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Dear Mary,

We shall go to Chongqing Museum to visit the spaceship Yang Liwei took in the space on Children‘s Day. We are going to take the number 464 bus there at 8:30 a.m.out side the school gate.www.rr365.com

May I borrow your English novel “ Under the Moon ” for a week? Please bring it to me that day if you will.




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I have many dreams, such as I am rich in the future. Therefore, I can buy

all what I want. But my greatest dream is that I want to be an astronaut. Our

country develops fast and our space make great progress in the last several

decades. It has great achievements. All of our country are proud of it.

Therefore, I want to be one of this amazing area. In order to make my dream come

true, I must work hard now. So that I can go to a good university to learn more

knowledge. I hope my dream can come true one day.



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my daddy was not happy because he thought it was not good for my study.Sometimes I felt I was not a free boy when my daddy was so strict with me,so I tried to talk to my daddy,and he said he was happy because I talked to him,and now he let me play games if I study well.From this,I understand a friendly talk can help people get along well.



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When I grow up ,I  m going to do what I want to do .I  m going to move to some where interesting.Parie sounds like a city that.I could enjoy.There are lost of art exhibition there.I want to be an artist.First I  m going to find a part time job for a year or two and save some mony.I also want travel all over the wolld .Now I  m going to get good grades ! What are you to when you grow up.



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In my life I have met a great many teachers who are really worth recalling.

But perhaps the most unforgettable one I ever know is my English teacher.

What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities. First of all, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer—an awakening of a passion for learning.

He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of English language and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploring something deeper in this field. Second, I was attracted by his lively wit.

I remember that we students always anticipated his class with great eagerness because his lecture were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke chuckles or loud laughs.

Although it is nearly two years since I attended his last class, he is the talk of our old classmates, and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart.



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难忘的一次旅行那是我四年级时的一次最难忘的旅行。每到寒假爸爸妈妈都会带我去旅行。那次爸爸说要带我们去哈尔滨,我听了高兴得手舞足蹈,因为哈尔滨会下雪,看雪是我一直以来梦寐以求的一件事。 我盼星星,盼月亮,终于盼到了出发的那一天。这天我早早地起床,正想跑去爸爸妈妈房间去叫醒他们,没想到他们早就准备好了,在等我。一切准备就绪后,我们跟着旅行团来到机场上了飞机。在飞机是我们整整坐了5个小时才到达哈尔滨。一下飞机,我就感觉寒风刺骨,这里的天气跟我们南方简直是没法比,我好像掉进了冰箱里。我被妈妈用衣服裹得像一个大雪人。爸爸看了我的样子,差点儿把刚喝进嘴里的水给吐出来,我气得等了爸爸一眼。 我们来到了宾馆,发现室内和室外的温度截然不同。爸爸说:“那是因为北方的天气非常冷,所以室内必须要开暖气。”听了爸爸的话我才恍然大悟,我自言自语:“哦,原来是这样啊!”过了一会儿,导游来到我们房间说:“呆会到大堂集中,我们要去‘冰雕城’我兴高采烈地说:“好耶!好耶!”我们穿好行装后来到大堂,导游对我们说:“就差你们了,其他人都来了,快上车吧!”于是我们上了车。到了晚上我们终于来到了 “冰雕城”导游向我们介绍说,这座“城堡”里所有的建筑物都是用冰做成的,而这些高大的冰雕每天都在融化,所以每天这里都要运来很多从“松花江”里提取来的冰来补。 我们走着,走着来到了一个6米多高的用冰做的滑滑梯。这个滑滑梯是可以滑的,我看来看周围的各种娱乐设施,发现这里排队的人最多。我心想肯定很好玩,不然大人小孩怎么都来玩呢!于是我拉着爸爸妈妈来到了排队处,等了漫长的一个小时之后,终于轮到了我们。爸爸是第一个滑的,爸爸在下面对我喊:“很过瘾哦,斯琪快下来吧!”我听了爸爸的话迫不及待地往下滑,我也对妈妈说:“妈妈快下来吧,很好玩耶!”妈妈由于衣服穿得太多,被卡住了,只得自己用手往下滑!接下来我们又玩了很多项目,我说也说不完! 那次旅行是我最开心的一次,开心的程度我根本无法用语言来表达我有多开心。



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Laba rice porridge contains glutinous rice , red beans, millet, Chinese sorghum, peas, dried lotus seeds, red beans and some other ingredients, such as dried dates, chestnut meat, walnut meat, almond, peanut, etc. Actually eight ingredients are used, cooked with sugar to make the porridge tasty.

Northerners prefer to use glutinous rice, red beans, dates, lotus seeds, dried pulp, walnuts , pine nuts and other dried fruits in their porridge; southerners like a salty porridge prepared with rice, soybeans, peanuts, broad beans, taro, water chestnuts, walnuts, vegetables and diced meat. In the north, it is a dessert with sugar added; in the south, salt is put in. Some people like to add cinnamon and other condiments to add flavor.

Controlling the heat is of great importance in making Laba porridge. At the start, the flame must be high, but the fire is then turned down to let the porridge simmer until it begins to emit a very delicious smell. The process is time-consuming but not complicated.

Laba porridge is not only easy to prepare, but also a nutritious winter food because it contains amino acids, protein, vitamins and other nutrition people need. Cooked nuts and dried fruit are good for soothing nerves, nourishing one‘s heart and vitality, and strengthening the spleen. Perhaps that is why it is also called babao (Eight Treasure) porridge.



