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今天是7月9日,大家的心情都格外紧张,因为我们迎来了一个重要的日子——毕业考试! 大家都万分紧张地坐在教室里,一丝不苟地看着书,俗话说得好:“临阵磨枪,不快也光!”而有一些同学们则拿出自己丰富的早点,好好的补充补充。有的人则一副成竹在胸的样子,悠然自得地在走廊上散着步,真是演义了世界杯的口号 “为胜利而来!”可我觉得最紧张的还是老师,他们仍在利用最后的时间为弟子们复习还有所欠缺的知识,真是可怜天下老师心! 考试,考试,真是一轮重头戏!清脆的铃声一响,大家便各自奔向了自己的考场,自己的考号了。我的考号是107,在六三班考,也就是第三考场。各坐其位后,随着洁白的考卷发向考生后,一场没有硝烟的战斗就开始了。只见刚才还充满欢声笑语的考场立刻鸦雀无声,同学们的眼球也如被磁铁死死吸住了一般,动都不动弹。“哗哗”的笔尖划过的声音,紧张得让人无法呼吸。我也不甘示弱,细心地答了起来,题虽然很简单,可稍不注意,带来的便是后悔了,只有做起草稿才会奋笔疾书,真不愧是“慎思之”呀!不一会儿,我便突破了填空题,接下 来的便是判断题了,遇到判断题,我便有个怪圈,总要在这留下一个红叉叉,于是在分析和判断时,我都格外小心,希望不要有失误啊!时间如流水一般流去,考场的奋笔疾书又变成了看卷沉思,作图题和应用题看来难住了他们,可我却来了劲,因为我的拿手好戏来了。随着三角板和直尺的移动,我兵不血刃地闯过作图题,然而应用题中的一道圆锥计算题却让我有些为难。 挺复杂的!这几乎让我无从下手,算出的答案也不敢确定,时间留给我的机会越来越少了,要收卷了,我狠狠心,写上了一个答案便交上了卷子。交卷的一刹那,我的心仿佛进入了无底洞,久久不能拔出,真希望幸运之神眷顾我呀! 接下来的语文考试也同样紧张,不过我轻松搞定,真是一次紧张的考试!它将永远的留在我的记忆中!




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1.Time is flying away,and years are passing by.Only our friendship is always in my heart.Farewell,my friend!Take care,my friend!流水匆匆,岁月匆匆,唯有友情永存心中。朋友,再见!朋友,珍重!

2.Oh,my friend,do you like stars?If you feel lonely far away from home,look up at the stars in the sky, where there is a star for luck that Ive send you.朋友,你喜欢星空吗?如果有一天你在远方流浪时感到孤独、忧郁,请抬头看看星空,那儿有我送给你的幸运星。

3.Life is a profound book.Others notes cannot replace your own understanding.May you find and create something new in it.生活是一本精深的书,别人的注释代替不了自己的理解。愿你有所发现,有所创造。

4.Dont be disappointed on the journey of life.There are friends in the world.Seize your chance and value your opportunities.May our friendship be everlasting.人生路上何须惆怅,天涯海角总有知音。把握机会珍惜缘分,祝愿我们友谊长存。

5.Time does not water down the wine of friendship;distance does not separate our hands of longing.Wishing you happiness forever!时间冲不淡友情的酒,距离拉不开思念的手,祝福你,永远永远!

6.I have three wishes:May our friendship warm our hearts!May joy be always with you and me!May we often meet each other!我有三愿:一愿友情温暖我们心田,二愿欢乐永驻你我心间,三愿我们常常相见!

7.Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and m e on the other end.思念是一条细长的线,一端系着你,一端系着我,时刻连接着两颗跳动不息的心。

8.If life cheats you,dont be disappointed and worried.Calmness is needed in melancholy days.Believe that pleasantness is coming.Long for the bright future though you are unhappy. All will pass by and everything will be over.Past things will be pleasant memories. —〔Russia〕Alesander Pushkin


9.If I should meet thee,

After long years,

How should I greet thee?

With silence and tears.

—〔Britain〕George Gordon Byron




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Desire for No Examination

I have a lot of aspirations。 But what I desire most is to have no examinations。

We are always told that examinations aim to check what we have learned。 But I dont think so。 Examination is not the best way, especially in the primary school。 Examinations, composition examinations in particular, will bring students, teachers and parents a great deal of pressure。 To cope with the examination, some students just remember the model essays by rote。 It will do no good to the improvement of writing。

The students scores can be measured by their daily in-class study and by the completion of their everyday homework。 If we do in this way, all the students and teachers will have a pleasant time every day。







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Directions: Write a composition entitled Fast Food. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 快餐在中国十分流行,它是现代快节奏社会的最佳反映;

2. 快餐受有两条原因。然而,从营养角度来讲,快餐却差强人意;

3. 对快餐还是以偶尔品尝为宜。

范文一:Fast Food

Fast food is becoming more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Today、it’s certainly difficult to think of any other single thing that mirrors the fast pace of modern society as powerfully as fast food.

