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National Day is coming.I like traveling very much.I want to travel all over the world.Because I think traveling is quite interesting.At the same time,we can watch beautiful scenery.It also can open our eyes.

If I have the chance,I want to go to Beijing first,because its our capital.There are many famous places of interest to go,such as the Great Wall,Tian‘anmen Square,Beihai Park and so on.Ill take many photos,because they will help me remember the trip forever.We know the Olympic Games has been held in Beijing .All people in Beijing have being trying their best to make beijing more beautiful.I hope I can watch the best beautiful beijing.I will go there by train.I think traveling by train is far more comfortable and cheaper国庆节快到了.我非常喜欢旅游.我想要环游世界.因为我认为旅游是相当有趣的.与此同时,我们还能看到美丽的风景.它也可以打开我们的眼睛.





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1. 十一到了,祝福送给你:每年顺顺利利,每月健健康康,每周开开心心,每天喜气洋洋,每时财源滚滚,每刻快快乐乐,每秒好运连连!国庆节快乐!

2. 十一国庆到,我祝你一路高歌,双喜临门,三生有幸,四季发财,五谷丰登,六六大顺,七世真情,八面威风,九九愉悦,十面埋“福”!祝国庆节快乐!

3. 十一国庆到了,有钱的旅游消费,没钱的闷头大睡;孝顺的看望父母,不孝的忙着约会;孤独的花钱买醉,朋友多的给最知心的发条祝福才对!祝:长假快乐!

4. 十一国庆节到了,不妨出去走走!抛掉所有的烦忧,扔掉发霉的心事,整装等发的心情,换上开心的笑颜!在山山水水间留下你快乐的倩影!祝愿国庆快乐!

5. 十一国庆节到了,利用一瞬间的光阴,送上一世纪的祝福,写上一千里的问候,报以一万年的平安,无论你在眼前还是天边,都祝你国庆节天天好心情!

6. 十一国庆日,亲朋好友来相聚;一起逛逛街,加深你我默契感;一起吃吃饭,重温你我好情谊;一起唱唱歌,迎来你我好心情。国庆节快乐!

7. 十一来了送十一,爱情十全十美,生活一直幸福,工作十拿九稳,人生一帆风顺,财路十分顺畅,身价一路上涨,对你十分想念,感谢一生有你,国庆节快乐!

8. 十一了,和不愉快摆摆手,冲解决不了的问题摊摊手,跟心中的挚爱拉拉手,向成功的机会招招手,与好朋友你握握手。国庆节到了,要快乐着过哦!

9. 十一送您十个一:一表人才,一团和气,一马当先,一举多得,一呼百应,一帆风顺,一气呵成,一本万利,一鸣惊人,一鼓作气,一飞冲天!国庆节快乐!

10. 十一送您十一颗心:睡得安心;吃得顺心;出门小心;玩得舒心;朋友贴心;遇事耐心;做事细心;交友留心;待人诚心;对家人关心;最重要是国庆开心!

11. 十一想你是最快乐的事;见你是最开心的事;爱你是我永远要做的事;把你放在心上是我一直在做的事;不过,骗你是刚刚发生的事。

12. 十一有感,天安城楼挂宫灯,旌穗飞舞戏东风,波碧天兰鲜花艳,勿忘热血染旗红。梦求共和苦攀登,玉人今化白头翁,曾用血肉筑长城,莫让理想梦成空。祝大家国庆节快乐!


14. 十月的天空,因这特殊的日子而流光溢彩;十月的鲜花,因我真诚的祝福而缀满芳香;十月,愿你在落叶飘扬的季节心情舒畅,国庆节拥有快乐长假!

15. 十月的阳光充满喜庆的味道,秋日的田野荡漾丰收的微笑,繁华的大街涌动温暖的热闹,又是国庆佳节到,愿福星把你照,快乐把你抱,幸福把你绕。国庆节短信祝福语

16. 十月的阳光弥漫着喜庆,金秋的微风挥洒着幸福,十月的烟花绽放着快乐,金秋的枫叶飘洒着好运。国庆节,暂停你那忙碌的脚步,过个欢畅国庆!

17. 十月金秋,吹奏收获的乐曲;五星红旗,飘扬快乐的音符;一片落叶,震撼思念的大树;七天长假,送来真挚的祝福;国庆节,祝你快乐健康,幸福一生!

