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You’ll soon be 84 years old,Dad, and you and I will have had 55 Father’s Days together. I haven’t always been with you on Father’s Day nor have I been with you for all of your birthdays. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to be with you. I’ve always been with you in my heart but sometimes life gets in the way.

今天我在商场的时候, 我读了好长时间的有关“父亲节”的贺卡。那些卡片上面的文字很特别,也或多或少地表达出了我对您的感受。我挑选读过一次后,又挑选读了一遍,但那并不是一张贺卡所能表达出我想对您说的话的。爸爸,很快您就要84岁了,您和我也将度过这第55个“父亲节”。“父亲节”的那天,我总是不能和您在一起,连您过生日的时候我也是这样,但这并不是因为我不想陪在您身边。其实,在我心里,我总是和您在一起。不过,有的时候,生活也会有差错。

You know, Dad, there was a time when we were not only separated by the generation gap but completely polarized by it. You stood on one side of the Great Divide and I on the other, father and daughter split apart by age and experience, opinions, hairstyles, cosmetics, clothing, curfews, music, and boys.

The Father-Daughter Duel of ’54 shifted into high gear when you taught me to drive the old Dodge and I decided I would drive the ‘54 Chevy whether you liked it or not. The police officer who escorted me home after you reported the Chevy stolen late one evening was too young to understand father-daughter politics and too old to have much tolerance for a snotty 16 year old. You were so decent about it, Dad, and I think that was probably what made it the worst night of my life.Our relationship improved immensely when I married a man you liked, and things really turned around when we begin making babies right and left. We didn’t have a television set, you know, and we had to entertain ourselves somehow. I didn’t know what to expect of you and Mom as grandparents but I didn’t have to wait long to find out. Those babies adored you then just as they adore you now. When I see you with all your grandchildren, I know you’ve given them the finest gift a grandparent can give. You’ve given them yourself.




在我嫁了一个您喜欢的女婿后,我们俩之间的关系才缓和了好多。后来,我们为了好好地生个孩子,就离开了,我们之间的那些事情也就结束了。这事您也知道,我们没有电视机看,我们就只好自娱自乐了。我不知道我还能对作为外公外婆的您和妈妈抱什么期望,但是,不要等到很久我就会找到答案。过去那些孩子热爱您,现在他们还像以前那样热爱您。当我看见您和您的外孙在一起的时候,我知道您都已经给了他们最好的礼物,您把心都掏给他们了。Somewhere along the line, the generation gap evaporated. Age separates us now and little else. We agree on most everything,

perhaps because we’ve learned there isn’t much worth disagreeing about. However, I would like to mention that fly fishing isn’t all you’ve cracked it up to be, Dad. You can say what you want about wrist action and stance and blah, blah, blah...

I’ve been happily drifting for a lot of years, Dad, and I didn’t see you getting older.

I suppose I saw us and our relationship as aging together, rather like a fine wine. Numbers never seemed important. But the oddest thing happened last week. I was at a stop sign and I watched as you turned the corner in your car. It didn’t immediately occur to me

that it was you because the man driving looked so elderly and fragile behind the wheel of that huge car. It was rather like a slap in the face delivered from out of nowhere. Perhaps I saw your age for the first time that day. Or maybe I saw my own.




Fifty years ago this spring we planted kohlrabi together in a garden in Charles City, Iowa.

I didn’t know then that I would remember that day for the rest of my life. This week, we’ll plant kohlrabi together again, perhaps for the last time but I hope not. I don’t understand why planting kohlrabi with you is so important to me but it is. And the funny thing about it is, well, I don’t know quite how to tell you this, Dad...I don’t even like kohlrabi...but I like planting it with you.I guess what I’m trying to say, Dad, is what every son and daughter wants to say to their Dad today. Honoring a Father on Father’s Day is about more than a Dad who brings home a paycheck, shares a dinner table, and attends school functions, graduations, and weddings. It isn’t even so much about kohlrabi, ’54 Chevrolets, and fly-fishing. It’s more about unconditionally loving children who are snotty and stubborn, who know everything and won’t listen to anyone. It’s about respect and sharing and acceptance and tolerance and

giving and taking. It’s about loving someone more than words can say,and it’s wishing that it never had to end.

I love you, Dad.


