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As The Spring Festival  is coming, I decide to tell you something  about Spring Festival  .

Spring Festival ,known as the Chinese New Year,which counts from the first day in the lunar calendar ,and is the most important holiday in China.From late January to early February,Chinese people are busy preparing for the New Year.They clean their houses ,have their hair cut,and buy new clothes .Jiaozi or dumpling is most popular.To those who live far away from their home,this festival is also a framily reunion occasion.

And they often go back home to celebrate the festival with their family.At the time,the children will play the fireworks and firecracker。further more,once the children greet to olds,  for return,the olds will give the children lucky money.and last The first day of the new year is the time when people visit their friends and wish each other good luck in the new year,remember to be happy!




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A new year,a new start, when I stand on the edgeof a new year, I cant help thinking about my plan of next year.

Just as the old saying:"Well began is thehalf of the success.” So I decide that I should be at work while the others are still relaxing, and then,at the beginning,Im quicker than the others and ofcourse I will get better result than the others.

But, what I really decide to do is that I must make good of any time I can spare though it seems impossible. While,I will do my best to live up with what I have planned, and the result will prove it.



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my plan of next year

a new year ,a new start,when i stand on the edge of a new year,i can’t help thinking about my plan of next year.

but ,what i really decide to do is that i must make good of anytime i can spare though it seems impossible. while,i will do my best to live up with what i have planned,and the result will prove it!







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Lunar New Year , the most solemn of traditional Chinese folk festivals. First day of the first lunar month in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, known as the Moon, commonly known as "New Year" and "New Year." The long history of the Spring Festival, which originated in the Shang period the year draws to a close servicemen and the memorial activities. According to Chinas Lunar, the first day of the first lunar month yen ancient name, Yuan-chen, a copy, is Emperor, the New Year Day, which is commonly known as Day of the Republic. switch to the Gregorian calendar, the calendar on January 1 as New Years Day, January 1st called the Lunar Spring Festival.



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The Spring Festival

Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .

The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”. People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .

Things Happened in Spring Festival Today, I went shopping with my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. It was a rare occasion because we hardly only get together few times in a year as a big family. On the way to the shopping mall, we watched the lion dance. Overall, we had an unforgettable day.




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The annual Spring Festival will soon come, everyone is busy to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, every family is jubilant atmosphere, very happy, our family is no exception, annual 29, I just get up, my grandpa cried out, let me and my sister to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, we put up a big everyone in the middle of the door, the door both sides put up Spring Festival couplets, top allied is bottom allied FuZhongSheng is fond of music is "rich world wealth suisui huan" horizontal batch is "good luck in the New Year" we soon ok, Im very happy to be looked at his work.

New Years eve morning, we put on new clothes, and sister go to set off firecrackers. A villager "through the voice from our ears, as if to send blessings to families, we are very happy. New Years eve night, we ate dinner, I and my grandfather, my sister together to watch Spring Festival gala. The wonderful performance of let my mood suddenly enlightened, crosstalk, sketch and dance... Very good. But I like the small shenyang? Ya eggs? Zhao benshan and old never put off till tomorrow what you can do "not bad money" is so fun.

On the first day I just woke up, he found that there are New Years money under the pillow, younger sister also has, we happy smile, and then we eat dumplings, go to outside public New Year, thanks to the later, grandpa grandma, will give us New Years money, also take out your delicious of all, for us, we are all very happy.

I like the Chinese New Year, New Years day is really good.







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1) 狗年耳长长,招运进宝;狗年眼圆圆,风光无限;狗年腿蹦蹦,事业上冲;狗年尾短短,烦恼不见;狗年唇三瓣,快乐无限;狗年身白白,鸿运不歇;狗年舌舔舔,新年如愿!

2) 炮竹迎春晓,祥瑞东屋绕;春联透墨香,福字临门倒;红灯光彩照,轻歌更曼妙;喜气挂眉梢,老少乐陶陶;举杯同欢庆,幸福无限好。恭祝新年,大吉大利!

3) 新年将至,美妙的钟声又要敲响,让它敲响你2018年的幸运之门,带给你一整年的健康平安、幸福快乐、如意吉祥。提前祝你狗年快乐!

4) 新年又来到,祝福忘不掉,问候忙送到,心愿可收到。愿你在新的一年里生活无忧愁,事业无困难,爱情无波折,日子红红火火!

5) 同甘共苦好伙伴,风雨兼程同岗站。吃苦在前无怨言,责任风险挺身担。过年过节都上岗,今日轮换到休班。祝你春节美满幸福,愿你新年加官晋级。

6) 狗年到,送你一只吉祥狗,愿你吉星高照,事业顺利;送你一只爱情狗,愿你拥有金玉良缘,幸福美满;送你一只发财狗,愿你财源滚滚来,金钱花不完!

7) 狗年有虎来守护,祝您全家都幸福。虎背驮来福寿禄,虎嘴衔来金满屋。虎腿迈着青云步,虎头顶着好仕途。虎爪劈开生财路,虎尾展开大鸿图。

8) 爱你爱不够,只想多留一刻在你左右,心跳的声音是爱的美丽旋律,让我们的爱奏出世界上最动听的音符,新春快乐!

