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In the firecrackers, ushered in the traditional festival - the Lantern Festival in China.

The Lantern Festival, of course, in the morning should eat a bowl of steaming hot dumplings. Dumplings made with sticky dough rub, powder white, thin, on the pot steamed for a while. Cooked dumplings, like a lovely baby. A bite, very hot hot black sesame roll like water flowing into the lungs and mouth is filled with thick sesame flavor, emotions and thoughts on the tip of the tongue with that kind of sweet honey and taste, represents a HeHeMuMu life.

In the evening, I go play outside, streets are decorated, the most beautiful is the moat. City moat lights, thronged. I wander in the light of the world, watch carefully, lifelike gold fish lamp, image lifelike lotus lamp, of primitive simplicity and elegant palace lantern, all kinds of lights elegant, exquisite decoration, fine workmanship, really make a person dazzling, breathtaking. In a calm river, which reflects the light shadow, as if under the river also lit a lamp. There was a slight breeze, surface ripples, light shadow followed the wobbly.

"Good!" Attracted by a burst of cheers me, turned out to be nearby someone guess riddles. I also want to guess in the past, but we had too many people, formed a "person" wall, enclosed as the stage of guess riddles. I stand outside the people wall, listening to the sounds of laughter from inside. The host began to say lantern riddle: "a man a mouth (guess a word)." I thought to myself: what is that? Im thinking of, an old man raised his hand, replied: "is a or word." The host and smiling said: "congratulations to you, right." The words sound just fell and around there was a thunderous applause.

The Lantern Festival, the boisterous festival, in the laughter of people in the end.









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Flowers are a wonderful gift of nature. Everyone likes them. Flowers portray love, happiness, joy and all the other positive emotions. Since time immemorial flowers have been an integral part of every celebration and festival.

But there has been a misconception. Flowers are mainly associated with feminine gender. It is forgotten that men to have a soft side to them. Gift your father a bouquet of flowers on Father's Day and he surely will be overjoyed. Flowers, especially architectural and bold like tropical flowers, which are masculine, long lasting, tall and sturdy like the fathers usually are, can be

given. White and Red Rose are known to be the official flowers of Father's Day. People wear a white rose to honor a father who has deceased and a red rose for a father who is living.


但现在人们对花产生了一个误解。大多数时候人们把花与女性联系在一起。人们忘记了男性对花也有温情的一面。在父亲节给你的父亲送上一束鲜花,他保证会欣喜若狂的,尤其是具有建筑风格的,大胆而狂野的热带花朵,它们具有男性的特质,生命力持久,高大而强健,和父亲 的角色往往很相似。白玫瑰和红玫瑰是公认的父亲节节花。白玫瑰象征纪念已故的家严,而红玫瑰象征着赞美健康尚在的父亲。

男人喜欢明快,炙热,大胆以及斗志高昂的颜色,像是黄色,橙色,紫色和红色。他们布置花的时候绝大多数情况下 会与他们有组织的,善于计算的头脑保持一致。他们还喜欢自然的,富有现代感的,时尚新潮的花束。只要他心中有谱,他可能会选择玫瑰,雏菊或其它充满异域风 情的花朵。鲜艳生动的红玫瑰与黄色的雏菊深受大多数男人的喜爱,从而也成为父亲节最理想的鲜花礼物。



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Saving Water

The world is not only hungry,but also thirsty for water. This may seem strange to you, since nearly 75 % of the earths surface is covered with water. But about 97% of this huge amount is sea water, or salt water. Man can only drink and use the other 3% -- the fresh water that comes from rivers, lakes,underground, and other sources. And we cannot even use all of that, because some of it is in the form of icebergs and glaciers. Even worse, some of it has been polluted.

However, as things stand today, this small amount of fresh water, which is constantly being replaced by rainfall, is still enough for us. But our need for water is increasing rapidly-- almost day by day. Only if we take steps to deal with this problem now can we avoid a severe worldwide water shortage later on. A limited water supply would have a bad effect on agriculture and industry. Let me give you just one small exampie of how necessary water is to industry. Did you know that to produce a single ton of steel, it takes about 91, 000 liters of water?

