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Within China, regional customs and traditions concerning the celebration of

the Chinese new year vary widely. People will pour out their money to buy

presents, decoration, material, food, and clothing. It is also the tradition

that every family thoroughly cleans the house to sweep away any ill-fortune in

hopes to make way for good incoming luck. Windows and doors will be decorated

with red colour paper-cuts and couplets with popular themes of “happiness”,

“wealth”, and “longevity”. On the Eve of Chinese New Year, supper is a feast

with families. Food will include such items as pigs, ducks, chicken and sweet

delicacies. The family will end the night with firecrackers. Early the next

morning, children will greet their parents by wishing them a healthy and happy

new year, and receive money in red paper envelopes. The Chinese New Year

tradition is a great way to reconcile forgetting all grudges, and sincerely wish

peace and happiness for everyone.




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The shortage of housing is one of the most serious problems facing many big

cities in China. Though the government has spent a large sum of money on

housing,the investment has not been very resultful and a housing shortage still

exists. Two generations sharing one room and newlymarried couples finding it

difficult to have a house of their own are still common cases. Housing shortage

is a problem that requires an immediate solution.

Peoples attitudes towards the solution to the housing problem are

different. Some suggest building more tall apartment buildings; others believe

that we should develop underground housing areas. I am in favour of the former

opinion. For one thing, it is cheaper to build upward than downward. For

another, living underground for a long time will do harm to peoples health.

Above all,people are unwilling to live underground with artificial lighting and

they prefer to live normally on the ground to enjoy the sunshine.

Although there may be some other ways to solve the housing shortage

problem, I believe to build more apartment buildings is one of the feasible

solutions to the housing problem.



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In our daily life, if we get on harmoniously with our friends, we’ll feel

more joyous. But we’ll feel lonely without friends.When our friends feel upset

or get ill, we shouldn’t ignore them or look down upon them. On the contrary, we

ought to calm them down, show our love and concern to them and try our best to

help them overcome the hardships. Sometimes we may have some misunderstandings

or disagreements with our friends, thus we had better have a discussion with

them and try to accept their good ideas instead of quarreling with them. As long

as we can follow these good suggestions, we’ll find it easy to make more




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We had a small debate yesterday in politics class, which made everybody laugh. Wang Yongbin in our class is funny. He said with a crooked neck, "please state your opinion in opposition." It looks very serious! The opposite students grabbed the handle of our classmates, so Liu Yang, our mathematics class, said immediately: "the student said that dreams and dreams are opposite to reality." The teacher and his classmates laughed.

There was a counter student, Zhang Yijun, who said that he helped us in the opposite direction. Fortunately, the teacher reminded him in time to correct it. Yu Miao, a counter student, said, "dont you think its hard to learn before the end of the semester?" So I interposed, "because we know that we have passed." The students applauded immediately. Every time when our fellow students spoke well, Mu Deyu said at the bottom, "brilliant, really brilliant!" We said, "why dont you go up and say it?" He said, "Im stage fright." This debate is really interesting!



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Mid-autumn Festival is a popular and important lunar harvest festival

celebrated by Chinese people. The festival is held on the 15thday of the eighth

month in the Chinese calendar. There are some traditions in this holiday. For

example, people would have a big dinner with their families. After dinner, they

often enjoy the full moon which is round and bright. The other tradition of

mid-autumn festival is eating moon cake. Moon cake is the essential of that day,

which means reunion. As time goes by, there are various kinds of moon cakes, but

they are much more expensive than before. I like mid-autumn festival because my

families will get together and have a big dinner on that day.



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In Chinese lunar calendar, July 7th is a romantic day for the young people,

which is called Qixi Festival that is also referred to the Chinese Valentine’s

Day. This festival has been the tradition and many young people celebrate it in

their own way. What’s more, the government listed Qixi Festival as the

intangible cultural heritage.