18. 十月金秋,万物丰收,金灿灿的稻谷,沉甸甸的果蔬,红彤彤的国旗,喜洋洋的笑脸,整个中华大地洋溢着欢笑,祝祖国生日快乐,祝你生活幸福!

19. 十月里的第一天,让好运第一个找你。但愿,我是第一个问候你的人。用十足的真诚祝福你,愿你魅力十足,生活十全十美,过一个快乐的国庆节。

20. 十月天高云淡,秋日阳光灿烂,喜庆枫叶红遍,千山层林尽染。大街小巷快乐弥漫,东南西北烟火璀璨,国庆佳节绽放笑颜,衷心祝您幸福平安。

21. 祖国华诞喜相逢,同贺国庆福相传;辉章华彩业兴旺,风雨争程似锦华;白鸽烟火齐绽放,红旗飘扬振华夏;龙腾虎跃喜气扬,我心激昂万里飘;祝福祖国国运昌,蒸蒸日上创辉煌。祝祖国生日快乐!

22. 国庆小脚一颠,到了;假期这么一放,美了;身体稍稍一玩,累了;工作再一开始,厌了;休息及时提醒,来了;手指轻轻一按,发了;祝你节日收到,笑了!

23. 十月金秋风景盛,满目皆是丰收景。人人欢笑庆国庆,大地飞歌也不停。白鸽蓝天自由舞,花儿遍地香满鼻。红旗飘飘迎风展,火树银花不夜天。真诚祝愿发自心,祝愿祖国明天更辉煌!

24. 快点慢点,踩准时点。国庆欢庆,普天同庆。人美景美,祖国最美。山好水好,生活美好。天大地大,快乐最大。祝福祈福,愿你幸福。你愿我愿,共同祝愿。

25. 东海浪花翻,翻出美丽的问候。西域狂沙卷,卷出密密的祝福。南疆风频吹,吹出和谐的颂歌。北国冰雪垂,垂下晶莹的心韵。祝福祖国繁荣昌盛。国庆日快乐。

26. 金秋十月,国庆佳节,举国欢庆,无比喜悦。我的祝福充满诚意,愿你的生活充满诗意;我的问候有新意,愿你的家庭和谐称心如意。最后祝你婚姻美满春风得意,富贵生活事事满意!

27. 国庆长假,来吧,背上行囊,让我们一起离开城市,出去走走吧。回到大自然,就让被禁锢久了的灵魂得以放飞。感受大自然,一切都是那么的富有原始的生命气息,一切都是那么的自由自在。

28. 烟花灿灿,映亮朗朗的天;桂花瓣瓣,迷乱深情的眼;问候声声,句句落在心坎;国庆好运临,人间喜事连。真心祝你,幸福双双至,快乐到永远!国庆节快乐!

29. 平淡的辞藻,堆砌祝福的美好;不需多思考,真心的问候送到。国庆佳节,愿快乐为你笑弯腰,钞票直向你奔跑,幸福不离分分秒,吃好玩好休息好!

30. 国庆万紫千红,秋叶共舞秋风;云脚悠悠在游,喜庆铺满神州;平日忙碌奔走,少了些许问候;情意突然决口,醉在良辰美酒;祝你国庆得意,幸福陪伴左右!

31. 阳光灿烂,放出耀眼的光芒;红旗招展,在秋风中猎猎飞舞;白鸽翱翔,响起清脆的歌声;鲜花绽放,组成花的海洋。国庆佳节风景美,祖国昌盛人共贺。祝祖国繁荣昌盛,愿你国庆佳节快乐!

32. 鲜花竞相开放,让节日五彩缤纷;锣鼓响声震天,敲响节日的序曲;歌声嘹亮舞姿美妙,把快乐的心情释放;礼炮直冲云霄,将节日的气氛引向高潮。国庆节来到了,让我们一起祝祖国繁荣昌盛,国富民强!

33. 锣鼓喧天,笑容连连,是“欢庆”的味道;灯笼高挂,红绸飘飘,是“喜庆”的讯号;节日盛装,旅游观光,是“吉庆”的美好;祝福问候,浓浓深情,是因“国庆”来到!祝国庆节快乐逍遥!