9) 不管大海再多水,大山有多伟,蜘蛛再多腿,辣椒再辣嘴,也甭管拉登有多鬼,美国有多累,总之你最美,快乐永不悔!狗年快乐!

10) 有种喜欢不一定说出,但彼此心知肚明;有种生活不求无疵,但快乐常在;有种朋友见少离多,但始终不忘;有种短信偶尔发出,但牵挂满怀。狗年大吉!

11) 春风里,百花下,小鸡小鸭过家家。小鸭手拿花,往鸡头上带。你是小鸡我是鸭,小鸭想你心如麻。除夕快乐!

12) 即将送走了旧的一年,抛开的是忧愁与烦恼,留下的是快乐与笑容;迎来了新的一年,迎接的是理想与希望,祝福的是幸福与健康!预祝你新的一年宏图大展!

13) 所有的朋友们注意啦!狗年最新寄语语送到:龟狗赛跑,纯属造谣;小狗快跑,莫睡懒觉;早岁早起,吃饱喝好;千年耻辱,一笔勾销!祝你春节好!

14) 爆竹声声,一年又一年,金羊换玉狗;欢天喜地,朋友传祝福,亲戚串家门;日新月异,旧貌改新容,新春好前景;短信传递,祝福送给你,情谊永长久。

15) 除夕饺子包进18年收获的幸福,十五元宵煮出18年希望的蓝图,二月二龙头抬起你的信心与豪情。衷心祝愿你:龙头抬起,龙体安康,龙腾虎跃再创辉煌!

16) 日历快翻完,明年是何年?玉帝掐指算,应是狗值班。灵狗闻之喜,准备享清闲。狗子别偷懒,“辰”起把活干。狗腾在盛世,祝福满人间!

17) 风鸣马啸迎新年,中华大地俱欢颜。龙腾虎跃气势显,马不停蹄四化建。不惧路途多艰险,众志成城创明天。家家户户庆团圆,幸福生活每一天。祝2018年快乐!

18) 新年新气象,我来把歌唱:祝你身体棒,来年不发胖;家和万事畅,心花怒绽放;事业无风浪,生意蒸蒸上;要是把我忘,就找你算账。狗年大吉!

19) 许一个美好的心愿,祝你新年快乐连连,送一份美妙的感觉,祝你来年万事圆圆,送一份漂亮的礼物,祝你微笑甜甜。狗年大吉!

20) 富贵如云烟,情义却不变。虽然相距远,惦念在心间。光阴似飞箭,沧海变桑田。真情系你我,友谊常浇灌,又至小除夕,新年弹指间,愿你快乐每一天!

21) 新年到来送旧迎新,新年祝福灌满真“新”,祝你:心情愉快填满开“新”,工作进步布满顺“新”,爱情浪漫充满温“新”,生活幸福装满舒“新”!

22) 春节到来喜洋洋,儿孙满堂乐陶陶。祝你春节吉安康,幸福生活敬你享。财源滚滚达三江,紫气东来程鹏展。纳财进宝工资涨,吉星高照家兴旺。祝春光灿烂!

23) 摆脱工作的压力,享受生活的悠闲;放下心头的烦恼,体会人生的灿烂;拒绝霉运的降临,点燃好运的长鞭;拉响开心的汽笛,奔向快乐的新年。愿你新春佳节快乐而不断,幸福只是新的起点!

24) 您的教师生涯,有无数骄傲和幸福的回忆,但您把它们珍藏在心底,而只是注视着一待开拓的园地。老师,新春快乐!

25) 感悟新春,感受新年,幸福相守,快乐相伴,祝福送你,问候愿你,平安快乐,健康温暖,事业有成,梦想有望,运气常临,快乐每天。

26) 新春到了,我把蓝天送给你,愿你的心情从此蔚蓝;我把阳光送给你,愿你的未来从此明亮;我把繁星送给你,愿你的人生从此璀璨!新年快乐哈!

27) 新年快来到,向你问个好。开心无烦恼,好运跟着跑。家人共团聚,天伦乐逍遥。朋友相扶持,心情不寂辽。事业风水顺,金银撑荷包。好运从天降生活步步高!

28) 新年伊始是新年,万象更新又一年,制定人生新目标,努力奋斗创佳绩,新年,愿你告别过去的懒散,拥抱明日的辉煌,努力进取,开创幸福新生活,新春快乐!

29) 祝你:工作清闲自在,打牌从不输钱,存款位数递增,口袋装满美元,美女挤满床前,精力充沛源源,永远得意洋洋。

30) 春节喝酒忙,多了神气伤;八点上班忙,累了真够呛;晚上应酬忙,夜深好凄凉;劝君别太忙,身体不是钢;该忙才要忙,做个好榜样。祝节后上班愉快!

