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According to a survey, more than two thirds of people in China agree that, the public moral level is lower than before. This figure, although hard to accept, has indicated the fact that the nation’s overall morality is declining. If you pay some attention, you could easily point out some improper behaviors happening around: young men refusing to give seats to the old on buses; shoppers jamming into queue instead of waiting in line; crude riders neglecting red lights, etc. So what the hell is going on?

As analysts have figured out, this trend of degradation mainly originated from faulty education. For decades, Chinese schools simply infuse bookish knowledge to their students, whilst moral cultivation becomes a kind of formalism; on the other hand, children are naturally influenced by their family and other adults in the society, most of whom are too sophisticated to be considered as eligible moral models.

Facing such disappointing condition, you may ask: how can things become better? As far as I am concerned, we must following these three steps. First of all: self-shaping. We should manage ourselves well, and try to shape our own morality as perfect as possible. The second step: family-shaping, which is to behave as the model for your children and improve their moral status through strict discipline. The third: If you are leading people, such as being a manager or national president, you could reinforce your whole organization’s moral situation with policy and your own action. Even if you’re no leader, you’ll have a positive impact on the society if only you manage yourself well and try to influence others as much as possible.







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Holiday, my father and I went to Beijing tourism. We visited our great the Great Wall. The Great Wall a total of three species, they are sea the Great Wall, the Great Wall and the Great Wall hill road. The starting point of the Great Wall in Qinhuangdao, at the end of Jiayuguan, is about 6000 kilometers long.

First of all, we climbed up the mountain is the famous the Great Wall -- the the Badaling Great Wall. I saw the the Great Wall is like a dragon lying in the ups and downs of the mountain. Despite the hot weather, the slope high and steep, but I still to overcome difficulties, done in one vigorous effort to reached the top of the Great Wall, received a "less than the Great Wall of non hero" certificate. On the peak, I have a feeling to become an immortal.

The third day, we went to the sea the Great Wall -- Qinhuangdao Ning Haicheng attractions, it is to resist the enemy attack from the sea and the troops off the place. I picked up some shells, in the play under the sea, took several photos later went to the Great Wall road -- Shanhaiguan the Great Wall. It has "the best in all the land" said, "the best in all the land off" five words per word 1 meters high. Because of the way the Great Wall is not very long, so I only spent more than an hour to go over it.

By visiting our ancient the Great Wall, I think the ancients created is really great, I was a Chinese proud!



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I love summer.There ia a summer vacation in summer.What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read. I love to read, but during the school year I could hardly find a free moment for reading. Endless assignments press down upon me like a mountain. I feel confined and imprisoned. Once the summer vacation comes, however, I have all the time in the world to read and read and read. I read everything I want to read. I read to my hearts content.

I hate summer.In summer, the weather is hot, the air is humid, and the wind doesnt blow at all. In summer, everything seems tired——except the mosquito and the fly. They are everywhere. They bring diseases to people. No one likes to walk or work under the summer sun. Because the wicked sun will burn your skin. So the hot summer confines you to your room. Hot weather makes me drowsy and I cant study effectively. I hate summer. I wish it would go away quickly.

All in all,summer is a season in every year.Of course,Ican adjust to summer.








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Springscenery was so beautiful, in the spring, people feel more beautiful. For a winter slouch back straight, cheerful smile full of hope. The park and lively up, take a picture of young people, old people fishing, catching insects children, each one intoxicated in the embrace of nature, indulge in pleasures without stop.


Spring busy people. As the saying goes: Yinianzhiji is spring. You see, in the city streets, coming and going to the busy shuttle, the fields of rural farmers in the seeds of hope. On the walls of the classroom with the new semester schedule, a new book in the books, a lot of knowledge fruit is waiting for us to gather.


I love spring, I like to smell the fragrance of flowers, see the new green trees, listening to the songs of birds. I love the spring, because spring is full of vitality, full of new hope!



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2.母爱是一泓清泉,让你的情感即使蒙上岁月的风尘仍然清澈澄净;母爱是一缕阳光,让你的心灵即便在寒冷的冬天也感到温暖如春。祝母亲身体健康青春永驻! 生日快乐!

