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人们一直玩到深夜,嘴里啃着美味水果,手里燃放鞭炮烟花……大人小孩们载歌载舞,忘情地玩个痛快! 雪灾题材,这件事儿可能是今年过年最大的一件事儿了,别说什么抗灾那些,俗了,研究研究为什么会南方下雪,提示你一下,“拉尼娜现象”,上网查查,写篇跟环保有关的说明文问题不大。




自我记事起,我就去过很多工地过春节。到过衡商线的山东菏泽,到过京九铁路的安徽阜阳。这次我又来到了渝怀铁路的湖南怀化市。为了跟随爸爸到前方工地与工人叔叔一起过年,三十那天一大早,我们先乘坐汽车沿着盘山公路,途经湖南、贵州、重庆,长途跋涉的来到重庆的秀山县。一路上,路边群山相连,山清水秀,我的心情也十分激动,顾不上盘山路的颠簸,两眼紧盯道路两旁的风景。沿途看到了许多新奇的景观、当地的风土人情;看到了当地少数民族那特有的民族特征的服饰;自然形成的天然瀑布。那瀑布,有的十分小,有的却十分湍急;那河里的水清澈见底,真是山清水秀。我兴奋地望着那蔚蓝的天空,那一座座山峰,那一片片绿油油的菜地,那一排排整齐的树木。树杈上都挂满了一串串的冰柱,晶莹透亮,比雾松还美丽。有时远处树林里冒出一些热气,像是云海,朦朦胧胧。看着那些迷人的风景,真想找个小船,坐在其中,感觉一下 “人在画中游”滋味。

山区的气候阴冷潮湿,常常是阴雨连绵。这不,泥泞而窄小的公路由于连降雨雪变得很滑,到秀山以后,我们又转乘轨道车赶赴前方铺架现场。虽然是年三十,天还下着毛毛细雨,但铺架现场却机声隆隆,工人叔叔依然坚守在自己的工作岗位上,辛苦的工作着。在这万家团圆的时刻,他们为了工作,舍小家顾大家,放弃了与家人团聚的时间。看到他们辛苦的工作,我明白了为什么爸爸没有双休日、节假日,为什么回来探亲的时间很少,回来呆不了几天,又要回去。在这里,我看到了新线铁路史上最长的隧道——袁亮山隧道,它长达11公里。我还看到了从来没有看到过的景象:车站建在隧道里。工人们所住的宿营车,一半在隧道里,阴冷潮湿,一半在桥上。这个宿营车,爸爸妈妈单位里都称之为“大蓬车”,轨铺架桥到哪,宿营车就跟到哪,冬冷夏热。我好奇的上了宿营车,发现他们把每节车厢改造成了一个个的温馨的小家,床铺收拾得井然有序,虽然远离繁华的市区,但他们在每节车厢的门上,都贴上了春联,还贴了一个“ 福”,营造了一种节日的气氛。


年夜饭后,我跟一起来看望他爸爸的哥哥,来到门外,快乐的放着爆竹。我看见哥哥正在放“太空人”。他一点燃引线,“太空人”就“嗖”地一下飞得老高!我也不甘示弱,立刻拿出“轰炸机”、“大蝴蝶”、和“小蜜蜂”。首先,我点燃了“轰炸机”。“轰炸机”飞得也挺高,但是刚飞到半空就忽然爆炸了。“啊!”我叫道,“飞机失事!”哥哥看着我怪笑,仿佛在说:“嘿嘿,还轰炸机呢,我看像是自爆机。”我火了,点燃了“小蜜蜂 蜂”,可是“小蜜蜂”不往上飞,却往前飞,我丈二和尚摸不着头脑,暗自骂到:“可恶。”我又忍不住看了看哥哥,他还在朝我坏笑,仿佛在说:“放弃吧,你比不过我的‘太空人’。”虽然这地方的环境十分恶劣,但是我还是觉得很快乐。因为我是渝怀铁路线上的第一位乘客。我因此感到很自豪。






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鸟儿开始欢唱,太阳开始洗漱,我们一家人开始了回乡的路途。随着时间的流逝,我们终于到了外婆家,外公外婆出来迎接我们,一切都喜庆洋洋的。 Birds began to sing, the sun began to wash, and our family began to return home.Over time, we finally arrived at my grandmothers house. My grandfather and grandmother came out to greet us. Everything was festive.


