关于春节对联的小报汇总六篇 作文英语最新20篇







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this summer vacation in the past month,this month i and my parents went to Vancouver to visit my friends.

We lodged at a friendss house.

Arrived in Vancouver on the first day,is already in the afternoon, so good friends mother decided to let our two people together to do a dinner .His mother cook the pizza. Hanburger, my mother and i do . In addition, the father is responsible for to buy drinks.

My brother and sister are in charge of eating.

After dinner, i and my friends and his younger brother ang sister to the courtyard behind the big swimming pool, especially fun.

Well, Im waiting for my second days diary.




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1、上联:匣藏铁砚青云敛 下联:墨洒金壶紫汁凝

2、上联:小点墨池成巨浪 下联:轻摇寒竹润浓烟

3、上联:许多丘壑胸中贮 下联:无数烟云笔下生

4、上联:薛涛新裁光迷五色 下联:剡溪美制艳夺三春

5、上联:砚田喜得耕无税 下联:美质如斯磨不嶙

6、上联:艺圃乍惊龙化石 下联:士林初讶凤窥池

7、上联:影端缘守直 下联:心劲懒藏锋

8、上联:硬黄通古法 下联:匀碧寄新笺

9、上联:玉管香浓花研雨露 下联:金壶汁洒纸泼云烟

10、上联:云烟落笔光华耀 下联:胶漆和香气味馨

11、上联:匀碧硬黄增添色泽 下联:骈红俪翠刷染鲜妍

12、上联:珍共图书争辉东壁 下联:林成翰墨游艺西园

13、上联:直写飞蓬牒 下联:横承落絮篇

14、上联:制成乌玉块 下联:香羡紫霄峰

15、上联:贮水养来青玉案 下联:和烟磨出紫溪云

16、上联:爪影留鸿得天然趣 下联:脂香凝蜡具人造功

17、上联:壮志漫夸班固远 下联:选材应法卫夫人

18、上联:乌玉藏真贵 下联:黄金换未当

19、上联:万选材夸湖郡美 下联:成章价贵洛阳多

20、上联:瓦藏铜雀古 下联:水浥玉蟾新

21、上联:天涯雁寄回文锦 下联:水国鱼传尺素书

22、上联:桃红柳绿交相映 下联:魏紫姚黄分外妍

23、上联:潭近百花自多佳制 下联:楼夸五凤好助添修

24、上联:松滋龙剂金同质 下联:易水犀纹玉比珍

25、上联:松烟清润朝挥翰 下联:柳影月明夜校书

26、上联:上党隃糜盛传汉制 下联:金华笏样夙尚陈玄

27、上联:散墨松香起 下联:濡毫藻句清

28、上联:秋声露绕千章锦 下联:春晓云流五色笺

29、上联:轻篆青花烟却冷 下联:因凝蕉叶雾犹香

30、上联:奇香细洒金壶汁 下联:新谱盛传银盏烟

31、上联:铺玉销金挥毫如玉 下联:含章蕴藻美品可珍

32、上联:品重三都硬黄匀碧 下联:巧传十样剪翠裁红

33、上联:蓬叶马蹄青花映色 下联:端溪鹆眼金钱成文

34、上联:囊底毛锥惊脱颖 下联:怀中江管梦生花

35、上联:墨块磨开可调数千壮马 下联:笔尖挥动能麾百万雄兵

36、上联:墨花飞紫露 下联:笔阵起雄风

37、上联:妙手生花文章增色 下联:粉金溢彩匀碧扬芬

38、上联:落纸烟云皆学问 下联:挥毫锦绣尽文章

39、上联:落处惊风雨 下联:挥来泣鬼神

40、上联:俪翠骈红名高十样 下联:硬黄匀碧价重三都

41、上联:金花玉屑 下联:翠色冷光

42、上联:价为三都贵 下联:名因十样新

43、上联:鸡距鹿毛花开五色 下联:鼠须麟角笔扫千军

44、上联:挥洒雅宜供五凤 下联:缄封还可寄双鱼

45、上联:挥毫万语铺金绣 下联:落纸千言胜紫烟

46、上联:挥毫成锦绣 下联:落纸似烟云

47、上联:壶中凝蜡汁 下联:石上印鸿文

48、上联:毫端挥去知棉薄 下联:几上铺来映麦光

49、上联:光明凝似雪 下联:色泽滑于油

50、上联:供应纸张笔墨 下联:货销城市乡村



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Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival,also known as the Chinese New Year.To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West.the dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the GREgorian calendar,so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February.