31) 星光璀璨月羞离,烟花炮竹流光溢。妻子儿女回老家,聚宴大餐全家齐。孙子敬酒给爷爷,压岁年钱塞满兜。端碗寿面送奶奶,红包鼓鼓大手笔。愿朋友:春节喜悦无限美!

32) 捧一束鲜花,抓两把阳光,专机到法国购四瓶浪漫,美国买六箱快乐,联合国拿八盒祝福,从心深处切下十许关怀,作为礼物给你。亲爱的朋友,新年好!

33) 璀璨的群星在闪耀,狗年的欢乐在舞蹈。傲霜的腊梅迎风笑,狗年的幸福暖心潮。温暖的阳光来相照,狗年的祝福不能少。愿你狗年乐淘淘,事业创新高!

34) 春节祝你:一帆风顺、二龙腾飞、三羊开泰、四季平安、五福临门、六六大顺、七星高照、八方来财、九九同心、十全十美、百事亨通、千事吉祥、万事如意!

35) 新年的钟声拉开快乐的序幕,新年的颂歌唱响吉祥的号角,新年的礼花绽放喜悦的心情,新年的短信送来温馨的祝福。新春到了,愿你狗年快乐如意!

36) 钟声是我的问候,歌声是我的祝福,雪花是我的贺卡,美酒是我的飞吻,清风是我的拥抱,快乐是我的礼物!统统都送给你,祝你狗年快乐!

37) 举起手来,交出你的霉运!你已经被新年快乐重案小组包围了,已经进入万事如意炮的射程!别想逃跑也别想躲避,我们的最佳射手名叫丘比特!

38) 农历春节到,向你问个好,身体倍健康,心情特别好;好运天天交,口味顿顿妙。最后祝您及您的家人:狗年好运挡不住,狗年财源滚滚来!

39) 抢在新春前头,抢在爆竹前头,抢在欢腾的前头,抢在陶醉的前头,抢在将要到来的铺天盖地的短信前头,为的是您能听清我真挚的祝福!祝狗年春节快乐!

40) 歌声笑声连成片,大人孩子乐翻天,祝福心愿比酒甜,和和美美团圆年,吉庆有余举杯赞,家和万事皆如愿,福寿康宁岁月好,辞旧迎新生活甜。春节愉快。

41) 春节到来多喜庆,家家户户都繁忙。屋里屋外扫干净,高高兴兴送灶王。上街购得年货归,吃穿用度都妥当。心满意足迎新年,快快乐乐福难挡。祝春节快乐吉祥!

42) 辛辛苦苦又一年,忙忙碌碌为挣钱;你来我往联系少,转眼又到春节了,发条短信情真意切了:愿你薪水多赚,奖金满满;快乐天天,幸福年年!

43) 新年的钟声终于想起,积蓄已久的祝福终于传出,思念就在这一刻蔓延,问候依旧未改变。喜庆的节日,美好的祝福送给你,祝你狗年快乐,万事如意!

44) 春节马上到,对联贴门照;烟花绽夜空,欢声显热闹;电话短信来问好,合家欢聚笑一笑;健康围绕财运招,幸福生活常拥抱。狗年大吉!

45) 迎接除夕,惊喜无限;福星高照,福满家园;禄星进门,加爵升官;寿星贺春,寿比南山;喜神报喜,好运无限;携手众仙,共迎新年;祝你新春,吉祥美满!

46) 新年的第一颗露珠因你的甜蜜温馨而晶莹,新年的第一个黎明因你的健康平安而宁静,新年的第一缕阳光因你的吉祥如意而温暖。祝你新一年里一切随愿。

47) 辞旧迎新要有底,将快乐进行到底,将健康保持到底,将幸福坚持到底,将吉祥陪伴到底,将平安延续到底,将祝福送到心底:祝新春快乐!

48) 春节假期回放:时间是亲朋的,眼睛是熬红的,肠胃是酒杯的,大脑是牌局的,奖金是挥霍的,身心是疲惫的,心里是开心的,最终整个人是要交给工作的!

49) 新年新气象,假期已结束,集中精力干工作,创造一年好业绩;应酬渐减少,假后收收心,努力拼搏忙事业,干出一番新成就;节后愿你认真工作,打造出自己的一片辉煌!

50) 见面必说新年好,十万万人尽欢笑。古树虬枝新梅老,庙堂年画结寿桃。枝上雪残吹又少,除夕除旧无烦恼。吃好玩好休息好,除夕守岁燃鞭炮。除夕快乐,狗年吉祥!

51) 春节到,福喜到,新年吹响集结号;请财神,请灶神,财富梦想在燃烧;办年货,蒸年糕,新年展望步步高;发短信,祝福友,愿你新年幸福发发发!

52) 锣鼓喧天响,鞭炮声声震。大红灯笼挂,春联贴门上。门神两旁站,烦恼莫进房。春节喜庆样,人人祈吉祥。愿你新年新气象,生活美满事业旺!

53) 新年到了,想我吗?想我就按,再按,你那么想我吗?我说想我才按。还按!没想到你这样想我,好感动!呵呵春节快乐!