34. 五星红旗迎风飘,金秋十月迎国庆,祖国华诞笑开颜,举国同庆把喜传,手捧鲜花着盛装,高举美酒表祝愿,锣鼓喧天烟花绽,放声歌唱颂祖国,祝福祖国永富强,万寿无疆永不朽!

35. 春天的故事唱起来,喧闹的锣鼓敲起来,节日的盛装秀起来,快乐的节拍踏起来,真心的祝愿飞过来,幸福的翅膀展开来,国庆佳节,愿你好运快乐滚滚来!



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The national day is coming soon. At that day, I would like to go to Beijing,Because I never have been there before. This year, we will have eight days off, so my parents decided to go to Beijing for a trip for my pleasure. Our plan is following.


The first day, we will visit Tiananmen square. On second day, we are going to go sightseeing. And on third day, we decided to go camping, and on the last day, we plan to retun home. I think it will be a best day, because my parents and I are going the trip together. And I hope that we have a good fun on the trip




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In National Days,I went to the beach with my parents.The sun was so shining and the sea was so beautiful.I was so excited that I ran into the sea as soon as we arrived.Although it was in October,the water was also so warm in the sea.I felt very pleasent because I had not go out to swim fot a long time.So I sweam into the place that far from the beach.My parents shouted that it was very dangerous that I swim to the deep sea.I turned arround while I heard my parents.

I was happy in that day.



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1. 云淡风也轻,秋叶飘满天,金秋收获季,共庆国庆节;祝您国庆佳节天天好心情,事事都如意!

2. “我爱北京天安门,天安门上太阳升,伟大领袖毛主席,指引我们向前进”,唱起熟悉的儿歌,祝祖国生日快乐,也祝你节日快乐!

3. 按您的生辰八字推算,你国庆一定能发笔横财。一定能先吹个爆炸性发型,穿补丁衣裳,右手拿根木棍,左手拿个瓷碗,沿街而行,嘴里念

4. 把握时令,创造时运;成龙成凤,要有自信;态度端正,不要卖命;身体要紧,不要生病;好吃好玩,欢度国庆!

5. 把这满街飞舞的彩带,化作关切,遥寄给你。但愿我们间的关切,不再是国庆佳节来临的时刻。

6. 把这满天飞舞的毛毛细雨,化着关切,遥寄给你。但愿我们间的关切,不再是国庆佳节来临的时刻。

7. 不同的民族,同一个祖国。母亲的生日,同喜同喜。

8. 昌盛时代,山水腾跃诗画里;大兴年头,人民欢笑歌舞中。

9. 淡照霜飞的是一丝银菊,书写秋空的是一片月华,温润心田的是一抹恩爱,缘系今生的是一世情缘。国庆佳节,盼望与你相聚!

10. 当你看到我给你的这份祝福,清将头用力撞墙,看到没有,你眼前无数的星星是我无限的祝福,国庆快乐!

11. 当你你打点行囊准备去旅游时,记得装上我的祝福---一路顺风!开开心心!

12. 对你的思念像袅袅的轻烟不绝如缕,对你的祝福如潺潺的流水伴随一生一世,国庆放长假,何不一起出去happy?

13. 放眼中华,百业千姿竞发;举目九州,“四化”万马奔腾

14. 刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了祖国的华诞。借此机会我呈上对你衷心的祝福:祝你一切顺利,万事如意!!

15. 刚刚送走了中秋的笑脸,又迎来了国庆的喜悦!愿你在这双重喜庆的包围下永远幸福、快乐!!

16. 工作是做不完的,身体可是累得垮的,健康是生命的本钱。多多善待自己吧!国庆节假期你该歇歇了

17. 共祝愿祖国好,祖国更加美好,欢腾喜庆的中秋国庆两节,那是不同寻常的好日子,让我们共同祝愿……

18. 姑娘好像花儿一样,小伙儿心胸多宽广,为了开辟新天地,唤醒了沉睡的高山,让那河流改变了模样.这是美丽的祖国,是我生长的地方。

19. 国庆国庆普天同庆,中秋中秋家家团圆,祝福你在这个和平幸福的年代里节日快乐!身体健康

20. 国庆国庆普天同庆,重阳重阳万事不难,在这个和平幸福的年代里,祝你们全家节日快乐!身体健康!

21. 国庆佳节,举国同庆,一庆祖国越来越昌盛,二庆日子越过越红火,三庆心情越来越欢畅,愿这盛大的节日带给您永远的幸运!

