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Hello,everyone! My Winter vacation`s life was so interesting.Do you want to know what I did during the Winter vacation? Well, at the first week, I did my homework,surfed the Internet,played computer games and watched TV. At the second week, I helped my parents with housewrk, so I did the dishes, washed lots of my parents` clothes and helped them take out the trash. At the third week, I chatted with my girl friend on mobile phone and we both had a good time.I had a happy Winter vacation`s life ! So how about you? What did you do during the Winter vacation?




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I came to the classroom and pushed the door open.

"Wow! Its nice! " I call it up. There was a square with a strange Christmas tree in the middle with four high-definition screens, four Christmas gifts, and four buttons... Everything is four.

I sat down with my classmates. As soon as he sat down, it suddenly darkened. Again bright, my classmates and I see, in front of a table, the table with a variety of table delicacies from land and sea. I looked at it and saw a turkey. It was so big! I said nothing, picked up a kitchen knife toward turkey.

I had just forked the fork into the turkey, and the classroom was darkened. When the lamp is bright, I heard the "ringing" in children of this song, alongside a group of dwarfs in the carnival.

I was so happy that I was dancing with the dwarfs, and I was fascinated.

Suddenly, after a white light, I was sitting in front of the Christmas tree again. At this time, there is a know-all HD display. Know-all said: "everyone is in a different way to get a gift. In France, on Christmas day, people will take their shoes off the door, and they think Santa Claus will put them in their shoes... Well, its time to choose a gift. Theres a riddle on each of the boxes. Who guessed it to get the gift.

I revolved around the Christmas tree, and suddenly I looked at a box, guessed the riddle and hit it, "ah! Its a machine pet and a "hcxx" plane.

This Christmas is amazing!



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When I was in grade four in primary school, my father taught me how to use

computer. After that, I was very interested in playing computer. I watched

movies, played computer games, searched the Internet and listened to the music

on computer. Because my father must work in his computer, so he bought another

for me. I was very happy that I had my own computer. It was put in the study. I

am always very careful to use my computer, because I am worried I would break. I

often chat with my net friends. Because of my computer, I make many friends who

have many in common. Of course, I use my computer in study. There are resources

on the Internet. I can learn more after class. It does great help to me.



全文共 298 字

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There are so many people around me,among them,I like my father the most.My father is a hero in my heart,when I have questions,he can answer me and tell

me something about them.My father also takes me to many places,like Shanghai,Beijingand so on.I am so happy when I am with my father,he is the best



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作文是一种复杂的心理活动。学生必须借助观察才能积累作文素材;必须进行积极思维,才能使文章的中 心明确、结构合理、立意新颖;必须展开大胆想象,才能使文章内容丰富,具有创造性、独特性,并使语言更 生动形象。所以,作文教学的过程,也是使学生的观察力、记忆力和思维能力、想象力得到综合训练、心理能力不断地得到提高和发展的过程。


从作文心理来说,作文有主动与被动之分。一般来说,主动作文,是学生出于自觉的要求,有材料可写, 有感而发,这好写,也容易写得好些;而被动作文,是学生没有写作的要求,感到无材料可写,这就不好写, 也不容易写好。有的学生说:“作文难,提起作文心就烦。”还有的学生说:“我最讨厌作文,我希望今后的 各种考试都没作文这个项目就好了。”这些都是被动作文心理的反映。

为什么不少小学生不喜欢作文呢?可以概括为“没有东西写”或感到“不知道怎么写”。因此小学语文教 学中,要解决两个问题:“写什么?”“怎么写?”从心理学角度来分析,作文教学过程,是要变学生被动写 作心理为主动写作心理的过程。使学生从没有什么可写到满怀激情地记录自己所见所闻、所经历的而又感兴趣 的有意义的人和事。

