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Dear customers

Hello! The new year is coming, we are grateful to you with cordial

greetings and sincere thanks: Thank you for your support and love in this year,

so that our business has made continuous progress and development.

We know that every progress and success of _ can not be separated from

your attention, trust, support and participation. Your understanding and trust

are the powerful driving force for our progress. In the course of _s

development, you have given us incomparable strength. With your strong concern

and support, as well as the diligent efforts of all the staff of our company, we

have made outstanding achievements one after another by virtue of our

high-quality projects and good reputation. On the occasion of the new year and

Christmas, thank you for your support and love in the past days. I would like to

express my heartfelt thanks to you in this letter!

In the process of cooperation, if you have any questions, please dont

forget to call us. You are welcome to put forward any opinions and suggestions,

so that we can communicate and improve more smoothly, and provide you with

better projects.

In the future, all staff of _ will continue to work hard, explore and

innovate, and create sustainable value for new and old customers. At the same

time, I hope you can continue to support and help us, and also wish us to work

together to create brilliant!






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Childhood is like a cup of strong coffee, warm to your heart or;Childhood is like a cup of light tea, let you every aftertaste.Childhood is like the rainbow after the storm, colorful;Flowery and clinking, childhood is like a corner after sunset, so miss;Also like the curved path, let you continue to thrive.The wind is not possible to the warm memories to blow away;Rain is falling all it impossible to get this one moving melody.Only a lovely, gentle sunshine would it have been preserved.

Memories and ordinary things, things may be small, but the memories is so moved, because had these memories!Can continue to progress, the pursuit, in this way can we grow up,

That year, is a heavy snow season.At that time, I was only 7 years old!

That day, in the morning, I just wake up, opened the eyes, and saw there was a haze of light snow, a short time later, the wind settle, snow slowly stopped.And IThe elder brotherOpened the door and a white light made me feel dazzling, so I gave inThe elder brotherSnow shovel, pushing up the snowman in the yard, the snowman is really beautiful around, the body of white, round head, made it a pair of big, black pebbles of big eyes, a carrot nose, I again with red paint for white snow man drew a cherry small mouth.

Snowman heap is ready, then ushered in a "snow battle parade" and my brothers brother first prepared a snowball, throwing up to me, I am clever turned around, snowball and broke up on the wall.While my brother still dont respond to come over, I use a light snow ball and throw the past to elder brother!My brother had no time to escape."Yes, yes, yes"!Hee hee, in the middle of his brothers "big head" snowball on his head "opened a white flower" can put my belly laugh pain is dead!After again and again to compete.The laughter in the yard is more and more loud and clear.

The fun of childhood, both are like a colorful shells, hold up my colorful childhood.



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It rained all day yesterday, today, the sun smiling up, I feel happy!

The water beside the road was covered with a thin layer of ice. Pedestrians dressed in thick cotton padded clothes, waiting for the bus people to rub their hands and stamp their feet, they also felt the cold in winter. The trees at the school gate were left with bare branches. The two little sparrows stood on their branches and jumped as if they were cold and doing exercises!

Winter is coming. I hope spring will come soon!



