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Remember last years summer vacation, my father and I went for a walk EHu edge, a way, Im kind of shouted thirsty, so my father on the side of the road store bought me a Popsicle. I ate and go, soon finished eating, carelessly threw the ice sticks into EHu. Dad saw, reminded me immediately; "Coco, cant litter oh! If everyone like you to throw garbage in the lake, the beautiful EHu lake becomes waste." Im ashamed of say: "know, next time I must not litter." Dad smiled and stroked my head and said: "the earth is our home, we should protect it, cherish it, let the sky bluer, the water cleaner, the grass is greener." I naughty to say: "oh, that is, everybody has said, the city is my home, clean environment depends on everybody. I understand." From then on, I no longer throw garbage.

I want to take care of the environment is closely related to everyone, so lets start from everyone!







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Our society in constant development, our living standard has been improved, but my door but misses the point, that is environmental protection.

You see, lawn grass became yellow, and the roadside trees listlessly, dense forest under the handfuls of sharp saw also gradually away from us. This, but the fact that iron!

In the countryside, people cultivation of levelling, and so many trees lost their lives, however, these precious land because of improper use, was a wild field soil. In this way, a vast expanse of land with a large abandoned, year after year, day after day, past the dense forest will one day be a state long, become a piece of the other people hate the boundless gobi desert!

Everybody should know area Tuo lake, the biological variety there, especially the hairy crabs there, with a meat tender yellow, more and more the favour of people. Now, Tuo lake surface is covered by algae is full, the water had turned out to be a tan. And also the dead fish floating in the lake, garbage, and black water plant, are miserable sufferings

Careless human ah, you wake up, we live on the earth has not been able to afford, the forests on the earth in the sharply reduce, desert and wilderness is a miraculous increase. Clean fresh water resources is constantly reduced, however, dirty ChouShui river is in the unceasing increase, shouldnt, all is false?

Want people to listen to me a advice: please dont covet interests and cut down a tree, please dont waste water because of the naughty. Although these are only some things, but the cumulative up one by one and is a great thing. I believe that in the near future, our world will become more beautiful.









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Many people believe that we have developed into a “throw-away society” which is filling with plastic bags and rubbish. What do you think?

Wind blows up bags higher and higher in the sky. It is a scary thought that some day the earth will turn into a huge garbage land. Wastes, if not treated properly, will make our life a living nightmare.

The environmental issue is getting worse almost every day in cities with very large population. As is often the case, city development outpaces environmental protection. People consume great amount of natural resources and produce wastes. To effectively address such problems, cities need to spend big money. In addition, they need to call to the attention of people to become more environmentally responsible.

Many people are becoming less responsible and easily influenced by bad behaviors. “Why should I care while others shouldn’t?” Such idea makes some people only concern with places where they live and work. Furthermore, people sometimes even purposely litter for revenge to other people.

Although media promotes environmental awareness, good people are often snubbed as posers who try to set up a superior image in real life. Consequently, they are intimated of receiving negative comments for doing the right thing. Wrong as it is, such phenomenon is widespread especially among youngsters and people with low income and little education.

However, our society is waging a campaign against environmental pollution. People learn the harms of un-degradable lunch boxes and other polluting wastes. Laws in many countries prohibit or limit excessive use of polluting bags. Companies are continually replacing the old materials with more environmental friendly and recyclable kinds. Scientists have developed more effective technologies in waste treatment. As time goes by, more and more people put high priority on the protection of environment for a healthier life.

To sum up, people produce huge amount of garbage and the environment is seriously polluted because of lack of financial resources, sense of responsibility, or efforts. But the world will not turn into a “throw away” society if people put in sufficient efforts to protect our environment.



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Water pollution on the impact of industrial and agricultural production of industrial and agricultural production not only need to have enough water, but also have some requirements for water quality. Otherwise, the industrial and agricultural industry will cause great losses, especially in the industrial and agricultural production process using contaminated water, the human has a great harm. First, the destruction of industrial equipment, a serious impact on product quality. Second, the chemical composition of the soil changes, fertility decreased, leading to crop reduction and serious pollution. Third, the city to increase domestic water and industrial water treatment costs.

