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红楼梦中学生读后感800字 - 开学吧









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刚从妈妈手里接过《地心游记》这本书我就对它爱不释手,真的达到了废寝忘食的境界。这本书讲述的是1863 年5 月的某一天,里登布洛克教授在一本古老的书籍里偶然发现一封密码信,并从中得知前人萨克努塞姆曾到地心旅行。于是里登布洛克教授就决定追随前人的脚步,开始了他和侄子阿克赛尔向导汉斯的地心旅行。










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The 19 th-century French writer "Notre Dame DE Paris" describes how the heroine grew up into a bell, and being abused...

While another hero esmeralda beauty unsurpassed, pure good, good, she and her brilliant kid is give a person with infinite daydream in the whole novel the romance of luminescent spot, is the embodiment of beauty and freedom, but in the asceticism in the s, such as a flower of beautiful life is in the middle ages the lamentable to collapse too.

Life is like a piano, someone pops up on the keys in the spring of hope, shade in the summer, the autumn harvest, the joy of winter, which made us read the two characters together again with misfortunes.

Life the good teacher every day with you, with you, you just havent found.







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在这个寒假里,我读了一本书 ,名字叫《成语故事》,是中国作者宋海峰主编。

这本书中有许许多多的成语故事 ,其中我最喜欢的是《望梅止渴》《磨杵成针》。

《磨杵成针》的故事中讲啦立白少读书,因此不能集中心思读书,一天,李白又读的心烦起来,便走出去,途中遇见了一个老婆婆,正在磨一根铁棒 ,李白觉得很奇怪,问道:您这是 在干什么啊?老婆婆回答说:我这是把它磨成 针呀!李白惊奇 极啦,说:这么粗的铁棒,要把它磨成针能行吗?老婆婆笑着说:我不停的磨下去,这根铁棒会越来越细,最后一定会被磨成针,怎么不行?李白听了很受感动,于是下定决心坚持读书,后来,他终于成为啦一位伟大的诗人。

这个故事告诉我们做什么事情要坚持就一定 能成功。




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Every year, when the Spring Festival comes, every family will put on lights

and decorations, paste beautiful window flowers, all kinds of big "Fu"

characters and spring couplets, which are full of joy.


However, the Spring Festival in 2020 is totally different. A war without

smoke and guns has started, and the "new tubular virus" pneumonia has swept

through. All departments have responded positively and fought against the

epidemic together. Angels in white, armed police officers and soldiers,

volunteers. Many brave men are fighting in the front line. As the lifes

reverser, they have opened a new chapter in 2020.


As a young pioneer, I should also actively contribute my own strength to

this years new years Eve, do not visit the door, do not have a dinner party,

and urge my family to do a good job in health and epidemic prevention. I have to

go to public places and wear masks in a standardized way. The used masks are

thrown into the "hazardous waste" bin according to the regulations. Pay

attention to personal hygiene, often ventilate, wash hands frequently, do not

spit everywhere, and make correct shelter when sneezing and coughing. Study at

home, strengthen exercise and protect wild animals.


The bell of 2020 has been ringing, and the spring is not far away. I

believe that with the joint efforts of the people of the whole country, we can

win this "battle" and usher in a better 2020 in my heart!



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The man who is working is the happiest one in the world, no matter in which period. That’s a truth the book ordinary world wants to tell us. It’s loudly gives out the slogan, as a human, despair the position, as long as you have a burning heart, you will beloved by the life. Everybody in the world should love their work. One can be ordinary, but can not be mediocre. Only be a worker, and use one’s sincere heart to taste the life and experience, can we truly being alive. We have only one life. This is a book written by life. There is a kind of ordinary sound flood in the earth and universe.

The book’s time span lasts from the 1975 to 1985, the turbulent years in Chinese history. The story happened in a small village called Shuangshui village. Almost the whole book is describe the life and people in Shuangshui village. During that ten years, the Cultural Revolution has came to an end, Deng Xiaoping came into power,a new mode of production-- household contract responsibility system with remuneration linked to output has came out. All of these changes lead to the happen of the story. Shungshui village and it’s people is just like a miniature picture of the whole China and it’s people. The book included every aspect of the society that time. Lu Yao wanted to use a kind of realism style of writing to draw the outline of a great social picture scroll. In the scroll, everyone in different stratum is lifelike in both characters and features. This is an important point, because of Lu Yao ‘s consummate novel skill and the deadly serious writing attitude, this novel turned into one of the best teacher aids of that period history.

