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1. To cherish the enviroment is to love ourselves.


2.Water is the source of ourlives


3.I make an urgent appeal that measures should be taken to cope with the situation


4.Our government is doing its best to take measures to fight against pollution.


5.We are sure that well win the battle.


6.Its high time that we should protect our enviroment from being polluted.


7. Keep our mountains green,the wate clean,and the sky blue.


8.However,natural resources are not inexhaustible.some reserves are already on the brink of exhaustion.


9.If we do something with no thought for the furture . The later generation would be in danger.


10.Our earths days are numbered without urgent help.


11(Sth.)are bound to generate severe consequences if we keep turning a blink eye to them.





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Traffic and Protecting Environment


2015年11月,全国中东部地区17省市持续雾霾,陷入大范围的重度和严重污染。造成这一现象的主要原因是工厂排出的废气和汽车尾气等。绿色低碳,保护环境,从我们身边小事做起。现请你根据以下三个方面的提示,以"Let’s Do Something to Save Our Environment"为题写一篇80词左右的短文。



Let’s Do Something to save Our Environment

We all live on the earth. The earth is our home. We have only one earth. We must take care of it. It gives us the best environment. If we harm it, it will be angry. And then we will have a terrible end. There are three problems in our earth, they are pollution, disaster and illness.

It’s our duty to protect our environment. So we must plant more trees, protect the flowers and the trees, save energy, reduce the pollution. We should ask our government to control the pollution from the factories.

Protecting the nature is very important. It’s our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy.

If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the earth will become much more beautiful.




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1、 提高环境意识,爱护花草树木,保护野生动物,维护公共设施,促进人与人、人与社会、人与自然的协调发展。

2、 保护鸟类保护野生动物维护生态平衡。

3、 鸟是害虫的天敌,鸟是人类的朋友。

4、 给它们一点爱,我们唯一的家园地球才更美好——保护野生动物,就是关爱人类自己。

5、 这世界上有一种鸟是没有腿的,它一辈子只停下来一次,那次就是它死去的时候。

6、 保护野生动物,就是关爱人类自己。

7、 保护野生动物,人与自然共存、保护野生动物,实现人与自然和谐共处!

8、 同一片天空,同一个家园。

9、 小鸟想回家了,你想回家吗?——关爱动物,关爱我们共同的世界。

10、 维护生态平衡,保护动物。

11、 保护野生动物就是保护人类自己!

12、 不要让我们的孩子只能在博物馆里才见到今天的动物。

13、 野生动物是人类的朋友!

14、 我怎么能因为蝎子有蜇人的天性就放弃我爱的天性呢?

15、 爱护动物光荣,虐待动物可耻。

16、 无数事实证明,人类与动物共存亡。

17、 保护野生动物,维护生态安全!

18、 动物是人类亲密的朋友,人类是动物信赖的伙伴。

19、 同在地球上,共享大自然!

20、 我喜欢山,因为山上的百鸟为生活鸣唱快乐;我喜欢海,因为海中的鱼虾为自然谱写生机;我喜欢动物,因为世间的万物为地球续写辉煌;世界动物日,爱护动物,愿地球更和谐!

21、 狮吼虎啸斑马跑,狼嚎豺叫鸡鸭逃。天鹅大雁火力鸟,深海鲸鱼浅礁豹。人类生活动物伴,精彩世界起舞跳。世界懂我保护日,保护动物好朋友,计划杀戮来繁育。

22、 如果世界没有了动物,虎啸猿啼只能到录音中寻找,鸟兽鱼虫只能在想象中看到。再也没有美味的佳肴,再也没有开心的欢笑,世界变得寂寞无聊。世界动物日,保护动物,刻不容缓!

23、 世界多么美妙,生态需要平衡。食物链互相制约,换来和谐一片。人类欲望贪婪,杀害动物万千。多少珍稀动物,眼看就要灭绝。奉劝盗猎之人,为了子孙后代。爱护动物生态,保护野生资源。世界动物日,还动物一个生存的空间!

24、 蝉鸣蛙叫,奏响快乐的乐曲;莺歌燕舞,拉开欢乐的序幕;鱼美虾肥,演绎自然的生机;世界动物日,爱护动物,让地球充满生机,愿家园更美丽!

25、 杀戮使部分动物濒临灭绝,美味使部分珍禽远离人类,享受是多少动物无路可逃,生态失去平衡人类朋友减少。世界动物保护日,保护动物人有责,爱护动物爱自己。

26、 田间的青蛙为你唱响快乐,林中的鸟儿为你舞动幸福,水里的鱼儿为你跃动吉祥,家里的萌宠为你演绎开心,世界动物日,爱护动物,愿你乐享生态平衡之美!