Clean air is the necessary material basis for people to survive, an adult to breathe an average of 15 cubic meters of air a day, if people breathe heavily polluted air, no doubt harmful to health. Therefore, the study of the impact of air pollution, awareness of the value of clean air is a very complex frontier research project. And children in the growth and development stage, is the most sensitive to the outside world air pollution, the study of air pollution on children more likely to obtain valuable results. Based on this, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, China Environmental Monitoring Station Chief Engineer Wei Fusheng for the Chinese chief scientist of the Sino-US scientific and technological cooperation projects one by one air pollution on the impact of human respiratory health research, in Guangzhou, Wuhan, Lanzhou, Chongqing and other cities and suburbs The results showed that 8196 questionnaires were used to investigate the pulmonary function of children in the air, including environmental monitoring data, and about 3 million data were obtained. After statistical analysis, Air pollution has a quantitative understanding of the effects of human respiratory health (especially children). The results confirmed that the impact on human health to the fine particles of air pollution is most serious (China has 2/3 of the city exceeded), followed by sulfur dioxide pollution (1/3 of our city exceeded), the impact of nitrogen oxide pollution relative Weak. It can be said that fine particles (respirable particulate matter) is the first killer of human health. According to experts, particulate matter attached to the toxic heavy metals, acidic oxides compared with the soil enrichment hundreds of times, thousands of times, or even tens of thousands of times, and can float in the air up to several days, harmful substances with the inhalation Particles into the human lungs, and may through the alveolar into the blood, directly endanger human health.

Recently, the eight-year research results in Beijing adopted by the State Environmental Protection Administration presided over the expert appraisal. Experts believe that this research results for our understanding of the importance of clean air, improve the public and the leadership of environmental awareness is of great significance. The data of the research results provide a scientific basis for the national air environment legislation, the development and revision of air quality standards, emission standards and air pollution control policies.



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由于人类对环境的破坏,和动物栖息地的丧失等原因。地球上濒临灭绝动物的数量正在以惊人的速度增长。以前没有汽车和飞机,鸟类平均每300年灭绝一种,兽 类平均每8000年灭绝一种。但是自从有了汽车和飞机以来,地球动物灭绝的速度已经超出自然灭绝率很多倍。全世界许多的植物,哺乳动物,鸟类,爬行动物, 两栖动物,鱼等等,都在濒临灭绝的动物中,有是受到过度开发的威胁,许多野生动物因为“皮可穿、毛可用、肉可食、器官可入药”而遭灭顶之灾。大象的牙、犀 牛的角、老虎的皮、狗熊的胆、小鸟的羽毛、海龟的蛋、海豹的油、藏羚羊的绒……更多更多的是野生动物的肉,无不成为人类美食,大量捕杀地球上最大的动物: 鲸,就是为了食用鲸油和生产宠物食品;惨忍地捕鲨鱼,这种已进化4亿年之久的软骨鱼类,只是为品尝鱼翅这道所谓的美食,其他的都不要。人类正在为了满足自 己的利益(衣服时尚、炫耀自己、看动物表演取乐、满足美食之欲),而去剥夺野生动物的生命。人类良心的失去,加重着世界的灾难。旅鸽曾有几十亿只,是随处 可见的鸟类,大群飞来时多得遮云蔽日,殖民者开发美洲100多年,就将这种鸟捕尽杀绝了。



我 们一定要好好保护动物,让它们快乐的生活在这个世界上,让它们和人类一起生活。它们也是地球的一员。保护动物、维护动物的生存权利和不受虐待的权利、以及 改善和提高动物的生命条件、饲养水平,坚决反对任何虐待、残害动物的行为。这就是我想设一个动物保护节目的,请大家支持我!



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Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction,because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly。For example,with the developmet of cities,the using of insecticide and serious pollution,their living areas have bee narrowcr and narrower。Many of the wild animals,now are confronted with food crisis。At the same time,man is killing off species just for getting their fur,skin,horns,teeth and meat.In order to protect our resources of ecology,people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural beauty。There fore,measures of the following should be taken:pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up as wild life,reserves.Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved。



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We all know it is becoming more and more important to protect our environment well.We should stop cutting down trees ,dropping litter everywhere and throwing waste before it is processed. It has caused lots of problems such as much rich land becomes desert;Rivers become dirty ;The air is becoming worse and worse ;The temperature is becoming hotter and hotter.So we must do something to change the situation.Wed better walk or ride bikes to work or go to school instead of driving a car,We mustnt use plastic bags.Our government must take some measures to prevent factories producing smoking etc.