我往外面跑,却仿佛进入了天堂,空气是那么的新鲜。对面有一个小池塘,我在路边随手捡起几颗小石头往水中扔去,扔一颗小石头到水中就会有水花迸溅出来,像是在_呢。突然,妈妈在一旁喊着外公,像是发现了新大陆似的,原来啊,妈妈发现一一种名叫扁豆的植物。我偷偷摘了几个扁豆,到一旁观察着它:有的扁豆边上有淡淡的紫色,而有的一面是紫色,另一面是绿色。他们弯着身子,像萌生的月牙儿,上有“头”下有“尾巴”。我轻轻地扳开扁豆,一粒粒的小豆子,似乎是它的孩子一般,鼻尖还有一丝清新的味道。这是,妈妈喊我过去帮忙摘扁豆,才发现这可爱的扁豆也有向上精神,往屋顶上攀爬。外公搬来梯子帮忙,我却在它的身下发现了一片“花海”,我给他们取名为扁豆花,他们一起生存着,想一个互相包容的大家庭。太阳照在我们脸上,装扁豆的袋子也鼓起来了,厨房里传来声音:“吃饭咯。”我么你才进去,妈妈高兴得哼起了歌,外公抱着我们的劳动成果,大家心里都美滋滋的。 _ . Suddenly, my mother shouted her grandfather as if she had discovered the new continent. It turned out that the mother found a plant called lentils. I sneaked a few lentils and observed it aside: some lentils have faint purple on the side, while others are purple and the other side is green. They bent their bodies, like a cute crescent, with "tail" under the "head". I gently opened the lentils, a grain of beans, seemed to be a child, and the tip of the nose also had a fresh taste. This is, my mother called me to help picking lentils in the past, only to find that the cute lentils also had a spiritual spirit, climbing to the roof. My grandfather moved to the ladder to help, but I found a "sea of ​​sea" under it. I named them lentils. They survived together and wanted a large family of tolerance. The sun shines on our faces, and the bag of lentils is also bulging. The sound comes from the kitchen: "Eat." I only went in, my mother hummed the song, the grandfather hugged our labor results, everyone My heart is beautiful.




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My balcony had a basin of the unnamed flower.

See it for the first time, I was a teenager. Now I have grown up, think of it, still have a kind of inarticulate feeling in my heart. This kind of say a feeling, is the result of early that morning I see the unnamed flowers are just beginning to fade. Actually I also didnt say, this unnamed flower has a special magic, it in my house a few years ago, four seasons flower, beautiful, such as Yang, never fade in half petal. That morning, I was watching a petal stubborn and without hesitation to fall down, and with cold ceramic tile to a big hug. At that moment, I suddenly felt something will happen, but for a while say do not go up. When I was at school, because cant be late, will no longer think about it. Walk on my way to school, still want to wait until after school, the petals piece of stubborn picked up, reserved for memorial. Because on this day, I just turned eighteen.

18 for each childs desire for freedom is a wonderful Numbers. It represents the after so many years of efforts, they have loose the cage, want the visual sky, can try it in the cage of forging iron wings how hard. It represents himself may and was named the "social" one step closer to friends. It represents the perhaps yourself can give up something to get something, money, power, beauty, perhaps will come in succession for 18 years old. It represents the worlds major changes will occur. It represents a more, once those years was as corrupt and rotten wood, do not see it.

The day when I get to school rollerblading, are close to being late. The campus gate in front of my eyes. Nearly three years, the BanJiu half a new door still stubborn alive, maybe it is not meet in this town all the children will give up. But all the things do not change in this world? Those new faces and we these old face, every day ever to this every night no matter the storm or summer sorching blatant is unknown, "Damon said emotional words? I dont know.

On the way to class, see some friends, saw several teachers. There seems to be waiting for us the several teachers that a few students go to and they say hello. My parents are both teachers, because of family background, I am the first to say "hello", and they pretended to be surprised and looked at me, and said, "the student didnt come, how you can quickly be late, running forward, quick!" I naturally smiled and quickly ran to the class. Class stood at the door of my teacher, is a woman. Her eyes are very like zhou libo, and her eyes, eyes also can call it small, especially plus she fat short short stature, is a very has the characteristics of the woman. She stood at the door almost every day especially stresses the students for being late, and I was just in the range of her prey. So that morning I was caught. Due to the high tension line from the late for class, one of the high tension line other cluster, such as smoking and alcohol hand in your homework left early to early love is not what of, the deepest impression is the two late and puppy love. Occasionally, that day I was sent off in the hallway, there are a few classroom teacher passed, also what all dont say, hurried away. I have to empty the brain will occasionally think of petals in the morning. Standing to the class in the second quarter, as usual, the teacher in charge over lectured, could hear clear voice of the next class, had to memorize her lines of I, I remember she said so, "said how much time, you how still late! You are bully! Since political the teacher in charge teacher not you look at you, you have become what shit kind? Do you have any qualification to become like this? Dont feel good humiliate is here to see me? Dont think I dont know what youre thinking, yesterday evening class when I heard you say I should not leave their anger to you, I am? I was for hello! So some test points and face to all the students in this class! I tell you, yesterday evening class you have seen it, dont think she is a girl I wouldnt call her, short of breath eyes so I call her, do you think I cant play you!?" They might have been in my chest conveniently to fall, two fists, and then it was over.

