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merry christmas

it was one of the last days before christmas, and the as sistants in the large store had their hands full serving eager christmas shoppers.

at one counter an old lady was choosing gloves red ones for her daugher in law, light blue ones for her niece, pink ones for her grand daughter, green ones for her sister and by the time she had found what she wanted, the counter was covered with pairs of all colors and sizes.

when the salesgirl had finally written out the bill and was about to turn to the next customer with a tired voice. "thank you very much, madam," the old lady suddenly cried out, "oh, i almost forgot..."——"anything else, madam?" said the girl, "yes," began the old lady, "id like to buy another pair, but i m not quite sure about what exactly i should cloose. i wonder if you could help me." "certainly, madam", was the girls reply. the old lady then went on to explain that what she was looking for was a pair of gloves for a girl of her age. she was not at ail sure what color to choose, and the design was a problem too.

the tired girl did her best to help the old lady make up her mind, showing her ail kinds of gloves.

at last the chosen pair of gloves were wrapped up and paid for as well, and as the girl was about to turn to the next customer, the old lady handed her a little parcel and said, "these now, dear, these are for you and thank you for being so patient. i do hope you have a merry christmas !"




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Christmas Day is important in western countries. It comes on December 25. People have several days off from their work. They go back home to get together for a big dinner. There is a Christmastree in each family. It is decorated with small things and brightlights. During Christmas Day, many shops are busy selling goodsas presents. On that day people often exchange presents. Childrenlike the festival because they can receive many beautiful presents.




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Yao teacher:

You are a red candle, burning the most passionate torch in our hearts. Just into the fourth grade, you are very strict with us, your face of seriousness in my opinion is not used to, because we from the first grade began to be spoiled, spoiled, often lawless. You come, such eyes, such majesty, as if to shock everyone. Everyone again. Also not noisy, after class no longer chase dozen, we are like a new man, we can no longer not be in a temper. We have come to understand that it is for our good that you are strict with us.

Spring silkworm to dead silk, candles into ash tears began to dry. Teacher, you have been working silently in your own ordinary job for 25 years. How many outstanding talents have you cultivated? No one can count. Someone said to see the word such as people, my words have been written not good, is your patience and write in my exercise book some words of encouragement to remind me, therefore, my words slowly beautiful. It gives me a lot of confidence. "A teacher is a true seed, a messenger of good, a banner of beauty, the embodiment of love." There is nothing wrong with this remark. You run between school and home every day.

Once, your sons severe fever caused pneumonia. In the afternoon, family members called to urge you to go to see, although you are anxious, but in order to dozens of students in the school, but still did not go. When you get off work, your husband asks you, "Is your student important or is your son important?" You say: "All important." Then you explained slowly to your husband, Its enough to take care of your son by yourself. But what if there were so many students at school? You walk out of the room and look at your son, who is sallow and coughing, with tears streaming down his face, and you say, "Jack, Ive been a bad mother." You always make choices in bitterness, and you make the choices that came before you. With the persistent pursuit of career and the sincere heart of loving students, you have composed an ordinary and moving song with consistent diligence and enterprising spirit. Teacher I know your health has been bad, for us you also have to take care of yourself. I will repay you with my progress in study and live up to your expectations. In the New Year, I sincerely wish you good health! Students all over the world!



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Was a cold winter day, a cold wind blowing the bare branches on the side of the road. Blow to the with the wind, with creepy, and tremble.

From cram school I just from school, mother brought home a box of eggs when I go home. Mother with the help of colleagues, will this box heavy eggs carried to the electric vehicle.

Windy that day, people walking on the road is very difficult, dont say is driving electric cars, whats more, the car was carrying two eggs and a box. When the car to a fork in the road, the car of the box of eggs yield to the test of the wind, the eggs roll down, luckily isnt bad.

My mother and I hurried out of the car to pick up the eggs, but eggs pick up one, get one, I thought to myself: when will going to pick it up! What if pick it out, will be a case of heavy eggs home?

Right against the face come a big truck suddenly, I shouted anxiously: "what can I do, bus, eggs also dont want to!"

