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Write a passage of at least 60 words on the following topic according to the given information.


Leaving School

1 Old school life

2 Teacher and schoolmate

3 Future plan


I dont want to leave school, because my old school life was full of fun and I had many good friends in my old school.


We used to share our lunch together. We used to play ball games together. We often did some surveys during the holiday. All of my teachers and schoolmates are very friendly and helpful. Now I have to leave school, I hope I will keep in touch with them and my new school life will be more enjoyable.





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Recently,people come to realize how much grain we wasted every year. And everyone is called on to join a program,called "GuangpanXingdong",which requires people to eat up all our food.

As for me,i think its a extremely good idea to follow.And there are lots of things we can do to contribute our efforts to it.For example,when we go out for dinner,we can just order as much food as we can eat to make sure little will be wasted.Of course if we really cant eat up our food,its also ok to take it home,so we can eat it later.Besides,once we have a chance to have meals with other people,who dont realize the importance,we can explain what the program is for and persuade them from wasting food.

Some may question whether the campaign have any effect,but,i think ,one thing we should keep in mind is that no matter what a small effort we make,it do make a difference.



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Two days later, we are going to graduate. Everyone must be happy, but weve been through a lot of rain and rain over the past six years. These storms include learning, joy, anger, sorrow, joy, and collective life in the Liantang base...... Thought of here, I am not tight shed tears. Because, until now I know to cherish the time.

I remember in Liantang base, I have wronged hiding in bed crying. Because I long, everyone has a lot of my opinions, or say I am stupid, or ignore me, I really dont understand why they do this to me? I dont offend them? So I have no courage to say to the teacher, if I say, my classmates would ignore me, primary school pupil composition "composition". Finally, on the evening of the second day, I couldnt help, to everyone that Chen Huimin said: "well, today I take a bath!" everyone had no objection, but she had to wash the bath for half an hour, my body is the room of course I told the teacher about it! The teacher in the shower, we had forced her to come out......

Remember the day when our teacher had a debate with us?. We were very nervous at the time because we had never tried a debate before. Then, the teacher said: "the classmates, today we will work in class, the theme is" students should follow the independent "?" the teacher said: "this is the open debate, so we will separate the" positive "and" against the two party. "." As soon as we finished speaking, the teacher organized us immediately. Later, the teacher repeated the words just now. We Party Yao Junyu said: "it is of course! If not independence, dont follow their parents generation after generation?" - "Yang Huaijie said:" that, you can live independently now? "" it can also ah! "" in addition to the Liantang based outside? Can? "" can! "" I cant say that! You to explain! "" cant explain! "At that time, the whole class was attracted by his jokes, even the teacher can not help but laugh out......

In the full of laughter in the campus, with the sound of reading aloud on campus, has let us feel joy, anger, sadness and joy in the campus, which contains a lot of memories. Hope that students should remember, let these memories forever stay in our alma mater, graduation, I miss!








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This summer vacation, because mom and dad to go to work, as usual, I go home, because I am more introverted personality, mom feel to give me a cake, it make me increase the chance of meeting people, learning some knowledge, summer holidays are still let me really let me a headache.

One day, grandma and grandpa took me to mother in advance to contact me good golden microphone host computer classes, I will be here on my summer vacation the first lesson. After go in, I saw one man sat on a small wooden bench, I cant help but think: this is the nursery? Havent I how this group of children. I wanted to think, and then found a small wooden bench to sit down, and the bench is too small to bearing force is insufficient, plus I chubby, bench almost to be overwhelmed. "Jingle bell" finally class, the teacher told us the stance of the host, how to vividly to introduce myself, at this point, Ive just had a little bit on the cram school. But the age difference with other classmates or embarrassing me. At the end of the first class, the teacher also let the parents in auditing students introduce themselves. Well, I will be like the little avoid performance which in turn, I cant help but feel very hurt. When I played seriously, the audience a group of parents might see me with other children age difference, could not help but laugh, suddenly, a thick hate to my heart, I hate this interest class, hate with this group of children, also hate these parents laugh. Mother after listening to my protest, afraid that her child is too small I cant adapt to, and teachers coordinate pulled out of the cake course.

