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Now the earth is in bad condition. For example, in some places, the air and water pollution is so serious that it causes many deaths. At the same time, many animals and plants are in danger because of the destruction of their habitats.


Luckily, we human beings have realized the problem. On April 22nd, millions of people across the world do something good for the earth. Some clean up beaches and water, some pick up rubbish, others give speeches to call on more people to take action. But can we save the earth only by one day’s work? The future of our planet depends on our efforts. What we should do is to make every day Earth Day. Only by taking good care of it every day can we hope to live in harmony with nature.





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Smoe people say that money is the best thing in the world. But I consider reading books as the best and the most precious thing one can ever have.


Reading books is very important. First of all, it is knowledge that makes society develop and by reading books you can get all kinds of knowledge. Furthemore, reading books makes you a qualified person and makes your life enjoyable.


One is never too old to learn. No matter what time you rcalize the importance of reading books, you can enjoy it during the rest of your life time. Love books, for they are your best friends.




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World Environment Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. Another resolution, adopted by the General Assembly the same day, led to the creation of UNEP .

World Environment Day can be celebrated in many ways, including street rallies, bicycles parades, green concerts, essay and poster competitions in schools, tree planting, recycling efforts, clean-up campaigns and much more.

Heads of State, Prime Ministers and Ministers of Environment deliver statements and commit themselves to care for the Earth. More serious pledges are made which lead to the establishment of permanent governmental structures dealing with environmental management and economic planning. This observance also provides an opportunity to sign or ratify international environmental conventions.

World Environment Day, commemorated each year on 5 June is one of the principal vehicles through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action.

The World Environment Day theme selected for 2004 is Wanted! Seas and Oceans - Dead or Alive? The theme asks that we make a choice as to how we want to treat the Earths seas and oceans. It also calls on each and every one of us to act. Do we want to keep seas and oceans healthy and alive or polluted and dead?

The main international celebrations of the World Environment Day 2004 will be held in Barcelona, Spain in close collaboration with the Universal Forum of Cultures. UNEP is honoured that the City of Barcelona, the Catalan Regional Government and the Government of Spain will be hosting this important United Nations day.









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The earth is our home, the environment is closely related to our life. Humans consume enormous amounts of water resources and environmental pollution, have a beautiful earth destroyed not decent. Water gradually less, plants and animals endangered... All this because human dont pay attention to protecting the environment.

People cut down trees everywhere, and now the world average cut 11 million hectares of forest a year, this is such a big number! People with throw garbage, the floating on the river stinking garbage, the dirty plastic bags hung on the branches, the dark skin and confetti were piled on the grass. Have done great damage to environment, river, forest green, blue sky has disappeared, the earth is destroyed gradually, humans also gradually die.

Originally, the earth has a clear brook, green forest, the blue sky. Ancient times, how many poets praising the earth beautiful environment! Human is maker of environmental disaster and environmental disaster victims, more should be an environmental disaster prevention. We have to start from oneself, start small, join hands to jointly protect the environment, protect our homeland. For our children leave water, forest, the blue sky.

Lets joint efforts in order to better tomorrow!







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China has already begun to face an aging population. It is reported that by 2003 in China, the population over 65 years of age the proportion of the total population will reach 7%, which will allow China into the United Nations in 1956 set the population aging countries in the world. By 2020, this proportion will be increased to 10.85%, while in 2050, it will reach 20.43%.

At present, the time being will not become the worlds largest country in the elderly population. However, it is the process of aging faster than any other developing country. In fact, China will become the worlds population, one of the fastest aging process, this change brought to China unfavorable factors, it needs China to take a unique way to take care of the aging population.

Respect for the elderly project

In recent years, Chinas economy developed rapidly, with the strength becomes stronger, the state since 1990, security expenses for the elderly are more than 100 billion yuan every year, but also the state was increasing year after year, while also encouraging social and personal fund-raising, donations of non-juvenile welfare facilities set up to address a number of elderly people a sense of security, old age care issues. However, for a big country like China, but also there are other ways to those who need help to provide assistance for lonely elderly people. Care in the community, a warmth of respect for the elderly project in China, the rise of many young people took part in respecting the obligation to engineering work, they not only raised in all directions to bring the material assistance to the elderly, but also for their daily needs and get a wide range of help, thus bringing the warmth and love dedicated to the lonely and helpless old man.

