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Yao teacher:

You are a red candle, burning the most passionate torch in our hearts. Just into the fourth grade, you are very strict with us, your face of seriousness in my opinion is not used to, because we from the first grade began to be spoiled, spoiled, often lawless. You come, such eyes, such majesty, as if to shock everyone. Everyone again. Also not noisy, after class no longer chase dozen, we are like a new man, we can no longer not be in a temper. We have come to understand that it is for our good that you are strict with us.

Spring silkworm to dead silk, candles into ash tears began to dry. Teacher, you have been working silently in your own ordinary job for 25 years. How many outstanding talents have you cultivated? No one can count. Someone said to see the word such as people, my words have been written not good, is your patience and write in my exercise book some words of encouragement to remind me, therefore, my words slowly beautiful. It gives me a lot of confidence. "A teacher is a true seed, a messenger of good, a banner of beauty, the embodiment of love." There is nothing wrong with this remark. You run between school and home every day.

Once, your sons severe fever caused pneumonia. In the afternoon, family members called to urge you to go to see, although you are anxious, but in order to dozens of students in the school, but still did not go. When you get off work, your husband asks you, "Is your student important or is your son important?" You say: "All important." Then you explained slowly to your husband, Its enough to take care of your son by yourself. But what if there were so many students at school? You walk out of the room and look at your son, who is sallow and coughing, with tears streaming down his face, and you say, "Jack, Ive been a bad mother." You always make choices in bitterness, and you make the choices that came before you. With the persistent pursuit of career and the sincere heart of loving students, you have composed an ordinary and moving song with consistent diligence and enterprising spirit. Teacher I know your health has been bad, for us you also have to take care of yourself. I will repay you with my progress in study and live up to your expectations. In the New Year, I sincerely wish you good health! Students all over the world!




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The teacher is a promoter of human civilization. Is a teacher, teach us to be the truth, help us to learn scientific and cultural knowledge and skills, we swim in the ocean of knowledge. The teacher is human soul engineer.

I love the teacher, because teachers have a shiny gold heart. When we fail, the teacher take us forward sails; When we are successful, the teacher and we share the joy of success; When we make mistakes, the teacher patience fine to correct our progress of course; In our proud a little bit of success, the teacher is our conscious agents. The teacher is our teacher and our most sincere friend.

In fact, when the teachers pleasure is unspeakable. I am the teacher more eternal than the candle, lights others sublimation. Even compared to ", "silk, though, and not die. Silkworms into pupa pupa into moths, moth and inoculation and incubation out growing tracks, endless... Its a poem! And sometimes long "picture", is a narrative, lyric of "poetry".

As taos President said "holding a heart, dont take half a grass." The teacher is such person.

For the teacher, we have untold grateful words, when we are with heavy harvest to accept more knowledge, we know that the teacher is a candle, burn out yourself, lights others and consumes itself. Growth cannot leave the teacher, for the sake of our a bit our progress is perhaps the epitome of the teacher of hard sweat and blood. In this brilliant golden harvest season, let the autumn wind to send our congratulations to our dear teacher! So I love my teacher, selfless love him, love his knowledgeable, dedicated love him, love his approachable.








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第一天,熊老师刚走进教室,闹哄哄的教室立刻安静了下来,大家都目不转睛地望向这位新的英语老师。刚开始,熊老师的声音很小,几乎第一排的同学都听不见,好在熊老师有扩音器。看来熊老师还 有点“胆小”。

熊老师对我们的要求很高,要我们每个人听得懂、读得来,考试要考好。另外,熊老师还在班上分了小组,让每个小组比赛,来培养兴趣。结果,大家通过比赛都提高了成绩,有了学习英语的兴趣,看 来熊老师真有办法,我们慢慢喜欢熊老师了。




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dear teacher:


today is the day we were with you, you said a lot of us touched by the words of the students cried, although you installed in front of us very strong, but you are actually very fragile, and we clearly see your heart tears, at the same time, you also give us too much asked, to be honest, i really there is highly touched, because you are too self-interested for my face, and for "those who do not learn from it, with the junior high school students were mixed together" to large to encompass all of their mind to see these, each and every student class, or even usually strong and then boys could not help but to cry, but fortunate because we have the opportunity to repay you, as long as we strive to learning, a good test results, and this is the greatest consolation to you!

