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In grade one, I met a new friend, xiao Ming.

His hair is not long not short, short. His round face, big eyes, a small nose. Looks not bad!

The summer holiday, I and xiao Ming go to the park to play. We happily juggle walked. Xiaoming suddenly stopped walking. I dont know whats the matter, asked him. He pointed to the bin said: "look, the earth is full of garbage, lets pick it up!" I reluctantly said: "its none of your business! Dont you throw". He said: "the teacher told us to protect the environment, you forget?" I have to say: "ok". But we began to pick up Im tired. Ill go to buy food, for a while go to the toilet, it took a long time I dont go back, I didnt past xiao Ming picked up the trash out. An uncle saw pointing to xiao Ming said: "this child is really good!" Listen to my uncle I know I made a mistake. I think: I must learn from xiao Ming, and he became best friends.

From then on I and xiao Ming really became best friends.







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( 1 ) 每天晚上闭上眼就会想你梦到我们手牵手一起走,每天早上睁开眼就想看到你清澈甘甜的眼眸,每每想到你我就感觉幸福甜蜜陶醉不已。亲爱的,我不在你身边,你今天过的好吗?

( 2 ) 合欢花,恩爱百年情无暇;你是我的百花园,我做园丁定当呵护倍加。

( 3 ) 雨纷飞,飞在天空变成了相思泪;泪低垂,垂在手心变成了相思魂。红尘滚滚爱恨轮回,你终于变成了我生命中的最美!

( 4 ) 如果青蛙没有变成王子,如果公主没有醒来,如果小人鱼没有化作泡沫,我还会相信爱情吗?相信!因为还有你在我的身边。七夕到了,祝你幸福。

( 5 ) 我是一片云,痴心寄明月。爱意绵延久,情怀赋诗书。你心亦如我,相思不可断。日日长相守,岁岁长相伴,两心望如一,白首不相离。

( 6 ) 遇见了,不能不让我相信这是宿命;相识了,不能不让我知道这是缘份;相知了,不能不让我察觉这是深情;相爱了,只求爱你一生一世永相伴!

( 7 ) 我是离弦箭,你是靶中心,愿我的利箭能刺进你的心房!不要再等了,因为丘比特已被我杀死。

( 8 ) 虽然我们不能见面,但我一天比一天更爱你。

( 9 ) 永不褪色的是对你默默的关怀,永不停息的是对你无尽的思念,永不改变的是对你深深的爱恋。我爱你

( 10 ) 用你的名字和我的姓氏成就的这个故事,从此以后无忧无愁,故事就算平淡但当中有你就已经足够!

( 11 ) 如果还是雨季,我还愿与你同行!如果已有夕阳,我愿与你共赏!如果我有钱,我愿买下所有的玫瑰和巧克力。将我的心和这一切奉献给你。

( 12 ) 你,爱你此生不变!

( 13 ) 我只爱爱我的人,因为我不懂怎样去爱一個不爱我的人,是完全不知道从何着手。所以,我会全心全意百分之百用生命去爱你呵护你。

( 14 ) 一生相守中,任岁月的风徐徐碾过红尘的背影,回忆里甜蜜非常,任三千青丝萦绕彼此的心声,珍惜这份低吟回肠的爱恋。我爱你,从此在浪漫里缠绵,与爱相牵!

( 15 ) 天空对大地的承诺,是雨的缠绵;岁月对季节的承诺,是色彩斑谰;夜空对星星的承诺,是晶莹剔透;我对你的承诺,是今生手相牵!

( 16 ) 我想,我要,我愿,爱你就是这样的,可以吗?给我一个理由让我可以不爱你,不过你好像没有,我也好象不可能不爱你!

( 17 ) 一份情,放在心底沉甸甸,一份意,凝聚脑海宽无边,一份思,翘首期盼眼望穿,一份爱,汇集成河波浪翻,一份愿,只求爱人多平安,一份誓,爱你之心到永远。

( 18 ) 向月老借了一根红线,捆住你的手,问丘比特要了一根箭,插进你的心,悄悄的威胁你一下,交出你的情,告诉你一个小密秘,我爱你这人,我爱你,爱你一辈子,一生永不离!

( 19 ) 遇见你是无意,认识你是天意,想着你是情意,不见你时三心二意,见到你便一心一意!

