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May 1st Sunday Fine

5月1日 星期日 晴

Lily and I are very interested in science, so we decided to visit the Science Museum today. It is not too far from our homes.It is about two kilometers, so we thought it was better to go there by bike.


At eight we set off. It was very nice and sunny. When we got to the gate, there were many people waiting there. We met some of my classmates and teachers. There we saw a lot of interesting things and equipment. We could touch them and even operate something. We thought we had learned a lot and were more interested in science.


At half past eleven we had to leave for home. How happy we were today!





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21st century is the century of technology. Nowadays, technology is

everywhere around us. The development of technology has a significant affact

toward the society. Several technologies that we usually use are the internet,

computer, and cellphone. These new technologies make our life much easier and


First, the development of computer changes our life. Decades ago, people

needed to do lots of complex calculation on hand because they did not have

computer, and more obvious, they did not have the software for calculation. As

the result of that, people spent hours on the equations that a computer can

solve in just a minute. Since the development of computer, people are able to

use some kind of software to compute lots of complex functions and mathematical

calculation. Computer becomes the most helpful equipment for the sciencists

because they can use their time more efficiently.

Also, internet is another useful tool for us today. The development of

internet brings a great impact toward the society. Instead of going to library

and fliping all the books to figure out some information, we can just simply use

a mouse and click on the website to do research. The internet leads us to a

place where we can find unlimited information and resources. It makes our life

much easier and better.

The last technology is cellphone. Nowadays, many people have a cellphone.

But it just appears on the market for about 10 years. It is very convenience to

the users because we can talk to anyone we want with a phone as small as a

wallet. Also, we can communicate with others by making a phone call instead of

sending letters. It is very fast and useful way to communicate.

In conclusion, I believe the development of technology brings significant

impact to our life. It is very helpful to us and I believe technology will keep

improving in future.



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May 1st Sunday Fine

Lily and I are very interested in science, so we decided to visit the Science Museum today。 It is not too far from our homes。It is about two kilometers, so we thought it was better to go there by bike。

At eight we set off。 It was very nice and sunny。 When we got to the gate, there were many people waiting there。 We met some of my classmates and teachers。 There we saw a lot of interesting things and equipment。 We could touch them and even operate something。 We thought we had learned a lot and were more interested in science。

At half past eleven we had to leave for home。 How happy we were today!

5月1日 星期日 晴




参观科技馆-Visiting the Science Museum 由英语作文网收集整理 作文网 345543。com



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Today father took me to the Science and Technology Center. I am fond of invention very much. I know that science and technology is the greatest driving force of human progress. When we entered the Center, there came an interpreter who explained to us the process of those inventions. I saw many plane and satellite models that I have never seen before. Its really an eye-opening day to me.




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Modern technology makes life more convenient; tools are the milestores of the technology as well as human being’ s progress.

Men used to cut trees with hand saw. But now, by using electronic saw they can cut down a tree in only a few minutes. Another example is more vivid: You have something urgent which has to be informed to your friend whose house is two hour’s ride away. You probably want to make a phone call. But no telephone is installed in your friend’ s home. What could you do? Nowadays, with modern technology advanting, using internet is popular with us. Some years ago, people had to get what they wanted through looking into a lot of information; at last people could become tired and spent too much time. Now, if you use Internet, all becomes a piece of cake. Only by clucking, you will gain what you expect.

We all hope that modern technology will reach a higher level, because modern technology makes life more convenient indeed.







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Failure is a common thing in ones life. Almost everyone experiences failure in his life. When one fails in his attempt in doing something, he often feels upset. Some people may yield to failure and flinch from it. But others will stick to and achieve the final success.

Success is what everyone expects. It may lead to fame and glory. When one suc ceeds in doing something, he gets so excited that he often neglects all the unsuccessful at tempts he has done.

As the old saying goes, Failure teaches success. It is true that failure is an impor tam factor toward success. The way to success is full of various difficulties and obstacles. Many important inventions or discoveries were achieved after hundreds of failure. And only those successes which have been achieved after many failures are really valuable and praiseworthy.