当时我也不知道我以后会怀念那一天。这一周,我们还要在一起栽苤蓝菜,这是第二次。也许,这是最后一次,可我并不希望那样。我不明白为什么我和您一起栽苤蓝菜我会感到很有意义,可事实上就有意义。而且,关于这个,有个有意思的事情,可我不知道该怎么和您说这事,爸爸?? 我不喜欢苤蓝菜??但是,我却喜欢和您一起栽苤蓝菜。






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炎炎夏日,火伞高张,热得我大汗淋漓,汗水像瀑布般流洩,一洩千里。蝉儿更是夸张,叫声震耳欲聋,叫得太阳火冒三丈、脸红脖子粗,叫得人们在盛夏里无所遁 形!但,一物剋一物,热辣辣的夏天,一定有个消暑秘方,大家都使出浑身解数,“对抗”夏天,现在就来说说我的消暑秘方——洗澡!

在球场上,如火如荼的球赛,双方互不相让,观众目不转睛的看着一颗球,东奔西跑、你争我夺。这个龙争虎斗的篮球赛,打得天昏地暗!打完后,每个人都满头大 汗、汗流浃背,头上都下了“大雨”呢!突然,天空乌云密布,好像一只巨大的飞龙,把太阳吞下肚一样,弹指之间,下了一场滂沱大雨。大雨一直下,使我们都变 成了“落汤鸡”!大家立刻快马加鞭,跑进车子里;一坐上车,爸爸眼明手快,他马上启动了引擎,踩下油门。车子在风雨交加之中行使着,快如闪电,开往回家的 路途上。

一转眼,回到家了,我健步如飞的冲进浴室,脱掉身上脏兮兮的衣服。“噜啦啦!噜啦啦!”“洗澡啰!”珠圆玉润的水滴,把我身上的藏污纳垢洗掉了,再加上肥 皂的帮忙,我的身体被洗得一干二净呢!浴室内,烟雾缭绕,缥缥缈秒,宛如人间仙境一般。在这此刻,我好像成坐着晶莹剔透的泡泡,无忧无虑、自由自在的飞到 了天堂,快活似神仙!这种消暑的畅快,真是无以言喻!

洗完澡后,感觉身体轻飘飘的,飘飘欲仙!这一个澡,刷掉了污垢,刷掉了悲伤;洗去了汗臭,洗去了烦恼,更洗去了盛夏的酷热,也好像把悲伤和烦恼,抛到了九 霄云外,真是清爽啊!所以在夏天里,我的最佳的消暑秘方就是在一场大汗淋漓的球赛后,洗一个痛痛快快的澡,这个消暑秘方,永远是我盛夏里,最廉价却是最畅 快的消暑好秘方。



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Summeris the second season in the year. in the northern hemisphere, summer goes from june to august. summer is the hottest season in the year. sometimes, the temperature reaches 40°c. many people can not stand such hot weather. so they always stay indoors. at night, people would go out for a walk. swimming is the most popular sport in summer. it brings cool to people.



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Childrens Day, is our most happy day; Childrens Day, we are most looking forward to the holiday; we ushered in today, we look forward to the holiday of the year. This years Childrens Day, I had a really happy ah!


In the afternoon, teacher Wang told us: the fourth grade students to go to the Childrens Day program, the voice did not fall, oh...... All our classmates are jumping up and out. To the next third of my class, we lined up, went to the multi function room happily.


About a little bit later, the show began. Wow! What a wonderful program! Organ, melodious dance, cheerful songs, comedy...... I love to see it is the comedy school, the young actors that funny words, interesting action makes us uproarious. You listen to the call, "planet Mars, planet Mars call, sister, the rest from what it is?" Ha ha ha......


When I got home in the evening, wow! My mother bought a beautiful dress for me, kaleidoscope patterns of skirt, Korean style white coat, I put on after really good-looking!


Today, I am happy and happy!




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OK, let me tell you something about my weekend.

I am going to do many things and be very busy on the weekend. So I do my homework on Saturday morning. In the afternoon, I am going to do housework with my mother. Because I am a good girl, I am helpful at home. On Sunday morning, I am going to visit my grandparents with my parents. In the afternoon, we are going to the park together. Because there is a kite show.

And my grandparents likes making kites. I think, we can see many beautiful kites there. And we are going to buy some beautiful kites, too. Then, we are going to fly the new kites, that’s fun. In the evening, we are going to have a big dinner. We are going to have fish for dinner. Because my grandparents likes eating fish. And my grandma cooks fish well. After dinner, we are going to watch TV together. We are going to be very happy.