We all have to learn how to stop wasting our precious water. One of the first steps we should take is to develop ways of reusing it. Experiments have already been done in this field, but only on a small scale. For us, the systems are as important as the spacecraft.










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As a middle school student,I dont have much free time,but I still have a lot of things to do.

I like listening to music and reading,so in my free time,I always listening to music and search the Internet for about half-hour.Its a good way to relax myself.I always do some reading before go to bed.Besides,I always go to swimming after school.Exercises help me to keep healthy and do good to my study.As the same as other students,I often watch TV in the evening,but I have to finish my homework first.

At the weekends,I will help my mother with the housework,such as clean the house,do some washing.




[我的空余时间 My Free Time初一英语作文带翻译



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Hello! My name is Mingming. I am a pupil. I like speaking English very

much. I go to school five days every week. Every day I go to school on foot.

Because my school is not near my home. I like my school. There are about 3500

students and 54 teachers in my school. And I study in Grade 4. There are 45

students in my class. My English teacher is tall and handsome . I love him very

much. Welcome to my school. You must be very happy.




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Fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, also called DuanYangJie,

afternoon day festival, may festival, ai festival, terminal five, C______,

midday, summer day. Although the name is different, but all around the custom of

the peoples holiday is the same. The Dragon Boat Festival is Chinas two

thousand years old customs, on this day, every family hanging mo_a calamus,

dragon boat racing, eating zongzi, drink realgar wine, swim all ills, sweet


Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, you know the origin of the Dragon Boat

Festival? ! I dont know! Let me tell you! Do you remember the patriotic general

chu qu yuan? I to say him!

Qu yuan is the warring states period abroad, very learned. He beside the

king a few to image is his country rich and strong. Treacherous court official,

listen to the words, bad king king chu qu yuan _iaoZhi e_ile. In e_ile, qu yuan

heard that chu capital held by the enemy, and the people suffer, very

indignation. Falls on this day, he came to the miluo river edge, with a stone,

in order to jump jumped into the miluo river. Abroad people hear that cast jiang

qu yuan was very sad. They rowed steadily to salvage qu yuan, with tears in

their eyes, also threw rice dumplings into the river feed the fish, hope that

the fish dont harm the body of qu yuan. This is may duanyang the origin of


The Dragon Boat Festival has a lot of interesting activities. Columns such

as dragon boat racing, hanging sachet, sachet, cinnabar, realgar, _iang,

outsourcing to wire cloth, fragrance 4 e_cessive, again the five-color silk

string into a rope buckle, for all kinds of different shape, form a series,

variety, and e_quisite. Have the habit of hanging mo_a leaf, calamus.

There were so many activity in the Dragon Boat Festival!








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Last night, I had an interesting dream.In the dream I accidentally got a

magic pen with which I could write beautiful Chinese characters.Then I took part

in a calligraphy competition.With the help of the pen I got the first place. I

became famous soon and a lot of people came to beg me for some characters.I felt

very proud of myself.But when I picked the pen up and wrote down a character, I

found it very ugly.The pen no longer had magic. I was frightened into cold

sweat.Seeing this, people understood what was happening.They all laughed at me

and said that I was a cheat.I tried to find some place to hide but couldnt find





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Last night, I watched a movie, it is about two teenagers, they have cancer,

but the boy is positive about life while the girl is negative about life. They

meet each other, then the girl is affected by the boy, she starts to see the

beautiful things in her life. I am so moved by the movie, though the ending of

the movie is not so perfect, we see the change of the girls life. The topic of

the movie is to tell people to be positive about life, no matter what happens,

even the bad fortune they get, they still need to smile every day. People need

to find the beauty of life, so they wont life live without meaning.




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I enjoy summer vacation very much. Because summer vacation is the longest vacation of the year.

We have more than fifty days to rest.

Though it is very hot, we can either go to swim or stay in the air-conditioned room. In the

evening, I like to go shopping with my friends, We can eat many things in summer, Such as ice

creams, Watermelons, grapes, and so on. In summer, I always go on a trip with my parents.

Its a good chance for us to visit some nice interesting places.