To the ordinary Chinese,the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Year’s Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar.But the 15th of the first month,which normally is called the Lantern Festival,means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country.




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上联:一帆风顺吉星到 下联:万事如意福临门 横批:财源广进

上联:五湖四海皆春色 下联:万水千山尽得辉 横批:万象更新

上联:一干二净除旧习 下联:五讲四美树新风 横批:辞旧迎春

上联:春雨丝丝润万物 下联:红梅点点绣千山 横批:春意盎然

上联:百年天地回元气 下联:一统山河际太平 横批:国泰民安

上联:一帆风顺年年好 下联:万事如意步步高 横批:吉星高照

上联:喜居宝地千年旺 下联:福照家门万事兴 横批:喜迎新春

上联:百世岁月当代好 下联:千古江山今朝新 横批:万象更新

上联:一年四季春常在 下联:万紫千红永开花 横批:喜迎新春

上联:和顺一门有百福 下联:平安二字值千金 横批:万象更新

上联:春临大地百花艳 下联:节至人间万象新 横批:万事如意

上联:日出江花红胜火 下联:春来江水绿如蓝 横批:鸟语花香

上联:红梅含苞傲冬雪 下联:绿柳吐絮迎新春 横批:欢度春节

上联:绿竹别其三分景 下联:红梅正报万家春 横批:春回大地

上联:一年四季行好运 下联:八方财宝进家门 横批:家和万事兴



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(1) How Do People in My Hometown Observe Spring Festival

(2) My College Life ---- A Summary of the First Term in Zhejiang

Gongshang University

Spring Festival in my Hometown

The Spring Festival, the most jubilant and important festival in China, is observed by most Chinese people at home and abroad. Our hometown is not an exception.

Similar with other places in china, we prepare for the festival about half a month before. With the lunar New Year approaching, the red lanterns are hung up along the main streets, making the ancient town filled with the festival atmosphere. While people clean up their houses, decorate it with traditional decorations such as Chinese knots and paper cutting. Each family pastes up Spring Festival couplets to convey their best wishes for the coming year.

On the New Year’s Eve, the whole family sits around, having a

sumptuous feast of reunion. It is worth mentioning that the food we have called maiyouzhi is unique. There is a flat piece of wheat sheet covering various vegetable and meat then rolling them up. What a delicious it is! After dinner, the family always watches the Spring Festival Gala Evening, and sets up fireworks to watch in the New Year.

On the first day of the New Year, people pay visits to the relatives and friends to send New Year’s greetings to each other and wish everything smoothly in the new year. The kids can get a lot of lucky money from the elders.

During the whole holiday, there are varied activities in the town such as lion and dragon dance, and all the citizens enjoy them very much.

People celebrate the festival until the Lantern festival. However, the wonderful memory and the joy of the Spring Festival will last long.

It’s really my honor to be part of Zhejiang Gongshang University.

My College Life

How time flies! I have been in Zhejiang Gongshang University for a semester. In retrospect, my college life is busy but colorful. Different from my senior high school’s life, the whole new life I led is much freer. I arranged my time,

becoming the master of myself.

First of all, study is still the core of my life. I major in Japanese which is both interesting and challenging. We are required to be accomplished in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating. As a result I had to spend most of time in improving my abilities. Besides of the regular courses, I often attended the lecture and went to the library to eich my knowledge, and I do benefit from what I learnt.

As to the after school life, what I consider most meaningful is joining the YVP to serve society. I think it is the responsibility for every university student to make contribution to the community. Little as my effort is, I tried my best to help the people around us. Once the YVP organized us to sell secondhand books and raise the money to help the people indeed.

In addition, I quite enjoy the travels and the bees. Travels let me experience the sunshine, fresh air as well as the special taste of the local customs and practices. While the bees keep the friendship shining, and friends are as if family members. Both of them lit up my life.

All in all, the college life is a journey, and I have long way to go; all the memory is the most precious treasure, and I will value every moment.



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The first day is for the welcoming of the deities of the heavens and earth, officially beginning at midnight. Many people, especially Buddhists, abstain from meat consumption on the first day because it is believed that this will ensure longevity for them. Some consider lighting fires and using knives to be bad luck on New Years Day, so all food to be consumed is cooked the day before. For Buddhists, the first day is also the birthday of Maitreya Bodhisattva (better known as the more familiar Budai Luohan), the Buddha-to-be. People also abstain from killing animals.

