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dear dad,

its so late, almost 11:00 at night. have you entered into the sweet dream yet? i havent seen you for a long time. i miss you so much. can you hear my sincere words? maybe youll never know i miss you so much!

do you still remember the happy days when we were all together? during those days we were full of sunshine. you and mum often took brother and me to the park. we always saw the ice-cream tear. sometimes, you stayed at home and cooked some delicious food for us. we often waited for you and played with you. you could lift me very high. we always had a good time. you also concerned about my lesson. but you have never chastised me and lectured me. you were full of thoughts for me. whats more, you were my best father in my heart. you were the envy of my friends. i was happy for a long time.but now, all things have changed. you cant take care of me. you arent at home all day. sometimes, i go to bed late, but i still cant see you. are you busy? no! you often play cards with your work friends in the factory. so you cant go back home early. im angry to hear that! do you know? if you dont come back, well worry about you. i often see you and mum should divorce in my dream. im very scared, because i want to have a happy family. i cant control my tears and often suffer from insomnia the whole night.

dad, i want to see you and talk with you. but i have no courage to tell you. but i hope you can care our family. dad! could you hear my voice?

hope you keep healthy and best wishes.

your lovely daughter





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dear linda,

welcome to our school for a visit. i am very glad to tell you how to get to our school. here is the route. when you walk out of the station, please turn left, walk ahead and pass a crossing. you should walk ahead till the first traffic light and turn right. then you will find a park on your left side. walk aling the street and pass the park. then you will see a bank. opposite the bank is a narrow lane. just go into the lane and walk about 100 meters, and you are sure to get to our school gate, at which the board reads no. 1 middle school in both chinese and english.


li ming



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My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak.With her eyes,she observed my mood,gave me courage and made me strong.Therefore,I could face difficulties.

When I was a baby learning to walk,my mother always lent me a hand and encouraged me to get up while I fell down.

As I finally threw myself into her arms,her eyes smiled with praise.Later as I grew up,I met with more difficulties.But whenever I was frustrated,my mothers eyes always gave me hope and encouragement.Once I failed in exams,my mother encouraged me to find out the reasons.

Instead of blaming me she pushed me to do better.At last I overcame the difficulty.Now I have grown up and become more independent,but whenever I come across setbacks,my mothers eyes are always with me encouraging me wherever I go.



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Euston UK LTD



28th September, 1996

Ref: PVH/ltj

Jason & Son Ltd.

Parkside Manor



Dear sir:

Thank you for your letter of 20 September, requesting a reference for Clairish Computers Ltd. The answers to your questions are as follows:

1. We have employed Clairish Computers Ltd. since January 1995.

2. Clairish Computers has helped our company rectify a new computer system that had been badly installed by another firm of consultants. It has drawn up a system specification for a replacement system and has chosen appropriate hardware.

3. We did not select Clairish Computers from several candidates.

4. We were not first time computer users.

5. Our first system is working satisfactorily. The replacement system is still too new to comment on.

6. We are satisfied with the work of Clairish Computers. The various stages were completed on time, and the charges agreed with the quotes.

7. There was continuity of staff at Clairish Computers. Ian Baird managed the work, which was carried out by Alex Johnston and James MacReady.

8. The staff training was effectively carried out.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Haddon, Director



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1. 亲爱的早上好啊,送你清新的问候,温馨的祝福,清晨,美好的开始,祝你今天精神棒棒,活力多多,心情好好,一切都好!

2. 早上好,一束阳光照在身,祝你天天都开心,财神家中去,梦想变成真,今天中大奖,明天去上任,朋友的祝福全都是真心。

3. 找点空闲,找点时间,叫上朋友多出去走走。带上笑容,带上祝愿,发条短信给真心的朋友。时间常有朋友不常有,用常有的时间祝不常有的朋友,快乐常有!早上好!

4. 如果能幻化成一片雪花,我愿轻轻落到您的身上慢慢融化悄悄祝福,愿我的温柔能化解您的疲惫,愿我的晶莹能过滤您的思绪,早上好!

5. 一周的忙碌,真挚的祝福,愿消除你连日的疲劳;周末来临,愿你保持愉快的心情,快活到老!借着愉快的时光,友情爱情多加强,目标方式要明朗,过错责任要勇扛。

6. 一年之计在于春,一天之计在于辰。愿你在早晨起床后心境好好,胃口棒棒,福运佳佳,笑口开开,早上好!