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The trees were naked during autumn.秋天里树木都是光秃秃的。

The rain was killing the last days of summer,you had been killing my last breath of love, since a long time ago.秋雨,带走了夏天的最后一丝余热,而你,也将我全部的爱都带走了。

The leaves turn yellow in autumn.秋天时叶子变黄。

Rain in the North seems peculiar, compared with that of the South, more appealing,and better-behaved.北方的秋雨,也似乎比南方的下得奇,下得有味,下得更象样。

My favourite season is autumn. 我最喜欢的季节是秋天.

In autumn,the weather is very dry and cool. 秋天的时候,天气很干燥和凉爽。

I think the most beautiful season in a year is autumn. 我觉得一年中最美丽的季节是秋天。

I think autumn is the most beautiful season in a year.我认为秋天是一年中最美的季节。

I like to collect russet autumn leaves.我喜欢收集秋天赤褐色的叶子。

I like autumn very much. 我很喜欢秋天。

I feel a little cool in the autumnal night.在秋天的晚上,我感到一丝凉意。

关于秋天的英语句子 Do you like autumn

I do not know when, you fall softly on my red sweater, you put a flower as I have it 不知什么时候,你轻轻地落在我鲜红的毛衣上,你把我也当成一朵花了吗

Golden butterfly you! Whom you are dancing in it Not smile flowers, grasses lost their luster. Oh, I see, you are in the garden that little daisy eyes. 金色的蝴蝶呀!你是在为谁而翩翩起舞呢花儿没有了笑容,青草失去了光泽。哦,我明白了,你是在为园子里那眨着眼睛的小雏菊。

Golden butterflies, you are willing to pay my friend Come! Flew into my books, accompanied by bright, I walked into the classroom金色的蝴蝶,你愿意和我交朋友吗来吧!飞进我的课本,伴着我走进明亮的教室

Fall to, chrysanthemum opened. There are red, yellow, with purple, and white, very beautiful! 秋天到了,菊花开了。有红的,有黄的,有紫的,还有白的,美丽极了!

Do you like autumn 你喜欢秋天吗?

Autumn, the ripe fruit. the pears, the bright red apples, is the sparkling grape. A cool breeze blowing, fruit child nodded, emitting a scent attractive children. 秋天到了,果子熟了。黄澄澄的是梨,红通通的是苹果,亮晶晶的是葡萄。一阵凉风吹来,果儿点头,散发出诱人的香味儿。

Wake up to drink ,people feel the middle of the night, moving wind over a lotus leaf pond


Life is so si-mp-le, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.


In autumn, some emotions, such as fallen leaves as they decline, some have lingering shadow, only in the virtual work is indistinct in the familiar names. It withered on the decline,ashes are also good, regardleof the feelings of like how the leaves like a tree in full bloom and how to decline. I was standing on the flow of time, laughing, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation.


Strong technical skills enhance a beautiful scene that pares traditional and contemporized architectural styles.很强的技巧加强了景色的美感,在传统和现代化了的建筑风格之间的对比。

That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.那是一幅描绘秋天景色的油画。

The travelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscapes.游客们被景色的美丽所陶醉。

"This extraordinary natural preserve shelters a primeval forest, the continent’s largest population of brown bears, sizeable packs of wolves, and a host of other creatures which have all but disappeared elsewhere. 专门捕捉大自然美丽景色的导演高史林百格将会透过节目带大家融入这处仙境,享受大自然的真善美。




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TV Emcee--Yang Lan Profile

Yang Lan , born in 1968 in Beijing, who holds a masters degree from Columbia University in the United States, is one of Chinas 50 most successful entrepreneurs and probably Chinas wealthiest self-made woman.

Yang Lan was 21 in her last year at the Beijing Foreign Studies University in 1990 when she auditioned for – and won -- the position of host of the Zheng Da variety show on China Central Television. Within a year Zheng Da, a prime-time-Saturday celebrity quiz and talk show, was Chinas top-rated TV program, with an audience of 220 million.

Despite her celebrity, Yang Lan quit the show after four years to go to New York where she spent two years earning a masters degree at Columbia Universitys School of

International & Public Affairs.