The morning of the third class hour lesson, I sat in the last row, only hear political the teacher said: "your task now is to learn, not to fall in love! I ask you, you fall in love is a living now? Is to be able to earn money for the family? Can be a good life when buying a car to buy a house?" "You dont understand what is love, lets study hard." I a surprised, the in the mind was thinking, why dont you adults do you understand? We dont know, Im afraid you dont know. Now that dont know, what you are talking about love get married? "Love this thing namely sin, but love and marriage, marriage is need to be legal, obviously, you are not legal." I was thinking, oh, the original love is so simple. Then those who gave their life in order to know what is love man is a fool, love them knowing you cant have them in sight, why have in common? "Good, digression it said so much, we come to the new lesson." Political teacher (turn, I breathe a sigh of relief, opened the book. After a few minutes, as he spoke in the thick of the tables and a turn, suddenly said: "say so, college entrance exam is a lot of books, this needs us to read books, how to understand? Is rote learning." I suddenly feel head bumped into a wall, so we have to raise head to look at him. "I usually ask you more back endorsement multiple do just dont listen to, to see why the wrong topic study it more wrong line not line?" "The university entrance exam questions usually asked you, you have to follow the steps the teacher teach you careful careful answer, what did the teacher teach you answering technique is important to remember, and just now I said the words to write beautiful, where what to write, write what, to learn how to win the favor of the judge a teacher understand?" The whole class nodded, I felt a shock, feel whole body uncomfortable. "The classmates, so you must carefully analyse the topic of the university entrance exam, you learn knowledge is useful, is to use is local, and the university entrance exam is that you give full play to the knowledge of the battlefield!" Some of my heart be agitated, thought can you dont always say that the college entrance examination of college entrance examination, some knowledge, we would like to listen to the teacher. Next I fiercely another think, according to the political the teacher said, if one day the university entrance exam is not so important, that the knowledge we learn if there is no place? Ten minutes behind, political the teacher will fall in love with the college entrance examination in the successful into his lecture, although the knowledge to be a little less, and sentence words cannot leave the university entrance exam, but we still benefit a lot from his word, of course, is only related to the college entrance examination. Finally, when the fourth session of the class when the bell rings, he slowly, a word said to us: "the classmates, although still attended to this class, class is over. By the way, dont think my words, if the university entrance exam is not so important, what you will do, the teachers wont tube. The teacher is for the sake of your future dont failed to live up to the teachers expectations." Words fall, the whole class burst into warm applause, wait until after the teacher left, suddenly dead silence in the room.

The fourth lesson is math class. Math class style and political lesson perfectly, but there is a characteristic, is depressing. Dont know what is now the students psychological quality is bad or math teacher for personal reasons. Grade math teacher is a director and vice President. When he exalts hands in the corridor after training a bad student, he took his frightening face, standing on the podium with a proud look in the eyes and the tone of pride subdue the students below. We do in the following, dont make any noise. Teacher speak, we listen, we listen to the teacher speak. I do not know when, the door of the class rang, and there stood a classmate, seems to be something for vice President, the math teacher first turned a deaf ear to him, then the impatient stared his one eye, the eye we all know that mean dont his mama bother me in class. Can the students did not seem to understand, is still persistent stood there, still occasionally knocked on the door, the math teacher finally unbearable, he drink a cry: "what do you want to do!" Run down the platform, the other hand school taken away, 1 of "pa" button on the desk, pick up a pen to write a few words. "Take it! It day by day for you to sign, some headaches brain hot just want to ask off for a day, it is no wonder that losers." After the students simply bowed goes. The teacher finally back to the podium to lecture. "You cant learn them, you be the last class in the school, however, do you hear?" Words fall, there was a knock on the door again. "And who ah!" We see with frowning teacher towards the door, oh, turned out to be a sports teacher.

Our position is in the playground now.