Left the golden microphone host interest after work, I on to the second class interest class - the international phonetic alphabet. In after I am very surprised, because this is big and my age children in the class. Finds a seat, I also see the teacher, "wow, too good, is Mr Zhu", I used to English class is on her, my heart secretly pleased. A tall, thin boy became my deskmate, my deskmate also chatted with me, we talk about the game, chat to play, a lot of common language, therefore became good friends. I like go to class every day, has a strong interest on British standard, tested after the training for us, I also did very well in the last exam.

I think will do this summer vacation interest class, age, there are many students can chat, to both the interest and learn knowledge.


这天,爷爷奶奶带着我来到妈妈事先给我联系好的 “金话筒主持人”兴趣班,我将在这里上我的暑假第一课。进去后,只见一个个小人坐在小板凳上,我不禁心想:这是托儿所吗?怎么这群孩子都没我大。我想了想,随即找了个小板凳坐了下来,可板凳太小了承重力不足,加上我偏胖,板凳几乎要被压垮。“叮铃铃”终于上课了,老师给我们讲了主持人的站姿,如何生动地进行自我介绍,此时,我才对这个补习班产生了一丝丝好感。但是与其他同学年龄的差异还是令我尴尬。第一节课快结束时,老师又让家长们进来旁听同学们的自我介绍。唉,我要与这群小不点轮流表演,我不禁感到十分排拆。当我认真表演完了,台下一群家长可能看到我与其他小孩的年龄差异,禁不住大笑,顿时,一股浓浓的恨意在我心头产生,我讨厌这个兴趣班,讨厌和这群小孩一起,也讨厌这些家长们的笑声。妈妈听我抗议后,怕同班小孩太小我不能适应,和老师协调退出了这个兴趣班。




篇5:初三年级英语作文: Visiting My Friend

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We couldn t believe that it was a village. The buildings for the farmers were very beautiful, the streets were very clean and there were many flowers in front of the houses. In the middle of the village there was a school with a wonderful building and a large playground. All the children in the village study there.

The farmers got richer by planting vegetables and raising silkworms. In their houses there were colour TV sets, fridges,washing machines, new furniture and even motorbikes. All these showed the farmers life was getting better and better.

The great changes had attracted foreigners. Today some of them would come to visit it. We were happy for the farmers. We hope the farmers will be richer and happier.



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1. 你是个聪明直爽的女孩,对待他人热情友好,对待工作一丝不苟,但也常常不自觉流露出许多小毛病:课堂上的心不在焉自修课上的蠢蠢欲动学习上的平平淡淡。愿你奋发向上,去采撷最美的花朵!

2. 你是一个快嘴的男孩,天真下有你的成熟与固执,对自己的顽疾熟视无睹,常把希望寄托于未来,你对学习有满腔热情,却总不能长久,常常归罪于工作太多。你爱好广泛,但总不能正确处理“学习”与“活动”的关系,以致于学习毫无起色。希望你能重新认识与评价自己,谦虚好学,勇往直前!

3. 你表面上是个文静的女孩,但你又是个好强的女孩,你总不服输,学习上愿与男生比高下,成绩也是喜人的。但你可知道,除了学习以外,你还比别人缺少了好多,是吗?愿你在新学期里敢于质疑解难大胆发言,做一个全面发展的好学生!

4. 你常常觉得自己不聪明,但在我的心目中你很聪明,只有那些自以为是不努力学习的人才是最大的笨蛋,在我心目中,你是个自尊好强不贪慕虚荣的人,你最大的特长是写作。我希望你不要妄自菲薄,继续努力,我始终会做你的支持者,为你加油,为你鼓劲!

5. 你性情温和,言语不多,但你待人诚恳礼貌,作风踏实,办事认真,品学兼优。你勤奋好学,思维敏捷,但我总担心你后劲不足。愿你坚持不懈,再创辉煌!

