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The advent of the Internet ushered in a new era of interpersonal communications and business operations. Undoubtedly, the Net are revolutionizing the daily lives of the people who have an access to it. The primary reason behind the Internet boom roots in its multifunction. It provides a vehicle for netizens to shop, search, publish blogs and browse WebPages.

A range of problems lurking behind the frenzy of Internet impressively stand out. A vast majority of Internet users mail boxes are saturated with junk mails, an issue which sparks strong criticism and generates the loss of corporate productivity. Its not alone. Porn websites lure a growing number of young peoples visits. False news via the e-mail, BBS and chat room increasingly poses a threat to the social prosperity and stability.

To crack down them, we should push for a more effectively tough law. We should join our forces to launch a nation-wide campaign, including imposing stiff penalties on spammers, shutting down or blocking the lewd sites and introducing a real-name registration system to curb fraudulent messages. We can fully believe that our combined efforts will reap rewards. A clean cyberspace will paint our lives more colorfully. An economically booming and technologically advanced global web will play a vital role in the national economic and cultural advancement.




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In recent yearsthe Internet has been gaining its popularity at an amazing rate.Some people suggest that the Internet brings us a lot of benefits.But on the other handthere are also many people who strongly advocate that its drawbacks should not be ignored.It is quite understandable that people from different backgrounds put different interpretations on the same issue.

Those who favor that the Internet has many advantages give their reasons as follows.In the first placethe Internet brings us great convenience and efficiency.For examplewe can send E-mails to our friends in other countries in a few minutes while sending a traditional letter takes us at least a week and cost much.In the second placewe can make friends with people from all parts of the world.It overcomes the geographical barriers and makes the world smaller.Furthermorethe Internet accelerates the flow of information and spreads education to all corners of the globe.We can have easy and quick access to the latest information worldwide.

Howeverthe other side of the coin voices its strong oppositionsaying that the Internet has many weaknesses.For one thingit can easily lead to psychological problems.An internet-addicted person tends to be isolatedself-centered and unsociable.For anotherthere is a sharp rise in the number of cyber crimes.More and more financial crimes such as money laundering are committed via the Internet.In additionit also has negative impacts on young people because there are a lot of obscene and violent contents on line.

There is probably a litter bit of truth in both arguments.For my partI completely agree with the latter view that the Internet has more disadvantages than advantages.It gives rise to people’s mental problems.It results in various computer crimes.What is moreit is harmful to the growth of the young.Something should be done as soon as possible to protect people from the negative effects of the Internet.








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I have a good friend. His name is Chin Daibe. He is 15 years old. We both want to be detectives. He is very clever.

He is just a secondary school student but he is cleverer than any other student. I think he is as clever as a university school student. His favorite detective is Kindalchi Hajime. He wants to be just as famous when he grows up. He is as helpful and brave as Sherlock Holmes. He is generous to his friends, too. When he has some new detective books, he always shares with me. So I am willing to lend him books, too. His favorite writers are Jinguchi Lanbu and A.E.W. Mason. His favorite book is "At the Villa Rose".

I think it is a good detective book, too. I really think he will be a very good detective. He is my best friend.



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Computer games are good to our life in some fields~Such as it can help us relax ourselves and maybe wo can have fun in the games!Someone even says they find true themselves in the game,they can be the best in the games!I think computer games are the production in the information time and of course are popular with the youth!

But playing more may not be good to us!Someone will spend more time and money in them!Its a waste I think!Its bad for our eyes and some scientits said it can make people be fool~

In a word,playing computer games isnt wrong but wed better contorl ourselves not to lose yourslves!Appropriate game is a pleasure but indulge in it may hurt you



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40%同学认为60%同学认为 你的观点

有点荒诞;听不懂; 形式活泼,使语言更有趣, ....

破坏汉语的规范与纯洁, 有助于表达思想



1. 可适当发挥,但不要逐句翻译;

2. 发表你自己的观点;

3. 词数:100左右。

4. 参考词汇:荒诞的ridiculous

One possible version:

Nowadays, with the development of the Internet, there is a kind of language called Web language. Some people even speak Chinese mixed with English letters. Our class have a discussion about it.

40 percent of the students think it is kind of ridiculous. In their opinions, it is useless helping people communicate or learn English. Besides, it will ruin the Chinese language. However, the others, 60 percent of our class, are fond of the Web language. They think it is helpful in expressing themselves. What’s more, it may make the language more interesting.

In my opinion, it’s not a good habit to use the Web language. It may be popular as some people think, but you may also make yourself misunderstood.



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“啊!我想通了,原来是游戏让我考得那么差的了。”想着,想着。我流下了眼泪,这时我想起妈妈告诫我的话:“游戏可以占你一大半时间,这样又有什么收获呢?和不好好读书,将来做个对社会有用的人。” “对,我一定要好好读书,不玩游戏,将来做个对社会有用的人!”



