描写学校环境英语作文范文通用3篇 作文初一(精彩20篇)

自然景物是自然神奇的造化,在那里,你会把自己的身心整个溶入其中,用心去聆听大自然的声音,那是动听的回响,那是动听的旋律,那是大自然为我们人类谱写一首首新的乐章。接下来就是小编给大家推荐的关于描写学校环境英语作文范文通用3篇 作文初一优秀作文,欢迎参考借鉴,希望你认真看完,会对你有帮助的!






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Finally, it was time to be busy for two months. So I got up early and quickly packed my things to school.

The long-awaited accommodation has begun. We had long wanted to get rid of our parents, and we were so excited about the dormitory that we started to be independent when our parents left. We can live the way we want to live without our parents long-winded lessons. But obviously, were all wrong.

Our fantasy dorm life is wonderful because we didnt think about doing things on our own. In the past, we didnt know much about the word independence. It was not easy to find independence in middle school. Because we used to be too dependent on our parents, we have to get rid of this bad habit in middle school. Teachers say junior high is where you learn to be independent. So now, we have to do everything ourselves, and we cant rely on anyone else.

In the first day or two, I was not very comfortable, because the people in the dormitory were very strange, and I couldnt find the topic of chatting at first. But I was glad that I soon joined the group and got along well with them. It was a great comfort to me because my mother said that if I didnt talk to you in the dorm, it would be very lonely and very hard. But of course, in the dormitory not only to have a good relationship with students, but also to adapt to the environment here.

After a week, I have been used to our dormitory, and we have adjusted our time, and will not be able to go to bed when we are busy at the beginning of school. Dormitory of the students are very active, I cant lie on the bed again to hold pillow daze homesick, talk to mom and dad when I also learn to report good news not suffer, because we want to reassure parents cannot let them always worry. They work hard, and if I always complain to them, then I am not filial.

All in all, my dorm life is pretty good. Because I was so quick to meet a group of good friends, I was so quick to adapt to the dormitory environment. I have a good rest time to have the energy to study, which is a step in my education. So from now on, I want to work harder, cant do the best, try to do better!




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Today there is more and more pollution and the environment is becoming worse and worse. So we have to know how to protect the environment. Here are some ways.


First, we can stop driving our personal cars. We can go to school or work on foot or by bus. Not only can it protect environment, but also it is good for our health.


Second, we are not supposed to drop litter anywhere, we should put them into the trash bin. And it’s best to pick up the litter on the ground when we see them.


Third, we should save the paper, the water, the food and so on.


Fourth, we should protect the trees and we should plant more trees.


I think if everyone does something to protect the environment, our world will be much better.




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good morning, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. now ,it"s my turn. my name is edgar, a high school student. i am very honored to be here to give you a speech. also it"s a good chance for me to improve my english. i hope i can make a good performance today. the topic of my speech is "after studying here".

before i came here,i can never imagine that i can learn so much knowledge about other countries, which can"t be got from my books in school. three months ago, i took my first class. unfortunately, i felt so embarrassed, because i even can"t speak any words, though i know i really love english .

after that, i took some of my tutor"s advice and previewed the lesson that i’ll learn. what’s more, in every class, i just try my best to say as much as possible. now,i can only remember it"s a really hard time. what’s worse, i had to go to my high school and went there at the same time.

after several weeks, i began to get used to the atmosphere in web .at least i"m not afraid to speak in front of my tutor and foreign teachers.

during web’s period,i found i had improved a lot, both physically and mentally. for example, how to be a confident person, how to plan for my future. and the most important is that i have learnt how to communicate with others, which is a necessary skill. nowadays studying is not the only thing that we high school students should do, there are some more important things we have ignored.

first, i am grateful for my parents. they have spent so much money for me, but never ask for anything in return. i really know how hard it is to work on such living conditions.

now it"s time to introduce my tutor sally. it was she that led me to the right studying here. it was she that helped me deal with all kinds of annoying things. also there are some other teachers that i appreciate, especially laura and anita. of course, i like to take foreign teachers" classes. anyway, thanks all of you!

i know i am young; there is a long way in my life. i have to face the difficulties and solve them by myself. but i know i must keep on my dream, i agree that if you put your mind to, you can accomplish anything.

i know i"m not the best ,but i"m the most diligent one。i hope you can remember me ,an ordinary boy.



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I’m Mike. I am a student in Huaxing Middle School. Do you know the plastic bags? Do you often use the plastic bags? I don’t like them. I think they use the wasting valuable oil their production. And they can’t decompose(分解) in a short time. The plastic bags will make our world worse. I agree with the rule, which people can’t get the free plastic bags in the shops, supermarkets. It encourages people to use their cloth bags and baskets. It’s good for our environment.

