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老年人the oldelderly aged elderly population senior citizens

年轻人youthyoungster young adults adolescent

中年人middle adults

网吧cyber café 网虫mouse potato 电视迷couch potato

优秀的学生outstanding/superior/rare/top students

坏的影响ill effects

农村rural 郊区suburban 城里urban

在当代社会in contemporary society

双赢a win-win situation 双输 a lose-lose situation

建设有中国特色的社会主义build socialism with Chinese characteristics ,form a economic system with Chinese characteristics


I would appreciate it very much If you ……

I am thrilled to receive your mail.

Looking forward to a prompt response.


1、 have growing respect for 越来越重视

Coincident with the fast growing economy, China has growing respect for protecting the environment and controlling population. 随着经济的迅速发展,中国也越来越重视环境保护和控制人口了。

2、 enable sb to do sth (使某人可以做某事)

It enable us to build a harmonious society.

3、 另外 In addition/ Additionally/ on top of that

Additionally, there is another reason for the appearance of this phenomenon.(现象)


The real power resides in the people.(真正的权力属于人民)

We must fight against the bureaucracy in order to improve governmental work.(为了提高政府部门的工作效率,我们必须与官僚作风作斗争。)

Litter by little, our knowledge will be enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened.(慢慢的,我们的知识会充实,我们的视野会开阔。)

As a classic proverb goes that no garden has no weeds.(常言道,任何事物都有两面的。)也可以用 every sword has two edges. Everything has both dark sides and bright sides.

Taiwan is an integral part of China.(台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。)



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Everyone has their own hobbies, I was no exception. My hobby numerous as the stars in the sky, but I most like to read books.

Since I was young, I love reading, where I can see, in bed, go to the toilet see, going to travel in the car, even to eat. Mom and dad always hope me the real little bookworm go out to play for a while, but I dont know a person in the neighbourhood, so the book has become my best friend. Remember once I went to a bookstore reading a book, with my mother agreed to go back until five o clock, but the sight of the wide variety of books, I swim in the sea of stories to boil. I picked up a book "laughing cat diary", read, and was attracted by Yang hongying style of writing. Time like off the string arrow, blink of an eye by six o clock, I remembered that time, is on his way back, met a mother, I look with my mom out in a rash.

A few days ago, I was in the toilet for more than half an hour, I was so angry mother nose crooked, is this why? Because I see in the toilet, "meaning Lin" youth version by that mom took her killer response - animal roars at fellow players.

However, a yard to yard, reading is a good thing. Now, one in the class, my composition since school reading quantity reach millions of words. The classmates, let us read more books!







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It has been a hot topic discussed heatedly for the time being that how indeed the media influence our teens. Different peopie come up with different opinions. The following passages are two different comments given by several teenagers ranging from 15 to 20.

One, Teens are the most influenced and the easiest to be influenced by the media. The media influence the way they dress, talk and conduct themselves. From the latest trends to the coolest celebrities, they imirate what they see, whether its Katie Holmess new haircut or the pink shirt that Christina Aguilera wore. So it follows that more serious actions like carrying arms or doing drugs could be copied as well.

Young people are impressionable. Therefore, some request that the media should take responsibility by changing some of the content of their shows especially those for teens. They are huge consumers of media, so networks should show them respect by promoting positive images. They think some shows confuse the lines between entertainment and life.The producers know their audiences are young, so they should realize that teens watching "reality" shows might not be ableto tell the difference between fantasy and fiction.

Opposing voices have also come from others. They think that they use the media--magazines, television and movies--to connect to one another and to the world, so naturally,theyre influenced by the images the media present. For example, a boy would be lying if he said he didnt want to be like Brad Pitt. Pitts flawless style, good looks and moneymaking talent seem to define whats "cool".

Nevertheless, those teens hold that the media only provide information, what they as viewers do with that knowledge is up to themselves. They have to learn to make their own choices and accept responsibility for their actions. To blame entertainment figures for certain crimes committed by teens isfunny. Its not the fault of TV. Media are an expression of our culture--not the cause. Its time we stop making the media a scapegoat for our nations problems. Its not the medias job to make sure kids understand what theyre watching; that responsibility belongs to parents. Parents and schools should dedicate more time to establishing clear rules of discipline.The influence of parents and teachers--the teens true role model--carries more weight with teenagers than what they hear on the radio or see at the movies.



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Recently, we often show that shopping online is better than in store, but is this really the case? Actually, there is no consensus of opinions among people as to the view of shopping online is better than traditional shopping. Some people consider that online shopping will replace the mall shopping, stores will disappear in the future, while others argue that stores would unlikely to be disappeared, it has its own advantages.