To my surprise trucks "cheep -" to a screeching halt. Down, an aunt said: "elder sister, so late how to still take so many eggs?" Say that finish, three of them began to pick up the eggs.

Everyone firewood high flame, too soon, just pick it up. My mother and I are very grateful to the aunt, aunt and help my mother the eggs onto the vehicle. Aunt looked at the far of figure, I think that as long as everyone sacrificed a little love, the world will be how good.






令我大吃一惊的是大卡车“吱——”的一声来了个急刹车。下来一位阿姨,说:“ 大姐,这么晚怎么还带这么多鸡蛋呀?”说完,三个人就开始捡起鸡蛋来。




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like Christmas, it is just like our Spring Festival.

Maybe the Spring Festival is much more important and interesting than Christmas, but I like Christmas Day better. Because we can spend time with our friends and classmates during Christmas. When it is snowy, Christmas becomes much more lovely, just like in fairytales. I can imagine I am in a fairytale, the girl who sold the matches is my friend, the ugly duck becoming more and more beautiful and so on. What a beautiful place! So we can also call Christmas “Snowy Lovely Day.”

On Christmas Day, shops are red and green. There are so many Christmas cards, Christmas hats, Christmas dolls and many colourful things. So shops look very beautiful. We can give a card or a doll to our friends and say “Merry Christmas.” By the way, I think studying can also become much more interesting.



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1、 A Christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend.May its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear. 希望圣诞祝福给你带来欢乐,我的好朋友。祝福你及你所爱的人新的一年中万事如意。

2、Merry Christmas, my best friend.Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season.祝我的挚友圣诞快乐。愿你拥有美丽的圣诞所有的祝福。

3、 Best wishes for a wonderful new year. Your entire staff wishes you and yours a most happy Christmas. 献上最诚挚的祝福,祝您新年恰愉快。全体职员祝您及家人圣诞快乐。

4、Merry Christmas and a happy new year.Wishinbg you health and happiness in the year to come. 敬祝圣诞,恭贺新喜。祝你在新的一年里健康,快乐。


6、Merry Christmas 愿世界充满祥和,愿我的爱比雪更加浪漫,愿我深深的祝福和满腔的爱意给你送去丝丝暖流!圣诞快乐!


8、my arms are wide open for you this christmas.my heart is my christmas pres3lian.com/zlent to you.我张开双臂,盼与你共度圣诞佳节。我的心就是我奉献给你的圣诞礼物。

9、 merry christmas, my best friend.may its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear.圣诞快乐,我亲爱的朋友。祝福你及你所爱的人新的一年中万事如意。

10、 i hope all of our christmases are this bright!wish many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year.愿所有的圣诞节都如此欢快明亮!新的一年,向你献上最诚挚的祝福。



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2、圣诞节是一个收礼物的好节日。小时侯的我总是梦想有一天圣诞老人能到我家,送我美好的圣诞礼物。长大了,我知道小时侯那些礼物都是爸爸妈妈送 的。今天的圣诞节,我缠着爸爸妈妈给我礼物。妈妈笑着告诉我。妈妈笑着告诉我:"明天早上你一醒来,圣诞老人的了礼物就回送到。虽然我知道礼物是爸爸妈妈 送的,但是晚上,我仍然拿了一双袜子放在床头上。早上一醒来,我发现袜子里塞着一张元的书卡。我太高兴了,在床上跳着喊到:"圣诞老人万岁!"我那着 书卡去上学,去向同学们炫耀炫耀。

3、小小的一张张琳琅满目的硬纸卡载身边越垒越高,心中总会无比愉悦,还有点点的骄傲。看着那堆堆卡片上大小不一,歪歪扭扭的字迹,那些简单的祝福, 就会满足,狠狠的满足,心儿暖暖的,像冬日李那缕缕金黄的日光。这一瞬间,忘却了节省很久的积蓄已所剩无几,忘却了刚刚摔倒的疼痛,只是记得笑,傻傻的 笑,温暖了大地,温暖了世界,温暖了身边每一个人的心灵。临睡前,还不忘将厚厚的一叠放在枕边,最上面的卡片上有可爱的Kitty的笑,很迷人的那种。

