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Miss Wang is my English teacher. She looks very young.Shes about thirty years old, and she wears glasses.Shes funny . But she is strict with us. She wants us to study hard, Her lessons are interesting. We are very happy in her class and we all like her lessons. She is a good teacher, and we all like her.





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Miss chen是我的英语老师,她一头栗色的卷发披在肩上,两只眼睛射出的目光像探照灯一样,照得你浑身上下不自在。Miss chen性子比较急,走起路来像一阵风,还像夏天的雨点打在芭蕉叶上,让人听了心里一阵紧张。“我们的英语老师可不是好惹的!”Miss chen的严厉是出了名的,一到英语课,教室里就响起一片哀叹声,干什么事都打不起精神来,要是听到少上一节英语课,全班欢呼雀跃,那喜悦的情绪简直可以掀翻屋顶!嗯?!英语老师怎么这么不受欢迎?让我来给你诉诉苦吧!


每当Miss陈一脸严肃、大步流星地走进教室时,那些欠作业专业户就吓得浑身发抖,厄运即将降临!当她踏上讲台,一脸平静地扫描欠作业名单时,不好,晴转阴!随即,一场暴风骤雨必将以迅雷不及掩耳之势拉开序幕。My God! Miss陈很生气,后果很严重。我的心情如搅浑了的湖水一样糟糕。唉,欠作业或没带书Miss陈最痛恨的事了,生气了总要发泄吧,骂着喊着,用手指着,气急了就使用绝招——扔粉笔头,“啪”、“啪”……却不一定是百发百中,有时还会伤及无辜,可怜的粉笔头呀!可现在,Miss陈来了个360°大转变,再也不扔粉笔头了,你猜怎么回事?原来,我们把粉笔头全部换成长粉笔了,她总不能折断了来丢吧?!








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Dear Miss Jiang,

How time flies! It has been a year since you went to teach in Sichuan. How are you getting on? I miss you so much that I often remember those days when we were together. Thank you for teaching me so well.

Now I’m interested in English more and more. In class, I listen to the teacher carefully and take active part in discussions in English. After class, I join in the English corner and watch English

programs to practice speaking and listening. All these help my English a lot. Now I have made great progress. I even won the first prize in last English competition.

I wonder how the children in Sichuan are studying and living now. Wish them a brighter and better future. Looking forward to meeting you soon.

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely




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上三年级了,增加了一门课程——英语,于是,也就多了一位英语老师——沈老师:他挺着个将军肚,鼻梁上架着一副近视眼镜,还有那滑稽可笑的发型,看上去非常好笑。他是个双面人,他有两种不同的性格。 沈老师非常风趣。每次下课,他总与同学们在教室里打打闹闹。同学们老摸他的将军肚,他一点儿也不介意,还幽默地说:“我这肚子,摸一次十元。”惹得同学们哈哈大笑。沈老师走起路来屁颠颠的,真像一只胖企鹅。同学们都在后面偷偷地抿着嘴笑,沈老师听见了笑声,并没有责骂我们,反而把企鹅装得更像了。

有一次,快期末考试了,英语课的肉容都是复习,大家都有些不耐其烦了。沈老师仿佛看出了我们的心思,在上课的时候做了一个鬼脸,逗得同学们无不仰天大笑,使同学们那紧张的心情舜间就放松了。 沈老师十分风趣,但也非常严厉。有一次上课了,沈老师阴沉着脸走进教室,所有人都知大事不妙了。在玩耍的同学以迅雷不及掩耳之速回到了座位上。在讲话的同学立马闭紧了嘴巴。但是沈老师还是火爆发了,其威力并不亚于掩盖庞贝城的火山爆发的威力。沈老师大吼一声:“吴雨航,王煜杰,给我每个字母各抄四十遍。”同时,将他们的没完成的作业本使劲地扔在地上。同学们见暴风雨过后,禁不住打了一个寒颠。而我还是毛骨悚然,生怕灾难会降临到我的头上。沈老师批评完了还不够,严厉地警告:“你们给我认真地做作业,不然,下场也会像他们一样。”我这才感觉到,沈老师在杀鸡敬候。 这就是我们的英语老师,既幽默又严厉的沈老师。



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The course of a semester is over soon.

Fortunately, I know you. Met on the road every time you think you are excited, Healthy heart smile.

One thing, Ill tell you about. Is about the monitor thing. The first time in your class, I do not open your mouth and say five years of English life.

Day in class, I actually do not understand even the monitor once heard, is my stupid your passion extinguished.

The second class, we change the squad leader, you were asked, is not elected. I was feeling not very good at a later date, I understand the importance of squad leader in your heart. Here, I want to explain to you

I take the initiative to quit the squad, I wish I had more time to learn, because Ive been working for three years, and feel that two years of study time is life.

The last time a section of students.

The face of the final exam, I was nervous, worried they do not pass the whole semester I are working hard.

Students next semester I want to work at his job, and let yourself concentrate on their studies.

In your class, you taught me courage, I never dare open mouth of a boy to speak English, starting in your class trying to learn spoken English.

Is you, let me speak English and did not think thats so difficult. Although, in fact, before each class I have the materials ready pretenshion dare to mouth said.

