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1. 你是个聪明直爽的女孩,对待他人热情友好,对待工作一丝不苟,但也常常不自觉流露出许多小毛病:课堂上的心不在焉自修课上的蠢蠢欲动学习上的平平淡淡。愿你奋发向上,去采撷最美的花朵!

2. 你是一个快嘴的男孩,天真下有你的成熟与固执,对自己的顽疾熟视无睹,常把希望寄托于未来,你对学习有满腔热情,却总不能长久,常常归罪于工作太多。你爱好广泛,但总不能正确处理“学习”与“活动”的关系,以致于学习毫无起色。希望你能重新认识与评价自己,谦虚好学,勇往直前!

3. 你表面上是个文静的女孩,但你又是个好强的女孩,你总不服输,学习上愿与男生比高下,成绩也是喜人的。但你可知道,除了学习以外,你还比别人缺少了好多,是吗?愿你在新学期里敢于质疑解难大胆发言,做一个全面发展的好学生!

4. 你常常觉得自己不聪明,但在我的心目中你很聪明,只有那些自以为是不努力学习的人才是最大的笨蛋,在我心目中,你是个自尊好强不贪慕虚荣的人,你最大的特长是写作。我希望你不要妄自菲薄,继续努力,我始终会做你的支持者,为你加油,为你鼓劲!

5. 你性情温和,言语不多,但你待人诚恳礼貌,作风踏实,办事认真,品学兼优。你勤奋好学,思维敏捷,但我总担心你后劲不足。愿你坚持不懈,再创辉煌!

6. 你是一位自觉听话的女孩,能守纪律懂礼貌,爱学习爱劳动,为着自己的理想正不断努力顽强拼搏,但我感到你有些劳累,但我还是真诚地希望你能坚持,学习是苦的,但它能培养真正的人才,看到自己不断的进步,会感到这种苦带给自己的是无限的快乐。

7. 你是一个很有修养的女孩,对待同学总是谦虚友好,对待学习总是毫不怠慢,对待工作总是勤勤恳恳,对待困难总是坦然处置。愿你在微笑中成长!

8. 你文静大方,有很好的素养,总是微笑着接受老师的批评与教育,对待工作一丝不苟,对待集体荣誉珍惜有加,但对待学习还欠踏实,有时对待作业比较马虎,请不要忘记:骐骥一跃,不能十步,驽马十架,功在不舍,也只有对学习不懈的追求,才能硕果累累。愿你踏实进步!

9. 你原先是个很可爱的女孩,但是,你不注意自身的形象,你表面上比较斯文,但暗地里却有点“顽皮”贪玩。你现在有所醒悟,我为你高兴,快马加鞭,积极追赶才是你的上策。愿你早早赶上班级前进的脚步!

10. 你是一个思想纯洁不断要求进步的男孩,能严格遵守学校纪律,自觉完成老师交给的各项任务,学习上有钻研精神,上课时不时的“插嘴”充分说明你脑瓜敏捷,但往往你不注意分寸,学习上还缺乏踏实的作风,不注意全面发展,有偏科现象。“千里之行,始于足下”,只有脚踏实地埋头苦干,才能结出丰硕之果!

11. 你是一个诚实的男孩,能虚心接受老师的教育,你思想上积极要求进步,但又常常不能严格要求自己,能热爱集体,但又常常给集体抹黑,希望学有所长,但又缺乏刻苦踏实的学习作风,以致学习平平,工作想做好,但又缺乏主动精神,能力也不够。愿你振作起来,“吃一堑,长一智”,做一个优秀的好学生!



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Early rising

Early rising is a good habit for everyone. It is good for us in many ways.

Firstly, it helps to keep us healthy. We can breathe the fresh air in the morning. Its fun for us to take a walk along the street.

Secondly, early rising helps us with our studies. When we get up very early in the morning, everything around us is quiet. In the morning we learn more quickly and memorize what we learn easily.

Thirdly, early rising gives us enough time to get ready for our work, such as to wash our hands and faces and eat breakfast properly.

