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一株生长迅速的小草,长在农田里就是令农民讨厌的“荒田根草”,长在公园的空地上就成了“地皮草”。因为位置不同,小草的价值就有了霄壤之别,这不禁让我们深思,人要找到自己的位置,方可实现人生价值。 A rapidly growing grass, growing in farmland is the "barren field grass" that hates farmers, and grows on the open space of the park."Earthfall".Because of the different positions, the value of Xiao Cao is different from Xiaoyu. This can not help but make us think deeply. People must find their own position before they can realize the value of life.

找准定位,做出最明智的选择。 Find the positioning and make the most wise choice.

李白身上有一种游侠精神,他蔑视权贵,轻视翰林,大呼“我本楚狂人,凤歌笑孔丘”,他对自己的定位就是放浪形骸,纵情山水。衔觞赋诗,用双手捕捉瞬间的灵光;云游四方,用双脚丈量天地的深广。同为唐朝才子的王维,既有坐看云起的闲情雅致,又有经天纬地的韬略之才,他对自己的定位则是游刃于入世与出世之间,精妙地掌控着为官与隐逸的平衡。李白和王维都深谙人生定位的真谛,在适合自己的位置上尽展才华,名留青史。 Li Bai has a spirit of ranger. He despise power, despise Hanlin, shouting "I am a madman, Feng Ge smiled at Kong Qiu", he treats himselfThe positioning is to put the wave -shaped skeleton and indulge in the landscape.The title of the title is to capture the instantaneous light with both hands.Wang Wei, who is also a talent in the Tang Dynasty, has the elegant love of sitting and watching Yunqi, but also the talent of Tianshi.Balance with hidden.Li Bai and Wang Wei are well versed in the true meaning of life positioning. They are fulfilling their talents in the position suitable for themselves.

找准定位,往往能柳暗花明,为你敞开一片新天地。 Find the positioning, often can be dark and open, open a new world for you.

美国著名广告策划人黛·乔安娜曾经热衷于文学创作,可是一次次碰壁,被退稿,被批评“你写作只是一种自我陶醉”的经历使她认识到,文学或许并不是属于她的天地。全面剖析自己,她发现自己富有创造性的思维、独特的视角和超强的文字组织能力非常适合广告策划职位。果然在那里,她的能力得到尽情发挥,她迅速成长为行业中耀眼的明星。戴望舒的一句“你成不了诗人”让冯亦代放弃诗歌创作,把目光投向翻译领域。身高问题让伊辛巴耶娃放弃体操,定位在撑杆跳项目上。更加准确的定位,为他们敞开了一片更为宽广的天地,他们的人生价值得到了充分彰显。 The famous American advertising planner Dai Joanna was keen to create literary creation, but it hit the wall again and again, and was criticized.The experience of self -intoxication made her realize that literature may not belong to her world.Fully analyzing herself, she found that her creative thinking, unique perspective and super -strong text organization ability were very suitable for advertising planning positions.Sure enough, her ability was fulfilled, and she quickly grew into a dazzling star in the industry.Dai Wangshus phrase "You cant get a poet" asked Feng Yidai to give up poetry creation and set his eyes into the translation field.The height problem allowed Yisinbayeva to give up gymnastics and positioned on the pole jumping project.A more accurate positioning opened a wider world for them, and their life value was fully demonstrated.

找准定位,为了民族,将小我升华为大我。 Find the positioning, and sublimate the ego to the big self for the nation.

鲁迅先生把自己定位为“从旧堡垒中杀出来的战士”,反戈一击,既准且狠。弃医从文,以求医治世人痼疾。以笔为枪,刀刀刺入封建残余的心房;以文为鞭,恣意挞伐,振出黑暗时代的警钟长鸣。阳明先生把自己定位为“圣贤”。他不屑于在钦定敕修的四书五经中消磨人生,不甘心嘬取程朱理学的余唾,他壁立崖岸,不为世迁,在亲身经历中发明新的哲学奥义,并践行于戎马疆场,传道授业,泽被后人。 Mr. Lu Xun positioned himself as "the soldiers killed from the old fortress".Abandon the medicine to heal the cure of the world.Taking the pen as a gun, the knife pierced into the feudal residual atrium; with the text as a whip, he deliberately cut it, and the alarm bells in the dark era were long.Mr. Yang Ming positions himself as "sage".He disdain his life in the four books and five classics of Qin Ding, and he is unwilling to take the spitting of Zhu Lixue.For the earth, preaching, and Ze were later generations.