从客观方面来说,作文是用书面语言来表达思想的,与口头语言有很大不同。口头语言是在面对面的交际 活动中进行的,可以借助于手势、语调、表情、动作等来补充其思维的不足,因此,允许简缩,逻辑顺序也不 要求那么严格。而写文章是从小学生感性认识的基础上,从接受成人语言(口头和文字)开始,按逻辑要求, 经过自己的思考、加工后,转化为自己的书面语言的复杂过程。对小学生而言,作文比口头语言的要求高、难 度大。从主观方面来说,低年级学生内部言语的发展还不充分,知识经验也很缺乏,掌握词汇还不多,思维的 形象性还占有很重要的地位,还不善于对事物进行抽象概括。这就决定了他们还不能进行真正意义上的命题作 文,而只能在教师的指导下进行一些口头造句、书面造句、看图说话、看图写话等的写作基础训练。因此,教 师要掌握他们的年龄心理特点,十分重视对儿童口头叙述的训练,为他们将来进行命题作文作必要的准备。

小学中、高年级学生的心理水平有了较高的发展,相应地,写作活动也进入了命题作文的阶段,但是这阶 段写作的各种水平还是不高的,需要在口头言语的基础上,经过专门的、科学的训练才能逐渐发展起来。因而 ,很多小学生在写作方面还存在着许多困难,害怕作文,产生了一定的心理障碍。

要变被动写作为主动写作心理。首先要解决教师的命题。小学生的作文是先有题目后写文章。理想的新颖 的题目要从学生中来。来自小学生的生活、思想、兴趣、爱好、心理活动内容都是命题的依据。对小学生来说 ,要让他们写自己亲身经历过的、亲眼见到、亲耳听到的。就是说,让他们通过作文把自己的经历过的有意义 的生活、思想,围绕着一个中心,按着一定的顺序用文字表达、重现出来。

在一个学校里发生这样的一件事,一位姓罗的学生,身患了淋巴恶性肿痛,急需一笔较大的医疗费,学校 发起了向这位同学献爱心的捐款活动。教师即以这个捐款活动为题,布置学生写一篇“捐款动员以后”。这次 学生的作文写得很好,有的学生用日记形式,写下了自己的真心话,表达了对同学的一份真挚的感情,而有的 学生则是从记叙的方式,叙述捐款事件中,表现同学们“一方有难,八方支援”的爱心。这样的命题,是让学 生取材于身边的人和事,写出自己的真情实感,使学生能“因事而发”,学生感到有事可写,也写得动人。


从学生的作文实践来看,他们感到最大的困难之一是无话可写,而且,最常见的毛病是内容空洞,写不具 体。造成这种现象的原因很多,其中很重要的一条就是学生缺乏观察力,不善于观察生活中的“小事”。其实 ,小学生的学校生活、家庭生活和社会生活也是丰富多彩的,如果细心观察应该是他们写作取之不尽、用之不 竭的源泉。随着中国的改革开放的深化,教师应该引导学生冲破学校课堂狭小的天地,在社会大课堂中去感受 时代的脉搏,接受新鲜事物,从中丰富生活,从生活中获取直接的知识。而我们平时的作文教学,较多是考虑 怎样写的指导,很少或忽视如何把小学生的视野引向身边的生活、引向大自然、引向社会,从生活中得到感受 。叶圣陶先生曾经语重心长地指出:“作文教学偏于形式……是一种弊病。偏于形式,自然把作文看成一种特 殊的事,跟实际生活并不怎么切合,于是学生自然要叹无内容之苦。”因此,只有引导学生深入观察才能丰富 学生作文的心理内容。

观察是有目的、有计划、有步骤比较持久的知觉过程。观察是作文的基本功。学生只有对生活中的事物细 心观察,如对象的形体、色调、质感、美感等都十分了解,动笔才有内容可写。因此,语文教师要像“有心人 ”,一方面要注意在语文分析中提出明确的要求,要求学生领会优秀作品的写作,学习别人是怎样以观察各种 人物、各种事物为基础,从而写成内容丰富的文章的。小学生的作文训练,不同于一般作家的创作活动,它是 在教师指导下的语文课内容的模仿、借鉴范文学习写作。因此,作文教学时必须以课本内容为依据来进行作文 训练。这样,教师就要引导学生对周围的一切细心观察,教给他们观察的方法,心理学的实验研究发现,少年 儿童的观察力发展的一般趋势是:由无意性、情绪性向有意性、目的性方向发展;再由有意性、目的性向自觉 性、稳定性、精确性和概括性发展,并逐步形成较全面深刻的细致的良好观察力。教师应了解学生观察力发展 的规律,有意识地通过多媒体教学途径来培养和锻炼学生良好的观察力。


