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One evening, when my mother was cooking in the kitchen, someone else called up. My mother hurried to the living room to answer the phone. She thought she would be back in a minute. Bu it was an important phone. They talked and talked and my mother completely forgot the cooking. When my mother returned to the kitchen, what did she see? The food in the pan as burning! What could she do? She took a cover of the pan and covered the pan immediately. In a second, the fire was put out, but she food was burnt. What a pity!





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Nowadays, electronic music is very popular around the world. First

electronic music got popular from Lady Gaga, her creative dressing styles caught

peoples attention and then people started to notice her music. They fell in

love with her electronic music. Unlike rock and roll music, electronic music is

more favorable by me. It makes me excited and I am totally lost in the wonderful

music. Once my friends and I went to a music festival. There were so many people

standing there and listening to the music. Especially when the DJ came out and

everybody got excited. When the DJ played electronic music, my friends and I

shook our bodies and joined the crowd to dance. It was such a wonderful

experience for me. I will never forget the power of electronic music. It brings

people together and share the same emotion.



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Things Happened in Spring Festival Today, I went shopping with my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. It was a rare

occasion because we hardly only get together few times in a year as a big family. On the way to the shopping mall, we watched the lion dance. Overall, we had an unforgettable day.



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“Growing Pains” seems full of knowledge and experience. So it does because

all of us have growing pains and also growing gains in our lives.

Growing up is not a very enjoyable time. It means I have to work hard in

studying and in family. Theres always so much homework given by teachers and so

many arguments between the parents and me. The time is fair, but it seems it

gives pains three quarters and only one quarter to gains.

But gains give me power and confidence. Successes and friendship make me

happy and enjoyable. We played with snow in the winter that seldom snows, we

flew kites in the night that usually belongs to homework, we ate several ice

creams that almost made us cold. We picked up leaven that no longer high up!

Although pains are always more than gains, I believe both of them make my

life more colorful



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Class 1,Grade 7

Beijing Sunshine Secondary School

Sunshine Town


April 20


We are happy to invite you to________________________________ We’ll hold___________from…to… (time). We will meet at________ _________(place) and have it at _________(place). We’ll do_______ (activities). We’d like everyone _____________(reminding).

Please complete the note on the next page to tell us if you can come. We hope you can come. We look forward to seeing you at out party. Yours faithfully ∕ sincerely,

(Signature) (打印)

Amy (手写)

Monitor of Class 1, Grade 7



1.Will you do us a favor of joining our party?您能光临我们的聚会吗?

2.May I take this opportunity to invite you to our university to give a lecture?我可以借此机会邀请您到我们大学给我们演讲吗?

3.If you have no other plans for Monday, May 15th, will you come to our party at my home?如果本周五,即五月15号,您没有其他安排的话,可以来我家参加我们的聚会吗?

4.Shall we have the pleasure to invite you to our party this weekend?我们可以荣幸地邀请您参加我们本周末的聚会吗?


1. If you haven’t made any definite plan for the coming weekend, I’d love to invite you to come to our school and join us in the party.如果您本周末尚无安排,我想邀请您来参加我们的晚会。

2. If you haven’t promised to join your friends elsewhere, we shall be delighted to have you with us.如果您还没有答应别的朋友的邀请,我们将十分高兴地邀请您到我们这儿来。

3. With your presence on this occasion, we are sure to have a most delightful evening.您的到来一定会让我们的晚会增色不少。

4. All of us here are longing for the pleasure of seeing you.您这儿的所有朋友都在盼望着能见到您。


Address of sender


Name (Title)of receiver

Address of receiver

Dear _________(Greeting)

I’m writing to recommend sb. To become/be ______(Subject)

Para1: abilities

Para2: personalities

Para3: examples of details

Para4: Ending: We all think … should… Para1--- Para4: Message Yours sincerely,_____ (Closing)

(Signature) (打印)

(Signature of sender) ((手写)

Monitor of Class 1, Grade 7(Title of sender)



1. 在新的主体部分的首尾各用一句话明确表示写此信的目的,如:

篇首:I’d like to recommend sb. to be/do…

篇尾:We all think sb. should be…/should get the reward

2. 文中所写的这个人的性格特点与能力要与所推荐的任务或职位相关。

3. 在用事例说明这个人的某个优点时,事例要与该优点相吻合。


1. I would like to recommend sb. to be /become….我愿意推荐某人成为/当/做….

2. It’s my pleasure to recommend sb. to be /become….我乐意推荐某人成为/当/做….


1. I am writing to recommend Mary to become the new chairperson of the Students’ Union.我写此信的目的是推荐玛丽当学生会的主席。

2. May is a hard-working and helpful student.梅是个努力且乐于助人的学生。

3. I think John is good enough to be the chairperson. I hope you will agree.我认为约翰很适合主席这个职务。希望您能同意我的想法。


Date of writing

Name(Title)of receiver


I am writing the letter to say thank you for______(Subject)

Para1: reasons for writing the letter

Para2: examples or details

Para3: Ending: Thank you for… Para1--- Para3: Message

Yours sincerely,_____ (Closing)

(Signature) (打印)

(Signature of sender) (手写)



1. 在新的开头,第一节中明确表示感谢,即“开头言谢”;

2. 信的主体部分要写出感谢的原因。如果原因不止一个,要分段写。每段写一个主题句,表明一个原因,再辅以具体的事例进行说明,使感谢落到实处,不让人产生客套或做作的感觉;

3. 在信的结尾,还要把感谢的话再说一遍,并加上对对方的祝福。


1. With many thanks to you for entertaining me so generously.非常感谢您如此慷慨大方的招待。

2. Indeed I do not know how to express my appreciation for your valuable services.对您优质的服务我无以言谢。

3. We express our sincere and hearty thanks for the favors you have done for us.衷心感谢您为我们所做的一切。

4. It will give me much pleasure to do whatever I can in return for your favor.若能对您的好意有所回报,我将不胜荣幸。

5. Please accept our warmest thanks for what you have done for us.您如此帮忙,请接受我们最热忱的谢意。


1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for your letter and for your kindness to me during my long illness.衷心地感谢您在我漫长的卧床期间给我来信,给我关心。

2. I am grateful for your kind wishes for my success.感谢您对我成功的祝福。

3. Thank you very much for the letter of congratulation and the nice gift you sent to me.感谢您寄来的祝贺信及礼物。

4. I’d like to thank you for always being by my side on Thanksgiving Day. 值此感恩节来临之际,感谢您一直以来陪伴在我身边。




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Someone asks me what on earth happiness means? I cant give you the exact

definition of it, but Im sure if you love and help others, youll get it.

Ill never forget an old lady. She lives in a small house alone. Its said

that her husband and her son died in a traffic accident. How bitter her life

is!But the old lady often helps others with a smile. Whenever it snows, she is

always the first to clean the paths. She looks after several children living

nearby. I am one of them. I often remember the stories she told us and her kind

smile. Perhaps she is unlucky, but I think she is a happy person. Her life is

full of laughter and love.

But Im sad to see some people getting their happiness in bad ways.They

speak loudly in cinemas and meeting rooms; they destroy trees to enjoy

themselves and they laugh at others shortcomings. Perhaps they feel happy at

that time, but they will never get true happiness because they have lost their


Now I know what happiness is. It means kindness, love and unselfishness.

Above all, only bringing happiness to others can make you yourself get it.



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It never be explained why so many students on campus cheat in their examinations nowadays, regardless of the danger that teachers find their secret, as it did in the case of the boy student in the cartoon/photo above. What is conveyed in the drawing is most thought-provoking and should arouse our social concern.

The implied meaning of the picture is worth discussing. Firstly, the youngs always become quite illogical when they try to descide what can be done and what can not be done. In the light of this statement, some students are often willing to sacrifice their credibility for the privillage of getting more points and being regarded as outstanding students. Furthermore, some one is afired that he can‘t pass the final exams leading to his degree, in the fruit of being absorbed into computer games or disappointment in love.

Consequently, only by cheating can they graduate and get the degree on time. Although many reasons share the problem of this drawing, one of them can be singled out for recognition: the conditions of our sociaty. Such is human nature, that we can‘t avoid being influenced by environment. In short, the root of cheating in examinations and credibilililess on campus is combinition of many factors.

There is no blinding at the fact that, in dealing with a challenge on such scale, some strong, effective and necessary counter-measures should be put on our agenda. To the begin with, a widespread education campaign should be launched to make students realize the importance of credibility. What‘s more, the government departments at different levels and related orgnizations should make joint efforts and coordination of programs to creat a more credit environment for us. Only by this package deal, can build up a harmonious and healthy sociaty.