This shows that the "senior citizen project," is Chinas aging population on the eve of a large number of old age to solve the problem of looking into a way to have multiple meanings, which not only brought the Gospel to the lonely elderly, but also carry forward the socialist spiritual civilization.









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1、 "七月十一世界人口日,看在你也属于世界人口之一,祝福也不能忘了你,愿你爱情甜蜜恋爱绵绵,早日为世界增添人口贡献力量。祝你一生幸福,精彩生活每一秒。"

2、 地球上面人很多,摩肩接踵站满地,挥汗如雨挤满街,人山人海无缝隙,地球喘粗气,满脸疲惫意,还是计划生育好,快把人口少,生活质量提高了,生儿生女都养老。

3、 7.11世界人口日来临,世界的人口多,交流沟通有必要——多点关爱,关注周围的人和事;多点沟通,减少交流障碍;多点分享,把幸福快乐传递你我他;多点同情,帮助需要帮助的人——人口日,让你我携手共建幸福的生活世界!

4、 世界人口日来到,关注人口要记牢,世界资源在减少,计划生育时时要,少生优生素质高,和谐相处好好好,7月11日世界人口日,愿大家少生优生,幸福一生。

5、 你的奋斗投入社会的田野,你就有成功的金秋;你的幸福装入社会的巨舟,你就是开心的舵手。心有世界的人,幸福飞满宇宙。祝福你世界人口日潇洒风流。

6、 七一一世界人口日,不常为人所记起,但不能忽略其伟大意义,这是对全人类的激励,让你和我一起,为世界为自己,努力奋起!祝世界人口日开心如意。

7、 人口多了,资源少了,人口加了,土地减了,人口增了,能源降了,世界人口日,关注人口问题,爱护地球保护环境从你我做起。

8、 这个世界上,笑你犯傻的人很多,骂你犯傻的人不多;看你出错的人很多,帮你改正的人不多;陪你快乐的人很多,陪你哭泣的人不多;世界人口日,我就是你“不多”的知心人,你平安快乐是我最大心愿。

9、 "7月11日为世界人口日,今年其主题曰“关爱流动人口生殖健康”。望大家相互转发此短信,将这主题广泛来宣传,让全社会把此话题来共同关心、关注和关爱。祝愿我们的社会和谐发展!"

10、 又迎世界人口日,人口问题受重视,流动人口须关注。生殖健康放首位,不洁生活要遏止,艾滋病毒要制止。祝大家健康幸福!

11、 世界人口日来到,关注人口问题大,短信转发互宣传,和谐社会共创建,优生优育要提倡,幸福生活人人享。祝世界人口日家园美丽富饶,快乐开心如意。

12、 世界人口日,关注在此时,倡导优生优育,社会自身做起,控制人口增长,提高人口质量,共建美好家园,创造辉煌明天,7.11人口日,祝你快乐。

13、 人口增多,计划生育,保证质量,优生优育,提高素质,基因是前提,营养是后盾,胎教更重要,7月11日世界人口日,愿天下年轻人科学坐胎,加强胎教,保证营养,好好生出健康宝宝!

14、 7月11世界人口日,让我们共同保护地球,控制人口增多,提倡晚婚晚育,响应计划生育,保护环境美丽,共享幸福人生,祝你身康体健,好运财运连连。

15、 星光灿烂每一颗都很闪亮,浪花朵朵每一朵都很美丽,心手相牵你我有缘相见,七一一世界人口日,祝福有缘人收到我平安的祝福。

16、 男孩是宝女孩是花,优生优育全靠大家。生男生女全凭天定,B超射线影响心情。计划生育那是国策,我们理解就是配合。世界人口日,就先说这么多,祝您生孩子快乐!呵呵。。。

17、 "七一一世界人口日,播种春天的希望,关爱女孩的成长,蓝天之下你我他,关爱女孩靠大家,人口发展与和谐社会同步,婚育新风与小康生活同行消除性别歧视,从生育开始,倡导男女平等从娃娃抓起。"

18、 世界这样小,人多受不了。道路很拥挤,吃饭成问题,房价呼呼涨,资源已枯竭。想想怎么办?计划生育是关键。优生又优育,素质提高才知保护环境多重要。世界人口日,祝你少生优生,幸福一生!

