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由于生物不停的变少,陆陆续续出现了保护野生动物的公益团体,而这些集团不断倡导要爱护动物、保护动物,因此,野生动物的生存权渐渐被重视,不过光靠这些热心人士的帮忙仍是杯水车薪,我们更应该从日常生活中落实,假如全世界的人每天都能随手关灯,至少可以救回一只可爱的北极熊;假如全世界的人都能 减少塑胶的使用量,就有许多生物的肚子里面没有垃圾的存在;假如我们能减少废气的排放量,就可以使空气更为干净,不只保护动物,同时也是保护我们自己。






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there are many kinds of animals in the world,but not only the humans.we live in the same world,and we should be friends.as everybody knows,the humans are the rulers of the world today,so we should protect our friends--the animals!

but how to protect them?as first,i think we must stop killing the rare birds and animals,especially the young ones.the second,we have to protect the environment,to make the sky blue,to make the grass green,to give the animals a comfortable space to live.it`s not only for the animals but also ourselves.the last,we should tell more and more people why and how to protect the animals,make everyone do this.



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ear classmates,

As we know, some animals are dying out for various reasons. There is no doubt that animals are our friends. With World Animal Day coming near, what should we do to protect animals?

First of all, we should forbid people’s killing animals at random. Second, we should do all we can to protect animals’ living environment. With their living environment destroyed, the animals will become extinct sooner or later. Third, we should try our best to make everyone realize the importance of protecting animals. In a way, protecting animals means protecting ourselves.

Dear classmates, let’s start now and make every effort to protect animals—our good friends!



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Do you love animals? Animals and human beings are the owner of this beautiful planet that we all have the right to freedom of survival on this planet, have the right to enjoy nature gives us everything, this is our common homeland.

However, in the eyes of some people, but these animals is some lose your life, no life, no feelings. They are just delicious or money can buy the things on the table, the people in order to kill all kinds of animals and birds, fur clothing and food in order to the so-called "mouth" a lot of killing selling duck, full mountain bird nets, traps set, overrun by shocking animal remains, such as there are numerous unsubstantiated reports that have appeared. Dropped sharply in animal species, some animals have become extinct or endangered, too cruel. Dont know what those people long is the heart of stone, if left unchecked, we can no longer hear birds schools of thought contend, and cant see the fish live the bottom of the sea, many animals will become "according to historical records". The world will no longer be rich and colorful, the world will only greedy human lonely and sad. This is the tragedy of the entire human race.

Have a word said good, protect animals is to love ourselves, any kind of animal in nature are one part of the food chain, a ring is indispensable, the lack of any one ring will upset the balance of nature, to suffer or ourselves, many animals are friends of human beings, human beings are not often divides into the animal beneficial insects and pests? If beneficial insects is destroyed, it is how a situation? If extinction beneficial insects pests also ceased to exist, the survival of the animal extinction is closely related to our life.

To protect animals, cherish life, is that we call, from the bottom of his heart. We should start from around things, care for small animals, care for the weak life, refuse to eat wild animals, refused to wear clothes made of animal skins, animal bones, accessories and supplies. Resolutely resist the behavior of animal cruelty, and animals together for us to build a harmonious coexistence of their homes.







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First should realize the importance of protecting endangered animals, to protect endangered animals and habitats, to promote the wildlife conservation and management of the laws and regulations 首要就应认识保护濒危动物的重要性,自觉保护濒危动物及其栖息环境,主动向亲友宣传野生动物保护管理的法律法规。 Second is to use the source of the endangered animals and do not eat, no, not keeping the source of the endangered animals or products, especially in the wild birds, turtles snakes and class 其次是拒绝利用野外来源的濒危动物,做到不吃、不用、不养野外来源的濒危动物或其产品,尤其是野生鸟类、蛇类和龟鳖类。 Last to be destroyed resolutely expose animal resources of the offence, for many endangered animal protection department or unit or fat, with the support of the animal protection administration 最后要坚决揭发破坏濒危动物资源的不法行为,用心为濒危动物保护部门或单位献计献策或捐资捐款,支持濒危动物保护管理工作。



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Animal is the friend of mankind, is an important part of the natural ecosystem. It is human precious naturalresources. Protect animals to maintain natural ecological balance has important significance.

But now many animals are facing the danger of extinction.With the development of society, pesticide used and serious pollution, city sewage .The wild animal living area is becoming increasingly narrow. Many of the animal is facing a food crisis currently . Whats more, in order to obtain wild animal of precious materials, humans are killing animals.

In order to maintain ecological balance, we should take some effective measures to protect  animals.We should develop pollution standards to reduce emission of toxic substances,  prevent the killing of some rare animals strictly.  We can also establish a national park as a wild animal protection area. The most important thing is to improve people s knowledge of animal care.

Let us join hands in creating a harmonious coexistence of human and animal beautiful homes!



