关于春节对联的小报汇总六篇 作文英语(实用20篇)







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Slap, slap.... "the new year, everybody wears new clothes, rush to their hometown, firecrackers, eat family reunion dinner.

In the evening, when we had a reunion dinner and went outside to play the whip, my cousin came over and said, "when we play cards, we sneak up to the roof to explore. I hesitated for a moment, because I had one time in the daytime on the roof to see what it was, and I was scared to sleep in the pants, and even more at night. Then the cousin said to me quietly, "we go up to scare the new moon, we go to the end, and then we call the ghost and run down."

Crescent is my sister, only 7 years old is especially timid. Since she answers, I cant be worse than her.

In a dark and stormy night, we hold the torch, walking slowly, I do not know how to engage the cloth heart has been thinking about some demons and ghosts and horrible things do not forget. Suddenly, a flashlight is my cousin off the moon, shouting: "ghosts, ghosts," my heart has blown up again, my cousin opened the torch to look, the original is a clothes hanger, I say: "dont be surprised a fried is good, I almost had a heart attack," we laughed, forget the terrible thing, fast in the end, next to the things is a terrorist, I prepared to flee. "The ghost" run down quickly and I heard the password after the new moon cry, a sound to her mother cried, I do not know what to do, he must enter "Military".

It was an interesting thing that made me unforgettable.





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Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. From first day to fifteen, it is very busy every day. Although during the Spring Festival everyone is very busy, but this is a busy busy, is a busy busy.

New years Eve is the most deserving day for us to celebrate, because today, all of our family get together to chat, enjoy delicious food and enjoy the joy of reunion. The whole family was surrounded by laughter. We are more happy, wear new clothes, and bring new hats. And the money, oh, huh. Look at the beautiful fireworks blooming in the air, listen to every blessing everywhere. In every street and street, you will really feel the exciting moment. Our country is surrounded by blessing and firecrackers.

Every year with us and that wonderful spring festival gala, sweet songs, wonderful dance, magic, and then let us laugh and laugh and comic sketches. The 12 point countdown brought us into a new year. The new year is good and the new year is good. Wish you a good new year. In the end we staying-up late on new years Eve blessing. Beautiful and beautiful into the dream.

On the morning of the first year of the year, we all have to visit friends and friends to visit the year, with carefully prepared gifts, with a blessing to each other "good new year". In the bustling in to the fifteen Lantern Festival, every family will eat dumplings, on behalf of us together, the United States and the United states.

The Spring Festival in my hometown is colorful and we are happy. This is the Spring Festival in my hometown.



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I had a great time in the Spring Festival this year. I put on my new clothes, got the age money, ate the reunion dinner, saw the Spring Festival evening, played the colorful fireworks...

Since I went to buy fireworks, I was looking forward to the thirty of the year. Finally, we were looking forward to the eve of the new years Eve. After the dinner, I could not wait to take the fireworks and mother to the downstairs. All of a sudden, a loud noise made me jump. It turned out that the uncle in the next door was putting fireworks. In a moment, the sound of firecrackers came in and out. "Its beautiful!" the colorful fireworks broke the sky and illuminated the earth. All kinds of fireworks in the sky for shine!

I quickly picked up the fireworks and ignited the "revolving gun", and I saw it shot a golden flame. When the flame was blown out, I began to put the "rocket". My mother lit the fuse, all of a sudden, 25, with the continuous sound to fly in the sky, the beautiful flowers blooming in the air. Dad came, he lit the "The heavenly maids scatter blossoms". The lead was squeaking, but it didnt happen for a long time. I crept forward to explore it. My mother pulled me: "dont go! Its dangerous." Mothers words havent finished, rubs the fireworks fly on the sky, startled me. "Close!" I fear the murmured. The fireworks exploded in the air, and really scattered like countless fairies of flowers in the sky like fairies. In the twinkling of an eye, small petals turned into a small parachute and landed in the air, which was beautiful.

This day is the happiest day of my Spring Festival.

Although the fireworks are good, the beauty and lack of beauty is to make the environment of our city affected.



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立志当怀虎胆 求知莫畏羊肠






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It was the Eve of the Spring Festival.

Dusk was just falling as I slurped up the last bit of rice and laid down my chopsticks.