由此可见,找准定位对我们多么重要。适合自己的位置,就像平坦的大道,顺风的船帆,助你抵达理想的彼岸。不适合你的位置则会成为束缚你的牢笼,禁锢你的手脚,在你的眼前遮上一层阴霾,挥之不去。我们青年人应当擦亮眼睛,找准定位,去撷取成功桂冠上最耀眼的那颗明珠。 From this, it can be seen how important finding positioning is to us.Suitable for you, just like a flat avenue, a smooth sailing, helping you reach the other side of the ideal.If you are not suitable for you, you will become a cage that restraints you, imprison your hands and feet, cover a layer of haze in front of your eyes, lingering.We young people should polish their eyes, find positioning to capture the most dazzling pearl on the successful crown.

定位话题作文2 Position topic composition 2

亲爱的鸦弟:久未来鸿,甚为挂念! dear brother: a long time in the future, it is very thoughtful!

当我展翅高空,遨游蓝天,飞翔万里时,万物皆收入吾眼之中。前日弟问及我搏击抓羊之术,不知弟本领练习如何?我平生所获猎物万计,以长空捕羊之术,为我所得意。愿以我之心得体会,尽数传授于弟,为弟练习之指南。我居山巅突兀之势,居高临下,借长风之力,施余爪之劲,以迅雷不及掩耳之势,奋勇猛击,使其难有回旋余地,瞬间捕猎物而去。究之要诀,无非狠、快、猛、劲而已。 When I show the wings high, swim in the blue sky, and when I fly thousands of miles, everything is included in my eyes.The day before yesterday, my brother asked me about fighting and catching sheep.I have obtained all the prey in my life, and I have the technique of catching the sheep with a long sky.I would like to use my experience , as far as my brother, the guidance of the brother practice.I am in the top of the mountain, and the high wind is high. With the power of the long wind, the strength of the rest of the claws, with the thunderbolt, the momentum of the thunder and the bravery, making it difficult to rotate the room, and instantly hunt the prey.The key of the investigation is nothing more than ruthless, fast, fierce, and strong.

今日不敢吝音,尽数授于弟,愿弟勤加练习!不知吾弟今日是否飞黄腾达?如有出头之日,切勿忘鹰哥! I dare not tone today, so I am granted to my brother, I hope my brother will practice!If there is a day, dont forget the Eagle Brother!

近日你嫂嫂已做了孩子的妈妈,我东奔西走颠沛奔波为一家生计煞费苦心,所幸我有一技之长,得以维持生计,但也不免捉襟见肘、焦头烂额。因而书信只得仅此而已,愿弟勿为责怪! Recently, you have been a childs mother, and I have gone to the west to make a livelihood. Fortunately, I have a skill and can maintain a living, butIt is also unavoidable and scorched.Therefore, the letter has to be the only way, I wish you dont blame it!

愿弟早日练成绝技,得偿心愿! May the younger brother become a stunt as soon as possible, and you have to pay for your wish!

哥哥:鹰年月日亲爱的鹰哥:久未发鸿,甚为惭愧! Brother: The Eagle New Years Day, the Lingya, the Eagle Brother: It has not been a big time, and it is ashamed!

哥哥之绝技可害苦了我!谈起本领之事,兄之绝技高深莫测,弟未得领会一二,但自忖练习日久,技艺已精。前日见一山羊,弟一时心血来潮,技痒难忍,遂学兄从高空俯冲而下,谁知山羊体形重大,我未得施展全部所学却为牧羊人所捕,备受其冷言讥讽,邯郸学步之例用于我身却也恰当,幸一牧童从旁解围,我心才稍安。 Brothers stunts can hurt me! Talking about the skills, my brothers stunts are unpredictable.For a long time, the skills have been fine.I saw a goat the day before yesterday. The younger brother was very hard -working and itchy. Then the younger brother dived from the high altitude. Who knew that the goat had a significant shape.It is also appropriate for my body. Fortunately, the shepherd boy was siege from the side, and my heart was a little peaceful.