一是提高观察的目的性。在采用多媒体手段进行命题作文教学前,教师应根据学生的年龄特点和知识水平 尽量把与命题相应的目的任务提得明确些、具体些。二是要细致准确。观察时不能只着眼于大概轮廓而忽略了 细小的地方。比如笑,有哈哈大笑、微笑、欢笑、冷笑、讥笑、苦笑等等。观察自然景物也一样。比如下雨, 在一般人的眼里,不过有大雨、中雨、小雨之分。有位小学生经过细心观察,这样描写雨前的景物变化:“铅 块似的乌云聚拢在头上顶”,闪电像“一条条皮鞭划过长空”。而描写雨中的情景是:近看,雨点的形状如“ 小葡萄”,打在地上溅起“水花”、远看是一层“轻纱般的水雾。”继而“水雾”又变成“雨帘”,马路两旁 出现了“小溪”。这位小学生之所以写得自然逼真,就是因为他能仔细观察。三是养成良好的习惯与方法。观 察是一种特殊的知觉,只有循着一定的顺序和方法才不致挂一漏万。一般可以先整体后局部。从空间特性来说 ,可以象电视扫描式从上至下,从前到后,从外到内。注意形态、数量、质地、色彩的变化,从而使学生把握 对象的外形和实质,这样学生写作有内容且生动而有条理。四是做好观察记录。作文是要有写作素材的。素材 就是在作文中要写的尚未经过加工的材料,平时学生若不注意素材的积累,动笔时就会觉得没东西可写。只有 注意营造起一个“材料仓库”,写作时才能“言之有物”,而观察正是积累素材的第一步。尤其是留心捕捉那 些最重要的现象、细节,而细节正可以将观察对象的特点、个性再现出来,学生在感性认识的基础上积累写作 素材,从而奠定写作基础。


学生作文内容的来源有两个:一个是通过观察从现实生活中提供的直接素材;一个是课本、书报、图画、 音乐、影视提供的间接生活素材。这两方面的“材料”,通过学生的感知、记忆、想象、思维等一系列心理活 动,成为他们的心理积蓄,使表达变成为可能。为此,从心理学观点看教师的作文指导,不只是作文方法的指 导,它本身还包括丰富学生的心理内容的意义,尤其是发展他们的各种认识能力,在感知的基础上,拓展学生 思维和想象力,在作文训练中有意识地加以培养,那么就使学生更快有效地提高作文整体水平。

作文是一个复杂的思维过程。学生作文,从审题立意,到布局谋篇、遣词造句,直到最后的推敲修改,每 一环节都离不开思维这一心理活动,学生思维能力的强弱直接影响作文质量的高低。但小学生在作文中往往未 能很好地展开思维,因为在小学高年级时,思维才处于从具体形象思维为主向抽象思维过渡的阶段,小学生思 维能力较弱,他们观察了某些事物,有的却不了解其意义,找不到事物之间的内部逻辑关系,因而作文时往往 难以确定文章的中心主题。根据学生形象思想的发展先于抽象思维这一年龄特点,要充分发挥形象思维的作用 ,逐步进行思维概括性的训练。


培养学生提炼中心的能力:第一,教师注意在平时的阅读教学时,让学生明白,写人的文章,中心思想是 赞颂人物的思想品行;论事的文章,中心思想是从事件中告诉人们深刻的道理。第二,训练学生在审题中抓住 中心。一般作文命题,有的中心主题是在题面,或在写作提示的要求中已点明,而有的则要充分调动学生思维 的积极性,引导学生反复分析课文,提高捕捉中心主题的能力。第三,在生活中提炼主题。学生作文的主题, 应该是学生对身边发生的事不断观察,反复思考,逐步加深认识,提炼出来的。