Most importantly, the first day of Chinese New Year is a time when families visit the oldest and most senior members of their extended family, usually their parents, grandparents or great-grandparents.

Some families may invite a lion dance troupe as a symbolic ritual to usher in the Lunar New Year as well as to evict bad spirits from the premises. Members of the family who are married also give red packets containing cash to junior members of the family, mostly children and teenagers.

While fireworks and firecrackers are traditionally very popular, some regions have banned them due to concerns over fire hazards, which have resulted in increased number of fires around New Years and challenged municipal fire departments work capacity. For this reason, various city governments (e.g., Hong Kong, and Beijing, for a number of years) issued bans over fireworks and firecrackers in certain premises of the city. As a substitute, large-scale fireworks have been launched by governments in cities like Hong Kong to offer citizens the experience.



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The best thing to see is fireworks; the most pleasing thing is fireworks; the most popular is the fireworks.

I also love fireworks, love that beautiful. Bright fireworks.

My hometown is in the countryside, a small country, every time I have to go back every year, this year is no exception.

It was dark, no moon, no stars, no light. People were watching TV at home, waiting for the start of the Spring Festival Gala, and there was a quiet silence. Suddenly, “ a bombardment of ” a sound, breaking the silence. I ran out to see that someone started to smoke.

The fireworks, so close to me, bloomed on the top of my head. After the loud noise, it is like a myriad of small stars, forming a round ball. There are red, green, yellow, purple … … colourful, very beautiful.

Then all the people began to smoke. Around the sound, &ldquo bomb; ” like thunder, the sky was also reflected a riotous with colour.

I stood on the roof and looked at the beautiful scenery. Because the countryside is surrounded by mountains, so, when the fire and fire in all directions rise, it will appear to be very hierarchical. Its near here. Its far away. Here we see the whole form of fireworks, where only a point and a little light are seen.

Somehow, I suddenly felt a kind of happiness. Looking at the fireworks that bloomed, it was like a warm stream passing through it.

&ldquo, fireworks, can make people happy? ” I cant help asking myself.

“ yes, but I dont know why. ” I thought in my heart.

Looking at the fireworks, I fell into a fantasy. I dream of my family and I sat down to eat family reunion dinner, laughing and talking, not a lack of, a lot; I imagine my friends and I can happily spend every day, no worries, no quarrel; I imagine my future life rich and colorful; I think I thought everything, all wishes all; I can imagine waking and meet, he looked carefully, with listening to his song … … I imagined all the beautiful picture, the heart suddenly enriched many.

The lovely fireworks, like the pure smiling face of the child, make people happy. The bright fireworks are like countless glittering eyes filled with love, so it makes people happy. The beautiful fireworks, like a flash in the pan, just fell off. It brought happiness to people in its most wonderful moments, and left peoples daydream space to imagine the happiness they want.

I stood there and looked at the fireworks, but my heart had long gone, and I flew to the happiness of the fireworks.