6. 你是一位自觉听话的女孩,能守纪律懂礼貌,爱学习爱劳动,为着自己的理想正不断努力顽强拼搏,但我感到你有些劳累,但我还是真诚地希望你能坚持,学习是苦的,但它能培养真正的人才,看到自己不断的进步,会感到这种苦带给自己的是无限的快乐。

7. 你是一个很有修养的女孩,对待同学总是谦虚友好,对待学习总是毫不怠慢,对待工作总是勤勤恳恳,对待困难总是坦然处置。愿你在微笑中成长!

8. 你文静大方,有很好的素养,总是微笑着接受老师的批评与教育,对待工作一丝不苟,对待集体荣誉珍惜有加,但对待学习还欠踏实,有时对待作业比较马虎,请不要忘记:骐骥一跃,不能十步,驽马十架,功在不舍,也只有对学习不懈的追求,才能硕果累累。愿你踏实进步!

9. 你原先是个很可爱的女孩,但是,你不注意自身的形象,你表面上比较斯文,但暗地里却有点“顽皮”贪玩。你现在有所醒悟,我为你高兴,快马加鞭,积极追赶才是你的上策。愿你早早赶上班级前进的脚步!

10. 你是一个思想纯洁不断要求进步的男孩,能严格遵守学校纪律,自觉完成老师交给的各项任务,学习上有钻研精神,上课时不时的“插嘴”充分说明你脑瓜敏捷,但往往你不注意分寸,学习上还缺乏踏实的作风,不注意全面发展,有偏科现象。“千里之行,始于足下”,只有脚踏实地埋头苦干,才能结出丰硕之果!

11. 你是一个诚实的男孩,能虚心接受老师的教育,你思想上积极要求进步,但又常常不能严格要求自己,能热爱集体,但又常常给集体抹黑,希望学有所长,但又缺乏刻苦踏实的学习作风,以致学习平平,工作想做好,但又缺乏主动精神,能力也不够。愿你振作起来,“吃一堑,长一智”,做一个优秀的好学生!



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First cut up two tomates.Next put two teaspoons of oil into the pan.When the oil is hot,put the tomatoes into the pan and fry for a few minutes.Then add a bowl of water and boil.When the water boils,put the noodles into the pan and boil for 5 minutes.Break two eggs and put them into the pan.Finally ,add two teaspoons of salt.It’s very easy.

You can try to make it.

[最新初三英语作文:How to make tomato and egg noodles.



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1. 暖暖微风迎面吹,三年同窗感情深。毕业离别友情泪,待到再聚心愿遂。朋友情深抱成堆,相互勉励梦成真。

2. 同窗相伴好几年,共同学习把梦追;如今已到毕业时,分别到来祝福送;祝你以后道路顺,扬帆远航成功伴。

3. “三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也"。你壮志在胸,理想在怀,祝愿你努力奋斗,勇往直前,心随所愿,实现梦想!

4. 光阴荏苒,时光飞逝,转眼同窗生涯即将结束。雄鹰展翅,高飞如云,瞬间一览灿烂风光将要开始。愿你前程似锦!

5. 天下没有不散的盛宴,有聚有散;好男儿志在四方,怎能情长气短?毕业了,挥挥手,留下怀念;终有时再聚首,共叙悲欢。

6. 月光下的敞开心扉,凝成秋霜;图书室里的四目相对,春耕匆忙;前后桌的彼此照应,互送温暖;毕业时的深情相拥,倾诉衷肠。有缘再聚,喜欢和你在一起,很久有这感觉,只是没有通知你。挚友祝福你前途无量。

7. 情谊,不会因为各奔东西而消失;情重,不会因为毕业而减轻;情浓,不会因为距离拉远而淡薄;祝福,不会因为天涯海角而减少,毕业之际,祝前程似锦,前途光明。

8. 山不在高,有仙则灵,同窗多年,有你就行。回首往事,你总是在需要的时候出现,总是在困难的时候出现,总是在绝望的时候让我看到曙光,总是危难时刻显伸手,这一别不知何时相见,朋友珍重。