54) 亲朋好友聚福气,合家欢乐团圆喜,鞭炮齐鸣新年庆,欢天喜地把狗迎,春联福字门前红,福星禄星开道请,狗年春节真高兴,愿看短信的朋友喜上加喜!狗年大吉!

55) 春节天气预报:除夕前后欢声笑语席卷全球,大面积会下钞票,局部有金条,你的手机将装满祝福,欢乐热度不断提升,此天气将持续到十五!



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2.喜庆新春,闻鸡起舞 欣逢盛世,跃马扬鞭丹凤来仪,春回大地 金鸡报晓,福满人间





















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To tell you the truth,I don t like the Spring Festival at all.

When I was young I liked it very much,because I could had something tasty to eat during the Spring Festival,and I could enjoy very wonderful TV programmes,too,I also could had much free time during which I could did something I liked to do.

I don t like it now, there are many reasons.

Firstly,I can t have a good time during the Festival.

Every New Year s Eve something unpleasant often happens.

Once I quarreled with my second brother.

Secondly,I can t relax myself during the Festival.

I have to do many things,watch so many TV programmes, meet so many people,all these things make me very tired.

Thirdly,spending one Spring Festival means that I become one year older,I don t like to be old.

I want to live longer and be young all the time.

Readers, what is your opinions about the Spring Festival?Please tell us,we can share our opinions.

Thanks for reading! Goodbye.



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Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that…


Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that …


Hence/Therefore, wed better come to the conclusion that …


There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits.


All in all, we cannot live without … But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.



It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了.

It is time to take the advice of … and to put special emphasis on the improvement of …


There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of …


Obviously, … If we want to do something … , it is essential that …


Only in this way can we … 只有这样,我们才能……

It must be realized that …我们必须意识到……


Obviously, if we dont control the problem, the chances are that … will lead us in danger.


No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that …


It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.




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As the new bell tolled, the Chinese people exclaimed with excitement, "the New Year is here! New Year! Ah! What a wonderful New Year! I am excited to run back and forth in my home, unable to restrain my joyful mood, the Spring Festival composition 600 words. When I ran to the balcony, all of a sudden, the fireworks fly on the sky, in a flash, Fried opened, and some like countless meteor, some like colorful flowers, some like golden coat, and like the golden sun, the earth was like the day. How beautiful!



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春节习俗英语作文10篇- 用英语介绍春节习俗


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春节习俗英语作文- 用英语介绍春节习俗:

Chinese New Year or Spring Festival is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. It is sometimes called the "Lunar New Year" by English speakers. The festival traditionally begins on the first day of the first month (Chinese: 正月; pinyin: zhēng yuè) in the Chinese calendar and ends on the 15th; this day is called Lantern Festival. Chinese New Years Eve is known as chú xī. It literally means "Year-pass Eve".

Chinese New Year is the longest and most important festivity in the Lunar Calendar. The origin of Chinese New Year is itself centuries old and gains significance because of several myths and traditions. Ancient Chinese New Year is a reflection on how the people behaved and what they believed in the most.

Celebrated in areas with large populations of ethnic Chinese, Chinese New Year is considered a major holiday for the Chinese and has had influence on the new year celebrations of its geographic neighbors, as well as cultures with whom the Chinese have had extensive interaction. These include Koreans (Seollal), Tibetans and Bhutanese (Losar), Mongolians (Tsagaan Sar), Vietnamese (T?t), and formerly the Japanese before 1873 (Oshogatsu). Outside of Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, Chinese New Year is also celebrated in countries with significant Han Chinese populations, such as Singapore, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. In countries such as Australia, Canada and the United States, although Chinese New Year is not an official holiday, many ethnic Chinese hold large celebrations and Australia Post, Canada Post, and the US Postal Service issues New Years themed stamps.

Within China, regional customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the Chinese new year vary widely. People will pour out their money to buy presents, decoration, material, food, and clothing. It is also the tradition that every family thoroughly cleans the house to sweep away any ill-fortune in hopes to make way for good incoming luck. Windows and doors will be decorated

with red colour paper-cuts and couplets with popular themes of “happiness”, “wealth”, and “longevity”. On the Eve of Chinese New Year, supper is a feast with families. Food will include such items as pigs, ducks, chicken and sweet delicacies. The family will end the night with firecrackers. Early the next morning, children will greet their parents by wishing them a healthy and happy new year, and receive money in red paper envelopes. The Chinese New Year tradition is a great way to reconcile forgetting all grudges, and sincerely wish peace and happiness for everyone.

Although the Chinese calendar traditionally does not use continuously numbered years, outside China its years are often numbered from the reign of Huangdi. But at least three different years numbered 1 are now used by various scholars, making the year 2009 "Chinese Year" 4707, 4706, or 4646.