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Corruption is another constraint welfare agencies welfare development issues. Now many people are reluctant to contribute to the welfare agency, not everyone love are gone, but we suspect that you donate more money in the end is where to go, they can successfully reach the hands of school children, those poor widows and orphans whether the elderly get everyones love. Some even suspect that the modern welfare, is the civil affairs department coffers. Some welfare organizations that there are problems, and some agency personnel took the love of money you donate food and drink to enjoy.

In addition there is a problem welfare organizations, benefits paid some units there are individuals phenomenon pocketing welfare items. For example, a unit for retired workers paid moon cake, moon cake obviously provides 5 pounds per person, but into the hands of workers has become a moon cake five per person.

Units issued beautifully boxed fruit, into the hands of the bulk of the workers became. All of these, are not conducive to the development of Chinas welfare. Therefore, we should increase attention, let welfare really implement the hands of the people.



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Nowadays playing computer games is a very common hobbies, especially among young people and teenagers. However there are many arguements on whether computer games are advantageous to people or not.

Although many people doubt the advantages of computer games, if used wisely computer games can actually be used in educational purposes, for example typing games to allow students to learn typing English or Chinese. Also another advantage of computer game is that the games may be played together among friends or family members, which may improve the relationship between family members and allow parents to know more about their children on their hobbies and interests.

However computer games if misused can also have very bad effects on human beings. Firstly spending long time in front of the computer screen will bring to various health problems, such as eye sore, back pain and headache. Also if people spend too much time on computer games rather than the work they should do, for example school work for students and projects and presentations for employees, it may have bad effects on their real life and social life status.

It is true for everything that it is beneficial if used wisely, therefore although computer games are widely said to be bad for people, it can still be used as a good tool if used wisely.



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Nowadays, there is an increasing number of teenagers who are addicted to online games. It is because online games are interesting and fun. These teenagers can get excitement, enjoyment and pleasure from such games. However, it is harmful and detrimental to be addicted to online games because teenagers may spend too much time on online games and do not have time for study. As a result, they are unable to study well. To curb this problem, I believe the best way is to educate them by making them realize the serious consequences of playing online games. Parents and teachers also have to help these teenagers focus on their study. With these methods, I believe that teenagers will stop playing online games and work hard for themselves.



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The societys development and prosperity depend upon the advanced technology or science and sophisticated technique.whats the transmission for knowledgegs?how do you get the information?how do you know more apart from your teacher and mentor?from Library,yes,thats only one of ways that you can try.another way which proved even more important for seeking knowledge and instill yourself is by internet,especially in modern society.Internet is a endless "Knowledge Sea" for your search and exploitation.thats also one of the biggest advantages of internet.by internet,we can get information in what we want,science,astronomy,architecture,anthropology,archaeology etc without teacher or consultor.

Besides for information obtainment,but also for doing business if you want.for instance,Taobao--the most famous shopping website of China,you can through the website of yourown to do business with others.thats can be regarded as a network shopping site of you.if there is someone wants to buy things you listed in the sale items,then you will get profit from the trade transaction.

There is another advantage which is commonplace in the world.Distance-learning,yes,distance-learning,in this way,you can register in a distinguished and prestiged school for learning through internet only by the enrollment pay without walking out of your room and take long miles of ways to attend the class,there is no time limit,no place limit,you can learn new things in which you expect only by your computer,the internet,open the computer,click the website of the school,move your mouse,switch your microphone,then you will be able to attend the class.and some of them,if the video equipment is available to the learning course,then you can also switch your video device to see exactly the teacher or professor who has the class through the internet,his or her appearance,speaking manner,actions,all you will get like that the teacher is just in front of you to has class.For the advantage of such a learning style,you can take class in where you are,and you can also make arrangement with your professor for the timetable,then you can learn to when you want.and to be more,there is also no age limit for most internet-learning school.such a learning style is very important and popular in modern society,espcially for those people who are busy or have not time to go out for regular participation in learning.

now here i also like to list some of the disadvantages of internet,as you know,everything has its two-edges,for internet,is also the same case.one of the most disadvantages of internet is that network-game.espcially for that people in who has addicted.for same teenages,who are enchanted by the network game will get failure and deprogress or degradation in school work.and we should avoid the childen from tripping into such a volution.

another disadvantage is that internet crime.it means that somebody use the internet as a tool to doing something that threaten to society or peoples secure both life and property,and we know for that common words of "Hacker" which is with the purpose to destroy,stel or monitor government or enterprises documentations or personnal data.

