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My spring festival

This year I have a happy spring featival with my family.

On New Years Eve,all the family people get together to have a big dinner in the resturant.During the dinner we have a small talk and play some games.

Thanks to this spring festival,it make our family people get toghther.We enjoy ourselves and in the new year we all fighting.








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"To celebrate the Spring Festival" these slogans on television advertising often visible to, also it is the slogan for the Spring Festival on the joyful atmosphere.

Everyone on the street before the Spring Festival shopping, buy new clothes, new shoes and so on, I also dont listed outside, I heard that this means that the New Year can look brand-new, have a good luck. I think the Spring Festival also has a good side and bad side, of course is good for us, false put, lucrative. And for a cleaner, but hard a period in the New Year. They increase in the number of garbage to clean a lot during the Spring Festival. In fact as long as we are happy not to break things and throw things at the same time, we "dont put your happiness based on others pain." Only in this way can make cleaners also accomplish "to celebrate the Spring Festival".

When we are celebrating the Spring Festival ", those who sweeps wheeled vehicle, carefully clean up the street, carrying a broom in road fireworks off the remains of a garbage is everywhere. These workers busy, clean all bent down to pick up garbage. When I see such a scene, I thought after the cleaning workers pick up must be very tired. The holidays also is really hard to do so tired! So we all can do it consciously when fireworks, so our sweeps can also get "to celebrate the Spring Festival".

Day, our whole family went to hangzhou, where citizens are more compliant, in busy streets they can handle the garbage into the trash can, although there are individual person still cant do that, but my hometown - keqiao has certain gap. Although these years KeQiao have great progress than before, but I think is not enough, must strengthen education, again only strong education is to improve the way of peoples environmental consciousness.

I hope that next years Spring Festival, we are all civilized people, can make the cleaners are also really enjoy the "celebrating the Spring Festival".