7. 一二三四五,又到星期五;快乐在招手,轻松展笑颜;挥别忧与烦,迎来好时光;告别工作苦,开心过周末。愿君周末愉快,惬意逍遥!

8. 阳光照得到的地方就有我给你的祝福,雨水淋得到的地方就有我给你的问候,短信能到达的地方就有我可爱的朋友,早上好!祝你天天开心,快乐永远!

9. 小时侯,幸福是一件东西,拥有就幸福;长大后,幸福是一个目标,达到就幸福;成熟后,发现幸福原来是一种心态,领悟就幸福。早安。

10. 喜好一种声响,是和风吹落露水,赏识一幅景色,是明月装点星空;沉醉一种气味,是幽兰洋溢空谷;祝愿一位伴侣,是笑看短信的你。早上好!

11. 雾气蒙蒙,迷蒙了我的眼,玻璃不再是原先的透明。群山幢幢,遮挡了我的眼,距离不再是原先的遥远。想你在每一个寂静的夜,愿你幸福平安。

12. 五天的拼搏为梦想,周末的暂停找希望,盲从的追求容易过了头,莫忘记休息的重要;多给自己点反思和停留,贴心的关怀,送你保持心情舒畅。

13. 我将派一个窈窕美女来陪你。你想把她怎样就怎样,但你要小心,因为她全身都是。。。黑色的。记好了,她名叫星期五。黑色星期五,快乐莫停步。

14. 我把快乐分成两份,一份给你,一份留给自已;我把快乐分成许多份,所以的朋友都送给一份,最大的一份还是给你,因为你是我最好的朋友,祝你天天快乐。

15. 清晨的美好就如青草般芳香,如河溪般清澈,如玻璃般透明,如甘露般香甜。亲爱的朋友,早上好,愿你今天有个好心情!

16. 睡去昨天的疲惫,忘却昨天的烦恼,睁开今天的双眼,打开今天的美好。早上好,愿我的问候如清凉的清晨般滋润你!

17. 虽然忙碌将问候落下,尽管岁月将往事推远,但每一次回首,每一次驻足,每一次想起你,心便温馨怡然,愿我的祝福伴你时时刻刻,愿你今天有个好心情!

18. 早上好!感谢你陪我走过每一个日子,愿有我的日子你每天都精彩,每步都平安,每刻都快乐,每分都如意,每秒都幸福。

19. 早上好!愿你今天有个好心情!该起来了,不要再睡了,每天都要努力啊这世界没人会帮你。切记!我只能帮你的就是叫你起床。

20. 早上好,吃饭了吗,没吃的话,送你一盘鸭,吃了会想家;还有一碟菜,天天有人爱;配上一羹汤,一生永健康;再来一杯酒,幸福会长久;另加一碗饭,爱情永相伴。

21. 早上好,闹铃在吵,喜鹊在叫,你在笑,我在祈祷:愿你天天没烦恼!愿你永保青春不显老!

22. 听说你最近成了工作狂,起早贪黑使劲忙,为了汽车和楼房,就像子弹上了堂,今日周五了,可你就不能让那子弹多飞一会儿?人这辈子除了工作还有朋友,有空常联系。

23. 天亮了吧,闹铃响了吧,极不情愿地起床了吧,我的问候及时赶到了吧,高兴了吧,那就笑笑吧。早安,祝你好心情!

24. 这是一条独一无二的健康快乐好运短信,装着我的问候,真诚的祝福溜到了你手机,祝你天天快乐!查收后请发给心里惦记的朋友,别自个儿独吞哦。

25. 如果你看到了面前的阴影,请不要害怕,那是因为你的背后还有阳光。亲,早安~

26. 粉红的朝霞,贴上了窗花。剪醒了幽梦,灿烂了笑靥。给心一个梳妆,精神更抖擞;把心交给希望,心大天地就大。早安,朋友!

27. ^o^现在过的每一天,都是我们余下生命中最年轻的一天。愿你珍惜现在,早安!

28. 每天试着用希望迎接朝霞,用笑声送走余辉,用快乐涂满每个夜晚。那么,我们的每一天将会生活得更充实。早安,新的一天!