22. 国庆佳节家家庆 国庆一切更太平 国庆国家更丰溢

23. 国庆假期好休闲,天天面对天花板。祝愿您全家都安康,开心过假期。

24. 国庆节,亲爱的,让我们结婚吧~为国庆添一份喜庆!

25. 国庆节到了,我衷心祝愿我心中的你心情愉快,开心的时刻永远都在。上帝赐给人类的爱是永恒的。

26. 国庆节假期七天长,应到户外去逛一逛;调整心态快乐无束,大自然中感受清风;吃吃美食来个几盅,快乐国庆无比轻松。

27. 国庆节万民同庆,江南庆,江北庆,举国同庆。

28. 国庆举国欢,中秋人团圆。国庆中秋月圆人团圆!

29. 国庆快乐,加班快乐!嘻嘻,加班的日子天天快乐,别在意节日怎么过!

30. 国庆乐;人团员,心团员;思故乡,念台湾;家要和,国要兴!

31. 国庆体验家庭一日游,公车往返,活动包括清洗我家地板和厨房油污,刷洗锅碗瓢盆,洗涤衣物和床上用品,自备午餐,二百一人,报名

32. 国庆我将向你求婚,你愿意嫁给我吗?我要让你成为全世界第二幸福的人!为什么是第二呢?因为与你结婚,我就成了世界上最幸福的人!

33. 国庆又逢中秋,我衷心祝愿我心中的你心情愉快,开心的时刻永远都在。上帝赐给人类的爱是永恒的。

34. 国庆早上当你开机时,能见到我对你的祝福,一朵心中的玫瑰,为你带来一辈子的好运。

35. 国庆之夜风清月明,携汝之手,共沐月光,缠绵细语,慢慢道来。

36. 国庆中秋,双喜临门!无论你是打算出游还是在家休息,别忘了给亲人朋友捎去一份关怀和祝福。

37. 好久不见,十分想念。在这漫漫的国庆长假里,常常忆起共处的岁月。找点时间,约个地点,带上祝福,来个非常体验!

38. 你是否孤独寂寞?那么下楼去买一根绳和一根棍,将绳子系在棍上,起风时挥动棍子;别人要问你:干什么呢?你就说:我抽风呢!哈哈,国庆节快乐!

39. 你是浩瀚的星空,你是璀璨的明珠,你是不灭的灯火,你是嘹亮的歌声。呵呵,当然不是说你啦。让我们祝福祖国妈妈生日快乐,万事大吉。国庆节快乐。

40. 你天天平安,是我美好的牵念;你永远幸福,是我真诚的期盼;你脸上笑容甜甜,是我最喜欢看到的画面;你国庆节快乐,是我发这条短信的最大心愿!

41. 你听,欢乐的钟声已经敲响。你看,鲜艳的红旗迎风飘扬。国庆节到了,祝愿我的祖国母亲愈来愈强盛辉煌,我的朋友愈来愈幸福美好,开心快乐每一天。

42. 你小时候就喜欢飞机大炮坦克,整天抱着模型玩具满街跑,现在机会来了,带着尖叫,穿上三角裤头,再拿个喷射水枪,去广场集合喊报道!迎接十一国庆节!

43. 你一定要帮帮我,国庆节了,还给我派发了任务,非得让我给一百个笨蛋发短信。我当时就哭了:人缘太差,我就认识你这么一个!

44. 你一年才来一次,一次七天,还没玩热乎呢,眨眼间你就要走了,一想到你要走,我真舍不得,不过剩下一天还是要开心的过。别误会,我说的是假期。

45. 你最近是否开心,工作是否用心,朋友是否知心,恋人是否真心,如果一切顺心,举手画颗爱心,化作天际恒心,祝你国庆节开心。

46. 年年国庆,今又国庆,国庆一庆六十年,年年佳节,今又佳节,祝您佳节节日快乐!六十年的风雨换来今日国家富强,多年来的情谊记在心上,祝国庆节快乐!

47. 柠檬番茄送给你,平安吉祥跟着你,菠萝金橘送给你,健康快乐伴着你。苹果荔枝送给你,平安幸福想念你。山楂葡萄送给你,圆满丰收来见你,国庆节快乐。

48. 浓浓的中国情,谱写祖国不老的神话。火热的爱国心,铸成民族不倒的长城。六十年,光荣与骄傲,汇成华夏儿女每一张欢笑的脸庞!祝福:国庆节快乐!