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春满神州,树上摇钱如蝶舞 时盛岁新,河岳高吟诗世界

花开艺苑,盆中聚宝似莺飞 年丰人寿,江山沉醉酒春秋

海峡同心,一统江山人共盼 盛世多才,时雨点红花万树

春风两岸,团圆骨肉众相期 春光似海,东风吹绿柳千条悦目赏心,神州昌盛山花福 大地沐春晖,万紫千红开盛世

吟诗作对,岁序更新景物华 神州沾党泽,五湖四海乐丰年

报晓鸡声,拂晓钟声,声声悦耳 招南北东西杰才,绘我神州特色

赏心国事,舒心家事,事事关情 集古今中外精粹,写吾盛世新篇

迎春接福,笑逐颜开庆合家团聚 喜看南国花繁,红透洞庭波映日

进喜添财,神怡心旷看举国欢腾 紧握楚天笔健,才追潘岳气凌云

两岸民情,欢迎两地同心行两制 舞志士,激雄心,歌来红日千门晓

三通众望,赢得三阳交泰贺三春 除邪氛,张正气,攀上碧桃四海春

鸡豚之畜,毋失其时,可以致富矣 梅吐蕊,柳抽芽,老少边穷春正好

梨桔之苗,广栽其圃,安得愁穷哉 地生金,人益寿,东西南北景常新善政暖人心,经济腾飞闻国际 海峡水虽深,幸有长虹飞两岸

东风苏大地,春光灿烂耀神州春节情更切,好凭大雁送千封黄鹂鸣翠柳,民殷物阜歌盛世 春水泛桃花,水面文章呈异彩

梅花报新春,海晏河清倾党恩 东风梳柳絮,风光旖旎蕴深情

廉风拂禹甸,人和政通千秋永 开特色先河,三卷雄文惊日月

喜讯遍神州,岁稔年丰百业兴 奔小康前景,九州志士唱春秋

两岸共迎春,一统前程花似锦 神眼察边疆,战士常携千里镜

九州同祝酒,千秋大业固如磐 丹心存祖国,人民热爱五星旗

西昌火箭升,春临南国飞金凤 迎春潮,转机制,开拓市场经济

北阙风云会,日照东方起巨龙 饮美酒,变职能,增添企业财源祖国在心金杯在手,张张笑脸迎新岁




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1. 春联对歌民安国泰 喜字成双花好月圆 横幅:国泰民安

2. 岁通盛世家家富 人遇年华个个欢 横幅:大快人心

3. 五更分二年年年满意 一夜连两岁岁岁如意 横幅:恭贺新春

4. 春满人间百花吐艳 福临小院四季常安 横幅:欢度春节

5. 春雨丝丝润万物 红梅点点绣千山 横幅:春意盎然

6. 丹凤呈祥龙献瑞 红桃贺岁杏迎春 横幅:福满人间

7. 汗马绝尘安外振中标青史 锦羊开泰富民清政展新篇 横幅:春满人间

8. 跟顺一门有百福 平安二字值千金 横幅:万象更新

9. 黄莺鸣翠柳 紫燕剪春风 横幅:莺歌燕舞

10. 惠通邻里,门迎春夏秋冬福 诚待世贤,户纳东南西北财 横幅:吉星高照

11. 春色明媚山河披锦绣 华夏腾飞祖国万年轻 横幅:山河壮丽

12. 一帆风顺年年好 万事如意步步高 横幅:吉星高照

13. 事事如意大吉祥 家家顺心永安康 横幅:四季兴隆

14.春临大地百花艳 节至人间万象新 横幅:万事如意

15. 一年四季春常在 万紫千红永开花 横幅:喜迎新春

16. 一年四季行好运 八方财宝进家门 横幅:家和万事兴

17. 绿竹别其三分景 红梅正报万家春 横幅:春回大地

18. 红梅含苞傲冬雪 绿柳吐絮迎新春 横幅:欢度春节

19. 日出江花红胜火 春来江水绿如蓝 横幅:鸟语花香

20. 春满人间欢歌阵阵 福临门第喜气洋洋 横幅:五福四海




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今天是除夕,我们家一大早就起床了。因为,今天有许多事情要做,比如:要贴对联、 帮妈妈做饭等……因为,奶奶、姑姑、叔叔、婶婶要来我们家吃团圆饭。







