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Santiago, an old man about sixty years old, fished alone with nothing caught in eighty four days. No one would like to talk to him for his extremely bad luck except a boy who always came to help after the day and finally left to another boat under the pressure of his parents. Ignoring the contempt from the younger fishermen and sympathy from the older, on the morning of the 85th day, the old man started his fishing with determination and rowed his old boat very far in the sea where he believed there would be big fish. Fortunately the old man met with a big fish as he had wished and finally defeated the big Marlin with two days and nights struggle after overcoming great difficulties. But more unfortunately there were many sharks coming after his boat attracted by the smell of the blood of the big Marlin. After death-and-life struggle, when he finally got rid of the sharks coming after the boat, the big Marlin was bare skeleton.

The Old Man and the Sea tells a frustrated experience of the old man who fishes alone in the sea in plain languages. Through the simple lines, a “tough guy” image is shaped and heroism is praised. The whole story starts with a peaceful beginning which is some trivial of life and talking with the boy, and suddenly turns to its climax which is the dangerous fighting with the big fish and sharks alone in the sea, and ends with the old man’s return with the bare skeleton of the big Marlin. Though the boy only appears at the beginning and the ending in the novel, he plays an indispensible role, it is his inspiring and supporting that helps the old man to be “graceful under heavy pressure”.

In the book, the old man prepared his fishing properly and preciously than any other fishermen so that “Then when luck comes you are ready” as the old man thought to himself. In reality, some of us keep complaining that they are born in wrong time or good luck never knocks their doors. In fact, good luck sometimes just comes when they are not ready. Taking Newton for example, if he had not acquired a lot, millions of apples could never make him discovery the gravity. So if we just keep studying as much as we can, good luck will finally find us and a bright future is ahead of us. The old man never gives up hope. When all of people think he is doomed, he still strongly believes that he will get a big fish. And he does. So never giving up hope is very important to us. This reminded me of the sentence in Churchill’s speech “Never give up, never, never, never…”. “But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated” has always been inspiring me when I counter with some setbacks in my life. Setbacks are inevitable in pursuit of our goals, but we should never be frustrated and should be “graceful under heavy pressure” like the old man. It is his relentless pursuit that contributes to the victory.




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Today, I read a famous American writer Ernest Hemingways novel "the old man and the sea", the book left a deep impression on me, I very admire book old fishermans will, he let me know how a person must have unremitting spirit, could succeed.

On the description of the old man and the sea is a nearly sixty years old fisherman, in a single sea, caught a big fish, but do not go up. Old fisherman with the fish have a few days later, only to find that this is a more than his fishing boat several times of the big marlin, while knowing that it is difficult to win, but still dont give up. Later, because of the big marlin wound fishy drew several group of sharks eat, but the old man wouldnt give up, so eventually break through, will be a big fish bones back to fishing port, let other fishermen to admire.

When I read my grandfather during a fierce battle with the sharks, I really worry about my grandfather, grandfather, however, is always the spirit of optimism to face some great difficulties, see here, I couldnt help think of yourself. When I met with some difficulties, I always feel very frustrated, feel very tired, really want to escape from reality. Look again at Santiago ALGOL grandpa, undeterred by whether encounter any difficulty, but bravely to face!

Life should also such, dont look like a picture of a death, want to have confidence in myself. Even if we encounter difficulties, should not let it to beat, should bravely to destroy it.

We are the future of our motherland, should be like Santiago aspiring ALGOL grandfather, to the pursuit of better, bigger targets. I believe that with my efforts, I will become like Santiago ALGOL grandpa so brave, so brave to fight.


《老人与海 》描写的是一个年近六旬的老渔夫,在一次单身出海打鱼时,钓到了一条大鱼,却拉不上来。老渔夫同大鱼周旋了几天后,才发现这是一条超过自己渔船数倍的大马林鱼,虽然明知难以取胜,但仍不放弃。后来又因大马林鱼伤口上的鱼腥味引来了几群鲨鱼抢食,但老人不愿这样放弃,最终突出重围,将大鱼的骨头带回了渔港,让其他渔夫佩服不已。