There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it is very convenient and saves a lot of time. The trends of modern society seem to all point to one ultimate goal — saving time, and fast food well serves this purpose. Second, its popularity is also attributed to the clean and comfortable environment of fast food restaurants, the excellent service, and the guaranteed quality of food.

However From the nutritional point of view. It usually does not compose a balanced diet and doctors suggest that people, especially children, eat fast food as little as possible.

Therefore, fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and turn to it once in a while.

范文二:Fast Food

Fast-food is becoming more and more popular in China, especially among children, teenagers and white-collars.


There are several reasons for its popularity. First, its so convenient that saves a lot of time. Your just need to go into a fast-food restaurant, order your food, and your food is ready in time. Second, you can have many choices, various collocations of food. And you can eat it there or take it away. Third, the environment of fast-food restaurants is both clean and comfortable.


However, in terns of nutrition, it is usually not a balanced diet and low in nutritional value. Usually, fast-food is rich in sugar, so that regularly eat fast-food may cause obesity.


Fast-food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and turn to it once in a while. But for people, especially children, eat fast-food as little as possible.




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Before I knew it, I had graduated from junior high school。

This is the end of the first trimester, which means that we have to say goodbye to my three years of school and the students who have spent three years together。 And we are greeted by an unknown world。

In the past, always listening to the parents say that cherishing the good youth, the time waits for the words, the mind always not to think,。 Now, I am deeply aware of the meaning of time。 There was no one in the night, and there was silence all around, and the curtain of the school often appeared before my eyes。 The golden state military training, the wuli river games, the wal—mart post experience, the visit to the juvenile canal in the sea。。。 Its all just as clear as it has been。 But its far from us。

In the past, I would not return again, as Mr Zhang said, but no one would step into the same river twice。 The only thing that can be left for us is memory。 Every time I remember those who cried and laughed with me, the little things that happened in the school, and the thought of never coming back, I cried for it。

I will go to high school。 I will meet new friends there, but I will not forget my junior high school life。



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I am ****. usually a lot of my hobbies, such as skating, playing 356 didesmococcus feather, draw, watch extra-curricular book, watch tv and so on, so my life is very rich extra-curricular. ago is a more introverted person, i have very few words, only and i am very good friends to so many before, but after school at the time of my personality to change slowly, and not, as

previously like very few words, and students are also very harmonious relationship.

in fact, since childhood i dare not interested in english, so my english very poor, then let us hear english, introduce myself, i really do not know how to do, nervous for some time, so i think in the future of english class can have more understanding of english can have more interest in english. families are. usually a lot of my hobbies, such as skating, playing 356 didesmococcus feather, draw, watch extra-curricular book, watch tv and so on, so my life is very rich extra-curricular. ago is a more introverted person, i have very few words, only and i am very good friends to so many before, but

after school at the time of my personality to change slowly, and not, as previously like very few words, and students are also very harmonious relationship.

i think noting is difficult if you put your heart into it,so i can say will make my english be nice in future. thank you!



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Hello, everyone! Im Feng Biyu, a girl of 19 years old. As you can see, I am very glad to get along with all of you and I hope we’ll have a good time in our subsequent study.

My hometown is in SiHong, Northern JiangSu Province, a beautiful place with a lot of clear rivers and lakes. When boating on HongZe Lake, I always feel free and relaxed. It is really a wonderful  place to enjoy your life.

I graduated from SiHong Middle School. It was set up in 1949 and now it  is more than 60 years old.

I have a lot of friends in my middle school. We love each other. Time goes by, but our friendship will never go away. They cheer me up, make me happy and do some help when I meet with difficulties.

Thats all, thank you!



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I used to be a problem student. I was always late for school, listened to music and ate snacks in class. What’s worse, I hardly ever finished my homework on time.Luckily, with the help of my teachers and classmates, things changed a lot. Now I behave well and study hard. I can almost finish my homework well with the help of my classmates. What’s more, I get on well with others and always help others. I have learned a lot over these three years, but I know I could hardly succeed without the people who helped and supported me—my teachers, my parents and my classmates.

I won’t forget the days I have spent in my junior high school. I’m looking forward to new experiences in senior high school. Although the life in high school is hard ,I have confidence to do better in the future.