开拓思维的训练。开拓学生思维最有效的方法,就是引导学生联想和想象。联想是由一事物想到另一事物 的心理过程。如《从一条小路想到的》《××的启示》等类题目,就需要丰富的联想。开拓思维的训练,还可 以引导学生相互启发,发挥集体的扩散思维的优势。可以预早布置作文题,学生自己准备素材和编提纲。在作 文课时,让学生讨论,如写什么?怎样安排顺序?中心是什么?这些训练是十分有益的。

有的作文题,就不是简单的生活再现,而让学生对过去感知过的事物进行再创造,从而产生新的形象。如 《我的理想》《我和嫦娥游太空》《十年以后》《将来的教室》等这类作文,就需要学生张开想象的翅膀。学 生作文的心理过程需要想象力的参加。小学生想象的基本特征是有意想象在发展,再造想象起着重要的作用。 低年级小学生在作文时,很大程度上是描写或记述人物的外貌或事件的过程,而到了中、高年级,在有效的培 养训练下,词的作用越来越促使他们的想象力的发展,经过构思而概括出事物的形象,其概括性和逻辑性有了 明显的提高。想象过程和其它心理过程一样,是客观现实的反映,小学生的想象力也是在良好的教学影响下发 展起来的。

在小学作文教学中,教师可以从以下几个方面培养学生的想象力。要丰富学生的感知表象。因为想象是在 事物的影响下,在言语的调节下,在儿童大脑中已有的表象经过改造和结合而产生新形象的心理过程。所以, 想象的水平是依学生头脑中所具有的感知表象的教学和质量的情况为转移的。学生头脑中表象越贫乏,其想象 越狭窄、肤浅;表象越丰富,其想象越开阔、深刻,因而教师要扩大学生的生活视野。二要善于用生动的语言 描述来丰富学生的语言,为想象创造表达的条件。在教学过程中,教师的语言是启发学生想象的重要因素,教 师如果语言生动、带有感情,描述会使学生进入想象的境界,如见其人、如闻其声、如历其境,濡染其情。教 师要有目的、有计划地进行训练,在教学中可以以一概念或词语为题,让学生用形象来表现,如“慈祥”、“ 细心”这样的词要求学生以语言描述人物的神态来表现,也可以反过来进行。

国外十分重视对学生想象力的培养。日本学者认为:想象与创造有关,发展想象力是为发展创造力打下基 础,因此,他们把丰富想象力的阅读、写作指导为语文教学的基本方向。

根据大纲要求,小学的阅读教学中,主要让学生对课文的场面、人物、情景、背景和作者展开想象。想象 的具体内容是:由标题想象到课文的内容;由插图、图表想象故事的情节;由人物的语言、表情和动作想象到 人物的性格心理和行动的展开;由整篇文章想象到作者的意图和文章的主题,由此引入作文中。


文章是表达思想、表现感情的。刘勰说过,“情动而言行,理发而文见”。思想和感情既有联系,又有区 别。思想作为人的认识活动及其结果,既构成文章的内容,又指导着写作的方向,没有好的思想,自然写不好 文章,但是,光有好的思想而没有表达这种思想的兴趣与强烈感情,同样写不出好文章。人的感情不仅是构成 文章内容的一个方面,而且,从心理学角度来看还有执行调节人动机的动力作用。兴趣是一切学习的源泉,“ 知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”学生对作文的恐惧心理总是不同程度地存在,其中一个最大的原因 是没有兴趣,没有领略到作文的乐趣,因被动写作而没有情感的投入。