3.春风化雨的温柔,润物无声的奉献。孜孜不倦的教诲,无怨无悔的辛勤。这一切都是母爱伟大的体现,谢谢您那无尽的爱,祝愿妈妈健康幸福,快乐常在! 生日快乐!


5.夏至到防暑忙,外出记得防太阳,多吃清淡多喝汤,莫贪凉莫油腻,注意休息很重要,多吃瓜果和蔬菜,清清爽爽一夏季。 生日快乐!

6.一洼洼的不是稻田而是油烟。一片片的不再是树林而是污染,一丛丛的不再是小草而是渣山。一条条的不是小路而是垃圾练成串,爱护环境,刻不容缓,下一代的梦想,这一代的明天,不要因为今天留下遗憾。 生日快乐!


8.父爱其实很简单:它像白酒,辛辣而热烈,让人醉在其中;它像咖啡,苦涩而醇香,容易让人为之振奋;它像茶,平淡而亲切,让人自然清新 ;它像篝火,给人温暖去却令人生畏,容易让人激奋自己。 生日快乐!

9.夏至到,防中暑,有妙招,好心情,戒怒躁;多喝水,勤通风;多清淡,少油腻;均碱水,全做到,保你身体健康一切好! 生日快乐!




13.爸爸陪客人聊天,小强有话要说。爸爸见了说:别这么鬼头鬼脑的,有话大声说。小强大声说:妈妈让我告诉您,别留客人吃饭! 生日快乐!





18.爸爸,怪怪我吧。怪我的任性,怪我的自私,怪我的调皮,怪我的不懂事。可是您却一直微笑地对着我。爸爸,来世,我依然是您的女儿。您可爱,懂事的女儿。 生日快乐!



21.早上好,一束阳光照在身,祝你天天都开心,财神家中去,梦想变成真,今天中大奖,明天去上任,朋友的祝福全都是真心。 生日快乐!





26.夏季养生要注意,啤酒清爽莫贪杯,凉水洗澡莫贪急,食欲不振莫缺顿,雪糕沁心莫贪吃,朋友消夏来聚餐,街边烧烤少为宜,关注健康在夏季,还防病从小事起。 生日快乐!




30.尽管你不再年轻,尽管你脸上有岁月的痕迹。你依旧是爸爸心中最漂亮的女人,你依旧是我可爱的妈妈。就算有一天你老到满头白发,你也是最美丽的老太婆! 生日快乐!

31.献上我句句的祝福,寄去我声声的问候,亲爱的妈妈,今天是您的生日,在这个属于您的日子里,孩儿祝你生日快乐!永远幸福! 生日快乐!



34.夏日炎炎人遭罪,瓜果蔬菜来补胃。荷叶莲子绿豆粥,清淡消火又养胃。太极瑜珈不贪睡,养心养肝又养肺。生活规律效率高,心情舒畅勿急躁。指客短信养生妙,提供大家作参考。 生日快乐!


36.我习惯在有母爱的世界里生活。因为母爱的存在,春末,我的世界依然春意盎然;酷夏,我依旧倍感清凉;悲秋,我仍然坦然向前;寒冬,我仍旧不畏惧寒风。 生日快乐!



39.端午赛龙舟,三龙湖上走。金龙快快游,祝你壮如牛;银龙快快游,祝你财源流;铜龙快快游,祝你没哀愁。三龙伴随你,天天大丰收。端午快乐! 生日快乐!




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Autumn came, the beautiful autumn sister gave us a picture of the autumn.

Autumn wind sister brought a box of colorful pigments. She gave the blue sky, blue sky like a shiny sapphire. She gave the yellow ginkgo tree, yellow leaves like a small fan, they use the strength of the autumn wind sister, fan ah fan ah, to help farmers uncle left the summer hot. She gave the red maple, red maple falling, like a small butterfly, twisting the beautiful wings dancing. She put the golden yellow rice, a piece of golden rice, like a golden ocean. She gave the orange red orange, persimmon, like a lanterns hanging branches. She gave more colors to the chrysanthemum, yellow, white, purple beautiful.

Autumn wind sister also brought a variety of perfume. She will pear spray fragrant, apple spray sweet, provoke passing the children, could not help but run to the orchard.