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《武松独闯景阳冈》又名《武松打虎》。讲的是武松探亲路过景阳冈,喝了十八碗酒后,醉打害人猛虎的故事。 本文通过诸多动作描写,写出了武松遇到老虎时的临危不乱,和与老虎搏斗时的机敏。体现出了武松勇敢无畏的精神,以及他精湛的武艺。

武松的勇猛十分值得我们学习。但是,出国留学网同时也觉得,他不顾店家劝告就上山;不去求证那官府告示是真是假就贸然过冈,也实在太不谨慎了。 虽说是“艺高人胆大”,但也不是这么样的胆大呀!“前车之鉴,后事之师”。武松的勇敢无畏值得我们学习;但他的“大胆”可是需要我们引以为戒的。这个故事 让我知道了武松身上该学与不该学的东西。更让我明白,不能因为一个人是英雄,或被人们传颂,就盲目地学习他的一切品格和做法。因为人都是既有优点又有缺点 的。要有一双明辨是非的眼睛,分清优缺点。“取人之长,补己之短”才能不断进步和成长啊!



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I’ve been wondering where one’s childlike purity has gone when he or she grows up. To find the answer, I read The Little Prince, which is a fairy tale for adult and fable about life, written by Antoine de Saint Exupéry.

The story of The Little Prince is about a prince from an asteroid named B-612, which is a fairly small one, with three volcanoes and a rose on it. The prince spent his days caring for his "planet", sweeping the volcanoes and pulling out the baobab trees that would make his little planet turn to dust if they were not removed. However, he was lonely. He watched the sunset every time he was down. He had seen the sunset forty-three times in a day, for endless loneliness and sadness filled up his heart. Fortunately, a beautiful rose enriched his life. She loved the distressed prince, while the prince loved her sincerely as well. Unluckily, the sensitive prince once doubted about love due to the rose’s anger, and he left his rose as well as his planet to start his lonely journey.

After visiting six other asteroids, he came to the earth. He met a fox and tamed it. It was the fox who taught the prince that his rose was in a class by herself. The prince began to realized that he was tamed by his rose, he responsible for her. As a result, he was eager to see his rose again, but he found himself unable to leave the earth. Finally, the prince chose to go back to his asteroid with the snake’s bite, though he felt afraid of pains.

Every time I read The Little Prince, I am moved by the prince’s attitude toward the world. It is his attitude that brings my sincerity and innocence back. Because of the story of the little prince, I have learnt to live a peaceful life with hope, gentleness, touching, and responsibility about tameness in my heart.



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Blair is my classmate as well as my best friend. We have already known each

other for ten years. We live in the same block so that we always go to school

together. She has long hair, big eyes and sweet smile, which makes her popular

in my class. Blair works hard and she is a good student in the eyes of teachers.

Besides, she is clever and kindhearted. When others turn to her for help, she

always tries her best to help. I feel proud to have such a good friend.



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While Jobs built some of the more venerable brands in the zeitgeist today (Apple, Pixar) and created mobile devices that drive social media use, there’s another insight that emerged over the course of this 600-page journey. It’s what made Steve Jobs Steve Jobs. It’s also a key business skill that’s rarely addressed directly and that is focus. Laser-like, precision focus on what you want and how you can get there. As a young, college drop-out, Jobs worked on an apple-growing commune. His job? Pruning the tree branches so they would grow stronger. In many ways, “the Steve Jobs school of business leadership” is one of understanding focus.Focused Work Teams,Focused Design,Focus on Details,Focus on What’s Next,Focus on Ideas, Not Presentations,Focus on the Customer Experience。



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With the development of our society, energy in the world bees more and more

limited, so it is quite important for us to save energy and to protect our

environment。 As a student, there are a lot of methods we can do to save energy

at home。 For example, first, we can turn off the light as well as other

appliances when we are not using them。 Second, recycle the waste water, paper

and other waste so that we can reuse them。 Whats more, it is suggested to use

public transportation more instead of private cars.

Above all, everyone can make a great contribution to our environment。 I

hope I can learn more to develop new and clear energy, like energy from the wind

and solar.