( 20 ) 喜欢你,不要甜言蜜语,想着你,不要花言巧语,爱着你,不要欺骗话语。我爱你,亲爱滴,今生你是我的唯一,对你只有一心一意。

( 21 ) 每一条传向你的信息*都在我心里扎根*每一个送给你的祝福,都是我的心血凝结而成;想你,用每一次呼吸;爱你,用整个生命!

( 22 ) 亲爱的,对你的爱不会因距离而遥远,不会因时间而模糊。距离给了你我相互信任的基石,时间给你你我真爱永远的理由,宝贝,我的心一直为你而停留,今天我很想你。

( 23 ) 美好缠绕在甜蜜时光中,洒落在浪漫岁月上,浪漫流连在颦眸盼望中,轻轻将思念的弦拨响,触动着如梦如幻的情愫,弥漫心香摇曳的思绪,弥漫在浓浓的爱恋中,化作缕缕牵念。我爱

( 24 ) 在你生日这一天,没能陪在你身边,不能给你我的温暖,只能留下我的愿,愿你快乐每一天!

( 25 ) 时光一去不回头,青春短暂不长久,相爱一生不忧愁,分离牵挂不放手,爱情美好不断流,想念时时都常有,我爱你,爱你一生一世不变心!

( 26 ) 英语说爱老虎油,日语说阿姨兮带路,法语说也带吗,马来语说酒呀新塔木,朝鲜语说三郎还有,汉语说我爱你!让我大声说:宝贝,我爱你!

( 27 ) 我是你头上的发卡,每天亲吻你的秀发;我是你隐身的保镖,每天为你遮风挡沙。亲爱的,让我们幸福快乐一辈子!

( 28 ) 我可以清楚的回忆起和你在一起的每一个动作每一个表情,这些声音这些影像,都已经写进我的生命中。

( 29 ) 柔柔月色,为你挥洒一地浪漫;艳艳玫瑰,为你奉上一腔真情;真真情感,为你厮守一生幸福;痴痴话语,为你表白一世真爱:亲爱的,我爱你!

( 30 ) 玫瑰是我的热情,星星是我的眼睛,月光是我的轻吻,糖果是我的味道,一起送给你,我的爱人,在我心里你最美!

( 31 ) 真的不该认识你,你让我感受到你不在我身边时的时候那是多么多么的痛苦痛苦。

( 32 ) 你的笑容让我心醉,你的魅力让我迷恋,你的温柔让我依赖,我爱你,我要告诉你,我爱你,我愿爱你一生一世不分离,护你疼你一辈子!

( 33 ) 天空是长久的;大地是永恒的;爱情是醉人的;依恋是痴迷的;真情是难舍的;承诺是真诚的;你更是唯一的。我爱你日,你一定要知道:我真的很爱你,希望快乐接收。

( 34 ) 睡前我想的是你,醒来还是你,你无时无刻不在我心里!

( 35 ) 真真的心,想你;美美的意,恋你;暖暖的怀,抱你;甜甜的笑,给你;痴痴的眼,看你;深深的夜,梦你;满满的情,宠你;久久的我,爱你!

( 36 ) 我喜欢你,不知道你是否也是同样的心。

( 37 ) 们的爱就像沿途的风景,随着脚步而去,却难停下珍惜,当你和我亲吻,想你心还会痛,爱已随风往事都随风,爱你难忘我刻骨铭心!

( 38 ) 因为有你,“世界变得美丽”;因为有你,“生活有了意义”;因为有你,“一切都是甜蜜”。我爱你!今生今世永伴你!

( 39 ) 想你实在是太累,曾独自为你喝醉;生活忙碌很疲惫,真想平静地酣睡;爱一个人真是难,不必计较错与对;神马都是些浮云,只有我爱你,这才是我最真的誓言!

( 40 ) 如果我能不跑调,就能准确地唱出我的心跳;如果我能不跑调,就能唱歌带你到处遨游。你是我的歌,可愿听我这不着调的曲?

( 41 ) 有梦就去追,心情学会放飞;有情就去守,终究会相守;有心就去留,终究别有无求;有你就有我,请君勿忘我!爱你的我。

( 42 ) 你是一朵报春花,春意盎然满枝丫;你是一支百合花,百年好合共天涯;你是一枚月季花,浓香馥郁显优雅;你是一盆水仙花,纯真情爱来表达;你是一束玫瑰花,一往情深传佳话;你是一片

( 43 ) 想让清风带去我的思念之情,想对你说,距离虽然遥元,心却是近的,你永远是他最爱的宝宝!