29. 白天不论再忙,夜晚也是要睡的;工作不论再烦,休息也是必须的;无论心里有多少千头万绪,亲,记住,咱没有过不去的坎儿,休息好了什么都可以搞定!好好睡觉,一会儿我让周公帮我检查!

30. 连起床这么艰难的事你都做到了,接下来的一天还有什么能难倒你!加油!早安哦~

31. 世界上最棒的事是,每天早上醒来又是崭新的一天,完全免费,永不断货。祝你早上愉快!

32. 早晨的最大好处,是让我们知道今天能从头开始。早安~

33. 暖暖的阳光照,柔柔的轻风笑,绵绵的岁月长,真真的祝福到。朋友,早安,愿你把好运交,永远没烦恼,快乐日子妙,幸福跑不了!

34. 点播你热爱的口味搭配健康的早餐,收藏你欣赏的自信拥抱新的一天,然后用微笑带上门,出发,开始美丽,早上好。

35. 天气在变,思念不变;季节在变,关怀不变;岁月在变,问候不变;距离在变,友情不变。不管世界怎么变,对你的祝福始终不变。天气转冷注意保暖哦!不管你有多忙,朋友,早安!记得:添一件衣服,添一份温暖,添一份快乐!

36. ^o^每天都要打扮得能怎么漂亮就怎么漂亮才出门,因为你永远不知道今天会遇见谁。漂亮如果有秘诀,那就是:狠狠宠爱自己 !早安

37. 秋意浓,降温了,发你一条短信,给你问候,像秋雨一样,滋润你的心田;给你关怀,像秋日一样,温暖你的心房。愿烦恼,像秋风一样,一吹而过;忧愁,像落叶一样,一扫而空;愿好运时时刻刻将你围绕,幸福分分秒秒与你拥抱。朋友,早安,天凉别忘添衣裳!

38. 每天去寻找一件美丽的事,好比盛夏酷暑里寻找一片荫凉,使人神清气爽;又像冬日里一抹阳光,让人倍觉温暖和力量。你期望快乐,便会找到快乐,你寻找什么,便会发现什么,这是人生的基本法则。早安,朋友,愿你天天都拥有阳光灿烂美丽心情。

39. ^o^感动,是因为有人惦记;幸福,是因为有人可想;满足,是因为彼此默契。无论你在哪里,我都深深祝福你:有我的祝福陪伴,你定会开开心心!早安!

40. ^o^什么都想要,什么都失掉。若是握不住的沙,那就干脆扬了它,为自己的生活减轻负担,晚安。

41. 【早轻松一刻】儿子贪玩,把电视机给拆了。父亲没当场发火,而是慢悠悠地说:你若安好,便是晴天;你若安不好,便是晴天-霹雳。

42. 一双手,把人生的风雨撑起;一颗心,把情感的厚度浸透;一声问候,把受伤的心灵抚慰;一条短信,把我的祝福传送:早上好!

43. 曾经输掉的东西,只要你想,就一定可以再一点一点赢回来!如果你想收获更多,那就从这个清晨开始努力吧!早安!

44. 真诚的祝愿带给远方的你,愿你事事顺心,快乐相随在我心灵的百花园里,采集金色的鲜花,我把最鲜艳的一朵给你,作为我对你的问候。

45. 世上有这一类事,不知情反而更好。知道了真相,反倒会伤害你。而且,一旦知道了真相,就得对它承担起责任。愿有一天好心情!

46. 曾经有许多地方,许多食物,许多气味,是不可以回忆的。一挨着就会有隐痛,眼睛会胀,会发怔。而如今却像隔着玻璃匣子看它们,觉得有情,依然是美的。早上好!

47. 把窗户开启,让室内空气清新;把文件打开,罗列工作的清单;把心情放松,追逐平淡和安宁;把关怀传递,送上温馨祝福。好友送祝福,愿你上班开心!

48. 一个人,如果没有经受过投入和用力的痛楚,又怎么会明白决绝之后的海阔天空。祝福你今日心情愉快!

49. 生活和做梦是同一本书的两种读法,按顺序阅读是生活,随便翻阅是做梦。愿你有美好的一天!