“Theyre starting!” cried my friend excitedly. “Quick! Quick!”

Outside, children were running everywhere. Their happy voices and faces made me warm inside, despite the cold wind that greeted me. My friend thrust a bundle of straw in my hands. “Come!” he cried. I giggled as I ran to catch up to him; the childrens excitement was a fever that spread to even the big kids like us.

I soon joined a rowdy bunch of children and teenagers who were building a bonfire in the middle of a path that ran through the wheat fields. “Here,”said my friend, handing me a long bamboo pole. “Put some of your straw in the fire. Then tie the rest onto your pole like this.” He demonstrated with his own materials, and I followed his example. Then he thrust both our torches into the fire and handed me mine. “Now run!”

And run I did----we all did. For miles and miles around, as far as I could see, there were small orange specks scattered about, and I could hear the distant screaming and laughing of other children running up and down the rice field path. For several hours into the night I helped build fires and keep an eye on the younger children. Occasionally I, too, lit a torch and ran around like a mad man, screaming and waving a flaming bamboo pole.

This festival, which occurred six days before Chinese New Year, was just one of the experiences during the visit to my friends over the Spring Festival. As it was explained to me, the purpose behind this festival was to allow the children to have fun burning up all the straw leftover after the harvest. Later, the ash is used for fertilizer.



