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Nowadays, smart phone has been part of our life. We can see people lowing

down their heads and playing smart phones all the time. When people are walking

on the street, the traffic regulations are no longer their first concern. It is

so dangerous for them to keep their attention on the phone. Dutch officers

figured out a new rule to let people realize the traffic lights. On the ground,

the traffic light can be seen. What a smart idea. When people are watching smart

phones, they can see the lights, too. At the same time, we need to think about

the problem that whether our life is controlled by the technology.




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The usage of Internet becomes one of the most controversial topics in the

society. As a college student, I believe Internet is beneficial to me more than

the way it harms me. There are many advantages for using Internet.

First, I can best use my time to find information online instead of going

to different libraries. Also, the information can be dated back in decades ago.

It is very helpful to use those information as reference and historical proof.

In the library, it is hard to find so much "old" information. Another advantage

to use Internet is that I can stay home and have a lecture online. It is much

more convenience to me because I can stay warm to have class in the winter time

instead of spending two hours on the bus and physically attend class. In

addition, Internet provides me a better way to communicate with my friends and

professors. I can get response from my professor in a few minutes instead of

waiting outside of his door for hours. Some of my friends are living in a

foreign countries, I can simply just drop him an email whenever I can and get a

message from him very quick. It is much better than waiting for letters. Also,

the email will not lose while the letter might be losing in the process of


However, there are also disadvantage of using Internet. For example, I

might spend too much time on the Internet to concentrate on my study. Also,

there is a chance that I am cheated because of the Internet purchasing. Last,

Internet has lots of information, both helpful and harmful. There might be too

much tempatation that I will access some of the harmful information I can on the


Even though the usage of Internet has both positive and negative effect to

me, I still consider Internet is a symbol of technology development. I believe I

can use the Internet very well as long as I know how to control myself.



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Mid-Autumn Day,all the country is celebrating。 The streets are full of people, the loves are holding each other tightily。Everyone has his day。However,I am lonely。No one to hold,no one to kiss,no one to talk!

I was walking around the street without purpose,seeing the lovers kissing,watching the fireworkes alone,walking backe room whist。

Suddenly,i think i must be good to myself。So i decied to bue a present to myself。I know I will be good soon,and will find my Mr。Right。So tonight, a little teddy bear will sleep with me。And i know:i will have another teddy bear as a present that not bought from myself!






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When we are very small, we dream to be the great person in the future, such

as the scientist, the policeman and so on. It is good for the children to own

the big dream, so that they will study hard and fight for their future. But the

fact is that not all the person can become the great person, most people are

doing the ordinary jobs. In my opinion, ordinary is beautiful, too. Though they

are not doing the fine jobs, they find their own place and make a contribution

to the world. Take the cleaner for example. They wake up early and do the

cleaning work. People dare not to do the job because it is so dirty, but the

cleaners decorate the city with their hard work. The cleaners are the ordinary

people while doing the great job.



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2011年题目Iamamemberof_____(我是 的一员)























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一篇较长的英语论文(如英语毕业论文)一般都需要标题页,其书写格式如下:第一行标题与打印纸顶端的距离约为打印纸全长的三分之一,与下行(通常为by,居中)的距离则为5cm,第三、第四行分别为作者姓名及日期(均居中)。如果该篇英语论文是学生针对某门课程而写,则在作者姓名与日期之间还需分别打上教师学衔及其姓名(如:Dr./Prof.C.Prager)及本门课程的编号或名称(如:English 734或British Novel)。打印时,如无特殊要求,每一行均需double space,即隔行打印,行距约为0.6cm(论文其他部分行距同此)。



英语论文提纲页包括论题句及提纲本身,其规范格式如下:先在第一行(与打印纸顶端的距离仍为2.5cm左右)的始端打上 Thesis 一词及冒号,空一格后再打论题句,回行时左边须与论题句的第一个字母上下对齐。主要纲目以大写罗马数字标出,次要纲目则依次用大写英文字母、阿拉伯数字和小写英文字母标出。各数字或字母后均为一句点,空出一格后再打该项内容的第一个字母;处于同一等级的纲目,其上下行左边必须对齐。需要注意的是,同等重要的纲目必须是两个以上,即:有Ⅰ应有Ⅱ,有A应有B,以此类推。如果英文论文提纲较长,需两页纸,则第二页须在右上角用小写罗马数字标出页码,即ii(第一页无需标页码)。




正确引用作品原文或专家、学者的论述是写好英语论文的重要环节;既要注意引述与论文的有机统一,即其逻辑性,又要注意引述格式 (即英语论文参考文献)的规范性。引述别人的观点,可以直接引用,也可以间接引用。无论采用何种方式,论文作者必须注明所引文字的作者和出处。目前美国学术界通行的做法是在引文后以圆括弧形式注明引文作者及出处。现针对文中引述的不同情况,将部分规范格式分述如下。


The divorce of Arnolds personal desire from his inheritance results in “the familiar picture of Victorian man alone in an alien universe”(Roper9).