语文教师在指导小学生写作时,要打破恐惧感。但这不是靠大谈作文的意义,重要性之类抽象大道理所能 奏效的。较好的办法是“寓教于乐”,而且要善于激起他们非说不可的感情。有一位五年级小学生,功课甚差 ,对作文更感头痛。有一次同学将他藏在课桌里的“金铃子”,交给了老师。老师见这学生对小动物很喜爱, 便把“金铃子”发还给他,并引导他仔细观察,后要求他写一篇小作文《可爱的“金铃子”》。这位学生写起 “金铃子”,忽然灵感顿来:“金铃铃,金铃铃……那是谁在弹琴和唱歌?……你看,那小小的圆脑袋上伸着 两根触须,扫

来扫去,多威风!身体那样小,却长着四只脚,还有两条长长的后腿,屁股后面拖着‘双枪’… …”(见上海教育出版社《小学生思想品德教育实例》)。可见语文教师要捕捉时机善于激发学生的写作热情 ,让学生头脑中储存有的感性材料转化成某种感情色彩的记忆映象复活,让学生在不知不觉中进入写作训练, 即寓写于乐中,使命题作文引起学生的熟悉感亲切情,这样学生才能写出好文章。

学生作文,多喜抒情。尤其是记叙文,通过文章来表达自己的思想感情,有感而发、且能动人以情的文章 才是好文章。怎样才能使文章感人呢?很重要的是写出真情实感。小学生在《我童年的小屋》里写道:“搬进 三室一厅的单元楼已一年多了,但我却依然留恋着那间只有15平方米的小屋,小屋摆满了家具,显得拥挤不 堪;小屋只有两扇朝西开的窗户,显得昏昏暗暗;每到雨季,外面下大雨,屋里下小雨……在那里我度过了九 个春秋,小屋留下了我童年的快乐”。

这篇小文章感动之处在于“实感”出“真情”。文章一开头就把读者带进了童年的小屋中去,和新楼房相 比,小屋是拥挤的、黑暗的、潮湿的,但是那里却留下作者宝贵的童年欢乐和留恋之情。

人的情感尽管是一种主观经验,但它毕竟是客观现实与人的需要之间关系在人脑中的反映。而且,情感的 内容及其深度,又往往取决它所反映的各种现实的广度。因此,语文教师在接触学生的过程中,要准确地把握 学生的感情脉搏,并引导他们用适当的词汇具体而形象地揭示出客体是怎样引起他们的某些情感体验的。在课 堂教学中,一般说来,学生的情绪、情感状态取决于教师的情绪、情感状态。在作文教学的全过程都伴随教师 强烈的情绪、情感。因此,教师在上课前要酝酿良好的心境;命题要有师生情感的共鸣;指导要有柔情;批改 要有韧情;讲评要有热情;要激发学生写作的激情。只有教育学生热爱生活,才能仔细观察生活,他们才能写 出有真情实感的好文章。




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Dear Freshmen,

I, the undersigned, am a senior in the Computer Science Department of Tsinghua University. I would like to say a few words to you, which I hope would be helpful to you.

To begin with, the change of ideas is of most importance for freshmen to adapt themselves to campus life. During the middle school days, we usually depend upon our teachers at school and parents at home.

However, the life and study on university campus features independence, which is essential to our psychological development. In my view, we had better always bear in mind the idea of independence.

What’s more, English learning is a must. On one hand, without CET 4 certificate, we can not get our degree when we graduate from university. On the other hand, when we hunt for job, English level is a deciding factor. Therefore, I do hope that all of you will have a good understanding of the necessity of learning English well.

Good Luck to you!

Sincerely Yours



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It is neither genius nor extraordinary ability that gives us power to deal

with and overcome whatever hardship one is confronted with.2、As in the picture,

the athlete is running, with a determined spirit, towards the finishing line in

order to obtain the gold medal, considered as the symbol of success for any

sportsman.I most like the human is Liu Xiang 。 the famous athlete Liu Xiang

striding forward in the Olympics Games in Athens. Determination is universally

regarded asa highly praised quality. It is neither genius nor extraordinary

ability that gives us power to deal with and overcome whatever hardship one is

confronted with. It is this kind of spirit that enables us to endure the

difficult moments and attain our goals.