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上联:雄鸡唱韵 下联:大地回春

上联:神猴辞岁 下联:金凤迎春

上联:鸡鸣晓旦 下联:燕舞阳春

上联:知廉标五德 下联:报午必三鸣

上联:鹊送喜报 下联:鸡传佳音鸡年

上联:红鸡啼夜晓 下联:黄犬吠年丰

上联:猴引康庄道 下联:鸡迎锦绣春

上联:鸡声天下曙 下联:春意海南潮

上联:金鸡日独立 下联:紫燕春双飞

上联:鸡鸣天放晓 下联:政改地回春

上联:雄鸡喔喔颂尧天 下联:腊狗汪汪歌舜日

上联:雄鸡一唱天下白 下联:锦犬再雕宇宙春

上联:雄鸡唱罢九州乐 下联:金犬吠来四海安

上联:雄鸡喜唱升平日 下联:志士欢歌改革年

上联:鸡鸣晓日江山丽 下联:犬吠神州岁月新

上联:闻鸡起舞迎元旦 下联:击壤而歌颂小康

上联:四海升平歌舜日 下联:九州盛世乐尧天

上联:万象喜回春守信 下联:一元欣复始司晨

上联:金鸡喜唱催春早 下联:绿柳轻摇舞絮妍

上联:万户桃符新气象 下联:群山霞彩富神州

上联:把酒当歌歌盛世 下联:闻鸡起舞舞新春

上联:鸡报小康随日出 下联:年迎大有伴春来

上联:猴奋已教千户乐 下联:鸡鸣又报万家春

上联:雄鸡喜唱升平日 下联:志士欢歌改革年

上联:跃马扬鞭芳草地 下联:闻鸡起舞杏花天

上联:鸟报晴和花报喜 下联:鸡生元宝地生财

上联:癸戴草头朝赤日 下联:酉添春水上朱颜

上联:金鸡高唱迎春曲 下联:铁牛欢催改革潮

上联:保驾护航奔富路 下联:昂头振翼唱东风

上联:鸡声一唱东方白 下联:猴棒三挥玉宇清

上联:雄鸡喜报春光好 下联:健笔勤书正气多

上联:金猴留恋丰收年 下联:彩凤欢啼盛世春

上联:犬能守夜迎新岁 下联:鸡可司里送旧年

上联:鸡描竹叶三中颂 下联:犬绘梅花五福临

上联:金鸡一唱传佳讯 下联:玉犬三呼报福音

上联:金鸡报晓歌大治 下联:丹凤朝阳赞中兴

上联:金鸡唤出扶桑日 下联:锦犬迎来大地春

上联:喜庆新春闻鸡起舞 下联:欣逢盛世跃马扬鞭

上联:邦兴国治鸡唱门庭 下联:春暖花开犬蹲院里




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The happy spring festival spring festival is on the first day of the first lunar month。chinese people most like the spring festival。during spring festival,Chinese people like having meals with their families,playing fireworks in the open air。my sisters and iplayed fireworks on that day。We had many fireworks。

they were very beautiful。they were running into the sky and breaking into pieces。



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上联:五谷丰登家家户户喜盈盈 下联:六畜兴旺镇镇乡乡乐融融