27、 世界之所以精彩有动物的舞动,地球之所以美丽有动物的功劳,生活之所以多彩有动物的伴随,人类之所以幸福有动物的添彩。世界动物保护日,保护人类朋友,愿你生活更美丽!

28、 蓝天因鸟儿的飞翔充满活力,溪流因鱼儿的跳跃更显生机,森林因虎豹的怒吼充满朝气,世界因动物的存在更加和谐。世界动物日,爱护动物,从身边做起!

29、 保护动物,与自然和谐、保护鸟类,保护野生动物,人人有责。

30、 不要让一切都成为记忆——保护动物,与自然和谐。

31、 关注候鸟,保护环境。

32、 同在蓝天下,人鸟共家园。

33、 爱鸟护鸟是人类的美德。

34、 保护野生动物,不打鸟,捉蛇,捉青蛙。

35、 爱护动物,珍惜生命。

36、 地球上没有动物,那是一个没有活力的世界。

37、 有了鸟儿,天空变得多彩;有了鱼儿,河流变得欢快;有了宠物,生活变得有趣;有了动物,地球变得富饶。世界动物日,爱护动物,从我做起!

38、 放弃贪婪的食欲,不再屠戮;放过弱小的生命,不再滥捕;放下嗜血的屠刀,不再滥杀。世界动物日,一起行动起来,保护动物,人人有责!

39、 鱼儿畅游在水中,鸟儿翱翔在蓝天,虎豹栖身于森林,它们的存在让世界更加活力非凡。没有了动物,我们将会多么孤单。世界的动物日,爱护动物,就是爱护我们的家园!

40、 鱼儿点缀了河流的生机,鸟儿舞动了天空的活力,动物演绎了大山的朝气,地球的美丽因有万物的存在,世界动物日,爱护动物,愿地球家园更繁荣!

41、 鸟儿的羽毛画着我们的未来,鱼儿的眼泪把我们的忧愁哭泣,海豚的歌唱伴我们的幸福,鳄鱼的游动决定我们发展的脚步。世界动物日,请爱护动物,一个家园注定要和谐共处,愿我们的自然轻松自在,和睦的春风把每一双眼睛吹拂。

42、 忙忙碌碌蚁搬家,慢慢腾腾蜗牛行。比翼双飞彩蝶舞,程鹏万里雄鹰翔。快马加鞭千里驹,看家护院牧羊犬。南来北往鸿雁飞,占山为王狮虎豹。世界动物日来到,保护动物人有责,和谐共处大自然,生活精彩更有趣。

43、 世界动物日,请放下“屠刀”,听听动物们的哭诉,你能否承诺,能否行动,爱及生灵,尊重生命,给予它们一个生存的权利,让我们一起去保护动物,善待动物,让人与动物和谐发展!

44、 学习长颈鹿的高瞻远瞩,学习大熊猫的憨厚可爱,学习小松鼠的动作敏捷,学习金丝猴的聪明灵活,学习牧羊犬的尽职尽责,学习北极熊的坚毅性格。动物是人类的朋友,也是人类学习的楷模,世界动物日,让我们爱自然,爱生活,爱护动物人人有责!

45、 不要小瞧动物,自然和谐有它们一份功劳,不要忽视动物,地球家园有它们一份领土,不要无视动物,生态平衡有它们一份苦劳,世界动物日,共同爱护动物,让万物共同维护地球家园的美好。

46、 蜈蚣蝎子最值钱,牛黄蛇胆钱也高。虎狼骨头治风寒,鹿茸鳖血保健康。鸽子斑鸠可补虚,獐子麝香气味扬。象牙筷子世无双,动物药品价更高。保护动物要重视,身体给养离不开。对人贡献不可忽,杜绝杀戮共生存。

47、 鸡鸭鱼虾滚下桌,乌龟王八爬上来。猪羊牛兔已过时,燕窝海参羡你眼。白鹭天鹅食桌餐,蚂蚁驱虫汤汁鲜。猴脑熊掌味更美,山珍海味尽情享。“世界动物保护日”严格控制捕杀猎,无辜滥杀能剩几,人人保护有责任。



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In our common home - the earth, life with a lot of animal, which animal do you like? Anyway, my favorite animal is our most loyal friend - a dog.

My favorite is my neighbors dog that Beijing BaGou yuan yuan and collie handsome. They play together every day, it is a good friend of a stick dozen not scattered, I also like them, they saw I was shaking his tail towards me.