4、圣诞老人原指公元世纪时小亚细亚专区的主教尼古拉,他因和蔼可亲慷慨济贫万里闻名。到了世纪,东方把他尊称为圣尼古拉。由于民间有关尼古 拉的传说中,都联系到少年儿童和礼物,从此,圣诞老人便成为专门在圣诞节向孩子们送礼物的慈祥老人的形象。到了世纪,通过文学和绘画,圣诞老人逐渐成 为身穿红外衣的白胡子白眉毛老人形象。




8、圣诞之夜,圣诞老人把礼物装进小花帽往天空一甩,两个毛绒球变成了数亿只降落伞向小朋友家飞去。大家早就迫不及待地等待圣诞礼物。可是大家只看 见降落伞,却没看见圣诞老人,都以为他生病了。大家看见了那只没有毛绒球的帽子,往里面一跳,可奇迹出现了,帽子带大家飞到了圣诞老人的家。一进门,大家 看见圣诞老人正在精心装饰圣诞树。芸芸一眼看到了自己的帽子。这是怎么回事呢?原来圣诞老人猜想帽子一定是孩子们的,所以他又做了一顶帽子准备还给它。大 家听了把自己的帽子送给了圣诞老人。圣诞老人叫圣诞驴把圣诞树和小朋友们送回家。


10、现在我们国家的圣诞节很隆重。圣诞节前几天,走到大街上,每个角落都让人感受到过节的气氛。大多数的商家商场都摆着圣诞树和面带笑容形态可 掬的圣诞老人,有的放在门口,有的摆在大厅。圣诞树呈塔形,穿着一件绿衣裳,身上挂慢了一个个小铃铛,只要轻轻一碰,叮当叮当发出动听的声音,各种颜色 的小灯好像天上眨眼的星星,又像五颜六色的小灯笼,一闪一闪的,美丽极了!

11、据说平安夜的晚上,圣诞节老公公会驾着驯鹿雪橇满载着礼物准备送点这一年来表现很好的小朋友,他会悄悄地从烟囱爬进屋内,礼物塞在挂在床头的袜子 里。所以孩子总会把一条条色彩缤纷的袜子挂在床头,并在袜子旁边放杯热牛奶给劳苦功高的圣诞老人解渴,并送份大礼给自己。


13、圣诞节是一个收礼物的好节日。小时侯的我总是梦想有一天圣诞老人能到我家,送我美好的圣诞礼物。长大了,我知道小时侯那些礼物都是爸爸妈 妈送的。今天的圣诞节,我缠着爸爸妈妈给我礼物。妈妈笑着告诉我。妈妈笑着告诉我:"明天早上你一醒来,圣诞老人的了礼物就回送到。虽然我知道礼物是爸爸 妈妈送的,但是晚上,我仍然拿了一双袜子放在床头上。早上一醒来,我发现袜子里塞着一张元的书卡。我太高兴了,在床上跳着喊到:"圣诞老人万岁!"我 那着书卡去上学,去向同学们炫耀炫耀。

14、小小的一张张琳琅满目的硬纸卡载身边越垒越高,心中总会无比愉悦,还有点点的骄傲。看着那 堆堆卡片上大小不一,歪歪扭扭的字迹,那些简单的祝福,就会满足,狠狠的满足,心儿暖暖的,像冬日李那缕缕金黄的日光。这一瞬间,忘却了节省很久的积蓄已 所剩无几,忘却了刚刚摔倒的疼痛,只是记得笑,傻傻的笑,温暖了大地,温暖了世界,温暖了身边每一个人的心灵。临睡前,还不忘将厚厚的一叠放在枕边,最上 面的卡片上有可爱的Kitty的笑,很迷人的那种。





19、正像中国人过春节吃年饭一样,欧美人过圣诞节也很注重全家人围坐在圣诞树下,共进节日美餐。圣诞大餐吃火鸡的习俗始于年。这种风俗盛于美 国。英国人的圣诞大餐是烤鹅,而非火鸡。奥大利人爱在平安夜里,全家老小约上亲友成群结队地到餐馆去吃一顿圣诞大餐,其中,火鸡腊鸡烧牛仔肉和猪腿必 不可少,同时伴以名酒,吃得大家欢天喜地。