The determined spirit gives us light when we are in dark moments and

encourages when we are frustrated. With this quality, no enemy can overwhelm us,

and noobstacles can stand in our way. There are many examples of success being

achieved solely through the strong will of the spirit. As in the picture, the

athlete is running, with a determined spirit, towards the finishing line in

order to obtain the gold medal, considered as the symbol of success for any

sportsman. It is determination that leads to success. ?

It is not easy to cultivate this determined spirit. To do this, we must

establish a firm faith in our actions and be ready to devote ourselves to them.

We must boldly go through trials and hardships to train our will so as to get

rid of the weak points of our moral character. Around us, there are quite a few

people with this intense determination and spirit and set a good example for us

to follow.



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My father is a teacher, he looks fat, but also wearing a pair of glasses, the rationale of a flat head, not tall.

Dad likes to swim, run, play table tennis, read books, travel.

My dad asked me very strict, he often taught me to be polite. Once to a uncle home to a guest, my uncle gave me a big and round apple, I took over from the hands of uncle apples, relish to eat up, on the way home, my father taught me: Make a polite child, someone else give you something, say thank you.

Dad asked me to be an honest man. Once I secretly in the room watching TV, my father told me to open the door, I quickly turn off the TV, my father asked me: "What are you doing?" I said: "I am reading." He looked at it and said, "Are you lying too? Are you deceiving me? Do you know?" I had to admit. Dad said to me: "I have to do something wrong to take the initiative to admit, do not lie, know wrong to change or a good boy." Dads teachings I keep in mind.

My father is a demanding person, I like my father, he taught me to do a very polite, honest and honest people.



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Betty is a lazy girl. She doesnt study hard, and she doesnt help her mother with the housework, either. "What are you going to be when you grow up, Betty?" Mother asks. "Youre too lazy. No job will ever fit you."

"But I know one," says the girl, "Im going to be Father Christmas," "You want to be Father Christmas?" Mother is surprised, "But why?" "Because he works only one day in a whole year."



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The Mid-Autumn Festival is a very important Chinese festival.

It’s on the fifth of August. We can hang lanterns in the house. In the evening, we have a big dinner. Look, there is lots of food on the table. They are chicken, fish, crabs and so on. They’re very delicious. We can drink a glass of juice. We stand beside the table and we say, “Cheers, cheers, happy Mid-Autumn Festival!” We make a wish to each other. At night, the moon is usually round and bright. It looks like a ball. We can enjoy the moon. Moon cakes are the special food for this festival. We can eat moon cakes, too.

In the Mid-Autumn Festival, my parents and I are all very happy and excited.



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The proposal is from Wang Yuqing, a deputy director of the Committee of Population, Resources and Environment.

He is being quoted as saying he favors a gradual opening of a two-child per family policy, and says he believes the current limitations will be lifted by the end of the five-year plan in 2015.

The current family planning policy was initiated in 1979 to control Chinas rapidly growing population.

But some negative side effects have emerged, including a rapidly aging population.

Peng Xizhe is the Director of the Institute of Population Research at Fudan University.

"The one-child policy has fulfilled the goal initially set. Negative effects will pile up if it continues."

The President of Renmin University, Ji Baocheng, claims the labor force population between the ages of 28 and 40 will be halved in 10 years.

As an example, in Shanghai, which has the highest urban population in China, the number of Shanghai natives -- as in those with a Hukou -- has actually been dropping for the last 17 years in a row, even though the citys population has been increasing.

A possible reason for Shanghai parents not choosing to have a second child could be the rising cost of everyday expenses, particularly the cost of education.

"I dont think Ill have a second child if the limit is removed. Im simply a wage-earner, and I find it difficult enough to raise one child, so I wont consider the second."

But at the same time, there are still people who think it would be nice to have two children.

"I will think about it. A lot of parents now are the only child in families, to have two kids means they can look after each other in the future, and of course, therell be financial burden."

One-Child Policy has been relaxed in certain ways over the years.