19、 节约一粒粮食,增加一点温饱;减少一丝奢侈,减少一点饥荒;伸出一次援手,点燃一丝希望。愿世界因为有你,更美好。祝福世界人口日你快乐如意。

20、 这个世界人口多,疾病贫困围绕着,资源透支土地少,叫人忧心怎么活?控制人口是首要,计划生育不可少,优生优育提素质,保护环境最重要。世界人口日,从现在做起,给后代子孙留下一片空间!

21、 "世界人口日来了,人口多,带来了许多问题:交通拥挤,住房紧张,资源匮乏,环境污染等严重影响生活质量——营造美好生活环境,你我有责,提倡绿色生活,节约资源,过上幸福生活!"

22、 世界人口日,晚婚向你报到,优育向你汇报,节约时刻微笑,美好纷纷扰扰,顺利不请自到,愉悦开心乱叫,和谐一个劲的闹。祝你关注人口变化,把幸福甜蜜拥抱。

23、 "人口多了,房子贵了,耕地占了,粮减产了,钱难赚了,肉吃多了,压力大了,身体差了。7.11人口日到了,要少生孩子少买房,祝你后代有房住!"

24、 当前增长的速率,及时控制是必须。资源紧张的压力,引起大家的注意。孩子笑脸是喜气,超生真令人可气,计划生育很洋气,优生优育才能一团和气。祝你人口日快乐,家庭和睦!

25、 一个大房子,名字叫地球,里面一群人,名字叫人民,人口在增加,能源在减少,环境变恶劣,灾难频频发,世界人口日,提示你我他,保护好地球,完全靠大家,短信传祝福,愿你快乐伴,生活更美好。

26、 孩子是父母的贴心宝,男孩女孩都一样,何必为生男孩到处跑。只要教育做得好,女孩也能成为宝。世界人口日,愿你少生优生,幸福一生!

27、 生男未必是好汉,生女未必不豪杰。古有花木兰替父从军,穆桂英大破天门,近有秋瑾、刘胡兰不怕牺牲,现有张海迪战胜病魔,邓亚萍笑傲球场。生男生女都一样,只要提高素质,都能为国为家显身手。世界人口日,让我们做到优生优育,和谐生活!

28、 人口增多了,住处变窄了,吃穿收紧了,生活水平下降了,社会负担加重了,世界资源减少了,人们的担忧迫切了,世界人口日,关注人口,计划生育,优生优育,人人有责!

29、 地球是我们的家园,需要保护共同创建,控制人口数量增多,人人做起社会有责,7.11世界人口日,愿你身体永康健,幸福开心乐无边。

30、 世界人口日,快乐人人有责:愿你的爱情甜甜蜜蜜,愿你的事业节节高升,愿你的家庭和和睦睦,愿你的努力早添新丁。祝你幸福,精彩生活每一刻。

31、 您好,今天是世界人口日,您可能会不知道,那不要紧,关键是您现在知道了,先祝您世界人口日快乐,另外请您务必记住四句话:世界人口日,计划生育,优生优育,少生孩子多读书,谢谢,再见!

32、 【控制人口小妙招】世界各主要国家法定结婚年龄:伊朗9岁;荷兰12岁;俄罗斯14岁;法国15岁;菲律宾16岁;韩国:男18岁、女16岁以上;日本男18岁、女16岁;巴西16岁;中国大陆男22岁,女20岁;中国香港16岁;中国台湾16岁…… 人家都老夫老妻了我们还在早恋。

33、 世界人口日提醒我们:人口实在太多,地球很难承受。所以,我郑重地通知你,不能再复制出忧伤的你,痛苦的你,只允许留下一个快乐幸福的你!

34、 心与心的距离就是一个微笑,爱与爱的交集就是一个拥抱,愿你世界人口日,婚姻甜蜜散发比传单飘得远,幸福温暖传给千家万户。祝你快乐每一天。

35、 七一一是世界人口日,鉴于人口压力过大,现命令你把你克隆出来的:忧郁的你、世故的你、消极的你、不健康的你,统统消灭掉,只允许留一个健康快乐的你!祝开心快乐。

36、 儿童是世界的花苗,青年是世界的栋梁,壮年是世界的希望,老人是世界的依靠,人人都是世界一员,和谐是世界的主旋,强盛是世界的夙愿。世界人口日,让我们携手共进,让世界和谐永远!