49. 偶尔的繁忙,并不代表遗忘;一声真诚的问候,愿您心情愉悦;曾落下的祝福问候,这次一起补偿;让所有的祝福,都凝聚于这条短信,国庆节快乐!

50. 朋友,国庆节快到了,送上一份真诚祝福,祝你生活“过”的惬意,工作“过”的顺利,爱情“过”的甜蜜,天天“过”的欢庆,万事如意,节日快乐!国庆节祝福语大全

51. 朋友,只要彼此心里装着,时时不相聚,天天不相见,月月不相碰,年年不相遇,却无论何时何地,一个电话,一条短信,一声问候:国庆节快乐。

52. 朋友不一定经常联系,但一定放在心里,时时会关心,刻刻会牵挂,分分会问候,秒秒会思念,只因“朋友”这两个字在心中最重要。国庆了,祝你节日快乐!

53. 朋友间最需要的是关心,工作中最需要的是信心,爱人间最需要的是真心,节日里最需要的是祝福,送你一份祝福,国庆节快乐。

54. 朋友是需要放在心上,没空的时候,一条短信,一个电话就能够联络感情。手机可以随时就换一款更潮流的,但朋友,那是一辈子的事情,祝国庆节快乐!

55. 朋友是最大的财富,信心是最好的品德,关心是最真诚的问候,牵挂是最美的想念,愿快乐和幸福陪伴你到永远!也祝你国庆节开心快乐!

56. 朋友需要放在心上,忙了,一条短信,一个电话就方便着联络。手机可以动不动就换一款更潮流的,但朋友,那是一辈子的事情,祝国庆快乐!

57. 朋友之间最需要的是关心,爱人之间最需要的是真心,工作中最需要的是信心,节日里最需要的是开心,送你一份祝福,国庆节快乐。



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I went to Hong Kong Disney Land with my mum, my brother and my grandma in July。 Mad Hat Cup in Disney Land is my favorite game。 We sat in a cup; it is green with a lot of waves pattern on it。 The cups have different colors and patterns。 When the game started, the cup turned and turned and turned around。 It went faster and faster gradually。 When its time up it stopped slowly。 When I was in the cup I didnt feel dizzy, when I got out of the cup I felt very dizzy。 But I wanted to try it again!



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the national day is a designated date on which celebrations mark the nationhood of a country. often the national day will be a national holiday.

the national day is often taken as the date on which a state or territory achieved independence. other dates such as the country‘s patron saint day, or a significant historic date are sometimes used. most countries have a single national day per year, though a few, for example, india and pakistan, have more than one. besides that, each of the two special administrative regions of the people‘s republic of china, namely hong kong and macao, celebrate the day of the establishment of the special administrative region, as well as the national day of the people‘s republic of china.

the importance attached to the national day, and the degree to which it is celebrated, vary enormously from country to country. in france, for example, national day is 14 july and is known as bastille day. it is widely celebrated and the french tricolour is much in evidence, while the president of the republic attends a military parade on the champs-élysées of paris. in the united states, the fourth of july celebrations are widely celebrated with fireworks and barbecues. in the republic of ireland, st. patrick‘s day, march 17, has been the national day and a public holiday for many years, and in recent years it has been observed as a full public holiday in northern ireland too. however, in the rest of the united kingdom the constituent countries‘ patron saints‘ days are low-key affairs.



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张铁柱在国旗下发表讲话,对国庆67周年表示了祝福,鼓励同学们要秉承“博学笃志 明德求真 守正出奇”的校训,勤于钻研,勇于开拓,以青大发展促进经济社会发展为志业,书写祖国新的篇章。





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Today is National Day, a major day, I and my friends on tourism, the morning we went to East Lake Park, at noon in the picnic under the trees, postprandial Boat Tour East Lake, we were very pleased. After coming ashore, encountered some foreign friends, and they notice, in English and talk to them, they boast that we have a good English. We and they became friends

On this day, have really happy!