试思当日讨教之初,余真乃不自量力,哥哥体健爪利,威猛异常,真正非我能比。但以我之经历奉劝后来者莫作痴心妄谈之举。人处世间当审时度势,相机而动,知己知彼方有所成,并非一厢情愿者所能尽得,愿天下有志者审时而行,以我为戒! At the beginning of the discussion on the same day, Yu Zhennai did not take his own effort, his brother was healthy, mighty and unusual, and it was really me.But with my experience, I persuaded the latecomers to talk about it.When people are in the world when they are tried, the camera moves, and the one who knows and knows that the other party can achieve it.

愧对哥哥教诲,甚为汗颜! ashamed to teach my brother, very ashamed!

祝兄展翅腾飞,壮志凌云! I wish my brothers wings flying, ambition Lingyun!



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乔治.肖伯纳有过这样一段名言:"征服世界的将是这样一些人:开始的时候,他们试图找到梦想中的乐园,最终,当他们无法找到时,就亲自创造了它。"职业对我们大多数人来说,都是生活的重要组成部分。但是,职业既不象家庭那样成为我们出生后固有的独特的社会结构,也不象货架上的商品,可以供我们随意挑选。它更像一位朋友或一位合作伙伴一样。既存在,又不一定在眼前;与其结识不乏机缘,但更需要自我的设计和自我的奋斗。 George. Scholars had such a famous saying:" Some people who conquer the world will be like this: at the beginning, they tried to find the dreamland in their dreams. In the end, when they couldnt find them, they couldnt find, I created it in person. "Occupation is an important part of life for most of us.However, occupations are neither a unique social structure in our birth like a family, nor like the goods on the shelves, which can be selected at will.It is more like a friend or a partner.It exists and does not necessarily be in front of you; instead of acquaintance, there is no shortage of opportunities, but it is more needed for self -design and self -struggle.

面对严峻的就业形势和为自己职业发展着想,大学生们有必要按照职业生涯规划理论加强对自身的认识与了解,找出自己感兴趣的领域,确定自己能干的工作也即优势所在,明确切入社会的起点及提供辅助支持、后续支援的方式,其中最重要的是明确自我人生目标,即给自我人生定位。自我定位,规划人生,就是明确自己"我能干什么?"、"社会可以提供给我什么机会?"、"我选择干什么?""我怎么干"等问题,使理想可操作化,为介入社会提供明确方向。 Facing the severe employment situation and thinking about their career development, it is necessary for college students to strengthen their understanding and understanding of their own interests in accordance with the theory of career planning, find out the fields of interest, determine themselves, determine themselvesThe ability to work, that is, the advantages, clearly cut into the starting point of the society and provide assistance and follow -up support. The most important of which is to clarify the goal of self -life, that is, positioning self -life.Self -positioning and planning life is to clarify that you can do "what can I do?", "What can the society provide me with a chance?", "What should I choose to do?"Provide a clear direction.

1.明确自身优势 1.Clarify your own advantages

首先是明确自己的能力大小,给自己打打分,看看自己的优势和劣势,这就需要进行自我分析。通过对自己的分析,旨在深入了解自身,根据过去的经验选择、推断未来可能的工作方向与机会,从而彻底解决"我能干什么"的问题。只有从自身实际出发、顺应社会潮流,有的放矢,才能马到成功。要知道个体是不同的、有差异的,我们就是要找出自己与众不同的地方并发扬光大。定位,就是给自己亮出一个独特的招牌,让自己的才华更好地为招聘单位所识;对自己的认识分析一定要全面、客观、深刻,绝不回避缺点和短处。你的优势,即你所拥有的能力与潜力所在: First of all, to clarify your ability, give yourself points to see your advantages and disadvantages, which requires self -analysis.Through the analysis of yourself, it aims to understand himself in depth, choose and infer the possible future work direction and opportunities based on past experience, so as to completely solve the problem of "what can I do".Only from the actual situation and conforming to the social trend, can some be targeted can the horse be successful.To know that individuals are different and different, we are to find out ourselves different places and carry forward.Positioning is to give yourself a unique signboard to make your talents better be recognized by recruitment units; you must be comprehensive, objective, and profound, and never avoid shortcomings and weaknesses.Your advantage is that your ability and potential you have:

(1)我学习了什么?在学期间,我从学习的专业中获取些什么收益;参加过什么社会实践活动,提高和升华了哪方面知识。专业也许在未来的工作中并不起多大作用,但在一定程度上决定自身的职业方向,因而尽自己最大努力学好专业课程是生涯规划的前提条件之一。不可否认知识在人生历程中的重要作用,特别是在知识经济日益受到重视的今天会得到满意的结果。 (1) What did I learn?During the study period, what benefits I have obtained from my studies; what social practice activities have been participated in, which knowledge has improved and sublimated.Professional may not have much role in future work, but to a certain extent determining its own career direction, and thus doing its best to learn professional courses is one of the prerequisites for career planning.It is undeniable that the important role of knowledge in the journey of life, especially when the knowledge economy is increasingly valued today, it will be satisfactory.

(2)我曾经做过什么。即自己已有的人生经历和体验,如在学期间担当的学生干部,曾经为某知名组织工作过等社会实践活动,取得的成就及经验的积累,获得过的奖励等。经历是个人最宝贵的财富,往往从侧面可以反映出一个人的素质、潜力状况,因而备受招聘组织的关注,同时这也是自我简历的亮点所在和重要组成部分,绝对忽视不得。对一应聘者来说,经历往往比知识更为重要,因为许多事情只有经历过,才可能有深刻体会。判断一个人的才能,只有在实践的时候才会真正发现其长处与不足。 (2) What I did.That is, his existing life experience and experience, such as the student cadres who have been responsible for the semester, have worked for social practice activities such as a well -known organization, the accumulation of achievements and experience, and rewards that have been obtained.Experience is the most precious wealth of the individual. It often reflects the quality and potential of a person from the side. Therefore, it has attracted much attention from recruitment organizations. At the same time, this is also the highlight and important part of the resume.For one candidate, experience is often more important than knowledge, because only many things can have a deep understanding.Judging the talents of a person can really find its strengths and deficiencies only when practice.

(3)我最成功的是什么。我做过很多事情,但最成功的是什么?为何成功的,是偶然还是必然?是否自己能力所为?通过对最成功事例的分析,可以发现自我优越的一面,譬如坚强、果断、智慧超群,以此作为个人深层次挖掘的动力之源和魅力闪光点,形成职业规划的有力支撑;寻找职业方向,往往是要从自己的优势出发,以己之长立足社会。 (3) What is my most successful.I have done a lot of things, but what is the most successful thing? Why is it successful or inevitable? Do you do your own ability? Through the analysis of the most successful cases, you can find the superior side, such as strong, decisive, and smart wisdom.As a source of dynamic power and charm flash point for the deep -seated excavation of individuals, to form a strong support for career planning; finding a career direction is often based on its own advantages and based on the society.

定位话题作文5 Position topic composition 5

只有经历过非必要碰撞和必要碰撞之后,我们才会拥有智慧、理解、幸福、力量、成功和伟大。我们的生活才会跃上全新的层次,我们才可以说,我们敢于接受挑战。 Only after experienced non -necessary collisions and necessary collisions can we have wisdom, understanding, happiness, strength, success and greatness.Our life will jump to a new level, and we can say that we dare to accept challenges.

然而,我们如何才能跃上全新的层次,如何才敢接受生活的挑战呢? However, how can we jump to a new level and how can we dare to accept the challenges of life?

让我从一桶苹果说起。 Let me start with a bucket of apples.

