给民办幼儿老师们的一封信3篇 写给某某的信英语(热门20篇)






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Today, my friend was ten years old and his family gave him a big party. He

asked me to join his party, which was such a big party. His home was full of

balloons. What a lively atmosphere was. We sang the birthday song to him and

sent our best wishes. We played funny games and had a great time.




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Dear teacher,


The teacher, you are like a red candle, although the burning of a red candle is brief, but the teacher you burn yourself to illuminate others hearts will never change, is everlasting!

Thank you for encouraging us all the time. You always pay attention to us with concern when we try. Even if we fail, you will not only not be sarcastic to us, but also tell us what to do and guide us.

Thank you, beloved teacher, it is you for us to correct one after another homework, you use the red ink and pen, in our writing, shed how much sweat ah! You use the red ink and pen, in our writing, pay how much effort ah! Every time I see the homework marked with red ink, I will think of you -- the figure correcting homework under the dim light!

Fourth grade next semester final exam in the afternoon, I was writing the test paper, my stomach up suddenly, I endured the pain in a hurry finished fill in the paper, in the end, I really cant stand the pain, I think of go home from school, I know that from the school was still early, will tell the teacher, the teacher quickly take out a cellular phone a phone call to my dad. The teacher also asked me from time to time whether my stomach was still painful. The teachers concerned eyes, let me feel a trace of warmth.

Teacher is the most glorious career under the sun, you teach us the knowledge bit by bit, you get up early and get up late to prepare lessons every day, and then teach us the knowledge. How many hours of sleep you have lost for us!

Teacher you treat us, like your own children, is you take us to swim in the ocean of knowledge, is you take us through the naive childhood, you put us a ignorant child education into a qualified pupil. You did so much for us!

Teacher, thank you for all that you have done for me with your blood and sweat. I wish you a happy holiday!



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My mother is the most diligent person in my house, she takes care of me all

the time and does all the housework. As I grow up, I realize that my mother is

such a great woman, what she does for us surpasses everything. I find my

mother’s hands are not as smooth as other person’s, but in my eyes, they are the

most beautiful hands.



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Hello! My name is Mingming. I am a pupil. I like speaking English very

much. I go to school five days every week. Every day I go to school on foot.

Because my school is not near my home. I like my school. There are about 3500

students and 54 teachers in my school. And I study in Grade 4. There are 45

students in my class. My English teacher is tall and handsome . I love him very

much. Welcome to my school. You must be very happy.




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Dear Miss Liang,

I am writing to thank you for your hard work for me. With your help, I make great progress in my study. A year ago, my study was bad and I didn’t want to learn, but you never give me up. You told me that I was clever. As long as I work hard, I would be great. In this year, you cared much about my study and helped me a lot. When I made mistakes, you always pointed them out and helped me to correct. Now, my study is much better than before, and I want to express my gratitude to you. Hope you everything goes well.

Sincerely yours,




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Dear Miss Wang,

Im writing this letter to appreciate your help in my english.

My english is not very good and I lose my interest in learning it. However,

since you taught us, my english has been better and better. In your class, we

can tell

stories,sing songs, play games and do many funny things. I like your class

very much and I am interested in english again now. Thanks for your help.

Best wishes.




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Today is the weekend, usually tired of the physical and mental relaxation!

I hide in the quilt until noon to get up. At this time, my father took me up to

go to the park to play together. Suddenly, it was all over! The beautiful

scenery of the park makes my mood better, today is really happy!



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Chinese New Year is really a big festival. People will have the holiday to

stay with their families. No matter where they work, all they want to do is to

have dinner with families. I enjoy the family hour, because we share our

happiness and future expectation. How nice it is. It deserves all the year’s

hard working.



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THE ONLY MAGICAL THING----Map There was only one thing in the world that

wanted to play, and that guy’s name was Jack. He wanted to be a pirate one day,

and found treasure in pirate islands… He had a conversation with his mother one

day for certain. It was about being a pirate one day for once in his


“Mom, I want to be a pirate one day, and find treasures in buried islands

and…” “Whoa! Hold there son, what do you mean by, you what to be a pirate?”

asked his mother, “Well it is that I just want to hunt for treasure instead of

just being a regular boy like usual…”

His mother laughed so very hard, “Then why don’t you ask the sorcerer of

the wicked castle?” his mother suddenly added, “What do you mean of: Wicked?”

“Well,” replied her mother, “It all happened in…” “Wait!” shouted Jack, “There

is no time for you to explain the whole thing, if you could show me this ‘Wicked

castle’ then I could be a pirate sooner or later.