37、 插一根幸福的枝条在人群,爱心的花朵开满枝;洒一滴幽默的甘露在人群,开心的小溪在汇集。世界人口日,祝你笑口常开,好运常在,抢眼的美丽飘人海。

38、 这个世界,每一个人都很重要,男女要平等,性别要平衡,控制人口数量,提高人口素质,优生优育,才能幸福一生。世界人口日,祝你的世界永远幸福快乐!

39、 7月11为国际人口日,关注人口增长问题,社会大家自身做起,控制人口数量增多,坚决实行国家政策,愿我们的家园共美丽,愿我们的生活幸福如意。

40、 国际人口日到了,送你几把健康金钥匙:晨饮一杯水、饭吃七分饱、运动不间断、豆类常食、戒除烟酒、善思考、勤用脑、多喝茶、面常笑!愿你健康快乐!

41、 也许你父母不希望你再种地土里刨食,结果你到处打工漂泊江湖。也许你不希望你的孩子再去打工,那就从优生优育开始吧,国际人口日,祝你的孩子富可敌国,你也不必再打工!

42、 七月十一日国际人口日,未来需要看人的素质,你是人中之龙,生个儿子高你一筹,养个女儿凤舞九天,你和她努力吧,我祝福你们诞下双胞胎,龙凤呈祥,未来属于你们家。

43、 国际人口日到了,想想世界人口在不断膨胀,我就茶饭不思,更心烦的是多数人还是打工的,寄语打工者,不是打工的也转给你打工的朋友,那么多打工的,出路何在?寄予下一代!

44、 他们,是这个世界上思想最高的动物。然而地球却被他们繁多的数量搞得疲惫不堪。地球的叫嚣和树木的倒塌最终唤醒了他们。7月11日,国际人口日,让我们——人类,来共同爱护地球,计划生育。

45、 人口众多,地球不堪重负;贫富不均,有的流油有的饥饿;计划生育,优生优育才是国策;缩小差距,共同致富奔向幸福生活!国际人口日,解决人口问题,创造美好生活。

46、 7月11日为国际人口日,异‘口’同声,控制人口增长;赞不绝‘口’,美丽家园富有;心‘口’如一,创建祖国大地;交‘口’称赞,世界辉煌明天;金‘口’玉言,祝你快乐永远。

47、 人口数量,‘居高不下’,环境质量,‘每况愈下’,资源储量,‘急转而下’,社会不可,‘世风日下’,国际人口日,大家努力一下,计划一下,祝你开心一下,幸福‘不在话下’!

48、 世界地球日,我做了一个梦,我看见了一座黄金山,你站在它的上面,愿你日进斗金,目光远大,前途无量;爱情甜甜蜜蜜,早日和爱人生一个小人,祝福你夜夜梦想成真。

49、 7月11国际人口日,短信宣传在此时,面对全球人口增,资源问题放心中,促进人口与经济,创建家园更美丽,提倡晚婚晚育,实行计划生育,祝你一生幸福,开心快乐无数。

50、 幸福多多,开心笑;财气多多,点钞票;吉祥多多,感觉妙;健康多多,不显老;人口多多,可不好,生活没质量,口粮不管饱,贫穷到处跑,国际人口日,一起支持控制人口增长,好好享受美好生活。



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I am a happy girl, because I don’t have much things to chase, I will be satisfied very easily. When I go to school and play with my friends, I will be very happy. When I go home after school, my mother cook the delicious food, I will be very satisfied to eat. When the weekend comes, I like to go out with my father. This is my world, so simple and so happy.





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Yesterday afternoon, when I was on my way home, it was snowing heavily. This morning, when I looked out of the windows, everything in the world turned white.

I know few people like winter, because it is so cold. But we all like snow, because it is so beautiful. After a heavy snow, the fields are covered with thick snow. We feel happy walking in the snow. And many people go out and take a lot of photos in the snow.

How wonderful the white world looks! I love snow!




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No Smoking Day is an annual health awareness day in the United Kingdom that helps smokers that want to quit smoking. The first No Smoking Day was on "Ash Wednesday" in 1984 and it now takes place on the second Wednesday in March. The campaign is now in its 24th year and is a firm fixture in the UK calendar because of its continuing success. On No Smoking Day 2006 1.5 million smokers made a quit attempt and millions more used the Day to take a step towards stopping smoking.

The campaign is run by a charity of the same name, which is based in London and has four full-time staff. The charity is funded by a coalition of governmental and voluntary sector organisations with an interest in health.

