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When winter holiday is around corner,I have so many plans,but now I just like coughpotato. My sister and I sleep in the morning,my parents get mad at us.They force us to get up,we lock the bedroom door until we are both hungry.Ha... Because of final exams,our skin in bad condition,my sister said that sleeping is good for skin.Yeah,female do care about their appearence all the time. Afternoon belongs to friend.Call them out and go shopping toghter.We gossip all the people we know.This feeling is so cool,you may find that friend is so important in the world,no on can live without them. My day is simple.




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My father is busy all the time, he promises me that once he has the time,

he will bring me to the zoo. This week, he finally keeps his promise. I am so

happy, I see many animals, the monkeys impress me so much. They are so active

and they climb everywhere. My father and I have the good time in the zoo. I also

broaden my vision.



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Boys and girls,

Attention, please! I have an announcement to make.

Our military training will last 11 days from Aug. 15th to Aug. 25th. It will take place in the school playground. The training time is from 7:30 to 11:30 in the morning and 2:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon. Everyone must attend the military training on time. Nobody is allowed to be absent from the training or be late for it. Ask the drillmaster for leave if necessary. Furthermore, we must be in military uniforms, wear strong sports shoes and bring our own cups. Finally, I have to stress that everyone should work hard during the training so that we will perform perfectly in the final test!

That’s all. Thank you!



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Do not rely completely on any other human being, however dear. We meet all life’s greatest tests alone.” -Agnes Macphail


I have found that the more time I spend alone, the more comfortable I become in my own skin because I can truly get to know myself. This provides me with more patience to accept myself as I am, wherever I am in my journey, on a daily basis.


This lesson was something I learned after spending a summer alone in Italy with a family friend.


I embarked on the journey, turning off my phone for the first time, well, probably ever. I would be jetting all over America then landing in a country with a family basically unknown to me.


It wasn’t until two years after I returned that I wished I had spent more time living in the moment while experiencing the greatest adventure of my life. I was not comfortable enough in my own skin to truly be present in the magical moments presenting themselves in a foreign country.


My mind stayed distracted as I wondered what people were thinking of me, and what I would post online to my friends back home.


At 19 years old, it seemed much more important to capture photos to upload to social media. The Internet was a crutch for me to not feel so alone in an unknown territory. As brave as I was to be completely alone in my adventure, I had a thousand people to “connect” with on my lonely nights!


Two years later I realized that I could have filled my days with activities for growth.


I now wish I had traveled to nearby cities, spent my days reading in a cafe, tried acupuncture—anything out of the ordinary.


The truth was I didn’t have the hobbies I have now. The trip did help me grow, but I regret that I could not simply enjoy the moments, instead of wanting thousands of others to see I was enjoying them.


I discovered that if I want to be happy, it would be my own doing. Happiness is an interior process and comes without validation from others.


This is something that is a lesson to be relearned each day.


Spending small moments of time alone—sans phone, tablet, laptop, TV, and radio—allows one to really tune in. We need to ask ourselves things like: What is my body telling me today? How do I feel today?


There are all kinds of things we can do to enjoy our alone time, some of them very simple. I enjoy my shower, my yoga practice, and the scenic drive home, all without communication to the exterior world. This helps me to really absorb my practice and just “be.” I find it helpful to journal, old fashion style, with a pen and paper after this little escape.

我们可以做很多事情来享受独处的时光,有些事情非常简单。我喜欢淋浴,喜欢瑜伽练习,喜欢在开车回家的路上看秀丽的风 景,这些都不需要和外部世界联系。这能帮我真正消化自己的所做所为,仅仅安静的待着。我发现在这种小小的消遣之后,用在纸上用笔写日记这样古老的方式很有帮助。



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With the time going by,Im be happier and happier on my schoollife.

Well,now let me introduce my life on campus.I have 30 lessons every week.such as math,English,biology....Chinese is my favorite lesson,because I enjoy beautiful article and myChinese teacher is very interesting kind and funny.I respect her very much.Last but not the least ,my classmates are friendly,this is the main reason why I love my schoollife.

In a word,my life on campus is very colorful and interesting.