[以Early rising为题目初三英语作文



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I live in a flat in a building. The building is very modern. There are about ten floors and I live on the top floor. I think my flat is very wonderful. The dining room is next to the kitchen. We always have dinner there, and my mother often cooks some delicious food for us. I can t cook, but I often help Mum wash the dishes. Sometimes my friends come to my flat and they teach me how to cook. So now, I can cook something for my family. I like the sofa in my sitting room. It is very comfortable and it is purple. What a nice colour! The bathroom with a bath and a shower has a mirror. It is in the shape of star. There are four members in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I. My parents work hard. They are very tired and I think they should have a good sleep. So the bedroom is the best place. My younger brother is only six years old. I love him even though he troubles me some times. In my bedroom, there are lots of posters of Angela on the wall. Angela is my favourite super star. She is beautiful. There is a garden in the district.

You can go walking there. I also want to tell you about my dream home. It is near a sea. It s made of wood. Maybe that will come true.

[最新初三英语作文:My Family And My Flat



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Thirty percent choose to enter vocational schools, and the rest ten percent plan to go abroad for further studies.

(1)I think we have more freedom to choose what we would like to do after graduation. Going to college is no longer the only choice for most of us as it was years ago.

OR:(2)I think our city government has made more efforts to help the non-local workers. For example, their children can enjoy the equal right of a good education with the city students.

OR:(3)I think with the economic development of our city, more foreigners are attracted to set up businesses here and they are happy to send their children to local schools to learn more about China and Chinese culture.

I believe the future of the education in our city is promising!

That’s all. Thank you.













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People often say that the earth is like our mother. She gives life to all the living things on the earth and provides us with air, food, water and other essential things we need for living.

Once she was beautifhl and rich, but now she becomes dirtier and dirtier, poorer and poorer. It is due to what we have done to her. Please have a good look at her: polluted rivers and lakes, growing deserts, the destruction of the forests and wild life, and the depletion of the ozone layer…

Can she bear to see her children putting the waste here and there? Can she bear too see her children cutting down the trees and destroying the grassland, to see the acid rain destroying everything? Can we bear to see our mother suffering so much? Isn it time for us to ask ourselves whether this is the way to treat our mother?

Floods, draughts, acid rain…,these are the punishments from nature. Everyone should know that there is only one earth, lfwe go on treating her like this, it wont be fit for us to live in any longer. Its time for us to love her, take good care of her and cure her. We should save the earth so as to save ourselves.

[The Earth初三英语作文



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My opinions on volunteering

We are middle school students and we are busy with our lessons. So some people think we should concentrate more on our studies. If we volunteer to help others, its a waste of time. But I think volunteering is great. I not only feel good about helping others but also get to spend time doing what I love to do. And from volunteering I have learned many things that I have never learned in class. So if I have an oppoutunity, Id like to visit old peoples home to clean up for them. Id also like to help sick kids in hospital. I love kids and I plan to put my love to good use by working in hospital. In a word, Id like to help people who need help. If everyone helps out a bit, the world will be more colorful.

[My opinions on volunteering初三优秀英语作文



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Dogs are friends of human beings.And it is known to us that dogs are very honest.They can help people do many things when people are out of home .For example ,dogs can take a good care of babies when people go to work.They also can watch the house to make sure that it is safe for his master.Dogs are friendly to people.

In a word, i love dogs better than cats.I prefer dogs because they are loyal to human,besides they are the best friend of humanity.these days ,dogs have become pets of us. they are not in the wild any more.they get put clothes on and wear bowknot.they have fogotten how to prey.as a human, I love dog as a pet but I feel much pity that dogs have lost so much of their instinct.

I like dogs,because they are so clever、beautiful and cute.I can play with them,they are our good friends, and that is why I like him a lot.i regard dogs as better pets .first ,they are faithful to hosts.we have heard lots of stories about dogs faithfulness.second,they are lovely . there are many cute pictures of dogs on internet.besides,they are brave . when hosts are in danger , dogs often try to rescue their hosts.



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第一, 每天都要有计划,计划不一定要写出来,每天早上在脑子里过一遍自己该干嘛就行,而且要付诸于行动!