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May 1st Sunday Fine。

It was fine today, Lily and I went to visit the Science Museum。 It is about two kilometers away from our homes, so we decided to go there by bike。 We set off at 8 oclock。 At the museum we saw a lot of interesting things。 We could operate some equipment。 There we met many classmates and friends。 We thought we had learned a lot and were more interested in science。

At half past eleven we left the museum for home。 We enjoyed ourselves in the museum today。

5月1日 星期日 晴





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Engineers Take Step Closer to Smell-a-Vision"闻香"看电视

How many times has it happened to you: you’re sitting around watching a rerun of Friends and you think: Man, if only I could catch a whiff of that hazelnut mochaccino they’re all pretending to drink. Well, me neither.你有没有经历过这种事情:你无所事事的坐着看《老友记》的回放,想着要是我也可以闻一闻他们正要喝的榛子摩卡就好了。好吧,其实我也经历过。

But engineers have now developed a programmable, odor-emitting device that, like it or not, brings us one step closer to realizing the dream of smell-a-vision. Their design is described in the journal Angewandte Chemie. [Hyunsu Kim et al, An X–Y Addressable Matrix Odor-Releasing System Using an On–Off Switchable Device]其实,工程师们已经发明了一种可编程香味释放装置,不管你喜不喜欢,它让我们离嗅觉影像的实现更进一步。他们的设计发表在《应用化学》期刊上。

TV tickles us with sight and sound. Why not smells? All you’d need is a box that would sit near the set and generate fragrances that match the images on screen: a woman’s perfume or a hot apple pie. But how big would the device have to be to generate thousands of odors?电视通过影像和声音吸引我们。为何不尝试一下嗅觉吸引?我们所需要的就是一个放在电视机的附近的盒子,它能够根据屏幕上的画面产生相应的味道,比如说一个女人的香水或者一个热乎乎的苹果派。那这个产生上千种味道的装置该有多大呢?

To keep the dimensions down, the scientists envision using a 100-by-100 grid, so that just 200 on/off switches could unleash 10,000 stored bouquets. Which they say makes the whole thing “quite doable.”为减小它的体积,科学家设想利用100×100的网格元件,这样仅需200个开关控件就可以释放1万种预存的味道。这样就增加了这件事的可行性。

The question then becomes: why would anyone want to do it? Presumably there are some things that are best left unsmelled. Because a sound cue is perfectly sufficient to tell us where Archie Bunker or Al Bundy has just been.问题接踵而至:所有人都希望这样吗?不想的原因大概就是不想最好的东西被其他人闻到吧。毕竟一个声音提示就足以告诉我们亚奇·邦克或者奥·邦迪刚才在哪。




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On a remote top-secret floating facility called Aquatica, a team of scientists are searching for a cure for Alzheimers disease. The team consists of Dr. Susan McCallister , the scientist behind the experiment who decided to begin finding a cure after seeing her father suffers from Alzheimer Jim Whitlock; Dr. Janice Higgins; Carter Blake , a shark wrangler; Tom Scoggins, an engineer; etc.

Despite Blakes warnings, McCallister violates the code of ethics and creates three genetically engineered mako sharks. Her intent is to increase their brain capacity so the scientists can harvest tissue as a cure for Alzheimers. Unfortunately, the increased brain capacity also makes the sharks smarter, faster and more aggressiveas well as growing to the size of great white sharks, gaining increased memory, and being able to swim backwards. Aquaticas financial backers are skeptical about the tests and following the attack on the teens, send corporate executive Russell Franklin to visit the facility.

In order to prove that the research is worth it, the team schedules a test to remove brain fluid bearing the protein complex from the largest shark. After removing the tissue, they rejoice as it brings test cells back temporarily. However, after the test, the shark breaks free and bites off Whitlocks arm. Blake tries to shoot it, but McCallister saves it by pressing the release button, sending it back to the holding pen. An emergency request is made for paramedics, while the team gets Whitlock to the surface.




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This morning, it is time for us to make sandwiches, so we are very excited. We took two bread and put sausage, eggs and vegetables in it, and then we cut the bread into two other shapes.