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去年以来,全镇上下始终把教育摆在优先发展的战略地位,坚持“以德育为主导,以教学为中心,以质量求生存,以特色求发展”的办学思路,以“立足课改,发展教师,成长学生,提高质量”为办学目标,严格执行精细化管理,积极推行课堂教学改革,狠抓学校安全管理,将“教师素质提升工程”与学校日常教学管理相结合,落实学生“营养加餐”工程和“教育信息化普及工程”.全面推进文明校园、平安校园、和谐校园及“学习型”校园的建设.强化内部管理,努力营造人文氛围,大力争先创优,在广大教育工作者的辛勤耕耘、共同努力下,全镇的教育事业呈现出了良好的发展态势.一是大力改善基础设施条件.万泉中学争取资金48万元,自筹资金20多万元建成270平方米的水冲式厕所,学校筹资30万多元进行了教学楼粉刷、门窗更换,进一步改善了学校的办学条件.学区在力所能及的范围内,筹措部分公用经费改善办学条件.累计投入32万多元完成了田坪、王岔、霍李等学校校园、校舍的粉刷和修缮,改善高川、田坪、高岔、史沟等学校的办公设备及住宿条件,购置办公桌椅21套,购置单人床23张;中心小学教师周转宿舍及学生食堂工程已全面竣工,即将投入使用;镇中心幼儿园、徐城小学、高川小学的行政村幼儿园均已开始招生,改变了全镇学前教育的不足甚至空白.二是着力提升教育教学质量.万泉学区上年在教育局年终综合考核中位列18个教委第三,在小学毕业水平测试中取得类四县十二的成绩.并被教育局授予“学校安全工作先进单位”、“小规模办学先进教委”、“精细化管理示范校”等称号.万泉中学在全县中考中,共有343人参加毕业会考,普通高中录取226人,录取率65.9﹪,较去年上升12.3﹪;九年级中考综合质量评估居全县同类学校第五全县第九,较去年上升2个类名次.尤其是九年级政治学科,位居同类校第一名,全县第一名.女子篮球队获全县第四届中学生篮球运动会中初中组亚军,学校评为2014年教育系统“学习型单位”和“我的梦,中国梦”全县青少年书信文化大赛优秀组织单位.三是全力巩固教育教学改革成果.一是继续在全学区开展“定等晋级”活动,将转变教学方式,改变课堂模式,优化教学过程,追求高效课堂,提升教师素质,促进专业化发展作为课堂教学“定等晋级”活动的指导思想.目前共开展了8轮定等晋级活动,全区147名专任教师,达到a级43人, b级55人,c级32人, d级17人.万泉中学确立并践行“依托课题促课改,凭借课改提质量”的校本教研理念,成立了“名师工作室”和“校本教研室”,投入1.5万多元用于课题培训及申报经费,今年申报的10项课题全部立项,其中省、市级各5项,有2项市级课题通过鉴定验收.二是把听课评课做为开展教研教改的一项有效途径来抓.学区推行“走动管理,推门听课”活动,本学期以来学区班子共听课120余节,组织公开教学8节,六年级学科研讨会3次.力争让每个教师都亲身体验备课、讲课、听课、评课、议课的全过程,从中总结经验,互相借鉴,取长补短,从而达到了共同提高的目的,今年在县教育局组织的课堂讲赛活动中,史映霞老师获得了二等奖,李敏老师获得了三等奖.万泉中学坚持深化课堂教学改革,着力提高课堂教学效益,积极、稳妥开展“四标”课堂教学模式实验.在全县第六届课堂讲赛中,参赛10位教师中8人获奖,获奖率居全县最前列,有1位教师获得平凉市2014年中小学课堂教学讲赛第一名,有1位教师获“庄浪名师”荣誉称号,有2位教师获 “庄浪县学科带头人”荣誉称号,有3位教师获 “庄浪县骨干教师”荣誉称号.有3位教师获全国数理化竞赛“优秀指导教师”.四是努力增强教师队伍建设.多年来,在老师队伍建设上,我镇不甘落后,向上积极争取新分配教师指标,不断输送新鲜血液,有效解决村级小学教师缺编、教学质量下滑的问题.认真落实教育局“教师素质提升工程”,加强师德师风建设,以“刹歪风、正行风、强队伍、树形象、抓质量、促发展”为主题,紧密结合《万泉学区课堂教学工作常规》,从转变教师工作作风和教育观念入手,严格落实教师考勤与绩效工资挂钩制度.通过不懈努力,每个教师的意识有了明显改变,工作纪律明显加强,工作作风有了明显改进,精神面貌有了明显改观;服务水平、业务能力得到明显提高.



同志们,教育是国计、也是民生,教育工作怎么重视都不为过.当前,全镇各项事业的发展正处在攻坚克难、赶超突破的关键时期,加快建设全面小康社会的任务异常艰巨.我们要更加清醒的认识到,没有教育发展的“优先”,就没有经济社会发展的“领先”,没有教育的“卓越”,就没有县域发展的“跨越”. 新学年、新起点、新征程,我们必须以更加良好的状态、更加务实的作风、更加开阔的视野,抢抓机遇乘势而上,勇于攻坚开拓进取,奋力开创全镇教育事业发展新局面.在今年全县的教育工作大会上,县委、县政府提出了当前和今后一个时期全县教育工作总的要求是:以党的十八大、十八届三中、四中全会和习近平总书记系列讲话精神为指导,以办人民满意的教育为宗旨,大力弘扬领导苦抓、教师苦教、学生苦学、家庭苦供的“四苦”精神,大力实施名学校、名校长、名教师、名学生“四名”工程,进一步改善办学条件,进一步加强教师队伍建设,进一步加强教育管理,进一步提高教育质量,统筹推进学前教育、义务教育、高中教育、职业教育、继续教育均衡发展,力争“十三五”全县整体办学效益、办学水平达到全省先进水平,主要办学指标达到全市领先水平,全面建成全市教育强县.

















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This year I have a happy spring featival with my family.

On New Years Eve,all the family people get together to have a big dinner in the resturant.During the dinner we have a small talk and play some games.We say some good hope to each other.For example,keep good healthe,try your best to do everything,have a good mood in this year,happy everyday and so on.

Thanks to this spring festival,it make our family people get toghther.We enjoy ourselves and in the new year we all fighting.