禁止吸烟的一天是一年一度的健康意识在英国帮助吸烟者想戒烟。第一个禁止吸烟是在1984年的“圣灰星期三”,现在发生在第二个星期三3月。活动现在24年,是公司固定在英国日历,因为它持续的成功。禁止吸烟日2006 150万烟民试图戒烟,数百万人使用一天一步戒烟。




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1. 地球因为有了人类而美丽,世界因为有了人类而进步,社会因为有了人类而发展,世界人口日,让我们为伟大的人类而欢呼,让我们为优秀的人类而骄傲,让我们为智慧的人类而自豪。

2. 当前局面很紧张,问题太多要思量。控制人口没商量,计划生育是处方。超生实在不好养,优生优育大家帮,世界人口日,愿你生活舒畅,天天喜洋洋!

3. 我们是一个整体,住在同一片绿地。各位姐妹兄弟,超生多生不可取,为了咱共同的母亲,憋一憋胎气,换得一生和气,国际人口日,祝你不费吹灰之力,尽享幸福安逸!

4. 世界人口日到,问题日趋严重。人口越来越多,耕地越来越少。消耗越来越多,资源越来越少。为了大家幸福,少生优生优育。降低生活压力,提高幸福指数。促进世界发展,造福子孙后代。

5. 世界人口日,单击“控制人口”,双击“计划生育”,撤销“养儿防老”,复制“优生优育”。祝你健康幸福,快乐一生!

6. 世界人口日到了,同守一片天,同吸大氧气,同住一地球,和谐要共创,优生又优育,人人尽责任。祝世界人口日快乐幸福、平安如意。

7. 世界人口日,愿你的快乐如世界人口一般众多,愿你的幸福如世界人口一般稠密,愿你的好运如世界人口一般不断增涨,世界人口日愿你万事如意,注意响应号召,少生优生哟。

8. "人口数量积聚的增长.粮食产量增长减慢,环境日益破坏严重,耕地越来越少,我们应当控制人口增长,提高人口素质才是根本,为了我们下一代,请大家少生优生,这是每个公民的义务."

9. 控制人口数量,提高人口素质,改善人口结构,是社会发展领域的首要任务。7月11日是世界日人口日。愿你少生优育,提高素质,幸福一生!

10. 人口增长和以破坏环境为代价的经济发展给自然资源和环境造成了前所未有的压力,直接导致了水资源匮乏、耕地减少、食物短缺、森林面积减小、动植物物种灭绝、全球变暖和环境污染等。这一切反过来又严重威胁着人类的生存与发展。

11. 老人是‘世界的从前’,儿童是‘世界的明天’,妇女是‘世界的半边’,人人都是世界一员,和谐是世界的主旋,平安是世界的夙愿。世界人口日,祝世界和平永远,国国繁荣富强,家家幸福圆满,人人创造奇迹!

12. 7.11世界人口日,众人接力来把祝福送:祝你人缘好,处处逢贵人帮助;愿你事业宏图大展,更上一层楼;让你生活愉快,幸福美满;想你身体健康,无病又无灾……——人口日,众多祝福绕着你,祝你万事如意!

13. 世界人口日到了,保护地球要重视了,环境保护要加强了,污染综合要治理了,野生动物要保护了,绿色植被要种植了,人口增长要控制了,大家生活才更好了,身体也会更健康了,日子才能更美好了!

14. 世界人口日,给你打一针优生优育育苗,保你生活快乐成长,其乐无穷;日子美轮美奂,幸福绵长;事业茁壮成长,精彩无限;爱情甜蜜发酵,浪漫无边;人生渐入佳境,好运连连!

15. "还在为坐飞机坐不起.买房买不起,买车买不起而犯愁吗?请赶快加入我们计划生育队伍,为自己减压,为家庭减压.人口日到了,给你个友情提示短信."

16. 世界人口万万千,五个大洲七大洋,你我相识就是缘,美好祝福送身前,爱情缠绵每一刻,笑口常开每一天,身体健康每一年,世界人口日,愿你一生幸福,一生精彩无限。

17. 宇宙环境是无限的,但适合人类生存的环境空间是有限的,就是地球。人口增长过快,必定加大地球的重量。后果难以想象。7月11日是世界人口日,希望全民动员,控制人口增长。

18. 一个人拥有地球太孤单,两个人拥有地球太无聊,一群人拥有地球太迷茫,70亿人拥有地球太拥挤,世界人口日,爱护地球,保护环境,注意少生优生哟。

19. 世界人口日,由于人口膨胀,地球负担过重 ,特命令你,把‘郁闷的你’、‘忧愁的你’、‘消极的你’、‘自卑的你’,统统杀掉,只留一个健康快乐的你。祝福你开心幸福每一天!