9. 相遇相聚是情的开始,相分相离却不是情的结束,同窗几年的共同奋斗,凝聚着的无数美好瞬间,都被载入我们青春的纪念里。毕业了,朋友,祝你未来一切安好。

10. 毕业际,难分舍,同学间,情谊浓,送祝福,愿顺利,发问候,祝如意,许心愿,望好运,默祈祷,盼吉祥,发短信,道个别,我和你,同学情,似海深,毕业后,常联系。

11. 有幽默想逗你,有美食想送你,有困难想帮你,有便宜想让你,有时间想缠你,永远不毕业多好,就能天天和你在一起。喜欢你,祝福有个人比我还爱你,哄你,守着你。闺蜜,祝福你幸福平安,前途光明。

12. 花开短暂,灿烂了春天,过程完美;毕业感伤,青春无悔岁月,散发光辉;毕业分离,真诚惦念帮扶未来,有爱相随。祝福朋友考学理想,工作顺利,家庭和美。我们有翅能高飞,有缘再相会。

13. 菁菁校园,流连忘返,青春岁月,相依相伴。一路走来,同窗数年,读书玩乐,彼此温暖。今朝一别,何时相见,执手相看,唯有祝愿。长空浩荡,任君翩跹,天地广阔,祝你梦圆!

14. 人生是树上的果,毕业是成熟的季节,别而无憾;人生是海上的船,毕业是成功的彼岸,另开新篇;人生是雪中的跋涉,毕业是温馨的家园,休息再前。毕业了,祝我友再扬理想的风帆,再赴辉煌明天。

15. 独自回眸,岁月逝去,校园尽头。怅分隔,问苍茫大地,怎能不哭。携来几人曾游,忆往昔快乐岁月稠。曾记否,在校园穿梭,笑声常留。毕业了,朋友愿你一生幸福,一路顺风。

16. 毕业了,愿同窗的你,插上理想的翅膀翱翔,去寻找你梦想的蓝天。未来的路好好地走,艰难的时候别忘了,我的祝福伴你永远!

17. 你的身影渐渐远走,我的祝福伴你左右:你的生活快乐无忧,你的工作得心应手,你的前途一马平川,你的心情甜蜜永久!毕业了,我们各奔东西,把这份美好的同学情珍藏心里,在闲暇时,轻轻想起,幸福涟漪颤不止!

18. 毕业了,露出幸福的微笑,释放快乐的心灵,展开五彩的翅膀,让青春在灿烂中飞扬,让友情在岁月中增长,让好运跟随身旁,让身体更加茁壮,让成功一路辉煌。分手了,道一声珍重,愿你幸福安康!

19. 毕业了,笑一笑,收起离别的眼泪,抱一抱,为幸福的明天鼓劲,乐一乐,我们还是最好的朋友!祝你身体健康,学业进步,百事可乐!

20. 相逢又告别,归帆又离岸,既是往日欢乐的终结,又是未来幸福的开端。深深的祝愿,都收藏在短信之间,我的目光永远在你的身边。祝你快乐拥抱明天!

21. 想昨日,我们同吃同住同学习;看今朝,我们同心同德同毕业;望未来,我们同时同刻同进步。我的同学,不忍离别,不忘同窗,不许悲伤,不能相忘。祝你以后的人生旅途一路向上!我会永远为你加油鼓掌!

22. 这几年因为有你的陪伴,我的求学之路并不孤单,那些同学时光的美好画面我将记忆永远。现在,就要毕业了,我的好同学,请让我为你送上最真挚的祝愿:愿你我的友情恒久不变,愿快乐幸福与你相伴永远!

23. 毕业了!伤心的我走了,正如我会轻轻的来,我轻轻的挥手,不带走离别的云彩!短暂的分手,只为长久的相聚!难舍的情感,于相思风雨中!

24. 相聚总是很短,思念总是很长。离别时互道珍重,让牵挂的目光铺就脚下的铁轨,向苍茫的远方蔓延,传递深情,夹杂祈愿。毕业季,愿友谊长存,祝幸福快乐。

25. 我曾以为,相聚只是一种缘分,离别也是种必然。但是,将要到来的离别,却带来了不舍,和以后的思念。离别不是永别,是为了更好的相见。毕业了,我的姐妹们,我期待在以后的日子里,在世界的某个角落,再次相见。

26. 毕业了,向书本作别,从此知识插上了翅膀,飞向财富;向老师告别,从此学子牢记了教导,自强自立;与同学离别,从此友情深印在心底,伴我风风雨雨。毕业季,让我们拥抱明天。