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With the coming ofnational day, I have a one week holiday. I really expect to it, because I wantto have a short trip during these days. I will travel toJiuzhaiValleywith my parents for three days. I have heard that the scenery ofJiuzhaiValleyis very beautiful in autumn and it’s the best time to travel there. Autumn is my most favorite season so I wantto enjoy the beauty of such a wonderful place. I do some preparations for thistrip. For example, I search the Internet to see the travel raiders and I haveknown where the most attracting place is and where to live in. I am sure itwill be a wonderful journey. There are only several days for the coming trip,but I have been too excited to wait.




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It is known to everyone:Oct,1st is our National Day.At this day I went to street and saw something.Now I will tell you!

At 8:00 I got up and went bus station with my mother .O my god there were so many people!With difficult we got up the bus and felt very crowed.The traffic was so bad too!I cost nearly 1 hour that we arrived the center of street.What were worse there were even more people!In my opinion it was not very interesting to come out at this day!Nest time I prefer to stay at home and study!





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With the coming of national day, I have a one week holiday. I really expect

to it, because I want to have a short trip during these days. I will travel

toJiuzhaiValleywith my parents for three days. I have heard that the scenery

ofJiuzhaiValleyis very beautiful in autumn and it’s the best time to travel

there. Autumn is my most favorite season so I want to enjoy the beauty of such a

wonderful place. I do some preparations for this trip. For example, I search the

Internet to see the travel raiders and I have known where the most attracting

place is and where to live in. I am sure it will be a wonderful journey. There

are only several days for the coming trip, but I have been too excited to




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National Day, Mom and Dad took me to Suzhou on Saturday farm, where fun.

There, I ride the horse, when the back of the brave little knight. I gave the old goat the leaves, my God! Actually attracted a group of goats to grab the leaves (strange why is the old goats love camphor leaves, and do not like grazing?). I also saw a lot of animals in the farm, there are dairy cows, sika deer, lovely little white rabbits, tall camels, beautiful peacocks, ferocious ostriches, and a picture I have never seen Chicken the same, but much larger than the chicken, the neck covered with many red spots of animals, I was afraid, took the mothers hand, fleeing quickly.

There are not only many animals in the farm, there are many orchards, there are vineyards, there are pear orchards, flowers orchards, there are many, then we went to the jujube, made a return to farmers, eating their own picking dates, Taste really sweet ah!

Come back, we are very happy, I told my mother said, next time I would like to go there to play.



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My National Day is coming.Im very happy,because I like vacation.I think I can sleep long time I plan some time for look after my mother.My mather isnt feeling well,so I help my mother to wash clothes,wash dishes or clean the room in the evening.I play with my friends.Were all having a good time!My vacation is very busy ,but my vacation is very happy!



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I had a long holiday for National Day .I was very happy, because I could do anything I want.

During those days. I enjoyed myself. At first, I went to the zoo to see lovely animals. And then. I went to the sea world to see beautiful fishes. That was very interesting. Secondly I went for a trip with my parents, we went to Linxia to visit my grandparents and to eat minority’s foods. We rode horse on the grassland and had a fun with local children. It was very exciting. After that, I held a party and invited some of my best friends to visit my house. My mother bought a lot of tasty foods for us, we also took many photos on the party. We played very happy. I also watched lots of carton films at home, they were wonderful.

I like the holiday. I like my National Day.



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National Day is coming,and we can have a seven-day.My family are going to Hainan.Its a good seaside city.We are staying there for a week. We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.Were visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places.I think well have a good time there.、国庆节来了,我有七天的假期,我们一家去海南,那是一个美丽的海滨城。

我们在那里待上一个星期,我们去沙滩,还在海里游泳,我们游览天涯海角,菀泉河还有别的许多利益所,我想我们在那里会玩得很开心,例2National Day HolidaysI went to my cousins house on the first day of the holidays and got a piece of good news that his wife was pregnant。

She said shes worrying about getting fat,but on her face there was a unconcealable pleasure of conceiving a baby.My cousin told me that hell educate his child in a severe way,with a future fathers matureness.Im happy for them.)Yesterday,our research schools soccer team had a match with the graduate students from the department of international business.It was almost a close game in the first half,but we seemed lacking of vigor in the second half,sowe lost the game.Half of the National Day holidays have passed bylife still goes with good and bad times.



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With the coming of national day, I have a one week holiday.

I really expect to it, because it want to have a short trip during these days. I will travel to Jiuzhai Valley with my parents for three days.