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since the childhood, I the most favorite thing to do is to study, I have read many books, there is "always cuckoo", "wu DiuDiuDe adventure", "little fox buy gloves", and "the window of small doug"...

There are many benefits for me to read. Can not only help me when doing the reading, a better understanding of the meaning of the article, and can be better for me to apply my good word, we can also let us learn a lot, understand a lot of sense. Read to make us happy! Reading let us have more laughter!

Among them, I most like to watch "Madame Curie". Madame Curie is like us, since the childhood like intimate contact with nature, Copernicus was her model. Selfless great simplicity, humility, her character, persistent, hard work, perseverance, indomitable spirit, she found two elements, polonium and radium, she won two Nobel prizes. Who can imagine, she is the "mother", radium gave great contribution to the wealth to the world, he even do research, could not afford to 1 gram of radium. As a great woman, she won the sympathy of the people of the world, support and respect.

Read the "Madame Curie", I think I should learn from her, learning her not to difficultly lowers the head, she determined the indomitable spirit of hard. Im going to study hard, grow up to do a scientist like her.

Let us together, can read, read good books, good books!



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winter vacation is coming.were happy to welcome the holidays.usually,winter vacation is funny because spring festival is during the vacation.

spring festival is a excellent day for every chinese,especially for children.during the festival,relatives go to visit each other and give presents to each other.then its the happy moment for children,children are given some lucky money.

but im not a child any longer.i want to make the festival a little bit different. i plan to have a different day.im going to sell some toys in the flower market.i will ask my friends to join me.if i earn some money,ill buy some presents to my parents.well,its my turn to give back to my parents for their love.



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Spring Festivals Eve is the last night in the last month of lunar calendar next to Spring Festival Day,the First Day of New Year. Chuxi,the Chinese name of Spring Festivals Eve,means the old year past and we will greet the new by the turn of year. During all festival,the activities or celebrations focus on praying for Good Fortunes and getting rid of Bad Fortunes.

In ancient Chinas Zhou and Qin Dynasty,when it came to Lunar New Year,Royal Palace would have a ritual named Danuo,to drive away ghost and bad luck of illness and disaster,it was also called "Zhuchu(to drive away)". People called the day before Spring Festivals Eve Before-Years Night,so the Spring Festivals Eve constantly is Years Night.

The Spring Festivals Eve is a most lingered night. In this warm eve,when night coming,youngsters handle a stick of incense(香)to ignite(点燃) the firecrackers,a child plugs up his ear by one hand and leans to ignite the fireworks by another,other children cover their ears aside to wait fireworks happy bang impatiently. Although some senior citizens are old, they still could remember what a beautiful spring festival they had in their childhood.

To have a family super,make sacrifice and stay up a whole night for greeting new years coming are the main three activities in the Spring Festival Eve.



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大家上午好!今天,我们在这里举行“情暖母亲 爱润孩子”——2014年春节慰问单亲特困母亲家庭活动。在此,我代表市妇联祝在座各位母亲,并通过你们祝全市母亲们新年快乐、万事如意!

一直以来,单亲特困母亲家庭帮扶工作是市妇联工作重点。2004年,市妇联正式在全市启动了“情暖母亲 爱润孩子”——援助单亲特困母亲家庭活动。近年来,该活动在我市已深入人心,得到了社会的充分肯定和支持,列入了市春节专项慰问活动,建立了长效的帮扶工作机制。市妇联还于2016年设立了单亲特困母亲家庭临时困难帮扶专项资金,对出现突发性、特殊性困难的单亲特困母亲家庭进行临时性救助,使援助单亲特困母亲家庭工作更具针对性和解困性。






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The red lanterns hung, festive couplets pasted up, beautiful window cut up, capped Bai Xuepiao down, the delicious meal of the eve of the end of fireworks rushed out, God, we Chinese the most festive grand traditional festival - the Spring Festival is coming.

This years new years Eve, I spent my grandmothers home in Shaoxing. The twelfth lunar month 28 evening, on the way to Shaoxing, we were caught in a heavy snow. The car is everywhere flying snow white, but the yellow lights to illuminate the road ahead, but also the warmth of home peoples heart. The lamp of faint light, in the snow gave people the warmth of home.

