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Dear Sir,

I saw your advertisement for "the perfect lighter" in Sunday Times last

week and immediately sent off a £2 postal order and the completed form for the


Imagine my surprise when all I got in return was a box of matches! I could

understand a mistake. I might even pardon a joke. But in this case, your

advertisement is a deliberate lie since a friend of mine who also sent the

coupon got the same result.

I think its a shame to promise an economical lighter when in fact you are

not selling a lighter a1 all. Instead of saying it works quickly, you should

admit that you are offering matches. And what about "only" £2: I usually pay 10

pennies for a box of matches, and they are often given away free.

I regard your advertisement as a serious deception and demand that you send

me my money back immediately. Otherwise I will take active steps to make sure

the Consumers Association hear about it.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Li




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1. 出差在外,顺利就行;出门在外,健康就行;出面在外,体面就行;出行在外,平安就行;平安夜到来,平安就行!提前祝你平安夜快乐,圣诞节快乐!

2. 迟到的给个横盘处理,不想我的来个震荡处理,忘了我的一律以停牌处理,不给我消息的统统戴个ST帽,平安夜我送你平安与快乐,若有比我早的则送个涨停!2014年平安夜微祝福

3. 趁着平安的钟声还没敲响、圣诞老人还没乘上雪橇,别人的短信还没有送到,我的祝福已经迫不及待来到:祝你平安夜幸福,圣诞节快乐!

4. 尝一尝糖果,甜蜜一生;听一听颂歌,快乐一生;看一看烟花,闪耀一生;咬一口苹果,平安一生;收一份祝福,幸福一生;平安夜祝你,平安伴一生,幸福一生!

5. 不管黑夜白夜,到了今天,就是平安夜;不管好蛋坏蛋,被剩下来了,就是剩蛋。不管你信或不信,收到祝福,就是幸福的简信。祝你平安如意,幸福无比,快乐圣诞!

6. 不爱你,太难,难于上青天!不想你,太烦,烦过吃饭不香甜!平安夜,把爱托圣诞老人送到你窗前,放进袜里边:一颗爱你的真心,盼此生与你相恋不变!

7. 北风那个吹,雪花那个飘,快乐的圣诞将来到。问候那个真,关怀那个深,甜蜜的祝福不能少。不管平安夜、圣诞夜,都愿你心情更美妙,生活更美好!

8. 北风儿吹吹,雪花儿飘飘,鹿铃儿敲敲,甜甜的平安夜又来到,祝你一家幸幸福福,一切都好;幸福的圣诞也来到,祝你一生平平安安,万事都好!

9. 海有多深?只有鱼儿才知道;天空有多高?只有鸟儿才知道;花儿有多红?只有蝶儿才知道;爱你有多深?只有看短信的你才知道。平安夜,我要你好好抱抱我!

10. 问候你,因为朋友装在我心底;祝福你,因为友谊永远值得铭记。朋友,祝你圣诞节快乐,愿你健康永远,平安永远,快乐永远,幸福永远!

11. 铃儿响,祝福忙,圣诞树下许愿望;吉祥到,袜子装,好运连连美荡漾;炉火旺,歌声扬,祈祷平安齐欢畅。祝您圣诞快乐!

12. 圣诞的钟声敲响,鹿儿的蹄声回荡,温暖的歌声送上,圣诞来到,愿你:“圣”下快乐,“圣”下健康,“圣”下吉祥。

13. 因为有了圣诞,雪花倍加浪漫;因为有了许愿,生活更加灿烂;因为有了挂念,幸福爬上笑脸。愿你体会我的思念祝圣诞快乐!

14. 快乐鹿,吉祥撬,把福运好运都送到;如意袜,幸福帽,把霉运厄运都赶跑;温馨信,真诚心,愿我祝福都成真。祝你圣诞快乐!

15. 烟花自不必言说,必然绽放夜空,祝福又何须称道,必定按时送到。圣诞钟声敲响那一刻,吉祥,幸福,一切归你,注意签收!