My Mom said: “ we need to take food there, because there is one place to eat, but the food there is bad. I went to search the internet, and many people said that.” Because my Dad need to work after breakfast, so my Mom would take me there by herself. After 30 minutes, we arrived the science center.

The science center is very big, and it has every countries’ costumes on it. The whole science center look like an eye with globe. Then we went inside the science center to buy tickets. It is really cool inside. My Mom asked me to go to watch a movie, and then we went to.

Time pass quickly. It was time for us to go home, but I really happy today.



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英语作文:孩子父母良好关系是怎样的?What is a good parent-children relationship?

A good parent-children relationship should be set up on the basis mutual understanding and respect. Parents can not impose their ideas on their children. They should treat their children as independent individual. It is advisable for the parents to learn to listen to children’s ideas and encourage them to think on their own rather than decide everything for the children. On the other hand, children should listen to their parents’ advice for they’re more experienced. Try to be understanding when there is disagreement with parents. Always keep one thing in min---whatever they do comes from their love for us. It is necessary children to exchange ideas with parents from time to time so that the gap between parents and children will be narrowed.



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Today is another fine day. My father and mother took me to visit the wenzhou science museum. As soon as we got out of the car, the first thing that unfolded before me was a building like the crystal palace, the museum of science and technology. Walking into the pavilion, you can see the white walls are striking and the novelty elevator makes you want to sit down. My father is still half word, I have already been on the third floor to see the robot. Dad, I cant help it. In all kinds of robot, is against the game, robot to play the piano, saxophone, they pop up beautiful moving melody suddenly shine at the moment, I saw a very fun thing, that is machine hand to catch the ball, but also we can control the manipulation. So I made up my mind to catch the ball, I failed over and over again, but I didnt lose heart, it was an opportunity, I want to hold it. I continued to move and rotate the robots forearm upper arm and hand, hands open exactly right to the ball, close to catch the ball, and mention, success, I am very happy. When my father asked me to go to the amusement park to play an exciting and daring event, we said it, and I was surprised to see that it was a slide, but it was not the same when it was peaceful. Look very high oh, Im afraid the dad a height encourage me, and I finally decided to try, I walked closer, seize the iron rod, hanging in the air throughout the entire body, closing your eyes, I cant open, under the father repeatedly encouraged, I was not afraid of him only see the front, suddenly a let go, I slid down the slide unharmed. I want to be brave and confident in the future. I have played a lot of new things and have learned a lot of knowledge in playing. I have been learning more about the secrets of technology. "The science museum is so much fun," I said to myself.


[游科技馆 英语作文



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关于人类环境英语作文 Human and the Environment

Last weekend, I wanted to swim in the river that I usually wen in the childhood. When I went there, I was shock. The river is no longer like before. It was full of rubbish. It seemed that the rubbish is from the villagers themselves. In order to put the rubbish nearer, they put all of them into the river. Not only the water is not clean any more, the river also smelt bad. I real touched. Why human and the environment couldn’t live harmonious? Long time ago, they could get along with each other. Why not now? People have to stop their behavior to harm the environment. Otherwise, it would cause destruction to both sides.

上周末,我想去我小时候经常去的那条河里游泳。当我去那里的时候,我很震惊。河水再也不像以前那样了。河里面到处都是垃圾。似乎这些垃圾都是村民丢的。为 了不走那么远丢垃圾,他们把垃圾都丢到河里了。水不仅仅不干净还会散发出臭味。我真的触动了。为什么人类和环境不能和谐地相处呢?很久以前,他们可以好好 相处。为什么现在不可以了呢?人们必须停止他们伤害环境的行为。否则,最后会是两败俱伤。



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Some people believe that the Earth is beingharmed(damaged) by human activity。 Others feel that human activitymakesthe Earth a better place to live。 What is your opinion?Usespecific reasons and examples to supportyouranswer。

People have been living on the Earth for thousands of years。Humanactivity influences the Earth。 Some people believe that theEarth isbeing harmed by human activity。 Others feel that humanactivitymakes the Earth a better place to live。 In my opinion, theearth isbeing damaged by human activity。 There are manystatementssupporting my opinion。