Also learn to understand, forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste. I like to hear you say you see or hear in a foreign country some things, but time flies.

Next semester, Im going to sit in undergraduate English courses, continue to improve their English speaking ability.

We also hope that regular contact as friends, but wish I had English and you can share some knowledge on foreign.

Finally, we wish you health and happiness.



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Dear Editor,

I’m a builder. When other builders and I laid a foundation of a building,

we dug out some ancient cultural relics.

At that time, some people suggested we sell them so that we could get some

money. But I didn’t agree with them because I think these cultural relics are

our country’s wealth.

As Chinese people, we should protect them. So I told the other builders we

shouldn’t sell them, because cultural relics represent a country’s culture and

history. Besides, we should donate these culture relics to our country in case

they might be sold abroad secretly. We shouldn’t lose them.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



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雷锋——我的英语老师-A“Living Lei Feng”----My English Teacher




A“Living Lei Feng”----My English TeacherOne afternoon my English teacher and I went to visit a student's mother, who was lying in hospital. As soon as we entered the hospital, something happened.A 15-year-old girl was carrying a patient, her father, to the doctor's office. Before they reached the office, the old man fell down to the ground, gasping his last①. What a pity to see the girl too weak to do anything for him! Feeling helpless, she did nothing but cry.At this moment, some people went to help, but were shocked to find that the old man was dying fast. They were too frightened to do anything.Glancing at me, my English teacher hurried over to the dying man without hesitation②. He knelt on one knee and lifted the old man up. But the man couldn't walk. So my teacher put him on his back. When they reached the door of the office, the patient was dead. Just then a doctor came up and said to my teacher:“How miserable! Please send your father into the mortuary③.”“He isn't my teacher's father; it's hers,” I explained to the doctor, pointing to the girl.“Hers?” replied the doctor in surprise.“Yes, it's hers. My teacher and I happened to pass by here just now.”“Your teacher?” the doctor said. “Which school are you from? What's your teacher's name?”“His name is….” Just then I saw my teacher signaling④ to me with his hand. Clearly he wanted me to stop. But how could I?“He is my English teacher. His name is Zhou Hongdun (周洪敦),”answered I proudly.Hearing what I said, people around smiled at my English teacher.“What a good‘living Lei Feng!’” one of them said, deeply moved.(选自1987年12月8日《上海学生英文报》)


①gasp[ga:sp] one's last 奄奄一息②hesitation[?hezi'teiM+n]n.犹豫;踌躇③mortuary['m&:tju+ri] n.(医院的)太平间④signal['sign+l]v.以动作向……示意【写法指要】本文只写了一件事:周老师救助即将断气的一位老人的行为。文章的前四段是铺垫部分,交待事情发生的背景。后面是用对话的形式叙述周老师助人为乐的行为发生的经过。办好事不让别人知道姓名,正是雷锋精神的体现,而且,说周老师是“活雷锋”者不是作者自已,而是一位受到感动的旁观者,这样写具有很强的说服力。



这个班的老师姓肖,叫肖柳,长着一双大大的眼睛,圆圆的脸,两只耳朵小小的,头发长长的,是个女性,她的英文名叫:gigi。 她教课教的很好,仅仅一个暑假,同学们都很喜欢她,而且同学们也学得很好。她课间和我们做游戏,交朋友,上课也用微笑面对每一个同学。她想要的课堂气氛是轻松、快乐课堂。上课时,还用游戏的方式让我们对每天所学的新单词加深印象。

她说话也很有风趣,还有,爱与同学们聊天说笑,深受同学们爱戴。虽然课堂随意性大,但同学们的作业完成得非常好,而且,同学们考试成绩没下过80分。在家长会上,校长说我们都很努力,老师也非常认真负责。 虽然肖老师要带几个班的学生,但她对待每个班的学生都一样认真负责,这也是肖老师本人的一大亮点。 肖老师还有一套令我们好好学习的妙招,那就是奖励。





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My favourite teacher is Miss Huang. She teaches us maths.She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth. There is always a smile on her face.

Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing.

Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favourite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.

This is my favourite teacher. Our classmates all like her very much.



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Dear Mr. Cao


This new year, I have read a lot of books about the new year, and the book

that impresses me most is Spring Festival.

The author of Spring Festival is an Chengna. A long time ago, there was a

monster named "Nian". It had two sharp horns and covered with plum red scales.

Bigger than an elephant, fiercer than a tiger. It looks terrible. Every new

years Eve, "Nian" will come to the village to eat people. One year "Nian" came

again, and a young man said, "its better to fight with it than to let it eat!"

The young people nearby picked up the weapons on the ground and attacked Nian

one after another. Unfortunately, they were not the opponents of Nian, so they

were all eaten by Nian.