Yangs TV skills are matched by a keen mind for business. In 1999, with her husband, Bruno Wu Zheng, she started her own media company, Sun Television Cyber networks. Traded on the Hong Kong stock exchange since last April, Sun TV was valued at $179 million on Nov. 3. Yang owns 35%, worth $63 million.

Yang Lan was appointed one of the image ambassadors of Beijing in its 2008 bid in January, joining Deng Yaping and two other Chinese women to be so honored: Gong Li, the film actress, and Sang Lan, the gymnast who was paralyzed in

1998 as she represented China at the Goodwill Game in the United States. Comment: This is a brief introduction of Yang Lan , from this article ,we can see the writer is familiar with Yang and have a great admiration to this TV emcee, but ,as far as I am concerned ,it would be better to add some ideas of the

writer ,so that readers can know the spirits of Yang easier .




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The New Year, through the footsteps coming towards us. Happy winter holiday will begin in a minute, then how can I let this winter holiday, full and meaningful? I struggled to think one day, finally, how to spend the winter vacation. Think it over.

See some books, do some reading notes; Appropriate to do some winter vacation homework every day; Look at the news, know about the state affairs and social news. Exercise every day, exercise their bodies; Go to the library, the place such as science and technology museum, xinhua bookstore, get some learning opportunities, broaden their field of vision; Do something can help mom and dad......

Reading a book. In order to let oneself see some good books, I early came to the bookstore. The variety of books in the bookstore I chose some books I like, put the bookcase of home. So it is not afraid of no books to read. I ran to the stationery store to buy a thick, beautiful notebook, in winter vacation, I have to write it.

Movement. Sport is a source of health, can strengthen our heart and lung function; Can help us to prevent osteoporosis; Can mitigate and control of our emotions... Exercise every day for three hours, exercise your body. Jump rope, kick the shuttlecock, sprint, long distance... Do sports every day, let your body become more healthy.

Do something you can reach for mom and dad. Help mother wash the dishes, sweep the floor, in the mother, when they feel tired to give mother a cup of tea, let mom have a rest, instead of mother do for a while. My father work in the day tired, returned home, to the father fills back, fills the legs...


This is my winter vacation plan, all right?










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In work hard learning, the library is a good place, I study it brings me a lot of knowledge. For every class often in and out of the library I; Selected for the volunteers by the teacher, in the heart very happy, because finally had a chance to service for people!

When a small volunteers on the first day, class library all things for me; Is a question mark, for others, photocopies accidentally! A wrong button, the paper places appeared a piece of data only a quarter of the paper, I have to pay.Sacrifice lunch break I went to the library work, the more cautious to fill a book, seeing so many tattered book, thinking "can have such a good study environment, dont cherish" an angry heart. One day, after finishing the book, see a man in the book, a stepped forward to wanted to scold him a lesson, but the thought of Confucius said: "the way of administration, together with punishment, people free and shameless. Virtue, together with the ritual, shame and." Im not angry, had to use moral to persuade him, and when no ones in, also wont destroy the book.

Busy, the teacher also told us to read, to gain understanding. When moving the heavy book, in fact, think about it, this will not only help the teacher save trouble, also enhance their own strength, every second, why not

As the young volunteers, I though a little tired, but for the teacher to share many things; I am also very happy, because "help others for pleasure this!"




牺牲午休时间 去图书馆工作的我,更加谨慎的补书,眼见这么多破烂的书,心想“能有这么好的读书环境,竟然不好好珍惜”心中一股气愤涌上心头。一天,在整理书时,见到了 一位在破坏书的人,走上前去原想臭骂他一顿,但一想到孔子说:“道之以政,齐之以刑,民免而无耻。道之以德,齐之以礼,有耻且格。”我也不生气了,只好用 道德来规劝他,才能在没人的时候,也不会再破坏书。




Everyone in the path of growth, must through all kinds of test. Some people own learning is not ideal, some bad for your skin and worry, and some to get parents understand and feel wronged... I think it should be growing pains.