( 44 ) 两情若在长久时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。我喜欢宝贝,离我再远也近似眼前!

( 45 ) 世界上的人那么多,为什么偏偏认识了你。认识的人那么多,为什么偏偏思念着你。只要想着你,心就甜如蜜!

( 46 ) 如果爱是忙碌,我愿做你的陀螺;如果爱是存折,我愿是你的银行;如果爱是快乐,我愿做你的开心果;如果爱是玫瑰,我愿是你的玫瑰园。

( 47 ) 直到遇见你,我才了解自己存在的意义;直到爱上你,我才明白幸福是如此的来之不易。不管何时何地我都想一直陪着你,直到天荒地老。

( 48 ) 上天让你我有缘,只希望能牵着你的手一起走过今后的日子,不管是鲜花铺路,还是荆棘满地,不离不弃!亲爱的,知道吗,爱你在每一天!

( 49 ) 七夕到了,喜鹊排成队,乌鸦排成行,老鹰来观礼,连青蛙都来帮忙,呱呱呱呱地奏乐,我不在你身边你要好好照顾自己!

( 50 ) 没有你的天,不蓝!没有你的花,不艳!没有你的饭,不香!没有你的眠,不甜!亲爱的,我爱你。

( 51 ) 你的欢笑,驱赶了夏日的酷暑;你的快乐,冲淡了工作的疲惫;你的一切,铺满了生活的角落。想一路陪着你,让你从此绚烂多彩!

( 52 ) 无论我们是在一起还是相隔两地,你永远在我心里排第一!

( 53 ) 有没有想我啊?我不在的时候,还是可以想一想我的,别太投入哦。要是想坏了,我会心疼的。什么时候想我的话,告诉我,咱们一块儿想。真的很想你!

( 54 ) 虽然你此刻不能拥抱我,但你的爱一直让我感到温暖。

( 55 ) 如果你要问我我对你的感觉:我在乎你如果非要在这感觉加上一个形容词,那就是:我只在乎你!

( 56 ) 我的眼睛这么远,但离我的心这么近——是的,那就是你。

( 57 ) 没有你,风的面目变得狰狞。我在岁月的枕上辗转,把思念编成弦乐。吾爱!你听见云上传去的问候了么?七夕节快乐!

( 58 ) 我把甜蜜放在了昨天,因为回忆是美好的,我把幸福放在了明天,因为目标是携手共白头,我把爱恋放在了今天,我爱你日,亲爱的我爱你,到永远!

( 59 ) 亲爱的,是你让我的心花团锦簇馨香缭绕,快乐和幸福一定会围绕着我们,就像左手挽住黄昏,右手挽住黎明。放心有我在,一切都会好的。宝贝,我想你了。

( 60 ) 想陪你日日夜夜,朝朝暮暮,想陪你逛街,说笑,也想陪你见证一切美好,而你有没有想过,陪我一起变老?

( 61 ) 已迷失在你的世界,一遇见你思绪混乱;牵着你手永不分散,未来的路一同实现;风风雨雨同舟共济,不离不弃一生相依。我会爱你如璞玉,把你呵护在心间!

( 62 ) 以前,我不相信缘分这东西,总觉得华而不实,后来,我遇到了你,开始明白原来真的有缘分啊,而且,我开始期待天长地久!希望这份缘分到永远!我爱你!

( 63 ) 在错的时间遇上对的人,是一场伤心;在对的时间遇上错的人,是一声叹息;在对的时间遇上对的人,是一生幸福。今天是月日,三个字送给你:我爱你。

( 64 ) 因为爱上了你,我删除了杂念,又加载了思念,还粘贴了想念,重复制了挂念,再填满了痴念,最后续写满了牵念。“我爱你”——成了我一生最多的叨念!祝亲爱的你永远幸福快乐!

( 65 ) 你让我说你好在哪里,我找不到答案;问我为什么爱你,我也不知道原因;问我知道什么?我说,我知道我爱你并且会爱一辈子!