20. 物价上涨了,油价高升了,房价增加了,资源紧缺了,人口增加了,世界人口日,提倡晚婚晚育,少生优生,愿你世界人口日快乐。

21. “世”人都要尽责任,“界”内需要来承担,“人”有智慧创和谐,“口”念政策多宣传,“日”子幸福体康健,喜上眉梢“快”乐多,“乐”无忧愁好运伴。世界人口日快乐。

22. 上帝停停工,女娲收收手,世界人口太多了,就到这里吧。你也出把力,我也伸把手,改善生存大环境,人人做贡献。世界人口日,让我们共同努力。

23. 人口日,提醒你,晚生育,人有益,利家庭,控人口,为国家,要计划,育人口,要优化。世界人口日到了,愿你快乐伴左右!好运随你走!

24. 孩子的欢笑固然好,但如今情况实在不妙。土地缺乏了,资源紧张了。生活质量很重要,还是优生优育好。超生的烦恼,不再困扰,世界人口日,愿你生活逍遥,日子美妙!

25. 污染日益严重,资源日渐减少,人口日渐增多,生活日益烦恼。世界人口日,为了我们的家园,为了我们的子孙,只有少生优生,才能健康幸福!

26. 如今世界真奇怪,超生超育随处在。晚生晚育不可待,优生优育才最high,把握家庭的未来,拒绝多生的无奈,愿你世界人口日发财,好运常在!

27. 你是快乐的达人,好运的贵人,幸福的红人,健康的强人,聪明的能人。哈哈,朋友,世界人口日到了,愿你成功做个开心人!

28. 世界也就这么大,人口数量很庞大,地球本身压力大,我们齐心爱护它,不让人口猛增加。世界人口日,祝愿幸福伴大家!

29. 岁月在流淌,人口在增长,资源变紧张,稀缺的土壤,减少的矿藏,人口正膨胀,正视要提防。世界人口日,我们携手关注人口,愿你幸福常有!快乐永久!

30. 初识你,叹为天人;再看你,也是凡人;远望你,还算好人;近观你,竟是牛人。不管你是啥人,在我心中,你就一友人。世界人口日,愿你做个快乐人,常把笑口开!

31. 据说在茫茫人海,认识一个人的概率远远低于中五百万大奖。你就偷着乐吧,认识我,你不知道前世敲坏了多少木鱼才如此走运啊。世界人口日,愿你好运继续!

32. "世界人口日,为了我们下一代有更好的生存空间,我们应当从自我做起,“优生优育,人人有责”(www.sIANDIan.com 【闪*+点】情话网)。祝福大家人口日快乐."

33. 世界人口日,短信来宣传,控制人增长,优生是关键,你我齐协力,家园更美丽,祝你永幸福,开心美无数,天天交好运,健康万事顺。

34. 经济结构,宏观调控,发展计划。环境保护等诸多问题无一不受人口过多、人口素质不高的影响和制约,无一不和计划生育工作紧密相联。7月11日是世界人口日,愿你少生孩子多致富,快快走上幸福路!

35. 人就要干人事,我发现你就经常不干人事,总是干上帝造人的事。生男生女由天定,聪明愚蠢你说的算。世界人口日,和你开个玩笑,可不许生气。祝:生个儿子经天纬地,生个女儿欢天喜地,生个龙凤胎惊天动地!

36. 人比人,气死人。有的人,生而富贵;有的人,生来弱智;有的人,整天忧愁;有的人,天天开心。世界人口日,愿你:无论富裕贫穷,都要积极乐观快快乐乐过一生!

37. 世界人口日到了,鉴于现在人口太多,特送给你一把快乐刀,杀死烦恼的你,宰掉忧愁的你,扎死哀伤的你,切掉抑郁的你,剩下一个幸福的你,愿你世界人口日开心常在,笑口常开。

38. 世界人口日,愿你拥有男人的豪情,女人的柔情,老人的深情,孩子的热情,伟人的激情。哈哈,祝你这个凡人,幸福做好人!