第二, 在课间的时候,不要总是玩或总是学,要懂得劳逸结合,保持你一天一定要出去转几圈的习惯!

第三, 晚上一定要复习,老师让背的知识就多背背吧!自己买的题一定要每天做一点儿!最后要做完它,做会它!

第四, 初三可能会有体育训练,会很累,但我希望你能坚持下去,为自己加油,相信自己一定可以战胜它!






★初中毕业的一封信范文★ ★ A letter of letter from junior high school ★


★ a graduation letter to the teacher 600 words >★



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Life is like a piano,what you get out of it,depends on how you play it.

No sweat, no sweet.


There is no end to knowledge.There is no end to perfect character.


Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance.


Cease to struggle and you cease to live.


Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance


Congratulations on your graduation! Whishing you a future filled with success and joy of seeing your dreams come true.


Boys, be ambitious.


Man can survive, only when he has the substance, man can live only when he has ideal.


Goals determine what you are going to be.


Great hope makes great men.


An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding. Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.

Man who has a settled purpose will surely succeed.


Follow your own course, and let people talk.


Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon each of us may write his word.

There is a limit to ones youth, but no limit to his wisdom. Draw on the limitless wisdom during the short span of youth.

Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control, these three alone lead life to sovereign power.


Character decided the fate ,and knowledge changes ours fate.



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同学们,玉成学校应当是“后天下之乐而乐”的 情怀,实现自我的价值,愿大家在各自的岗位上兼顾国家、集体和个人利益,为社会主义作出力所能及的贡献。




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Time flies, imperceptibly, you through the junior middle school three years of study and life. For three years, you are in the campus, left footprints, flying ideal, sweat, take away the maturity, left back memories. A few days ago, in my mind, often will save you present at work; crazy slapstick laughter; Art Festival in the song; the stadium endeavoring figure;

Time is a one-way road, you can not get the return ticket. But some of the scenery will not fade with time, some faces will not fade with time, some beliefs do not brown with time. Let all the sentimentally attached, depressed and repentant, hope and longing, become your eternal good memories!

"The blue cloud has a road to always have to have, life can have a few times to fight, at this time do not beat when to fight!" Anguish and resentment are not the main melody of youth, but struggle and struggle is the aria of life. Here, I hope that every one of you is successful in the mid-term exam.

After two days, you will go all out to accumulate steadily, ideal carrying luggage, with three years of travel over land and water, like a pilgrim, accept, dream ideal. Please remember: no matter where you are, people where the Maozhou middle school campus, there must be your teacher, your mentees, for you silently bless, pray silently, you can often come home to see more hope.

Students, youth is a too hasty book! Three years of time, more than 1000 days and nights in such a hurry to pass by, today you are proud of the school, tomorrow, you are proud of school! In the strange, I gave the students three words, as a graduation gift, and my classmates.

In the first sentence, study is regarded as a habit. A good habit is the most precious wealth of a mans life. I hope that no matter when, no matter where you are, dont forget your habits. We must start from small things, start from the side, start from scratch, pay attention to every detail, and you will have a bright future.

The second sentence, regard gratitude as a kind of gratitude responsibility. The students can grow up healthily, graduate, in addition to their own efforts, we should not forget our age, we grow up, we learn the campus, we cannot forget that behind us silently teachers and love, always worried about our parents, to the country and the school the teacher must be thankful, grateful!

The third sentence, the ideal as a goal. What kind of people have ideal, have what kind of development, in twenty-first Century as a master, you must aim high, do not linger in the past, not to dwell on today, must have ambition, ambition, to have the whole world in view in the future.

Students, graduating from junior high school is just a post station on the road of life. In the future, there will be a wider sky for students to fly. There will be better prospects for students to look forward to. Were going to say "goodbye". At the beginning of the meeting is to acquire knowledge, accumulate strength, this is goodbye in order to achieve the ideal vision exhibition! Your success starts from here! Start from a school in the alma mater!

