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Our environment is getting worse and worse now.People throw their garbage here and there.Factories make more and more dirty water that has polluted the rivers and lakes.What should we do?We must find ways to stop pollution.Waste water must be cleaned before it is poured into the river.People shouldn‘t throw away rubbish here and there.We should pick up the garbage around us.We‘d better plant more trees.I‘m sure if we take care of our environment,our world will be more beautiful!




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白色污染White Pollution

With the remarkable improvement of people’s living standard, people tend to buy more goods. As a result, a plenty of plastic bags are threw around and caused white pollution. Not only does it do harm to the environment, but also give people the impression that the city is dirty. As we all known, plastic bags are non-biodegradable material and it will stay in the soil for a long time. What’s worse, the poison released from the plastic bags is harmful.


Being current generation of young people, we should take measures to control the use of plastic bags .We can substitute them with cloth bags or reuse them. And the government can make rules to avoid using them. If we do our best, the use of plastic bags can be reduced, thus the white pollution can be controlled.




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Today there is more and more pollution and the environment is becoming worse and worse. So we have to know how to protect the environment. Here are some ways.

First, we can stop driving our personal cars. We can go to school or work on foot or by bus. Not only can it protect environment, but also it is good for our health.


Second, we are not supposed to drop litter anywhere, we should put them into the trash bin. And it’s best to pick up the litter on the ground when we see them.

Third, we should save the paper, the water, the food and so on.

Fourth, we should protect the trees and we should plant more trees.

I think if everyone does something to protect the environment, our world will be much better.








In recent years,protecting the environment is becoming more and more important to the whole human beings.

It is everyones duty to do someting good to the environment around us.As middle school students,we can also do a lot of helpful things.For example,we can protect it by not throwing rubbish away.We can save water to make full use of it.We can use materials which do no harm to the enviornment.Thingd we can do are a great many.Only when we have the idea of loving our environment can we make a better place to live.

So everybody,lets take action!





Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the orld. For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories. Trees on the hills have been cut do n and aste ater is being poured continuously into rivers.Furthermore, herever e go today, e can find rubbish carelessly disposed. Pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence.

The earth is our home and e have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations. Fortunately, more and more people have realized these problems. Measures have been taken to cope ith these problems by the government. La s have been passed to stop pollution. I hope the problem ill be solved in the near future and our home ill become better and better.

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the orld. With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas. Trees on the hills have been cut do n,and aste ater is being poured continuously into rivers. Furthermore, herever e go today, e can find rubbish carelessly disposed. The hole ecological balance of the earth is changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to mans existence.

We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. For instance, ne la s must be passed to place strict control over industrial pollution, the pub!ic must receive the education about the hazard of pollution and so on. We hope that all these measures ill be effective and bring back a healthful environment.







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环境问题是二十一世纪要面临的一个重大的问题,保护环境是每个小学生都应尽的责任。 妈妈告诉我们,以前的永安是一个鸟语花香的地方。明朗的天空,晶莹透亮,好像一池清澈明亮的湖水,小河“哗哗哗”的向前流淌着,每一个小小的漩涡都是它笑出来的甜甜的小酒窝。

小河里一群群鱼儿,欢快地游到水面上来,就好像一个个美丽的公主,拖着长长的纱裙在快乐地舞蹈。春天来了,碧绿的草地上,小草亲密地挤在一起,手拉着手,肩挨着肩,好像好朋友在讲悄悄话。农田里,一棵棵白菜整齐地排列着,就像等待检阅的士兵一样。沉甸甸的稻穗把稻秆都压弯了腰,好像在感谢大地的养育之恩。离农田不远的果园里,一棵棵桃树上结满了桃子;有的谦虚地低着头;有的神气地挺着胸;有的顽皮地躲在桃叶后面,好像在和同伴们玩捉迷藏呢!柑橘也渐渐成熟了,七八个聚在一起好像在开会,真有趣! 如今,我们的家园变了样:蔚蓝的天空变得灰黑了,那是因为工厂排放废气、噪音,这不仅影响了人们的休息,还影响了孩子们的学习。碧绿而又清澈见底的河水不见了,取而代之的是浑浊不清的脏水,原本成群的鱼虾也渐渐消失了,枯黄的草地,就像一个个饿得面黄肌瘦的“孩子”,树木被砍光了,鸟儿无家可归,成了一个个名副其实的“流浪儿”。

果园里结出的果子又苦又涩,真难吃! 人类的愚昧无知导致山体滑坡、泥石流、地震、火灾、洪水等等自然灾害接二连三的发生,地球开始报复人类了……同学们,让我们赶快行动起来拯救地球吧!让我们从保护身边的一草一木开始做起,从保护一花一草开始做起,从节约一滴水、一度电开始做起,拯救地球,就是拯救我们自己呀!



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Recently, the news reported that one special kind of rhino from Africa just

passed away, which meant the disappearance of this lovely creature. What a great

pity. The tragedy is caused by the damaged environment, while human being must

be blamed for it, because we have done so many bad things to pollute the

environment and make the nature lose its balance. In order to make up our faults

and save our offspring, it is in need of protecting the environment. As the

ordinary people, we can do the small things, such as do not throw away the

rubbish and join some activities to bring the world green, like planting trees.