16. 白雪飘,钟声敲,圣诞节又来到;鹿铃响,喜气洋,惬意幸福心情爽;圣歌唱,心花放,吉祥快乐从天降。愿您圣诞开心伴!

17. 圣诞祝福虽紧俏,抢先送你最有效,圣诞短信很忙碌,好运随着短信到,圣诞祝福转一转,快乐指数转得高,圣诞快乐就好!

18. 开心笑容在绽放,快乐歌谣在传唱;吉祥雪花在飞舞,悠扬钟声在飘荡;圣诞礼物在派送,节日祝福在传递。祝你圣诞快乐!

19. 圣诞树,结上美好的心愿;红烛光,照亮盈盈的笑脸;长筒袜,塞进满满的惊喜;小驯鹿,将绵绵情意轻舔。朋友,圣诞快乐!

20. 将我满满的思念,用祝愿包装,用爱心发酵,送上圣诞老人的雪橇,让祝福铺天盖地而来,祝你圣诞快乐!圣诞之后也天天快乐!

21. 别傻了,还等圣诞老人呢?!今年他老人家不会来了,因为去年他被你的臭袜子熏怕了!也就我能迁就你,捏着鼻子说句圣诞快乐^_^

22. 圣诞快到了,我向圣诞老人预定了一只公鸡和一只母鸡送给你!公鸡说:生蛋,生蛋!母鸡说:快了,快了!祝福你圣诞节快乐!

23. 问候平淡如水,很清;祝福寥寥数语,心诚;摘一颗星,采一朵云,装入平安的短信送给您,让健康幸福时时围绕您。圣诞快乐!

24. 把烦恼写进雪里,为的是快点融化;把快乐装进袜里,为的是学会知足;把礼物挂在树上,为的是分享幸福。圣诞节,祝君快乐!

25. 圣诞圣诞,浪漫精彩。圣诞老人,十分可爱。平安夜里,共祈平安。狂欢夜里,无人入眠。快乐分享,烛光大餐。圣诞树下,美好许愿。万千祝福,心意不变。



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Iam so glad to receive your letter and happy to know that you have a pleasantholiday. Please send my sincere wishes to your parents. I have a happy holidayjust like you do. This holiday, I visited to Guangzhou with my parents.Guangzhou, also known as the Flower City, there are many flowers along the bothsides of streets. It’s very beautiful. Besides, the environment is clean andthe climate is comfortable. There are many skyscrapers in Guangzhou, especiallyin the downtown. We visited to many tourist attractions. They are all worthvisiting. I hope you can visit there personally one day. You must like it.


Sincerely yours,




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Dear Bob,

Im writing to apologize for having forgotten to return the "the Beatles" CD to you when I left Canada,I was in such a hurry that I packed everything in my luggage without checking carefully。Had I paid more attention then,I wouldnt have made such a stupid mistake。

Now something must be done to solve the problem because I understand you cherish the CD enormously。I can either send it to you by express mail or alternatively pensate you at a reasonable price。If you do not mind,I may bring it back to you next time I go to Canada。

Please let me know which solution you prefer at your earliest convenience。I really hope you will accept my sincere apology。

Faithfully yours

Li ming



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Dear Christmas father:

Christmas Day falls on the twenty-fifth of December.It is a very happy day

for many boys and girls .Before the term ends in some schools ,the children act

a nativity or “birth” play,showing how Jesus was born in a stable.

On the twenty-fourth of December,all children are very excited.Usually they

are sent to bed early so that their parents can get the presents ready.The

younger children think that Father Christmas will come down the chimney or

fireplace ,so they hang up a sock for him to put presents in.The greedy ones

even hang up a pillow-case or a sack to try to get more presents.Later that

night,Father or Mother will put presents in the sock,and leave others at the

side of the bed.

On Christmas morning,the children wake up very early.Some even turn on the

light at two oclock,and most of them are awake by six oclock although it is

not light in England for another hour or two at this time of the year.Children

look for their presents,and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared.At

about one oclock in the afternoon,the Christmas dinner is brought in.The turkey

or chicken is quickly eaten.Children search in their Christmas pudding for new

coins which are hidden in it.The rest of the day is full of games and eating

until the happiest of all Christmas hollidays comes to an end.