The pedagogical meaning I get from this book is a kind of profound understanding to the peasant in our own country. The younger generation in the modern city is very hard to figure out the meaning of this point, because they are far away from the real country life. Peasants’ life, peasants’ thought ,the days peasant’s had and now and the future, all of these are quite unfamiliar to most of us. Then this book can be regarded as a bridge, we can indirectly gain a better understanding of the real country from this book And that’s the function of books. The book perfectly draw a picture of that time, it reflects the pleasure, the anger, the sorrow, and the passions of the peasants. After finished the book, we can say we experienced that period in one sense. We had ever worked in a filed, the sweat poured like rains from our face and we had ever loved someone ,lost someone. All of these cane from the book. The practical significance of the book sets on the current situation and historic continuity of China; sets on the hope of the future and the development of our young generation; sets on the understanding of China and the people.

On the other hand, I do really like Lu Yao’s starting point---ordinary world. Their world is ordinary, this is just one of the tens of thousands of villages in loess plateau. But Lu Yao have seen the character out of the common in the protagonists. Take Sun shaoping as an example, he had a secondary education and through a self-study came to a undergraduate level. The author put many excellent qualities to this leading role. All the roles in Lu Yao’s novel are ordinary people, but all the marvelous characters in their body made them different.

Life is an outward journey and there is not much time for us to squander, to grieve or to feel depressed. It will be spineless to give up our hope. Just like the famous sentence “Though the torches is drooping, the fire is burning up”。 Even the most ordinary people should fight for his life.




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秦始皇吓了一跳,马上带着侍卫走了。后来被女娲吐过唾沫 的地方又痒又疼,而且越烂,太一看了没话说,秦始皇听了心里很不是滋味,最后他用行动感动了女娲,治好了他的疮痂。




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After reading this novel,I learned something about how British classical upper-class behaved and their standards of choosing spouse.Even in the same family,they had various thoughts about marriage.Jane and Lizzy wanted to marry someone they really loved,while Lydia and Kitty preferred to find someone funny.Their parents thought highly of family wealth,and the young thought it less important.However,most of them still had a ranking sense.They wanted to marry someone with similar fortune,similar social position.

I love this story and enjoy reading it.



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When I was a middle school student, I’ve finished this book in Chinese.But when I read it in English,I really gain something new both in the way of expression and the spirit it shows to us.May be different ages to read the same book we will learn different things from it.At least, for my part, that is true.

Firstly,I would like to review some information about this book.Such as the background,major characters and the topic of it.

The Old Man and the Sea is a story by Ernest Hemingway, written in Cuba in 1951 and published in 1952. It was the last major work of fiction to be produced by Hemingway and published in his lifetime. One of his most famous works, it centers upon Santiago, an aging Cuban fisherman who struggles with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream.

The Old Man and the Sea served to reinvigorate Hemingways literary reputation and prompted a reexamination of his entire body of work. The novella was initially received with much popularity; it restored many readers confidence in Hemingways capability as an author. Its publisher, Scribners, on an early dust jacket, called the novella a "new classic," and many critics favorably compared it with such works as William Faulkners "The Bear" and Herman Melvilles Moby-Dick.

This book gives me a deep impression especially the description about the man’s braveness and persistence.

In this book, in order to suggest the profundity of the old man’s sacrifice and the glory that derives from it, Hemingway purposefully likens Santiago to Christ, who, according to Christian theology, gave his life for the greater glory of humankind. Crucifixion imagery is the most noticeable way in which Hemingway creates the symbolic parallel between Santiago and Christ. When Santiago’s palms are first cut by his fishing line, the reader cannot help but think of Christ suffering his stigmata. Later, when the sharks arrive, Hemingway portrays the old man as a crucified martyr, saying that he makes a noise similar to that of a man having nails driven through his hands. Furthermore, the image of the old man struggling up the hill with his mast across his shoulders recalls Christ’s march toward Calvary. Even the position in which Santiago collapses on his bed—face down with his arms out straight and the palms of his hands up—brings to mind the image of Christ suffering on the cross. Hemingway employs these images in the final pages of the novella in order to link Santiago to Christ, who exemplified transcendence by turning loss into gain, defeat into triumph, and even death into renewed life.

The major characters in this book are also vivid and lively.

Santiago?,the old man of the novella’s title, Santiago is a Cuban fisherman who has had an extended run of bad luck. Despite his expertise, he has been unable to catch a fish for eighty-four days. He is humble, yet exhibits a justified pride in his abilities. His knowledge of the sea and its creatures, and of his craft, is unparalleled and helps him preserve a sense of hope regardless of circumstance.

The marlin?,Santiago hooks the marlin, which we learn at the end of the novella measures eighteen feet, on the first afternoon of his fishing expedition. Manolin?,a boy presumably in his adolescence, Manolin is Santiago’s apprentice and devoted attendant. The old man first took him out on a boat when he was merely five years old. Due to Santiago’s recent bad luck, Manolin’s parents have forced the boy to go out on a different fishing boat. Manolin, however, still cares deeply for the old man, to whom he continues to look as a mentor.