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我最敬佩的人就是儒勒·凡尔纳笔下的尼摩艇长,他全身都散发着浪漫、神秘的色彩,是一个非常吸引人的人物,也是我最敬佩的人。他根据自己的设计建造了世界第一艘潜水艇——鹦鹉螺号,在海底进行大规模的科学研究,探索一些人类未解之谜,为人类做贡献。他也为了躲避敌人和迫害者,在海底追寻自由,又对自己的孤独生活感到深深的痛苦,为追寻自己的目标而不懈努力。我很崇拜他。尼摩艇长是个个性忧郁,知识渊博的人,他和船员们一起周游了太平洋、印度洋又到了红海,经过地中海到达了大西洋以及南极和北冰洋,见识很广。而且他也非常勇敢,与大蜘蛛、鲨鱼、章鱼搏斗等等。不仅如此,尼摩艇长还是一个有正义感的人,他重视被坏人利用、危害人类自身危机的行为,还提出要爱护海豹、鲸鱼等海洋动物,谴责滥杀乱捕的人。我对尼摩艇长出类拔萃的才华与学识非常钦佩。他虽然不是现实生活中的人,但是,我真的很崇拜他!有的人崇拜名人,是为了追时尚,而这种盲目地崇拜会使人误入歧途。有的人崇敬名人,把自己崇敬的名人作为自己的榜样, 激励自己像他们一样,为人民做贡献。孔子说过,“见贤思齐焉”,人们也常说:“榜样的力量是无穷的”,所以,这些人中,大多数都成功了。每个人,都有自己 喜欢的名人,无论是崇拜还是崇敬。我也不利外,我崇敬居里夫人。 千百年来,漂亮就是一个女人的最高荣誉,最大资本,只要有幸得到这一点,其余便不必再求了。居里夫人已具备了漂亮这一资本,但是,她却没有利用这一点资本,她的战胜自我也恰恰就是从这一点开始的。她为了做科学研究,她甘愿让酸碱啃蚀她柔美的双手,让呛人的烟气吹皱她秀美的额头。 为了提炼纯净的镭,居里夫妇搞到一吨可能含镭的工业废渣。他们在院子里支起了一口锅,一锅一锅地进行冶炼,然后再送到化验溶解、沉淀、分析。而所谓的化验室是一个废弃的、曾停放解剖用的尸体的破棚子。玛丽终日在烟熏火燎中搅拌着锅里的矿渣,她衣裙上、双手上,留下了酸碱的 点点烧痕。然而,她的努力不是徒劳的,最终,她终于发现了天然的放射性元素镭。 她本来可以就在她发现镭后申请专利,从而获得大笔财物,可是,她没有这样做,而是毫不犹豫地将镭的提纯方法公布于众。后来,居里夫人竟由于缺少购买1克镭的经费而难以从事科学研究。最后,还是一位美国知名女记者在美国发动一场募捐,筹集所需的10万美元款项。 居里夫人是登上法国科学院讲台作报告的第一个女子。 我对居里夫人的人格感到钦佩。居里夫人视名利如粪土,她一生共得了10项奖金、16项奖章、107个名誉头衔,特别是两次诺贝尔奖。她本来可以躺在任何一项大奖或任何一个荣誉上尽情地享受,但是她将奖金赠给科研事业和战争中的法国,而将那些奖章送给6岁的小女儿去当玩具。 居里夫人高尚的品格就像她杰出的科学成就一样,在人类文明史上闪烁着令人崇仰的熠熠光辉。她坚强、她意志纯洁、她严于律己,使我不得不肃然起敬! 现在的年轻人、学生都放肆地去喜欢那些明星,比如说周杰伦、she呀、周笔畅啊,乱七八糟的。可我认为他们除了歌唱得好以外,我觉得其他也没有什么呀!他们并没有经历真正的苦难…… 共2页,当前第1页12



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In my impression, there have been a lot of things, some happy, some sad, some sad, and some are very memorable. And in my mind, one of the most memorable things is that I skied for the first time.

I still remember that day is the lunar new year, we have a father with a colleague came to the Chaoyang park. I see a lot of people, one of the small stalls one by one can be really busy!

We came to the skiing field, which was my first skiing. I walked slowly to the snow in a sled. My uncle taught me some basic writing, and I slipped down on a small slope with sister Xuan Xuan. My sister and I want to slip from the highest place to Xuan Xuan. At this time, the heart of the father and mother in the underneath will jump out. At that time I thought I would skid as long as I had been taught by my uncle. So I slipped off without hesitation. I finally succeeded. My father and mother were happy to laugh, and my uncle and aunt applauded me. I felt very happy this day.

Although it has been a long time ago, I have been impressed. Its unforgettable.



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Welcome to my hometown!Shanghai is my hometown.It is a modern and busy town.It has a long history.There are many big supermarkets,beautiful gardens and good factories here.It is very easy to go shopping.You can see big trees and nice flowers.There are many restaurants in Shanghai.The food tastes very delicious.You can enjoy eyery minutes of it.Many visitors come here to enjoy it.



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l glad to meet you,do you have in holidays? I have been in the holidays now.this winter is warmer,so I want to visit the zoo for finding themes how to have winter-asleep in winter.because of the zoo nearby my home.

these are the first things,

the second is in the national to search some friends for learning English.because my English is very bad.

but I will hard work at it.then I will can speak freedly with you for well.

can you help me in studying English?

please plus this QQ number ___,its my QQ s number.I wish you become my good friend.okay?