In the end,id like to say,we should take the advantages of internet to make us progressive and sophisticated or knowledgeable,or doing business through it to make our life better,but for the disadvatages,we should definitely avoid from involving in,and say "No" to it.i wish all of you will be able to lead a more enjoyable life by internet in the future after reading the essay



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暂且不谈我。谈谈那些所谓的RMB玩家。以钱为基础。在游戏里的钱币。装备等大大超过普通玩家。他们一个月投入的钱至少是3000元打底。3000元。普通家庭一个月的收入。3000元。贫困家庭一年的收入。这些人除了极少数部分是高薪职业者。其他的都跟我一样败家。靠家里赚的钱去投资游戏。结果得到的是虚拟的东西。而且有的装备是有期限的。譬如穿越火线的一把枪,15元7天的时间。整整差了两倍多。2元=不到一天。而且大家都知道。穿越火线这类游戏和其他的梦幻西游之类的相像。装备期限不是你上线玩的时间。而是每天过了就减一天的。 很多人都羡慕RMB玩家。却没想过、RMB玩家虽强。却也打不过游戏的普通高手。这个是指很会玩游戏的玩家。他用普通装备就能胜利。这样的玩家。大家也见了不少吧。所以我劝大家。尽量少在游戏或别在游戏上充钱。等你不玩这个游戏了。吃亏的是你。譬如你的角色之类的。很多人会说。那我卖掉啊。你去找谁买。别人会信你吗?你找得到买家吗?所以大家千万别抱着这种想法去游戏。我们应该抵制不良游戏 拒绝盗版游戏 注意自我保护 谨防受骗上当

适度游戏益脑 沉迷游戏伤身 合理安排时间 享受健康生活。这个大家都有在游戏里看到。可是却没有写 过度伤财伤心。少冲健康多益。呵呵呵。他们也要赚钱嘛。这里就希望大家好好的玩游戏。不要走火入魔哦。



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With the development of economy, an increasing number of people (more and more people) appreciate role in our lives and has been used in many fields. Whats more, it has even entered the homes of ordinary people. it also helps us communicate with overseas friends more effectively.

Obviously, different people have got different attitude about the internet. There are some possible reasons for the present situation. Some people think that the internet also do harmful thing to our human beings. In the first place, some people poured most of their energy in chatting on internet. it wastes much time and money. In the second place, some people watch the sexual pictures and movies on internet, which makes them down. Last but not lease, they are out of the business. the lack of physical exercise is due to the fact that people spend too much time on internet.




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With the development of science and technology, we use computers more and more widely. Almost every family has a computer.

In this class meeting, we need to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet, and talk about the good and bad of the network.

Shang yi contained the first statement: "the Internet is a good helper for us to learn. Once, the teacher asked for the Spring Festival information, a little baidu, come out a lot! Therefore, I often use computer to check data." When the students listened, they couldnt help but start to nod their heads.

"And," he said, standing up without raising his hand, "there are many games on the Internet. Like the kingdom of rock, the vengeance, The Three Kingdoms and so on I will play, the net friend also praised me is the game master, the game master!" "No wonder you dont work hard every day. You cant do your homework. Youre playing games every day!" "Said liang jie, a member of the study committee. The dragon court heard these words, ashamed of the underground head.

"I have heard reports that one child is particularly good at studying, and when he was in the fifth grade, he became addicted to playing online games. The first thing he did after school was to play games in the Internet cafe. To this end, his parents often advised him not to go online to play games, but he didnt listen, and said that he would not leave his home on the Internet, and his parents were devastated. The result of this kid, is not because the total net play the net game?" Zhang zhuan told an online game example.

Finally, Mr. Wang concluded, "the network has both advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to use the right way to become a good helper." The students listen to, all in the heart swear: do not take the bad things as usual, want the network to be the best partner of their study.



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Social Networking’s Influence on College Students

Social networking has gained huge worldwide popularity in recent years, especially among college students. In China, college student is the main force of social networking, 97.7% of which are fond of instant messaging and 80.7% prefer social networking sites like micro-blog and Q-zone (China Internet Network Information Center, 2013). Moreover, Michigan State University Original Study also finds that compared with Chinese students, American students are more tied to social media (2013). Therefore, nowadays there is a heated debate about advantages and disadvantages about social networking’s influence on college students.

Obviously, there are a number of positive features on social networking. It provides a convenient access to consolidate the relationship with people they know, make friends with strangers without restrictions of space and share happiness and sorrow. What’s more, social networking also has educational functions including reducing college drop-out rates, motivating students to work as a team, sending information about assignments, reminding students about deadline and stimulating students to help each other. (BBC News, 2009). There is no doubt that social networking plays a significant role in eiching students’ college lives.

However, every coin has two sides. There are also many disadvantages on the influence of social networking, among which, “soft addiction” is the most serious problem, distracting students from study. Because of lack of self-restriction, many students would waste plenty of time to search the social networking sites unconsciously, followed by a strong tendency to blame themselves (Li, 2013). This kind of “soft addiction” and distraction was also confirmed by Zhang (2011) who conducted a survey by questionare of 500 Chinese college students from different schools and found that 33% students could not bear one-week life without social networking and 77% students could not help themselves accessing social networking site during classes. Furthermore, a social experiment was performed by Harrisburg University (Pilkington, 2010) to figure out the effect after initiating blackout of all social networking sites. It turned out that some students became more concentrated on

the tutor and making notes instead of having instant messaging running in classes.

As far as I’m concerned, the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages, especially in China, where social networking is used for communication and entertainment and seldom plays the educational role (Li, 2011). The priority of a college student is to study hard instead of being addicted to social networking. Therefore, it is imperative for them to realize their “soft addiction” to social networking and correct their behavior.