春节习俗英语作文- 用英语介绍春节习俗:春节正月习俗的英文介绍

The Chinese New Year celebrations are marked by visits to kin, relatives and friends, a practice known as "new-year visits" (Chinese: 拜年; pinyin: bài nián). New clothes are usually worn to signify a new year. The colour red is liberally used in all decorations. Red packets are given to juniors and children by the married and elders. See Symbolism below for more explanation.

春节习俗英语作文- 用英语介绍春节习俗:Preceding days 春节前

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On the days before the New Year celebration Chinese families give their home a thorough cleaning. There is a Cantonese saying "Wash away the dirt on ninyabaat" (年廿八,洗邋遢), but the practice is not usually restricted on ninyabaat (年廿八, the 28th day of month 12). It is believed the cleaning sweeps away the bad luck of the preceding year and makes their homes ready for good luck. Brooms and dust pans are put away on the first day so that luck cannot be swept away. Some people give their homes, doors and window-frames a new coat of red paint. homes are often decorated with paper cutouts of Chinese auspicious phrases and couplets. Purchasing new clothing, shoes, and receiving a hair-cut also symbolize a fresh start.

In many households where Buddhism or Taoism is prevalent, home altars and statues are cleaned thoroughly, and altars that were adorned with decorations from the previous year are also taken down and burned a week before the new year starts, and replaced with new decorations. Taoists (and Buddhists to a lesser extent) will also "send gods" (送神), an example would be burning a paper effigy of Zao Jun the Kitchen God, the recorder of family functions. This is done so that the Kitchen God can report to the Jade Emperor of the family households transgressions and good

deeds. Families often offer sweet foods (such as candy) in order to "bribe" the deities into reporting good things about the family.

The biggest event of any Chinese New Years Eve is the dinner every family will have. A dish consisting of fish will appear on the tables of Chinese families. It is for display for the New Years Eve dinner. This meal is comparable to Christmas dinner in the West. In northern China, it is customary to make dumplings (jiaozi 饺子) after dinner and have it around midnight. Dumplings symbolize wealth because their shape is like a Chinese tael. By contrast, in the South, it is customary to make a new year cake (Niangao, 年糕) after dinner and send pieces of it as gifts to relatives and friends in the coming days of the new year. Niangao literally means increasingly prosperous year in year out. After the dinner, some families go to local temples, hours before the new year begins to pray for a prosperous new year by lighting the first incense of the year; however in modern practice, many households hold parties and even hold a countdown to the new lunar year. Beginning in the 1980s, the CCTV New Years Gala was broadcast four hours before the start of the New Year.

春节习俗英语作文- 用英语介绍春节习俗:First day 初一

The first day is for the welcoming of the deities of the heavens and earth, officially beginning at midnight. Many people, especially Buddhists, abstain from meat consumption on the first day because it is believed that this will ensure longevity for them. Some consider lighting fires and using knives to be bad luck on New Years Day, so all food to be consumed is cooked the day before. For Buddhists, the first day is also the birthday of Maitreya Bodhisattva (better known as the more familiar Budai Luohan), the Buddha-to-be. People also abstain from killing animals.

Most importantly, the first day of Chinese New Year is a time when families visit the oldest and most senior members of their extended family, usually their parents, grandparents or great-grandparents.

Some families may invite a lion dance troupe as a symbolic ritual to usher in the Lunar New Year as well as to evict bad spirits from the premises. Members of the family who are married also give red packets containing cash to junior members of the family, mostly children and teenagers.

While fireworks and firecrackers are traditionally very popular, some regions have banned them due to concerns over fire hazards, which have resulted in increased number of fires around New Years and challenged municipal fire departments work capacity. For this reason, various city governments (e.g., Hong Kong, and Beijing, for a number of years) issued bans over fireworks and

firecrackers in certain premises of the city. As a substitute, large-scale fireworks have been launched by governments in cities like Hong Kong to offer citizens the experience.

春节习俗英语作文- 用英语介绍春节习俗:Second day 初二

The second day of the Chinese New Year is for married daughters to visit their birth parents. Traditionally, daughters who have been married may not have the opportunity to visit their birth

families frequently.

On the second day, the Chinese pray to their ancestors as well as to all the gods. They are extra kind to dogs and feed them well as it is believed that the second day is the birthday of all dogs.

Business people of the Cantonese dialect group will hold a Hoi Nin prayer to start their business on the 2nd day of Chinese New Year. The prayer is done to pray that they will be blessed with good luck and prosperity in their business for the year.

春节习俗英语作文- 用英语介绍春节习俗:Third and fourth days 初三

The third and fourth day of the Chinese New Year are generally accepted as inappropriate days to visit relatives and friends due to the following schools of thought. People may subscribe to one or both thoughts.

1) It is known as "chì kǒu" (赤口), meaning that it is easy to get into arguments. It is suggested that the cause could be the fried food and visiting during the first two days of the New Year celebration.[citation needed]

2) Families who had an immediate kin deceased in the past 3 years will not go house-visiting as a form of respect to the dead, but people may visit them on this day. Some people then conclude that it is inauspicious to do any house visiting at all. The third day of the New Year is allocated to grave-visiting instead.