Whitman has proved himself an eminent democratic representative and precursor, and his “Democratic Vistas”

is an admirable and characteristic

diatribe. And if one is sorry that in it

Whitman is unable to conceive the

extreme crises of society, one is certain

that no society would be tolerable whoses

citizens could not find refreshment in its

buoyant democratic idealism.(Chase 165)



Dr.Beaman points out that“he [Charles Darw in] has been an important factor in the debate between evolutionary theory and biblical creationism”(9).



Mary Shelley hated tyranny and“looked upon the poor as pathetic victims of the social system and upon the rich and highborn...with undisguised scorn and contempt...(Nitchie 43).


Professor Chen Jias A History of English Literature aimed to give Chinese readers“a historical survey of English literature from its earliest beginnings down to the 20thcentury”(Chen,1:i).

圆括弧里的1为卷号,小写罗马数字i为页码,说明引文出自第1卷序言(引言、序言、导言等多使用小写的罗马数字标明页码)。此外,书名A History of English Literature 下划了线;规范的格式是:书名,包括以成书形式出版的作品名(如《失乐园》)均需划线,或用斜体字;其他作品,如诗歌、散文、短篇小说等的标题则以双引号标出,如“To Autumn”及前面出现的“Democratic Vistas”等。


Bacon condemned Platoas“an obstacle to science”(Farrington, Philosophy 35).

Farrington points out that Aristotles father Nicomachus, a physician, probably trained his son in medicine(Aristotle15).

这两个例子分别引用了Farrington的两部著作,故在各自的圆括弧中分别注出所引用的书名,以免混淆。两部作品名均为缩写形式(如书名太长,在圆括弧中加以注明时均需使用缩写形式),其全名分别为Founder of Scientific Philosophy 及 The Philosophy of Francis Baconand Aristotle。


When Beowulf dives upwards through the water and reaches the surface,“The surging waves, great tracts of water, / were all cleansed...”(1.1620-21).



论文作者在正文之后必须提供论文中全部引文的详细出版情况,即文献目录页。美国高校一般称此页为 Works Cited, 其格式须注意下列几点:


2.目录页应视为英语论文的一页,按论文页码的顺序在其右上角标明论文作者的姓和页码;如果条目较多,不止一页,则第一页不必标出作者姓和页码(但必须计算页数),其余各页仍按顺序标明作者姓和页码。标题Works Cited与打印纸顶端的距离约为2.5cm,与第一条目中第一行的距离仍为0.6cm;各条目之间及各行之间的距离亦为0.6cm,不必留出更多空白。




Two or More Books by the Same Author

Brooks, Cleanth. Fundamentals of Good Writing: A

Handbook of Modern Rhetoric. NewYork: Harcourt, 1950.

---The Hidden God: Studies in Hemingway, Faulkner, Yeats,

Eliot, and Warren. New Haven: Yale UP,1963.


An Author with an Editor

Shake speare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth. Ed. Louis B.

Wright. New York: Washington Square, 1959.

本条目将作者 Shakespeare 的姓名排在前面,而将编者姓名(不颠倒)放在后面,表明引文出自 The Tragedy of Macbeth;如果引文出自编者写的序言、导言等,则需将编者姓名置前,如:

Blackmur, Richard P.Introduction. The Art of the Novel:

Critical Prefaces. By Henry James. New York: Scribners,



Emery, Donald. Preface. English Fundamentals. By Emery.

London: Macmillan, 1972.v-vi.

A Multivolume Work

Browne, Thomas. The Works of Sir Thomas Browne. Ed.

Geoffrey Keynes. 4 vols. London: Faber, 1928.

Browne, Thomas. The Works of Sir Thomas Browne. Ed.

Geoffrey Keynes. Vol.2. London: Faber, 1928. 4 vols.


A Selection from an Anthology

Abram, M. H.“English Romanticism: The Spirit of the Age.”

Romanticism Reconsidered. Ed. Northrop Frye. New

York: Columbia UP,1963.63-88.


Articles in Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers

Otto, Mary L.“Child Abuse: Group Treatment for Parents.”

Personnel and Guidance Journal 62(1984): 336-48.


Arnold, Marilgn.“Willa Cathers Nostalgia: A Study in

Ambivalance.”Research Studies Mar.1981:23-24,28.


