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(一) 现在最愿意过的就是寒假,因为不想暑假一样,那么枯燥,那么热! ――题记 寒假应该是许多同学向往的吧!因为寒假有许多美好的回忆:最雪人、打雪仗、放鞭炮??还可以看那美丽纯洁的雪花,很美很美??常常被幻想困扰。 寒假还有有一个最大的好处就是能收到许多的压岁钱吧!大年三十熬夜到12点,睡一觉,早上起来,铺上报纸,开始磕头,便能获得家长以及亲戚的压岁钱哦!不过寒假不止能收到那数量可观的压岁钱,还可以吃那美味丰盛的佳肴。过年了,家家户户都买下年货,买下鱼、猪肉、牛羊肉以及各种青菜,我家还腌腊八肉呢!那真是美味呀!光看见就准能把你馋的不轻! 十五的时候,便有花鼓队从家门口路过!孩提时,早早的就起来争着吵着要去看花鼓队,得跟着花鼓队全部走下来,才算完。要是中途下来了,非要哭闹好几天不可!小时候是看,现在,我也是花鼓队中的一员了!现在每年初八的时候,我就会起个早,去报名,参加花鼓队打花鼓。不但能锻炼身体,还能挣一点零花钱呢!还不至于在家呆着,闲的无聊!你们说,多好呀!有百益而无一害。 我爱寒假!我爱我的寒假生活! 还可以看那美丽纯洁的雪花,很美很美。 寒假生活作文400字

(二) 间过得真快,一眨眼,快乐的寒假生活结束。开始学习忙碌起来了。 回顾我的寒假生活,在我的寒假生活过得既快乐,又充实。是在春节那几天上,我既能和亲人在一块儿相聚,又收到许多的压岁钱??最让我难忘的是年初3的时候,爸爸妈妈准备晚上叫亲朋好来家里打火锅。一大早,我和爸爸妈妈就起床了,用最快的速度去买菜,菜市场中大伙叽叽喳喳、每个人讨价还价,经过30分钟买回了新鲜的肉和菜。然后回家,帮爸爸妈妈打扫卫生,弄得我手忙脚乱。()终于到了晚上,大家坐在饭厅里,一边吃火锅,一边说说笑笑。小孩子嘛就迫不及待地想吃到可口美味的肉和菜了,而大人呢漫不经心地喝着酒、吃着火锅。火锅上腾起一股股热气,火锅里扑出着气泡。我吃着吃着突然想到:我们家还有绿豆汤、王老吉,具有降火的功能,现在又吃火锅,很容易上火的!于是我和妈妈拿出王老吉和绿豆汤,大家吃的更开心了。冬天吃火锅正当时,一块肉吞下去,肚子里暖暖的,我不由自

主地说:“爽,实在是太好吃了!”吃饱后,我舔了舔嘴巴。大家都觉得吃得很饱,很开心! 到现在我想起火锅的美味,真是回味无穷呀!我的寒假生活发生了许多的事,是快乐,是沮丧,是各种各样的心情,所以的一切我都觉得很难忘。那你的寒假生活呢? 寒假生活作文400字(三) "放寒假喽,放寒假喽,随着一阵欢呼声,我们的寒假生活就开始了。 每当我们送走了金色的秋天,雪花姑娘就随着冬婆婆轻手轻脚地来到了人间,她的光临把大地点缀得格外美丽,鹅毛般的雪花摆动着轻盈的舞姿,慢慢地飘落下来,没有一丝声响。她飘落在屋顶上,树木上,渐渐地房屋,树木上的皑雪变得好像一块白色的宝玉,她飘落在常青的松柏上,那深绿色的柏叶托着一晨厚厚的白雪,远远望去好像翡翠盘中盛满白色的美玉,她飘落在大地上,像是位心灵手巧的女工,瞬间就为我们织出了厚厚的地毯,雪花装点了祖国景色,把世界变得一片银白。 不如乘着这个天气来堆雪人吧,于是我便喊来了爸爸,妈妈一起来堆雪人,爸爸的工作是聚集大量的雪做身子,妈妈是准备做雪人的头,而我则是在一旁准备鼻子,眼睛,手,用的东西来代替,哦,我想起来了,鼻子用红胡萝卜,眼睛用煤炭,手嘛当然要用扫帚了,在这雪地里我们议价忙得不亦乐乎,真是其乐融融呀。雪人终于做好了,我与它照了好多照片作了纪念。 这个寒假让我过的真开心。雪花依然下着,这么美,这么美。我要永远记着08年的寒假,我和我的家人在那大雪纷飞的时候,堆了一个我有时以来最大的一个雪人。