27. 毕业的钟声敲响,曾经的岁月难忘,承载欢声笑语的操场,平静不再张扬,装满喜怒的教室,没有了歌声飞扬,记录成长的宿舍,安静在不停的生长,背起行囊,告别了尊敬的师长,拜拜了可爱调皮的脸庞,不觉眼泪汪汪,朋友,擦干眼泪,前途闪烁着曙光,记得常联系,祝你好运在望。

28. 毕业后,你我分手,但关怀依旧,你我互喊加油,温馨友谊不曾丢;发邮件,你我聊天,任天涯相隔,你我近在咫尺,同窗好友在身边!现如今,我们不必感伤,擦干离别的泪水,走上彼此的征途!友情若是长久持,岂在朝朝暮暮!

29. 毕业了,分别的惆怅,模糊了双眼;醇香的情谊,沁满了心田;几载的同窗,充满了眷恋;高举的酒杯,道出了离别;真挚的祝福,则捎去了美好:愿各位同窗事业路越走越精彩,生活路越走越幸福,爱情路越走越甜美!

30. 安安静静的教室没有往日的喧哗,只有我默默的祝福;空空荡荡的操场没有昨天的身影,只有我丝丝的别绪。毕业时分,愿我的朋友展翅高飞!

31. 亲爱的,别哭泣,今日离别的泪水,是明日相遇的美酒;亲爱的,别害怕,今日小小的奋斗,是明日美美的朝阳。毕业了,祝你一帆风顺,迈向美好未来!

32. 我喜欢这个季节,它让我看到你灿烂的前程,辉煌的未来已展开;我讨厌这个季节,它让我不得不与你暂时分离,让我的思念被放逐天涯。毕业在即,无论如何,祝你前程似锦!

33. 毕业了,我知道,和你的距离要滋生想念,和你的距离让我们难以见面,和你的距离要我们各自奋斗,和你的距离告诉我想见就是把酒言欢。期待着相聚的日子,不管距离再远,终究会有那么一天!

34. 一声珍重,道出难忘的师生情;一声保重,道出同学厚谊深情;一声再见,道出彼此的牵挂和思念;一句箴言,道出彼此祝福和惦念,毕业了,祝未来的路平平安安,光明一片。

35. 昨天今天明天,我们拥有共同的精彩,过去现在未来,我们携手分享关爱,毕业在即,想要告诉你,无论身在何方惦念永不更改!

36. 飞扬的青春用热情谱写着年华,瑰丽的岁月用真心镌刻着友谊,璀璨的人生用执着装点着未来,毕业在即,愿你壮志在胸怀,祝心想事成,前程似锦!

37. 将快乐刻在书桌上,将思念留在校园里,青春岁月铭刻着同窗的你,欢乐时光总有你的记忆。毕业了,美丽的校园最留恋,可爱的你最珍惜,让我们未来后会有期。愿毕业后你我依旧联系,幸福生活甜蜜蜜!

38. 一声嘱咐,温暖心窝;一声问候,感动你我;一声叮咛,热泪满盈;一声祝福,永远伴我;毕业的行装以备好,有你的祝福,人生路上没有了孤独,朋友一路走好。

39. 校园的时光,我们用青春定义,快乐充盈心底;美好的未来,我们用幸福计算,捕获生活的甜蜜;心中的梦想,我们用成功设置;愿你毕业加油,一切顺利。

40. 马上就要毕业了,我们就要各奔东西,请记住不论是波涛汹涌还是康庄大道,我总在默默支持你;不论是天涯还是海角,我的祝福总在你身边;祝你平安顺利!

41. 一段同窗,一生情缘;一句珍重,一生感动;毕业让我们各奔天涯,友谊让我们的心相连,不论前路如何有祝福就是艳阳天,祝你前程似锦!

42. 人的一生也像四季:春播、夏长、秋收、冬尝。毕业是人生第一阶段的喜悦丰收,愿亲爱的学友,迈入第二阶段,意气风发,努力撒播;春华秋实,幸福圆满!