And so his mother showed him a riddle clue, which had many words written on

it, “All you have to do is answer the riddles and you will arrive at your

destination;” so Jack took the map, and head out for the wicked castle

immediately, “Now let us see, two choices to make; which one is it that I need

to take?” then he suddenly felt a little twinkle among his eyes, he looked at

the map; “That’s it!” he opened the map and placed it upon him. “Now, I just

need to figure this one out.”

He read it out loud, “Choose the path that has round hard things the most…”

then he thought about it, he looked at each side; first, he checked the left;

“There is nothing very hard on this side, or even round!” the he checked the

other side, known as the right; “Look, there is a pile of rocks here, they are

very hard; and round, and there are plenty of them!”

He walked to the right, and then he went straight on. At last he came to a

big castle, it has many traps; and so Jack decided to use the map and find clues

so that he won’t get lost…

He first came to the front door, and then he opened the map, read the

riddle; “Watch out for the monster, with two pairs of wings; and come in the

spring, it is giant, I warn you…” then he answered, “The only flying thing that

has two pairs of wings is a dragon fly!” when he said “Dragonfly”

d-r-a-g-o-n-f-l-y; a giant dragonfly flew past his eyes!

“Whoa!” shouted Jack, he then read the riddle, “look around you; use the

one, as sharp as a knife;” Jack looked around himself, then he found a big sharp

needle; it was huge! He used all his might and picked it up, and then he sprang

it to the monster. The monster fell down immediately, as if dead.

Then Jack had beaten the giant ‘Dragonfly’d-r-a-g-o-n-f-l-y, he was ready

to see the sorcerer. He was casting a spell when Jack came in, he interrupted

him; and so the sorcerer shouted, “What are you doing stranger?” he asked, “Can

you make me a pirate?” “What! Nobody has ever done that spell before;


And so Jack had to keep on being a normal boy, he was satisfied sometimes,

but also was glad that he didn’t turn into a pirate. “The map is ‘the only

magical thing’ in this world…



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My name is peter.I am six years old.I am from Taiwan.Many people ask me

about my Chinese name because they think the meaning of it is very

interesting.But I hope myfriends can remember my English name rather than my

Chinese one.My hobby is playing basketball.I usually play it with my friends

after school,and I be lieve playing basketbal l will bring me goodhealth.I am

atalka tive person.It is very difficult form etokeep quiet.Now I am studying in

English,so I hope everyone can speak English to me.Other wise I will feel very

bad ifI keep quiet.



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Spring is coming! We walk on the grass to welcome and embrace the beautiful

spring. Look! The flowers are smiling, the grass is nodding, the little swallows

are twittering, the warm spring breeze is blowing over the cheek, and the birds

are singing happily. We are so happy! Spring is full of life!



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1. 自理能力:自从上了幼儿园,别的不说,首先解决了两项民生大问题:穿衣吃饭。我们对女儿还是有些娇惯,__上幼儿园前每餐饭都有大人喂,现在完全自己搞定;不仅会自己穿衣脱衣,还会把衣服被子叠得整整齐齐——清明节去亲戚家还表演了一把,深受好评

2. 动手能力:小竹目前使用剪刀能够剪出圆形(虽然还有些棱角哈),使用胶棒能牢固的粘住目标纸片(虽然可能会大面积涂抹),能够轻松把细线穿到串珠里,能够用木质积木摆出形状各异的高楼,能够用乐高拼成奇形怪状的物品。小竹也能拍皮球,虽然仅能连拍三个,但是我们还是觉得挺棒的——当然以后要更加努力哈!

3. 交往能力:作为一个纯女生(而非女汉纸),小竹很多时候还有些害羞。但是从幼儿园回来她会自豪的跟我们说:妈妈,袁紫琦和郭玥希是我的好朋友!现在她平时和相熟的小朋友相处愉快,见到认识的大人也能够打招呼,虽然还有些扭捏——这些,都是这半年多以来的进步哦。

4. 艺术认知:小竹在幼儿园学习了很多歌曲和舞蹈,回到家里经常哼给我们听,还自豪的说:这是我在幼儿园新学的~听到动听的旋律不由自主的翩翩起舞,其中一个标准动作就是用小手做一个心形(来源幼儿园体操)。小竹前一段回家很喜欢画画,估计是在幼儿园也收到老师的鼓励~

5. 团队自豪:小竹对于豆三班这个集体很自豪:我是在豆三班的!我的豆三班里还有滑朵儿呢!前几天突然跟我说:妈妈,我想星星老师了(很伤心的样子);她还有点害羞地说老师跟她叫“拇指姑娘”