春节习俗英语作文- 用英语介绍春节习俗:Fifth day 初五

In northern China, people eat jiǎo zi (simplified Chinese: 饺子; traditional Chinese: 餃子), or dumplings on the morning of Po Wu (破五). This is also the birthday of the Chinese god of wealth. In Taiwan, businesses traditionally re-open on this day, accompanied by firecrackers.

春节习俗英语作文- 用英语介绍春节习俗:Seventh day 初七

The seventh day, traditionally known as rei 人日, the common mans birthday, the day when everyone grows one year older. It is the day when tossed raw fish salad, yusheng, is eaten. This is a custom primarily among the overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, such as Malaysia and Singapore. People get together to toss the colourful salad and make wishes for continued wealth and prosperity.

For many Chinese Buddhists, this is another day to avoid meat, the seventh day commemorating the birth of Sakra Devanam Indra.

春节习俗英语作文- 用英语介绍春节习俗:Eighth day 初八

Another family dinner to celebrate the eve of the birth of the Jade Emperor. However, everybody

should be back to work by the 8th day. All of government agencies and business will stop celebrating by the eighth day.

春节习俗英语作文- 用英语介绍春节习俗:Ninth day 初九

The ninth day of the New Year is a day for Chinese to offer prayers to the Jade Emperor of Heaven (天宮) in the Taoist Pantheon. The ninth day is traditionally the birthday of the Jade Emperor. This day is especially important to Hokkiens. Come midnight of the eighth day of the new year, Hokkiens will offer thanks giving prayers to the Emperor of Heaven. Offerings will include sugarcane as it was the sugarcane that had protected the Hokkiens from certain extermination generations ago. Incense, tea, fruit, vegetarian food or roast pig, and paper gold is served as a customary protocol for paying respect to an honored person.

春节习俗英语作文- 用英语介绍春节习俗:Tenth day 初十

The other day when the Jade Emperors birthday is celebrated.

春节习俗英语作文- 用英语介绍春节习俗:Thirteenth day 正月十三

On the 13th day people will eat pure vegetarian food to clean out their stomach due to consuming too much food over the last two weeks.

This day is dedicated to the General Guan Yu, also known as the Chinese God of War. Guan Yu was born in the Han dynasty and is considered the greatest general in Chinese history. He represents loyalty, strength, truth, and justice. According to history, he was tricked by the enemy and was beheaded.

Almost every organization and business in China will pray to Guan Yu on this day. Before his life ended, Guan Yu had won over one hundred battles and that is a goal that all businesses in China want to accomplish. In a way, people look at him as the God of Wealth or the God of Success.

春节习俗英语作文- 用英语介绍春节习俗:Fifteenth day 正月十五

The fifteenth day of the new year is celebrated as yuán xiāo jié (元宵节), otherwise known as Chap Goh Mei in Fujian dialect. Rice dumplings tangyuan (simplified Chinese: 汤圆; traditional Chinese: 湯圓; pinyin: tāngyuán), a sweet glutinous rice ball brewed in a soup, is eaten this day. Candles are lit outside houses as a way to guide wayward spirits home. This day is celebrated as the Lantern Festival, and families walk the street carrying lighted lanterns.

This day often marks the end of the Chinese New Year festivities.

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1. 华夏礼仪邦,新春新气象,拜年少喝酒,茶里情也有,只要情意深,喝啥都是酒,问候祝福到,心满意也足,你我身体好,才是真幸福!

2. 扑入快乐的怀抱,抓住吉祥的双脚,挑起开心的眉稍,翘起幸福的嘴角,穿戴幸运的衣帽,喜迎鸡年的来到。日子红红火火,春节快快乐乐。祝你万事如意,春节吉祥!

3. 除夕傍晚最后一抹夕阳是我对你真诚的祝福,大年初一第一缕阳光是我对你衷心的问候,鸡年第一声鞭炮声是我对你美好的祝愿,愿你鸡年幸福快乐。

4. 【春】来喜气洋,【节】日快乐爽,【祝】愿大吉祥,【福】禄寿禧康;【万】贯财进仓,【事】业更辉煌,【如】日中天强,【意】气风发旺。

5. 短信把年拜,收到笑颜开;马年好运来,保准你发财;健康又实在,做人有情怀;亲情友情在;异性更喜爱;祝福都爱戴,保准你乐坏。祝你鸡年春节愉快!

6. 春有百花,秋望月;夏有凉风,冬听雪。心中若无烦恼事便是人生好时节。愿你:辰有清逸,暮有悠闲,心随梦求, 祝:鸡年新年快乐。

7. 新年来临,祝福你:快乐曲马多,万事巴比妥,工作舒必利,忧愁麻黄碱,遵守美西律,生活舒巴坦。

8. 新春佳节到了,借手机短信送你一颗祝福炸弹,愿它绽放开你一年生活幸福的火花,事业辉煌的礼花,鸿运璀璨的烟花,甜美如意的吉祥花!