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how to learn english well

First of all, reading is very important if we want to learn English well. When we are reading English articles we not only get to know a lot of English words and expressions, but also get a sound sense of English language (英语语感).

Then reciting english words is also necessary because without enough vocabulary we can not understand well.

Lastly, grammar is also improtant for us because if we dont know the basic knowledge about English grammar we may not understand the sentence structures. It will cause us a lot of problems.

Of course, we will also try hard to listen more and try to talk with people in English. In this way, we can learn English well.

[初三以how to be learn为题写英语作文



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Small Words

【范文】One day, the Buddha passed a village, some villagers speaked to him with foul language. The Buddha listened to them quietly for a while, then he said to them:"thanks a lot, and now l have to preach the villagers of the next village, goodbye." "Dont you heard the foul words for you?" One of the villagers asked unbelievably."Of course l did, but l am not controlled by somebadys words, and l would never have response to someones feelings. l am the master, not the slave of my own feelings."




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如果一百份试卷里都是清一色的“I think”简单句,那阅卷人读起来将会多么的乏味,乏味至极的阅卷人又如何能给得出高分?所以,我们在写句子的时候,要尽可能的变换句式和结构,让文章富于变化,错落有致。具体地说:中考作文中,我们可以尝试使用更多的复合句,主要是宾语从句、状语从句以及尝试变化语态。例如,2008年中考北京卷作文题,以汶川地震为背景描写一个叫做林浩的小英雄的故事以及自身感受。其中有一句细节描写叫做“他救出了自己的同学并步行七小时到达安全地点。”例文给出的句子是“he saved two of his classmates. Then he walked for seven hoursto safety。” 这句话我们可以改写成为一个从句:saving two of his classmates, Lin Haowalked for seven hours to safety。

如果再加上语态的变换,还可以改写成:Being saved from the earthquake, two of LinHao’s classmates walked for seven hours to safety with Lin Hao。这样的变化在作文中能够主动使用的话,一定会增加阅卷人的青睐,从而给你的文章增加获胜的筹码。



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17、即将分别,舍不得你们的调皮和笑颜;舍不得你们的阳光与大气。忘不了你们“世博”之夜的狂欢;更忘不了你们中考前夕的奋力拼搏。明天,你们将迈入人生一个新的舞台,愿你们记住三(1)的精神:Nothing is impossible!






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My teacher gave me an assignment "experience life" last week. I had been thinking how to finish it because I had never done any thing by myself before.

Mother was out today. It was a good chance to complete the assignment. Seeing the barrel was empty, I decided to fetch water from the well.

I took the empty barrel and went towards the well outside the yard. It snowed yesterday, so the alley was very slippery. A layer of thickice was frozen on the platform of the well. I was frightened by the sight, but I gathered my courage to walk towards it.

The alley was so slippery that I walked with difficultly. Suddenly, I slipped and fell down, water in the barrel totally poured down on the ground. I stepped on the platform carefully. After standing steadily and squatting down slowly, I hooked the barrel at the end of the rope and put the rope down slowly. I made an effort to drag the barrel up after it was filled with water. I was very careful because it was easy to slip and fall. Then, I carried the barrel of water and returned to my house. My figners were frozen stiff. I realized my effort was in vain. I hated myself.

I failed to finish the assignment but I did experience life through a trifle which seemed easy but difficult to do well. Such was my first experience of life.



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A persons life, there are many friends. If lost friends, will lose much fun! Now we are about to separate, and interactions of the two friends will also be less, so I want to write about them.

Huang Tinghui: when two years later, we have known each other for two years. Remember at the beginning, you turn to our class. Due to your poor eyesight to sit with me. The teacher write on the blackboard the word you couldnt see, you often ask me, I also tell you patient, so we established profound friendship. We laugh together, cry together, mad at a quarrelling, together to do according to evil. And you together of dribs and drabs, I will never forget.

Easy 媱 : in my mind your temper is very good, is also a name change most in our class. We will be together. Sometimes see the meat on your face, I will run to knead your face, you are always gentle smile, the smile has included in the friendship.

Along the way of the company of friends, no friends, no today of I, really thank you friends support, maybe well separate, but the fate.