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我向往的大学生活是自由的。 校园内会有一片很大的植物园,漫步其中,心中没有一丝忧虑。“野芳发而幽香,佳木秀而繁荫”,当阳光出来时,它会充满热带雨林的味道,阳光洒在曲折的小路上,斑斑点点,如晶亮的星光。那儿也会有一方莲花池,我会常坐在池边欣赏岸边的柳影婆娑;看圆圆的荷叶上,晶莹的水珠欢快地打滚;仰慕“出於泥而不染,濯清莲而不妖”的莲的风姿;看水中鱼儿自由地吐着泡泡。岸边的草地上会有或弹琴、或放歌、或嬉戏、或玩闹的学生,空气里到处充满了自由的呼吸。







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My College 我的大学

When I was in high school, go to college ismy dream. Now I realize my dream. excited as I am, the first time I see my college.


My college is inside the biggest university of Guangxi so that everytime I have to across a big campus to go out. At first Iam upset about that, but later on I get used to it. My college looks modernization in general. When I arrive at the school gate, the first thing is the boys’ dormitory and then is the playground. Look up! I see the canteen. I see the girls’ dormitory turn left. But where is my classroom? I look around but can’t find it. It turns out that it is separated by burrows. It’s strange,right? While I go across the burrow, I see another two big playgrounds and a tenniscourt at my left side. What is in my right side? Turn right, I see rows of teaching building connecting with the library. This is my college. I like it notonly because of the evironment but also the people there.


Both the teachers and students there are very nice. My roomates always help me in the daily life, the thing they usually do is wake me up in the morning. Other classmates always help me, when I meet trouble in study. My teachers are all kind and knowlegeable. Especially my head teacher, he talks with us and plays sports with us in order to make us get used to the new life.


My college is wonderful. I love it. If you have the opportunity, I hope you can pay a visit one day.


工作对生活的重要性 Work Is Important in Our Life

These days I have beenleisure but bored after finishing the final exam. In fact, I really don’t likethe way I have lived in these days, because I feel like a foolish that cantfind my values and have to be supported by others. That made me crazy.Therefore, I consider that people should find and achieve their values in lives,especially female. Obviously, work is an important way to achieve our values.However, why is work important in our life?

期末考试过后的这几天我很闲但是也很无聊。事实上,我真的不喜欢这几天的这种生活方式,因为我感觉像个傻子一样找不到我的价值而要靠别人养活。这使我疯掉了。所以,我认为人应该找到并实现自己的生活价值,特别是女性。很明显,工作是 实现我们价值的重要方式。但是,为什么工作在我们的生活中如此重要呢?

Firstly, work isthe only way for us to satisfy our basic needs. In order to get food, clothesand other living conditions to live happily, we have to work hard. In thisaspect, work is a natural responsibility for us, for our families. But usually,those who just consider work as a kind of responsibility regard work as a heavyburden in their life and they will feel really tired after a period of time,even some of which will choose to renounce the responsibility they have.Therefore, workmust have other positive meanings in deeper respect.


In addition, I strongly feel inthese days that work is an important way to achieve ourselves. Just as Maslowsays that human has five needs: physiological needs, safety needs, love andbelonging, esteem, self-actualization and self-transcendence. In my opinion,work is relative to the higher hierarchy of needs. We always need to achieveour value and worth to gain esteem or recognition from others by some ways,especially by work. I think it is easyto appear in the younger those who have some mature thoughts, so that mostteenagers will try their best to get rid of their parents’ care to make a livingby themselves. In this aspect, working is not only a way to make a living, butalso a way for us to achieve ourselves. In other words, working can bring satisfactionto us in spiritual.


In a word, work isimportant in our life. No matter what kind of occupation we pursue, we shouldtry our best. As an adult, without work, you would be bored, and even decadent.


An Excellent School Art Festival 精彩的学校艺术节

Our school art festival is held once a year. I think this year’s was excellent because a lot of students and teachers took part in it. At first, the students of Class1 Grade6 danced the Gangnam Style. How wonderful they were! Then, English teachers had an English Choir. How good they were! I liked these two programs. Finally the students of Class3 Grade7 sang pop songs. They sang so wonderfully! At last they won the first prize.





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当这灰蒙蒙的深秋在不经意间悄悄到来的时候我已在大学中学习和生活了两个月的时间了。这里的一切对我来说都已不像当初那样新鲜、有趣了,而两个月的大学生活也让我有了许多不一般的感悟。 中学生活是紧张、苦涩的,但也是充实的。在忙碌的学习生活中,我也经常憧憬和向往美好的大学时光。希望大学生活可以轻松一些,可以有更多的时间去做自己喜欢做的事情。总认为大学的一切都是美好的,能进入大学是最快乐的事情。 当怀揣着激动和梦想走入大学校门,生活和学习了一段时间之后我渐渐地意识到现实和当初的想象是那么的不一样。从周一到周日每天都安排了课程,而且每一门课程都要比中学时的课程更加枯燥乏味。课程安排的时间还让我变得懒散、生活变得不规律,课上听不懂老师讲地课,课下又感觉无事可做,所以我整天感到特别难受,有些落寞、孤独甚至绝望。每一天的生活是那么的空虚、无聊,我好像迷失了自我,行尸走肉般地活着。