Gorney, Cynthia.“When the Gorilla Speaks.”Washington Post

31 July,1985:B1.

引用日报上的英语论文必须同时注明报纸出版的年、月、日。B1为该文在报纸中的版面及页码。参考文献(略)(摘自《外语与外语教学》1999年第8期,原文:“英语论文写作规范”作者 刘新民)



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Today I am very happy, because today is not only "38" womens day, but also

my mothers birthday.

Early in the morning I thought, what to do for my mother? I thought to

myself, I didnt think of a way, so I went to ask dad. Dad said, "you can make

her a card or do something for her." So I decided to make her a card. I took out

a small piece of cardboard and wrote, "happy holidays and good health." Well, I

put the CARDS in my room.

I went out to help my mother mop the floor, my mother said in surprise:

"you dont even touch the housework, how do you have to mop the floor today?"

Ill just mop the floor and not answer mom. At noon, I put the CARDS in my

mothers room, and my mother said to me, "what are you doing in the room?" I

smiled at my mother and said, "its a secret."

At night, I said to my mother, "happy birthday to you, and I wish you a

happy holiday." Mother said: "today is my birthday I remember, today is what

holiday?" I opened my eyes to my mother and said, "today is march eighth

international womens day! Dont you remember? "I thought you knew it was for

you," I said to my mother. My mother took the card and looked at it, moved to




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The dream is flying at the foot of the Great Wall. Hope will kindle in our

mind. A lamp in the darkness guides us in the direction. Remember, Socrates

said, "nothing in the world is happier than striving for dreams.". I never doubt

it, because dreams can become reality as long as they struggle. Even if no

success, we do not regret, because we have at least tried for the dream, but

also struggled. Everyone is eager to succeed, but also all his life to this




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The new term is coming and I will be carefully . Because I will learn more

konwlege .

I will listen carefully in class . I will do more sports , such as running

, volleyball . Sports are really interesting . I will read more English books to

improve my English . I will solve more difficult maths problems and be

interested in them . English is important and I will spend more time on it . I

will get up early . I will read book loudly everyday .



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When I was younger , I went through an thing which deeply influence me.

One day,I went to school as Usually. All of a sudden,I heard a voice

crying.I knew there were something wrong . So I walked towards the direction of

the voice .Then I found a child and his mother wandered off.My heart full of

compassion . So I decided to help him find his mother , and I took him to the

police station nearby . Then I went to school in a hurry , but when I arrived,I

found I’m still late . After my teacher’s preaching , I went back to the

classroom .I was so upset.

In the afternoon, my teacher asked me go out,he said he had wronged me. And

then I saw the child’s mother,she thanked me a lot,and I smiled shyly.

After the thing,I feel very happy to do good things,and I believe that

“give cake and ale to perfect soul”.



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Beijing Forbidden City, the Ming and Qing dynasties of the palace. Located

in the center of Beijing. Ching Ming, said the Forbidden City in 1925, said

before the Forbidden City. Station area of 15 square meters. Is the worlds

largest and best preserved ancient palace complex. Is the highest level of

ancient Chinese architectural masterpiece

Forbidden City palace building is divided into the northern part of the

former southern part of post-sleep. Former are Wo, and in Bulgaria together the

three main hall, the emperor towards a receiving Chaohe, drawing ministers and

holding large ceremonies where the three main hall and also the tallest building

in the Forbidden City, showing their extraordinary the lofty status. After

Emperor Qin Shi Huang and Empress, funeral, Fei place to live, the emperor and

empress at the central axis of the palace residence, the Palace of the sides,

six Eastern Palaces and the Western Hospital said Liu Gong, for the aunt,

Princess live. After former sleep, clear division of labor, not easily crossed,

it reflects the Chinese ancient hierarchical, differentiated ethics.

Palace of ancient buildings, from the emperor Zhu Di himself planned

construction. Largest existing structure of the rigorous, beautiful decoration,

heritage of the many unique buildings in China, the world famous palace




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Dear Charlie,

I’m LiHua, president of the Student Union. I’m writing to invite you to our Dragon Boat Festival celebration, which is to be held in the Lecture Hall at 14:00 next Monday.

The Duanwu or Dragon Boat Festival, generally celebrated on the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calender, falls on June 18 this year. It is one of the oldest festivals in China, with a history of more than 2,000 years. Legend holds that this festival is in memory of Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet during the Warring States Period.

In the celebration, you can enjoy a performance about that legend and watch live broadcast of dragon boat racing. In the meanwhile, varieties of Zongzi, an essential food for this unique occasion, are available, which take different shapes and various fillings. Come and join us!