Handsome shape tiger is big, the body is about more than 60 centimeters long. Two leg, capable to my shoulders, his eyes, nose, mouth, ears are much older than yuan yuan, I most like to see him running figure - curly float in the sky, like a nice horse. I often and yuan yuan, running with the handsome, every time is handsome first, second, I am the third round. Can literally, handsome running faster than thoroughbred horse. Average dog ran up, send out "clicking" sound, but handsome rans voice is very small, not carefully is inaudible. The appearance of the handsome run is also very handsome, curly, bow shaped body. If you want to use a word to describe talent, that is: handsome. If you use a word that was impeccable.

Compared with the handsome, round shape is much smaller, only 30 centimeters in length and a half smaller than talent. The meaning of his name from his eyes, it is too round. Like a shiny black stones. And his legs are very round and round this is name. And his legs are very short, so even if he runs, casting its foot also run fast, but I still like him very much the kind of simple and lovely.

This is what I like animals, do you like?



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my favourite animal

dolphin is my favourite animal.

it is one of the most precious animals. their bodies are very long, about one zhang(丈). dolphins live in the sea. they live on fish, shrimps and so on.

dolphins are very friendly and peaceful. they never attack people. instead, they have saved many people in danger in the past years. how helpful the dolphins are!

dolphins are very clever. people often train them so that they can give a dolphin show which brings people a lot of happiness and joy.

unluckily, the number of dolphins is getting smaller and smaller. because of water pollution, there is less and less space for dolphins. many people make money by hunting dolphins. if we don’t protect them, maybe we’ll lose our good friends one day. as a student, i hope more and more people should take action

s to protect dolphins.

my favourite animal

my favourite animal is tortoise. tortoise walk not fast. but i like the tortoise. why? because, tortoise is a cute animal. it have a short tail and a four short foot. it have a little head and a hard shell. they are forty-five little and cute tortoise in my home. they like to play in the water. when they afraid some thing. they wall run fast. they like to eat the fish. i often buy some small fish to them to eat. they can catch the fish fast. first, they fake(假) sleep. when the fish swim near they mouth. they catch the fish fast and bit the fish head. so, the fish die. they can eat the fish. in winter. they like to sleep in the sand. when they sleep, they don’t eat any food.because they wall hibernation. but, when they are thirsty. they come out of the sand. so, we must give water to them to drink.

i love the tortoise. i hate the eagle. because, the eagle often eat

the tortoise with it sharp mouth.my favourite animal is tortoise.



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Nowadays, with the improvement of the people’s living standard, some people form a habit of raising small or domestic animals as pets. Some raise small dogs or cats as their pets while others raise various birds or fishes as their pets. There are still even some people raising snakes and other unusual animals as their pets.

Does anyone have the same opinion of raising animals as pets? No, some people object to the idea of raising animals as pets. To them, animals have their own right to live a natural life like human beings. On the other hand, the way people raise animals as pets have a negative influence on the surroundings such as dogs’ barking at midnight, dogs’ chasing people on the street and so on. What’s more, some animals will transmit some diseases.

In my opinion, I do not like the idea to raise animals at pets. Animals have their own right to lead a life as they like. We should not deprive them of their natural right. In this way, we will live in a peaceful world in harmony with the other living creatures.







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Animals are mans most loyal friend, please dont hurt them.

I am particularly fond of small animals,. I think, they are mans most loyal friend. So, when I see others to dispose of animals, in the heart can not help but sad. My dream is to people and animals live in peace.

Now people are like to eat dog meat hot pot, I dont understand. A dogs life, it is to his own master, dont just because it is old, useless, and denied the value of its existence. This is not possible! People will also newborn puppies thrown into the lake, trash can, they are discarded, it is no good. Everyone has the right to existence significance and value, even if is a person, also not qualified to deprive their lives.

I have witnessed the cat after being hit by a car fly. The distorted face telling the pain of it. Its blood, viscera was hit from in vitro. Although the rain wash away the traces of blood, but every time I go there, mind will automatically jump out of the scene, think of the cat that broken beyond recognition, think about it before he died not look in the eyes...

Since then, I was in my heart silently vowed, to do their own efforts, to protect small animals, at least, dont let them innocent caused the death.

I think, in the future, I will set up a "happy family", there will be dedicated to adopt the stray animals, if the man willing to adopt, I will also be given to him. In this way, those who stray cat, stray dogs have a warm home. I will also for those precious endangered animal donations, not completely destroy them.

Perhaps, so I am very silly, very silly, but I am willing to do that silly to worry about in others eyes puny little animals.