我独自一人静静待着的时候,我都会陷入深深的沉思:难道就要这样昏昏噩噩地度过四年的大学时光吗?难道青春就是这样碌碌无为、没有生气吗?不,不,不是这样的,不能再这样下去了,我要振作,我要奋斗,我要把这四年过得有声有色、意义非凡,我要为我的青春负责! 我终于明白了,大学是为有梦想、有抱负的人而生的,只要你有目标、有毅力,不怕苦不怕累,就不会颓废,不会绝望。大学是一个独立自由的地方,每个人都有很多独立的时间由自己支配,但你若由于没有管束自己而散漫的虚度时光,你就会沉沦自己。若好好利用这些自主时间,努力学习,做一些有意义的事,那么这四年的大学生活就会变得丰富多彩。 想想刻苦学习、努力奋斗的高中时光,那是多么辛苦和难熬啊!我们是付出了多少的汗水才换来今天这梦寐以求的大学生活啊!我怎能轻言放弃,我要为自己打拼来的今天负责,我要继续奋斗,继续为自己的明天打拼。 没有辛勤的耕耘,农民就没有秋天累累的收获;没有艰苦的训练,运动员就不会有站上领奖台的辉煌;没有克服懒散、空虚、枯燥的毅力,就不会有充实的大学生活。经过两个月的迷失,我终于了解到这颓废的生活并不是大学的环境所导致的,而是我没有目标、没有计划、没有毅力才造成的。

在这两个月的时间里,我从没有去过工大图书馆、微机室,更没有去上过自习,也没有参加过任何形式的社团活动。我把时间都花在了睡懒觉、发呆、打扑克、上网这些浪费时间的事上,所以我才会感到空虚和烦恼。我要摒弃这些祸害我的坏习惯、坏毛病,我要用努力学习充实我的生活,用积极参加学校中有意义的社团活动点缀我的大学生活。也许有一天,我会发现大学生活也可以如此美妙。 “少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。”我不愿做徒伤悲的“老大”,我要珍惜充满青春活力的大学时光,努力奋斗,让自己无悔于这段绚丽的人生历程。、



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proud of yourself; when you fail, never give up. Please smile to face your life. If you do this, you will find the sky more blue; the sea more green….. Your life will become better and better!

One day my grandmother and I went to the park, it began to rain when we got there. Some people were disappointed, but my grandmother smiled: "it is good to rain, it will water the field, and the crops will grow better. I think so. If we can change our mind to see the things, we will discover all things are beautiful. In everyones life, the mood is very important. It can encourage unsuccessful people not to lose heart, to make sad people feel better. At last I want to say, if you enjoy life, you will be happy forever.



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Nowadays, with the rapid development of information technology, internet and electronic commerce have been very popular in our daily lives. For example, it is fashionable for youngsters to purchase daily essentials, such as books, clothes, electrical equipment, on some famous website, like

Taobao, EBay and Alibaba, through many courier companies. As we all known, online shopping has many advantages. Firstly, online shopping is more convenient than traditional means. We can find a shop with so many goods that we may favor, while all these just need clicking our mouse and typing-in the key word of what we want to find. And it also saves our a great some of time. Secondly, more choices than real store are another attraction to customers. Online shopping can provide mass

information about products which can be suit for customers needs, tastes, and preferences. Thirdly, as without traditional warehouses and retail shops, online shopping has can make us gain lower costs and prices. However, in spite of its advantages, we cant turn a blind eye to its

disadvantages. Obviously, quality problem is its first disadvantage.

Customers always buy fake commodities which are not described as online shops. In addition, its troublesome and annoying for us to make a change when they are not satisfied with what we bought online. The second

disadvantage is security issues. When we shop online, we need pay for the commodities by electronic payments, but hackers can invade our

computers and steal our information, this is not safe for online shopping.



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Nowadays,more and more people feel like emigrating to foreign countries,such as America, England and Canada. There are many reasons accounting for this phenomenon.And peopie have diffrent opinions to these emigrants.