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Though we are told that alcohol is dangerous, especially driving a car

after drinking alcohol, we can see the news about car accidents because of the

driver drinking alcohol everyday, still people ignore the danger of drinking

alcohol. Life is precious, no one will take responsibility of our lives except

ourselves. Drinking too much will do harm to our body, even if you don’t cherish

your life, while when you drive the car after drinking, you will take away other

people’s lives. That is unforgivable, people have a happy family, they die

because of your careless driving, and you will never have a chance to make up.

Our government is very strict to the driver, the law clearly claims that

drinking driver will be heavily punished. In order to make sure other people’s

safety, we should not drive the car after drinking alcohol, or we ask friends to

take us home.



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时间飞快地流逝,转眼就到了期中表彰大会的时候。各班的代表坐成了一排,依次上台演讲。一班代表的演讲完了。二班代表的演讲完了。三班代表的演讲完了。四班代表的演讲也完了。轮到我上台演讲了。毕竟当着这么多同学的面,毕竟当着这么多老师的面,我的心里就像有一只活蹦乱跳的小兔子,在“怦怦”“怦怦”地快速跳着。我根本没有办法让自己冷静下来,只能在心里默默呐喊:“不要怕,你一定能行的!”不知怎的,我已经站在演讲台上了。我的手和脚还在不停的颤抖,心里还是很害怕。眼睛一直盯着拿在手上的稿纸,生怕读错了什么字。时间艰涩地流动着,像沙漏坠入我紧张的心房。五分钟的时间似乎变得比 一个小时还要长。这段紧张而又漫长的演讲终于结束了!回到座位上以后,我长长地舒了一口气,好像把所有的紧张,所有的害怕都吐了出来,如释重负,心里舒服多了。




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now in the country areas, there are many children out of school. i think one of the reasons is that their families are too poor to afford their school. as a result, they have to stay at home to make money to keep their families.

another reason is that many parents think it useless for the girls to study and they would not like them to go to school. a third reason is that some children are not interested in their lessons, and would not like to go to school.

in my opinion all the children including the girls should have the chance to receive education. all the people should pay attention to the education of the children who will play a very important part in the future of our country.



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Aug. 18, 1989

Dear Liu Dong,

Im back at school now. I wish to express my thanks to you for the

wonderful vacation I spent with you and your family. During the vacation you

taught me how to swim, boat and fish. I really appreciate your taking time off

work to take me around and show me so many places.

Your mother is such a terrific cook! I think I must have gained 10 pounds

just in the week I spent with you. Surely Ive spent a happy vacation, which

will be remembered for long.

I hope you will be able to visit our school sometime. Thank you again.

Lets keep in touch.


Li Ming



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我们学校在11月5,6,7日进行了期中考试,可是成绩却不太理想。语文考88,数学也考88,就英语考了93,这让我妈妈很生气。我以前考试都超90了,这次才考80多,我怎么也不明白,为什么 成绩会下降。


我不知道是什么原因使我学习成绩下降了,但是,我保证,我是学习委员,大家都向我学习,如果我学习不好,别人呢?他们也要学习不好吗?我以后一定要好好学习,认真听讲,为班级 体争光!



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There’s no doubt that my mother gives all her love to me. I do believe she is a great person who makes my life beautiful and meaningful.

She is an easygoing and kind woman with bright eyes and a lovely smile. Although she is often busy, I still feel that I am taken good care of by her. It’s a great pleasure to chat with her when I get into troubles. She always encourages me not to give up and tries to cheer me up by coming up with good solutions. In addition, I am fascinated by her cooking and writing.

With her love, I feel like a fish swimming happily in a beautiful sea. I’ll cherish her love forever.




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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a publishing house on food safety. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:

A Letter to a Publishing House on Food Safety

June 15th, 2006

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for taking time to read this letter. As the problem of food safety has been becoming worse and worse nowadays, I am obliged to write to you.

Several days ago, one of my classmates came back from supermarket with a large bag of food. Because of having found a new style of tinned?ish in the

food store, she was very glad. Several other roommates were invited to enjoy the mouth?atering chicken. Unfortunately, after finishing the food, all of my three friends had stomachaches and vomited, their faces having become paler and paler. Due to sensitivity to that kind of tinned food, I escaped that suffer. At that time, my mind went blank. I dialed the emergency number with my trembling hand, therefore they were quickly sent to hospital. The doctor said they were lucky to be out of danger because they did not eat too much of that rotten fish and were hospitalized on time.

This is the matter that happened around me which made me realize the seriousness of the food safety problem. I sincerely hope that the whole society could attach much importance to this issue.