记不清哪一年了,我乘火车旅行。火车停在一个小站上,我像其他旅客一样走下车门,到站台上放风,同时看看有什么可吃的。 I cant remember which year, I traveled by train.The train stopped on a small station. I walked off the door like other passengers, went to the platform to let go of the wind, and at the same time to see what to eat.

我走到一个移动的杂货车前,眼睛盯向车中盛满苹果的木桶,因为上面的苹果又大又红,个个饱满,是我特别爱吃的那种。更可贵的是,苹果的价钱非常便宜。于是,我毫不迟疑地买了一袋。 I walked to a moving grocery truck, staring at the wooden barrels filled with apples in the car, because the apple above was big and red, oneFull is the kind I especially love to eat.Whats more valuable is that Apples price is very cheap.So I bought a bag without hesitation.

火车开走了。我将手伸向袋中,准备享用我的美餐。 The train drives away.I stretched my hand in the bag and was ready to enjoy my beautiful meals.

然而,让我始料不及的是,里面只有几只又大又红、个头饱满的苹果,其他苹果大多又小又瘪。我掏出一只又一只,每一只都让我失望。 However, what made me unexpectedly, there were only a few of them, red, full of apples, and most of the other apples were small and small.I took out one after another, and each one disappointed me.

我的第一个念头是,小贩一定将苹果调包了。但这一念头转瞬即逝,因为他拿苹果、称苹果时我一直在场,没有给他任何机会。我继而又想,小贩是个不诚实的人,他一定是将又大又红、个头饱满的苹果摆在木桶的顶部,专门引人上当。待客人真正要买时,他就拿出桶下面的苹果。 My first thought is that the hawker must adjust the apple.But this idea is fleeting, because he has been present when he takes apples and calls apples, and has not given him any chance.I then thought that the hawker was an dishonest person. He must put the big and red and full apple on the top of the barrel, which was fooled.When the guest really wants to buy, he took out the apple under the barrel.

一定是的,我非常得意,同时,也非常气愤。得意我的发现,气愤小贩的不诚实。 It must be, I am very proud, and at the same time, I am also very angry.I found my discovery, the dishonesty of an angry hawker.

渐渐地,我开始冷静下来。我一路在想,小贩是有意这么做吗?小贩难道总是把大苹果放在上面,把小苹果放在下面吗? Gradually, I started to calm down.I was thinking all the way, do hawkers intentionally do this?Does the hawker always put the big apple above and put the little apple below?

朋友们,你们中有谁做过卖苹果的小贩呢? Friends, who have been a hawker selling apples?

如果有的话,可怜的人哪,你是真正被冤枉了啊! If there is, there is a poor person, you are really wronged!

在火车徐徐行进的震动声中,我慢慢明白了其中的道理。那个小贩并不是有意将大苹果放在上面,将小苹果放在下面,因为他完全没有必要这么做。他要的价钱,原本就是小苹果的价钱。 In the vibration of the trains, I slowly understood the truth.The hawker was not intended to put the big apple on it and put the little apple below because he did not need to do so.The price he wanted was originally the price of the little apple.

至于最上面的几只大苹果,是木桶自然晃动的结果。小贩不停地在站台上推动小车,木桶则不停地自然晃动,桶中最大的几只苹果也就自然地浮到了表面。 As for the top big apples, it is the result of the natural shaking of the barrel.The hawker kept pushing the car on the platform, while the barrels kept shaking naturally, and the largest apples in the barrel floated naturally to the surface.

你们中有谁在儿时玩过石子吗?我玩过。小时候我的最爱是弹弓。我的衣服上有两只口袋,一只装弹弓,一只装小石子。 Who among you played stones in childhood?I have played.My favorite when I was a kid is the slingshot.There are two pockets on my clothes, one slingshot, and the other is a small stone.

装小石子的口袋特别大,我也总是将它装得满满的。随着我的来回跑动,袋中的大石子总是在颠簸中浮升到口袋的顶部,而小石子往往下沉到口袋的底部。 The pockets of small stones are particularly large, and I always put it full.As I run back and forth, the big stones in the bag always rose to the top of the pocket in the bumps, and the little stone often sank to the bottom of the pocket.