I really like the painting of the autumn wind sister.



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My house through a window, a row of trees have leaf like soldiers struggling proud of the past winter, again on the leaves, like a perfect uniform, to survive these long winter soldiers send warmth.


The birds nest is close enough, the fresh air, the slightest breeze brings them very cool, birds sing beautiful songs, songs of their proud. Every corner is changing, becoming a garden that is more different than the winter, than the autumn.


In the spring of two All flowers bloom together., pear tree homes, cute. A flower in full bloom, and decorated with white plow tree flowers, like a rolling of the white snow capped mountains, very beautiful.


A pear tree cut fuel, although there is no next to it "tall mountain" as charming, but it leaves thick, four to stretch longer high, finally formed a parasol and covered with earth, produce many pears,


How lovely the spring scenery of our home is! It was gorgeous and angry. Time is passing, home will become a refreshing home.




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Spring morning is spring, the summer morning is tree-lined, autumn morning is the fragrance of Osmanthus, then the winter morning is how it?

"Tinker bell ... ..." a harsh ring tones abruptly pulled me from the dream back to reality. I opened my eyes, slowly from the blanket out of a hand. Oh, its a lot of time! I seem to fall from the warm paradise directly into the cold hell. Turned to look, mist is lying on the window whirring sleep! Outside a gray, the sun seems to give yourself a holiday, sleep at home, Lanjue. I secretly said: the sun is stolen lazy, but I have to go to the dark to go to school, really heavenly difficult ah! "The real warriors dare to face the bleak life." Suddenly, my mind Sentence. So I bang, from the blanket jumped out.

One out of the house can be thousands of times better than the house cold. The cold wind piercing, straight to my neck drill. Even known as "Maxima" car at this time also like a year more than seventy years old man had severe general, turtle speed moving with. Trees put on a white coat, but the wind was still ruthlessly swept away the leaves, leaving only bare branches. People who come and go are all armed, leaving only a pair of eyes dripping, even those who love the beautiful slim girls willing to wrap themselves into a round "dumplings". I mention the collar, I thought: the classroom but also so dead it.

But a walk into the classroom, that scene and just really different world. "Pa Pa" do not miss a minute to learn the opportunity, like being nailed to the stool, hungry to learn the knowledge, do the book really have gold house? "Naughty" is like a stool was Put a few nails, restless, they got up like a rhinoceros rampage. And those who suffer from the "severe delay" of the students are fiddling words to fill the job, their hands like a machine generally kept running ... ...

Winter morning not only chill, but also steaming. It can freeze the growth of all things, but could not freeze our warm heart.



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The autumn girl drove the summer heat of the summer heat, and brought the cool autumn.

Autumn girl ran into the orchard with her wand a little, the orchard faction of the scene. Mature grapes like a string of crystal clear agate, looks like a mouth-watering, taste a grape in the mouth of the sweet juice in the mouth aftertaste infinite, really people eat a want to eat the second and third Stars. Orchard in the orchard fire red, like a group of burning fire is burning. I could not help it temptation to take off a red hawthorn taste, sour me. I think this hawthorn is really looking good, but eating is really not delicious ah I can no longer be confused by the appearance of the future. Orchard jujube also one by one hanging on the branches, picked down a large and red dates, a taste of sweet and delicious, sweet and crisp very delicious.

The orchard of the persimmon one by one to the branches bent to the waist, one of the Huang Chengcheng persimmon is like a hanging in the branches of a small lantern. I taste really amazing, it is very sweet taste, like sugar as sweet, very delicious really want to eat one. Pomegranate in the orchard is also cooked, one by one grinned his mouth, inside the fruit is like a piece of ruby. In the mouth of a bite rotten, sweet juice to spray out, sweet and sour, very delicious.

Autumn orchard is really a good harvest season it!