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Today, we read a lot about the passage to protect the environment. I recall ever happened in my side.

Remember last years summer vacation, my father and I went for a walk EHu edge, a way, Im kind of shouted thirsty, so my father on the side of the road store bought me a Popsicle. I ate and go, soon finished eating, carelessly threw the ice sticks into EHu. Dad saw, reminded me immediately; "Coco, cant litter oh! If everyone like you to throw garbage in the lake, the beautiful EHu lake becomes waste." Im ashamed of say: "know, next time I must not litter." Dad smiled and stroked my head and said: "the earth is our home, we should protect it, cherish it, let the sky bluer, the water cleaner, the grass is greener." I naughty to say: "oh, that is, everybody has said, the city is my home, clean environment depends on everybody. I understand." From then on, I no longer throw garbage.

I want to take care of the environment is closely related to everyone, so lets start from everyone!






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Prtect Envirnent Treat the Earth Well

As we all nw, there is nl ne earth. And the earth is ur he. I can’t iagine if the earth disappears, hw can huan exists.

We can’t live withut the earth, s please treat the earth well.

Nw the air is nt clean and fresh. The s is nt ver blue. But wh? Because an peple defrest and pllute the river. We can’t see anials pla in the frest and fish swi in the river.

If we eep this scence fr a lng tie, the end f the wrld will be cing.

S hw can we prtect envirnent? Let e give u se advice.

First, we plant trees. Trees can give us the fresh air and absrb the carbn dixide.

Secndl, we can tae buses t schl r wr, drive less. The exhaust gas fr cars will pllute the air, and it’s nt gd fr ur health. It’s bad fr the earth, t.

This is advice.

Tda is the Wrld Envirnent Da. Let’s prtect envirnent and treat the earth well tgether.














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On earth, except human beings, what else? Yes, there are animal. But after several years, animal numbers decreased gradually. Human beings have no regard animal as a friend?


Animal and human should be good friends, but why animal and human enemies? Is because people dont send in the eyes of the animal. Such as the cow. With cow dairy production such as human, cow milk can not time, humans will put the cow to brutally kill. Cows milk, will not be released? The cow is also a vivid life ah! In recent years the "plague, AIDS, mad cow disease, avian flu", these are a harbinger of animal who respond! The meeting has also had the third world war? Our ancestors is an animal! If human beings dont stop this killing the animal behavior, is the mother of our area heavy blow ah!


Home we dont damage animal now, so they can feel at ease to animal reproduction. Animal friends, also have a piece of blue sky, let the bird fly freely; to the animal a piece of green grass, let the cattle and sheep running merrily; also a world of waters animal, allow the animal to be light of heart from care to swim in the ocean. Perhaps, this can soothe animal were wounded soul. Animal originally bad, but human destruction of their homes, these are just their effects on human "revenge".


Friends, let us work together to protect animal!




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On Saturday, I went to my grandparents house to play, entered my grandpa said to me: "home to a puppy." I ran quickly excitedly to the kennel.

This little guy is sleeping, I to control his feeling excited, could not help but to touch it by hand, but who knows, the puppy vigilance is so high, my hands touched it hair, it is all of a sudden I woke up to now. It eyes, big carefully look at me, as if to say: "who are you? How do I havent seen you?" I see, oh! Big round eyes, a small nose, cherry small mouth, not fat or thin face, and a pair of big ears and a air shook tail. In the summer it will lick up scattered cooling, is really a handsome boy!

After dinner, I also want to see this little one to eat, then took a piece of meat on the ground, I thought to myself, so delicious it must be very like it. But to his surprise, its just to smell the smell, and go to the side. I think, if it is afraid of being seen just refused to eat. Then, I hid behind the door, secretly observe it. Sure enough, little guys walking slowly in the past, and look at the then eat it with relish. It ate a piece of meat, I then from behind the door to come out and play with it. I threw a ball out of the distance, said to it: "help me to pick up the ball back!" It seemed to understand my words, kicking ran in the past, with his mouth put the ball has been sent to my side, and in this way, we are happy to play up.

My dog is so cute!







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The population of the earth is increasing very fast. Humans must make the earth support the increasing population. This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry to develop rapidly.