I have heard that the scenery of Jiuzhai Valley is very beautiful in autumn that it’s the best time to travel there.

Autumn is my most favorite season so I want to enjoy the beauty of such a wonderful place. I do some preparations for this trip.

For example, I search the Internet to see the travel raiders and I have known where the most attracting place is and where to live in. I am sure it will be a wonderful journey.

There are only several days for the coming trip, but I have been too excited to wait.



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Today is National Day, just go out, and the breeze hit, the wind with a gardenia breath, in the morning, good refreshing.

A day early in the morning, we prepare to xiaoshan to visit my older sister is the most difficult to meet.

One day, I went to the xiaoshan sister school dormitories downstairs to, wait a minute will communicate with my sister one night I had a lot to say, not only do not need to call, also dont have to each others voice came through electromagnetic wave, can direct dialogue, also dont have to listen to "MMMM..." The sound.

Saw my sister, I say: "elder sister, today we go to your old school opposite of the hotel, we booked a room with a computer." Sister said: "dont grab with me at night! I said, it is this specially for your order, I play with JiJie tomorrow. The words sound just fell and dad ask: qian qian, where to go for dinner. My sister said: why dont we go to the KFC. Well, the promise to you, not a next time, dad helplessly say. JiJie shout:" zhe xiang, the fat man cant eat? "My sister said:" mom, you take zhe xiang to go to the supermarket, buy something for him to eat! "JiJie asked:" the mother to eat? Sister said: "mother and younger brother, give mother a little things such as my mother came back." After eating, we came to the hotel I say: "elder sister play with you!" My sister said: "this computer have QQ?" I said: "I dont know." I said, and went to sleep.




一见到姐姐,我说:“姐姐,我们今天去你老学院对面的宾馆住,我们订了一个有电脑的房间。”姐姐说:“晚上不许跟我抢啊!’我说;这本来就是特意为你订的,我和季婕明天再玩。话音刚落,爸爸就问:倩倩,去哪里吃饭。姐姐说:不如我们去肯德基吧。好吧,这次答应你,下次就不行,爸爸无奈地说。季婕欢呼着:”哲翔这个胖子,不能吃吧?”姐姐说:“妈妈,你带哲翔去逛超市,买些东西给他吃!” 季婕问:“那妈妈吃什么?姐姐说:”妈妈跟弟弟一样,等妈妈回来再给妈妈吃一点儿东西。”我们吃完东西,来到宾馆我说:“姐姐你玩吧!”姐姐说:“这台电脑有没有QQ?”我说:“我不知道。”说着,我就睡觉了。



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In National Day vacation for seven days, my mother and I go to Qingdao.

Sitting on the bus for ten hours later, the train finally pulled into Qingdao.

Qingdao is a city near the sea, came to the coast, the sea is high tide, the sea wave after wave of coming in to the shore in qing cui beautiful noise from the rocks, and into the distance and the lighthouse in the dim light of night is gradually flashing light, give a quiet sea surface smooth added a kind of mystery, moonlight shine on the sea is softly, ebb, by moonlight, according to the sea as if on a layer of pale silver plated halo is slowly falls back, soon a ray of golden light from on water place, is the sun, I saw a red ball slowly, and hard to reveal a nod, as if a weight suspended tracker, again like a power run out of struggling to sprint athletes, soon the sun already revealing half, under the sun of the sea, like the sands of nicole river.

After eating breakfast, we went to the seaside again, my mother said to scuba diving, just like that, I changed the heavy diving suits, and on the oxygen tank, the water I will be the scene fan, large and small coral greeted us at the bottom of the sea, ten color greatly small colorful fish swimming around me, I as if place oneself in another world, is the world of the fish is holy land, is a novel and went to heaven, then a colorful clown fish swimming at me, for I blow a bubble, fun, time is up, I am reluctant to go on shore, diving suits, need to be replaced.

Want to go home at night, I am reluctant to get in, as a car to home.








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It is known to everyone:Oct,1st is our National Day.At this day I went to

street and saw something.Now I will tell you!

At 8:00 I got up and went bus station with my mother .O my god there were

so many people!With difficult we got up the bus and felt very crowed.the traffic

was so bad too!I cost nearly 1 hour that we arrived the center of street.What

were worse there were even more people!In my opinion it was not very interesting

to come out at this day!Nest time I prefer to stay at home and study!