"You how so careless, English written in capital letters lowercase letters; math is not decimal forgot to add, is the brain around it; the language too, shouldnt always wrong... wrong since time, scores have been falling, straight down to 20 name!" Is the time, this kind of words are often in my mind.

I also want to increase the performance to once upon a time, but always cant contentment. Is not the improvement to the subject, is a division of grades and beaten down. Who wouldnt want to test a good result, but each persons ability is different, also the effort by different, so the harvest "fruit" is also different. So I can only say: "do your best!"

As a student, I told myself not too bad; I told myself cant let parents down; I told myself cant let the teacher lose faith in yourself... So, my worries are growing.

But think carefully, if falling grades so easily becomes good, so dont lose its senseSo think about it, there is less worry a lot. But dont strive for it, it wont come. So, still want to care my shadow, always follow me, this should be most students face troubles.

Trouble is important in life, we should be brave to face, with positive attitude, trouble will be gone.









Everyone has their own hobbies, I was no exception. My hobby numerous as the stars in the sky, but I most like to read books.

Since I was young, I love reading, where I can see, in bed, go to the toilet see, going to travel in the car, even to eat. Mom and dad always hope me the real little bookworm go out to play for a while, but I dont know a person in the neighbourhood, so the book has become my best friend. Remember once I went to a bookstore reading a book, with my mother agreed to go back until five o clock, but the sight of the wide variety of books, I swim in the sea of stories to boil. I picked up a book "laughing cat diary", read, and was attracted by Yang hongying style of writing. Time like off the string arrow, blink of an eye by six o clock, I remembered that time, is on his way back, met a mother, I look with my mom out in a rash.

A few days ago, I was in the toilet for more than half an hour, I was so angry mother nose crooked, is this whyBecause I see in the toilet, "meaning Lin" youth version by that mom took her killer response - animal roars at fellow players.

However, a yard to yard, reading is a good thing. Now, one in the class, my composition since school reading quantity reach millions of words. The classmates, let us read more books!








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Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. Nothing is easy if you

don’t try your best.

We often hear people say, “Never give up.” A person who believes in these

words will keep trying to pursue his goal no matter how many times he fails. In

my opinion, the quality of determination to succeed is an important one to have.

Therefore, I believe that we should never give up.

One reason is that if we give up easily, we will achieve nothing. It is not

unusual for us to fail in our first attempt at something new, so we should not

feel discouraged. Besides, if we always give up when fail happens, we will can

not develop new skills. Finally, we should never give up because as we work to

reach our goals, we develop confidence, and this confidence can help us succeed

in other areas of our lives.

Probably the greatest example of persistence is Abraham Lincoln. Born into

poverty, Lincoln was faced with defeat throughout his life. He lost eight

elections, twice failed in business and suffered a nervous breakdown. He could

have quit many times - but he didnt and because he didnt quit, he became one

of the greatest presidents in the history of America.

Lincoln was a champion For the reason that ---he ,never gave up.

In short, no matter you succeed or not, you can learn something, no matter

what we learn will help us to become more confident. If we give up, we have no

chance to make our dreams come true, if we keep trying, there is always a

chance, that we will succeed one day. Thank you very much!









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My brother is one of my most familiar person, he is 2 years old this year, have one meter two child, chubby face on a pair of big round eyes, sparkly, but god! Particularly lovely, everyone called him qiqi.

One day, mom went out to buy food, call me at home looking at brother, I have accepted the "glory" task.

At first, the younger brother noisy clamoring for eating potato chips, I say: "mother says chips have no nutrition, cant eat". Brother squirmed small mouth, and with his eyes left I said: "elder brother sa panic, you eat, why cant I eat!" Cant, had to give him to eat potato chips.

After a while, he began to noisy, noisy I after ear, I am a brainwave, a good idea from my mind, "for his cartoons!" I gave him put Tom and jerry, have never thought he suddenly quiet down, everything has its vanquisher.! Dont mention how proud of my heart, to see Tom and jerry the interesting picture, let us from time to time will laugh.

At this moment, mom came back, ask my brother been naughty or nice, brother rob to say: "my brother and I are good!" Mother kua I grew up can take care of my brother, my in the mind can be happy.

I like my little brother.