上联:人勤春早千里山河忙备耕 下联:花繁果硕万众一心绘新图

上联:三尺柜台满面春风笑相待 下联:分方顾客一腔喜悦盼重逢

上联:家业丰收遍地皆闻五谷香 下联:企业兴隆到处可风气象新

上联:彩灯吐艳人间又是丰收岁 下联:瑞雪生辉大地重度盛世年

上联:总结经验事事应良看实践 下联:吸取教训时时须要戒空谈

上联:寸草晕春献计献策摘建设 下联:百川归海同心同德创未来

上联:神州大地春光春色春景好 下联:举国上下喜报喜讯喜事多

上联:自力更生祖国面貌时时变 下联:勤俭建国大地高楼日日新

上联:百废俱兴江山多姿皆入画 下联:三春伊始城乡无处不飞花

上联:一代英雄千锤百炼顶天立 下联:满园桃李万紫千红向阳开

上联:发扬民主祖国山河春似海 下联:解放思想神州大地势如潮

上联:旭日东升江山万里春意闹 下联:东风劲吹神州一片百花鲜

上联:攀登科学高峰友心挟雷电 下联:赶超世界水平斗志卷风云

上联:治痼疗疴扁鹊重一称妙手 下联:扶伤救死华陀再世颂白衣

上联:祖国三春春风春阳春不尽 下联:文坛百花花山花海花无涯

上联:春暖校园心血浇开桃李艳 下联:情凝肺腑辛勤育了栋梁材

上联:文明古国励精图治搞建设 下联:东方巨人雄姿英发奔小康

上联:申张正义扶善安良昌正气 下联:严明法纪惩凶除害去邪风

上联:守边若磐战士钢枪迎月旦 下联:执法如岳人民铁笔写春秋

上联:大地回春山山水水风光美 下联:政策归心行行业业气象新

上联:文明经商柜台内外添春色 下联:礼貌待客城乡上下喜开怀

上联:克己奉公两袖清风做公朴 下联:护国安民一身正气依法则

上联:时时想群众方便千挑不厌 下联:处处为人民着想百问不烦

上联:喜爆声声千家万户庆有余 下联:红灯盏盏万镇千城贺新春

上联:岁月逢春山山水水风光美 下联:政策归心行行业来气象新

上联:长城内外钢花飞起漫天霞 下联:大江南北油龙滚动遍地潮

上联:喜村庄五谷丰登粮山棉海 下联:看城镇一派昌盛车水马龙

上联:一元复始瞩目欣看春来早 下联:万象更新举首敢笑燕归迟

上联:一元复始山山水水锦添花 下联:万象更新家家户户豆临门

上联:昌盛时代山水腾跃诗画里 下联:大兴年头人民欢笑歌舞中

上联:艰苦奋斗传万家家家致富 下联:励精图治兴百业业业更新

上联:志在青山汗水浇绿山千万 下联:献身峻岭热血映红岭万千

上联:宏图展招四海赤子天涯归 下联:江山秀引五洲朋友远方来

上联:勤勤恳恳不愁没有摇钱树 下联:俭俭省省哪怕难得聚宝盆

上联:大地回春千山披翠千山美 下联:春风送暖万水扬波万水欢

上联:横刀立马观五洲风云变幻 下联:荷戈达旦防大霸小霸逞狂




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1.上联:当于鸡鸣常起舞 下联:莫为狗苟总偷安

2.上联:兴邦当立鲲鹏志 下联:报国应效犬马劳

3.上联:名犬如今成宠物 下联:长虫自古是佳肴

4.上联:年逢大有牛羊壮 下联:国步小康鸡犬宁

5.上联:报晓司晨辞旧岁 下联:尽忠守夜接新班

6.上联:鸡声笛韵祥云灿 下联:犬迹梅花瑞雪飞

7.上联:鸡去瑶池传喜讯 下联:犬来大地报春意

8.上联:鸡年利事家家乐 下联:犬岁发财户户欢

9.上联:鸡鸣天上登仙境 下联:犬吠人间入宝山

10.上联:鸡鸣天上登仙境 下联:犬入云中唤宝山

11.上联:鸡鸣岁尾千家乐 下联:犬吠年头万户安

12.上联:鸡岁已登千仞塔 下联:犬年更上一层楼

13.上联:鸡岁已添几多喜 下联:犬年更上一层楼

14.上联:鸡因富裕纵情唱 下联:犬为平安放胆眠

15.上联:鸡仁犬义人康泰 下联:雨顺风调岁稔丰

16.上联:鸡书竹字添新喜 下联:犬踏梅花报早春

17.上联:鸡报三多留竹叶 下联:犬至五福踏梅花

18.上联:鸡踏霜园三竹叶 下联:犬行雪径五梅花

19.上联:鸡追日月雄风舞 下联:狗跃山河瑞气生

20.上联:鸡为岁归留竹叶 下联:犬因春到献梅花

21.上联:国富民强缘改革 下联:鸡鸣犬吠报升平

22.上联:奋发仍需鸡报晓 下联:平安何用犬防宵

23.上联:狗为宠物成时尚 下联:鹊报福音过大年

24.上联:狗来富裕猫来贵 下联:鹤舞寿松燕舞春

25.上联:狗看门户喜无恙 下联:人积粮棉岁有余




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上联:旧岁又添几个喜 下联:新年更上一层楼 横批:辞旧迎新