Such a rapid development produces more and more waste, which goes into the water, the soil and the air. Some of it is made harmless. However, where there is too much of it, the poisonous waste may do great harm to the things around the people.

When farmers add fertilizer to the soil to make plants grow better, or use poison to kill pests, poison is sent into the air, the water and the soil. When birds, fish and people eat the grain, drink the water or breath the air, harm will be done to their health.

The air in big cities is often made very dirty by cars and factories. Millions of tons of waste and poisonous gases are sent into the air with the smoke. In some places, little is done to make the smoke clean before it goes into the air.

Fortunately, people are beginning to realize just how serious the whole situation is. In many countries, laws have been made to stop factories from sending out poisonous gases.



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Speaking of environmental changes, we Qimen "Mother River" change is very large.

A child, listen to my grandmother said Changjiang River was a river, wide river, the river crystal clear, and sometimes see the small fish shrimp free to swim. In the morning, people are here to wash clothes, in the evening, people holding a banana fan here in the cool, chat.

Grow up, listen to Mom and Dad said: people living on both sides of the river to protect the environment awareness is weak. Some people put the garbage, dirty water on the river row, so that the original clean river into a dirty and dirty drainage, people smell the nausea. The river to the plastic bag, rotten leaves everywhere visible. Small fish shrimp died and escaped. Changjiang River this beautiful and lovely girl in the human behavior "curse" into a wrinkled old lady. Ugh! Why can not we see a water reflection of the mountains, mountains around the water scene? Why can not we have a sense of protecting the environment?

Now, the county government on the river, river, etc. were dealt with earth-shaking. There are also many young volunteers who have joined in. Row of garbage, the hospital and some residents to do a series of education and so on. After this treatment, our "Mother River" has restored the beauty of the past. Although the depth of water as before, but I believe that as long as we all protect the environment, all the environmental problems can be a perfect solution.

Let us join hands to protect the environment and create our beautiful home



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Now, the earths environment continued to deteriorate, give people brought a lot of disaster, all this comes from peoples pollution. Want to let her to reduce pollution, only environmental protection.

Life, environmental protection is everywhere, such as: saving water, use less plastic bags, use of solar energy, hydroelectric power. Promote environmental protection and more people, has said that the earth is crying, please protect the environment. Also have said that protecting the environment, everyone duty, various and diverse. But some people dont cherish the earth, the stubborn still: waste paper, waste water, drive a car.

Once, I saw a man in the street in the smoke, smoke after not even cigarette out, throw it on the ground. Then he began to eat melon seeds, casually eat shell to vomit. I cant see it, he said to him: "how could that happen?" He said: "a child, understand what ah, go away. I have no fear, for he said:" I though small, but I also know that this is wrong, and you are an adult! And you also throw cigarette butts on the ground directly, now the weather is dry, one thousand fires to do. "Paused and said," there are sunflower seeds, the somebody else see how to think, you are affect the environment. "The man looked down, without a word, I think he will be corrected.

Another time, I went to my cousin home, saw the water as he scrubbed his hands on loud, wash your hands after he hands with a lot of paper. After I watched the said to him, "why are you so wasted?" Upon hearing this, he pursed mouth said to me: "so a bit, and has nothing to do!" I said angrily: "this has nothing to do how? Do you know those impoverished mountainous area children how much water one day only drink? Know not to know how much they only paper?" But my cousin drive is rightfully said: "dont know!" I said with a sigh: "we are more happy than them, how dont you know contentment?" At this moment, my cousin know "importance" of the story, low head, said: "I know I was wrong, Ill correct."

Let us start from me, to protect our only home!!!!








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Morning, I entered the school with a bag.


Road on both sides of the border, the green pine, green holly, in the cold wind sway.


At this time, an uncle was about to finish the cigarette butts into flower beds, I hurried over to say: "uncle, please take good care of the environment, do not throw cigarette butts. Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup.


Uncle looked at me and smiled sheepishly and said: "Im sorry, kids. "Finished, he took the initiative to put out cigarette butts, sent to the dustbin.


I am happy to say: "thank you, uncle. Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup.


Uncle smiled and said I: "you really are a guardian to protect the environment. Tofu vegetables salted meat. Chopsticks are ready, so is the soup.



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