39. 美好生活的前提,是以和谐为基。坚持计划生育,控制人口才给力。你我贡献一份心,收获众人都发力,将此短信转发给好友,保你国际人口日,吉祥如意!

40. 世界人口天天多,资源粮食月月少。灾害疾病年年增,环境经济日日差。改善环境靠大家,发展经济勇争先。世界人口日祝愿,人人幸福家家乐。



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"Ordinary world" is a good book, because hes characters and the plot is very real. Straight lets a person as if place oneself in that era, experiencing the ups and downs of The Times. Let a person very inspired after see, delicious. In simple language and true feelings to witness the faith and of the ordinary life of ordinary life. Blundering s, ignoranting society like a cup of clear water scaling back despite the clarification, but not calm. Lu yaos characters are so personality is distinct, little, little flat in the books, and others are a symbol of that era will be affected by the limitations of The Times, but also is therefore is real close, lifelike.

First of all, I am very fond of lu yaos starting point: ordinary world. His world is ordinary, this is just on the loess plateaus thousands of villages in a. , small author characterizes each ordinary ordinary people life journey, foil the era of rapid change, reflect peoples thought, give a person with close, give a person with enlightenment. But lu yao is his character in the ordinary extraordinary. Such as sun shaoping, I think that the character of sun shaoping is the backbone of the text as a whole, through his growth and mature experience, show in front of everyone is a generation that time a vision of life and helpless. He received a high school education, through self-study degree can be thought to explore with college students. Overcome difficulties, to get rid of the bondage, let people yearning for a better life, how to experience life in the middle of the family love, friendship, love, learn to life, know how to cherish, for our generation, is also a warning. In lu yaos world are ordinary people, it is in these ordinary people he describes the human nature of good and beauty, ugliness and evil. In his world, one of the biggest advantages is to realize oneself is ordinary. This is the most prominent from sun shaoping. He realized the ordinary, also chose the ordinary.

Ordinary life, from the ordinary to thrive, you can see, is suffering the confidence, cant take away the hope, love never fails, bitterness, in the ordinary and the pride of this life.






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Earth day is every year on April 22, is a worldwide environmental movement. The first earth day activities were rising in the 1970 s in the United States campus environmental movement, this activity towards the world from the United States in the 1990 s, became a worldwide festival of environmentalists and environmental protection awareness day, on this day people of different nationality in their different way to promote and practice the concept of environmental protection.

The first earth day selection in the vernal equinox solar terms, it was a day in the world any corner of the equal length in both day and night, the sun can shine in the South Pole and North Pole at the same time, it represents the equality of the world, but also a symbol of the human to throw controversy and different between each other, harmonious coexistence. In many countries have traditionally celebrate the spring equinox solar term tradition. The United Nations has early in earth day activities every year at the vernal equinox. Earth day the day

"Earth day" one day, the United States without the country about 100 million people in the car home, in case of vehicle emission of waste gas and other harmful emissions into the air. In China, the then prime minister li peng on April 21, to address the environmental problems through the television, CCTV also played the "only one earth" special report. From now on, our country every year for the earth day "campaign.

In late February 2000, hayes to accept the invitation of the China, to come to China to participate in the "China" earth day "in 2000 Chinas action" to start the ceremony.

In the late 1990 s, the gaylord nelson and brookings Anderson (solar architect, author and New Hampshire "earth day" organizers) for the "earth day" make an annual state, high level of activity, set up "the earth". "Earth day" web site opened in 1995. "The earth" organization in 1999 changed its name to "earth day network," become a geared to the needs of the world, promoting "earth day" every year international activities of the organization. "Earth day" in 2000, is by the gallo nelson and Dennis hayes, leadership, the difference is that this time they, on the basis of "earth day" in 1970, joined the global public sports, and make full use of the network this emerging information means, the wisdom and passion of people of all countries together. In gaylord nelson, Dennis hayes and his comrades, todays "earth day" has really become a whole earth festival, reminding human to protect the earth, be gentle with the earth.








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UNESCO in 1972 to the whole world "to read the society" call, required reading for all members of society, books have become the necessities of life, reading has become an indispensable part of peoples daily life. In 1995, UNESCO declared April 23rd as "World Book day".


This is a day of death of the writer Cervantes and the famous English writer Shakespeare Memorial day. According to the data show that, since the "world reading day" announced that participate in this activity, there have been more than 100 countries and regions. In April 23rd of each year, the school publicity activities into a bustling festival of joy.