If you also like me "stupid", let us firmly "silly". Because they are lovely.











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Mature, dynamic and honest. 思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。

A stable personality and high sense of responsibility. 个性稳重、具高度责任感。

Bright and aggressive. 反应快、有进取心。

Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。

Energetic, and fashionable 精力旺盛、思想新潮。

With a pleasant mature attitude. 开朗成熟。

Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality. 上进心强,为人可靠,身体健康,性格开朗。

Positive with bright mind. 头脑积极、灵活。

Elegant and with nice personality. 举止优雅、性格好。

Active, creative and innovative. 思想活跃、有首创和革新精神。

Strong determination to succeed.有获得成功的坚定决心。

Young, bright, energetic with strong career ambition.年轻、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。




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The earth is our common homeland, we will not be able to live without the earth, so we should protect our home, cant let those greedy people destroy the earth.

Due to the deforestation of people, from underground oil, coal, discharge of sewage, chemical plant, built the earth has been scarred, because the tree is his bones and muscles, underground oil is his blood, the coal is his insides, the earth must be very painful, very hate him sons and daughters, should treat him so, but people did a show of indifference, said: "the earth is not to provide us with resources, hearing this, I am very sympathetic to the earth, feel sad for the earth."

And better homes in my heart is like this: people living in wooden houses, the home use is very of environmental protection, the source of all is depend on the sun can, as long as the sun will have electricity, car is the solar energy, environmentally friendly, green city, the birds come here to live and work in peace and contentment, singing a happy song, people no longer deforestation, wont hurt the earth, all living a happy good life, also wont kill some innocent little animals, the earth saw it all, happy smile, his scar is finally good, again is a fresh world.

While people used to hurt the earth, but now most people realize his mistake, and the country will also from time to time to do a publicity, to remind people to protect the environment, to become a good citizen, if people correct mistakes, I think my homeland in my heart, can come true soon.







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Animals are humans good friends, we should take good care of them and protect them, but some people use them as toys and dishes...

First said the toys, many children, and even some adults, every time to buy a pet, such as cats, dogs, goldfish... At home, like toys play a trick on them, teasing, I want to say: the animal is also a life! They also have dignity! Also, to keep small animals if oversight, sometimes will make them sick, and even death.

Besides, dishes, many adults like to eat wild animals, like frogs, snakes... So, many animals are extinct! And also have a lot of harm to human body!!!! It is said that in 2003 "SARS" is caused by this! My sincere cautions: "please dont eat wild animals again!"

Also, many people especially love to eat frogs, so there are a lot of people to make money, cruel killing frogs to the vegetable market to buy... Do you in the killing of those who kill the frog, the frogs at the same time, have you ever thought, the frog is humans good friends, they can do to help farmers uncle catch insects, protect crops?

Animals are friends of human beings, to protect animals, please! To protect animals, everyone duty!








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My dad is a great mathematician, what questions are difficult to fail him, of course, everybody knows him. High bridge of the nose, with a black frame glasses, a look, and I knew he is a doctor. Today, he is a face of serious drop packing, he have what important thing? Find out just know, he was to go to see the teacher. I doubt asked my father: "what do you have a teacher?" Dad is patted me on the map, said: "these are the secret," "I asked dad took me to meet his teacher, father to consider for a moment, said:" ok." But you want to quietly, not nonsense... I promise all his request, we hit the road.

I thought that he would take me to which universities, however, we came to what I study in primary school and came to the class I attended a (3), at this moment, I finally met my dads teacher, the teacher is my math teacher, is my dad once the teacher. Teacher patted my dads shoulders, and said: "you over the years, achievements in mathematics is really great, we all are proud of you!" Father is modestly said: "I want to thank the teacher you, are you people I learned more knowledge."

At this moment, I realized, dad is a mathematician, but he also had a grade teacher.






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导语:关于环境保护英语作文怎么写?以下是小编精心为大家整理的有关关于环境保护的英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读。 关于环境保护的英语作文1

There are more high-rise apartment buildings built in the city we live to accommodate more city dwellers. To make room for these constructions, a large number of trees are cut down. We have to be constantly afflicted with the noise and air pollution everyday. Obviously, we are paying the cost of the development.

Even the most developed countries are troubled with environmental issues. In fact, the more developed the country is, the severer the problem has. To maintain our economy prosperity and stability, we have to be in full operations and spread the workload in industry fields. As a result, we may seek temporary economic development at the expense of the environment and resources. The consumption of natural resources has been a big problem. It is admitted that the world economy is booming with the satisfaction of environment. However, we have made a blunder by equating material prosperity with better living standards.