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单位春节对联 |  以春节为题的对联


1) 九域风和沃土肥泥生万物,三春雨润新天丽日绽百花。

2) 瑶殿凝庥天上云霞依舜萐,衮衣献寿域中川岳捧尧尊。

3) 六管宣和乐奏钧天回暖律,三阶供极图呈益地迓新祺。

4) 日丽彤墀四表光华瞻正朔,云凝宝仗万方歌舞庆同春。

5) 松牖春回吉霭正临铜晷永,芝庭日丽祥光长拥玉枢高。

6) 海宇安恬圆峤方壶开福地,天阊詄荡右平左砌上熙台。

7) 红日初生万户想云临复道,青阳乍转九天佳气敞重楼。

8) 淑景舒华绛树含芳承瑞荫,和风协律紫鵷调暖奉祥噰。

9) 珠缀绕龙屏宝矩光连宝箓,璇题悬凤扆彤云瑞应彤墀。

10) 宝瑟和瑶琴百子池边春满,金柯连玉叶万年枝上云多。

11) 皋应辟春阳瑞气常浮五雉,羲和回日驭卿云时捧双龙。

12) 玩玩书画琴棋添几分潇洒,写写诗词歌赋倾一代风流。

13) 厚德著璇宫禁掖常尊尧舜,修龄储北斗春秋永亘贞元。

14) 生意无边奏曲文禽谐玉管,真机可挹交枝仙萼拥金铃。

15) 鳷观翔云九译同文朝玉陛,凤楼焕彩八方从律度瑶阊。



1) 家家喜迎新纪,处处恭贺丰年。

2) 坚持团结奋斗,致力振兴中华。

3) 江山春色娇艳,祖国前程辉煌。

4) 江山千秋永固,大业百世其昌。

5) 景历风花雪月,岁迎春夏秋冬。

6) 景美年丰国瑞,春新日丽人欢。

7) 九域春光永驻,三江福水长流。

8) 欢炮声声报喜,红联对对迎春。

9) 功业长留天地,光辉永照人间。

10) 放眼崭新世纪,振兴锦绣中华。


1) 雪白梅红柳绿,政通世顺人和。

2) 溢彩流光岁月,知书达理人家。

3) 家富国强民乐,春浓日暖花香。

4) 神州—派春色,祖国无限生机。

5) 虎奋千年古国,龙腾四化鹏程。

6) 虎跃龙腾国瑞,春华秋实年丰。

7) 户户金花报喜,家家紫燕迎春。

8) 花艳春光无限,人勤幸福有期。

9) 欢歌笑语辞旧,爆竹华灯迎新。


10) 红心巧绘三春,彩笔精描四化。

11) 欢庆高居大厦,喜迁遥念亲人。

12) 红梅伸枝傲雪,桃李含笑迎春。

13) 奋扫山间雨露,喜迎天下宾朋。

14) 风过红旗似画,春来绿水如烟。

15) 风展红旗如画,春来众志成城。

16) 风正江山吐秀,心齐国运昌隆。

17) 富裕全凭奋斗,成功来自艰辛。

18) 红杏香满晴陌,青梅酸滴阳枝。

19) 改革顿开富路,承包立铲穷根。

20) 开创千秋大业,绘成四化宏图。

21) 共建文明环境,同兴锦绣中华。

22) 国富民强盛世,花香日暖新春。

23) 国富星辰耀彩,政清日月生辉。

24) 国际风云多变,神州信念益坚。

25) 国泰家兴民乐,年丰日富时昌。

26) 国肇繁荣昌盛,民欣长治久安。

27) 好水好山好景,新岁新居新人。

28) 改革潮掀巨浪,振兴气贯长虹。

29) 人寿年丰福满,花香柳绿春浓。

30) 默默无闻做事,孜孜不倦读书。
















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The Spring Festival is the largest traditional festival in China, and the couplet is particularly important for the Spring Festival. Therefore, the couplet is the most important part of the couplet, and there is the following story.

In the year thirty, every household is busy, and my home is no exception. In the busy mother jinjinzhangzhang, and my father and I went to the post and I found the antithetical couplet, couplet antithetical couplet eggheadedness, can be possible to get the meaning of it, I dont know, took some sticks, the cattle full circle attached to the bed, "" health "affixed to the door;" go see happiness "posted on the pigsty...... Ive done it. Dad smiled and said, "ah! Not right! ". Then Dad and I put them all right again.

When a run out of play, see the door with a "mountain water water everywhere, every family in the year" of the new year. I looked at the couplet, looked at the red lanterns, and felt the taste of many years around, and every little friend that came out to play was very happy.

Wow! The Spring Festival is really happy!



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上联:一帆风顺吉星到 下联:万事如意福临门 横批:财源广进