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Since the first day of my winter vacation, I’ve decided to make it a

valuable and enjoyable one. I made a plan to finish my homework within the first

week, and after days of hard working, I actually got all my assignments done a

day earlier. I am pretty proud of myself for not —as usual —hang out with my

friends until the last few days of my vacation and rush through my homework.

In the rest of my winter vacation, I made up my mind to improve my reading

skills. I’ve had tons of books that I simply bought and put them on my shelf,

wishing some day they would be finished themselves. But this time, I realized I

was not trying my best last term and decided to make some change. I finished a

couple of novels and watched some classic movies, I also went to a library to

borrow some new books for next term. The more I read the more enthusiastic I

became, and now I’ve developed my reading skills a lot.

Another event in my winter vacation is that I went to hiking with my

parents. It was a warm, sunny day, which is pretty precious during winter time.

I can still remember the scene when we drove



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human life can not continue without science and technology. for many years, human society has developed with the advance of science and technology while the development of science and technology has in turn brought the process to mankind. so the life we are living now is more civilized than that of our fore fathers.

the development of science and technology have brought about many changes in peoples life. for eample, the invention of television and space rocket have opened a new era for mankind. through the use of tv people can hear the sound and learn the events happening thousands of miles away. owing to the invention of spaceship and rocket, the dream of mans landing on the moon has now come true.

science and technology also play an important role in our socialist construction. we may say, our socialist construction is just like a skyscraper, while science and technology are its base. without the base, the skyscraper cant be built. therefore, we should try our best to contribute to the development of science and technology so as to provide a more solid base to build our country.



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Everyone has his or her experience that is unforgettable.

Mine happened when I was five, when my parents took me to the city zoo.

It was a hot summer so most animals were laying down to stay cool.

As we walked around, I saw a panther crouching by a hill in its enclosure.

All of a sudden, the panther leaped over the wall and jumped on the back of an old lady who was eating a hamburger.

The old lady let out a high pitched scream and fell down from her seat, sprawling on the cement pavement and passed out.

The panther did not attack the old lady, but picked the hamburger dropped by the lady.

After swallowing the hamburger, the panther started walking around the cafeteria with many visitors looking at it.

One kid saw the animal outside, and called excitedly, “Mommy! Look! I want to pat the Panther!” The kid ran to the animal.

By the time the panther was laying on the ground.

The little boy went to the panther and sat on its back.

The panther stood, with the boy on its back, started running towards the gate of the zoo and disappeared into the city in the dusk twilight.

I took a few pictures of the boy riding the panther, and this, was an experience I will never forget.


It was a very busy evening, I was doing my homework at my home. My father was writing a composition in the study room. My mother was interested in Shanghai opera. She was watching a Shanghai opera contest. The apartment was very quiet. Suddenly the light went out. It was a blackout, but I liked it very much. It came and I didn’t have to do my homework. We went to the living room very slowly. After 5 minutes, we all sat in the sofa. It was a lucky, fortunate day. I said that let’s held a concert. My parents agreed with me. I took out some candles and lighted up. We were singing, laughing and talking. We had a really good time. But while I was singing, the light suddenly turned on. Oh, my God. My father went back to his room went on writing. My mother turned on the TV and said to me “Dear, do your homework!”