A better life should be a life closer to nature. The modern lifestyle is best characterized by hectic, mass-productive and seemingly comfortable. But actually something originally natural and invaluable has been lost. We are no longer able to breathe fresh air, take a walk in the woods or even look at the stars in the sky as the stars are obscured by smog and artificial lights.

Hence, we need to curb the quick tempo of life in order to protect our environment and ironically improve our life. Science and technology thus should be employed to create a harmonious relationship between mankind and nature. A better environment means much more than material comforts. Besides, by slowing down a little bit, our life would turn out to be less stressful. To have a better life, we need take effective measures right now.

The current environment damage stems from the misguided conception that material wealth is equivalent to a better life. In reality, environmental protection serves as the catalyst of our very pursuit of better life rather than a deterrent 关于环境保护的英语作文2

Many people believe that we have developed into a “throw-away society” which is filling with plastic bags and rubbish. What do you think?

Wind blows up bags higher and higher in the sky. It is a scary thought that some day the earth will turn into a huge garbage land. Wastes, if not treated properly, will make our life a living nightmare.

The environmental issue is getting worse almost every day in cities with very large population. As is often the case, city development outpaces environmental protection. People consume great amount of natural resources and produce wastes. To effectively address such problems, cities need to spend big money. In addition, they need to call to the attention of people to become more environmentally responsible.

Many people are becoming less responsible and easily influenced by bad behaviors. “Why should I care while others shouldn’t?” Such idea makes some people only concern with places where they live and work. Furthermore, people sometimes even purposely litter for revenge to other people.

Although media promotes environmental awareness, good people are often snubbed as posers who try to set up a superior image in real life. Consequently, they are intimated of receiving negative comments for doing the right thing. Wrong as it is, such phenomenon is widespread especially among youngsters and people with low income and little education.

However, our society is waging a campaign against environmental pollution. People learn the harms of un-degradable lunch boxes and other polluting wastes. Laws in many countries prohibit or limit excessive use of polluting bags. Companies are continually replacing the old materials with more environmental friendly and recyclable kinds. Scientists have developed more effective technologies in waste treatment. As time goes by, more and more people put high priority on the protection of environment for a healthier life.

To sum up, people produce huge amount of garbage and the environment is seriously polluted because of lack of financial resources, sense of responsibility, or efforts. But the world will not turn into a “throw away” society if people put in sufficient efforts to protect our environment



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Serious Floods

The Yangzte River is the longest river in China. And its important and helpful to us Chinese. But these days the Yangtze River is bringing us serious floods.

Many villages were destroyed by floods. The floods made hundreds of millions of people lose their homes, relatives and friends. Many children cant go to school as usual .Now the foods have drawn the attention of the whole world. People from abroad have offered their help too. In China, millions of soldiers are busy fighting against the floods. They are working very hard. Many of them have lost their lives in their attempt to save the villagers.

Though we cant help them to fight against floods, we should help them to rebuild their homeland. We can present them our pocketmoney and clothes. I believe most of the people will return to their homeland in the near future.







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I like a lot of animals, but my favorite animal is the panda. She comes from China, why did I love her? Because she is very cute, but she was very shy. Her body stout like bears, but the first round tail short, black and white fur and white head and body clear. She staple food of bamboo, but also addicted to love drinking water, most of the giant pandas homes are located near the water in streams, the nearest will be able to drink clear spring.



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On Saturday, I went to my grandparents house to play, entered my grandpa said to me: "home to a puppy." I ran quickly excitedly to the kennel.

This little guy is sleeping, I to control his feeling excited, could not help but to touch it by hand, but who knows, the puppy vigilance is so high, my hands touched it hair, it is all of a sudden I woke up to now. It eyes, big carefully look at me, as if to say: "who are you? How do I havent seen you?" I see, oh! Big round eyes, a small nose, cherry small mouth, not fat or thin face, and a pair of big ears and a air shook tail. In the summer it will lick up scattered cooling, is really a handsome boy!

After dinner, I also want to see this little one to eat, then took a piece of meat on the ground, I thought to myself, so delicious it must be very like it. But to his surprise, its just to smell the smell, and go to the side. I think, if it is afraid of being seen just refused to eat. Then, I hid behind the door, secretly observe it. Sure enough, little guys walking slowly in the past, and look at the then eat it with relish. It ate a piece of meat, I then from behind the door to come out and play with it. I threw a ball out of the distance, said to it: "help me to pick up the ball back!" It seemed to understand my words, kicking ran in the past, with his mouth put the ball has been sent to my side, and in this way, we are happy to play up.

My dog is so cute!







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