This is my happy weekend. I like my weekend very much. What about your weekend? Can you tell me?




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Can you imagine the world full of crying and shouting, under the control of power, covered with darkness? However, it’s not just a joke I make, It is the veritable describe of a world without happiness and laugh. So, just be happy, spread sunshine all over the world.


If compare our life to a pie, our all emotions to all sorts of stuffing, what do you want to make the most part of the pie if you control the process of making the pie of life? Obviously, the majority of people will add happiness to the pie as many as possible. Do you know why? It’s just because happiness stands for sweet in most people’s mind, including me.


Don’t consider it just as a comparison. It is the reflection of what you want. Happiness is a flower living in the sunshine and it is not difficult to reach for it. We have a variety of emotions like blues, anger, fear, enthusiasm, happiness and all of them would naturally appear when something affects our feelings. So, if we can change our attitudes towards things in the world, we can surely adjust our emotion in a good state. It means that we can choose to be happy if we want, as long as we can comment on everything in a positive way.


You may have ever heard about that kind of story that a patient recovering from a serious disease because of his optimism. That’s not a wonder. We can also own happiness, can feel the power of it, and the key to happiness is just in our own hands.


If we can be happy, why not choose to be? Let’s try together to create a world filled up with smiling faces and sunshine.




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The tree have new,green leaver.Flowers is very lovely.Its hot in summer.We wear shorts ,T-shirt and sandals.In summer,I like swimming in the swimming pool,I wear a swimsuit and glasses.I like summer.





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Summer is a hot season.

Early in the morning, the hot sun baked the earth, not a cloud in the sky, there is no trace of wind, the trees will be in the blues, lazily stood there. Although the summer is very hot, but the fruits of many, I enter a garden, there is a grape fragrance first into my nose, I quickly went to the grapes frame, there are many kinds of grape, have black, red, green, purple, a string of it be like! Then a hint of peach cant help to float up, I went to the peach trees, peach pink dolphin like a lantern, still rosy, exudes a charming fragrance, let a person see the slobber waterfalls three thousand feet. I went to see the brightly coloured in watermelon watermelon there, big and round and full, if cut with a knife, then with his black and red flesh flesh, eat that delicious sweet watermelon, people lead a person to endless aftertastes.

There is a Lotus Pond in the orchard, the pool open open lotus lotus contests, like a lamp lamp stand gracefully erect in early puberty, some like a little girl, a gust of wind blowing, they are like the rise and dance in a happy mood in the breeze, a blossoming lotus leaf like an umbrella, the leaves are you next to me, I suffer you, dense, the pond covered with no trace of the gap looks like a green sea, beautiful!

I love summer, this beautiful season!







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ummer is the second season in a year. It is between spring and autumn. The sun of summer is the hottest;the water of summer is the warmest; the places of interests in summer are the most crowded throughout the world.

Firstly, summer is studentsthe most favourite season because their longest vacations of the year are in summer.Many of them try to enrich their social and healthy life by participating in a number of interesting outdoor activities,include of camping with friends and family members, going to the beach or swimming at public pools,traveling and sightseeing locally and nationally. However,some of them try to make good use of their vacations in gaining their working experiences in summer.Other students may try to improve their academic performance by going to their summer schools.

Secondly,summer is a pleasant season for all kinds of cold foods and juicy fruits.Ice cream is our all time favourite dessert.Yeh,I love ice cream so much.I have to eat some ice cream almost everyday in summer.There are a lot of fresh fruits selling everywhere. Watermelon is proudly rated to be the most demanding fruit in the season. All kinds of iced drinks are greatly demanded in summer.

Thirdly, summer is a hot season for trendy fashion. You will see many sexy and curvy babes in your neighbourhood, on the beach,shopping malls, everywhere in your eyes.Hehe.All of my girlfriends and I like to wear as less as we wish in the summer.I like to wear shorts and t-shirts all the time.Dont forget to carrry your sunglasses and put on sun tan lotions before going outdoor.

All in all, I love summer very much! You should start practicing your English from now on.As a 15 years old boy, I am more than willing to practice my English with every opportunity which I have come across. Last and certainly not least,I am very happy to help you with this work.I have learnt a lot!



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Summeris a hot season.