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Dear Santa:

First Merry Chrismas to you.This is the end of the year.I konw you are busy

these day.But I want


This year,I was friendly and kind.I got well with my classmate.I was nice

to my brothers and sisters.I think that I did a good job and I was a good

child.And I love you so much!So piease give ___ to me.I expect it very much.It

is good for me.

Thank you!

Next year,I will also be a good child!

Your image,




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Dear ___,

I am so sorry that I was late to the class this morning.Although it because

that I missed the bus so that I had to wait another 15 minutes for the next

one,I still need to take the full responsibility for it.

If you would accept my appologize,that would be great.I promiss you that I

will not be late to any class again.

Yours sincerely

Tony Blair



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Dear (Bosss Name),

I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position

of (job title) with (Company Name)。

I really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about the

job。 The entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and the

work itself seems as rewarding as it is challenging。 From our discussion,I

gained a strong sense of (Company Name)s mitment to their clients and their

employees。 I also enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and future within

the firm。

I feel strongly that I possess the qualities required as a (job title)。 I

believe my education and experiences have prepared me well for a future with

you。 I eagerly anticipate our next meeting。 Thank you for considering me for

this opportunity。





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二:希望每一个同学都能端正学习态度,知道学好知识的重要性,学习是苦、是累,但我们要懂得此时此刻的关键性,他是我们人生的第一个转折点,"人生能有几回搏,此时不搏待何时",我衷心的希望你们在最后的这一年里,鼓足干劲,努力拼搏为自己的学习成绩争取更大的进步.请你们相信"成才始于勤奋,知识改变命运" 三:我们现在是生活在同一个大家庭里,同学之间应该团结互助,不要因些鸡毛蒜皮的小事互相埋怨,以至嫉恨甚至大动干戈,对于同学之间的小摩擦.一定要用理解,宽容的心态来对待. 希望你们:















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Dear _______ ,

I am excessively sorry to tell say to you that _______(直接说出道歉事由)。 Now , I am writing you this letter of apology to show my deep regret 。 Please accept my sincere apology 。 I hope you will understand me and excuse me for _______(请求对方原谅的事由)。

The reason for my delayabsencenegligence was that _______(过失的原因)。 I had no time because _______(当时的状况)。 Therefore it’s not in my power to _______(过失导致的结果)。

Naturally , I want to _______(解决问题的办法)。 I shall be obliged if you will kindly write and tell me that _______(期望对方原谅自我)。 I wish you could accept my apology 。

Sincerely yours ,

Li Ming



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Dear David:

I am afraid that you will think me unpardonably negligent in not having

answered your letter dated 7, December sooner, but when I have told you the

reason, I trust you will be convinced that the neglect was excusable. When your

letter arrived, I was just in Hong Kong. As my family could not forward it to me

during my absence, it has been, therefore, lying on my desk until the moment

when I took it up. Now the first thing I have to hasten to do is to write to you

these few lines to express my deep regret.

I enjoyed many pleasant sights during my trip. I shall be pleased to give

you an account to of them when I see you next.

Sincerely yours,



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Dear xxx,

I am a professor from the Department of English Language and Literature of Peking University.

As John’s mentor (导师), I would like to write a letter of recommendation on John’s behalf to facilitate his application. Firstly, John is hard working…. (例子) Secondly, John distinguishes himself by his talents in music… Last but not the least, John has strong teamwork spirit…

I would recommend John without reservation. If you have any further question concerning him, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming



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Merry Christmas!

Today is Christmas Eve, we have already made an appointment tonight you

want to accompany me to go shopping mall, to see a movie, but you cut once again

stood me up.