50. 别总想着票子,别太看重位子,别撕不开面子,别放不下架子,别老装孙子,保护好你的胃子,爱护好你的身子,过好你的日子,愿你开心一辈子。早安!

51. 我们不能总是生活在自己的想象之中,不能虚幻地设想如果自己去做某一件事一定会比别人做得好。更重要的是把思想转化为行动,一步一步地去接近目标。早安!

52. 不要太把一个人放在心上,因为在那个人的心里你或许什么都不是。做自己做自己的梦,去自己想去的地方,做自己想做的人,因为生命只有一次。人和人之间的距离,太近了会扎人,太远了会伤人。

53. 愿意放弃才不会苦,适度知足才不会悔;记住感恩才不会怨,懂得珍惜才不会愧。人生,在心淡中求满足,在尽责中求心安,在奉献中求快乐,在忠诚中求幸福。早安!

54. 不要因为害怕被玫瑰刺伤,而不敢去摘玫瑰。不要因为害怕情感被伤害,就不敢求一次真爱。就像不能因为害怕摔倒而拒绝走路一样,人的一生就是因为经历不断的挫折而不断成长的。早上好!

55. 人生往往这样,你以为的希望,其实是让你陷得更深的绝望;而你认为无尽的绝望,在一拐角却满眼希望。早上好!

56. 用阳光照耀你,用香花温馨你;用好运装点你,用微笑美丽你;用美酒陶醉你,用幸福祝福你。朋友,早安,祝:平安健康黏着你,幸福快乐永伴你。

57. 一条美丽的祝福短信,一串美丽的真情字符;一声真诚的贴心问候,一声真诚的相思祝福;一段温馨的甜美话语,一段温馨的至深关怀;一份真挚的友情牵挂,一份真挚的至诚惦念;一条祝福短信,愿你上班心情美丽!

58. 有人没有?我是回收站的。收一份麻烦给你两份好心情,收一份痛苦换给你一生幸福。一份忧愁换给你十分快乐。一种伤病换给你一身健康。换完就走!

59. 热水泡茶叶成浓香,因为温度;朋友牵挂联系成习惯,因为真诚;短信祝福你开心一笑,因为感情;短信传情,早上好!愿你快乐快乐每天!

60. 变化是永恒的主题,不变是相对的定义。节气在变,从寒露到霜降,从小雪到大雪,不变的是依然的牵挂。早上好!愿你快乐幸福每一天!

61. 心底有个朋友心情就会飞翔,心中要个希望笑容就会清爽。人生有个缘分梦想就会绵长,平常有个问候幸福就会起航。

62. 喜欢一种声音,是微风吹落露珠,欣赏一幅风景,是明月点缀星空;陶醉一种气息,是幽兰弥漫空谷;祝福一位朋友,是笑看短信的你。早上好!



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The thankful great universe provides the environment of existence for us

and give us sunlight, air, water and everything in keeping with us existence of

space, bring storm to let us accept to toughen for us, bring to us mysterious

let us look for. The thankful parents give us the life, make us feel the

merriment of the human life, feel the genuine feeling of the human life, feel

the comity of the human life, feel happiness of the human life, also feel

hardships and pain and sufferings of the human life! The thankful teacher works

with diligence and without fatigue everyday of teach, give us knowledge ability,

and put on the wing which flies toward the ideal for us. The thankful classmate

and friend grow up with us and let us no longer stand alone in the itinerary of

life. The thankful our country provides us with free books, dormitory and food.

Whenever it is, we should keep a thankful heart towards everything existed. Only

thus, can we become a useful man.



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“苹果!苹果!我是灯笼,我们可以成为朋友吗?”“我们俩有相同相似的地方吗?”灯笼笑着说:“有啊!你看我们的形状、颜色都很像啊。” “那好吧!让我们成为朋友。”苹果和灯笼结成了好朋友。你看:秋天来了,苹果熟了,苹果像小灯笼一样,高高的挂在树枝上。灯笼苹果在树枝上约会啦!真好玩!真有意思。







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Dear Sir,

I am working on a new project which is called A Survey of New Industry in

the Maywood District. According to the design of our district, we need

information about firms that have recently moved into this area. Your firm is

one of the largest of these, so I shall be very grateful if you can spare the

time to help me.