1995年11月15日,联合国教科文组织作出决议,将每年的4月23日定为“世界图书和版权日”(World Book and Copyright Day,也译为“世界读书日”、“世界书香日”),这一天各地的书店都悬挂出醒目的庆祝标志——本打开的书,中间是一颗心。巧合的是,4月23日也是英国著名作家塞万提斯、莎士比亚、维加3位著名文学大师的辞世纪念日。

In November 15, 1995, UNESCO resolutions, to April 23rd of each year as "World Book and Copyright Day" (World Book and Copyright Day, also translated as "world reading day", "world reading day"), the day hanging out around the bookstore eye-catching signs -- Celebrating the open book, the middle is a heart. Coincidentally, died in April 23rd, is the famous English writer Cervantes, Shakespeare, and the 3 famous literary masters anniversary.


"World reading day" is to encourage people especially young people find the pleasure of reading, and on the great contribution to the promotion of human social and cultural progress of people made the gratitude and respect.



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Today, the teacher gave us a lesson that the protection of the earth, our teacher told us to protect the earth mother, the earth mothers hair is not the same rank, her eyes as bright as before, her clothes were shabby not beautiful. After I listened to the teachers words, the mind to the eight words "to protect the earth, is everybodys business". Home from school in the afternoon, I took today our teacher told us something about the content to tell her mother, I said to her a small request, just take me to plant trees on the hills.


I waited and waited until finally the moment of departure, they took me to a small hillside dug a pit with great care to put the young trees into the hole, the soil to fill in, I went to a small river water with iron to get up, I went back to where the water plant to go down. I hope this little tree will become a towering tree.


I believe everyone can come up with a great love for the earth, protect our home planet.



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Bacon said: "reading to yi jing, enough to digg, long enough to just." Reading is to increase the key to gain knowledge.

There are celebrities in the world since the ancient times have introduced the benefits of reading, some scholars also once said, reading a good book is like a conversation with noble people.

Reading, can make you gain understanding, and every day to read an article is your knowledge increase many. Reading not only makes you augmented stories, still can increase the extracurricular knowledge. In the textbook knowledge is not enough, want to rely on yourself to read reference books, so read enough to digg.

Reading can help you more, when wonder at you, you can read a book, take a look at the article, can help you TaoYang temperament...

In addition, you can also choose different books to read, for example: adventure of detective novels, deep-rooted love novels, history books about the history... Can read science fiction and fantasy is leading role, to recall within the scene, books have aftertaste. Read some books about travel, like to visit all over the world...

Reading can not only grace to static, digg,, and the way is to increase knowledge, so everyone should take time to read every day.










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The large number of our population has become one of the most serious problems of our society. According to a recent survey of the National Bureau of Statistics, there are more than 1.3 billion people in our country, which account for about 1/5 of all the people in the world. The same survey also predicts that our population will grow quickly in the years to come.

Overpopulation has brought about a series of negative effects to our economic development and social security. In the first place, too many people impose a heavy burden on our environment. As a result, we suffer from a shortage of fresh water and natural resources. In the second place, as the supply of labor greatly exceeds the demand of the society, many people become employed. This is a source of social unrest. Last but not least, we have to manufacture all kinds of products to meet the needs of the people, which causes environment pollution to our lakes and land.

Serious though the problem seems, we have to take some measures to tackle it. On the one hand, the government should carry out more strictly the policy of family planning, thus reducing the total number of population. On the other hand, all the people should realize the harms of overpopulation. With the concerted efforts of all the parties concerned, we’re sure to solve the problem in the future.



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You know, in June 20th, which is today, what day is today?


That is "World Refugee Day".


The festival has any special meaning?


Is hope global seventeen million because of war or persecution of refugees fleeing their homes, can also be remembered in a special day.


But, this festival was forgotten, forgotten this holiday, like a forgotten world seventeen million refugees, ignore their existence.


In the year 2000, the United Nations General Assembly resolutions by consensus, in June 20th of each year as world refugee day, and presented the Nansen refugee award, to make outstanding contributions to the refugee assistance to the groups and individuals, but also set a different theme is to arouse the refugees, the international community pays more attention to the plight of the refugees.

大家应该重视这个问题! 不只是中国人,更是全球每一个国家,每一个地区所不容忽视的问题。

We should pay more attention to this problem! Not only Chinese, it is global each country, each region of the problem can not be ignored.