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Do you know what dish is the most popular in the cold winter in China? I know it s hot pot. Hot pot is a Chinese tasteful folk dish. No matter in the north or in the south, people like hot pot very much and every region has its local features. For example, Sihuan hot pot is hot while Guangdong hot pot is famous for its fresh. Usually, there is a metal hot pot in the middle of table. When the soup in the pot is kept simmering, dishes are put into the pot. Beef, mutton, fish and vegetables are the main dishes. It is extremely popular in winter because it can keep the dishes warm all the time. And the atmosphere is hot, too. Friends or relatives sit down together to have a feast. It s a good way to relax.


[初三英语作文-Hot Pot



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My Summer Holiday

Summer holiday is from July to August .It s a long time for me to do all kinds of things . I like visiting some places of

interest . And I like travelling by train . It takes me too much time , but it saves money .Sometimes I stay at home and do

my homework , sometimes I help my parents do some house work. When my parents are free , we often go to the park or

the zoo , and we have a good time there . I have a good summer holiday .




Summer Holiday Is Coming

The summer holiday is coming. I’m going to have a good rest and learn to relax myself. I will read more useful books because reading more books is not only interesting but also helps me learn more knowledge. I will try to spend more time in chatting with my parents and help them to do some housework. I am going to take part in the social activities so that I can know more about the society. If possible, I’d like to make a trip to Xiamen. I’m sure I’ll have an interesting and meaningful summer holiday. I am looking forward to it..






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An Accident


It was Saturday. Mr, Li was going to go fishing.He put a fishing pole on his shoulder. His dogs were running after him.

But he forgot there was something wrong with his bike, and he hadnt mended it.He was so excited that he couldnt watch buses and ears carefully.Suddenly, a truck was coming and he didnt notice.He was hit by the truck and he threw away the pole. His bike was broken and a lump appeared on his forehead.


但他忘了他的自行车有毛病,还没修理。他特别兴奋,没注意来往车辆。突然一辆大卡车开过来,他没看见。他被撞着了, 鱼杆扔了,自行车也坏了,前额还起了个大包。

Working for My Mother


The summer vacation began. I decided to work to make money for the next term.

But I didnt know what work I could do.At that time, my mother was writing a book.I decided to type for her for pay. She agreed and paid me 5 yuan for 1000 words.

I began to work.I typed so slowly that I could type only several hundred words a day.It was a hard job for me.I kept typing all day long.

I finished the work two weeks later.I came to know how hard it was to make money.


但我不知道我能做什么工作。那时,妈妈在写一本书。我想为她有偿打字,她同意了,答应每千字付我5元钱。 我开始工作。我打字很慢,每天才能打几百字。对我来说这是一项辛苦的工作,我只能整天工作着。 两周后我终于完成了这项工作。我认识到挣钱是多么的不容易啊!

My Life in Summer Holiday


Good morning, my dear fellows.I am happy to see all of our classmates come back to school.I would like to

share my life in holiday with you.This summer holiday, I spent most of my time in playing, like watching TV, playing games, outing with friends and so on.But I also pay attention to my study.For example, I like watching the educational TV programs, so that I can both have fun and learn something new at the same time.Besides, I get up early to do some morning reading to practice my English.Of course, I finish my summer exercises on time.In short, my summer holiday is colorful and meaningful.How about your life in summer holiday?I am eager to know.




A tiger is a kind of catamount animal. It looks like a cat, but much bigger than a cat.A tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meat.It has yellow and black streaks all over its body and it looks very beautiful.Its tail is long and strong and it can hit its quarry dying.

Tigers live in the thick forests and small animals in the forests are tigers food.

During the past years, many forests have been cut down and the living conditions of the tigers are becoming worse and worse.There are fewer tigers left in the world now.Tigers are the animals of the world, and they should have their own living spaces.We must do our best to protect the tigers and their living environment.




Dont Watch Too Much TV


Tom watched TV too late last night. He didn't go to bed until twelve.This morning he got up late. He hurried to school without breakfast.He got school at 8:20 and he was late for class.When his teacher asked him a

question in class,he couldn't answer it.AFter he came back home, he couldn't finish his homework.He felt very sorry and decided not to watch too much TV.

