冬天到了。

走在凛凛的寒风中,我细细地感受着这久违而难得的寒意。放眼四周,天空阴暗低沉,看不到飞鸟的影踪。小燕子一定又去了温暖的南方,但愿那儿的虫子又多又美又肥。 大地一片宁静,再也听不到夏虫的呢喃。小青蛙一定正躲在泥洞里酣睡,但愿它入睡前已经吃得饱饱得,明年春天苏醒的时候不会饿得太急。

许多树的叶子已经落光,光秃秃的树枝在寒风中吱吱作响。地上花草多已发黄枯萎,蜂恋蝶舞的情景也销声匿迹。勤劳的小蜜蜂啊,你是不是正躺在自己 温暖的巢里休息,但愿你过冬蜂蜜够吃一个冬天,明年春暖花开的时候,你又会飞回我们的校园,在我们为老师种下的紫丁香的花丛里,翻滚飞舞,传粉酿蜜。




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冬天的寒风如刀,刺痛着我的脸,我穿着厚厚的羽绒服,裹着大围巾,却依旧在寒风中瑟瑟发抖,好冷好冷但那次,让我的心感到非常的温暖。 The cold wind in winter is like a knife, stabbing my face, I wear thick down jackets, wrapped in big scarves, but still shaking in the cold wind,Its so cold but that time, my heart feels very warm.








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Winter, the Snow White like a mischievous elf, climbed up the roof, lying on the ground, turn the country into a white canvas.

In one of the country, with snow folks all wear into the ball, walking in the snow, left a deep a shallow footprints. The children ran in, play snowball and make a snowman, are their strengths. Everyone all is a great little painter, they put the countryside land as the wallpaper.

On the front of GuaJia, some distance away. Snow instead of it, climb GuaJia, dressed GuaJia in white cotton. Changed into the same interesting decorations to the country.

River, the river frozen, no longer flow. The farmers above touch with stones, ice cracked. At this point, they took out fishing tools, suddenly caught a and a fish. In the winter when you go to their home, they also will warm you eat fish, please.

Farm landscape in the cold winter also is attractive, unique scenery, and the scenery is hard to forget.








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Spring, I never had strong feeling to spring before last year. Some people said spring should be a happy season. But I never sensed that. I always liked the autumn because I thought autumn was a romantic season. I liked summer when I was very young for I loved my skirt with lace.Now, I still like autumn and summer,while I like spring and winter. Before I disliked the various colors of the flowers,and I thought they are flighty and superficial. I thought only only the blue ocean is deep, the golden autumn is elegant. However, now I have a different idea that I find spring wonderful. I like the blossom in the field and in the moutain. From them I am spirited with life.

Spring is a wonderful season.Its getting warmer and warmer.People take off their heavy coat.The flowers begin to open .They are very beautiful and lovey.THe trees begin to turn green.The birds begin to sing here and there.Its often windy.So many people with their child to go to th park .THey like to fly kites.Look th grasses are grow up.The butterflies and the bees are flying.They are very happy too.

I like spring very much.Because it is very interesting and fun.What a beautiful spring!



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Winters in taipei are very cold during the evening and very windy during the daytime.

I usually look forward to the lunar new years day and the winter vacation when i can go to the village where the climate is warmer during these holidays.

Also, i look forward to seeing my grandmother, great-grandmother, and my friends in the village; i like my grandmothers food very much. Winter is the time everyone is in a festive mood.

In the city, i usually do a lot of reading at home in the winter because of the cold weather outside.



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My home have a lovely and naughty little white dog, its name is small white.

The small white to sleep. A noon, it will find a warm place, carefree played a big sleep, no matter what you call it, call it, its like not to hear, in the left ear, right ear out, dont ignore you.

Once in it when sleeping, I secretly hid the its food, it woke up, cant find my dinner, it is like a cat on hot bricks, like boiled dumplings, worried, "wang wang" barked, seems to shout "things I? Im not hungry!"

Suddenly, it triumphantly walked to come over to see me, like Sherlock Holmes, seemed to have answers, eyeing up and looked at me and after a while, quickly ran up and grabbed my trousers, tried to pull back, I also dont be afraid, go forward hard, alas, because of the small white teeth are sharp, so I was it to pull over.

Small white repeatedly "begged" me, his eyes reveal anxiously look, Im helpless, gave it the food into the cupboard.

Small white immediately as found the family dog, mingled, as if in said "thank you, master!"

How, this is the interesting thing between I with small white!










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In the morning of the morning, the sleeping earth was just awake, and there was no living grass on it, because of the land, it was flourishing; for you, the grass appeared to be filled with winter: because of the grass, : Because of you, those lonely children are full of laughter, that is you - snow!

The playground school have lost their umbrellas, three or five groups laughing with each other, chasing, and some stretched little cold hands to feel the presence of snow, and some big mouth to taste the taste of snow, you take the snowball throw me That snow ball throw you, everyone in the snow to enjoy the laughter, like a child of ignorance play, very happy!

Mountains and rivers, rivers, trees, houses, all covered with a layer of thick snow, thousands of miles, into a pink makeup jade world. The leaves of the willow covered with fluffy shiny silver bullion children; and those winter and evergreen pine and cypress trees, covered with fluffy pine heavy snowball children.

This will me and the class in the snow in the play, feeling the body more and more light, suddenly I flew up, put on a white and beautiful clothes, my hand gently waved the snow stopped, in a wave, Snow and open to the next, the students exposed the envy of the eyes. Suddenly, I restored the status quo, what fell from the air, and open eyes to see the original I rolled down the bed, really a false alarm!



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Bills of exchange, also referred to as bills, are essentially a short term credit instrument that can be used by a company either for financing or investment. Bills can be issued for any term up to a year and are generally issued for periods of less than 6 months. Companies issue bills because they are a convenient form of borrowing. The difference between bills and a standard loan is that bills held by the bank can sold to investors. Bills with terms of 30 days to 90 days are the easiest to trade? Bills are usually an ideal loan because a company generally will not run into any problems within 3 to 6 months.





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Snow, since ancient times how many poets, praise it.

Day gray, as if the smoke was black in general. Soon afterwards, the big rain of the beans fell down, and I knew that there would be a snowfall for a while. Sure enough, after heavy rain, snowflakes, day women scattered flowers generally fall down. That one by one octagonal snow, leisurely swing, as if only a small umbrella have fallen.

Look, that one big butterfly falls on the tree, on the road, on the roof ...

The tree, all the branches are full of white pear, and as if in silently selfless dedication, covered with silver bars in the tree. The rows of pine trees on the side of the road seemed to be guarding the guards of the frontier, but added a coat. Look at their tall and straight posture, could not help but make you awe.

That distant mountain, head with a white hat, the mountain was surrounded by brown and green, a road cloud, as if the mountain dress. Beautiful village, every tree, are so pure, beautiful, like a naive little girl.

"You know this snow, not as heavy as the poem, it is so gentle, is gently covered in that one, that is, Trees on the tree, like a white cloak gently put on the body; earth like snow covered with white carpet. See how hard the pedestrian wears like a mass of cotton. Walking on the road, like a cotton swatch in the street, funny.

Look, the snow is so beautiful! Im intoxicated.



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