Since then, "Nian" has become more fierce, so every new years Eve people

will hide in caves. Another year, new years Eve arrived, just as people were

packing up, there was an old man begging. The old man asked people for food, but

people were very busy and had no time to pay attention to him. Suddenly, an old

woman gave him some food and advised him to go up the mountain to hide. But he

did not hurry to eat the food his wife gave him. The old woman advised him to

run for his life, but he said, "I have a way to get rid of Nian. She thought he

was talking crazy, so I had to leave him. In the middle of the night, Nian broke

into the village. She found a big red paper on her door, lit a candle in the

room, and burned a torch in the yard. "Year" carefully came to the door, and

suddenly came the "crackling" sound in the courtyard. Then an old man in red

came out laughing. "Nian" was so scared that he ran out of the village. The

original "year" most afraid of red, fire and explosion sound!

The next day, the people who took refuge were very surprised to see that

the village was safe and sound! The old woman suddenly realized that the

villagers talked about the old mans promise. People flocked to their wives and

in laws house. They saw red paper pasted in front of the door, and a pile of

unburned bamboo in the courtyard was still "popping" and several red candles in

the room were still flashing. In fact, the old man is to help people mirror out

"Nian" immortals.

Since then, every new years Eve, every family pastes couplets to set off

firecrackers, and every household has bright lights to keep the new year. People

call this traditional festival the Spring Festival.

After reading this book, I realized that the old beggar turned out to be a

fairy. I was so moved that the "year" was formed in this way. Now we also call

it "Spring Festival". I think this book is very popular. I have learned a lot

from it. I really want more foreigners to know and understand the true meaning

of the traditional Chinese festival "Spring Festival". thank you!


The work went well

Your student: Huang Ziming



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DearMs. Fu,


Iwould like you to know that I appreciate the help and support you gave to mewhen I was in junior high school. I enjoyed being taught by you immensely. Youare an excellent teacher and inspired me to continue learning with an open andpositive mind.


Iwould like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to you for teaching me what is responsibility. You helped me how to find the best place for myself and look forthe personal values. I remember you gave me a book as a present of the SpringFestival. You are the first teacher who gave me a present which I was moved fora long time.


Iwould further say that you gave me so good memories that I wish I could go backto that time again. It was you who encouraged me to overcome obstacles. It wasyou who cared about my emotions. I appreciate all you have done for me, whichmeant so much to me. I hope that this letter brings my best wishes to you and Ionce again thank you for giving me those precious memories of my life, which Ishall cherish forever.


Sincerely yours,




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My English teacher is a young lady. Her name is Kate. She looks beautiful. Her English is very good. She teaches us many things, and she likes to introduce foreign countries to us. She works very hard, because she likes teaching. I like her spoken English. She has good pronunciation and writing. All of my classmates like her.


She was born for teaching and does a great jib. In her class, she can get her students involved in learning and doing exercises. They are attracted by the topics she gives and this makes her class lively. As a result, most students like to be in her class.

Li Xin is a good teacher not only because she has a good way of teaching, but also because she loves her students and never spoil them. She is kind and considerate, and is ready to help her students who meet with difficulties.

My teacher, Li Xin, is not only our good teacher, but also our best friend. We all like her and will remember her forever.








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Seeing mywhole education history, I have many teachers. But my favorite teacher is onlyone. He is Mr Lu. He is my middle Chinese teacher and head teacher. He is aboutfifty years old. Maybe he works too hard, so his back is a little bent.

He alwayswears a black glasses. He looks amiable but serious in study.

He always thinks us before everything. His class isvery interesting and full of different kinds of encouraging stories. He is verystrict to us in study. But whoever has difficulties, he would help us withouthesitation.

Sometimes he plays the role of a strict teacher, sometimes he takesthe place of a kind father.







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My new teacher is science teacher. He’s very strong. He has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. He often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes。

My science teacher is very kind. And he is very smart, isn’t he? Today, we have science class. We are very happy. Because he is so funny. Who is he? He’s a Mr. Zhou .



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Dear teacher,


The teacher, you are like a red candle, although the burning of a red candle is brief, but the teacher you burn yourself to illuminate others hearts will never change, is everlasting!

Thank you for encouraging us all the time. You always pay attention to us with concern when we try. Even if we fail, you will not only not be sarcastic to us, but also tell us what to do and guide us.

Thank you, beloved teacher, it is you for us to correct one after another homework, you use the red ink and pen, in our writing, shed how much sweat ah! You use the red ink and pen, in our writing, pay how much effort ah! Every time I see the homework marked with red ink, I will think of you -- the figure correcting homework under the dim light!

Fourth grade next semester final exam in the afternoon, I was writing the test paper, my stomach up suddenly, I endured the pain in a hurry finished fill in the paper, in the end, I really cant stand the pain, I think of go home from school, I know that from the school was still early, will tell the teacher, the teacher quickly take out a cellular phone a phone call to my dad. The teacher also asked me from time to time whether my stomach was still painful. The teachers concerned eyes, let me feel a trace of warmth.

Teacher is the most glorious career under the sun, you teach us the knowledge bit by bit, you get up early and get up late to prepare lessons every day, and then teach us the knowledge. How many hours of sleep you have lost for us!

Teacher you treat us, like your own children, is you take us to swim in the ocean of knowledge, is you take us through the naive childhood, you put us a ignorant child education into a qualified pupil. You did so much for us!

Teacher, thank you for all that you have done for me with your blood and sweat. I wish you a happy holiday!