Three points are specially important to the project. The first one is the

training schemes for school leavers. The second one is about the transport

arrangements to overcome poor road and rail links in this district. The third is

the plans for expansion.

Any other information will be useful, but those points are the ones with

which I most need your help.

I am enclosing an information form for you to fill in. I hope you can post

it to us as soon as possible. I apologize for adding to your work with this

request, but I do hope that you will feel able to assist me.

I would be most grateful for your favorable consideration of this


Yours faithfully,

Mary Spencer



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Last summer holiday, I went to Beijing for a week. The first day when I took off at the capital airport , it gave me the first feeling was cleanand tidy. The people in Beijing were very friendly. T he second day, I visited Beijing city. I went to the WangFujing Ave , I tasted many famous snacksand Beijing Roast Duck, they are very delicious. I also went to the XinDongfang square, it was a very big shopping mall, it took me about half an hour to walk between two doors. I can saw many famous brands: Cucci, Chanel, Rolex, Seiko, even the new Audi cars. It made me really want to stay in Beijing .The third day I visited the Tian’anmen Square, and it’s very beautiful. And the Chang’an Ave is wide ,straight and clean. The forth day, I went to the Forbidden City. It made me felt the emperor ’ s royal mausoleum was very luxury. The fifth day I went to the Summer Palace, I went boating there. The sixth day, I visited the Great Wall, it’s very terrific, this great architectural complex told us how clever the Chinese people are ! T he last day, I visited the Beijing University ----one of the topest universities of China . There are many famous people were graduated t here.

That’s a happy travel. In the future, I want to visit many countries. This is my dream.



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Dear leaders and fellow students,

Everybody is good!

It is my great honor to stand here and participate in the election of the monitor. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you for your support. First of all, I would like to introduce myself to you: my name is tao league. As a freshman at the university, I am one of the leaders of the department of health.

As a child, my father once said to me: do things with your feet on the ground and do them one step at a time. Therefore, I went from a middle school student to the first year of the university to enter this sacred place, I deeply feel the opportunity is hard-won, need to cherish. It is this power that makes me feel confident when I stand here.

Of course, it is not enough to have confidence, but also to have certain ability. From childhood, I will not be able to plan activities independently. I will never come to the meeting, from bad to good, and I will complete each work with confidence and modesty.

In middle school, I served as monitor and President of the student union. At work, I consciously cultivate my ability of cooperation and coordination, can I have a sincere cooperation with others, and to coordinate the relationship between the good students, dare to bold to bad behavior management, never soft, therefore, won the praise of teachers and students. I often look at our class cadres from the perspective of my classmates. Talk with your classmates on Saturdays and Sundays. Learn about their personalities, thoughts and hobbies, listen to their voices, and listen to their Suggestions and opinions. I always try to organize activities from their point of view, so the class activities are always in full swing. But "man to err, to err is human." and I also made a mistake, but I dare to face their own errors, from the students and the teachers help humbly accept criticism, and correct the mistake, and never allowing yourself to fall for the second time in the same place.

Im running here today. I hope to become school leaders and students in our class between the bridge of the mind, as a bond between teachers and students, and become a real service for students, the students really love it, also want to exercise their abilities, give yourself a stage to show ability. Compared with others, I feel I have more self-confidence, because I am an unyielding person, I have a real sense of responsibility and enthusiasm for our class. Of course, if I am not elected, I will work as hard as I can and will do better to support the work of the new presidium. Because I love this group, because of love, I will do my best. If I am lucky enough to be elected, I will draw lessons from the previous and the experience of the presidium, further carry forward the glorious tradition of the he, seeking truth from facts of service for students, and will work with the young students, the unity cooperation, advancing with The Times, bold reform, give full play to our proper role in our class, let it become a veritable group.

Finally, I sincerely hope that you can believe me, support me and give me this opportunity to demonstrate my ability.

I will paint a beautiful blueprint for the college campus tomorrow, in which I will spend the spring sweat in our sky. Im sure our class will be better tomorrow...