Human activity has damaged natural environment and almostexaustednatural resources。 Modern industry needs more and moreresources,including minerals, fuels and water。 So we confront ofthe seriousproblems such as the lack of fuels and water。Ecological balance isdamaged because factories occupy many placeswhere animals andplants live。 More and more buildings areconstructed and forestsbecome less and less。 If we cannotrecognize these problems andsolve them soon, we would finally losethe environment suitable forour living。 An other serious problem is the green-house effect。

Humanactivity decreases forests and increases the usage of fuels sothatthe gas of carbon dioxide is output more and more and there arenotenough plants to absorb it。 The green-house effect is moreobviousand more sensible these years。 Due to the effect, icebergsin thesouth polar and north polar melt and the sea level becomeshigherthan before。 I am worried about the cities nearby the sea andhopescientists find an effective method to eliminate thegreen-houseeffect。 Although we have advanced machines and our life seemsmorecomfortable than before, we have less chances to approachnaturesand less spaces to act。 The cities become bigger and if wewant tohave a picnic with our friends, we have to drive a longdistance tofind a natural place。 In fact, the spaces of humanactivity arebeing damaged by the skyscrapers and factories。 From the above statements, we can conclude that humanactivitybrings the Earth many damages。 Fortunately people haverecognizedthe point and I believe that the Earth will become abetter placeto live with our ceaseless efforts。




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人们常说:要真正学好英语,就要培养用英语思想的能力。但是,要做到这一点是不容易的。有一个简单易行的办法可以帮助我们练习用英语思想,那就是用英语写日记。日记是十分自由的文体,不像作文,必须有正式的主题,讲究文体。日记是思想,是感情,是内心的一切。有朋友来你家作客,你可以写:We had a wonderful time together. 春节快到了,你或许可以这样写:The Spring Festival is around the corner. Its the most important occasion for the family reunion.甚至在夏天与蚊子的“斗争”也可以成为日记的内容:These annoying mosquitoes didnt seem to be afraid of the mosquito coilI burned. So I had to hang up a mosquito-net. It was fun to lie inside the net reading a favorite magazine while those unpleasant small insects were looking at me helplessly outside.

实际上,用英语写日记是最有效的练习英语写作的形式。它能够让你从各种生活细节及感受中学到最生活化、最地道的英语词语。比如:你今天吃了龙虾,英语是 lobster;你想说某个女同学堪称“校花”,那是 school beauty;考试作弊是 cheat in the exam,等等。因此,可以这么说:如果你能流利地写出好的英语日记,你的英语就已经成功了一大半。



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Human Activity and the Earth

There is no doubt that human activity has an effect on the planet. We see the evidence of mankind’s endeavors all around us. While some of man’s accomplishments, such as the building of transportation systems and the consistent supply of potable water, have made Earth a better place for people to live, they have not come without cost. Overall, it seems that human activity harms the Earth more than it benefits it.

For example, the transportation systems that benefit mankind also create pollution and use up valuable energy resources. While we cannot do without transportation these days, we cannot ignore the fact that it has an adverse effect on the planet. Furthermore, those advances that benefit people do not benefit al the life on Earth. Deforestation endangers many animals, and mankind’s great thirst for water and other resources leads to the extinction of many plant forms. In addition, accomplishments such as the supply of potable water to a community are only response to problems that mankind created in the past. It was man that made the water unfit to drink in the first place. Finally, the damage that human activity causes will eventually have a negative effect on people. They will also suffer the effects of pollution and diminishing natural resources.

In conclusion, it seems apparent that man’s activity benefits primarily himself, not the Earth. Moreover, those benefits are only short-term advantages, and man will also suffer the negative effects of his activity in the future. The Earth does not have an inexhaustible supply of resources, so every effort should be made to conserve resources and limit the impact of human activity on the planet.



人类活动无疑会对地球造成影响,Human Activity and the Earth(人类活动与地球),考研英语作文《Human Activity and the Earth(人类活动与地球)》。我们周围随处可见人类活动的迹象。虽然人类某些成就,如运输系统的建立以及饮用水持续的供应等,使得地球成为一个更适合的人类居住的地方,但这些成就的取得也付出了代价。总体上,对地球而言,人类的活动似乎弊多于利。