上联:五湖四海皆春色 下联:万水千山尽得辉 横批:万象更新

上联:一干二净除旧习 下联:五讲四美树新风 横批:辞旧迎春

上联:春雨丝丝润万物 下联:红梅点点绣千山 横批:春意盎然

上联:百年天地回元气 下联:一统山河际太平 横批:国泰民安

上联:一帆风顺年年好 下联:万事如意步步高 横批:吉星高照

上联:喜居宝地千年旺 下联:福照家门万事兴 横批:喜迎新春

上联:百世岁月当代好 下联:千古江山今朝新 横批:万象更新

上联:一年四季春常在 下联:万紫千红永开花 横批:喜迎新春

上联:和顺一门有百福 下联:平安二字值千金 横批:万象更新

上联:春临大地百花艳 下联:节至人间万象新 横批:万事如意

上联:日出江花红胜火 下联:春来江水绿如蓝 横批:鸟语花香

上联:红梅含苞傲冬雪 下联:绿柳吐絮迎新春 横批:欢度春节

上联:绿竹别其三分景 下联:红梅正报万家春 横批:春回大地

上联:一年四季行好运 下联:八方财宝进家门 横批:家和万事兴



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1.上联:雄鸡一唱天下白 下联:锦犬再雕宇宙春

2.上联:鸟报晴和花报喜 下联:鸡生元宝地生财

3.上联:跃马扬鞭芳草地 下联:闻鸡起舞杏花天

4.上联:把酒当歌歌盛世 下联:闻鸡起舞舞新春

5.上联:癸戴草头朝赤日 下联:酉添春水上朱颜

6.上联:鸡鸣晓日江山丽 下联:犬吠神州岁月新

7.上联:国家安定人民乐 下联:党政清廉事业兴

8.上联:红日升空辉大道 下联:金鸡报晓促长征

9.上联:金允一唱传佳讯 下联:玉犬三呼报福音

10.上联:猴奋已教千户乐 下联:鸡鸣又报万家春

11.上联:鸡报小康随日出 下联:年迎大有伴春来

12.上联:鸡描竹叶三中颂 下联:犬绘梅花五福临

13.上联:雄鸡喜唱升平日 下联:志士欢歌改革年

14.上联:鸡鸣喜报丰收果 下联:犬吠欣迎富贵宾

15.上联:鸡鸣紫陌迎新曙 下联:马踏青云奔小康

16.上联:金猴留恋丰收年 下联:彩凤欢啼盛世春

17.上联:金鸡高唱迎春曲 下联:铁牛欢催改革潮

18.上联:鸡声一唱东方白 下联:猴棒三挥玉宇清

19.上联:把酒当歌歌盛世 下联:闻鸡起舞舞新春

20.上联:保驾护航奔富路 下联:昂头振翼唱东风

21.上联:癸戴草头朝赤日 下联:酉添春水上朱颜

22.上联:红日升空辉大道 下联:金鸡报晓促长征

23.上联:猴奋已教千户乐 下联:鸡鸣又报万家春

24.上联:鸡报小康随日出 下联:年迎大有伴春来

25.上联:鸡鸣紫陌迎新曙 下联:马踏青云奔小康




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The Spring Festival, Chinese New Year, is the most of important festival for all of us. All family members get together on New YearEve to have a big meal.At the same time, everyone celebrates to each other.At about 12 oclock, some parents and children light crackers.The whole sky is lighted brightly. We may watch the fireworks excitedly.How busy it is!

On the first early moring of one year, many senior citizen get up early and they stick the reversed Fu or hang some couplets on the front door. Some houses windows are sticked on red paper cutlings.

The Chinese New Year lasts fifteen days. So during the fifteen days, we always visit our relatives from door to door. At that time, children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and so on. The last day of the Chinese New Year is another festival. It names the Lantern Festival.

So the Chinese New Year comes to the end.