I am waiting for your answer.

your friend:wudou

20th January



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It is indeed difficult to live without a mobile phone as it helps us in day

to day activities. I cannot live without a mobile phone. Todays generation uses

mobile phones for chatting, surfing and playing games. They dont use the mobile

phone for the real purpose. I admit that living wothout a mobile phone is

extremely difficult but I can live without addicting apps like Facebook, Twitter

etc. The iPhone is a gadget that is encouraging to use social apps and addicting

games. These gadgets though facilitate our work but are making us their slaves.

For example, if a persons iPhone is not working properly, he will be filled

with anger. As new technology is creating new gadgets, so are people raising new

demands. They also hamper academics. Buy a mobile phone but use it for something




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1、never say die。永不言败。

2、no man is content。人心不足蛇吞象。

3、no smoke without fire。无风不起浪。

4、no sweet without sweat。先苦后甜。

5、no pains, no gains。没有付出就没有收获。

6、new wine in old bottles。旧瓶装新酒。

7、no news is good news。没有消息就是好消息。

8、no cross, no crown。不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。

9、old sin makes new shame。一失足成千古恨。

10、out of debt, out of danger。无债一身轻。

11、no rose without a thorn。没有不带刺的玫瑰。

12、no pleasure without pain。没有苦就没有乐。

13、not to advance is to go back。不进则退。

14、out of sight, out of mind。眼不见,心为静。

15、once bitten, twice shy。一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。

16、out of office, out of danger。无官一身轻。

17、one good turn deserves another。行善积德。

18、no garden without its weeds。没有不长草的园子。

19、no way is impossible to courage。勇者无惧。

20、offense is the best defense。进攻是最好的防御。

21、once a man and twice a child。一次老,两次小。

22、no living man all things can。世上没有万事通。

23、one cannot put back the clock。时钟不能倒转。

24、nothing brave, nothing have。不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

25、no man is wise at all times。聪明一世,糊涂一时。

26、no one can call back yesterday。昨日不会重现。

27、once a thief, always a thief。偷盗一次,做贼一世。

28、no man is born wise or learned。没有生而知之者。

29、no man can do two things at once。一心不可二用。

30、ones words reflect ones thinking。言为心声。

31、nothing dries sooner than a tear。眼泪干得最快。

32、observation is the best teacher。观察是最好的老师。

33、one swallow does not make a summer。一燕不成夏。

34、one false move may lose the game。一着不慎,满盘皆输。

35、one mans fault is other mans lesson。前车之鉴。

36、one hour today is worth two tomorrow。争分夺秒效率高。

37、old friends and old wines are best。陈酒味醇,老友情深。

38、none are so deaf as those who wont hear。充耳不闻。

39、none are so blind as those who wont see。视而不见。

40、one never loses anything by politeness。讲礼貌不吃亏。

41、one eyewitness is better than ten hearsays。百闻不如一见。

43、never too old to learn, never too late to turn。亡羊补牢,为时未晚。

44、nothing is difficult to the man who will try。世上无难事,只要肯登攀。

45、nothing is to be got without pains but poverty。世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获。

46、nothing is so necessary for travelers as languages。外出旅行,语言最要紧。

47、nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it。世上无难事,只怕有心人。

48、not to know what happened before one was born is always to be a child。不懂世故,幼稚可笑。

49、one boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy。一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝。



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1.He is very tall——almost 1.75 metres.He is the tallest boy in my class.However,he has poor eyesight because of working on the computer too much at night.


2.She is shorter than I am and is very small.She has straight,shoulder-lenghth hair.Everyone thinks she is pretty.


3.He wears small,round glasses and they make him look smart.


4.He is a fine young man,ahout 25 years old,tall and well-built,with a kind face and a nice smile.


5.He had a brown skin,black hair,bright eyes and strong white teeth.




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Winter came, and the snow was falling. The trees were so cold that they took off their green coats and put on a white coat. The earth also took off its colorful coat and put on a snow-white coat.

Suddenly, just listen to “ jichajizha ” the sound, I looked out of the window look, the original is the children in the snowman, snowball fights, play happy.

The roadside plum blossom opened, spit out the elegant fragrance, a gust of wind blowing, the petals of a plum blossom, then one fell, like the red butterfly flying down.

Well, the scenery is beautiful in winter!