9. 我不是秋翁,不能为你培育美丽的玫瑰。我不是诗人,不能为你讴歌浪漫的诗句。只有把最诚挚的祝福送给你,祝你鸡年心想事成,万事如意,春节好。

10. 春节到,拜年早:一拜全家好;二拜困难少;三拜烦恼消;四拜不变老;五拜儿女孝;六拜幸福绕;七拜忧愁抛;八拜收入高;九拜平安罩;十拜乐逍遥。

11. 春天的钟声响,新年的脚步迈,祝新年的钟声,敲响你心中快乐的音符,幸运与平安,如春天的脚步紧紧相随!春华秋实,我永远与你同在!

12. 春天的鲜花簇拥你,祝你新年事业顺;夏日的彩虹照亮你,祝你前途更光明;秋天的果实滋润你,祝你新年最健康;冬日的雪花陪伴你,祝你鸡年新年步步高!

14. [祝]福吉祥鞭炮响,[你]我大家幸福年。[春]风满面美满圆,[节]日锣鼓如意扬。[愉]快彩信祝福传,[悦]颜畅怀顺风帆。[快]马雄狮喜庆样,[乐]昂康健美心田。[祝你春节愉悦快乐]

15. 别说我无情无意,好歹我也传了条一角钱巨款的短信,不惜浪费电池电力,并且顶着被电磁波辐射的生命危险,这样不考虑后果就是要提前给你拜个早年!

16. 送一份思念让你欢笑,送一份祝福让你骄傲,送一份开心让你不老,送一份梦想让你逍遥,送一份真情不要回报,再送一个平安才算可靠,鸡年春节好。

17. 笑容挂脸上,幸福写心间,如意伴美满,日子比蜜甜,举国同欢庆,共渡吉祥年,祝福一小份,聊表我心意,愿君幸福伴,合家永欢乐,春节愉快!

18. 这是我主耶稣的新年福音:要对人好,要对发信息的人尤其好,多多请她吃饭,经常买礼物给她,把你身上善良的或罪恶的钱全给她,耶稣永远爱你!阿门!

19. 这是春的开头,虽然你在那头,我在这头,还是把你记在心头。在这寒冷关头,愿我的祝福温暖你的手头,直达你的心头,鸡年春节假期快乐!

20. 新年的钟声里举起杯,任酒的醇香在空气中荡漾,任我对你的感激在杯里慢慢沉淀,深深祝福我的朋友,祝你新年幸福美满,健康快乐!

21. 新春佳节,祝春节快乐,阖家幸福!春节温馨提醒:饮食适度,均配荤素,合理饮食健康张弛有度;再好美食,吃得合适,胃好疾病就被吓跑。祝你春节吃得开心,玩的更开心!

22. 祝愿您,新年大展宏图之余:留一点时间多陪陪家人,带一份心情去看看蓝天,携一缕思念常想起朋友,存一丝宁静而处世安然。虎年大吉,岁岁平安!

23. 此刻,我陪在家人身边,心中惦念着你;想必远方的你也在牵挂着我。端起一杯红酒,仿佛看到了你的倩影,希望明年除夕,我们可以牵手共度!

24. 左顾右盼佳节至,鞭炮声声春节闹;新年饺子美滋味,快吃快喝去拜年;拜年压岁钱别忘,糖果瓜籽钱满袋,孩子开心大人乐,春节快乐畅无比!在此祝愿新年好,开心健康财源广!

25. 对你的思念像袅袅的轻烟不绝如缕,对你的祝福是潺潺的小溪叮咚作响。或许岁月将往事褪色,或许空间将彼此隔离。但值得珍惜的依然是你给我的情谊。再次对你说声:2017新年快乐!

26. 曾几何时,回家已成一种奢望。灿烂的烟花,燃点的只是寂寞。喧闹的爆竹,炸响的只是冷清。变味的年饭,品出的只有苦涩。春节不回家,在外多保重!

27. 新年传说:信息发一发,钞票任你花;信息看一看,幸福围你转;信息读一读,快乐你做主;信息转一转,好运永做伴。祝你快乐2017!

28. 这是春的开头,虽然你在那头,我在这头,还是把你记在心头。在这寒冷关头,愿我的祝福温暖你的手头,直达你的心头,鸡年春节假期快乐!

29. 送你短信一条,收到就“新”;加上诚挚祝福,理解就“新”;配上贴心问候,感动就“新”;春节来了,开心就“新”。祝2017新年快乐!

30. 褪去你一年疲惫的外衣,到我们友情的天空下沐浴,抖去奔波的尘埃,卸下心头的倦意,祝福你的明天万事如意,在新的一年里大展鸿图!



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Mother bought some dumplings and some meat, today give us ready to pack dumpling to eat in the evening. Mother also taught me making dumplings before, so I will make dumplings together with my mother.

I picked up a piece of the wrappers first, and then pack up, but my mother taught me the way I all forgot, package dumplings, like bubbles, sometimes big sometimes small, mothers have to teach me again, this time I finally remember, three under two pack good, we eat in the evening, everybody said the dumplings are delicious.