上联:绿竹别其三分景 下联:红梅正报万家春 横批:春回大地

上联:民安国泰逢盛世 下联:风调雨顺颂华年 横批:民泰国安

上联:内外平安好运来 下联:合家欢乐财源进 横批:吉星高照

上联:年年顺景则源广 下联:岁岁平安福寿多 横批:吉星高照

上联:日出江花红胜火 下联:春来江水绿如蓝 横批:鸟语花香

上联:日日财源顺意来 下联:年年福禄随春到 横批:新春大吉

上联:事事如意大吉祥 下联:家家顺心永安康 横批:四季兴隆

上联:岁通盛世家家富 下联:人遇年华个个欢 横批:皆大欢喜

上联:天地和顺家添财 下联:平安如意人多福 横批:四季平安

上联:天增岁月人增寿 下联:春满乾坤福满楼 横批:四季长安

上联:万事如意展宏图 下联:心想事成兴伟业 横批:五福临门

上联:五湖四海皆春色 下联:万水千山尽得辉 横批:万象更新

上联:喜居宝地千年旺 下联:福照家门万事兴 横批:喜迎新春

上联:一帆风顺吉星到 下联:万事如意福临门 横批:财源广进

上联:一帆风顺年年好 下联:万事如意步步高 横批:吉星高照

上联:一帆风顺年年好 下联:万事如意步步高 横批:五福临门

上联:一干二净除旧习 下联:五讲四美树新风 横批:辞旧迎春

上联:一年好运随春到 下联:四季彩云滚滚来 横批:万事如意

上联:一年四季春常在 下联:万紫千红永开花 横批:喜迎新春

上联:一年四季行好运 下联:八方财宝进家门 横批:家和万事兴

上联:迎喜迎春迎富贵 下联:接财接福接平安 横批:吉祥如意

上联:迎新春江山锦绣 下联:辞旧岁事泰辉煌 横批:春意盎然

上联:迎新春事事如意 下联:接鸿福步步高升 横批:好事临门

上联:占天时地利人和 下联:取九州四海财宝 横批:财源不断

上联:壮丽山河多异彩 下联:文明国度遍高风 横批:山河壮丽

上联:春联对歌民安国泰 下联:喜字成双花好月圆 横批:国泰民安

上联:春满人间百花吐艳 下联:福临小院四季常安 横批:欢度春节

上联:春满人间欢歌阵阵 下联:福临门第喜气洋洋 横批:五福四海

上联:春色明媚山河披锦绣 下联:华夏腾飞祖国万年轻 横批:山河壮丽

上联:五更分两年年年称心 下联:一夜连两岁岁岁如意 横批:恭贺新春

上联:汗马绝尘安外振中标青史 下联:锦羊开泰富民清政展新篇 横批:春满人间

上联:惠通邻里,门迎春夏秋冬福 下联:诚待世贤,户纳东南西北财 横批:吉星高照



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Today is the annual traditional festival in China, "Spring Festival". The morning sun was still in bed, I was like the sound of firecrackers to wake up. I get up and wash, this is my brother and sister have been wearing new clothes neat and I go to visit my grandparents and grandparents give us pay New Years call, each made a big red, I opened the door to stay, which contained a $100 bill, I like to eat honey, happy the flowers.

After eating dumplings, my mother said that I dont have to write my homework today. I can play a day with my brother and sister. I am very happy after I hear it.

The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. On this day, every family has to eat dumplings, set off firecrackers, put up couplets and hang lanterns, which is the happiest and happiest day of the year.



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There are many customs in our hometown of ezhou: the Dragon Boat Festival is the leaves, the Mid-Autumn festival is eating moon cakes, qingming festival worship... Today I will tell you about the Spring Festival of ezhou!

"Spring Festival, Spring Festival to, the streets and alleys are really lively", I believe that you are not strangers to the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. When it comes to the beginning of the month of the twelfth lunar month, every family begins to get busy: salted fish, cured meat, and sausages. The grown-ups have to prepare presents for the children. Everyone was jubilant and filled with sweetness and warmth.

On the 24th day of the twelfth month of the twelfth lunar month, when the sky was dark, the firecracker went off. Many people began to wear new clothes, and every family began to prepare elaborate dishes.

On New Years eve, the atmosphere of Chinese New Year was everywhere. There are red and red couplets on the door, and some New Year pictures outside. At night, the lights were blazing and the sound of firecrackers went on all night. The room was steaming, and everyone was happy to eat the dinner, the cup, the laughter. After dinner, the family gathered around the fire to watch the Spring Festival gala. Nearly all of us will be punctual this night.

Its no exaggeration to say that "the Spring Festival is booming". Look! Red spring couplets, red firecrackers, red red envelopes. Red in the auspicious!

Early in the early morning, many people are staying at home and sleeping on New Years eve. Young children like to pay a lot of money, because "pay money".

On the fifteenth day of the first month, the Lantern Festival arrived. Some big supermarkets hold guessing lantern riddles. Almost every time the lantern riddle activity, I and my cousin will participate, and each time will guess at a few, get a small gift! In the evening, many shops hang lanterns, but they are almost always the world of e-lanterns. On this day, every family will make dumplings and eat yuanxiao. Of course, the children who set off firecrackers on this day also have to hurry up, because after this day, the Spring Festival is over, and they cant play with firecrackers.

"In the sound of firecrackers, spring breeze sends warm to tu su." The Spring Festival brings us joy and happiness! Although the Spring Festival has passed, but its aftertaste is still in the air!





“ 红红火火过春节”,这可一点都不夸张。看!红色的春联,红色的鞭炮,红色的红包。红色寓示着吉祥!



“ 爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。”春节带给了我们欢乐和幸福!虽春节已过,但它的余味还在空气中弥漫!



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Spring Festival is the most important holiday for Chinese people. Excitement and happiness are palpable this time of the year, and they reach the peak on lunar new year‘s eve.

Though the 15-day period, which starts with the first day of the lunar new year and ends on the 15th day (known as Lantern Festival), is relatively long, it is the busiest time of the year for Chinese people. The arrangements they have to make for family reunions, buying necessities and preparing food keeps them busy throughout the holiday. Many of them travel back home and meet friends over dinner and drinks. The celebrations include decorating the house and setting off fireworks.

But we are talking about a tradition that seems to be fading.Spring Festival, as it is celebrated today, has undergone many changes, thanks to the country‘s economic development and globalization.