Most people shopping online because it is very convenient, there is no need to go out, just click the mouse gently, they can buy the goods they want. In addition, goods online are cheaper than entity shop that buyers can save a lot of money. But even the coin has two sides. Online shopping also has advantages and disadvantages. In recent years, we see a lot of news about online cheating, and many buyers complain about poor quality of the goods, which is different with the description.

However, the situation above is rare in traditional shopping store, because the guest can communicate with the seller face to face. Buyers can also see goods intuitively. But the traditional shopping does not convenience as well as online shopping, for example, if people meet a traffic jam on the way to the shopping which will affect the happy mood of shopping.

To sum up, online shopping and traditional shopping has their own advantages and disadvantages. They can exist together, in recent period of time, online shopping will not replace traditional shopping.








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① in + 阿拉伯数字(读的时候用基数词,从后到前,分两截来读)。如:

He was born in 1971. (1971读作nineteen seventy-one)


in the year 253 B.C. (253 B. C. 读作two five three B.C. ) 在公元前253年。


in +月份名词(开头第一字母要大写), 如:in January / February。


① on + 月份+ 序数词(th可省略, 但读时要念出来)。如:

National Day is on Oct. 1.

② on + the + 序数词+ of + 月份。如:

National Day is on the 1st of October.


at +基数词 (+ oclock / sharp)。如:

Our meeting will begin at five oclock.



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Nowadays weight-losinghas become popular among young and middle-aged women. In order to make themselves pretty-looking, they try many different ways of losing weight. Some go on a diet, some take exercise,some eat medicine ,others even turn to operation for help. As a result,a lot of products have come into being,such as special medicines, tea and equipment. They are used in different ways and work differently, but some have side effects.

In my opinion, its understandable that women seek beauty, but they should do it in a proper way. Taking exercise is the way that I most favor. But the other methods are likely to do harm to peoples health more or less.






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Dear Editor,

Im a senior high school student named Li Hua. Now many students have iPads and think its a fashion to use them.


Dear Editor,

Im a senior high school student named Li Hua. Now many students have iPads and think its a fashion to use them. U sing an iPad, we can listen to music, download a lot of learning materials and read them on the screen. Apparently, its helpful to our study, especially to our English listening.

Some students, however, bring their iPads to the classroom and listen to music without earphones, which makes the teacher and other students greatly annoyed. Some of them even waste precious time in class playing video games.

In my opinion, as students, we should make good use of iPads to help achieve academic success. The classroom is a place for students to study, and thereforeconcentration is awfully needed for us to learn our lessons. Furthermore, the school should make a rule to guide the students to use iPads in a proper way. Yours sincerely, Li Hua



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关键词揭秘之阿喀琉斯之踵(Achilles Heel)


关键词揭秘之拳王阿里( Muhammad Ali)

今年考卷上阿里的那句话,让人震撼“Champions arent made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them. A desire, a dream, a vision.”(冠军不是诞生在体育馆里,而是来自人的内心。成就冠军的是渴望、是梦想,是愿景!)

关键词揭秘之莎翁( William Shakespeare)

今年的书面表达问了考生一个让人纠结的问题:面对微信上铺天盖地的“最萌宝宝”、“最美小学生”投票,你是投还是不投。“To vote or not to vote”就是对莎翁悲剧《哈姆雷特》中经典名言“To be or not to be”的致敬。



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1、生命在于运动.每个人都需要运动.运动有很多好处,多做运动可以让我们保持健康的身体和好的心情. sport is indispensable to life, everyone needs exercises. doing exercises regularly will bring us a lot of benefits and keep us healthy physically.

2、在春季,我们可以去跑步,它会让我们的双腿更灵活 in the spring, we can exercise running outside, it helps our legs became more agile.

3、在夏季,我们可以去游泳,游泳是一种全身的运动,它可以让我们保持更好的身材.summer, swimming is my preference, its a sport exercise comprehensively from head to tail. its really helpful to keep a good curve.

4、在秋季,我们可以去爬山,它锻炼我们的意志. in the autume, we can climb hills, through these activities, our volition can be enhanced.


in winter days, skating and skiing are my favourate sports, we can find a lot of fun from them in the freezing days.

6、运动前准备不足 In the P.E. class we had the long-distance running. We had a warm-up before it. But I was lazy and didn't do it well. When I was running, I suddenly fell to the ground. I pulledthe muscles in the leg. 体育课上,我们要进行长跑。长跑前我们为此做准备活动,但是我很懒没有好好做。跑步时,我突然倒在地上。我腿上的肌肉拉伤了。




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We will gather at the school gate at seven in the morning.


We will set off at 7:30.


We will go there by bus.


Lunch will be served in the restaurant there.


We will visit the factories and schools there.


After that, we will chat with the farmers there.


An hour later, we will go fishing.


The cost of the trip will be paid by the students themselves.


We won’t return to our school until 5:00 p.m.


I will be in your company all the way.