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1.上联:年年顺景财源广 下联:岁岁平安福寿长

2.上联:生意兴隆增百福 下联:财源广进纳千祥

3.上联:一张笑脸带春风 下联:十分生意如泰山

4.上联:门前接福福星照 下联:店内招财财运来

5.上联:春光永驻农家院 下联:福气常临吉祥宅

6.上联:福随瑞气来庭院 下联:财伴春风入宅门

7.上联:虎踞龙盘歌盛世 下联:莺歌燕舞迎新春

8.上联:莺歌燕舞迎新纪 下联:虎跃龙腾奔锦程

9.上联:虎添双翼前程远 下联:国展宏图事业新

10.上联:平安即是全家福 下联:和气可生四季财

11.上联:一家和睦一家福 下联:四季吉祥四季春

12.上联:鹏程万里宏图起 下联:骏业千秋紫气来

13.上联:居家景致常年好 下联:创业前程大路通

14.上联:似锦前程欣跃虎 下联:如诗前程喜腾龙

15.上联:喜借春风传吉语 下联:笑看大地起宏图

16.上联:四季平安四季乐 下联:全家幸福全家欢

17.上联:鱼跃龙川承盛世 下联:燕栖农家报新春

18.上联:一年好运随春到 下联:四季财源与日增

19.上联:前程好比青山秀 下联:后福犹如绿水长

20.上联:锦上添花花似锦 下联:新春报喜喜迎春

21.上联:吉宅迎春增吉利 下联:新年创业展新姿

22.上联:万众欢腾歌盛世 下联:百花竞放贺新春

23.上联:龙腾虎跃迎新岁 下联:国富民强乐小康

24.上联:喜看龙腾春及第 下联:笑观虎跃福临门

25.上联:华夏年年开骏业 下联:新春业业展鸿图

26.上联:春随好运千祥至 下联:马到成功万事兴

27.上联:跃虎争春花满路 下联:腾龙入世景千重

28.上联:春回大地风光好 下联:喜庆新年事业兴

29.上联:万里鹏程平地起 下联:四时鸿运顺意来

30.上联:生意兴隆如旭日 下联:财源茂盛似春潮

31.上联:门迎晓日财源广 下联:店纳春风生意兴

32.上联:贺新春家兴业兴 下联:庆佳节福旺财旺

33.上联:辞旧岁岁岁有余 下联:迎新年年年添福

34.上联:喜今年百般如意 下联:看明岁万事亨通

35.上联:和风入户添百福 下联:旭日临门得春晖

36.上联:春回大地花满路 下联:福到人间喜盈门

37.上联:好运当头万事顺 下联:新春及第百花香

38.上联:一门福气随心至 下联:千里春风顺意来

39.上联:龙腾华夏宏图起 下联:燕舞新春福气来

40.上联:瑞雪迎春门载福 下联:梅花贺岁户呈祥

41.上联:新年创业展鸿图 下联:吉宅迎春增富贵

42.上联:财运亨通五福临 下联:心想事成万事兴

43.上联:三星在户财源广 下联:五福临门家道兴

44.上联:幸福花开迎百福 下联:吉祥鸟唱报千祥

45.上联:新春新景新家运 下联:多福多财多平安

46.上联:人财两旺平安宅 下联:福寿双全富贵家

47.上联:人兴财旺鸿福长 下联:家和事顺好运来

48.上联:吉祥如意福满庭 下联:富贵平安喜临门

49.上联:新春临宅家兴旺 下联:鸿福满堂业顺利

50.上联:喜居宝地财兴旺 下联:福照家门富生辉

51.上联:门迎百福人财旺 下联:户纳千祥合家欢

52.上联:家添财富人添寿 下联:春满田园福满门

53.上联:人寿年丰全家福 下联:家兴业旺满堂春

54.上联:春到堂前添瑞气 下联:日照庭院起祥云

55.上联:迎新春八方进宝 下联:逢盛世四季招财

56.上联:祥光满户人财旺 下联:瑞气盈门福禄临

57.上联:诚信经营多得利 下联:公平交易可生财

58.上联:福满人间家家福 下联:春回大地处处春

59.上联:吉气祥光开泰运 下联:春风淑景乐平安

60.上联:家居宝地年年发 下联:宅照福星岁岁兴

61.上联:遍地祥光临福宅 下联:满天喜气入华堂

62.上联:百花迎春福满庭 下联:万事胜意喜临门

63.上联:四季平安全家福 下联:万事如意满堂春

64.上联:全家平字添百福 下联:满门和顺纳千祥

65.上联:佳岁平安百业兴 下联:新春大吉万事成



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Probably more food is consumed during the New Year celebrations than any other time of the year.


Vast amounts of traditional food is prepared for family and friends, as well as those close to us who have died.


On New Years Day, the Chinese family will eat a vegetarian dish called jai.


Although the various ingredients in jai are root vegetables or fibrous vegetables, many people attribute various superstitious aspects to them.


Other foods include a whole fish, to represent togetherness and abundance, and a chicken for prosperity.


The chicken must be presented with a head, tail and feet to symbolize completeness. Noodles should be uncut, as they represent long life.


In south China, the favorite and most typical dishes were nian gao, sweet steamed glutinous rice(糯米)pudding and zong zi (glutinous rice wrapped up in reed(芦苇)leaves), another popular delicacy.


In the north, steamed-wheat bread (man tou) and small meat dumplings were the preferred food.


The tremendous amount of food prepared at this time was meant to symbolize abundance and wealth for the household




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1.喜滋滋迎新年 笑盈盈辞旧岁 横幅:喜迎新春

2. 天增岁月人增寿 春满乾坤福满楼 横幅:四季长安

3. 一帆风顺吉星到 万事如意福临门 横幅:财源广进

4.福星高照全家福省 春光耀辉满堂春 横幅:春意盎然

5. 一干二净除旧习 五讲四美树新风 横幅:辞旧迎春

6. 一年好运随春到 四季彩云滚滚来 横幅:万事如意

7. 天地温柔家添财 安全如意人多福 横幅:四季安然

8. 春归大地人间暖 福降神州喜临门 横幅:福喜盈门

9. 内外平安好运来 合家欢乐财源进 横幅:吉星高照

10. 日日财源顺意来 年年福禄随春到 横幅:新春大吉

11. 迎喜迎春迎富贵 接财接福接平安 横幅:吉祥如意

12. 创大业千秋鼎盛 展宏图再就光辉 横幅:大展宏图

13. 一路平安年年好 万事如意步步高 横幅:五福临门

14. 民安国泰逢盛世 风调雨顺颂华年 横幅:民泰国安

15. 精耕细作丰产岁 节约持家有余年 横幅:国强富民

16. 奋发图强兴大业 勤奋致富建小康 横幅:科技致富

17. 冬去山川齐奇丽 喜来桃里共芳香 横幅:新年大吉

18. 百年天地回元气 一统江山际太平 横幅:国泰民安

19. 百世岁月当代好 千古江山今朝新 横幅:万象更新

20. 春花含笑意 爆竹增欢声 横幅:喜气盈门



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Today is a year, we went to grandmas New Years day.