I felt very frustrated. I sat at the desk and thought I hated light. I hoped there would be a blackout the next day. I thought I would enjoy myself more and more. I went into a dream……

Many children are always looking forward to the winter vacation; this is because during the vacation, children needn’t go to school; They can do everything they like, such as playing, watching TV, traveling, or even sleeping all the day and so on. and when winter vacation come on ,it means that spring festival will come on soon.I spent the whole day at home nearly every day, I played with my computer .I played computer games and surfed the internet. during the vacation ,I still stayed in touch with my classmates and my friends.

I think I have been a potatoes mouse .During the spring festival, I visited my relatives ,and I got a lot of red bags. Even though my vacation was crazy and exciting, but I really learnt a lot. It was good for relaxing, and I am getting ready for the coming new term now. Good-bye, my winter vacation.



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Today, after school, my friends asked me to have dinner with them, I felt so happy and went the restaurant with them. Then I found they wanted to eat buffet, I was so happy, because I always wanted to have buffet, I could eat a lot of food.

As we paid the money more than we usually spent, so all of us wanted to eat as more as possible, even though we were full enough, we still tried to eat. I would go the wash room many times, so that I could continue to eat. I found eating the buffet should be a happy thing for me, but now it seemed to be a kind of torture, I always told myself to eat more than I could bear, my stomach hurt.

The experience to eat buffet lets me realize that I should enjoy the food instead of eat more than I could bear.



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Different people have different career outlooks. Some people want to become civil servants; some people hope to start their own business; some people dream of being freelancers, and so on.


However, my ideal job is teaching. Firstly, I’m told that teachers have a high income. With the high income, I can open a training school to help the children in poor families with their education. Secondly, teachers always have summer and winter holidays, thus I will have more free time to relax myself. More importantly, teachers are angels to students, who can pass on the knowledge to students as well as help them develop their hobbies and interests. I can’t imagine how happy I will feel when I see my students become elites.


In order to be a qualified teacher, I should read more books to acquire more knowledge, and train my patience and improve my communication and handwriting abilities.



Every student is excited about the freshmen year, they are looking forward to seeing their classmates and will open the new chapter of their lives. While when the senior year comes, it means saying goodbye to their classmates and is it time to leave school. Freshmen year brings happiness and senior year brings sorrow, students don’t want to say goodbye to their classmates, after the long time’s acquaintance, classmates have built strong friendship, it is hard to say goodbye. In China, there is an old saying that all good things must come to an end, for every student, they will leave school and fight for each other’s future. Though senior year is a little sad, it is another turning point for the students, they some will find a job, some will study abroad, all of them are fighting for their future. Senior year in not the end, it is the beginning.



In an era of information explosion, people can easily be distracted by irrelevant information. It is particularly well-known that a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.


Admittedly, a consideration amount of information expands our horizon and gives us convenience. Just with a simple click, we can get a plenty of information from the Internet. We are so skilled at searching information online. Nevertheless, we seem at sea of information invariably when we open webpages for which the information is too abundant and much of them turn out to be useless. How can we avoid being lost in a wealth of information?


First of all, ensuring what information you want and make a list of them. Then you can save useful webpages which get you out of the time-consuming information. Last but not least, we should be self-control and never be attracted by the distracting information. As long as you follow those tips, you will get what you want efficiently.




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We are always trying to find the way to success, which stands for power,

pride and glory. There have been strings of stories of success I was told since

I was a child. From then on, I have been fascinated with being successful.

Whatsuccess? Different people have different opinions towards this

question. To start with, some people, such as accountants, workers and so on,

are longing for being rich, which allows them buy what they want, and enjoy

luxury. They treat it as success. Furthermore, some contestants, such as boxers,

are always trying their best to defeat their rivals for success. And once they

win, they confirm that they are stronger than others. The last but not the

least, there are some other people who enjoy helping others. As a good saying

goes, the roses in her hand, the flavor in mine. With helping others, we can

also feel satisfactory.

As far as I am concerned, life is short, and we must achieve something

during our life. So I regard striving and working hard important. When comes to

we reap what we sow, it’s the time of success.