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My travel plans are many, I tell you my favorite travel plan, is go to huang shan to play. First I by cable car to light top, on their way to see the beautiful scenery.

When I top down from the light is not choose by cable car, but choose to walk down the mountain. Because in the way I can enjoy the beautiful scenery, and streams than who run fast. Though very tired, but I can enjoy the beautiful scenery.



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You take notice in some places, youll see the fact that most smokers are young people and even some are middle school students. It is said that in China the number of the people smoking is about 0.3billion.

Why do so many people smoke? Some think that smoking is pleasure, some believe that they can refresh themselves by smoking. In fact, smoking is a bad habit, which has great harm to peoplehealth. The study of smoking shows that many kinds of illnesses have something to do with smoking. Smoking itself is a waster. It costs one so much money, Besides, many fires are caused by careless smokers. Today more and more people all over the world want to give up smoking. If you’re mot a smoker, don’t start.


篇12:初二年级英语作文:Learn how to swim

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On a sunny day, down by the river, a fishermen -who does not know how to swim- is in a world of his own, waiting for the fish to surrender and be the mans catch of the day, but in a slight error, the man slipped and fell into the river, all was seen by a young man who just happened to pass by, saw the whole scenario and saved the fishermen, the fishermen was quite ashame of himself for he a fishermen who can not swim, after the accident, the fishermen gave enough thought into wanting to learn to swim and thus beginning lessons for amatures whom do not know how to swim.



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Football is connected with the people throughout the world.

It has become a part of peoples life..Every day, man), football matches are going on here and there around the world.

Pick up a newspaper and you can learn the the results of the football matches. We enjoy playing football, watching football games after work. During the football matches of the World Cup,millions of people watch the matches on TV.

When their favorite teams win, they will give them three cheers. When they fail,they feel sad. We all hope our national team will be the strongest one in the world.



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Korea is a country that famous for its beach, culture, even their products. Luckily, I had a chance to go to Korea last year.

When I got Korea, it was night. We went our hotel. To our surprise, the hotel was so beautiful and nice, the room was comfortable and the food in the restaurant was also delicious.

The most famous palace in Korea Gyeongbokgung Palace. It is spectacular and it is too big that we spend 5 hours finishing visiting this place.

We also try the Korea food. But I dont like it, it was always made of vegetables and seafood, with a little salt and oil, but my mother said it is healthy.

The shopping mall in Korea is big, very big. The Lotte shopping mall is the biggest one with almost all kinds goods in it. We bought many nice things.

I enjoy myself during this trip. If I can, I want to visit there again.



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Dear Tom,

How are you?

I would like to tell you something that took place in my school yesterday. In the afternoon the school held a growing-up ceremony for our coming 18-year-old birthday. At the beginning we made an oath that as grown-ups we should have a sense of responsibility for our society. Next we expressed our thands to our parents who brought us up and to our teachers for their education. Then our teachers gave us cards with good wishes. Finally, we had wonderful performances. I learned a lot from the activity. I am sure the ceremony is very important for us. From then on we will know our responsibilities as grown-ups.


Li Hua




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那一天,我们挥别了阴霾,当天是个晴朗无云的好天气,大家由如脱缰野马似的分散到各地。其中,摩天轮最有趣,我和同学特别选了”水晶车厢”,当我们达到最 高点时,我向下俯瞰,发现眼前所有的事物宛如照了缩小灯一般,许许多多的游乐设施以及同学们,都成了一只只小小蚂蚁,爬来爬去,有趣极了。

当然,青春晚会也是我们最期待的,平时不苟言笑的同学也放声尖叫了起来,我也兴奋的叫了起来,不过最后大家都因舍不得分开,而抱在一起哭了起来,虽然有人 哭不出来,不过她也和我们抱在一起。每一滴眼泪,每一把鼻涕,每一个拥抱的代名词就是爱以及最珍贵的友情。这一晚,我了解了珍贵的意义!





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Some people understand the hard, some people know the filial piety, some people learned to respect, understand to cherish. If I know what an extraordinary kindness, gratitude. Western proverb: happiness, is have a thankful heart, a healthy body, a desirable job, one with your family, a bunch of reliable friends.

Gratitude for happiness, because I dont know Thanksgiving person, you cannot get happiness, the Chinese nation has a fine tradition of "Thanksgiving". "Who made the heart-inch grass, at a three chunhui." Moving verse, "dripping of grace, when animals are reported" classic lines, you whether to send you a cup of warm tea after mother overworked, handed in hers birthday, a homemade card, give a word of consolation when mother lost, mother for us to pour into the painstaking effort, energy, and we ever remember mothers birthday, feel mothers toil, and perceive that whereas silver, that the wrinkles. To feel grateful to you with my heart, and to return.





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I have a lot of friends in Simon English School. One of them is my best friend. His name is boyd.

He and I are both thirteen years old. but I am older than he, and I am fatter than he too. He is shorter than I, and he is thinner than I. He wears a pair of glasses but I dont.

He likes to eat pocket-food, and he is a gentleman in a sense that when he has pock-food he will share them with us.

He and I are in the same school and in the same class. So, we can help each other. We alway play in the school together. he likes to do thing I like. He lives in the Ningbo Jiangdong, so he hardly came to my home in Zhenghai but I alway go to his home on weekends and he sometimes will come to my home on weekends. Sometimes we will fight but we alway get along well.

His mother is a doctor in the Li-Hui-Li hospital and I know where her office is. His father is a worker in the Bei-Lun power plant. He is a head of a group. So, his father has a lot of work to do.

He and I are in the same school. We usually have a good time so he is my best friend.