Joe DiMaggio, although DiMaggio never appears in the novel, he plays a significant role nonetheless. Santiago worships him as a model of strength and commitment, and his thoughts turn toward DiMaggio whenever he needs to reassure himself of his own strength. Perico ?,Perico, the reader assumes, owns the bodega in Santiago’s village. He never appears in the novel, but he serves an important role in the fisherman’s life by providing him with newspapers that report the baseball scores. This act establishes him as a kind man who helps the aging Santiago.

Martin,like Perico, Martin, a café owner in Santiago’s village, does not appear in the story. The reader learns of him through Manolin, who often goes to Martin for Santiago’s supper. As the old man says, Martin is a man of frequent kindness who deserves to be repaid.

From the very first paragraph, Santiago is characterized as someone struggling against defeat. He has gone eighty-four days without catching a fish—he will soon pass his own record of eighty-seven days. Almost as a reminder of Santiago’s struggle, the sail of his skiff resembles “the flag of permanent defeat.” But the old man refuses defeat at every turn: he resolves to sail out beyond the other fishermen to where the biggest fish promise to be. He lands the marlin, tying his record of eighty-seven days after a brutal three-day fight, and he continues to ward off sharks from stealing his prey, even though he knows the battle is useless.

Because Santiago is pitted against the creatures of the sea, some readers choose to view the tale as a chronicle of man’s battle against the natural world, but the novella is, more accurately, the story of man’s place within nature. Both Santiago and the marlin display qualities of pride, honor, and bravery, and both are subject to the same eternal law: they must kill or be killed. As Santiago reflects when he watches the weary warbler fly toward shore, where it will inevitably meet the hawk, the world is filled with predators, and no living thing can escape the inevitable struggle that will lead to its death. Santiago lives according to his own observation: “man is not made for defeat . . . [a] man can be destroyed but not defeated.” In Hemingway’s portrait of the world, death is inevitable, but the best men (and animals) will nonetheless refuse to give in to its power. Accordingly, man and fish will struggle to the death, just as hungry sharks will lay waste to an old man’s trophy catch.

The novel suggests that it is possible to transcend this natural law. In fact, the very inevitability of destruction creates the terms that allow a worthy man or beast to transcend it. It is precisely through the effort to battle the inevitable that a man can prove himself. Indeed, a man can prove this determination over and over through the worthiness of the opponents he chooses to face. Santiago finds the marlin worthy of a fight, just as he once found “the great negro of Cienfuegos” worthy. HSantiago, though destroyed at the end of the novella, is never defeated. Instead, he emerges as a hero. Santiago’s struggle does not enable him to change man’s place in the world. Rather, it enables him to meet his most dignified destiny.

While it is certainly true that Santiago’s eighty-four-day run of bad luck is an affront to his pride as a masterful fisherman, and that his attempt to bear out his skills by sailing far into the gulf waters leads to disaster, Hemingway does not condemn his protagonist for being full of pride. On the contrary, Santiago stands as proof that pride motivates men to greatness. Because the old man acknowledges that he killed the mighty marlin largely out of pride, and because his capture of the marlin leads in turn to his heroic transcendence of defeat, pride becomes the source of Santiago’s greatest strength. Without a ferocious sense of pride, that battle would never have been fought, or more likely, it would have been abandoned before the end.

Santiago’s pride also motivates his desire to transcend the destructive forces of nature. Throughout the novel, no matter how baleful his circumstances become, the old man exhibits an unflagging determination to catch the marlin and bring it to shore. When the first shark arrives, Santiago’s resolve is mentioned twice in the space of just a few paragraphs. Even if the old man had returned with the marlin intact, his moment of glory, like the marlin’s meat, would have been short-lived. The glory and honor Santiago accrues comes not from his battle itself but from his pride and determination to fight.

Santiago dreams his pleasant dream of the lions at play on the beaches of Africa three times. The first time is the night before he departs on his three-day fishing expedition, the second occurs when he sleeps on the boat for a few hours in the middle of his struggle with the marlin, and the third takes place at the very end of the book. In fact, the sober promise of the triumph and regeneration with which the novella closes is supported by the final image of the lions. Because Santiago associates the lions with his youth, the dream suggests the circular nature of life. Additionally, because Santiago imagines the lions, fierce predators, playing, his dream suggests a harmony between the opposing forces—life and death, love and hate, destruction and regeneration—of nature.

This book gives me courage of conquering all kinds of difficulties .And I have the belief that the most beautiful thing is the process that we make our best to achieve our dream,and never say give up .