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i will be graduating from middle school in the coming days. i have a lot of feelings that i want to express. first, i want to thank all the teachers. you have been working hard to teach us. i would also like to thank my classmates. you have been offering great help to me.

i am so happy today. this will be an end to my middle school life, and soon we will begin the new life in high school. dear teachers, dear classmates, i will always remember you.

i would like to thank you for all the help you gave me during this past semester. you were alway so patient when i asked you questions. you listened to them carefully and explained everything so thoroughly. you showed me different ways to practice and remember new words and usage. i felt so encouraged and became more comfortable in speaking english. you made the excercise so interesting that i was always very eager to participate and practice. my english has improved so much. how could i thank you enough?! i cannot wait to take your class next semester and keep working on my english.



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Graduates of Yale University, I apologize if you have endured this type of prologue before, but I want you to do something for me. Please, take a ood look around you. Look at the classmate on your left. Look at the classmate on your right. Now, consider this: five years from now, 10 years from now, even 30 years from now, odds are the person on your left is going to be a loser. The person on your right, meanwhile, will also be a loser. And you, in the middle? What can you expect? Loser. Loserhood. Loser Cum Laude.

"In fact, as I look out before me today, I dont see a thousand hopes for a bright tomorrow. I dont see a thousand future leaders in a thousand industries. I see a thousand losers.

"Youre upset. Thats understandable. After all, how can I, Lawrence Larry Ellison, college dropout, have the audacity to spout such heresy to the graduating class of one of the nations most prestigious institutions? Ill tell you why. Because I, Lawrence "Larry" Ellison, second richest man on the planet, am a college dropout, and you are not.

"Because Bill Gates, richest man on the planet -- for now, anyway -- is a college dropout, and you are not.

"Because Paul Allen, the third richest man on the planet, dropped out of college, and you did not.

"And for good measure, because Michael Dell, No. 9 on the list and moving up fast, is a college dropout, and you, yet again, are not.

"Hmm . . . youre very upset. Thats understandable. So let me stroke your egos for a moment by pointing out, quite sincerely, that your diplomas were not attained in vain. Most of you, I imagine, have spent four to five years here, and in many ways what youve learned and endured will serve you well in the years ahead. Youve established good work habits. Youve established a network of people that will help you down the road. And youve established what will be lifelong relationships with the word therapy. All that of is good. For in truth, you will need that network. You will need those strong work habits. You will need that therapy.

"You will need them because you didnt drop out, and so you will never be among the richest people in the world. Oh sure, you may, perhaps, work your way up to No. 10 or No. 11, like Steve Ballmer. But then, I dont have to tell you who he really works for, do I? And for the record, he dropped out of grad school. Bit of a late bloomer.

"Finally, I realize that many of you, and hopefully by now most of you, are wondering, Is there anything I can do? Is there any hope for me at all? Actually, no. Its too late. Youve absorbed too much, think you know too much. Youre not 19 anymore. You have a built-in cap, and Im not referring to the mortar boards on your heads.

"Hmm... youre really very upset. Thats understandable. So perhaps this would be a good time to bring up the silver lining. Not for you, Class of 00. You are a write-off, so Ill let you slink off to your pathetic $200,000-a-year jobs, where your checks will be signed by former classmates who dropped out two years ago.

"Instead, I want to give hope to any underclassmen here today. I say to you, and I cant stress this enough: leave. Pack your things and your ideas and dont come back. Drop out. Start up.

"For I can tell you that a cap and gown will keep you down just as surely as these security guards dragging me off this stage are keeping me down . . ."

(At this point The Oracle CEO was ushered off stage.)








现在,我猜想你们中间很多人,也许是绝大多数人,正在琢磨,我能做什么? 我究竟有没有前途?当然没有。太晚了,你们已经吸收了太多东西,以为自己懂得太多。你们再也不是19岁了。你们有了内置的帽子,哦,我指的可不是你们脑袋上的学位帽。






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On Cultivating the Sense of Gratitude

On college campuses across the nation, there is a noticeable phenomenon that we cannot afford to ignore: far too many young college students lack the sense of gratitude, one of the countless traditional virtues of this ancient land with a splendid civilization spanning over 5,000 years. These young adults were not and are not aware of the huge importance of expressing gratitude to those who once helped them, from teachers to parents and so forth。

Personally, I deem that the root cause of students without a graceful heart is that they receive an education not valuing the moral sphere. I strongly believe that joint efforts from folks across society are the final remedy for this social headache. As young university students of the new era, we should make our own contributions to this cause. Imagine a world without the sense of gratitude. This kind of world is doomed to failure. Simply put, we should join our hands to heighten our awareness of fostering a graceful heart. Only in this way can we build our society into a harmonious one. My fellow students, I beg you to act from now on。




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在英文摘要中,过程与方法的阐述起着承前启后的作用。开头交待了要解决的问题(What I want to do)之后,接着要回答的自然就是如何解决问题(How I did it),而且,最后的结果和结论也往往与研究过程及方法是密切相关的。大多数作者在阐述过程与方法时,最常见的问题是泛泛而谈、空洞无物,只有定性的描述,使读者很难清楚地了解论文中解决问题的过程和方法。因此,在说明过程与方法时,应结合(指向)论文中的实例、实验框图等来进行阐述,这样可以既给读者一个清晰的思路。



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Distinguished leadership, teachers, Dear students:

Good afternoon!