In the morning, we had finished breakfast, started off to grandmas. In that it was already noon, we finished lunch, began to do their own thing. I play, my grandma and mother after a while began to prepare dinner, grandpa and dad busy to stick couplets on the Spring Festival.

Unconsciously in the evening, we had to play dinner, just go to the fireworks with my father and mother, and then we sit together, chatting, eight points, began to watch the Spring Festival evening party. In the Spring Festival gala sketch, magic, dancing, singing, etc... I most like to watch magic because would like to know how they change.

So, I again long one year old.








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上联:旧岁又添几个喜 下联:新年更上一层楼横批:辞旧迎新

上联:绿竹别其三分景 下联:红梅正报万家春 横批:春回大地

上联:民安国泰逢盛世 下联:风调雨顺颂华年 横批:民泰国安

上联:内外平安好运来 下联:合家欢乐财源进 横批:吉星高照

上联:年年顺景则源广 下联:岁岁平安福寿多 横批:吉星高照

上联:日出江花红胜火 下联:春来江水绿如蓝 横批:鸟语花香

上联:日日财源顺意来 下联:年年福禄随春到 横批:新春大吉

上联:事事如意大吉祥 下联:家家顺心永安康 横批:四季兴隆

上联:岁通盛世家家富 下联:人遇年华个个欢 横批:皆大欢喜

上联:天地和顺家添财 下联:平安如意人多福 横批:四季平安

上联:天增岁月人增寿 下联:春满乾坤福满楼 横批:四季长安

上联:万事如意展宏图 下联:心想事成兴伟业 横批:五福临门

上联:五湖四海皆春色 下联:万水千山尽得辉 横批:万象更新

上联:喜居宝地千年旺 下联:福照家门万事兴 横批:喜迎新春

上联:一帆风顺吉星到 下联:万事如意福临门 横批:财源广进

上联:一帆风顺年年好 下联:万事如意步步高 横批:吉星高照

上联:一帆风顺年年好 下联:万事如意步步高 横批:五福临门

上联:一干二净除旧习 下联:五讲四美树新风 横批:辞旧迎春

上联:一年好运随春到 下联:四季彩云滚滚来 横批:万事如意

上联:一年四季春常在 下联:万紫千红永开花 横批:喜迎新春

上联:一年四季行好运 下联:八方财宝进家门 横批:家和万事兴

上联:迎喜迎春迎富贵 下联:接财接福接平安 横批:吉祥如意

上联:迎新春江山锦绣 下联:辞旧岁事泰辉煌 横批:春意盎然

上联:迎新春事事如意 下联:接鸿福步步高升 横批:好事临门

上联:占天时地利人和 下联:取九州四海财宝 横批:财源不断

上联:壮丽山河多异彩 下联:文明国度遍高风 横批:山河壮丽

上联:春联对歌民安国泰 下联:喜字成双花好月圆 横批:国泰民安

上联:春满人间百花吐艳 下联:福临小院四季常安 横批:欢度春节

上联:春满人间欢歌阵阵 下联:福临门第喜气洋洋 横批:五福四海

上联:春色明媚山河披锦绣 下联:华夏腾飞祖国万年轻 横批:山河壮丽

上联:五更分两年年年称心 下联:一夜连两岁岁岁如意 横批:恭贺新春

上联:汗马绝尘安外振中标青史 下联:锦羊开泰富民清政展新篇 横批:春满人间

上联:惠通邻里,门迎春夏秋冬福 下联:诚待世贤,户纳东南西北财 横批:吉星高照




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Waking up on New Year, everybody dresses up. First they extend greetings to their parents. Then each child will get money as a New Year gift, wrapped up in red paper. People in northern China will eat jiaozi, or dumplings, for breakfast, as they think "jiaozi" in sound means "bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new". Also, the shape of the dumpling is like gold ingot from ancient China. So people eat them and wish for money and treasure.

Southern Chinese eat niangao (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour) on this occasion, because as a homophone, niangao means "higher and higher, one year after another." The first five days after the Spring Festival are a good time for relatives, friends, and classmates as well as colleagues to exchange greetings, gifts and chat leisurely.