The twelfth lunar month 29 morning, we came to the peak Temple Buddha, incense in the incense burner peak hillside, this is also a custom of Shaoxing new year. During the end of the beginning of the year, the temple incense, always many pilgrims, people have come here to pray for peace auspicious new year.

In the afternoon, I came to the famous garden of Shenyang in the Southern Song Dynasty. A glittering snow, a white carpet, silhouetted against a black tiles and white walls between red lanterns. The breeze carrying a piece of people the best wishes of the pledge card, brushed a blossoming bloom, only to hear the bells "methotrexate methotrexate" light sound, only smell bursts of fragrance lamei.

The reason why the Spring Festival is busy, fireworks and firecrackers can not be small. In ancient times, people set off firecrackers to evil blessing, pray for peace and happiness. And todays brilliant fireworks add gorgeous colors to the night sky.

The Spring Festival in my hometown is very lively, it is colorful, it is a red fire and it is warm. There is a good wish for a loved one there, where we are deeply attached to and stay in love.



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spring festivel is a special chinese festivel. everyone like spring festivel. why? because everyone have a long holiday. people don go to work. everyone can sleep to nine oclock. every chlidren also like spring festival. why? because. every chlidren dont go to school. every chlidren have many money. every people have many new cloths. duration in spring festivel every people eat dumplings.

we have story for spring festivel. longlong ago. a beast named "nian". he is very bed. every year he always eat many people and animal. at lost many people kill the beast. so we are commemorate this day.



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The Spring Festival is very important to Chinese people. In the past,people could not often have meat,rice or other delicious food. They could only eat these during the Spring festival. So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival would come soon. Now, although people‘s life is much better,and we can eat the delicious foods everyday. People still like the festival. Because most people can have a long holiday,and we are free to go on a trip or visit our friends or have parties with our family. In the evenings,we can have a big meal in the restaurant or stay at home with family and watch the TV programs.


I like the Spring Festival very much. How wonderful the Spring Festival is!




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篇一:压岁钱Lucky money

The spring festival is the loveliest in China, which is comes in February. Everyone loves it so much that prepare lots of things of the spring festival before it comes. In the spring festival holiday, people do many things, such as eat the dinner on the New Year‘s, set off fireworks, stroll the famous fair likes “Baiyunguan” fair.


On the first day of lunar, the young generation congratulates the old generation with “Happy New Year!”


Then the old generation will give the young some lucky money which wrapped with red paper or red envelope. Because red is a color with joyful. Lucky money means the old generation‘s love to the young and hope them can have a good luck in this new year. This is the lucky money which lots of the young want.


篇二:Kids, How Would You Deal With Your “Lucky Money”?

Kids would be overexcited during Spring Festival, for the simple reason that they would receive “lucky money”from their parents as well as other elderships.

According to ancient custom, the elder generations put a certain number of money in a red envelope, and give it to the children of the family, wishing that the children would grow up healthily and happily.

How to reasonably deal with those “lucky money”is a serious question for parents and children alike. As far as I am concerned, two ways below are worth to be considered. One sensible way is to save the money for higher education. With the development of economic and urbanization, the competition is becoming more and fiercer. The demand of people with high degree is increasing, which means, the threshold for a “white-collar”job is higher and higher. Therefore, accepted into a college is viewed as a necessary and an initial step for a good job. Given the increasing cost of college education and postgraduate education, saving the “lucky money”is at least an economic guarantees for higher education. The other way is investing, and by investing I do not mean buy stocks or bonds, but investing in self-improvement. For example, purchasing some books, literature, politic, philosophy, whatever you like.

As Bacon said, “reading makes a full man”, investing in books you are interested in would expand your knowledge and improve your attainment. However, not only books could attribute to self-improvement, art and sports or other skills could also do. Invest some money to learn piano, guitar, etc.; or to learn dancing, swimming, tennis…Or just to learn how to drive is a worthwhile acquirement. All in all, you could name other good ways to use“lucky money” of course, as long as it is worthwhile, and saving for education and investing in self-improvement are definitely among them.