teacher, i will always remember you, you are on our education (junior high, high school, not because some trivial way to go landslides, leading to decreased academic performance) i will always be unforgettable! teachers, we love you!

meanwhile, i would like to ask the teacher you are assured that i will not be shaken because of the harassment of others, please believe me, please?

student: vvv



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今年 刚开学,我认识了一位新的英语老师,她姓罗,女老师,二十来岁。圆圆的脸上总是挂着笑容,明亮的眼睛,红润的嘴巴,粉红的脸蛋,配着她那一套新鲜亮丽的春装,非常阳光,真是太 美了!

第一次上英语课,同学们都在议论,说今天可能要换新老师,我的心就怦怦怦地跳,心想:不会又是一个”暴力女“吧!我坐在最前面一排,上课铃一响,就看见一个高个子女老师站在教室门 口,许多同学又开始议论:”我觉得这个老师一定很和蔼!“”不!相反,高个子老师一般应该很暴力!“听了这些话,我情不自禁地想到以前老师生气的样子;板着个脸,铁青的面孔,很吓人。于是 我的心更加紧张。正在这时,高个子老师走进教室,上课了,老师第一句话竟是:”大家好,我姓罗,以后和同学们一起学习,请多多指教!“和风细雨般的,这句话震惊了全场人!我紧张的心立刻轻 松了许多……开始写作业了,我拿起笔,刷刷刷地写到了最后一题,这可把我难住了,我一会儿摸摸头,一会儿玩玩笔,正当我百思不得其解时,罗老师过来,”怎么了,像很为难的样子?“我说出了 我的困难,罗老师笑笑指着课本上刚学的句子,”哦!我明白了!“我那堵塞的思路立即被疏通了。多亏罗老师地及时到来呀!我再看看她的脸——白白的脸蛋透着粉红,挂着温柔地微笑,十分亲切。 多么可爱的老师啊!

还有一次报听写,虽然单词很简单,可是由于我太紧张,不小心写错了一个字母。,事后,我肠子都悔青了!第二节英语课,老师要公布听写成绩,听到别人都是一百分,我惭愧地低下了头。 念到我了,老师特意说,虽然错了一个,可老师相信我的有实力,还和蔼地对我说:”不要紧,下次认真点就好了!“我听了,特别感动。罗老师,您是我心目中最棒的老师。




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Mrs Zhao is a kindly teacher, she always make us laugh and at the same time, she will teach us more knowledge.She doesnt seem like a teacher, and her friendly always make her like our friend, however, it doesnt mean that she is not care about our grade and homework. She is also strict, every time, she checks our homework very carefully, and make us understand anything in class. so that is our teacher who is kindly and serious.




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Dear English teacher:

Hello,thank you for the last few more and for our education,when you first came here,I thought you very fierce. The results you are very kind,I like your clas very much,although you are very strict,take care to do for customs clearance. But the love make fun of. I began to think that I would learn English is very poor,the results from the period of senior high school entrance examination and the monthly exam,I did not read at first I was so bad,but also got eighty-six and ninety point five. In this you I want to say thanks to you,thank you for this a few months of teaching

Your students:

Shi Senmiao

In January



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On the face has a pair of black eyes, the size of grapes high bridge of the nose, mouth, chin, round, with long hair. This is more than the head teacher of our class, the teacher, she is cheerful and lively, is concerned about and strict to us, our classmates all like her, not letter, I will tell you what.

More than a teacher to us is very concerned about. Last semester, I havent chosen the class cadre campaign, was sad, more than a teacher to comfort me say: "dont be sad, it doesnt matter, this was not chosen, try again next time, not to go up for?" I listened to the teachers words, immediately, not uncomfortable, the in the mind secretly swear: next time I must be on the campaign. Unexpectedly, this time I really get it, Im so happy! Another time, I accidentally fell down the stairs, hands and legs hurt, more than the teacher knew, right away, hold me, send me to the infirmary. More than I should have a good thank you teacher!