1. 小竹比较讲道理,讲原则。虽然偶尔会耍小脾气,但是她会主动遵守规则:比如我记得在幼儿园亲子班一起做体操的时候,老师告诉说踩在小星星上,小竹自始至终都是踩在上面的。在家里我们也会认真的遵守规则:早晨起床去幼儿园(四天妈妈送,一天奶奶送)、放学奶奶接回、晚饭前少吃零食、如果饭吃不完的话直至下一顿餐前都没有零食可以吃、晚上必须刷牙洗漱才能睡觉、十点以后不进食不可以再与奶奶玩、每天只能吃一颗糖等等。

2. 小竹理解能力比较好(不知道老师是否同意哈),一般沟通也不成问题(除了偶尔耍脾气的时候)。有一次她和同龄的小朋友一起学画画,老师说,小熊的耳朵应该在哪里呢?小竹就拿起笔在小熊的头上把耳朵画上去了...

3. 小竹的中英文阅读与听力、识字能力应该略强于同龄小朋友。因为她从小便习惯于把书当玩具,从零岁到现在三岁半读的大大小小的中英文书籍估计将近千本,所以这一点还是比较省心的。

4. 小竹的体质不错。除了刚上幼儿园的适应阶段生病外,目前虽偶尔生病,但皆无大碍,一般挺挺就过去了,不需要去医院。上周爬凤凰岭,自己爬到了半山腰又走了下来,比奶奶爬得要远多了。


1. 小竹有些小女生的娇气。因为一直是妈妈带着,有些粘妈妈;同时不免偶尔有些扭捏。有时候自己有想法不肯大大方方的说出来,自己扭扭捏捏的让别人去说。这一点我们在努力矫正,同时希望老师能够帮忙。

2. 小竹天生有些胆小。很多事情如果别人说做了有危险,她就连尝试都不愿意。这样的话,她未免在进取与主动性方面较差,希望老师根据这个特点对她多多鼓励。另外,可能不会主动与小朋友打招呼,交朋友,我们也很迷惘,不知如何处理,希望老师能够有更好的引导。

3. 小竹的自理能力与动手能力仍旧不够强。我怀疑会略逊于同龄小朋友。因为我们毕竟有些娇惯,也因为她自己的性格,所以在自理和动手方面仍旧差强人意。我们以后一定多多努力,给她机会,同时也希望老师在这方面帮助加强。







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My name is Zhang Hong.I am a Chinese student.I am at Xinyi Primary school.I

am in Class Three,Grade Six.I am 11.I have a friend at school.His name is Tang

Haonan.We like English very much.Who is your good friend?



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My name is Huang Jun Bo. I’m fourteen years old. I live in San Wei. I live

in a house with my mother, father and brother. I have many friends. My best

friend is named Xiao qian, Hai bin and Zhi heng. They are in my class at school.

I am 1.56 mitres tall. My favourite foods are chicken and fish. My favourite

colour is blue.

Have you studied any other languages in school? I am learning English now.

But my English is bad. My teacher told me that to learn a language well. I need

to use it and talk to people in it. I need more than hard at English. I have

spoken English all morning today!

I wish you teach me some about English’s knowledge. I hope improve my

English. Can you help me?

I would like to learn more in Xiao he. What do you like to do? What do you

like colour and foods best? What do you look like?

I love you,Xiao he.

Huang jun bo



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Dear teachers

hello everyone!

"Spring comes early again", the Spring Festival of the year of the dragon

is quietly coming to us. On the occasion of the Spring Festival, president Xu of

pinggudian Town Central School, together with the leading class of the central

school, extended new years blessing and festival greetings to all the teaching

staff and retired teachers who have been working hard in the teaching line. I

would like to express my high respect and sincere thanks to the families of the

staff who have been caring and supporting the work of the school for a long


The past year has been an extraordinary year. It has been a year in which

we have worked hand in hand, overcome difficulties, forge ahead in unity, and

work hard to start a business. It has also been a year of great achievements and

good news. Under the correct leadership of the County Bureau of education and

sports, all the cadres and staff of pinggutian central school are in the same

boat, united in spirit, striving hard and enterprising, overcoming difficulties,

striving for first-class achievements, and making remarkable achievements in

education and teaching under the correct leadership of the county education and

Sports Bureau It is presented. The schools school running conditions have been

significantly improved, the school running taste has been gradually improved,

the classroom teaching reform has been continuously deepened, the quality of

education and teaching has achieved leapfrog development, the preschool

education has made breakthrough progress, the achievements of art education have

been fruitful, and the provincial education supervision and evaluation has

passed the high standard All these are full of the painstaking efforts and sweat

of our front-line teachers. 2012 is the "year of quality improvement". Our

education and teaching management needs to be further standardized, classroom

teaching reform needs to be further deepened, and the quality of education and

teaching needs to be further improved. The new years bell has sounded, the east

wind is surging, and the clarion calls for expeditions. We are about to embark

on a new journey full of hope, opportunities and challenges. Let us use the

sonorous and powerful oath, the indomitable spirit of struggle, and unremitting

efforts to compose a new chapter in the education of pinggutian central


Dear teachers, winter vacation is a holiday full of happiness; Spring

Festival is an auspicious and happy festival. In order to let you have a

civilized and full Festival, the Central School suggests to you:

1. Give yourself more reminders

We should always pay attention to the safety of fire, electricity and gas

during the holidays. When visiting relatives and friends, we must pay attention

to guard against theft, close the doors and windows, lock the door, and do not

drive after drinking to ensure the safety of yourself and your family. We should

consciously avoid gambling, drinking, feudal superstitious activities and

indulging in the Internet. We should do more physical exercise every day and

take part in healthy and beneficial cultural and recreational activities. Pay

attention to scientific diet, dont overeat and take good care of your body.

2. Give more time to study

Winter vacation has a relatively concentrated, discretionary time, it is

recommended that we should arrange a little time for self charging. On the one

hand, we should sum up the experience and lessons in the work of this semester

and formulate the work plan for the next semester. On the other hand, we can

calm down and seriously familiarize ourselves with the curriculum standards of

teaching subjects. We should read the textbooks of next semester in advance,

read one or two good books, and study some educational and teaching theories. We

should constantly enrich, enrich and improve ourselves, let our thinking and

practice go hand in hand, so that we can better adapt to the class It is

necessary for the reform of classroom teaching.

3. Give your family more care

Enjoy the family, our life journey is not lonely, spread the family, can

win the respect of others. During the Spring Festival, lets be filial to our

elders, take care of our younger ones, and keep in touch with our friends. In

particular, we should take care of our bodies, experience the beauty of human

nature and feel a better life in dedication and care.

Finally, once again, I wish you all a safe, happy, peaceful and meaningful

festival. I wish all the staff a happy Spring Festival, all the best of luck,

good health and happiness for the whole family!

Pinggudian Town Central School



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Dear sir/madam:

[organization] would very much like to have someone from your company speak

at our conference on [topic].

As you may be aware, the mission of our association is to promote . Many of

our members are interested in the achievements your company has made in .

Enclosed is our preliminary schedule for the conference which will be

reviewed in weeks. Ill call you [date] to see who from your company would be

willing to speak to us. I can assure you that well make everything convenient

to the speaker.

Sincerely yours,





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When I learned English, I felt so hard, because no matter hard I tried, I

just could not understand the grammar. One day, my sister asked me why was I so

confused with English, I told her I did not know, I was so afraid of it. Then

she asked me to watch English movie and listened to the English songs.

At first, I fell in love with these songs, I learned to sing them, I found

I could remember more and more words. I also felt very interested in the movie,

I could learn the local words. With interest, I make great progress, I am not

afraid of English any more. Interest is the best teacher.



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Dear teacher:

Hello, time flies, time Rusuo, imperceptibly, and to welcome the new years day. Looking through the day, in your care and teaching, I grew up a one year old. The little things bit by bit, show in my mind. We have classes, read, do you always, always with us in the together. No matter what the weather is like, you are always early in the classroom waiting for us to go to class. How many day and night, you also for correcting our homework a light. Whenever I see a book on the red mark, you also gratified smile. I desperately germination, you have white hair. The teacher for we pay too much, saying good-bye to a batch after batch of students, his hair became infected with wind and frost. The new year is approaching, the students to give you deep blessing: I wish the teachers good health, good luck in everything.

Your students ---Wolverine



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光阴似箭,转眼又是一年。您对我的教育,我终身难忘。 期终考试完后,我的成绩很好,这都是您的心血啊!我想对您说:老师,谢谢您!

老师,您还记得吗?一天,您正在上课我却在下面开小差,你发现了,便批评了我。我的脸唰的一下全红了,真怕同 学们笑话我。但我知道您是为我好。

几天前,我被您选去跳舞,后来,音乐老师又把我换了。下课,还是您安慰了我,我的心一下子感到了温暖。 我的话讲完了,









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Dear Ms. Smith,

Im Li Hua, Chairman of the Student Union of Yucai Middle School, which is

close to your university. Im writing to invite you to be a judge at our English

speech contest to be held in our school on June 15. It will start at 2:00 pm and

last for about three hours. Ten students will deliver their speeches on the

given topic Man and Nature. It’s my honor if you can accept our invitation.

Please call me at 123456 if you have any question.

I am looking forward to your reply. With best wishes,

Li Hua