In cities such as Shanghai and Beijing, if a couple is both the product of the one-child policy, theyre allowed to have two kids.

Certian ethnic minority groups have been exempt from the rules entirely.

And families in rural areas whose first child is a girl are also allowed to have a second child without punishment.

It remains unclear as to how the proposed two-child policy will work, though its being suggested that several big cities will be selected to try it before its brought in around the country.

For CRI, Im Wang Jing.



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Last year I have been to the Sanya to travel.I was seen the beautiful beach,and I was skined in the sea is very large and it looked blue and I am not good at swimming,so I hadnt to swim for a long Iwent to Wuzhi

e was a forest,so beautiful.I was bought some presons for my uncle and aunt.

At the last,I had to take furry to get to Zhanjiang and took a plane to go home.

What a happy day!



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New Year is the biggest festival for Chinese people. After about half a

month, there is a traditional festival, it is the Lantern Festival, which is

also important. The first round moon day in the New Year is special. People

continue to celebrate the New Year and enjoy the time with their families.

The coming of Lantern Festival is various. Some people said that it is

related with Buddha. When the Buddhas meditated, they need light in front of

them, so the light can drive away monster for people. Today, in some areas,

people light up lanterns to beg for a son from god. No matter what the story is,

the traditional festival is favored by people and the government pays special

attention to remind this tradition.

There are many activities on Lantern Festival, and the most traditional

game is the riddle. People can read some riddles that are written in the

lanterns. They can get prizes if they know the answers. I love riddle so much,

because when I figure out the answers, I will be very proud of myself, at the

same time, I can learn some funny knowledge.



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The general age of college students are between 18 to 25 year. From the psychological point of view, it’s in the medium of youth. Some people say that the college students are adults that they handle well with psychological problems. However, the rest argue that college students are not so mature when faced with psychological problems. I agree to the latter and i think it’s necessary to open a psychological lesson to the college students because of the following reasons.


Firstly, in recent years, there are more and more college students drop out from school due to psychological problems. Growing , homicides and other unusual serious incidents are reported from time to time. Now, the social attention to college students’ mental health has reached to climax. Secondly, college students are in a perplexed and contradictory age. On the one hand, they have to study in school to enrich themselves and to get a diploma. On the other hand, they think they are mature to live an independent life, but most of them still depend on their parents. In addition, study challenge, employment pressure and life stress could produce psychological problems.


To sum up, college students are adults but they are still faced with many pressures causing psychological problems that they can not deal with. Therefore, it’s very necessary to open a psychological lesson to college students, helping them get through this period smoothly.





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In the U.S., we hang a christmas wreath and put lights on our house. We give presents to our friends.

In Australia,we have a picnic on the beach. At night, we sing carols by candlelight.

In theU.K., we pull Christmas crackers. We eat mince pies and Christmas pudding.

In Mexico, we have nine Posada parades at Christmas. Then we have a pinata party and get fruit and candy.



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I like Leigang park.

In the Leigang Park, we can see many trees and flowers there. Some flowers are red, and some are purple. The trees are big and tall. We can see a hill in the park. At the foot of the hill, we can see many houses and many roads.

There are many people in the park. Some are walking and singing. Some are dancing or playing games.

All the families are having a good time in the park.



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i have two turtles, they are cute. i′ve had them for two years.

they carry heavy shells,just like carrying a school bag. they have eyes which shines just like black beans. they are funny.

they are like to eat the watermelon in the summer. mother always buy more for the turtles,so i think that they like to cool down as well, but they are shy when eating, they don′t want to be watched, as they inhaling the food . the ofter day , i bried to observe how they eat their food.

the way they eat is really funny.no wondey why they are so shy.

grauing up, fradually. i want to stay with him as long as he lives.



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Persons lips can emit the most sweet words, is "mother", the most beautiful and good voice, is the "mother".

Persons life, from the strange pain to ineffable jing. This process, a support me through any difficulties, she is my mother.