( 66 ) 最难忘的是你的微笑,当它绽开在你的脸上时,我仿佛感到拂过一阵春风,暖融融的,把我的心都溶化了。

( 67 ) 时光匆然而逝,我只在乎你;无边人海环绕,我只在乎你;人生几何起伏,我只在乎你;生命无常多变,我只在乎你。我爱你,除了你,我不能感到一丝丝情意!愿一生相伴,直至白首!

( 68 ) 我上课迟到已成不良习惯,我上班迟到已经屡见不鲜,我约会迟到那是习以为常。但是我对你的祝福总是先到,因为我要第一个对你说:祝你快乐!

( 69 ) 想你,只因你是我的牵挂;念你,就为不忘你的飘飘长发;梦你,完全是白日思念的升华;爱你,是我内心真情的表达。爱你之心恭候检查!

( 70 ) 没有雨,春天毫无生气;没有光,夜晚黑黑漆漆;没有花,夏日如此低迷;没有你,日子十分没趣。我爱你,对你的爱无人能比,牵你的手,永远一起。

( 71 ) 无论我深在何处,都请你相信在这瞬息万变的世界上有一颗不变的心每时每刻都在想着你!念着你!

( 72 ) 想你,念你,脑海里徘徊你的身影;思你,梦你,梦境中残留你的气息;忆你,恋你,心中充满你的点滴。喜欢你,早已不是秘密;爱你,一直在心底。

( 73 ) 我要搬家了!地址:爱情市相爱路思念街巷号!房东:我最爱的你!房租:我一辈子的爱!日期:无限!就让我住进你的心里头,到永久……

( 74 ) 最灿烂的花朵凋的最快,最浪漫的故事失去结局,最幸福的爱情没有言语,最美丽的祝福没有辞藻,你我的爱情彼此心有灵犀。白色情人节,祝你快乐。

( 75 ) 昙花再现,流水依然。年轻的我们喜欢携手相依,向天边稍瞬即逝的流星许愿,告诉那亮丽的发光物:我要月亮永远是今晚的月亮,我要此刻的你永远属于我。

( 76 ) 虽然你我相距这么远,但你一直在这里,在我的心里。

( 77 ) 亲爱的,虽然不过节日,但我仍然想给你深情的问候,我要用一生来疼爱你。虽然你不在我的身边,但我时刻都把你放在心里最重要的位置。宝贝,我好想你!

( 78 ) 无数个思念你的夜晚,想起与你难忘的夜晚,我祈求流星,让我下世能够与你相遇,相爱,直至天荒地老!

( 79 ) 我在这里,你在那里。那里不知道它是多么的幸运,能拥有你。



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Tom is my best friend. Who is he? He is a dog. He is a special dog. My

father give him to me at my 10 year birthday. The moment I saw him, I love him.

His fur is white. He is very lovely. He knows how to make me happy. Everyday

when I come back from school, I will play with him. He is also smart. He will

drag my quilt if I sleep late. Besides, if my clock doesn’t alarm in the

morning, he will bark at me. See, he is so clever that I couldnt help loving




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As the saying goes, "A friend in need is a friend indeed". Friends play a very essential role in our daily life. However, how to make goods friends is a problem for most of us. As for me, I have three principles to choose friends.


In the first place, good friends should have their own principles. We should take into account the fact that people who insist on their principles have high quality. Therefore, it is worth making friends with them.


Then, I want to point out that good friends should be full of trust. This kind of person has a pure heart, so we can communicate with each other by heart.


Finally, active friends are just like beautiful sunshine. They can light up our blue mood, drive away the dark clouds and give us courage.


Friends who have above three characteristics will be great wealth for us.




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Hello,everyone.I m Sally.I have a friend.Her name is Amy.We are in the same class.She studys harder than me.I m 160cm tall.She is 165cm.So she is taller than me.She likes darwing  very much.I like taking photos.I m 15 years old.But Amy is 16 years oid.So she is older than me.

What about you?And what about your friend?



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I have a good friend. Her name is Linda. She is from China.

Linda was ten years old three years ago. But she is thirteen years old now. Three years ago, she had long hair. She was short and thin. However, she has shorter hair than three years ago. She is taller now. She is still thin. She often wears glasses. She was shy and quiet three years ago. Now, she is still shy and quiet. But , she is more hard-working. Her favorite sport is basketball. She likes eating junk food . Also, she is popular .