Yet no Spring Festival is complete without food. People could not get good food whenever they desired in earlier times, something that does not apply to society today. More often than not, people faced the risk of famine. The best time for people to celebrate was when food was available in plenty, and that was possible in spring, or the beginning of the lunar new year. That was the main reason why Spring Festival acquired such great importance among Chinese people.

But three decades of economic growth has ensured that people in China, except for those who are still poor, can enjoy a good meal whenever they want. Such has been the change in people‘s fortune that some have to be treated for obesity and other health problems associated with excessive eating.

In the past, celebrations were limited to events like song-and-dance duets in North China, dragon/lion dances in South China and fireworks, which required the joint efforts of the entire community. But economic development and urbanization seems to have weakened the social links among people. Many, especially those living in cities, are not interested in celebrating the festival with people they hardly know.

Many customs associated with Spring Festival have changed, too. In the past, people used to visit relatives and friends with gifts and lots of good wishes. Today, many people, especially the youth, use their cell phones or the Internet to send their good wishes and even "gifts" to their relatives and friends. Some may say this a sign that people have become less caring about their near and dear ones, but we should see this development as a time- and energy-saving exercise granted by the information age.

In recent times, many people have started praying for a career promotion or more money instead of invoking God or the Buddha for a healthy and long life and the welfare of their family. But the number of such people is decreasing now, which shows that people are becoming more reasonable.



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上联:红色医生 救死扶伤

下联:白衣战士 妙手回春



上联:举国同步 进军四化

下联:万众一心 巧绘宏图



上联:攻千重关 心怀天下

下联:读万卷书 志在四方

上联:发扬民主 广开言路

下联:严肃法制 维护治安

上联:举国上下 安定团结

下联:长城内外 百业兴隆



上联:艺苑百花 争奇斗艳

下联:文坛新苗 战雪傲霜

上联:马列主义 红旗开路

下联:四化建设 喜报迎春







上联:军爱民 同心搞战备

下联:民拥军 协力筑长城

上联:城乡携手 购销两旺

下联:工商同心 市场繁荣

上联:春风送暖 鸟语花香

下联:捷报传喜 人寿年丰

上联:安定团结 凯歌高奏

下联:调整经济 捷报频传

上联:实事求是 必须坚持

下联:革命传统 应该传承

上联:联产计酬 呼呼称赞

下联:多劳多得 人人欢喜

上联:文艺舞台 百花齐放

下联:教育战线 万木争春

上联:树雄心 怀四化大业

下联:鼓干劲 谱长征新篇

上联:教育园地 人才辈出

下联:科技战线 捷报频传

上联:政策随心 百业兴旺

下联:春风得意 万象更新



上联:发扬民主 健全法制

下联:破除迷信 解放思想



上联:爱民若子 有战必胜

下联:敬民若父 无坚不摧

上联:百花齐放 群芳斗艳

下联:百家争鸣 众才献智



上联:军民携手 铜墙铁壁

下联:工农协力 国富民强

上联:革新技术 求多求好

下联:制造产品 保质保量

上联:立壮志 实现现代化

下联:树雄心 攀登新高峰

上联:春色满园 百花齐放

下联:阳光普照 万象更新

上联:百货百美 百看不厌

下联:千客千心 千选不烦

上联:新长征 万民齐踊跃

下联:现代化 百业争兴隆



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In the traditional festivals, I like the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is the traditional festival of our Chinese nation. It is also the most solemn and jubilant of many traditional festivals. And in my eyes, the Spring Festival is the "Carnival" of the children, because the Spring Festival can be set off firecrackers, play games, watch fireworks... Dont be so happy!

When I said the Spring Festival, I remembered the scene of the Spring Festival last year. The day of purchase, I was there and bought a lot of kids race each other when fireworks during the day.

Look forward to it, and at last the "Party" in the evening has finally begun. The hungry we pigged out on the dinner on New Years Eve, drink! So much for the dinner on New Years Eve, I could not eat! Eat the dinner on New Years Eve, my sister and I took the firecrackers rushed out and pulled out the line with dads a lighter to burn, "who" shoot the colorful light to me "matchlock" shake up "matchlock" as a "ring of fire" very good-looking! "We finished line began to put the" fire ", we lit with a lighter wire gradually have a little pale fire to take out, as we shout fire gradually decreasing, gradually become a tree, my sister and I will do in the next action shouted:" high high high!!! "The light in the tree is like beating elf in the tree cheered, beating. At last, I took the gift, and we ignited the wire. The 99 - hair fireworks, like the artillery, are sending in colourful beauty.

In the end we launch fireworks unable to part the spring festival.