On the day of the emergence of the PE teacher gave us a big surprise, although it is first surprise after sorrow, but can go out already very good. When sports teacher said to the test, the whole class at the same time issued a harsh voice, and the math teacher said: "what ao, ao sigh what spirit, to I go to the playground! See you a sickly, quick go to!" So the class suddenly disappeared. And when I leave, see clearly the expression of the math teacher is very reluctant.

If a big team, we three people standing on the playground, not far from other classes. Sports teacher divided us into two teams, men and women can have a look at the boy only three people, and three boys points us to other classes. The whistle went, girls first run. Dozens of girls twittering messy and straight to the end. Whistle sounded again, seeks for boys to hang long red cloth. Final results down, each of us is not qualified! Teachers complain about us, we blame the teacher, we say that physical education is seldom at ordinary times, two classes a week to the Lord had closed now. Spare time we are going to study, rest day we also want to learn, the teacher leave homework so much, write not over will be fined. Get up at half past six in the morning at ten o clock in the evening after school, we are really had a teacher. The teacher gave us a white said: "they used to have P.E. classes when you exercise?" One student raised his hand and said: "you what all dont teach us how we exercise? Several football, basketball, volleyball, lack of exercise equipment, there is no way to take exercise. Physical education classes dont every time you let us free to dissolve, then again, what I had meant to be run in P.E. class, but that help the girls eyes is clearly says you see where the man is a waste of time, it is better to go to study, go for a walk, dont worry about him, this let us how to exercise?" The teacher paused and said, "I also want to take on a physical education, but school on this piece of not value, can I?" We all sighed. See the teachers face suddenly a variable said: "have enough rest, rest enough will give me the test, the test failed the college entrance examination who give bonus points are you going?" We cry ground, so we returned to the track. Results this time, we ran a lesson.

Every day for the past few years, I gradually adapt to these things from morning to night. At noon on the day we put in learning, rather than junior high school, the only advantage is that high school lunch break a little longer, junior high school lunch break, a lesson high school lunch an hour and a half. Time has passed for half an hour when I return home, cook dinner in half an hour, the remaining half an hour for sleeping. Even when I am going to bed, suddenly thought of that piece of withered petals, I subconsciously looked at there, I saw it was dark in half. I would like to pick it up, but suffer from pressed for time, sleep matters. So I will just go to sleep, wait to come back in the evening. Results woke up I found - I was ill.

Hurry the sweat of my parents in my house, I am weak weak ground to say: "take me to the hospital." Dad sat by my side said to me: "dont go to hospital do? Now foreign early intravenous drop." I carried the weak eyes, said: "is that foreigners in good health." Dad against me and said, "your body is not good?" "I..." An awkward, my face turned away from them. Mother said: "straighten, perhaps for a while and went back home to have a." She paused, and sigh said: "just afternoon class what to do." I turned to a way: "I like, do you still think the class this afternoon." Dad said: "if you know what, you dont test go on to college live what eat what to drink what to wear in the future?" "Oh! Well, I dont want to hear it. Let me sleep for a while." I said in a weak. Dad said: "have you the so talk to parents? We are here to hello!" Mom said hurriedly pull dad walked.

That day at that moment I suddenly feel the world quiet a lot. Dont know how long, I more uncomfortable, so just call them, said: "I dont stay up, take me to the hospital." Father embarrassed said: "according to this situation is certainly want to go to hospital, but the hospital where have people we know." I dont speak with your eyes open. Mother for a long time later said, "the child his dad, isnt your sisters classmate work in a hospital? I heard that seems a what director, go and her son." Dress "ah well, lets go. In fact, an injection is bad, is all hormones." I impatient, weak weak ground to say: "run!" So we three went to the hospital at last.

Went there and found the director, pay the list, and hanging water ward, one more students like young men.

My mother bought me to eat, come back to open on see, fruit juice, potato chips, bread, everything in it. I wont unscrew juice, one hand my mother hands, turned the, just drink one mouthful, my dad said: "dont drink, is full of preservatives, hurriedly threw it." My mother and I smell speech have to forget about it. So I picked up the chips again, "dont eat! This what junk food, eat the poison you!" Dad said with a straight face. My mother and I smell speech have to forget about it. Then I picked up the bread, after opening with a few leaves, I just wanted to send into the mouth, dad said: "dont eat, who know that vegetables are true or false." "Dont listen to him, to eat!" My mother impatient, white a glance at my dad said: "suspicious of all day." My dad a listen to is not happy, immediately retorted: "who said you suspicious? Reported online didnt see?" Mom seems to dont want to let him, and said: "online reports are true? Want to you to say so, we can still eat? At home, just bought rice you suspect false, just bought sunflower oil you say false, now you say these things is false, you have finished?" "You!" / dad, its in the hospital, mother dont face dad? Forget it, go home to deal with you again.