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一、 从词汇入手,强化短语写作










在完成阅读教学,学生基本掌握文章内容的基础上,笔者进一步指导学生改写文章。改写要求学生注意人称、时态、直接引语、间接引语、遣词造句和谋篇布局等方面的变化,充分理解课文内容,认真思考,写出语言得体、内容完整的文章。例如:《牛津高中英语》模块6 Unit 2What Is Happiness to You?的Reading部分是一篇以对话采访形式出现的课文,在采访过程中,嘉宾Dr.Brain以体操运动员桑兰的经历为例,谈到他对幸福的理解。在完成阅读教学后,笔者要求学生用第三人称写一篇介绍桑兰的作文,并鼓励学生引用课文中描述桑兰的经典词汇和例句。如:hard?鄄working, energet?鄄ic, stay optimistic/positive, in good spir?鄄its; She was happy to devote herself to gym?鄄nastics等。通过这些训练,学生既加深了对课文的理解,又运用了所学重点词汇,同时学生的写作技能得到了实际的锻炼。


写的过程实际上是模拟读者阅读的过程;而阅读也是模拟写作的行为(戴军熔,2002)。教师可给学生一篇与书面表达体裁和题材相同的范文,让学生通过阅读完成类似话题的写作任务。例如:《牛津高中英语》模块1 Unit 3 Looking Good,Feeling Good的写作话题是保持健康。笔者从英文报刊上选择一篇有关如何科学合理地减肥、健身的报道,先让学生在课堂上进行限时阅读,然后提问学生:Which do you think is more important,looking good or feeling good? How would you keep fit?Why?等。学生通过模仿阅读材料的结构进行写作。通过阅读带动写作,由知识的输入到知识的输出,提高了学生表达的条理性和连贯性,为学生提供了写作策略和技能。








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Each and every one of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions and choices. Therefore, combating climate change is going to take the combined efforts of everyone on the planet.

The average household carbon footprint in China is 2.41 tons of carbon dioxide annually. Thats enough to fill half an Olympic swimming pool.

Surprised? Well, heres how you can work to reduce it:

1.Get started by calculating your own carbon footprint. This will give you a starting point from which to begin monitoring your progress. You enter details such as what sort of apartment you live in, your personal energy use and travel habits.

2. Each week, choose one day when you dont eat meat. Meat uses up lots of energy because it takes a long time to produce. Animals produce methane, which is another dangerous greenhouse gas, when they burp and fart.

3. Only buy the amount of food you need and if there are leftovers, get creative. For instance, make them into a soup. Ask to take food home from restaurants if theres some left, but remember to take your own container to avoid using a disposable carton.









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1、When all else is lost the future still remains.就是失去了一切别的,也还有未来。

2、Sow nothing, reap nothing.春不播,秋不收。

3、Keep on going never give up.勇往直前, 决不放弃!

4、The wealth of the mind is the only wealth.精神的财富是唯一的财富。

5、Never say die.永不气馁!

6、Nurture passes nature.教养胜过天性。

7、There is no garden without its weeds.没有不长杂草的花园。

8、The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好!

9、The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man.伟人之所以伟大,是因为他立志要成为伟大的人。

10、Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life.苦难是人生最伟大的老师。

12、A man cant ride your back unless it is bent.你的腰不弯,别人就不能骑在你的背上。

13、Although again sweet candy, also has a bitter day.即使再甜的糖,也有苦的一天。

14、Sharp tools make good work.工欲善其事,必先利其器。

15、Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow.今日事今日毕!

16、Wasting time is robbing oneself.浪费时间就是掠夺自己。

17、The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。

18、A mans best friends are his ten fingers.人最好的朋友是自己的十个手指。

19、Only they who fulfill their duties in everyday matters will fulfill them on great occasions.只有在日常生活中尽责的人才会在重大时刻尽责。

20、The shortest way to do many things is to only one thing at a time.做许多事情的捷径就是一次只做一件事。

21、Theres only one corner of the universe you can be sure of improving, and thats your own self.这个宇宙中只有一个角落你肯定可以改进,那就是你自己。

22、The first step is as good as half over.第一步是最关键的一步。

23、Do one thing at a time, and do well.一次只做一件事,做到最好!

24、Believe that god is fair.相信上帝是公平的。

25、Wealth is the test of a mans character.财富是对一个人品格的试金石。

26、Let bygones be bygones.


27、Let sleeping dogs lie.


28、Let the cat out of the bag.


29、Lies can never changes fact.


30、Lies have short legs.




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Iagreeto/aminfavor of the plan.


First, the building of the factory will provide people with different jobs.


Second,it can save a lot of money.


Last,but not least, it won’t do much harm to the environment.


I don’t agree to the plan.


On one hand, it will take too much space of our school.


On the other hand, the noise of the machines will have bad effect on our teaching work.