21、在我甜蜜又神奇的梦里,那儿有一个很远的地方——美丽圣诞欢乐园。每当圣诞节来临时,我总打扮得漂漂亮亮来到这片美丽的地方。当夜晚淘气的小雪 花,像一个个可爱的小天使从天而降时,我盼望已久的圣诞老人就拿着一大堆礼物来到这里。虽然他的脸上铺满皱纹,但他那一丝各蔼的笑容却令我心里很暖和。


篇7:我的圣诞节英语作文:My Christmas Day

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Chritmas is the day that Jesus Christ was born. people in the world celebrate and worship this day in his honor. The santa claus will come out and send presents for children. Christmas cards and decorated trees are all over the place. The carolling of Christmas songs echo through the air. I am not a Chirstian, but I also enjoy the atmosphere of Chrismas. I wish everybody have a merry Chirismas.



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The Lunar New Year is a great occasion to the Chinese people.It lasts about the first four days of the year,during which people do not work except for the workers on duty.Students do not go to school,and shops are closed.

Several days before the new year,people begin to prepare.Farmers kill pigs,sheep,cocks and hens.City dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables.Houses are cleaned; coupletsare posted on the doors.Colourful lanterns are hung at the gate.

On the eve of the new year,each family has its members gatherd together and eats a family reunion dinner.After the meal they watch TV until the clock strickes twelve.Then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers and other fire works to welcome the new year.On the first day of the new year,almost everyone is dressed in his or her best.When people meet on the way,they say to each other "Happy New Year".Friends and relatives pay new year calls and gives presents to each other.Children indulge themselves in games.



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A new high-performance swimsuit,developed by mimicking the skin of sharks,will be worn by top athletes in Athens from this week.

The revolutionary new fabric,developed by Speedo,is the result of four years of research and development that began with the study of shark skin at the Natural History Museum .

The new swimsuit,called Fastskin FSII,increases a swimmers speed by reducing passive drag through water by up to 4% more than the next best swimsuit.

Research into shark skin texture and movement through water was carried out under the guidance of Natural History Museum fish expert Ollie Crimmen.

Tiny teeth cover the surface of a sharks skin and the shape and positioning of these teeth vary across the body to manage the flow of water.

With these findings Speedo created a full bodyskin with different fabrics on different parts of the body and for the first time,male- and female-specific and stroke-specific swimsuits.



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Suddenly, the summer vacation is coming. Im happy to "one jump three feet high" but I gradually found that summer vacation is boring.

I wanted to finish in ten days, but, I have been doing for 24 days. The 30 day finally finished, father has bought me, only on Saturday and Sunday can rest a while. I dont like a holiday, but, as long as I still quite like no homework.

More like summer and winter vacation, homework, tired bad. I hope can have a holiday, and can not write my homework, how comfortable, how carefree! If the day sentient days also old, if a man love die young.



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We all like to make friends, because no one can survive without a friend. If you ask someone how many friends do they have, most will answer a lot. Indeed, we make friends in different stage, even we are old, we still make friends. But not all friends are as honest as they are, some friends we made since we are young, some are just meet a couple of times and we don’t know much about them. The former are real friends, while the latter are not true friends. What is the real friend, a real friend is someone who you can talk about anything and can be show up the moment you need. Other friends are just for drinking and eating, they will not help you if you are in trouble. When we make friends, the real one is what we need.



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In my mind, often one or two things in the hearts of lingering, so I can not suppress ... ...

Thats my fourth grade. A dawn, I and my cousin riding a bike came to the beach to enjoy the breath of the sea that very fresh air. I happened to find a crab crawling on the beach and sharing the sun with us. I let the cousin and I walk over to see.

We stared at the crabs, and they did not seem to find us, they shook its sharp "knives" and walked around. The cousin told me that the crabs were "doing morning exercise". I am amazed, and they will "do morning exercise". My heart had a thought, I carefully squat, hand a catch. The result was escaped by the hateful guy. I thought: good I copied you! Cousin can not stand still, but also came to help. In our concerted efforts, the guys have been caught by us.