So I hope all the students in our class stop to use the plastic bags, and use our own cloth bags. I hope we can take care of our environment.

Let’s make our world more and more beautiful.







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Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, and finally to the new years day, I am happy! That kind of feeling, strange, like eating honey, is simply indescribable in language.

Early morning, my mother called me up, I rubbed my eyes: "what are you doing? So call me so early? " Mother said, "today is your grandfathers birthday, we have to go faster." I reluctantly dressed, washed and finished, and my mother pulled me around. I felt like I was running so fast for the first time in my life. My mother was still running, saying, "hurry up, hurry up, the car is leaving." Walking on the street, the streets are gray. Because the streets are deserted in the morning and no shop opens, they cant see that today is new years day. There is no doubt about the atmosphere of new years day.

In the country, a lot of fog, everywhere there is the sound of firecrackers, the way people are gathered together, talk about their home in the new years Day is to kill a few pigs, slaughter a few sheep, and buy what new things, everyone put on new clothes, filled with a smile. In the face, giving a feeling of children bursting with happiness, have also come out, with new toys, their families run around here and there, in the run between, to the club to candy, to Hezekiah to drink, no one to blame them, because this is after all new years Day!

However, I am not interested in this, because I still miss me >warm quilt!

On the morning of new years day, I opened my eyes with the sound of a firecracker. Open the calendar, open a new year, open a wonderful story. I l



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环境是人物生活的“土壤”,是人物性格形成和发展的依据。苏洵说过:“状难写之景于眼前,含不尽之意于 言外”确实,成功的环境描写,不但可以渲染气氛,而且能还让人感受到整个时代、整个环境的生活气息, 感受到作者心灵深处的思想与情感,具体来说,有这样几种写法可以让文章染上新的色彩。

一、连串式描写,展开故事的情节 在文章中,多次使用景物描写,不仅可以使情节显得更加真实、更加引人,还能自然地展开情节。在一 篇题以《关心》为题的中考满分作文中就三次出现了景物描写。开头是这样描写的: “细雨绵绵,如同那扯为断剪不断的缕,我的烦恼就像这绵绵的雨丝,没有尽头。” 中间接着说: “放眼望去,那一片片的竹林在雨中显得更加娇美了,那一簇簇的绿叶,经过雨水的洗刷之后,更加绿了, 更加亮了。” 结尾的时候,作者再次写到了景物: “我呆呆地伫立雨中,望着父女俩消失在茫茫的雨雾中。心中忽然静静地淌过一阵热流。”“雨依然飘洒, 不过,雨丝却成了母亲的双手,在轻抚着奔跑的我。” 同样写雨,却用了三段情感不同的文字,情节自然。用这种方法写出来的文章,脉络分明,极富情感。

二、情景式描写,揭示人物的情感 把内心的“情”,自然地渗透到外物之中,这就是“情积于内而发之于景”。在写作中,真正做到了景中有 情、情中有景,才会情景合一,所谓“情哀则哀,情乐则景乐”就是这个道理。鲁迅小说《故乡》 开头写阴晦严寒的深冬气氛、荒凉潇索,没有活气的村景,贴切地衬出了自己的悲凉心情;孙犁《荷花淀》 一文,开头将夜写得充满诗情画意,只是为了揭示水生嫂那恬静、安乐的心境。由于景物描写的恰当运用, 于是就有了“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的那份高雅志趣,有了“感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心”的那分伤感悲凉。 一位学生在《茵草坪上的故事》中有这样一段描写,作者不直接写内心滋生的思念之情,只说: “一场雨之后那一遍茵草地更绿了,那一株株的绿草一下子似乎长子一大截,让这片小小的草地变成了一 张厚厚的绒毯,我感到,那正在滋生的不是小草,而是自己无法阻止的思念。” 这样的句子含蓄有情,与一般的景物描写就有了不同。

三,对比式描写,衬出深刻的主题 环境描写,还可以将将人物在不同年代、不同情况下的不同感受,通过景物体现出来。杜甫的“朱门酒肉 臭,路有冻死”历来为人们所传诵,这就是因为两者之间形成了强烈而鲜明的对比。在《初三的烦恼》一文 中,作者与“枫”初次相识于一个艳阳高照的春日,文中写道: “这是一个太阳特好的春日, 柔柔的轻风、暖暖的阳光,枝头绽放的新绿,无不让人感到一种勃勃的生机, 广阔的田野里也如一张浅绿的地毯,一望无垠。” 由于种种原因,后来,作者又不得不与“枫”相别,在这时,作者又用了一段景物描写,不过,已不是春 日的美好景色,写出的是秋天的萧条与孤寂。文章通过春秋景物的不同,鲜明地写出了人物心境所发生的 巨大变化,深刻地揭示了文章的主题。