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1、Heaven revolves, the gentleman to unremitting self-improvement. —— Wen Tianxiang


2、As long as the continuous efforts, unremitting struggle, there is no things that can not be conquered.—— Seneca


3、Once you choose your way of life, be brave to stick it out and never return.—— Zola


4、No patient who, who has no wisdom.—— he di


5、It is dogged does it. The days of easy, but careless people. —— Yuan Mei


6、Poor and stronger, not falling Albatron ambition. —— Wang Bo


7、We should have the perseverance, must have the self-confidence especially! We must believe, our talent is used to do something. —— Mrs. Curie


8、Determined to not firm, with nothing.—— Zhu Xi


9、One day, the ten day of ten money, money. Little strokes fell great oaks. Dripping water wears through a stone.


10、Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.


11、Don’t lose faith, as long as the unremittingly, you will get some fruits. —— Tsien Hsueshen


12、With strong will, is equivalent to the feet to a pair of wings.—— Bailey


13、Rome wasn’t built in one day.


14、Persistence will enable us to succeed, and perseverance of the source is to do not waver in the least, we should take to achieve the necessary means to success.—— Chernyshevsky


15、Daily good, not afraid of thousands of miles; often do, not do things.


16、Once they start they can always continue to cause people is happy.—— Herzen


17、Although patience and persistence is a painful thing, but it can gradually bring you good.—— Ovid


18、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.


19、People lack the willpower, rather than strength.—— Hugo


20、No human can repel a firm hope.—— Kingsley




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The Spring Festival, Chinese New Year, the most important festival for all of us. All family members get together on New YearEve to have a big meal.At the same time, everyone celebrates to each other.At about 12 oclock,some parents and children light crackers.The whole sky  lighted brightly. We may watch the fireworks excitedly.How busy it !

On the first early moring of one year, many senior citizen get up early and they stick the reversed Fu or hang some couplets on the front door. Some houses windows are sticked on red paper cutlings.

The Chinese New Year lasts fifteen days. So during the fifteen days, we always vit our relatives from door to door. At that time, children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents,grandparents, uncles, aunts and so on. The last day of the Chinese New Year  another festival.

When it comes to the Lantern Festival, it means the end of the Spring Festival.



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Talking of examinations,I feel that they are one of the important activities in school life.Since the first day I went to school,I have had to deal with them almost every day.All through my secondary school days,I have gone through al kinds of exams,entrance exams,tests,quizzes and so on. I have tasted the flavour of happiness,sadness and laughter.

Before every exam,there is always a certain time for me to suffer.The world before me seems to be sad and gloomy.I feel that all my books are disgusting.During examinations,I am always like a computer.I try hard to squeeze out every piece of information to answer my questions.A machine has no feelings,but I am nervous,my heart beats hard.

After the swesty battle,the world seems to be bright again.A disaster is over.I become lively again,and begin to discuss every problem with my classmates.

[An Experience in Examination考试感受英文作文



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Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?"

"I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered.

"Youre a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?"

"She is the one who sells the candy."


好孩子 小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。


"我给了一个可怜的老太婆,"他回答说。 "你真是个好孩子,"妈妈骄傲地说。"再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?"




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五、请假条请假条要说明请假的原因和请假的期限。Sick leave 病假



Dear Sir or Madam:

Dear Mr Li/Miss Li/Mrs Li,

I beg to apply for two days’ leave/a week’s leave/7 days’ leave of absence (请假) from the 7th to 8th of this week. Because I was ill, I want to return/go home to see the doctor.

To support my application, I herewith/enclose the sick leave certificate.

? I should be very much obliged if you will grant me my application. As regards the lesson to be missed during my absence, I will do my best to make them up as soon as I get back from leave.

Yours respectfully,

Li Min


Dear Ms Wang,

I beg to apply for seven days’ leave /one week’s leave of absence from the 4th to 10th of this month. Because my father is seriously ill now, so I want to return home to see him.

To support my application, I enclose the fax my sister sent. Yours respectfully, Li Fei



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Dear Ms. Fu,


I would like you to know that I appreciate the help and support you gave to

me when I was in junior high school. I enjoyed being taught by you immensely.

You are an excellent teacher and inspired me to continue learning with an open

and positive mind.


I would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to you for teaching me what

is responsibility. You helped me how to find the best place for myself and look

for the personal values. I remember you gave me a book as a present of the

Spring Festival. You are the first teacher who gave me a present which I was

moved for a long time.


I would further say that you gave me so good memories that I wish I could

go back to that time again. It was you who encouraged me to overcome obstacles.