Do you like my friendDo you want to make friends with her.




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my friend


1. n. friends, parents, teachers, classmates, family, school, relatives , happiness, sadness, generation gap, feelings, friendship, communication, teamwork

2. v. make friends, understand encourage take good care of,expect, get on well with, play together, smile, trouble, talk with, quarrel with, help each other, discuss, argue, do well in enjoy oneself

3. adj. happy, sad, important, lonely , helpful, necessary


1. i hope we can understand each other.

2. it’s necessary to understand each other.

3. no one can be successful only by himself.

4. there are some sayings, “friendship is sunlight in the dark.” “if there were no friendships in a city, it would become a desert.”

5. although we sometimes quarrel with each other, yet we get on well later.6. we should get on well with everyone around us.

7. the more friends you get, the happier you will be.

8. a friend can not only help you, but also bring you happiness.

9. everybody needs friends to talk with and get confidence from.

10. don’t argue, but discuss.

11. people who refuse to consider others have few friends.

12. we need to learn how to take care of other people.

13. “a friend in need is a friend indeed.”


my best friend

i have not only a lot of common friends, but also a special friend. he is my father. my father isn’t tall but he is very kind and lovely. he usually helps me with my maths and physics in the evening. at weekends he plays chess, cards with me. when i am in trouble. he always help me in time. i prefer my father to any other friend. i think he is not only a good father, but also one of my best friends. i love my father very much.



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Mr Murray,

Recently I have had a discussion about the ways to learn English better

with Jim, a student from Britain. In his opinion, the best ways are reading

English newspapers and talking with friends. He also believes that sometimes

seeing English films isnt a bad way.

I quite agree with him. However, I think, we can make flashcards. In this

way , we can memorize a lot of English words. Besides, we can look for a pen pal

from an English-speaking country so that we can get to know something about his

or her country. Finally, learning English grammar well is also a great help.


Liu Yu



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Live with thankfulness Do you know Thanksgiving Day?Do you know why human thank God? Thanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday of November, a different date every year. The President must proclaim that date as the official celebration.

Thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. Even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. All give thanks together for the good things that they have. In this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offer a traditional meal to those in need, particularly the homeless. On most tables throughout the United States, foods eaten at the first thanksgiving have become traditional. What should we thank?

The thankful great universe provides the environment of existence for us and give us sunlight, air, water and everything in keeping with we existence of space, bring storm to let us accept to toughen for us, bring to us mysterious let us look for. The thankful parents give us the life, make us feel the merriment of the human life, feel the genuine feeling of the human life, feel the comity of the human life, feel happiness of the human life, also feel hardships and pain and sufferings of the human life!

The thankful teacher works with diligence and without fatigue everyday of teach, give us knowledge ability, put on the wing which flies toward the ideal for us. The thankful classmate and friend grows up road of, let I no longer standing alone in the itinerary of life;The with gratitude is frustrated and let us become in a time the failure stronger.

[ 多与家人朋友沟通交流初中英语作文



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Friends are very important to us.When in trouble,we need friends to offer us en couragement and help.With success achieved,we also need friends to share our joys.It's hard to imagine life without friendship!

A person should make as many friends as he can.The more friends he has,the more meaningful his life will be.Similarly,a country,too,needs friends.China today,for example,has friends all over the world.With the open policy being successfully carried out,she is certain to make more friends in the future.

However,real friends are not easy to find.That's why we highly value our friend ship with them.False friends also exist.They may have a bad influence on our character and are even worse open enemies.Therefore,it is essential we take care in making friends.



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My friends name is Jane.She is a very cute girl,who has big black eyes and long black hair.She is also a very helpful friend.

Whenever I have math problems I cant solve myself,she will help me,even if she doesnt have too much time.

We often go out together and have a lot offun.I hope we can be friends forever!



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I have a good friend.His name is Tony Brown.His 14 years old.He is an English boy.His birthday is Maech 27th.Ans his telephone number is 256-4561.Hes study in NO.1 Middle School.Hes good at playing violin.He can also play drums and dance very well.His hobby is singsing,too.His favorite song is Justing biebers One time.His favorite subject is music,because its very relaxing.And he likes blue best.Do you like him?



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People differ about____ .Some people hold that ____.


There is an old saying that______. Its the experience of the older generation,however,it is still the case even today.