Every small act can make a difference. Some day, when we live with the

environment friendly, what we do is worth.



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When the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerbergs daughter was born, he

announced a general decision and surprised the world. Mark told media that he

would donate 99 percent of his fortune to the charity organizations. Some people

wonder why he did not save the heritage for his offspring. In fact, in western

countries, for some rich people, they dont trend to leave much fortune for

their kids, instead, they use the money to educate their children and cultivate

them to be the wise persons. The rich people leave the invisible fortune, which

is their fame. Their children can have more chances to do their business or

receive better education with their family names. The wise rich men know the

best way to educate their offspring. They teach skills and the way of thinking,

which values everything.



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The picture shows the pollution caused by chimneys of the factories in cities. Often, the sky is covered by large clouds of smoke from chimneys. The air is nearly suffocating, especially in the evening as it becomes cold and the smoke is spreading everywhere. The scene reminds us of the end of the world.

From the picture we can infer that the drawer of the picture intends to convey to the readers that unplanned factories has brought about great hazards to the city air condition. Due to planning mistakes, factories were usually placed in the center of cities, among residential and business districts. Besides, nearly every block has several chimneys for the heating system, which makes the whole city immersed in thick columns of smoke. As a result, respiratory diseases have been reported to be rising and old people dying of the worsening air pollution.

Pollution is really a hot issue in the world. If we don’t take useful measures, we may live in terrible surroundings, and some unexpected results may come out in the end. So, what we should do is to bring down the problems caused by chimneys. For one thing, factories with chimneys should be moved out of the center of the city and it should be made sure that the waste gases are at least not poisonous. For another, other means of heating should be developed to stop using coal. In a word, in the city there should be no coal, no chimney, and no smoke to pollute the air.



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大家好!你们知道3月28日是什么节日吗?嗯,是“地球一小时”日,这一天,世界熄灯一小时。那 3月22日是什么节日呢?是的,是世界水日!同学们,你们发现了吗?这些节日都是和保护环境有关的。





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It is well known that trees can absorb carbon dioxide, emit oxygen, purify the air, and are the necessary conditions for our human survival. But some people for the money to deforest trees, resulting in excessive soil erosion, the earths vegetation has been severely damaged, oasis and the city is also desertification, our human survival has been threatened. We usually use a one-time chopsticks, every day to spend dozens of acres of forest, in those eyes, trees can be made in addition to furniture and building materials, it seems that there is no value. Is there someone who does not understand what trees mean to us? Our living area is already very small, and if you go on like this, it may be that our only land is lost. Also, our mother river - the Yellow River in recent years, the river bed and the increasing amount of sediment, becoming the countrys most serious pollution of several rivers. We can not watch the Yellow River from our hands exhausted, so there are many environmental scholars have studied the treatment of the Yellow River pollution program, trying to improve the water quality of the Yellow River. But without our common participation, the cradle of our life - the Yellow River will go to failure and death.

If we are unbridled to destroy the environment, nature will give us punishment. Those large floods deprived of the lives of many people, and because of the greenhouse effect, the Antarctic Arctic glaciers melt the water level, the sea flooded the coastal areas, the economic losses. Is not this the best proof?

My hometown of Guangning is relying on bamboo sea eco-tourism to develop the economy, and now, some bamboo forest environment disorganized, people complain incessantly. Bamboo sea ecological tour is the root of our development of Guangning, if the root was destroyed, how can grow lush foliage, out of the beautiful flowers

Let us be kind to mankind and be kind to nature! I wonder if you have seen "100 things to protect the environment" this article. In fact, we can do a lot of things. Conservation of wild animals, is the ecological balance; treasure water resources, do not dump the garbage to the river; when the environmental guards, the use of each green anniversary publicity environmental awareness, so that the Castle Peak, the United States, the United States, the United States, Often, green water flow, soil fragrance ... ... this is what we can do, why do we not want to practice it?

Now, the earths ecological environment intensified, environmental protection alarm clock has been sounded. Let us join the ranks of the protection of the environment, the creation of a harmonious coexistence between man and nature of the future, so that human beings and nature endlessly reproduce it.



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We live earth is deteriorating rapidly, did we have to pay attention to their own living environment cause harm to nature, you must not throw sundry, especially those serious pollution of garbage, waste batteries, for example, because the section waste batteries contain heavy metals, if flow to clean the water, it is very much pollution, then try to save trees made items such as paper, pencils, because waste these things is the destruction of the forest. Also try to use less disposable lunch box, chopsticks and plastic bags and other items, so as to avoid unnecessary waste and reduce waste.

There are some tips: walking to closing the master switch, in order to avoid electrical appliances overheating explosion, a waste of money and waste of electricity, save water, to shut the tap when brushing your teeth, wash dish water to rice, rice water to water the flowers, wash water can sweep the floor, so we can reduce some waste. 12 dont hunt wild animals, animal protection is absolutely cant kill, but dont kill the common animals such as frogs, because frogs eat 15000 bugs for us, and most are pests. Some people often dont think that is, the stubborn still, so we should try to eat less wild animals, lead to wild animals, the drop in sales no longer killing of wild animals.