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My writing teacher, Cissy, was the most meticulous and the strictest teacher I had ever seen. Pursuing a nearly perfect class, she had high requirement in our photos’ presentation. Although the presentation was limited within three minutes, from selecting the photos to organizing the language to thinking about the nuclear idea, all of the processes should be prepared a long time and couldn’t be dealt with causally; otherwise, you would receive her merciless comment. Any unsatisfactory words occurring in the presentation, breaking in without waiting for the students finishing their speech, she pointed out their faults by sharp words, making you heartbroken and feel like suffering a heavy rain suddenly in a sunny day. Although in simple recital, her strict style still played an important role in it. Disappointed and sad, everyone had experienced the criticism from Cissy, because she thought that not only did we lack right rhythm, but also we couldn’t express our emotion completely and adjust our volume. As a result, receiving her praise was seen as the great honor in our class. A meticulous attitude should be kept in her class. To show respect to the speaker, she didn’t allow us to whisper and after every presentation, genuine applause should be given. It was as a punishment that anyone who forgot to take her picture in the presentation would be cut down her scores and delayed her presentation in the last class. Indeed, being her students made you in risk of being engulfed by her sharp words, but in the same time, due to her strict and meticulous attitude, you would be greatly improved in writing.





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Today is my birthday and Im so excited about it. In the morning I put a note on the table for my mum and it said, "Today is my birthday, dont forget it!" At school, I got many gifts and cards from my classmates and had a lot of fun. But I was still expecting the birthday party after school.

When it was time to leave school I couldnt wait to go home. When I open the door, there wasnt anybody in the house. There was only a note that said, "Coming home late tonight,mum and dad. "I try to call them but there was no answer.I was so shocked,do they forget my birthday?How could this be! I was so sad that I couldnt eat anything. I just did my homework and waited for them.

And then,things changed completely. It was about time for dinner, my mother called and told me to go to the restanrant near our house. When I got there I couldnt believed my eyes. Everybody was there:my parents,my relatives, my friends and even my classmates. There was so many gifts and a big cake. What a surprising birthday party! We had a good time and it was the best birthday party ever.






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你是Mike,你去Marry 家,想问问她去不去参加你的生日聚会,但是她不在家,你给她留了便条。任务:请你用英语给Marry写一个50词左右的便条。内容包括:

1. 明天是我的生日,你会参加我的生日聚会吗?聚会晚上6:30开始;

2. 我的家人、朋友及同学都会来,你可以见到他们;

3. 如果你来,就打电话给我,我希望你能来。


Dear Marry,

I’m Mike. Tomorrow is my birthday. I want to invite you to take part in my birthday. Can you come tomorrow?

The party will begin at half past six in the evening. My parents, friends and classmates will come, you can see them in the party.

If you come to my birthday party, please make a phone call to me. I will be happy that you can come.












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One day, the fawn to another forest to take a walk. The fawn surprised to think: "hey, how do the trees here only the stumps, become bare?" Suddenly, the deer heard a cry, and it went down crying, the original small animals in the forest near the stump cry, cry very sad!

The deer walks to the small animals and ask: "why are you crying?" Little monkey and said: "the trees here grow CongCongLongLong, the branch is very tall and straight, we can free to play, play in the branches, now trees are being cut off, we didnt play place, let us how sport?" The words sound just fell, the small white rabbit said: "before we have the green grass, now has been cut off, havent got the fresh mushrooms on the grass, we have no food, how life ah!" At this moment, the bird to fly, said: "before the branches is our home, but now the branches have no, were homeless, told us how to live!"

Fawn looked up at the sky and prayed silently: "human! You dont hurt them, to help them quickly! Give them a happy peaceful home!"






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Today, when I read the newspaper, I saw a piece of interesting news, it said that a foreign boy who was in high school, he earned a lot of money by selling snacks in the school, because the school did not allow students to bring snacks for the purpose of their health, so the boy started to bring some snacks to the school and sell them to other students in a secret way. But the principle found his business recently and took away his snacks. I admire the little boy, he is so clever, he started to make money so early, I believe he will be a successful guy one day.