Your early reply is highlyappreciated!


Li Hua



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在英文摘要中,过程与方法的阐述起着承前启后的作用。开头交待了要解决的问题(What I want to do)之后,接着要回答的自然就是如何解决问题(How I did it),而且,最后的结果和结论也往往与研究过程及方法是密切相关的。大多数作者在阐述过程与方法时,最常见的问题是泛泛而谈、空洞无物,只有定性的描述,使读者很难清楚地了解论文中解决问题的过程和方法。因此,在说明过程与方法时,应结合(指向)论文中的实例、实验框图等来进行阐述,这样可以既给读者一个清晰的思路。



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Sea pollution is becoming an increasing problem for our planet and we have

a responsibility to reduce sea pollution.

I need to describe the problem. Our ship currently dumps all its rubbish

into the sea.Its easy to result in huge endanger. First of all, Non-organic

substances such as plastic bags kill fish and whales. Because fish get trapped

and whales cannot digest them. Secondly some rubbish is inherently toxic.

I can suggest some solutions. First and foremost we can create a better

system of disposing of rubbish for instance. We ought to store rubbish. Next, we

are supposed to make ships environmentally and friendly. A case in point is that

we should stop providing plastic bags.

We must act now before it is too late!



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Yesterday afternoon, when I was sitting in the classroom and listening to

the teacher. Suddenly, the screen seemed moving and it started to shake. My

teacher stopped his class and then he asked us to calm down. He let the students

who were close to the door left first, and then the rest of us ran out of the

classroom one by one. After a while, everything seemed to be normal, the teacher

asked us to go back to the classroom. Later I learned that there indeed came the

earthquake. I admired our teacher so much, in the important moment, he did not

run away, but considered us in the first place. He is a good teacher.



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I have a wide range of interests and enjoy doing many things during my free


I am fond of reading. I often read after class. My classmates like watching

TV while I prefer to read. I read various kinds of books and newspapers that

they afford me stories and news. The book I like most isThe House on the Mango

Street. I am also a music lover. Pop music is my favorite. I often listen to the

music programs on radio and I also have an MP3 downloading all my favorite

songs. In addition, swimming and badminton are my favorites, too. They help me

build a healthy body.

In short, I enjoy my life in school very much. Reading books, listening to

music and doing sports are very helpful to my health and my studies.



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A little monkey picks up a pumpkin and wants to take it home.But the pumpkin is toobig.The monkey cant take it home.

Suddenly he sees a panda riding a bike towards him. He watches the bike. "l have a good idea. I can roll the pumpkin. It likes a wheel."

So he rolls the pumpkin to his home. When his mother sees the big pumpkin, she is surprised and says, "How can you carry it home?" The little monkey answers proudly, "l cant lift it, but l can roll it." His mother smiles and says, " What a clever boy!"



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Another deep impression of my university is her creativity and profundity.

As is known to all, she has a wide range and comprehensive style. No wonder I

can enjoy the multi-ceolored life here. Every school year a diversity of

competitions and aetivities are held and a large number of students take active

part in them. I do appreciate such a style, and in my minds eye, she resembles

a tall tree silhouetting with all shapes of branches while stretching far into

the blue sky.

Undoubtedly there is a world of difference between university and high

school. University students are supposed to enjoy more freedom to develop

themselves. However, Fudan seems more concerned about the efficient cooperation

and teamwork among students as to prepare them for the competitive society. I

believe upon graduation I will be equipped with abundant skills to face more

unknown challenges.

After all, in my opinion, university is for more cultivated character,

richer knowledge and greater abilities. Thats why I chose Fudan. She provides

me with what Ive dreamed of.

Now all kinds of successes are in sight every day, and all I have to do is

endeavor for a more beautiful future...



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Yesterday, my parents were not home. And I had to stay at home by myself for one day and one night. I was very happy at first, because there wouldnt be anyone criticizes my behavior. I can do whatever I want. But later I felt desperate. There was nobody cook for me, asked me to do things or criticized me. I felt empty and desperate as the house is only me. When the night fell, I was afraid. The computer games or the cartoons couldn’t attract my attention. I hate living alone.




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In the young generation, their lifestyle is different from the old

peoples. They like to stay up and join many night activities, then they wake up

very late. The new expression of brunch fits them so much, which means the

people to have a meal combining with breakfast and lunch. But their health is

under threat. Some young peoples stomach hurts and cant digest food well. In

order to keep healthy, we need to do some exercise and eat food regularly.

Whats more, the balanced diet is very important, as the saying that an apple a

day, keeps the doctor away, so we need to eat properly. The healthy lifestyle

makes us live happily.