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Favorite Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .Its to celebrate the lunar calendar s new year .

In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .

Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck .

People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .

The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words "Have all your wishes ". People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .



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In a few days is the spring festival, the family are preparing necessities, cleaning the health, to meet the arrival of the holiday.

Walking in the street, everyone s face is permeated with a festive smile, carrying bags, needless to say, must be new year s clothes. Shopping malls are full of people: there are children holding their parents hands to buy clothes, there are couples sweet to buy clothes, and children holding elders talking and laughing to buy clothes, in short, everyone is beaming.

Came to the countryside, kill pig slaughter sheep ... with their own customs to celebrate the spring festival, in some places also started the market, he cried out to buy drinks, he cried out to buy clothes, this way to reduce prices, there shouting to buy two to send one, everything should be everything, is really full of beautiful things, very lively.

In the spring festival year 30 nights, the spring festival party began, play sketch, crosstalk, singing any program, a show after the audience applause, until the middle of the night people are sleepy, the program is finished. The show is over, but people are still enthusiastic, because haven t pressure money, fireworks! After all this, almost twelve o clock, the children are holding the money to go to bed adults to chat for a while to go to bed.

The next day, people get up early in the morning, with a good gift to go relatives, relatives to go for several days, less also need to go more than a day.

Spring festival is really good, can let people busy life to relax, also can add some fun for everyone boring things.

I love spring festival!

再过几天就是春节了,家家都在准备着年货,打扫着卫生,迎接着这个节日 的到来。









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Speaking of the Spring Festival, I had a dont have a taste, and the fun is also continuously. It is like rainbow dream, like exquisite pearl, make the person yearn to make people yearning. Before the Spring Festival, people all beaming, all in high spirit. The street people mountain

Sea, some of them are buying New Year pictures, some are buying necessities. This not, to the Spring Festival, is permeated with a festive atmosphere everywhere! See every family decorated, door with Spring Festival couplets, relatives get together for the family reunion dinner, bless each other. At this moment, everyone is looking forward to the night arrived. "Or..." In the firecrackers, people play a very beautiful fireworks,. It is a hand to play with fireworks, when lit, clusters of spark gently fluttering, and changing the color, dancing slowly, a very beautiful fireworks greets me, green some bloom, gorgeous and dazzing. All over the sky of fireworks, there are red, yellow, green,... They fall "petals" like a meteor across, disappeared in the sky, they are added to life, for the sky will be the night like hundred various ornament.

I believe that the fun is continuously every year.





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My Favourite Festival

There are many traditional festivals in China. My favourite festival is the Spring Festival. It is a very important festival for Chinese. Before the festival, people will go to visit their relatives and friends. They usually have a big dinner together and give best wishes to each other. Most children in China love this festival because they can play fireworks and lucky money from their parents and relatives.



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China has always had a splendid traditional culture, and there are Dragon Boat Festival, qingming festival, National Day... I like the Spring Festival best.

The streets are full of lanterns, people are busy buying couplets, the annual goods, the arrival of the Spring Festival

Every time Chinese New Year, we young children wear new clothes, wear new hats, the adults face a satisfied smile. Its been a great year for people to eat family reunion dinner. In the evening, the grown-ups are playing mahjong, playing poker, and eating melon seeds, chatting and talking. Children like to set off fireworks. The bold children go to the fire, the timid children look behind. Fireworks are colorful... Just play and play! Have fun!

It was a long time before I left my friends to go home. I thought to myself, "I wish I could spend the Spring Festival every day."



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I have experienced a lot of interesting things in this winter holiday, and the most interesting of them is the Spring Festival.

In the evening of February 17th, aunt and uncle went to our home and spent the Spring Festival with my family. My aunt and aunt came here, and I went up to them to greet them. I smiled and said, "wish aunt and uncle a happy new year." "I wish you a happy new year and good academic progress." Then, the aunt from her bag and took out a big red envelopes for me, I opened one, wow, there are 1000 yuan!