日复一日,我一直被一个问题困扰着:为什么我口袋中的石子越打越小呢? day after day, I have been troubled by a question: Why does the stone in my pocket get smaller and smaller?

朋友们,在三十年后,在那次火车的旅行中,我一下子明白了儿时的困惑。 Friends, thirty years later, during the train trip, I suddenly understood the puzzles of childhood.

朋友们,我希望你们能够早点明白这个道理,莫要学我,要等三十年之后才开始明白。这个道理就是:在晃动着的木桶里,体积大的必会上浮,体积小的必会下沉。 Friends, I hope you can understand this truth as soon as possible, do n’t learn me, and start to understand after thirty years.This principle is: in the shaking wooden barrels, the large volume must float, and the small size must be sinking.





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一粒石头 a stone



这粒石头在城里迷失了,它不知道自己该干什么,能干什么,整天惘然地在大街上闲转。 This stone is lost in the city.What do you do, all day around the street.

一天,它在城市最繁华的大街上转悠。人行道上,大大小小的脚板川流不息。它被这些脚板踢来踢去。 One day, it wandered around the citys most prosperous street.On the sidewalk, large and small feet are flowing.It was kicked by these feet.

一位走路踉踉跄跄的老大爷,步履很蹒跚,眼神好像也不好使。他不小心踩在石头上,一个趔趄,栽倒在人行道上。 The old man who walked was staggering, his eyes seemed likeIts not easy to make.He accidentally stepped on the stone, and he fell on the sidewalk.

老大爷这一跤可栽坏了,当下就起不来了。被人送到医院,一检查,右腿膝盖骨开裂。 The old man can be broken, and it will not get up.When he was taken to the hospital, he cracked his right leg and knee bone.


这粒石头心里非常难过,它也觉得自己对不起老大爷。但是,它绝对不是故意的。 This stone is very sad, and it feels sorry for the grandfather.However, it is definitely not intentional.

一个风雨交加的深夜,大街上几乎没有了行人。车辆的雨刮器像摆钟,不停地在每辆车玻璃上摇来晃去。 There is almost no pedestrian on the street.The wiper of the vehicle is like a bell, and it keeps shaking on each car glass.

雨水把斑马线洗得黑白分明。 Rainwater washed the zebra crossing with black and white.

这粒石头很是感叹:城里人真好,脚下走的路也画得这么好看。它不由白主地滚上斑马线。它要亲自上斑马线感受一下。 This stone is very sighing:It is also so good -looking.It could not roll the zebra crossing.It has to feel the zebra crossing in person.

这粒石头不知道红绿灯是干什么的,只顾自己玩。 I dont know what the traffic light is doing.

突然,一辆疾驰的小车碾过来。小石头躲闪不及,被车轮压住,又“嘭”地一声弹出去。弹出去的力量很大,打在了路边的灯箱玻璃上。“咣!哗啦……”灯箱玻璃全碎了。 Suddenly, a galloped car crossed.The little stone couldnt dodge, was pressed by the wheels, and popped out "" again.The strength of the pop -up was very strong, hitting the glass glass on the roadside."Oh! Wow ..." The light box glass was all broken.

这粒石头呆呆地望着眼前不该发生的事,不知道如何是好。 This stone stared at what should not happen in front of me, I dont know if I dont knowWhat is good.

第二天,人们发现灯箱坏了,谴责之声四起。有的说:“这是哪个缺德鬼干的?太不像话了!”有的说:“抓住了应该重重处罚,不爱护公共财物,素质明显太差!”有的说:“这样的人就应该接受管制,限制他的人身自由。” The next day, people found that the light box was broken and the sound of condemnation was rising.Some say, "Which is this lack of virtue and ghosts? Its too bad!" Some said: "Grasp the punishment if you catch it, you dont love the public property, the quality is obviously too bad!" Some said, "This is this wayPeople should accept control and limit his personal freedom. "

这粒石头脸上红一阵,白一阵。它觉得人们好像知道这事是它干的,都在冲着它出气。 This stone face red, white.It feels that people seem to know that it is doing it, and they are all angry at it.