China has 56 ethnic groups. Minorities celebrate their Spring Festival almost the same day as the Han people, and they have different customs.




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The Spring Festival is coming! The Spring Festival is coming!

The Spring Festival is our most traditional festival in China. The Spring Festival, people will love their own room clean, and posted on the door of "happiness", and then hang a ready meal, antithetical couplet, treat yourself to years of hard work; each is decorated, everywhere is the high streets and back lanes, red lanterns, Chinese knots, it is a lively scene, bursting with happiness.

From the beginning of the year, Chinese people will visit their elders, visit relatives and friends, and send beautiful gifts and good blessings to express their own heart. In addition to visit relatives and friends, visit their elders, gifts and blessings, Chinese there is a traditional custom, is the elders to give younger people than their son or daughter to gift money, this custom to now have not changed, just change the value just like now, some 100 yuan, some 500 yuan, some 600 yuan, or 1000 yuan......

Usually in the new years day, mom and dad go to the elders to pay New Years call. When they pass the first day, they can visit new friends or relatives, and they can also go out to travel or stay at home. Of course, in addition to the new year and the money, childrens favorite "New Years new year program" is to set off firecrackers and fireworks. Every Spring Festival, my father buys me a lot of firecrackers and fireworks, and put them in two big boxes, ready for the first thirty of the year (thirty twelve in the year). With the change of the time, although the firecrackers did not change, but the fireworks have become different shapes, and the fireworks are more beautiful than the year. Whenever I think of the process of the fireworks, I think my courage is big. Every time I lit my heart, I ran far away, because I was afraid of being hurt by the fireworks. Of course Ive never been bombed. Especially the thirty years time is twelve oclock, the most spectacular, the scene really can be used to describe all kinds of fireworks, fireworks contests, flying in the sky high, and a more than a high, a more than a ring. At twelve oclock at midnight, it looks very spectacular. Every time I get there, I will be very excited and happy. The whole person will be drowning in the night without sleep.

But after the Spring Festival, China has returned to peace.

I want to take advantage of the new year. I wish you a happy new year and all the best.



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导语:春节是指汉字文化圈传统上的农历新年,俗称“年节”,传统名称为新年、大年、新岁,但口头上又称度岁、庆新岁、过年。以下是小编整理关于春节英语作文翻译的资料,欢迎阅读参考。 关于春节的英语作文80字一:

The Happy Spring Festival Spring festival is on the first day of the first lunar month. Chinese people most like the Spring Festival. During Spring Festival, Chinese people like having meals with their families, playing fireworks in the open air. My sisters and I played fireworks on that day. We had many fireworks. They were very beautiful. They were running into the sky and breaking into pieces. They looked like flowers in the sky. We were very happy and excited.

春节是在第一个月的第一天.中国人最喜欢春节.在春节期间,中国人喜欢和自己的家人一起吃饭,一起放焰火在空旷的地方.在那些日子里,我和我姐姐一起放焰火.我们有很多的焰火.它们非常漂亮.它们升上天空并且使一些地方变得很亮.在天空中,它们看起来像是花.我们很高兴也很兴奋 关于春节的英语作文80字二:

Spring Festival ,known as the Chinese New Year, is the most important holiday in China.From late January to early February,Chinese people are busy preparing for the New Year.They clean their houses ,have their hair cut,and buy new clothes .Jiaozi or dumpling is most popular.To those who live far away from their home,this festival is also a framily reunion occasion.

And they often go back home to celebrate the festival with their family.The first day of the new year is the time when people visit their friends adn wish each other good luck in the new year.

春节,即中国人的新年,是中国最重要的节日。从一月末到二月初人们忙着为新年做准备。他们打扫房屋、理发和买新衣服。饺子是最受欢迎的。对那些远离家乡的人们,春节是一个合家团聚的时刻。他们经常回家和家人欢度春节。新年第一天人们访友并互祝新年好运。 关于春节的英语作文80字三:

The Spring Festival comes after New Years Day. Its usually in January or February. Its the Chinese New Years Day.The Spring Festival is the biggest festival in China. All of the Chinese like this festival.When it comes,people are busy.They usually do some cleaning,go to the stores to buy some new clothes and a lot of meat,vegetables and fruit.On the eve of the festival,everyone in the family comes back home from other places.They get together and have a big supper .They eat dumplings,New Years cake and some other delicious food in their houses.Some people like New Years cake,but more people think dumplings are the most delicious food of all. Some families have a party.They sing,dance and have a good time.I like this festival very much because I can play with my friends and I can get "red envelopes".