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Good morning, everyone! I am glad to be here for this interview. First, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Qin Jiayin. I was born on April 23, 1981. I am a local person.I am graduating from Jilin Normal University this June. I major in Chinese literature. I hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in Jilin University which I have desired for a long time. I have the confidence because I have such ability! I am a girl who is fervent, outgoing and creative. At the same time, I think I am quick in mind and careful in everything. I am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life. I will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the wisest. Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!

Reasons for taking postgraduate exams:

First of all, I love my major. Chinese literature is the symbol of the start of Chinese literary modernization. It plays an important part in modernization of our citizens’ thoughts. What’s more, modern literature is very close to our daily life and it can deeply reflect the styles and features of our society. I am fascinated by the great masters’ refreshing or warm or profound styles as well. But I am not easily satisfied with such superficial knowledge. I hope I could have a better understanding in modern literature by studying further. This is a very important reason for me to take the postgraduate exams.

Next, I love the feeling in the university. It is full of youthful spirit. And I am deeply attracted by the scholarly atmosphere. And the most important, it’s my great honor to open my ears to your teaching.Finally, I want to talk about a very practical problem. That is my dream of becoming a teacher in the university. I want to realize my dream and make myself to be a well-qualified person. I think the postgraduate studies can eich my knowledge and make me competent in my future job.That’s my simple and clear reasons why I took the postgraduate exams.My university:

I’m graduating form Jilin Normal University this June which has a history of 50 years. It shares many same characteristics with Jilin University. Both of them have a refreshing and scholarly atmosphere. Four years’ studying there made me an independent, optimistic and strict girl.

I appreciate the education my university gave me.

Thank you for your time!



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Dear Zhangxuan:

I am writing this letter to thank. First, I must thank the god, for letting

me meet with you, my best friend throughout my life. And then, thank you very

much for staying with me all the time.

From the time we know each other, every time when I meet with troubles, you

always try your best to help me. When I am sad or unhappy, you always comfort me

to make me forget the sad things. And you usually share your good and happy

experiences with meAll these make me delighted. Although you are in Tianjin now,

I believe we still stay together.

Because of you, I feel the life is wonderful. Meeting with you is really a

good thing. At last, I have only a sentence want to sayMy dear friend, thank






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My room Open the door,oh,the room is very beautiful!Whose room is this?It’s my room. The bed is near the window.a quilt and a doll is on the bed.What color is my bed?It’s my favourite color—purple.It’s very dreamily color.the dresser is next to the bed.There are some books and a pen on the dresser. I like watching TV.The TV is before the bed.I an lie to watch TV on the bed.I have a piano.The piano is near the TV set.Sometimes,I play the piano.And the computer is near the window.I often play the piano. This is my room.Do you like my room?What about your room?

welcome to my room Now I will introduce my room to you .Look ,the bed with a big white bear is my bed.I lay down here everyday.On the left of the bed is my desk .there is a computer ,an notebook,a pen ,a light on it .I learn konwledge every night on the desk .so nothing could seperate me with it. I love it.there is a keyboard beside the desk.I use my computer to skim and play computer games.On the wall, there are many photos.About my friends,my family ,my favourite superstars and I. love it very much

As you enter my room there is a double bed on your right side. There is navy blue bedding on my bed. I have a dresser on the other side of the room. The dresser has five drawers in it. I also have a chest on the end of my bed. The chest is filled with pitchurs. I also have a bathroom conected to my room. the bathroom has a bath and a shower. I have decerated it with the coler green. I like green because it is the coler color of the forest. I also have green drapes hanged up on the windows. That is basically what my bedroom looks like.



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Deep Mother Love-深沉的母爱

Every child is surrounded by the deep mother love. However, we often turn a blind eye to the love. One day I deeply felt the love.

One day I hurried home for lunch after school, because there would be an exam in the afternoon and I had expected to go back to school early to prepare for the exam. But when I got home, the lunch was not ready yet. I felt unhappy. When the dishes were served, I forund none I like. I ran out of my house angrily and wanderde on the street for a while,hungry. Then I walked to school.

When I got into the classroom, I saw a lunch box on my desk. One classmate told me that it was my mother ther that had brought it here.After opening the box, I found my favorite food inside. My eyes was moist with tears.

Mother gave me her love without asking for return, How deep mother love is!







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