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一、 全民动员,奉献爱心,保护和珍爱野生动物。

二、 不非法猎捕、杀害野生动物;

三、 不在集贸市场和其他场所非法销售野生动物及产品;

四、 餐饮行业不将野生动物及产品作为菜肴进行销售、广告,餐馆的名称不以“野味”字样冠名;

五、 客货承运业主自觉拒运野生动物及产品;

六、 广大市民自觉拒吃野生动物及其产品;

七、 广大市民积极举报非法捕杀、贩卖、食用、运输野生动物及产品的行为。



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Each of us has one, two, three, even four or five ideals. Remember Leo Tolstoy once said: ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; Without direction, there is no life.

Why do I want to be animal lovers? First: I particularly sympathetic to animals, such as some stray dogs, stray cats stray animals, Ill give them while mom and dad to leave some food to eat, they will initially with a grain of salt, (because they are often some selling dog meat, and the cat, temptation, then......) So I went far away, looking at them in a secluded place finished eating, I didnt leave. The second: I know about animals in particular, almost every day I see happy pets, there will be a little information about pets. Like our little teddy - cool, I can see the cool body movements to determine what it wants.

If we live for 20 years, 30 years, animal lovers really when me, I will be banned from kill the stray animals such as dogs, cats, explore the loch ness monster really is, a cure for hydrophobic drugs, the study and the most important thing is to protect the animals, prohibit cruelty to animals, to feed the animals... To protect the environment, only in this way can the animals survive, if we cant live without animals, such as cattle, help mankind to plow.

Although I have not yet when animal lovers, but I also calculate the half animal lovers, but I still call on everyone to protect animals, starts from oneself.







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比如说燕子,燕子能帮我们把田里的害虫吃掉。如果我们人类杀害捕捉它们,它们会吃掉那些常常来搔扰我们的蚊子,让我们更好地生活吗 没有了燕子,我们的周围变得很多害虫,这些害虫对我们人类有很大的坏处呀!







蒂皮说:“我真不明白,人类为什么要杀死野生动物,真是荒唐极了……”是啊,野生动物并非是我们的敌人,而是我们不可缺少的好朋友。我们人类为什么要伤害它们呢 听说,有些地方的猎人为了更容易地捕杀森林中的猎物,不惜烧毁森林,杀死被烈焰逼得惊慌失措的动物。这样一来,不久以后,原本的森林就会变成了一片沙漠;还有些偷猎者猎杀国家保护动大熊猫、东北虎、藏羚羊和猎豹,只是为了用它们的皮毛换些钱……这样的事例还有很多很多。





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生命的长度,也许是由几百年,也许是由短短的几天,也有可能连出生都没有,就已经一命呜呼了,生命又是谁能够决定的呢?是谁能决定不让意外、生病… …等危害生命的事情发生呢?种种原因,谁能不面临死亡?现在只能珍惜生命,以及避免发生不好的事。


狗就是人的朋友,怎么对待好朋友,就该怎么对待它们,而不是当作驱赶坏人的好工具,或是一只很可爱的会动娃娃。狗虽然不会讲人话,但它会中心不二的在你身边,想到弃养它们的人,是不是很可恶?你在养之前,确定等待他长大之后,还是会继续养,不看外表?你确定有能力吗?还是只是为了看门而已?养它们之前,请三思!养了之后,它也许和它的家人分开了,就只有你唯一一个家人,所以必须也把它当家人,如果你变成狗, 就一定明白,这多么无助,多希望有人爱。

当你弃养狗,接下来的事情,我相信每个人都无法接受,它又失去家人了!它将被送至收养中心,没人喜欢的话,就要安乐死,如果你失去家人,没多久又莫名被关起来坐牢,几天之后,没人想接你回家,你就要面临死亡,发生这种事情,你又不能决定,死的很奇怪吧!对,这是弃养狗的人,做的事情,换做是你,你会无法形 容这种感觉,别人说不公平,其实我们都很幸福,爸妈不会不要我们,它们才觉得不公平吧?为什么是别人选自己,而不是自己选别人,为什么说不养就可能死?狗对人们就是不平等。




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If you see the using life of bridge, would you put down your hand gun; If you saw the dead ant kingdom by compatriots hero, would you put down your hands cut off the tools of ants.

Yes, sometimes life is so slim, slim like sand in the sea. In the summer, when you are running in the grass that you follow the foot to jump, do you know how many creatures will be gone from this world? I can responsibly tell you: you are the one feet for insects, equals eight pounds of C4 explosives! Eight pounds of C4 explosives can blow up a skyscraper! Can you imagine the?

Every 5 minutes on average in the world will be 0.002 species extinction! The earth is warming, glaciers in melt, our beautiful earth will no longer be a home... The kinds of animals in gradually reduce, humans will get lonely; If we dont consciousness, is also want to use the machine to the zoo after animals? !