It was you who cared about my emotions. I appreciate all you have done for me,

which meant so much to me. I hope that this letter brings my best wishes to you

and I once again thank you for giving me those precious memories of my life,

which I shall cherish forever.


Sincerely yours,




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Write down the topic, I think is common and popular. But the thought of the teacher at ordinary times dribs and drabs love to me, and I was deeply moved by the selfless love. In our long life road, the teacher is like a crutch, the teacher will help us when we are in trouble; When we meet with setbacks, but also the teacher to comfort and encourage us.

To remember a summer afternoon, the teacher to teach us, we the class are listless, the teacher didnt criticize us, but lets make the game, it is active classroom atmosphere. Teacher sitting next to correcting our homework, and watch us play with a smile. At the end of the game, the teacher kindly ask us: "you know why I let you play a game?" Shocked all of us, shook his head and replied, "dont understand." Teacher said meaningfully: "children, I want you to learn in joy, in the game. You are now also small, if the heavy learning tasks, will hate learning, feel happy learning!"

Remember another time, a few students in the class elaborate completed the teacher assigned homework, the teacher called them to the office, no harsh language of them, but kindly tell them the importance of work, let them learn a clear purpose, later dont do that again, under the guidance of the teacher a few classmates bowed his head ashamed.

Teacher, you are the candle light heart lamps for us; Teacher, you are the engineers of the human soul, and give us the meticulous help and concern, gives us light and heat. Here I sincerely to you say: "thank you, our good teacher!"







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Cleaner, I admire you, you should learn silently selfless dedication -.

Most of the people who admire it are famous scientists, or great people familiar with it, but I admire the street angels cleaning workers who are unknown.

I saw a story: a dustman was beaten by a group of small posters when he advertised a small advertisement at the bus stop at the bus stop. Its true that those who put up small ads are obviously wrong, not only do not admit mistakes, but also hit the cleaning worker. Thats disgusting. He doesnt even think about it. Dont you save money for publicity? You cant ruin our homes.

Think carefully, some people because they are humble and belittle them, and because they dirty, see them, avoid everywhere, or even tell the child, do not contact him. But if our earth has no cleaner, the earth will be everywhere is dirty, become people, not out of the house at The atmosphere was foul.. Has everyone thought of this situation? Have you thought about it? Why do cleaners have to clean the city? Is it because cleaners pay a high salary? But they cant afford to buy good clothes. Is it because they love to sweep the streets? Can they all of a sweat. In fact, the cleaner is also because of their knowledge level is not high enough to engage in the cleaning industry. But they still make contributions to society. Cleaner, let our next generation can have a good living environment.

How ordinary and great the cleaners are! They make our city so clean and so beautiful. I think theyre worth a lot more than we do.

Cleaner! I admire you! I want to contribute to the people as much as you do.



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This afternoon, when my father and mother were at home, I finished all the housework at home.

In the afternoon I returned home and began to help mom and dad do housework, from five at the beginning of the housework, busy until seven p.m., there are a lot of things, such as: middle sweeping, mopping the floor, garbage, laundry, folding clothes, flowers, clean the table and the glass and so on, I see table, ah!

Only five minutes, must do the housework, "jingle bell" the doorbell rang, I was a bit weird? Who is it? Or open the eye to see! It is mom and Dad! I hit the door said: "Mom and dad you wait a minute, right away, I gently shut the door" mom and dad felt it strange? What do the daughter at home? I quickly put the whole house clean, and hastened to open the door, mom and Dad had said: "my daughter, you really grow up, mom and dad can help reduce the burden." Thats good!

I feel proud that I heard the compliments from my parents. Thanks for the compliments from my parents, I will try my best. Do you help your parents do housework? If you havent helped your parents do housework, remember to do it!



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I like little sparrows best. The sparrow is brown and reddish brown in color! They love together, stop singing in the branches, chirp, like a chorus! It is small and exquisite, a pair of transparent, flexible eyes, with a pointed mouth below.

Its pointed mouth is very clever, like to eat small insects, small insects hide behind the leaves, but it can not escape the little sparrow sharp eyes, small sparrows flying like an arrow, catch bugs, and fly away!

The little sparrow is lively and lovely. I like little sparrows.