Wide sea diving, sky. Today you are the peaches and plums fragrance, tomorrow you are the pillars of the state! I wish the students good grades in senior high school entrance examination to the stadium, Alma mater! Good news to the teachers!

Three years of groundless talk, three years of hard work, inculcate three years, three years of little concern, although I just can forget?

Junior high school, is a destination, more a starting point. I wish you more progress and better results in the coming time. For the alma mater.



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Learn to give up wisely Never give up has been accepted by many people as a positive life attitude. Admittly persistence often plays an important role in one success. However,in many cases to give up might be wiser than to persist blindly. The following reasons can support this argument. Firstly,sometimes our goal may be unrealistic. If we insist on it blindly, it will finally bring us nothing but failure. At this time,what we should do is give up the orignal goal and reset a more pratical one. Secondly,not all persistence can bring deserving results. For a very simple example if we keep waiting in line for hours, only to have a luncheon restaurant may be it is unwise .





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There are many memorable things, I have had a particularly memorable things, that is my primary school graduation party. Although it is a party, but we are held during the day, may be called "white".

"The day before the white", we are ready to do the work, prepared a cake, tea, sound...... There are many wonderful programs. The night before, I cant sleep a night, excitedly waiting for the arrival of"white".

The second day, I went to school early. To the classroom, I saw the classroom four corners of asound and the walls are connected with lights, window adhesive beautiful balloon......

When all the students came to the classroom, the teacher in charge announced the graduation party officially began. Some students take the curtains closed, lights are open, as in the balloon is more beautiful in the classroom, sound floated out of the soft songs. I drink a cup of milk tea, quietlywatching the students performances. Have a classmate in front of the blackboard, with white lightappeared in the students who, like in a concert. The classmates performance is very wonderful,suddenly the lights, "bang" sound. I dont know what was happening at the time, until you feel a littlepaper shredder body, I know just the students put pieces of fireworks.

"White" slowly is close to the end, the students sang Li Shutongs "farewell" "pavilion, the trail edgegrass, sky......" The song. Later, everyone is very sad, because some of the students in junior high school when they are not together, also after all, this is the last day in his alma mater.

Primary school I is how naive, is a naive child. Junior high school I know at that time were sad. A classmate, a friendship.

The primary school graduation let me forget.



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Rush years, the flowers bloom. Junior high school three years will be learning to live the moment has passed. Leaving his alma mater, leave, students about to leave, the hearts full of nostalgia.

Forget, beautiful alma mater. In your arms, we become ignorant of everything from ignorance, from naive to mature, from the timid become brave. Here, we received a strict education; here, we form of discipline, good style; here, we obtain knowledge, understand the truth, people here grow sturdily.

Forget, dear teacher. You just like that "wind sneaked into the night, moisten things silently" spring rain, nourishing us these small seedlings. You let me understand : the sun is to illuminate the life, the gardener is how to take care of the flowers, spring breeze is how green the world... ... In my eyes, the teacher, you already tender majesty, both ordinary and great. That is my heart rain, you are the sunshine of my heart ... ... Will always be grateful to you.

Forget, my dear classmates. We walked side by side for three years, in these three years, we spent a wonderful time, gave me the seeds of a friendship, sowing into my heart. In be together morning and night, we grow together, in the blink of an eye, but separated from the heart, calm? So, please remember to spend every minute, let friendship!

Will treasure the rest of every minute and every second, do not let the six year be sorry. The alma mater, memories ; to leave a good impression ; give students leave a good memory.



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spring comes with all its glories. the new grass exposes green color .the pretty flowers open their blossoms. we are tempted to go for an outing.

last tuesday, the weather was fine. we went to the chimelong paradise. it took us about half an hour to get there by bus. what a beautiful city it is! there stand countless tall buildings. half an hour later, we entered the gate of chimelong paradise. we jumped with joy. we rode many rides there. we were very excited and tired, and quite out of breath. as long as you have courage, you can conquer any ride, no matter how dangerous it is. it was about half past four and we had rode all of the rides. we had to take a bus to go back to our school.

what a nice day we had!

[以A Spring Outing为题目初三英语作文



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