I was the first one to rush out of the office after work today. On the way,

I was wondering whether you would have another task today. I will not be a

lonely Christmas Eve again! Call and ask, "Do you have an assignment?" Just say

you wont stand me up. When I got home, I was surprised to find that you were

still at home, cooking dinner. I was so happy that I didnt know what my name

was. Looking at your busy figure, I am happy, began to fantasize about tonight

we go to the mall shopping, do not stop to call the mall in the activity. I had

my eye on a windbreaker for a long time, but I was reluctant to buy it because

the price was too expensive. On the way back today, I saw that there was a sale

in the shopping mall, so I decided to move it back to my wardrobe. We began to

discuss our schedule for tonight. Im also glad of my good luck today. However,

the truth is cruel, once again proved that I still have to spend Christmas Eve

alone. When we were about to have dinner, your phone rang, and by the

seriousness on your face, I knew that our date would never happen again. You

very guiltily say with me: "wife: we again tomorrow go to the mall ok? Its hard

to say youll get more discounts, more activities and more gifts tomorrow. We

have to go out for a while tonight. If its cold, go to bed early, so dont wait

for me. You eat first, and Ill wash the dishes when I come back." When I asked

you what it was, you promised to keep it a secret. The husband! Im a cop, too.

I have a sense of secrecy. I asked you what? Just to see how dangerous you are.

Why dont you understand? You! What a stupid pig. Im glad you had your head in

the right place, or I dont know how you ended up in the police force.

Husband, to tell the truth, both of us are policemen. I think my working

attitude is not as good as yours, my enthusiasm is not as high as yours, and My

work is not as serious as yours. However, since the second year after my work, I

have been an excellent civil servant every year. Last year, I was also rated as

one of the top ten policemen. But you, dont say an excellent civil servant, you

havent even rated a reward. I dont even know why? In your squadron, you did

more work than anyone else, did the most work (and of course, you were the

youngest), did everything that was dangerous, but at the end of the year you had

nothing. If I were you, Id have a lot of complaints, or Id be like everyone

else, and you wouldnt, youd still be working. Sometimes I have been wondering

whether you are really more "stupid" than others?

Honey, you must remember, you owe me another date. You stood me up again

today, I am very angry, but I hope you are safe. I hope I can see you tonight

before twelve o clock.

What an auspicious word "Silent Night" is! I wish all the policemen a safe

life on Christmas Eve.

The wife book



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1, is it right? Mom, you are prettier, you must pay attention to the body, your son and I had a very good. Today is Easter day, God called me to give you a text message, he said that he will bless you more and more beautiful, no one at home mom is not as beautiful as you. You must be happy oh.


2, dear mom and Dad, Easter day you are doing, I think you, now the Lord has made me let flowers fragrant, you sent a copy of the Ankang, I wish you through the depression, happy to live in the ocean. The Lord bless and keep you.


3. the lord commands in any case, parents today I will send you blessing, he says you are getting older and older, the body is more and more bad, but God never mind, the Lord in heaven watching you, he would help me take care of you, you will go the distance barrier, share my happiness to you. Thank you Lord, I wish mom and dad happy easter.


4, mom and dad you good! Easter, I dont have anything for you, to give you a text message, I wish you spring to mind, good at hand. Forever happy. From your son.


5, you still busy, today is Easter, the Lord has blessed us, you also remember to pray, wish you happy every day, work order, it is the Lord that I feel shy for you, you can be happy oh.







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Mr. Ulrich Niemann.


People-People Exchange Co.

Dear Sir or Madam: Friday 22nd September

Many thanks for your fax dated 7th September address to General Manager concerning the problems you experienced during your last visit from 29th-30th August. Mr. Ford, our General Manager is away on leave at present and therefore I have taken the liberty of replying to you on his behalf.

Mr. Niemann, please accept our sincere apologies for the problems you have experienced - our policy, which you were unfortunately wrongly informed as a newnpolicy, stands that those Golden Circle members who are eligible for upgrades may book through any channel, subject of course to room availability. I have subsequently taken appropriate steps to ensure that none of our other eligible Golden Circle guests are similarly inconvenienced in future.

I have also noted your comments concerning our housekeeping Staff and their lack of English and basic courtesy and I assure you that we will be intensifying our training efforts in both those areas in an effort to improve our standards.

It is only through feedback such as your own that we can judge ourselves honestly and enhance the overall experience for you, our valued guest and therefore I thank you for taking the time to put pen top paper.