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Ivan came home with a bloody nose and his mother asked, "What happened?"

"A kid bit me," replied Ivan.

"Would you recognize him if you saw him again?" asked his mother.

"Id know him any where," said Ivan. "I have his ear in my pocket."







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Modest since ancient times is seen as a virtue. Yes, modesty is the best way to improve, people is the important condition to success. Only learn humility, people will continuously enterprising, make greater achievements.

Situation is not equal to inferior, some people dont fully understand oneself, ability to degrade yourself too much, as long as there is a task to him, he always said: "I do bad, you still find someone else!" Others have dont understand the question for him, he is always lower the head and said: "I dont know." This is modesty? No, this is a sign of inferiority. Low self-esteem tend to be "humble" false packaging, inferiority, as well as pride, stupid. It is often accompanied by laziness, it is usually to their own survival of explanation. This is worthless.

Inferior never s appearance, often hid themselves and laziness to fabricated the trap of their own. Inferior fear of failure, will never succeed. But the eagle can fly less than chicken, but chicken will never fly to eagle is so high. Inferior is willing to do a fall behind of chicken, also dont want to be a failure of the eagle.

The modest man progress is endless. When people praise of their achievements, a "no" to display with noble moral character. Inferior will only put the "I cant" "I wont excuse to escape." It is this seemingly humble, seemingly sincere confession, became the imprison their shackles. Those under the "modesty" conceal not aggressive inferior, need is out of ignorance, behind the shadow, feet on the ground, only to the confidence, the courage to face yourself to be successful. The composition

Instructions, inferiority is not modest, humble will never contain inferiority...








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A busy day

Today is saturday,and it is also a busy day.In the morning,I got up at

eight oclock,then I ate breakfast.After breakfast,I cleaned my room,it was

dirty but it is clean now.In the afternoon,I played badminton with my

neighbours.In the evening,I helped my mother cooked dinner.After I ate dinner,I

washed dishes.After finishing my homework,I watched TV.

Today is a busy day,but Im very happy.







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Save the Wild Animals

Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example, with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and narrower. Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat.

In order to protect our resources of ecology, people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural beauty. There fore, measures of the following should be taken: pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up as wild life, reserves.

Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved.


许多野生动物正面临绝种的危险,因为它们生活的环境发生了极大的变化。譬 如,随着城市的发展,杀虫剂的使用和严重的污染,野生动物的生活区域变得越来越狭小。许多野生动物目前正面临着食物方面的危机。同时,为了获取野生动物的毛、皮、角、牙齿和肉,人类正在屠杀野生动物。





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The teacher, are hard gardener. The teacher, is burning the candle; The teacher is the engineer of the human soul. In my five years of primary school career, I met many good teachers, they teach me knowledge, cultivate my learning habits, give my endless love, let me never forget.

I started primary school life is Zhou Xiangong teacher. Is her, and bring I met the beautiful elegant campus; Its her, taught me how to do a primary school student; Is she encouraged me to speak in class, cultivated my self-confidence.

In fourth grade, I met ginger smile and light teacher. She is not only pay attention to our study, but also are very concerned about our bodies. That winter my three days two head colds, often in class because of coughing and vomiting. Ginger teacher saw, to longly say to me: "not flatter, optical dispositions, note also exercise". Later, in the usual km run, the teacher let me go, the outer race. Gradually I began to keep running down, over time, my body strong, PaoCao what no longer is difficult for me.

Just in grade five, my thoughts more impetuous, learning attitude is not serious, the symptom was my class teacher Zou Cuihua found by the teacher, she often find I talk, education I want to have a good learning attitude. She also actively communicate with my mother, help me to correct learning attitude. Later, I listen carefully in class, and actively to speak, the teacher also often praised my progress.

Not only that, Zou Cuihua teacher often encourages us to read more books, she often says to us: "only a good reading habit, to write a composition". Sometimes, she bought some for us to read a good book at his own expense, to study and progress of students, it let us very moved.

People often use the candle to ashes tears beginning to describe the teacher done, imparting their knowledge to students, illuminate our way forward. I hope the teacher is happy, happy, can share our joy of success in the future