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刚从妈妈手里接过《地心游记》这本书我就对它爱不释手,真的达到了废寝忘食的境界。这本书讲述的是1863 年5 月的某一天,里登布洛克教授在一本古老的书籍里偶然发现一封密码信,并从中得知前人萨克努塞姆曾到地心旅行。于是里登布洛克教授就决定追随前人的脚步,开始了他和侄子阿克赛尔向导汉斯的地心旅行。










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I”d never given much thought to how I would die. But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go. " When reading such moving words, I am completely absorbed in this splendid novel --- Twilight. The person who had said such moving words was a 17-year-old girl --- Bella, who was a high school student. After reading the whole novel, what impresses me most is not the mysterious vampires family, but the kindhearted and brave girl --- Bella. Bella was a 17-year-old girl who has experienced her parents” divorce. In order not to be an obstacle to her mother”s happiness with her stepfather, Bella firmly chose to move into a new city --- Forks to live with her father. Even though she knew that what was waiting for her was the new and strange circumstance, Bella still decided to face all of them fearlessly, which makes me know that Bella is a really thoughtful and considerate girl.

As a matter of fact, Bella was just an ordinary human girl who would grow old as time went by and die one day, but Edward was an immortal vampire who had an exceptional and unique strength of reading people”s minds. Actually, some people may wonder why Edward would fall in love with such a delicate human girl, while others may hold a doubtful attitude towards their love story. However, to my mind, I strongly believe that Bella and Edward can lead a happy life. About one thing I am absolutely positive, they can lead a happy life and they needs to confront with various of hardships and setbacks. But why am I so positive about their love story? Let me have an analysis!

Bella is a kindhearted and independent girl who never goes with tide. She always sticks to her own way of doing everything. On her first day to school, Edward came across with Bella, and at that moment Edward could not move his eyes on Bella at his first sight on her. I clearly know that it was Bella”s unique and special character that drew Edward”s attention. In Edward”s mind, Bella was a natural girl with a kind heart. After several days” struggle, Edward could not prevent himself from caring about her and loving her though he knew perfectly well that it would be a fateful and deadly thing for a vampire to fall in love with a human girl. From this, it can be seemed that what a charismatic and glamorous girl Bella was.

When Edward said to Bella, "I don”t have the strength to stay away from you forever." I know, Edward had already been loving Bella deeply.

When Bella answered "I”ll be with you forever, Edward." I can realize their love has already been surpassed human in human”s innermost feelings.

When Edward said, "You don”t know how long I”ve waited for you, Bella" I know, Bella is the most suitable one for him, only with Bella can Edward gains the real happiness.

When Edward swore, "You”re my life now, Bella." I think all the lovers will be overwhelmed by such impressive words at that moment, as well as I. I know, from then on, Edward would move heaven and earth to protect Bella. There is no doubt that Bella is happy when being with Edward.

To be honest, Twilight is the best romance novel that I”ve ever read. There is no much flourish in it, but there are lots of touching and thrilling plots between Edward and Bella. I still remember every time Bella was in danger, Edward could helped her out in time, which made Bella feel so grateful and become interested in him gradually.

There was a time when Bella was on her way home from a bookstore alone, suddenly a gang of ruffians molested her, Bella felt helpless and hopeless. Fortunately, Edward appeared as a hero and rescued the beauty, Bella. At that moment, I couldn”t help praising, that Edward was such a thoughtful gentleman who cares about the person he loves at any time. No wonder Bella would love him.

Then when Edward told Bella he had a super strength that he could read every person”s mind except Bella”s one. You can not imagine that, Bella”s first reaction to it was --- "Is there something wrong with me?" Hearing that, Edward smiled and said, "I tell you I can read minds, and you think there is something wrong with you." At that time, Edward knew Bella was a kind girl indeed, who would not be worried and scared when hearing such unusual truth, but just try to find the mistakes of herself.

Once Edward took Bella to his home to meet his family members, instead of being afraid, Bella asked Edward what if his families didn”t like her. Edward was so surprise to hear that and said to Bella, "you are worried not because you”ll be in a house full of vampires, but because you think they won”t approve of you? " Then, I know, Bella has never treated Edward as a different kind. May I ask, how can Edward refuse such a kind and lovely girl. When Edward took Bella to fly through the forest in his amazing speed, I think no more girls can refuse such a romantic man.

Bella pursued the true love belong to her bravely, while Edward was giving all his love to the one he loved. I know this is love.

All in all, romantic love always has a happy ending. When Bella went through life and death, when Edward experienced the cruel ordeal, seeing they were dancing romantically at last, I can say their love will be going on.



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