Our forest is called oxygen plant, so to take good care of flowers and plants, not to destroy the city greening, and actively participate in. But also to cut down trees less, dont waste wood items, because waste these things is to destroy the forest, so be used sparingly, to protect the forests of less and less.

Use energy-saving lamps to replace the ordinary light bulb, although some expensive but can use less electricity. I appeal to you: in our daily actions to protect earths environment, let our children and grandchildren live in a beautiful environment!







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The Importance of Trees

As we all know, trees are very useful. They are of great benefit to man as follows: First, trees provide us with wood and other products; Second, their roots can allow the rain to sink in and keep the soil, so they help to prevent droughts and floods. Trees can clean air and beautiful life.

Unfortunately, nowadays in many parts of the world lots of people fail to realize the importance of trees. They have cut trees down in large numbers without a plan,which makes the soil washed away. They dont know where there no trees, the rain washed away the surface of the soil and this causes floods.

We ought to plant trees each year and carefully look after new trees in order not to make the forest slowly disappear. Only in this way can we make the forest serve man forever.







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First should realize the importance of protecting endangered animals, to protect endangered animals and habitats, to promote the wildlife conservation and management of the laws and regulations 首要就应认识保护濒危动物的重要性,自觉保护濒危动物及其栖息环境,主动向亲友宣传野生动物保护管理的法律法规。 Second is to use the source of the endangered animals and do not eat, no, not keeping the source of the endangered animals or products, especially in the wild birds, turtles snakes and class 其次是拒绝利用野外来源的濒危动物,做到不吃、不用、不养野外来源的濒危动物或其产品,尤其是野生鸟类、蛇类和龟鳖类。 Last to be destroyed resolutely expose animal resources of the offence, for many endangered animal protection department or unit or fat, with the support of the animal protection administration 最后要坚决揭发破坏濒危动物资源的不法行为,用心为濒危动物保护部门或单位献计献策或捐资捐款,支持濒危动物保护管理工作。



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Many people are active in fighting against unfair treatment to colored people, women , animals and so on. Right now I am talking about fighting for respect to our environment. Though the environment doesn’t have a mouth to deprecate what humans have done to her, she retaliates through action. In the early years the Chinese cut down large quantities of trees, at the source of the yellow river, which led to the disappearance of big forests and terrible floods. As a result,the Huangtu plateau which was once covered with grass and forests was turned into barrens that supported fewer plants. Another example was in several developed countries. Because many chemical factories discharged poisonous gas without filtering it, cities were covered with so much poisonous gas that people were killed by the air they breathed in. What horrible scene!

What we are suffering is only a small part of what the nature once suffered. If we don’t take action to show respect to the environment, we will have to face an increasingly awful situation.

Measures should be taken to protect the environment on which we are relying. First governments should forbid destroying vegetation, rivers and lakes, oceans, as and the atmosphere as well. Second voices should be made to announce the public of the importance of protecting the environment. Third enterprises should pay special attention to the effect they have on the environment and work out solutions for the problems.

Only by changing the way we treat the environment can we get along well with it. Only by saving the environment can we save ourselves.








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My school is very pretty. Look, this is the piayground. This is the canteen . Those are our teacher"s office____and garden.

In the canteen . We can eat breakfast, lunch and dinner

The library is big, ther are many story-books.

This is my favourite school!

I like school very much!



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尽管世界发展得更快,更好,地球上的资源越来越少。为了保护它们,必须做些什么。以下就是小编整理的怎样保护环境英语作文,一起来看看吧! 篇一:怎样保护环境英语作文

The environmental protection is the most major problem which in the modern life the humanity faces. Must solve this problem must start from foundation. First, must massively propagandize, enhances peoples consciousness with understanding, strengthens the

environmental protection consciousness. Next, must carry on waste recovery use, reduces to forest-trees felling. Also must strengthen to white pollution processing, little uses the plastic product. Finally, must make improvement to clean aspect. Causes the citys appearance to be neater. For Earths tomorrow, we must start from the now diligently, will want the well local constable to protect the environment. To this us proposes as follows suggests: Implementation trash classification packed in bags. Like this not only can reduce the environmental sanitation workers work load, but also can even better basically arrive makes use of waste, to reduce the pollution, saves the resources. 篇二:怎样保护环境英语作文

Although the world develops much faster and better, the resources on the earth get fewer and fewer. In order to protect them,something must be done.


Save water. Water is the source of life. No water, no life. So its very important for us to do so.Not only should we protect drinking water and stop polluting it, but also make full use of it.




A larger and larger part of society is expressing its concern about environmental protection. Active in their concern, teachers and students hold specific meetings to discuss environmental protection. Also, city planners take environmental problems into serious consideration. And, though reducing pollution can be expensive,

factories often take every possible measure to do their part. Many people are concerned and active because air and water pollution affects everyone and makes it difficult for cities to survive and businesses to make a profit.