The teacher is very strict with us. Especially sketching characters which on the one hand, more than our teacher is earnest, carefully, and wrong must be showed more than a teacher to write the new words, the good, to be copied again! The word "grave" I often write wrong, thanks to the teacher give me point out, also let me rewrite, and after the dictation "grave", I wont write wrong! Under more than the teachers strict requirements, I slowly get rid of carelessness. I really want to thank you more than a teacher!

This is more than the head teacher of our class, the teacher, she like a mother caring, nurturing the us grow.







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Miss Zhang is my maths teacher. She is about twenty-two, and she has taught maths for only half a year. She is not very tall, but pretty. She is a careful teacher, and she is very strict with us. Sometimes we make some mistakes, she will be angry with us, and shouts, Do it again! You are so careless So all of us are afraid of her. But we think she is a good teacher. We like her.



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Our English teacher, Mrs Wang, is about forty years old。 She always wears a pair of glasses。 She is very strict with us。 When we make a mistake, she often makes us stand up。 But we hear that her home is far from our school。 Every morning she has to walk to school for forty minutes。 And she is never late。 Then we come to see that Mrs Wang loves us dearly。 She teaches us so carefully。 In fact, she is a good teacher.



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有一次,老师叫我起来和他进行一次问候语的对话,就只是打几个招呼,问候一下他人而已,很简单。只要听清楚老师说的是什么意思,根据意思来回答就可以了。我就是这个样子去做的。老师还说我做的很好。very good!使我感到了学习英语也不困难。

老师还会自己想一些,有趣、好玩的学习方法,来增加我们的记忆力。在前几天,我们学习了英语26个字母中的5个元音字母,这五个元音字母分别是:A E I O U老师让我们把这五个元音字母写在左手的第一关节上面,大拇指——A,食指——E,中指——I,无名指——O,小拇指—— U,这样老师让我们看着左手上写的五个元音字母,教我们一个一个的读,等我们大家都读熟了以后,老师让我们看着手的另一面,老师随便读一个元音字母,我们就把字母对应的那个手指头伸出来。就这个样子我把这五个元音字母记得牢牢的。

老师还教我们怎样更快的记住单词地方法,用单词的音和意思来记住这个单词。还有教了我们一些字母组合,通过这些字母组合 ,可以很快地读出这些单词的读音,方便极了。





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I am just writing to say thank you.thank you for teaching us things we need to learn, thank you for being there for us when we have any problems, thanks for your devotion and willingneto help us, thank you for the love youve shown to us.

I am lucky to have a teacher like you. and no matter what kind of person I will become, you will always have your influence on me. You taught me how to study, how to live and even how to be a man. From you I learned what kind of person i want to be and what should i get from life. this means everything to me.

my dear teacher, no matter what you will always have a special place in my heart and i will remember what i have learned from you and carry the knowleges through my life!



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Dear Mr. X,


You are the most respected teacher in my mind, although you are very

strict, but you put your heart on us. You work from dawn to dusk, thinking about

better teaching methods. You are like a candle, let me feel the infinite future

of the bright, but burned themselves.

Trees cant grow without sunshine, rain and dew, only their selfless

charity, will have a vibrant. The life of a flower is inseparable from the

earth. With the nutrition provided by the earth, there will be a beautiful and

moving flower. And our life, inseparable from the teacher, with your enthusiasm

to help, with your inculcate, will have our healthy growth... Thank you so much,

teacher! Shi-en is like a fish in water. In the past three years, you have

taught us with great care. Every one of your epigrams is still vividly in my

mind, which reminds me of a lot of things.

It is because of your education, we can have todays knowledge, will have

todays such a talent to learn, it is because of your care, we these "flowers of

the motherland" to healthy growth, it is because of your little teachings, we

understand the truth of life. You are like a tree, we thrive under your shade.

You give us care like a mother, let me feel very happy, let me have the interest

of learning, let me feel that you give endless strength, let me feel that you

are my rely on, let me feel inseparable from you. Teacher, our good grades

cannot do without your hard education, our good grades cannot do without your

careful cultivation. Every step forward is inseparable from your hard sweat.