It has been two years after this matter, but it has been branded in my heart.



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In the past, there was a little goldfish listening to good words living in a small fish tank in the bird market. His master is a bearded man, but he is very gentle, but also very much like a small goldfish.

Little goldfish looks very beautiful, red body, big like a bulb like eyes, very cute. When it swims up, the long transparent fins are as soft as silk, like a fairy.

One morning, a little girl with a croissant saw it, and begged her mother to buy it. Soon the little girl took it back to the new home. Because the little girls smile is innocent, little goldfish thought: this must be a very good owner. Sure enough, the little girl really good for it, give it the best fish food, but also often for clean water. Little goldfish can be happy.

One day, the little girl home came a little yellow cat. Small yellow cat to see the small goldfish at first glance, saliva to crash down. It would like to: how can I eat this fish? So it gently and gently face with a smile on the small goldfish, said: "Miss Goldfish, you really beautiful ah, you swim even more beautiful than the fairies." Little goldfish Love to hear someone boast their own good-looking, so it put down the little yellow cat wary, swim to the water in front of the kitten put the tail.

Kitten pretend to look like, said: "Oh, beautiful goldfish lady, you do not put the amplitude so much, carefully flash to the waist ah!" Little goldfish said: "Oh, my waist is particularly flexible, I can jump "Kitty said:" Really? You are so powerful! But what is it called jumping ah? You have no feet. "

Little gold fish listening to so many good words, more happy. It said: "I jump to you." Said it sneaked into the bottom of the fish tank, and then quickly jumped out of the water.

Little goldfish just jumped out of the water, small yellow cat side said: "nice, awesome." Side of the hand to catch the small goldfish, put it into the stomach.



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I have gone through things like the stars in the sky, and some I sigh about, I have shame, I have great anger, I feel some of the majesty, I feel some fun, let me some experience The taste of success! On that occasion, I have a class students have bought a sachet, I put together into the nose to smell, thiophene wow, the aroma is pressing, I remained fresh in his memory. I would very much like to buy one, my mother will not let me buy it, had no choice but to own it.

I take out a lot of overflowing delicate fragrance of the petals in a variety of colors. Home to some of the first jet is very strong aroma of perfume. So that each petal is a damp, and then dry on the balcony.

In two days, the petals completely done, I order for another strong aroma, I have all the flower pot and pour it into the water, until completely soaked, I picked up and dried on the balcony.

Done, I have a lot of sprayed Perfume, a Huatai Xiang! Shannon was a sharp! Spent since resolved, it should address the package what the petals!

I would like to start using cloth bags to use later. After careful consideration, I decided to use plastic bags.

I am in a plastic bag inside and outside sprayed with perfume, and some of the color-and infected with green, and then the petals into a plastic bag, tied with lines, but also with a number of needle holes, so that the aroma to overflow! I Im told that thiophene wow! And buy it from top to bottom, regardless of the sachet! Seems to smell slightly better than to buy the sachet! Ha ha!

I am in the moment of completion of the sachet, I think the days are so blue, clouds are so white, the grass is so green. Now I learn to produce sachet is the most proud of a bright star! I really wanted to announce to the world: I succeed you!



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Chrismas Father was the descendant of a deity called Odin. It‘s also said that Chrismas Father comes from San Nichola, so he is also called St.Nicholas. He was the bishop of Asia

Minor city of Rafah and he was called a man of God after his death. He is an old man in red clothes and he wears a red hat.He has white mustache. He comes from the north on a blowmobile every Chrismas Day. He went into people‘s houses by the track and he put the presents into children‘s socks. So in western countries,parents put the gifts to their kids in kids‘ socks and put them on the head of the bed on Chrismas Eve. On the second day, the first thing after kids wake up is to find the presents from Chrismas Fathers.