Today, ____, which have done damage to our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______.


Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people care for ______ because ______. Besides,______.


Everything has two sides and so does ____,it has both advantages and disadvantages.


People’s views about ______ vary from person to person. Some people think that ______.To them,_____.


Humans are now confronted with a big problem: ______ which is becoming more and more serious.


______ has become a public concern,especially among the young, and thus heated debates are stimulated.


______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our daily life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.


According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that______ . Obviously,______,but whats the reason behind?



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There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____.

2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。

There is an old saying______. It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct inmany cases even today.

3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。

Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. Whatmakes things worse is that______.

4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。

nowadays,it is common to ______. many people like ______ because ______. besides,______.

5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。

everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages.

6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,……

people’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person. some people say that ______.to them,_____.

7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。

man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious.

8. ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。

______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.

9. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。

______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.

10. 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢?

according to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that______ while. obviously,______,but why?



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My best friend

My best friend and I get along with each other quite well. But we are so different. He is funnier, more outgoing than I am and im more serious. He is more athletic and likes to play all kinds of sports but I am smarter on study. My friend is wilder than me and I am calmer. He is tall, thin, strong,with short hair, And sometimes he is very careless and lazy. On the other hands, I am short, fat, weak, with shorthair. He is very helpful because I am very lazy and dont want to do any sports. And I will help him with his study. From joozone.com.

I think our friendship will last forever.






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1. I gave Tom the book. //

2. He bought his mother some flowers. //

3. The bridge was built by workers last year.//

4. We have to finish the work today. //5. He will do his homework tomorrow. //

6. We clean the rooms every day. //7. The writer spent 3 years on the book. //

8. It is a book with a lot of beautiful pictures.//

9. The book sold very well during the first week. //first week.

10. Mary was the only one in the office. //

11. She finished her work at 10 o’clock. //She didn’12. She had to take a taxi home because it was too late.

13. Liza and Mike arrived at the Great Wall in two hours.

14. They were happy to get to the top.//

15. They enjoyed themselves on the Great Wall.//

16. The postman sent Susan and Tommy a paper box.

17. They opened it and found a present from their friend.

18. They both liked the present and felt very happy.

19. Alice didn’t feel well today, so she went to the hospital.

20. The doctor asked her some questions. //

21. The doctor didn’t give her any medicine in the end.


1. The capital Airport has been in use for 20 years. //

2. The capital Airport is the largest one in China. //

3. I have never taken a plane. My friend Li Ping , either. //


1. Father gave $20 for me to buy some books. //

2. I was excited when I saw so many good books in the bookstore.

3. But some books would cost more than I have. //

But I didn’//(全真3)

1. Many Chinese friends went to the party. 2. Tony was given a lot of presents by his friends. //Tony’

3. Seeing his Chinese teacher at the party made Tony very happy. //(全真4)

1. I want to eat something. //2. The refrigerator is empty.//3. Bob spent fifteen yuan on the hamburger. ///(全真5)

1. Mr.Wang doesn’t work in that factory any longer. //

2. Mr. Wang left home earlier in order to catch the bus. 3. Mr. Wang finds it not easy to get along with that young guy. //(专家1)

1. Many people went shopping yesterday.

2. Jane spent 4 hours to buy New year gifts. //

3. She was so tired that she couldn’t walk any longer. //


1. My friends said to me, “Are you free?”

2. She wanted me to go shopping with her.

3. She thinks it a pleasure to go shopping with a friend.



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I have a good friend, when I was five years old, I met her, she is my

neighbor, we became friends and play together all the time. Last week, my friend

took part in the female basketball match, she is good at basketball, so I

encouraged her to join our school team. The team played so well that they came

to the final yesterday, the match was so excellent, at last, my friend’s team

won the first place, I feel so happy, I plan to buy her a present and

congratulate her. I feel so proud of her, she inspires me, too. We give each

other encourage to move on. We will be good friends forever.



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Huang yixuan is my best friend. She is lovely. She is as tall as me. She has a black long hair. Her round face is always red, just like an apple. She likes smile. She like study, but doesnt like sports. She enjoys fishing. Sometimes she will ask me to go with her and her dad to fishing. Her favorite color is blue. So do I. she is good at playing piano. She is a perfect girl in my mind.