The origin of Qixi Festival is about a romantic story. It was said that in

the ancient time, a beautiful young lady who was an immortal came to the men’s

world. She fell in love with an ordinary man. But there was limitation between

immortal and human being, so they were separated by the lady’s parents. Their

love story moved a lot of people and the girl’s parents decided to let this

couple meet on July 7th every year.

Today, When Qixi Festival comes, the single ladies and men will try to ask

the one they like out. They want to have a date and show their likeness. So they

know each other’s heart if they say yes on that day. The romantic atmosphere can

be sensed everywhere and we are enjoying it.



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With the development of scientific conductions, our daily life is becoming more and more convenient. But everything has both its good and bad sides, pollution has become a hot topic while the science’s building up. So the word “green” has been paid great attention among us .So do our campus.

Creating a green campus is very important to build up a wonderful atmosphere. ”Green campus ” does not only means green environment, but also means positive study atmosphere, good personal qualities and refer to that the students should be educated and have an environmental sense in their mind. What’s more, what I want to stress is that it sets goals toward the future of the world.

To bring “green campus” to its full play, effective measures should be taken. First, learning is the most important thing, which can strength our personal qualities. Second, we should take care our daily actions about manners and pick up waste papers here and there as we can do. Third , when you make mistakes or someone help you, you should say “sorry” or “thank you” to people with your sweet smile…

Green campus make us live in a soft and warm environment. So we ought to do our best to build green campus.







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The life of people facing difficulties, but really overcome countless again a few?


Life is short, only learned to overcome difficulties, it is learned to live. In you meet the time of difficulty, is still the head on back; Is escape or face; Is halfway or like summer by associating sisters as never say die?


Ask yourself: I learn to overcome difficulties? 13 years, a long long time, after years of wind and rain ", "a few years of experience, we more or less understand what, isnt it? As we get older, and the way the difficult like tree rings, also in going growth. Childhood we have "home" to the "haven, can now," we cant be dependent on my parents, because always hide in "", we haven never grow up, it is the sparrow will leave mom, soar alone in a symbol of freedom and liberty sky, learn to overcome difficulties is our way of growing up in the essential part of. In the face of difficulties, we can choose only win over.


In my own baby talk met countless difficulties, that is I still dont understand what is called a "no way at suspected a siler lining." In and unexpectedly in difficult, but that is given to escape, often with a cry to face obstacles in front of. For at that time the me difficulties, just like a place not climb mountain, and I, I can stand on its feet, just looked up at it, never want to go to go over it.




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To whom it may concern,

I am one of your customers(顾客). I ordered(订购)a set of(一套) Bookworm Series on your website two weeks ago, but I didn’t receive them until yesterday. And much to my disappointment, thebooks were so poorly packed up that the cover of one book was torn. To makematters worse, it is not a complete set, as I found one book missing.

I am sorry to have received such poor service, and I believe I have every rightto ask you to deal with this problem. I hope that you either return my money ordeliver a new set of books to me. Besides, I’d like to be informed of theprocess of your dealing with my complaint.

Lookingforward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



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有一天,我在屋里玩,看见妈妈正在挑坏玉米,我就去帮她。我们挑了一会,爸爸喊妈妈过去有事。就在我一个人挑的时候,我不小心把玉米种子弄倒了。看 见闯祸了,我的脸立刻红了起来,就像一个熟透的大苹果。我焦急不安地想:这该怎么办呢?一会妈妈看见了,不骂我才怪呢,我急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。没办法,我 只有一个一个把种子再捡回袋子里了。我捡啊捡啊,可是地上还有很多的玉米种子,我都累死了,这什么时候才能捡完呢?妈妈马上就要回来了,她一定会骂我的。 越是紧张,越是出错,原来的种子还没有捡干净,一不小心,我又弄倒了一袋。这可完了,就算再长三只手,也捡不完啊。可不捡,不就等着挨揍吗?还是赶紧捡 吧,实在不行,我就跑,反正妈妈也追不上我。对,就这么办!我一边捡,一边瞄着妈妈,一看妈妈来了,我撒腿就跑,像受惊的兔子一样,一会就跑得无影无踪 了。