The infusion bag or bottle a total of three hours, three times, there are three kinds of medicine, spent a lot of money, time and cost a lot. After we finished it was slightly late. On the way home, mom and dad constantly complain about the medical expenses are too expensive. Dad complained the if the money can be saved can buy a better razor, mom complain if the money can be saved can buy a new dress, she recently saw a coat on taobao is medical costs money. I walk behind them. Night breeze cool, gradually darken the sky no stars, only the moon still there looking at me. The dark night sky seemed to let me see not clear who is walking in front, also cant see passers-by, more cant see myself. The world suddenly become so dark after the sun goes down. Somehow, I suddenly thought of in the darkness that withered petals half dark. I close my eyes and wanted to think everything happened today, suddenly understand what. What is it? Today is my birthday.

To light in the distance to my dream, they turned around said to me: "children, mom and dads skill, only when a teacher, when you grow up must take an examination of a good university in the future, this is the only way to go. You only take an examination of a good university, can have a good job, as long as there is a good job to make a lot of money, come on baby, I believe you can, can adapt to the program, to adapt to the society." In the dark I nodded slightly, and then I can feel their satisfied smile. When they turned to go, I use willing nodded his head.

The night seems to go for a long time, the moon is full of smile quietly hung in the sky look at also busy people at night. Her face was full of stains and ravines, that are left traces of time. But people look up to her, or same feeling like the original her white and flawless. However, people have seen the moon the same?

We finally came home, I take off my shoes and straight to the balcony, the fallen petal have completely turned into a black, quietly rotting away. A shock in my heart, indeed as expected and I think the same. Beside the petals, I do think if we can pick up a little earlier it would be great, but I think again, soon? I really want to have no time. Even if is really picked up, reality will change? Maybe, maybe not. Mother saw me sitting on the ground in the sitting room, hurriedly loudly told me: "dont sit on the ground! Trousers dirty!" I heard stood up, patted the dust of your pants, how to also can not take off, I think, mother have to wash the clothes again tomorrow. I sighed, and looked at the basin of the unnamed flower, and want to in my heart, maybe tomorrow there will be a petal wither, perhaps, is the time. Maybe, too, the end of my life from now on, start from now on.

I looked at the unnamed flower, in my heart silently made a wish.

Happy birthday to my 18 years old.




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寒假里盼啊!盼啊,眼看春节就快到了,想到这,我不由得笑了起来,在春节前,人们个个喜气洋洋,个个精神饱满。 逛街的人络绎不绝,有的在买年画,有的在买年货,有的坐着火箱围着火炉看电视,还有的人在打麻将打扑克,等等不一而足。反正街上五彩缤纷,各种各样的人都有,各种各样的货物都齐全,琳琅满目,人们恐怕想买什么都难选择!

春节前,家家户户都灯火通明,家家都把房子打扮得别具一格,各有各的个性。他们把买来的年货放得满地都地。买来的年画怎么贴法,那就各有自己的风格和喜好了。有的正着贴,有的倒着贴,还有的歪着贴,各有千秋。人们把买来的菜全部都弄好了,只等春节一到,就可一饱口福了。家家备有鞭炮,人们穿上新衣服,准备迎新年,在春节前,人们一出门,如果遇上了好朋友,总是口中不忘说一句:“上街啊!” 人们杀猪宰羊,忙碌地准备着春节大吃大喝一番。

春节到了,小朋友们便早早起床,来到爸爸妈妈的房间,开始了传统的拜年仪式了。小朋友们对父母说着一些吉祥话儿,爸妈就拿出压岁钱,让小孩子们高高兴兴。大家都希望今年能够吉祥如意,招财进宝。 一些亲朋好友欢聚一堂,品尝着美酒佳肴,谈着一些开心的话儿。而最高兴的则是我们,可以大把大把地攒取压岁钱,然后就欢天喜地跑到街上去买很多好玩的东西,如小汽车、四驱车、玩具枪、足球等,而我们只要嘴巴甜一点,多说些祝福的话儿,那可就大赚一笔了! 人们一直玩到深夜,嘴里啃着美味水果,手里燃放鞭炮烟花……大人小孩们载歌载舞,忘情地玩个痛快!




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全文共 395 字

+ 加入清单