四、梦幻式描写,反映人物的期待 在文章中,我们还可以采用“以虚衬实”的写法,就是用虚幻的景物来衬出现实社会,折射出人物内心的 感受或期待。如杨朔的《海市》一文中,先对虚幻的海市蜃楼花了大量的笔墨,极力写出了它的令人神往。 然后写出寻找时看到的真实的海市——欣欣向荣的长山列岛。这时,作者感叹,“我们看到的长山列岛胜过 了海市蜃楼的实景。”虚幻的海市蜃楼写得越美丽神奇,就越能写出城市在社会主义建设过程中显示出来的 朝气蓬勃。 唐代诗人杨万里写过这样的诗句:“春花秋日冬冰雪,不听陈言只听天(自然之意)。”确实,环境描写 不能为景而写景,更不可“情不够,景来凑”,应该学会让景物说话,这样它才能为我们的文章“锦上添花”。



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As human beings, we communicate throughout our lives for various porpoises.

But just because weve been communicating for a long time does not mean that we

are always successful or that we can’t improve our communication skills. How can

we convey successful communication? Well, there are several useful tips may help

you to improve your communication skills.

First of all, listen and respond thoughtfully to others. You should spend

more time listening to others instead of boasting yourself. Some of us are very

egocentric, which means self-focused. If you spend too much time talking about

your own stuff, the people around you may think you are a tedious and annoying

person. So, the best way to do is to consider our friends’ thoughts and

feelings. Try to be a good listener, when you express yourself, thinks about it

carefully before you really say it.

Second, appropriately adapt messages to others. It is not enough to be

sensitive and accurately understand others; when your send out your message, you

pick up the best ways and respond to others to achieve your communication goals.

But it does not mean to say something that the listener wants to hear. That

would be unethical. Appropriately adapt messages to others means carefully

editing and shaping your responses so that your messages can be understood by

others and you can achieve your goals.

Last but not least, try to interpret nonverbal messages. As we all know,

unspoken messages can express powerful ideas or emotions with greater impact

than mere words. You should try to observe others facial expressions or

movements and give correct responds to others. You can see the emotions or

attitude from one’s gesture stops. Be sensitive and appropriate interpreting


Most people learn communication rules from experience, by observing and

interacting with others. You can do that too, if you have enough patient and




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“草长莺飞二月天,拂堤杨柳醉春烟。儿童散学归来早,忙趁东风放纸鸢。”春天是一个多么祥和,多么温暖,多么活力四射的季节啊! "Grass -long warbler flying in February day, brushing the embankment willow drunk spring smoke. Childrens scattered school returns early, busy putting paper kite in the east wind."What a warm and vibrant season!








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We talk about protecting the environment every day, but have you done it? We talk about maintaining urban health every day, but theres still a lot of rubbish piled up. Whats going on here? Its because people say they dont do it, they say they love the environment, but theyre still throwing trash on the ground. But xiao Ming and xiao hong are good role models for the environment. Let&s see!

In the evening, after school, xiao Ming and xiao hong saw a trash can on the sidewalk, and there was a lot of rubbish in front of them. When xiao hong was about to pick up, xiao Ming stopped her and said, "we dont care if so many stinky garbage people dont care."

"No, no. Although others no matter, but we are young pioneers! Young pioneers should take good care of the environment, or we live up to the bright red scarf?" "Ok!" "Said xiao Ming helplessly. So they started to pick up the garbage from the ground.

After a while, they cleaned out the trash. Then xiao hong suddenly noticed that xiao Ming was gone. He looked around and saw that xiao Ming was lying on the ground and writing something. "What are you doing on the ground, xiao Ming?" Cried the little red. "I want to write words on the trash can, to get people to care for the environment. Write" no littering ", feeling too directly; write everybody is responsible for protecting the environment, feeling a little too cliche, cant attract the attention of people. You say me what should I write?" Just as xiao Ming asked xiao hong, he saw xiao hong washing the trash. She ignored the dirty, smelly garbage can, took out her handkerchief from her schoolbag, and then wiped the dust off the trash can. Xiao Ming shine at the moment, came up with a word, the little red straight nod, two people come up with scissors and tape, will note on the garbage can, packed my things and went home happily. The original paper says: civilization, only one step!