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我看了一本以《中外名人故事》为题的书,里面写的都是名人们一个个精彩的故事。我被高尔基的认真和贝多芬的坚持深深感动了。 高尔基是一个苏连作家,他的剧作《耶戈尔.布雷乔夫和其它的人们》正上演时,导演在没经过他同意就擅自将结尾处改成布雷乔夫死了。观众们很激动,谢幕达二十三次,但高尔基却硬是要导演改回去,原因是布雷乔夫根本没有死。导演没办法,只好改回去。这样以来,效果差多了。但高尔基很满意,因为他尊重了事实。 读完这篇文章后,我感触很深,明明结尾耶戈尔.布雷乔夫死了的效果更好,高尔基为什么要坚持自己的剧本,硬要导演改回去呢?也太认真了吧!但我又反反复复地读了几遍,改变了对高尔基的看法。如果人们都为了利益不分黑白,颠倒是非,那世界就是虚伪的了。




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To Live

When I read the book To Live, I know I have own a lot of happiness in this period. To Live allowed me to see the people’s suffering and hardship in old China. But the most important is the spirit that age gives to them.

To Live described Fugui’s life who lives in The Cultural Revolution and Great Leap Forward. Fugui borns in a host family, when he was young, he often went outside gambling. So that in the end he spent all the property under the trap which others had designed. At that time, he had got married with his wife Jiazhen. One day, when he went out to borrow money for looking doctors for his parents, he was caught to join the army. Almost all the soldiers had died, but he struggled to live and luckly got together with his family, when his mother had gone and his daughter Fengxia had been a dumb because of illness. His family were very happy because of his coming back. For he had not been assigned to the landlord constituents, they lived a poor and happy life. Of the past with each passing day, his little son was going to middle school, but his disaster began again. His son lost his life for saving his classmate whose father is the mayor of the town. Backlog of the pain and frustration, he and his wife as if had lost a lot and they nearly lost confidence of living. Fortunately, they have a sensible daughter, although she couldn’t talk, but she helped her parents go through the pains. Later Fengxia married to Erxi who is an honest man, but fate still made fun of this hard-working and simple girl, she died from giving birth. And then later, in the heavy blows, Fugui’s wife left him forever.

Life had lost all his family, leaving him, last remaining alive. I don’t know how I can experience his life in that age, his disease that he had to face, but I know Fugui had learnt to respect for life, be properly alive.



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The ugly duckling is my very like a fairy tale, it is a hit all the crowd out, laughed at, the image of the ugly duckling. But it always have a dream in the heart, because the dream, it in front of the difficulty not despair, there is no destruction, but always unyielding struggle, finally turned into a beautiful noble swan, it feel happy, feel warm.

The beauty of love, there is. In the world who doesnt like beauty? But the beauty are important, but the beauty of mind is more important. If the heart beauty, character beauty, wisdom, beauty, language beauty, beauty action, this is the most beautiful thing in the world. Although the physical beauty, but in the mind is not beautiful, it is very ugly. Some people, for the sake of beauty, do not hesitate to sacrifice everything, that is beautiful? Some people, although ugly, but work hard, industrious, good, this is not to mind ugly, but just the opposite.

After reading the text, cause me to understand that appearance is not important, the most important is whether the inner beauty, is pure. The ugly duckling into a swan, all this comes from it in mind that a dream of the eternal. Everyone can be as long as you firm faith, stick to their beautiful dreams, and diligently to struggle, you will be successful, you will become a beautiful swan, spread your wings and fly.

From the ugly duckling in this text I experience the true meaning of beauty, understand the connotation of the beauty, inner beauty, let us become a swan, in a free flying high in the sky.







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During this term I have read a novel The Red and the Black. The novel was written by the French writer Stendhal in the 19th century. Marie·Henri Beyle better known by his pen name Stendhal was one of the critical realism French writers in the 19th century . The military and theatrical worlds of the First French Empire were a revelation to Beyle. Known for his acute analysis of his characters’ psychology and reflection of society he is considered one of the earliest and foremost practitioners of realism in his two novels Le Rouge et le Noir (The Red and the Black 1830) and La Chartreuse de Parme (The Charterhouse of Parma 1839). Stendhal laid down for himself in a diary entry of May 1804:“regard everything I’ve read to date about man as a prediction; believe only what I have seen for myself. Joy happiness fame all is upon it.” Futurity call it realism creation method. In France Stendhal was the first litterateur to reveal corruption of the bourgeoisie through literature.

The novel marks the beginning of realism. André Gide said that The Red and the Black was a novel ahead of its time that it was a novel for readers in the twentieth century. In Stendhal’s time prose novels included dialogue and omniscient narrator descriptions; his great contribution to literary technique was describing the psychologies (feelings thoughts inner monologues) of the characters resultantly he is considered the creator of the psychological novel.



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