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There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn to not judge

things too quickly. So he sent them each on a quest,in turn,to go and look at a

pear tree that was a great distance away.

The first son went in the winter,the second in the spring,the third in

summer,and the youngest son in the fall.

When they had all gone and come back,he called them together to describe

what they had seen.

The first son said that the tree was ugly,bent,and twisted. The second son

said no - it was covered with green buds and full of promise.

The third son disagreed,he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so

sweet and looked so beautiful,it was the most graceful thing he had ever


The last son disagreed with all of them;he said it was ripe and drooping

with fruit,full of life and fulfillment.

The man then explained to his sons that they were all right,because they

had each seen but one season in the tree‘s life. He told them that you cannot

judge a tree,or a person,by only one season,and that the essence of who they are

- and the pleasure,joy,and love that come from that life - can only be measured

at the end,when all the seasons are up.

If you give up when it‘s winter,you will miss the promise of your

spring,the beauty of your summer,fulfillment of your fall. Don’t let the pain of

one season destroy the joy of all the rest.



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Because mother said that the day can go to sleep in the morning, because

even fell asleep will also be new firecrackers wake.

On New Years eve, in addition to being able to eat a lot of delicious

things, can also receive a lot of red envelopes, you can also watch TV for a

long long time, really is so happy.

A red envelope is New Years money, since ancient times, elders will send

children lucky money on New Years eve, seems to be a meaning of exorcism

disaster, mother said to put "lucky money" in under the pillow, pillow to sleep

on it. I really do as this way, because it is very new.

I also looked at the Spring Festival gala, the deepest memory is the

"hello, I am leave." "Why? Why is this?" Whenever I say this, mom and dad

laughed, because I copy too like said.



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With the development of science and technology, our lives have changed a lot in the past century. Many things that wouldn’t happen before have come into reality now. Therefore, our lives will change as well in the future. Our pace of live will greatly speed up, because we will help many machines to finish our work. Many things can be done autonomously. Therefore, people will have more time for fun. People can travel the outer space freely. Space shuttle can bring people to planets far from the earth. Human beings may live in other planets. Besides, our environment will be much better than now, because some effective measures are taken to protect the environment. Earth is still a beautiful home for human.



I imagine a lot about lives in the future. I think two words can summarize my imagination. The first word is fast. In the future, we will have more quickly transportation means. Now matter how far we go, it takes only a short time. With the development of science and technology, we can travel to the moon, Mars or somewhere outer space. People may can live in other planets. The second word is convenient. Because of the fast development of our society, many work can be done by the computers or even robots. Lots of things are fully automated. Humans just need to give some simple instructions to complete complecated tasks.




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In the winter vacation life I have seen such a story to share with you:

Boone smile day, boone to visit a client, but unfortunately, they didnt

reach an agreement. Boone very upset, come back later told the story to the

manager. Tell the manager listened patiently boone, silent for a moment and

said, "you might as well go again, but should adjust their own state, always

remember to smile, use your smile to impress each other, so that he can see your


Boone to try to do it, he behaved himself very optimistic, very sincere,

has been permeated with a smile on his face. Results each other have also been

infected by boone, they happily signed agreement.

Boone have been married for 18 years, every morning to go to work. Busy

life let he forgot his beloved wife, he seldom smile to his wife. Boone decided

to give it a try and see what difference smile will bring their marriage.

The next morning, boone comb my hair looked in the mirror is smiling at

frail, the scowl on his face. When he sat down to eat breakfast, he greeted Mrs.

With a smile. She amazed, very excited. In this two weeks, boone felt more

happiness than in the past two years.

Boone often sincerely compliment, now stop talking about their needs and

annoyance. He tried to see things from other peoples opinions. All this really

changed his life, he gained more joy and friendship.

This story gave me the message, do anything to adjust their own state of

mind, always remember to use the smile, set each other, play with your smile so

that he can see your sincerity. A smile can bring warmth, friendship, can bring

happiness. So in the work, life will smile to face, in a good state of mind to

treat people and things around.



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