过了很长时间,我又回去了,看见妈妈已经把地上的玉米都捡完了。她看见我,就问:“刚才的玉米种子是不是你弄洒的?”我低声说:“是我。对不起,我 不是故意的。”然后就等着挨揍了。可是妈妈却说:“弄洒就弄洒呗,捡起来不就完啦,你跑什么啊,我也不会骂你。”“真的吗?你不会骂我,也不会打我吗?” 我兴奋不已地问。妈妈笑呵呵地说:“傻孩子,我怎么舍得打你呢。快,继续帮妈妈挑玉米吧。”“哎,来了……”我又开心地和妈妈一起挑种子了。我一边干活一 边想:以后,我可再不能这样调皮了。




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Friends returning to South during the New Years Day and The Spring Festival:

How do you do! New Years Day and Spring Festival holiday are approaching. "Dongting Pearl · Ecological Nan County" welcomes you to return home to enjoy the festival. At present, the situation of COVID-19 prevention and control is still very complex and severe due to multiple factors such as the continuous outbreak of COVID-19 abroad, the increasing number of sporadic cases in China and the increasing risk of influenza virus infection due to lower temperature. Taking necessary precautions on the way home can effectively reduce the risk of infection. In order to you and your family and more hometown peoples health, so that we have a stable and peaceful "double festival", please be sure to cooperate with the following work:

1. Make scientific arrangements for homecoming. According to the requirements of the prevention and control work, people from overseas, middle and high-risk areas and those with red or yellow health codes are required to undergo centralized quarantine, home observation, nucleic acid testing and other prevention and control measures after returning to south China. They are advised not to return to South China for a short period of time with their relatives, and there are risks of infection and transmission on the way. Those who intend to return to the south should report to the village (community) where they live in advance, truthfully provide their activity track and personal health status, learn about the prevention and control requirements in advance, and cooperate with the prevention and control measures according to law. If fever, cough, fatigue and other symptoms appear before departure, seek medical advice in time and delay the return to the south.

Second, do a good job of personal protection during the journey. Please try to buy tickets online to reduce the risk of infection. When taking public transportation, please actively cooperate with the staff to carry out temperature detection, health code inspection and other prevention and control work, wear a mask throughout the whole journey, maintain social distance, record the vehicle, seat number and other information, and properly keep travel tickets and electronic consumption records for inquiry and tracing. Please try to avoid eating and drinking in the car, do not buy or carry imported frozen, chilled and other food. Friends who drive back to the south from outside the province, please cooperate with the staff to do a good job of monitoring and management of vehicles and personnel entering the south.

3. Reduce the risk of cluster infection. After returning to the south, please try to reduce the number of visits to relatives and friends, reduce gatherings, reduce the risk of infection, and advocate the adoption of telephone New Year calls, WeChat New Year calls, etc. In case of fever, cough, diarrhea and other symptoms, one should avoid contact with others as far as possible. After taking personal protective measures, one should go to the nearest fever clinic in time, inform the doctor of his/her recent activity track and contact history, and avoid taking public transportation on the way to the doctor. Regular ventilation, frequent hand washing, no gathering, wearing masks, one-meter line, using chopsticks and other healthy lifestyle and behaviors should be regulated in daily life. People should try to avoid going to closed places and gathering places, balance nutritious diet, reasonably arrange work and rest, and improve body immunity.

COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters, Nanxian County committee of the CPC

December 8, 2020



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There is a saying that every family has its trouble. Indeed, no one can go

on well all the time. My parents have found the good way to educate us. Thus,

when there is conflict happening between the relatives, we obey the rules and

know what to do. My parents have set up many rules for me and my sister, which

works to solve problems. The first rule is to say thank you when we get help.

Such as when someone open the door for us, we also need to show gratitude. I

find people feel happy when I say thank you to them. The second rule is to never

get angry for more than two days. So when I have disputes with my sister, we

wont be mad at each other for long time. The family rules make me a better