I took the money carefully into the red bag, held the red bag in my hand, and flew into the room and put it in the drawer. Time to eat, everyone excited to come to the dinner table, dinner can be really big ah! There is Eight Delicacies Rice, Double cooked pork slices, fried octopus, ten dishes, all my love, I see slobber to flow out. Everyone sat on the seat and began to eat after each others blessing. The meal was finished, I was full of food and full, and the belly drum was like a big ball.

Its eight oclock. Lets watch the Spring Festival party together. The Spring Festival Gala programs can be really wonderful ah, there are humorous sketches, beautiful dance, songs of various exquisite beyond compare, everybody clap. I love comedy starring Zhao Benshan "plan", it is very interesting, I laugh all stomach pain, their mother is laughing. The Spring Festival evening finished, we went to the outside put firecrackers, firecrackers have all kinds of types of Mantianhong, cupola, the lamp...... The number is not over.

My father got a cigarette, pointing to a string of firecrackers and said to me: "come, you go to that point." I took the cigarette, slowly walked to the string of firecrackers, put the cigarette head to lead to "burn!" I screamed and ran as fast as a rabbit hid behind my mother. Snapping me tight over his ears, eyes closed. Pau finished everyone see me, laugh, I also smiled. I have a very happy Spring Festival this year, and I look forward to the early arrival of the Spring Festival next year. .



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This year is the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China! On October 1st, our whole family sit by the TV and waiting to watch early time big parade. At ten o clock, the National Day military parade formally started, only saw many soldiers standing in front of tian anmen, navy, air force, army... Stand straight, straight, like hits the forceful pine, President hus review. The parade shows the motherland strong defense force, peaceful country and safe people, the motherland prosperity of beautiful landscape. During the National Day, grandpa and I went to play in the humble admin istrators garden. The car on the road, I saw the window renmin bridge garlands made of flowers on both sides, in the sunshine more bright beautiful, make the atmosphere of the National Day more strong! Walk in the small street to the humble admini strators garden, see stalls on both sides of the street with a red flag with five stars, to express the affection to the motherland. Many foreign visitors to see the beautiful scenery heartfelt held out a thumb. In the humble admini strators garden is the chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum can be more color, yellow, red, white, colorful, beautiful! The National Day make me deeper understanding of the motherland; A profound feelings for the motherland also; Make me more love my motherland China! 中文翻译: 今年是新中国成立70周年!十月一日这天,我们全家早早的坐在电视机旁等待观看盛世大阅兵。 十点钟,国庆阅兵式正式开始了,只看见许多军人站在天安门前,有海军、空军、陆军……都站得笔直笔直的,像一棵棵挺拔的青松,接受主席的检阅。整个阅兵式展示了祖国雄厚的国防力量,国泰民安,祖国繁荣昌盛的美好景象。 国庆期间,我和爷爷去了拙政园玩。汽车在路上行驶着,我看见窗外人民桥两旁用鲜花做成的花环,在阳光下更加亮丽,使国庆的气氛更加浓厚了!走在通往拙政园的那条小街上,看到街的两旁的摊位都插着五星红旗,表达对祖国的深厚感情。许多外来游客看见了这么美的景色由衷的伸出了大拇指。拙政园里有菊花,菊花的颜色可多了,有黄色的、红的、白的,五彩缤纷的,美丽极了! 国庆节使我对祖国的了解更深了,对祖国的感情也更深厚了,使我更加热爱我的祖国中国!



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The Spring Festival

The Spring Festival, Chinese Happy New Year,is the most important festival for all of us. All family members get together on Happy New YearEve to have a big meal.At the same time, everyone celebrates to each other.At about 12 oclock,some parents and children light crackers.The whole sky is lighted brightly. We may watch the fireworks excitedly.How busy it is!

On the first early moring of one year, many senior citizen get up early and they stick the reversed Fu or hang some couplets on the front door. Some houses windows are sticked on red paper cutlings.

The Chinese Happy New Year lasts fifteen days. So during the fifteen days, we always visit our relatives from door to door. At that time, children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents,grandparents, uncles, aunts and so on. The last day of the Chinese Happy New Year is another festival. It names the Lantern Festival.

So the Chinese Happy New Year comes to the end.