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描述人物外形Describing a person

发型Hair Style

直发:straight hair 波浪式卷发:wavy hair 卷发、自然卷:curly hair

浓密的头发:tihck hair 短发:short hair 长发:long hair

齐肩发、披肩发:shoulder-length hair一个马尾辫:ponytail 辫子(小麻花辫子):braids

长发辫子(雷鬼辫、脏辫):dreadlocks 头髻:bun 两个马尾辫:bunches

中分:center parting 变秃:balding 秃头:bald

头发颜色 Hair color

金发:blond hair 棕发:brown hair黑发:black hair

红发:red hair 灰发(老年人的银发):grey hair

姜黄色发:ginger hair(受歧视的发色)

眉毛 Eyebrow

浓眉:thick eyebrows 秀眉:thin eyebrows

眼睛 Eyes

大眼睛:big eyes小眼睛:small eyes

鼻子 Nose

高鼻子:high nose 塌鼻子:falt nose/button nose

宽鼻子:wide nose 窄鼻子:narrow nose

嘴巴Mouth /Lip

大嘴:big mouth小嘴:small mouth 厚嘴唇:thick lips

薄嘴唇:thin lips/slim lips樱桃小口:cherry lips/rosebud lips

脸型 Face

鸭蛋脸/瓜子脸:oval face 圆脸:round face

方脸:square face长脸:long face

体型、身材 Stature

肥胖的:fat 瘦的:thin苗条的:slim

丰满的:plump 不胖不瘦的:medium-built 不高不低:medium-height


优雅的(女性):graceful/elegant 结实的、矮胖的:stout 苗条的、瘦长的:slender





1. 她有一头金色长卷发

2. Mark is 21 years old. He is about 5 feet ,9 inches tall . His face is long and narrow . His eyes are green. His hair is light brown. He doesnt look very Italian. He smiles a little and usually has a friendly look on his face . He isnt fat and he isnt thin. His build is average. 迈克21岁了,他身高大约5.9英尺,脸瘦瘦长长的,绿眼睛。浅棕色的头发,看起来不大像意大利人。他总是面带微笑,非常友好。他不胖也不瘦,中等身材。




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Rabbit mammals Lagomorpha, herbivorous invertebrates, mammals. Head a little like a rat ear according to different varieties, large and small, upper lip middle division, is a typical three petal mouths, adorable. The rabbit who is gentle, lovable, is a popular animal. The tail is short and upturned, forelimb is shorter than the hind legs, be good at jumping, running very fast. Pet rabbits like sticky, hare afraid. Color is generally white, grey, withered grass, brown red, black and color.




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I have gone through things like the stars in the sky, and some I sigh about, I have shame, I have great anger, I feel some of the majesty, I feel some fun, let me some experience The taste of success! On that occasion, I have a class students have bought a sachet, I put together into the nose to smell, thiophene wow, the aroma is pressing, I remained fresh in his memory. I would very much like to buy one, my mother will not let me buy it, had no choice but to own it.

I take out a lot of overflowing delicate fragrance of the petals in a variety of colors. Home to some of the first jet is very strong aroma of perfume. So that each petal is a damp, and then dry on the balcony.

In two days, the petals completely done, I order for another strong aroma, I have all the flower pot and pour it into the water, until completely soaked, I picked up and dried on the balcony.

Done, I have a lot of sprayed Perfume, a Huatai Xiang! Shannon was a sharp! Spent since resolved, it should address the package what the petals!

I would like to start using cloth bags to use later. After careful consideration, I decided to use plastic bags.

I am in a plastic bag inside and outside sprayed with perfume, and some of the color-and infected with green, and then the petals into a plastic bag, tied with lines, but also with a number of needle holes, so that the aroma to overflow! I Im told that thiophene wow! And buy it from top to bottom, regardless of the sachet! Seems to smell slightly better than to buy the sachet! Ha ha!

I am in the moment of completion of the sachet, I think the days are so blue, clouds are so white, the grass is so green. Now I learn to produce sachet is the most proud of a bright star! I really wanted to announce to the world: I succeed you!



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I was born on March 15, 2001. So March 15 is my birthday. I began to give a birthday party in . Later on I have my birthday party every year.

Last Saturday I had my birthday party at home. A few of my friends came to my party. Everyone bought me a birthday present, and they all said, "Happy birthday to you." Then I said "Thank you very much for giving me the birthday presents."

On my birthday, my mother made my birthday cake and cooked some delicious food. My friends helped me to put the candles on the big cake. Then we began the party.

I had a good time that day. We sang and played games, and ate delicious food. How happy I was!




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