Make dumplings originally so easy!



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2、有人花了一万元买了手提电脑;有人花了一千元买了仿貂;有人花了一百元买了包包;而我花了一 元 钱买了 蛋糕,特此在节日里送出祝福元旦快乐。































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英语四级好作文不得不用的句子-开头句 1. ______________ is known as one of the most serious problems in today’s society. we can see it almost everywhere. as the graph depicts, ______________ . 2. from the cartoon, we can see that. it’s a forceful satire on the kind of ______________ . 3. from the first graph, we learn that ______________. according to the statistics shown in the second graph, we can see that ______________. 4. this table shown us that ______________. the figures indicate that there is an inspiring tendency of ______________. 5. what you first think of when seeing this cartoon might be that ______________. as a matter of fact, this cartoon reveals a typical social phenomenon. 6. according to the first graph, it can be seen that ______________, it can also be concluded from it that ______________. () 7. there is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: ______________. 8. nowadays there is a growing concern over ______________. many people like ______________, while others are inclined to ______________. 9. nowadays, it is common to ______________. many people like ______________ because ______________. besides, ______________. 10. ______________, just like many other things, are preferred by ______________. while being attacked by the idea that ______________, some people consider ______________. they point that ______________. 11. everything has two sides and ______________ is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages. 12. for years ______________ had been viewed as ______________. but people are taking a fresh look at it now. () 13. it has stipulated by the government that ______________. to this stipulation, many people respond actively because ______________. 14. ______________ is a common occurrence in our daily life. whatever we do, ______________ can’t be avoided. 15. ______________ has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their way. 261



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The Spring Festival is here, and the couplet is also attached to the couplet. Today, we have a couplet together. I saw my dad playing the couplet as if they were fun, so I had a quarrel to stick. Dad said to me, "the couplets should be posted right, and they are all grown up. What do children stick to?"

At this time, I saw my father put the Fu paste back, I said, "Dad, the Fu sticker is opposite!" Dad said, "come over to represent the meaning of Blessing, do you understand?" "Oh, I have learned new knowledge." And I also know the last word on the one or two, the last word is to distinguish between the upper and lower three or four. On the face on the right, lower left attached to the knowledge. Im so happy!

At this time, the sound of the outside of the sound of firecrackers ringing, but I do not feel hard to hear. It may be that the joy of learning new knowledge is better than the unpleasant sound of a firecracker. So it wont be hard to hear.

Look at the red couplets, listening to the sound of fireworks, "good" thinking, learn the new knowledge of the great joy.

The old man, how I want you to stay in this nice firecracker! Even for a moment, it is also beautiful, and it makes me feel endless.

Because only once a year, the new year, the scene is so nostalgic!



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The Spring Festival, is one of the most lively year in our country, is also one of the most important festival. Pair of early, the street "exhibition", "fu" character, paper-cut, candy and other necessities brought me a little bit "hit".

From the twelfth people officer "eat sesame seed candy, we began to prepare for the holiday. One day, the family sat together and our children admire always wanted to taste sweet and crisp of the sesame seed candy. But total want to wait for grandma go to the kitchen god worship a turn, to eat yo. It is said that in this way can the kitchen god god say good thing.

December 24, families and house. Mother to clean up the house early dry static, this is for the New Year has a new look. After twenty-four people busy to kill the fish, gizzard meat, steamed buns, for necessities.

Whenever the twenty-nine, families have to go shopping to buy Spring Festival couplets, have turned themselves shop flick spring paper splash-ink, will decorate a new house in the portal. Also treats the Spring Festival couplets, couplet, subsidiary, etc. It neatly, dual, concise and delicate words to describe time background, express good wishes, is a unique literature form in China. Spring Festival couplets real popularity began in the Ming dynasty, is associated with the advocating of zhu yuanzhang. Zhu yuanzhang one year to prepare for the holiday, ordered to stick a spring couplets, every door. The original Spring Festival couplet inscribed in the peach wood, then rewrite on the paper. Peach color is red, red is lucky, ward off evil spirits, so most Spring Festival couplets written on red paper.

In the year, to break out of firecrackers decorated festive atmosphere more strong. After lunch, set out a delicious meat, the family was package dumplings, gay men rolling skin, kids when transport, mothers are responsible for making dumplings. Grandma put COINS into the dumplings, to see who is the most blessing. When plates of belly belly of dumplings at the table, you find your satisfied dumplings, mouth bite, hope I can walk good luck. Finally, the dumplings with blessing or eaten by dad.

New Years eve, every household to eat dumplings, we eat dinner early and watch the Spring Festival gala, in front of the TV is "shou sui".

The first to people these days, is our children the best time to "money". Every day is not stay at home, grandpa is in grandmother home, in the words of my mother, is "not home all day," but we still go and jolly.

February, we this New Year to the "dragon head" ended. Although puyang is not big, but it also like many big cities, busy celebrating the Spring Festival, allison stayed put it off again.