Early in the morning, the hot sun baked the earth, not a cloud in the sky, there is no trace of wind, the trees will be in the blues, lazily stood there. Although the summer is very hot, but the fruits of many, I enter a garden, there is a grape fragrance first into my nose, I quickly went to the grapes frame, there are many kinds of grape, have black, red, green, purple, a string of it be like! Then a hint of peach cant help to float up, I went to the peach trees, peach pink dolphin like a lantern, still rosy, exudes a charming fragrance, let a person see the slobber waterfalls three thousand feet. I went to see the brightly coloured in watermelon watermelon there, big and round and full, if cut with a knife, then with his black and red flesh flesh, eat that delicious sweet watermelon, people lead a person to endless aftertastes.


There is a Lotus Pond in the orchard, the pool open open lotus lotus contests, like a lamp lamp stand gracefully erect in early puberty, some like a little girl, a gust of wind blowing, they are like the rise and dance in a happy mood in the breeze, a blossoming lotus leaf like an umbrella, the leaves are you next to me, I suffer you, dense, the pond covered with no trace of the gap looks like a green sea, beautiful!


I love summer, this beautiful season!



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Part ofthe pleasure of reading

Reading,letevery day Ispentan interesting andhappytimes,and not asyouimagineddull as ditch water,let mefeel a kind ofunique joy!

"Books of human nutrition".Read a good bookthanoverten good friends.Every nightafter work,I took out thebooks they like,justeat with appetitelooks.Reading,let melearn a lot of knowledge,worry,quietlyreading a book,let theheart troubles,withreading timeslipped away;when happy,happyreading a book,let his moodmore cheerful.Readingmakes mefeel a kind ofunique!Maybesome people would say:"of yourspare timewithout a breakah,haveread a Book?"Then I tell you:"dontplay computer games,watch TVis rest,reading is also agoodrest way!"In the reading ofthe human brain andthe body willhave a good rest,readingwithout too manydistracting thoughts,just know,what is good,what is bad,whatto do,what notto do.As long asa little timeevery day weout ofreading,thevision and knowledge.You will beimproved,and the timewill not bewasted,because I think,a waste of timeis the mostregretthing in life.

So,let us act together now,pick up your book,together to findthe uniquepleasurein reading!







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I most like the season, give you a hint: frogs croak, children jump, the cicada cried, people sleep in the room, you guessed the answer? The answer is: summer.


In summer, the willows bent, long out of the countless green hair, the lotus pond you next to me, I close to you, like a large green disc, the flowers come out in the lotus, some only two or three leaves, like a shy little girl, some are fully opened, like a stand gracefully erect girl, theres still Huagu duo, fullness too soon to be broken. A gust of wind blowing, the lotus was blown to rise and dance in a happy mood, like a beautiful girl like dancing. The grass not expose to wind and rain, erect, like a guard to keep.


There are many delicious summer. Summer is very hot, so the most pleasant thing is to eat watermelon. Bought a watermelon, placed in the refrigerator to cool, then cut open, you can eat delicious ice cream taste, there are many, there is a watermelon flavor, strawberry flavor, milk flavor and so on. Summer is the best to eat a cup of iced cake agar, can eat.


To the swimming pool swimming is fun. After the water you will feel cold. I began to swim hand; cross, with close, turn, push forward, clip. Can also go to the beach barbecue, pick up some shells.


I love this can eat, look at the scenery, fun summer!



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I love summer very much. In summer its hot and sometimes its rainy. People wear T-shirts shorts and sunglasses. Girls love to wear dresses and skirts.

I love swimming in summer. So I always go swimming with my parents in the sea. Sometimes I like to play basketball on the playground with my friends if its not very hot.

My favourite food in summer is ice-cream. Its very cold and sweet. Its delicious for me in summer.

Wow summer is really my favourite season!








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I have a great time during the winter holiday, because I enjoy myself as well as focus on my study. As its known to all, the Spring Festival is the most important in winter holiday that would occupy much time to celebrate it. Therefore, I finished my homework first, so that it won’t bother my enjoyment during the festival. I finished my home work in one week. And I went shopping with my parents. We bought a lot of things, especially snacks and fruits. Then, it was the Spring Festival. We had a big dinner on the New Year’s Eve. My parents prepared the big dinner and I could only act as assistant. The dinner was so delicious that I ate so full. In the next several days, my parents and I visited our relatives and friends or they visited us. Sometimes, we went out for fun together. We children were always the most excited. Now, holiday is coming to the end and I will go to school soon. I am so happy that I have a wonderful winter holiday.