We are normally very proud of the service which we offer at China World, and thus, in an effort to redeem ourselves, we would like to offer you one nights complimentary accommodation when next you visit Beijing. To this end, I would be grateful if would contact me personally and I will gladly make the necessary arrangements on your behalf along with any specific requirements you may have.

My apologies once again and I look forward to welcoming you back to China world Hotel in the near future.


Alfred Zhuang

Front Office Manager



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Dear customers

hello everyone!

First of all, on behalf of all colleagues of _ Co., Ltd., we would like to

eXtend our sincere greetings and heartfelt wishes to our distinguished


With the support of friends from all walks of life, especially from

customers, our company has made great achievements in 20_ and continues the

development trend of e-commerce. We have withstood the competitive pressure

brought about by the instability of e-commerce and the fluctuation of a large

number of online shopping malls, and achieved fruitful results; the new shopping

mall 20_ has been revamped and launched. Taobao flagship store is also in

preparation, and is eXpected to go online by the end of this year.

The products needed by customers have always been in short supply.

Sometimes the eXtended delivery cycle has brought inconvenience or trouble to

customers. Here, I would like to eXpress my deep apology.

It is gratifying that the e-commerce Department has entered the sprint

stage, and the company will continue to strengthen investment in advertising

technology, and its factories will continue to introduce new production


Under the premise of ensuring the quality, we should strengthen the

production of products

At that time, the bottleneck of production capacity restriction will break

through at one stroke, the needs of customers will be met in time, and we will

deliver satisfactory answers for customers.

Its a great honor for us to cooperate with our distinguished customers. We

sincerely appreciate your support and cooperation. You cooperate with us in

market development to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. We have

established a good relationship of common development with you, which will be

consolidated and strengthened under the careful maintenance and cultivation of

both sides. Your success and brilliance have brought about the development and

growth of our enterprise.

Make 100% efforts, let the customer 100% satisfaction, this is our business

purpose. The times and society are constantly progressing, and our products and

services should also keep pace with the times. We sincerely look forward to your

esteemed customers to put forward higher requirements for our products and

services, so that our enterprises can provide you with better products and


On the occasion of the launch, on behalf of me and our enterprise, I would

like to eXpress my heartfelt thanks and respect to the respected customers once


I sincerely wish the respected customers great success and prosperity!



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Dear Charlie,

Kindly excuse me for my not being able to see you off at the airport this Saturday as I have promised.

A major business partner of our company will be attending an important conference in Xiamen this weekend, and my boss finally chooses me to accompany him there to negotiate about a new transaction. I have just been informed of this plan and am happy about the decision—this is an opportunity to both display and enhance my abilities, so I am afraid I cannot be present at the airport.

Pursuing study overseas is an essential step in the accomplishment of your dream.

How I wish I could have the chance to share with you my personal feelings and suggestions before you are away! I hereby send you a gift to wish you good luck. Please forgive me.


Li Ming



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Dear Dave,

Thanks for your letter.Its interesting to learn your story.Now Id like to answer your questions. Those problems that confused you, in fact, is the different culture betwwen different countries. In China, it is a polite manners to ask some questions such as what you have mationed to greet others. In your country, people ofen hear some questions,for example; "Wha a hot day!t","How cold it is" and so on. I believe you will be accustomed to it after a period of time. If you have any problem at any time, you can ask me for help. It is my pleasure to help you. Meanwhile, you can learn Chinese culture more and I can learn the culture about your country more.

Best wishes for you.

Your sincerely,Li Lin



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Dear customers:

in the new year, Zhuozhan customer service wishes you everything in 20_,

your career is booming, your family is happy, and you are successful! At the

same time, we also thank you for your tolerance, concern and support for our

work in 20_x!

From today on, Zhuozhan shopping center will welcome you with brand-new

appearance and high-quality service. You are welcome to visit our shop often. In

the next 20_ years and the days after that, we will do better and better. I

believe we can serve you well with our sincerity.

Wish: happy life! good health! Work well!

Zhuozhan customer service staff, thank you!