石头这儿摸摸,那儿看看,在人们脚下绊来绊去。 See there, stumbled under peoples feet.

一个长得很有派头的中年男子走了过来,后面还有几个跟班。这位男子边走边比划着,向跟班们说着什么。Several followers.The man was walking around and said to the followers.

石头把他的皮鞋碰了一下。男子眉毛拧在了一起:“石头怎么跑到这儿来了?这是你们谁的失职?我要处罚!” The stone touched his leather shoes.The mans eyebrows were twisted together: "How did the stone come here? Who is your negligence? I want to punish!"

——原来这个中年男子就是这家酒店的总经理。 This middle-aged man is the general manager of this hotel.

又惹麻烦了! Its troublesome again!


它离开了人们的视线,觉得很安全,紧张的心情终于慢慢平缓下来。 It left peoples sight and felt very safe, and the nervous mood finally slowly felt slowly slowly slowly.Slow down.

可是,没过多久,下水道被它堵上了,脏水从下水道溢了出来,把整个大厅的地面都泡啦!After overflowing, soak the ground of the entire hall!

清理管道的几个师傅折腾了大半天,好不容易把它挖了出来。人们盯着它又开骂了:“这倒霉鬼,怎么跑这儿来了?到处惹祸,让人扫兴。好好的酒店,被搞得乌烟瘴气。” Several masters of cleaning the pipes tossed for a long time, and it was difficult to dig it.come out.People stared at it and scolded again: "How do you run here? How can you run here? It makes people disaster everywhere. Good hotels are so angry."

这粒石头感到很孤独。它干什么错什么,人们好像都瞧不起它。 This stone feels lonely.What is it wrong, people seem to look down on it.

这天,它心情懊恼地在一个公园的风情线上溜哒,几个靓女说笑着走过来。其中一个“哎哟”了一声,就蹲下身子。 It was annoyed on a parks style of style,A few pretty girls came over with a smile.One of them "Ouch" and squatted down.

怎么回事?石头着急了。它挤到跟前一看,用石子铺成的蜿蜒小路上,不知什么时候掉了一块,形成一个鸡蛋大的深坑。那个靓女穿着高跟鞋,高跟插进去,把脚葳了。 What is going on?The stone is anxious.It was squeezed in front of it, and on the winding road paved with stones, it was not known when it fell to form a deep pit of eggs.The pretty woman was wearing high heels, inserted in high heels, and she was rampant.

这粒石头想,我在城里能干什么呢?别的什么也千不了,总不能游手好闲吧?这个坑,自己填进去正好,何乐不为呢?它毫不犹豫地跳进去,躺在这个坑中,正好把这个坑铺平。 What can I do in the city?Everything else cant be used, cant you travel freely?This pit is just right, why not?It jumped in without hesitation, lying in this pit, just spreading this pit.

过了些时日,公园里来了一位维修工。他见这粒石头有些松动,就蹲下身子,把石头取出来,给它抹上水泥,再铆进去。这样,这粒石头就牢牢地嵌在了这里。 After a few days, a maintenance worker came in the park.Seeing that the stone was a bit loose, he squatted down, took out the stone, wiped it with cement, and rolled in.In this way, this stone is firmly embedded here.


这粒石头很开心,它再也没有离开过这里。 This stone is very happy, and it has never left here.

——它在城里找到了自己的定位。 It found its own positioning in the city.

定位话题作文2 Position topic composition 2

生活中,也有很多这样的例子:为什么很多非常出色的人物会失败呢?潜意识里,把他人的失败也当作自己失败的理由。那么,这样,你还谈什么成功可言。当然,所有人都会有失败的`时候,如何减少失败,那需要我们正确定位自己的实力。 There are also many examples in life: Why do many very good characters fail?In the subconscious, the failure of others is also regarded as a reason for their failure.Well, in this way, you can talk about success at all.Of course, when everyone will fail, how to reduce failure requires us to correctly locate our strength.