It is said that there was a goodness man went broke his domain. He lived a hardlife and he has three daughters. The three daughters were being married but he didn‘t have money to buy dower for his daughters. On the happy Chrismas Eve three girls went to bed early. They didn‘t know that their father was so worried. At last the Chrismas father decided to help them . He besprinkled gold through the stack and the gold fell into the socks of the man‘s daughters. They lived a happy life from then on… Chrismas socks was origined by this.



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Christmas in China is a symbol of happiness, sacred and meaningful, full of childlike; and Christmas in a foreign country is the new year, setting off firecrackers, wearing new clothes, Christmas everywhere. At Christmas time, make a wish, Santa rode the deer came to your side, give you a surprise.


Christmas steps more and more near, it is full Shandi to us said: "Merry Christmas!" every Christmas, it will send you a blessing, a gift, he is family.


When I was in grade two, I had a quarrel with my grandmother to buy me a bag, grandma said: "and so on, next year to buy you!" I am very disappointed, a person alone in the room secretly crying.


Christmas Eve, I watched the other children happily holding mom and dads hand, together to buy clothes, but I in the corner watching; some children and father enjoyable with his beloved gift of joy ran home, I still leaning in the corner watching.


Tears couldnt help do sth over and over again, and finally shed tears, I cried and ran home, nestled in the embrace of her heartily burst into tears, tired of crying my grandmother sings sleep song son, lulled me to sleep.


I seem to have a dream, dream of a tall figure out of the house. After 15 minutes, my grandmother holding a new bag for me, the more the more close to the......


Get out of bed in the morning, Xinxin ran opened his eyes and found cabinet really put a red schoolbag! This is a hallucination?? I rubbed my eyes, is really, I am happy and jumped up and down. This is the best gift I get for Christmas!



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My family bought a new goldfish. This goldfish can be beautiful! They are bulging on their heads, like wearing a big hat; eyes round bulging, but surprisingly small; lovely mouth a together, spit out a string of pearl-like blisters; body dressed in scales, in the sun Under the whole body glittering, swimming when a shake, like a wearing a gold armor, arrogant generals; lovely tail in the water like a blossoming transparent flowers, but also like a butterfly in the water dancing.

I watched them kept swimming in the water.Happy look, I am curious: these goldfish seems to never sleep like, not tired? How do not rest? In order to solve the doubts, I began a careful observation, and access to the relevant information: the original goldfish will sleep. Because they have no eyelids, so can only sleep with eyes open. If you see the goldfish in the rock crest in motionless, eyes do not turn, only the fish gill cover kept in a together, gently flip, in fact, is the goldfish in bed. But it is a shallow sleep state, so a movement, will wake up.

I finally know that the goldfish will sleep, and how to sleep, but also understand the truth: pay attention to all the knowledge!



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My dogs character is weird. Say it is gentle, it is really obedient. Let it lie there tease it to play, the United States and the United States looked at me, soon as not out. However, when it is eating, no matter who, that is, usually the best friend to its side will not work. It is so fierce, it is true ah, or how friends do not go to it around it? However, it came to see my grandfather will hide, for fear that grandfather see, because grandpa played it, it is so Gall bladder

If it is happy, can be cute than anyone else: turn around and turn around, the back of the tail shake to shake, as if you are affectionate. Or when you walk, rushed to your pants, let you stop walking.

It is a child can be pleasant to love! Just came to our house just full moon, the road is still bad, they learned to play their own. Walking around in the house, I do not know what to find, round little ass twisted, people laugh. Where is he beautiful, suddenly, hit the mans legs, back a few steps back, buttocks hit the wall again. Although it hit two, but it did not cry at all.

Then I do not know where to find a small ball, went to the yard to play. The small ball Diao Diao to go. It bite it all can not see the way.

I always like it and never say it. Look at it so lively and lively, not enough I like it, how could it be said?



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On Christmas morning, the children wake up very early. Some even turn on the light at two o‘clock, and most of them are awake by six o’clock although it is not light in England for another hour or two at this time of the year.

Children look for their presents , and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one o‘clock in the afternoon, the Christmas dinner is brought in . The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten . Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it . The rest of the day is full of games and eating until the happiest of all Christmas hollidays comes to an end.