All of the young pioneers, please join me in calling for: take good care of life is the responsibility of the young pioneers, we should cherish life, protect animals!







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Animals are natural resources that people have wasted all through our history.Animals have been killed for their fur and feathers, for food, for sport, and simply because they were in the way.Thousands of kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth forever.Hundreds more are on the danger list today.About 170 kinds in the United States aloneare considered in danger。

Why should people care? Because we need animals, and because once they are gone, there will never be any more。Animals are more than just beautiful or interesting.They are more than just a source of food.Every animal has its place in the balance of nature.Destroying one kind of animal can create many problems.For example, when farmers killed large numbers of hawks, the farmers stores of corn and grain were destroyed by rats and mice.Why? Because hawks eat rats and mice, with no hawks to keep down their numbers, the rats and mice multiplied quickly。

Luckily, some people are working to help save the animals.Some groups raise money to let people know about the problem.And they try to get the governments to pass laws protecting animals in danger.Quite a few countries have passed laws.These laws forbid the killing of any animal or planton the danger list.Slowly, the number of some animals in danger is growing。



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Everyone knows animals are our friends.So we should be friendly to them.But some people kill the rare animals,such as pandas,golden monkeys and so on in order to get money.It will cause these animals to disappear soon.I think our government should punish those people severely who kill the rare animals.It is our duty to protect the endangered animals.



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一个酷暑难当的夏日,我接到了一个紧急救援电话:您好!我在玫瑰街珊瑚小区23号楼下的花坛内发现一只受伤的流浪猫。这只猫的伤势十分严重,请立即到达现场!放下话筒,我和同事们就带上医疗箱,驱车前往。 我们到达目的地后,果然看见一只流浪猫奄奄一息地躺在地上,它的后腿上有一道很长的伤口,伤口里似乎还有一些杂物,伤口四周已经溃烂,流着脓。我和同事们赶紧用酒精为它消毒,再用纱布简单包扎了一下,然后将它带回小动物保护协会。

回到保护协会,我们立刻投入治疗工作中。 我小心翼翼地剔除掉猫咪腿上伤口中的杂物,进行深一层次的消毒。接着,我把溃烂的地方用手术刀轻轻挖去,随后上药,缝合伤口,最后用纱布缠在伤口上。直到此时,我才深深地舒了一口气。我看向猫咪,发现它的眼里流露出感激的神情,好像在向我致谢。接下来的几天里,我们还定时给猫咪换药。 一个月过去了,猫咪的伤口痊愈了!我和同事们都很高兴。接着,我们在网上发布了猫咪的信息,希望有人能收养它,并好好对待它。

不久,一对夫妇表示愿意收养这只猫咪 如果我是小动物保护协会的会员,我会为我的动物伙伴们做得更多更多!



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Animals are peoples friends, we should protect them.

If there is no animal on earth, there would be no human. Animal is a most of the earths food chain, if animals disappeared, we human beings will be extinct. For example: the frog disappeared, there is no animal pests to catch paddy fields, crops will not grow, humans have no food; If there is no tiger, the rabbit will excess breeding, our food is likely to be a rabbit eat didnt; If there is no owls, mice will encroach on our territory...

The earth is a big family, not lack of anyone, without animals, we humans situation, we should all band together and protect small animals.






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Animal and human, thoughts, feelings, have their own way of life, more freedom.


We should not go to destroy their peaceful and harmonious life, we have no right to destroy their life, of course, theres no reason to blame them.


When we put on the table a tasty dish, such as: snake, frog, and other animal. We Shi Bushi should think, each of us to eat an animal, is tantamount to let go of the number of farmers to the harmful insects. We Shi Bushi should also think about, they all make concerted efforts to catch insects, human can not only do not appreciate, but put them as their food, as we human beings to make money every day things, how they are hateful!


Now, a lot of life on earth is very rare, and even some on the verge of extinction! If there were no animal, the earth will become what, and humans will become what?


I think, when we reflect on the human, if this goes on, we will be the animal enemies, not to mention what "dances with wolves"


Man, come on come on! The protection of wild animal, now, before it is too late!



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I am a student from Xinhua High School in Chongqing,China. Informed that you have a vacancy for a student to serve as the spokesman for animals, I cannot resist my inner excitement,hoping to seize the opportunity to do something for animals .

In my mind,nothing can delight me so much as caring for animals. Wherever I go and whatever I do, I usually keep in mind that animals are angels from the heaven, which bring us endless comfort and pleasure. I have been a panda lover since my childhood. Panda is so lovely that brings fun to people and they are regarded as the treasure of our country. Unfortunately,such a rare species is now faced with the danger of being extinct。What I am eager to do is to raise people’s awareness of animal protection and appeal to more people to care for our earth companies.