春节是在新年的第一天。通常是在一月或二月。这是中国新年的日子. 春节是中国最大的节日。所有的中国人喜欢这个节日当它来了,人正忙着他们通常通过清洁、去商店去买些新的衣服和大量的肉类、蔬菜、水果节日的前夕,家里人是从其他地方回来的他们聚在一起吃一顿丰富的晚餐,他们吃饺子,新年的蛋糕和一些其它美味的食物自己的房屋有些人喜欢新年的蛋糕,但更多的人认为水饺是最好吃的食物。一些家庭举行一个聚会他们唱歌,跳舞,玩得很开心的我喜欢这个节日得并不多,因为我可以玩我的朋友和我还能得到“红包”。




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上联:金鸡报晓歌大治 下联:丹凤朝阳赞中兴

上联:金鸡唤出扶桑日 下联:锦犬迎来大地春

上联:雄鸡喔喔颂尧天 下联:腊狗汪汪歌舜日

上联:雄鸡一唱天下白 下联:锦犬再雕宇宙春

上联:雄鸡唱罢九州乐 下联:金犬吠来四海安

上联:雄鸡喜唱升平日 下联:志士欢歌改革年

上联:金猴留恋丰收年 下联:彩凤欢啼盛世春

上联:犬能守夜迎新岁 下联:鸡可司里送旧年

上联:鸡描竹叶三中颂 下联:犬绘梅花五福临

上联:金鸡一唱传佳讯 下联:玉犬三呼报福音

上联:金鸡报晓歌大治 下联:丹凤朝阳赞中兴

上联:金鸡唤出扶桑日 下联:锦犬迎来大地春

上联:鸡鸣晓日江山丽 下联:犬吠神州岁月新

上联:闻鸡起舞迎元旦 下联:击壤而歌颂小康

上联:四海升平歌舜日 下联:九州盛世乐尧天

上联:万象喜回春守信 下联:一元欣复始司晨

上联:金鸡喜唱催春早 下联:绿柳轻摇舞絮妍

上联:万户桃符新气象 下联:群山霞彩富神州

上联:把酒当歌歌盛世 下联:闻鸡起舞舞新春

上联:鸡报小康随日出 下联:年迎大有伴春来

上联:猴奋已教千户乐 下联:鸡鸣又报万家春

上联:雄鸡喜唱升平日 下联:志士欢歌改革年

上联:跃马扬鞭芳草地 下联:闻鸡起舞杏花天

上联:鸟报晴和花报喜 下联:鸡生元宝地生财

上联:癸戴草头朝赤日 下联:酉添春水上朱颜

上联:金鸡高唱迎春曲 下联:铁牛欢催改革潮

上联:保驾护航奔富路 下联:昂头振翼唱东风

上联:鸡声一唱东方白 下联:猴棒三挥玉宇清

上联:雄鸡喜报春光好 下联:健笔勤书正气多

上联:喜庆新春闻鸡起舞 下联:欣逢盛世跃马扬鞭

上联:邦兴国治鸡唱门庭 下联:春暖花开犬蹲院里

上联:雄鸡喔喔颂尧天邦兴国治 下联:腊狗汪汪歌舜日春暖花开

上联:鸡唱月归一线长天皆瑞霭 下联:犬歌日出九州大地尽朝晖

上联:鸡唱三通万家春正乾坤气 下联:凤鸣两岸一树梅开天地心

上联:点点梅花笑迎雄鸡朝天唳 下联:声声爆竹欢送大圣载誉归

上联:大业方兴五星旗展金鸡唱 下联:小康在望四化图开彩凤飞

上联:捷报频传圣猴舞棒辞岁去 下联:宏图再展金允高唱迎春来

上联:人寿年丰金猴辞岁归帘洞 下联:民安国泰玉羽司晨报晓春

上联:金鸡报晓改革似春风化雨 下联:彩凤朝阳腾飞如旭日升华

上联:雷震南天滚滚春潮生九域 下联:鸡鸣大地彤彤旭日耀寰球