Last night Tom watched a TV play until after twelve.He got up late this morning.He had no time to have his breakfast and hurried to school.

When he got school, the first class had begun.He felt so sleepy that he got to sleep after a while.The teacher asked him to answer a question, but he couldn't.

After school he came back home, but he found it difficult to do his homework.He needed to have a good sleep at once.He felt very sorry and decided not to watch TV too late.





After Supper


After supper, my father leaves the table fight away and starts to water his dear flowers on the balcony every day.He takes his sprayer in his hand, appreciating their beauty and smelling their fragrance.Sometimes he smiles at the flowers, as if he is talking with them.Mom washes the dishes, cleans up the floor and at the same time singing Beijing Opera. Sometimes she stops to ask me how I do in my school.After supper, I play the piano for two hours.What a happy life we live.


The Color I Love Best


Of all the colors, I love blue best.Blue is the color of sky and sea.When the sky is blue, we will feel happy to

have a nice day.Blue is also related to the sea.When we come to the seaside, the deep blue color will attract us much.I like swimming in the sea very much. It makes me feel free and happy.Blue can make us feel easy, cool us down when we are too anxious.Its a color of ration and calm.


My Family


In my life, I am proud of having a happy family.I have a kind father, strict mother and a naught little brother.As most other families, there are laughs and tears at my home. My father is friendly to others.Our neighbors speak highly of him.Mother is strict to me and my little brother. She has high expectation to us, wanting us to have bright future.My little brother is a primary school student, but he doesn’t work very hard. All he wants is playing with his friends. It worries my parents a lot.But in general, we have more laughs than tears.I love my lovely family.




It is the duty of every citizen to honor the national flag.Why?Because the national flag is the symbol of a (the) country.To respect it means to respect the country.In other words, if a man loves his country, he must love the national flag.

In school, the national flag is usually raised at a certain time every day.Then the principal, teachers, staff and students are to (must) stand before it and sing the national anthem.It is indeed extremely meaningful to attend such a ceremony.



Make Dumplings


dumpling is a traditional chinese food.On the lunar new year s day, most families make a lot of delicious dumplings.To make them, follow this easy process.

The first step is to mix the flour with water.when the dough is ready, we can begin to make dumpling wrappers.we use a rolling pole to roll the dough into small, thin and round pieces so that they will be easy to cook.when the wrappers are done, it s time to prepare the filling.Usually, we use meat such as beef or mutton, and some vegetables such as cabbage or carrots for filling.You may actually choose whatever you like to put into it.we must chop those things into small pieces.Then put some salt, oil and other condiments into it and stir it evenly.When all these preparations are done, we can start making dumplings.First put a spoonful of filling in the center of the wrapper.Then stick the two opposite sides together and then the rest.Don t just cover the filling with the wrappers.The best shape of dumplings is that of a ship, because when they are boiling in the pan, they look like ships sailing in the sea.The smell can make your mouth water.


第一步就是把面粉和水和在一起。和好面之后,我们可以开始擀皮。我们使用一个滚动杆,把它揉成又薄又小的圆形面皮,这样会比较容易煮。皮弄完后,就是弄馅的时候了。通常我们用肉(比如牛肉和羊肉)还有蔬菜(比如白菜和胡萝卜)作馅。 你可能选择任何你喜欢的馅包进去。我们必须把这些东西剁小。然后放上盐,油和其他调料搅拌它均匀。当所有这些准备工作都完成了,我们就可以开始包饺子了。首先放一勺馅在皮的中心。然后把两个相反的两边粘在一起,然后就是其他的了。不只是只是把馅包在皮里面。饺子最好看的形状是像一艘船,因为当它们在锅里煮时,他们看起来就像是大海里的船只。它们的香味会让你流口水。

Why Are Bicycles So Commonly Used in China


Bicycle is a convenient means of transportation. It has been very popular in China.During the rush hours, particularly in big cities, you can often see a sea of bicycle riders in the streets.People can ride bicycles to their working places, to schools, to shopping centres and so on.In a word, bicycles play an important role in daily life.