What do you think of the story above? Lets act together to protect our environment and protect our homeland


The earth that we have been living on has changed since then. Once the pond was clear and the pond was a frog, and there were a couple of small fish in the pond. Now the pond is filthy, and there is a lot of garbage everywhere, and every now and then a dead fish comes out of the water. The sea was blue; Now the sea, because of human "processing", once "monotonous" blue has become now "beautiful" green. When I went back to my hometown last month, my father said to me on the road, "Ill take you to the river where I swam when I was a child." I began to wonder, thinking, "whats going to be like the river where my dad used to swim?" Thinking about thinking, we have unwittingly to grandmas, voracious after a meal, I finally can glimpse, can go to see the real appearance of the river. Looking at the river, I said, "ah!" I didnt realize that the river had a foul smell on the river. Even the tree at the edge of the pool was bowed head by the smell of pain, as if suffering. "Ah" father sighed and said, "now, no real morality, such a good one, was destroyed by now. It seems you this generation of people is not good, has the good peaceful land cant see at all." Where was the clean river once? Why is water so dirty? Is everyone not going to be public now? We really need to rethink. About a week or two ago, I saw a story in the news. News about said: there are some environmental protection volunteers after days of hard, get one from a most of the rubbish in the river pick, finally also drink a clear. But, we have thought, if we have so many volunteers, if we still dont have a sense of environmental protection. Then our lovely earth will never have peace. So please everyone one by one action, and become a good citizen morality, let our mother - the earth a rest and for our children and grandchildren to see the blue sea, see the blue sky, the vast grassland. Make the world a better place!


In the last century, the level of human science and technology soared, and the quality of life became higher and higher, and the world was silent in the joy of rapid development. It is not until this century that the incessant scourge of human development is a wake-up call, and the word "environmental protection" is becoming more and more specific...

The lessons of history are painful, and he deeply affects every one of us, such as SARS in 2003, the snow in 2008, the earthquake... Both give us the lesson of blood and tell us the importance of environmental protection. Of course, the nightmare is not over, and this year the swine flu epidemic is raging around the world, and the catastrophe seems to be getting closer. The arctic ice sheet is still melting, the hole in the ozone layer is growing... Scientists have calculated that the Pacific island of tuvalu is about to disappear in 50 years. If humanity does not pay attention to the earth, the big cities in the east of our country will become "the Venice of the east", and the only people who will greet us will perish.

So what is green? Some say it is the responsibility of the state, others say it is a national problem. This is true, but is there no personal problem? I said -- yes!

Earth to serve each and every one of us, every one of us on the earth are all have a responsibility, too much if we owe human nature, and dont want to return, the domineering creditor will no one earth, all living creatures on the earth will suffer.

So, whether its you I should have done that he "environmental protection", "environmental protection" is not difficult, as long as can do everything for the sake of the earth to protect the resources around, always about the earth in mind.

As middle school students, we should start from the school of "environmental protection", dont open my tired when the sun is shining lamp, dont let the tap water to pour into the sewer, dont let the junkve picked home! On the other hand, we have to urge parents and families to drive less, ride bikes and exercise more and be "green" volunteers.

The country has the duty to do, the people have the problem of this treatment, the individual has no duty to do, we ask ourselves: do you do the green? Have you put "green" in your mind?



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Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .

In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .

Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .

They can also get some money from their parents.This money is given to children for good luck .People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune.



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Our life will change greatly in the future.

In the future,every family will own at least one computer,with which we can shop online without going out.

That is really fantastic.Also,robots will be employed by every family.They can help do much of the housework.

Therefore family members will have more free time to spend time together.

In the future,kids dont need to attend school any more.

There is internet access in every family,with the help of which kids can study by themselves.



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We know,campus is for teachers and students to work,a place of learning,a good campus environment,can give us to feel fresh,beautiful feeling.Our campus although the area is not large,but the green is good,trees,birds sing and flowers give forth fragrance; outside the classroom,aisle posted at all times and in all countries of the famous quotes.We are trying to create a healthy,harmonious,stimulating environment,so that the students in the good environment by infection and nurtured,in influence character by environment,establish correct world outlook,outlook on life and values,so that everyone in a beautiful,clean,warm environment day by day grow up healthy,do a civilized citizen!




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My name is ZhangYanYu. Im in Grade Seven. I like to go to school. Now,I want to tell you something about our class.

Our classroom is very beautiful. There is a blackboard on the front well. There is a teachers desk in front of the blackboard. There are two boxes of chalk and an eraser on the desk. There are many nice maps on the wall. There are some beautiful flowers on the sill. Our classroom is very nice and clean. There are two tall trees behind our classroom.We ofter play games wiht teacher under trees. There is a small garden on front of our classroom.Its nice .There is small river not far from our school ,in front of the garden. We often swim in it in summer.I like our class.I like our school.