Today is a special day, but also a day worth commemorating. Because today we are about to take the pearl of the primary school, the alma mater of left us to start our brand new secondary school life, and enter a new phase of the study.

We also remember the significance of Pearl primary school badge. It was the cradle of a very large, which loaded with countless as long as the Mirs a grown up and will be flying in the sky far away, but they will not forget the cradle of the ex-rearing. We like it a only with hopes, dreams and Thanksgiving, flying out of small beads. We will make joint efforts in various parts of the world, for our faith, to live up to the expectations of the teachers work hard! Six years of primary school is always so fast time flies, is the small beads Let us both happy and meaningful life. At the same time, we must also thank you for our hard-working gardener ---- selfless teachers every day and work hard for us, let us present here have each student expressed his gratitude to them and respect!

Bid farewell to his primary school, we work together hand in hand! To repay the hard cultivation of small beads and in secondary schools it up!









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I have a happy family. My family have five poeple:grandpa, grandma, father, mother, and me.

My grandparents live in countryside. They have six rooms. The room is big. There are two apple in the ground. They have sixteen goats and three cows. The goat is white. The cow is yellow. They are healthy.

My parents and me live in city. My father is a worker. His work is hard. My mother is a high schools Chinese teacher, She take bicycle go to work at sevenclock. In the afternoon, she doesnt go home. In the evening, she make supper. The food is delicious. I am a student. I have Chinese, math and English everyday. That is boring. I have many friends. After class, I play with my friends.

We are tried, but we are very happy. I love my family







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Dear schoolmates,

As I am graduating, I’d like to write this letter to express my feelings before leaving school. As for me, it is the school life that colors my daily life. During the three years, I had a good time with teachers and classmates who were in favor of me. Besides, there is no doubt that I achieved lots of knowledge and skills which are good for my future study.

Nevertheless, there are also some things that I regret about. For instance, wasting too much time playing computers, I spent a little time in studying. Moreover, I regret arguing with my friends when I was in a low spirit.

Gone are the days when I studied in high school. Needless to say, there are many challenges in university where I will start my new life. Therefore, I should make every effort to study in university.

Here is some advice for you to take. Under no circumstances should you waste time doing things that aren’t linked with study. Apart from this, it’s high time that you should spare no effort to get good marks at school.

Good luck to all of you!




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1、Many people insist that... 很多人(坚持)认为……


2、With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that... 随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为……


3、A lot of people seem to think that... 很多人似乎认为……

"think"终于闪亮登场,但"seem to"为整个句子增添了点婉转之感,这种客观的方式貌似较受老外(尤其腐国人)喜爱。


1、Peoples views on... vary from person to person. Some hold that... . However, others believe that.... 人们对……的观点因人而异。有些人认为.....然而其他人却认为……


2、Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person. 人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异。


3、People may have different opinions on... 人们对……可能会有不同的见解。


4、There are different opinions among people as to... 关于……人们的观点大不相同。

"different"虽拉低了水准,但"as to"又拯救了回来。

5、Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure). 对(失败)人们的态度各不相同。



1、Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that... 把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论……

很完全的答法,"take sth into consideration"短语的应用,加分。

2、Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that... 考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的结论……

"Take into account sth"短语似乎又比上句的"take sth into consideration"提升了一个层次。

3、Hence/Therefore, wed better come to the conclusion that... 因此,自然我们得出以下结论。。。


再特意提一句:"wed better"在这里不是“不得不”或“最好”的意思,而是一种自然而然,水到渠成的得出结论。

4、There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits. 毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点。

短语"there is no doubt that"上线,同时运用我们的老朋友"as well as"增加看点。

5、All in all, we cannot live without... But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise. 总之,我们没有……是无法生活的。但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题。





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My family and I went to the seaside. My dad went fishing in the sea. My mumstayed under the umbrella. She read a book. My uncle ate an ice cream. My consins ate bread. My brothers made a sandcastle. My sisters bathed on the sunny beach. Mike went swimming in the sea. Kate and I played football. We were very happy.