Teacher, thank you for our serious and responsible education, thank you for

your concern about us, thank you for teaching us a lot of knowledge, thank you

for your selfless dedication to us, one thousand ten thousand "thank you" can

not return your teaching to us.


A healthy body

Your students












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Dear teacher


Im writing to you again. Its the new year. 2020 is coming and 2021 is

coming. Do you look forward to the holidays again and again, just like us? But

every time we go home, we are speeding up our separation.

Forgive the students for talking about such a sad topic in this jubilant

time. 2020 is the difference, it is tension, it is pressure, it is sentimental.

2020 will change a lot and take away a lot. It will take away our best three

years and the time we spend together. It passed, it will never come back,

leaving only memories. What is good as long as the heart is together, isnt it

even more painful when the heart is together but people are not around? It also

said that there was no emotion at that time, and it came true when you said that

you would walk away. However, the feelings between you and us have been deeply

rooted and can not be broken at all, so it is inevitable to be sad.

There is no feast that will never end. We have been together for three

years. Isnt it just a gift from God? Teacher, you should believe that it is

fate to meet us and good fortune to meet you. Over the past three years, we have

cried and laughed together. When we have to leave, we cant help but stir up

emotions. At this time, no one will feel superfluous. No ones heart is made of

iron. You should know that everyone has been remembering your good, your smile

and the way you stand behind the door in the past three years. Even if you are

angry, you will always come to the class unconsciously and take a look at us.

You are really worried.

But your worry is not in vain. Now, although some people have learned to

smoke, drink and make friends, those people are still grateful to you, but they

are not good at expressing themselves. In other words, Thanksgiving is like

"fruit of human body". Once it blooms in three thousand years and bears fruit in

four thousand years, its seeds are planted in my heart early. Although it grows

slowly, it has great power when it grows.

You said that in the self-study class, we dont study hard. We look at the

watch and glance at the teacher. We are so cute. But when you are looking at us,

we are also looking at you. Moreover, you look up and you always frighten


The last excellent diary of this semester has changed. It is not happy and

naive, but full of sadness and maturity. In that class, everyone was thinking of

something in their hearts. It was from the heart and could not be covered up. It

was the most significant excellent diary ever.

I think there is no literary talent, like every excellent diary, everyone

will think hard about what to write. Even if they do, they cant write anything.

But now, writing this topic, everyone has a lot to say. As long as the heart, is

a good article.

Old wusky once described the scene of a year: when we came back one day and

wanted to see you, you had to call the guard and tell them to let us in before

we could enter the campus. Come to your class, not only you and me, but also a

group of students waiting to grow up like us at that time. Looking at them, I

think of myself. What happened in the New Glasgow is unfolding in front of us.

However, people are not those people anymore.

Its so sad. Old wusky is great.

At noon, I have been dreaming for half a day. In the dream, we have

graduated. All of a sudden, everything moves up, and the essence is condensed

into a small world. Its just in the air, playing everything weve been doing

for three years. When it disappeared, we all cried, and simply broke into the

small world. Everything in the small world has not changed at all, that is our

three years, but we can not touch it. We saw our performance at that time, so

proud. I saw you and wanted to talk to you, but you ignored me. I envy myself at

that time, tears stop in the eyes.

Teacher, how I wish that small world really exists! Teacher, the feelings

of the past three years are not clear. I cant find any words, a sentence to

describe our previous feelings, which only those of us who have experienced can

understand. But everyone wants to express, cherish and grasp.

Teacher, thank you! Thank you for your meticulous care when we are ill,

thank you for your restraint when we indulge, and thank you for the punishment

when we make mistakes. Each of us is a piece of white paper, you can sketch

everything on it. Thank you for sketching so many beautiful things, bitter and

sweet, let us have a good start.

Teacher, Im sorry, please forgive our treason. Every time we make a

mistake, you will say, "or a child?" this is to comfort us, but also to comfort

yourself. But we dont understand you. We always misunderstand you, blame you,

get angry with you, and dislike you all day. Its not good here and there. In

fact, we also know that you are indeed a good teacher.

Teacher, please forgive these children, please fall in love with these

children, please remember these children These children will never forget



The last day of 2020