She is not beautiful, but smile can make my heart head lecture dissipation; She is not learned, even before he graduated from university. But her selfless love to me, let I touched, but also let me guilty.

A school in the morning, the mother, as usual, got up early to cook, Ive told her many times I can go outside to eat, but he is worried about the outside food is not health, determined to do breakfast for me. That got up late, I hastily wash out, went towards the door, my mother just came out from the room, did not move chopsticks on the table, then told me to fill in something into the belly, otherwise will be hungry, but I didnt listen to mothers words, but feel she vexed, slammed the door hurriedly ran downstairs. In the mind always feel uncomfortable, mother is also good for me, running head out just now. "And so on of xx, an umbrella, it is a bit dark, afraid that it will rain, take it." Looking at the panting mother, in the heart of guilt to upgrade, tears seemed to jump out, "see, Im going." Along the way, Im thinking, mother have been busy for the child, the rest of my life in the end is supported by two white himself. Mother is great.

Back to school and heard other classmates in the loving mother Yin ", very feeling in the heart, dont say anything.

Now I have grown up, know how to filial piety mother, recall the past, there are still many places Im sorry. But, because of the past, only now understand. Have a love my mother, just have now sheets of testimonials on the wall.

Ill always remember that I now all the glory and pride are from mother.










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My chinese name is 范依昀。My English name is Kate. Brown. My family name is Brown. My first name is Kate. I’m 12 years old. I am chinese. I’m from Huzhou. I have many hobbies. I like playing football, and playing computer. I like blue best. I have a friend. Her name is 蒋姣姣。 She looks happy, she is lovely. I like her very much. She likes watching TV and singing.there is three people in my family, my father, mother and me. My father is a doctor, my mother is a doctor too. I like them very much. I am happy every day. My telephone number is ********. Welcome to my home.

班主任评语:very good! Your hand-writhing is very nice.



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Although my hometown is in the middle of the countryside, but there elegant environment, ma of farmland, green, relaxed and happy making a person!

Walk on the path of the field, breathing the fresh air, the grass is green and luxuriant., at the foot of the flowers smile. This beautiful scene, let me nervous mood ease up.

Come to my house along the quiet and tastefully laid out and the path. Sitting in a small yard, the first thing you encounter is a few lush poplar tree. They are tall, like a guard to protect our home, thank you, lovely poplar. Through the gap of poplar and is layered terraces, green seedlings are thriving, the farmer uncle of the field are weeding them sweating in the hot sun. To the autumn harvest, they are hard-working, I silently raised an admiration of love.

Yard was clear the left side of the lotus pond, lotus leaves with a blooming lotus flower, lotus leaf strips under small fish in the chase; Hiding in the lotus lotus seed, how to pick a flower! "Little Eva hold boat, white lotus back. Dont understand Tibetan, duckweed open." Bai juyis "pool" emerge in my mind. How I want to do a small bai juyis Eva, to enjoy the lotus pond in boundless fragrance.

Garden on the right side is the kitchen, the kitchen has a thick bamboo forest. Cicadas do not know where, only to hear "see, see" a cry.

Looked up at the sky cbsi, look down at yard before the clear brook, to listen to the song of the birds cry, is really "people in the middle", home feels good!









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Christmas Day is on December 25th. It was originated in the western

country, but today, this festival has been celebrated by the world. For the

manufacturers, they are very happy to make this day as a shopping day. I enjoy

the great atmosphere.

I had a very special Christmas day last year. I experienced the western

style festival. There was a new foreign teacher taught us the lesson. She was

about 50 years old and she was very kind and we all liked her. On Christmas Day,

she brought us the desserts she made early in the morning. We enjoyed the

home-made cakes. Whats more, she invited us to came to her house and spent the

day with her. Then for the first time, I ate big turkey, which was so delicious.

The turkey was filled with many stuffs and the flavor was so good. After dinner,

we sang songs and danced.

Thanks to my foreign teacher, I experienced the American style festival. It

was such funny for me. Though today many people enjoy shopping in all kinds of

festivals, the meaning of these festival should be remembered.