In a word, we don’t think it a good plan.


Generally speaking, we must pay much attention to this problem.


In my opinion, it is not worth doing.



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1、自我介绍;2、祝贺苏琳生日;3、 感谢工作人员;4、索取苏琳三岁生日照。




Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings from China!

I’m Li Hua, a student in Sichuan. I’ve been a panda lover since I was a child. About three years ago I was delighted to learn that Baiyun gave birth to her daughter Sulin and I’ve been watching her grow on your website,. Now she’s going to be three. I’d like to wish her a happy birthday and to express my thanks to you for your hard work, because of which Sulin and her parents are living a happy and healthy life in the US.

By the way, could I have a photo of Sulin taken on her third birthday? Thank you very much in advance.

Yours truly,

Li Hua










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Should Yuanmingyuan Be Rebuilt?

Yuanmingyuan, “Garden of all gardens”, was burnt and fell into ruins in 1860. Recently my classmates had a discussion about whether it should be rebuilt or not.

Supporters of rebuilding the garden say only by doing so can we see the original sight of the garden, which reflects the Chinese civilization. And it will be another place of interest for tourists. If partly rebuilt, it will provide a comparison and help us remember the history.

Those who disagree think it more reasonable to keep the garden like this. The ruins will remind us of the past. We should never forget the history. Other buildings like Palace Museum and Summer Palace can also be symbols of the Chinese culture, so it isn’t necessary to rebuild this garden. Some also worry that the environment will be destroyed when the construction goes on in this district.

Personally, it is advisable to rebuild Yuanmingyuan , which will add beauty to the city . What’s more , the new scenic spot will no doubt promote the economic development of the local.









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1.As far as …is concerned 就……而言

2.It goes without saying that… 不言而喻,…

3.It can be said with certainty that… 可以肯定地说……

4.As the proverb says, 正如谚语所说的,

5.It has to be noticed that… 它必须注意到,…

6.Its generally recognized that… 它普遍认为…

7.Its likely that … 这可能是因为…

8.Its hardly that… 这是很难的……

9.Its hardly too much to say that… 它几乎没有太多的说…

10.What calls for special attention is that…需要特别注意的是

11.Theres no denying the fact that…毫无疑问,无可否认

12.Nothing is more important than the fact that… 没有什么比这更重要的是…

13.whats far more important is that… 更重要的是…



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the early bird will catch worms

an old saying "the early bird will catch worms" reminds us that if people want to be successful and outstanding, they must plan ahead of time and make their efforts to overcome all the possible difficulties.

for example, the chinese athletes excellent performance in xx olympic winter games in vancouver is definitely the result of their early planning and hard training. if they don t set the aim and word work, even though they have the best talents, they cant compete with others and get more medals.

another case in point is my learning experience. i was good at english, but i couldnt pass the exam, for i wasnt prepared well before the examination. i had many things to solve at that time. as i met the complex things, i was at a loss. the reason was that i had no plan and involved in many things and didnt study more hard, so i failed.

in short, the saying shows us the important of planning, working hard and constantly trying.



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Nowadays,the problem of piracy has become more and more serious. Books,tapes,VCDs and others high-tech products have been pirated. For instance,when a new product comes onto market,most probably,its pirated counterpart will soon put on its appearance in the market,too. Piracy has caused a great loss to legitimate producers,inventors and writers in many ways. To start with,the pirated products often cost much less than the genuine ones so that they enjoy a better trading position in spite of their relatively poor quality. The genuine products,on the contrary,sell poorly. Whats worse,pirated books sometimes do great harm to the authorsreputation due to some misprints. In the long run,pirated products may have a negative impact on customers. Those legitimate producerscreativity and enthusiasm may be deeply hurt by the fact that some customers are more interested in the pirated products for the sake of small gains. In my opinion,its high time that everyone started the battle against piracy.First,customers should develop their consciousness to resist the pirated products. Second,the government should take effective measures to put an end to piracy. Finally,laws must be strictly enforced to completely ban piracy. Only in this way can we wipe the pirated products out of our life.





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Dear zhuanghua ,

It’s three months since I heard from you last time . Now I want to tell you

an impressive story happening on my first lesson .

On hearing the bell students ran into the classroom as quickly as they

could. But a boy ,LIMing , whose father died a month ago , was late for the

class. He stood outside the classroom silently . I smiled to him and let him

come in. After a while ,he cried on his desk . Then I walked to him and asked

what had happened . He told me that his mother was ill and he had to take some

medicine for her . At the same time ,he apologized to me for his lateness .

Moved by his words , I praised him for his deeds and decided to sing a song

named “mother” for the students . How time flies ! Class was over before I

realized it .

From the story I felt we should respect our parents and do our best to help

them . Do you think so ? I’m looking forward to your reply .

Yours truly ,

Li Hong