如果一个绝顶聪明的人总在用他们惊人的脑力,去证明事情为什么无法成功,而不是用去引导自己的心力支寻找迈向成功的各种方法,失败的命运就会找上他们。消极的思想牵引他们的智力,使他们无法施展身手而一事无成。如果他们能改变心态,相信他们会做出许多伟大的事情。 If a smart person always uses their amazing brain to prove why things cannot be successful, not to guide the guidanceFinding their own heartpiece to find various ways to succeed, and the fate of failure will find them.The negative thoughts traction their intelligence, making them unable to do their best.If they can change their mentality, I believe they will do many great things .







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雄鹰只有进入天空才能自由翱翔,小鱼只有进入江河才能自在游动,狮子只有进入森林才能尽情奔驰。天空、江河、森林就是他们的位置。所以,人只有找准自己的位置,才能充分实现自己的人生价值。 The eagle can soar freely when entering the sky.Only when you enter the forest can you enjoy Mercedes -Benz.The sky, rivers, and forests are their positions.Therefore, people can fully realize their own life value only by looking for their own position.

有些人,狂妄自大,自以为自己很了不起,于是在寻找自己的位置时随随便便,最后发现自己并不适合这个位置。战国时期的大将赵括,他的位置不在沙场,而在后方。可他却带兵打仗,最终四十万赵军悉数被白起活埋。这样纸上谈兵的人,去当个理论家倒能为赵国做出自己的贡献,可带兵打仗却勉为其难。正因为他没有找准自己的位置,导致他最终失败了,而赵国的元气大伤。有些人,他本在一个已找到的位置上呆着。可他在其位不思其政,他的业余爱好大过了他的本职工作,最终导致他在本位上的一事无成。如李后主、宋徽宗等,他们的位置是朝堂之尊,可偏偏走了歪路。如果他们能励精图治,做好自己的本职工作。那么他们肯定会做的有声有色。在他们的治理下国家将走向繁荣富强。可是历史不容假设。正因为他们没有找准自己的位置,导致他们把祖宗留下的大好河山让给别人,最终成了亡国之君。 Some people, arrogant, thought they were amazing, so when they were looking for their own position, they were looking for their own position. Just casually found that I was not suitable for this position. Zhao Kuo during the Warring States Period, his position was not in the sand field, but in the rear. But he led his troops to fight, and in the end, 400,000 Zhao Jun was buried alive by Bai Qi. Those who talk about soldiers in this way can make their own contributions to Zhao Guo, but they can be difficult to lead soldiers. Because he did not find his position, he failed in the end, and Zhao Guos vitality was seriously injured. Some people, he stayed in a position that had been found. But he didnt think about his position, and his hobbies greater than his job, and eventually led to his incident in his ability. For example, the Lord Li Hou, Song Huizong, etc., their position is the respect of Chaotang, but they can walk away. If they can inspire them and do their job well. Then they will definitely make sound. Under their governance, the country will move towards prosperity and prosperity. But history is not assumed. It is precisely because they did not find their own position, which caused them to give the ancestors great rivers and mountains to others, and eventually became the monarch of the dead.

如果找准了自己的位置,那么可以更好的实现人生价值。着名的撑杆跳女皇伊辛巴耶娃,她早先选择体操,可在这个位置上没有多大进展。于是他忍痛放弃,选择了撑杆跳,在这个位置上,她凭借体型的优势和对体育事业的执着,不断创造辉煌,最终获得撑杆跳女皇这一无比光荣的称号。因此,要找准自己的位置。 If you find your own position, you can better achieve life value.The well -known pole jumping Queen Yisinbaya, she chose gymnastics earlier, but did not make much progress in this position.So he gave up pain and chose to jump. In this position, she continued to create glory with the advantages of her body shape and attachment to sports, and finally won the extremely glorious title of the Queen of the Ring.Therefore, find your own position.

愿每个人都能找准自己的位置,在适合自己的位置上实现自己的人生价值。 May everyone find their own position and realize their own position suitable for themselvesthe value of life.



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