Some people think migrate to some foreign countries with a view to making their children receive good education there.Others just want to experience a different culture they like.Although it may be exciting to drop their family in a totally unfamiliar place.They desire to meet new things ,new people,and new worlds.All in all,the most important things is they must have enough money and time.All these above factors contribute to their choice to migrate to another country. As far as I am concerned,I prefer to live in my country for long rather than migrate to other foreign countries. For one thing, I don’t like to live far from my friends and relatives. For another, I can’t bear to speak and listen to a foreign language from day to night. In a word, everyone has his right to decide where to live, and everyone’s choice should be respected.



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Hi, My name is Jay, Im from the beautiful ancient city of Kaifeng. As you can see, I am a very casual girl, and a lot of people here, like 18-year-old, I love a lot, I love guitar, love to sing love dancing, very fond of English, I am very love to watch "Prison Break", like the actor micheal clever wit I like making friends, and hope you will be able to and I have become good friends, I think I will, and you get along with.Hello, everyone, please allow me to introduce myself with a minute let you know me, know me and accept me. I come from Shandong, xxx, 20-year-old, my hometown Qilu earth gave me a straightforward character, and yet steady, and later the city of Nanjing travel long distances to school.As one saying goes: "Ten years out of sharpening sharp, sword-jun to knowledge only pending." Zaikuzailei, I am willing to try, "eat life of hardship, Fang Wei Ren Exalted", in later school life, I will definitely be one to make their own efforts, but had a substantial significance of post-secondary life. Student life in the future please give more concern, a simple self-introduction is completed, thank you!



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I will never forget that moment when I was pressing the buttons on the phone .I was entering a hot line to find out my results in the final examination of junior school. I remember having a hopeful but anxious feeling in my stomach. Kill or cure? The big moment had come. On hearing the voice say Congratulations! You come top in the exam. I cheered up. You make it! I just smiled a big smile to myself. The success really encouraged me a lot.

There is no doubt that for the youth the Internet is an important tool for study. Nothing can be compared with its convenient operation, high speed and varied information resources. As long as you click what you need, you ll get a large number of information picked out in such a short time. Besides outputting the information, at the same time, yon can input your own works and send them to the Internet. In this way you can have more opportunities to share the tremendous spiritual excitement with the ones who have common goals. By comparison, the youth prefer to spend the long and friendless evenings in front of the computer it seers to be the only form of entertainment. They have a variety of experiences: from the chat to the love online from the network game to the network crime. Perhaps they have led the cultural trend of the network, and they are the spreader of the Internet culture.

The old, however, sometimes imagine .the Internet to be a sort of place full of mystery. They often failed to understand how the net works. One thing is certain, however, they always go into raptures at the mere mention the Internet. They are forever talking with a proud about how skilled their grandsons operate the computer and surf the Internet, or the fantastic the Internet trip they went on their own ----after that, they never forget to list the privilege of modern science one by one, and make a conclusion that how fast the science and technology developed.




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I imagine a lot about lives in the future. I think two words can summarize

my imagination. The first word is fast. In the future, we will have more quickly

transportation means. Now matter how far we go, it takes only a short time. With

the development of science and technology, we can travel to the moon, Mars or

somewhere outer space. People may can live in other planets. The second word is

convenient. Because of the fast development of our society, many work can be

done by computers or even robots. Lots of things are fully automated. Humans

just need to give some simple instructions to complete complecated tasks.



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There are two people watching outside the window. The first man can only see the rubbish, because he is a pessimist. He always complains about his life, as he always regards that God is not equal to him. While facing difficulties, hes always frightened. Therefore he often loses his chances to win. Reminding his old days, hes very regretful. Once his father had placed him at the entrance of the road and told him to be careful while choosing his life. But he has chosen the wrong way. Now he gets nothing from his journey but remorse and errors. He dares not to see his father in the haven. He often cries bitterly but in vain. No wonder he is a penniless failure.


However, the second man is different from the first. Through the window, he can see the beautiful stars. As an optimist, he always smiles to everything. While facing difficulties, he still keeps a sense of humor. He can defeat all the setbacks and stumbling blocks by his great determination. And he often finds his life so colorful and interesting as he overcomes all the difficulties. Whats more, hes very strong and powerful. Although life is very difficult outside, he still makes a great effort to overcome all the troubles. Hes very brave and confident. Hes so brave, brave enough to face the present life. Hes so confident, confident enough to challenge himself. Hes very easy-going and kind-hearted. He always helps others when they are in trouble. Thats why he always owns a good fame.


From the story, we know the fact that the second man has set a good example to us, so we must follow his good example.

