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I used to be a humble girl, the thing is that I am too humble, I always think that my ability is not good enough, but in fact, I am just not confident. One day, when I went back home after school, my mother asked me to help her, she had some problems with the computer.

I helped her to solve her problems, she said I was so great, I knew so much things.

Until then did I realize that I should be confident, I have ability to do some things. When people give me compliment, I will accept and say thank you, I am confident now. I believe in myself, I won’t be defeated by the difficulty.





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自信心是指一个人对其自身能力、自我 发展 的肯定。自信心强的人对自己的能力充满信心,相信自己的存在价值,相信自己能获得成功,哪怕遇到困难,也能直面困难,迎刃而上。然而在小学唱歌教学中,很多学生不敢当众唱歌,对当众唱歌表现出极其紧张、害怕;还有一部分学生唱歌时面无表情,声音无力,象在背书;有的甚至不喜欢唱歌。那么如何能让学生们热爱 音乐 、自信地歌唱呢?我认为,可以从以下两方面入手,帮助学生树立唱歌时的自信心。


孔子曾说:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”要培养学生的自信心,首先要激发其兴趣。兴趣与信心总是相辅相成的,只有产生了兴趣,才会有自信的歌唱。兴趣不是天生的,要靠后天的引导和培养。教师要根据学生身心发展 规律 和审美心理特征,以丰富多彩的教学 内容 和生动活泼的教学形式,激发和培养学生的兴趣。




游戏是孩子表现生活、 学习 的重要方式,是孩子们喜爱的一种活动。他们常在游戏中以最 自然 的方式抒发情感、表现自我。音乐课如果只停留在让学生被动地听唱歌曲的层面,那必然会让学生感到索然无味。如果在游戏中学唱歌曲,如:边唱边做开火车游戏,边唱边玩拍球游戏,边唱边做红灯、绿灯游戏,这不仅能减轻学生唱歌时的心理压力,而且能体验唱歌的乐趣。




唱歌教学没有固定的模式,而具有灵活多样性,教师要对教学 方法 和教学形式做最佳选择和综合运用。可以根据学习主体——学生的兴趣和学习愿望来设计不同层次的教学目标,真正做到因材施教,因人施教,让所有的学生都体验成功的乐趣。我们知道十个手指不会一般齐,对于一些能自信而歌的学生,要求他们声情并茂地演唱歌曲;对于一些对独立唱歌感到紧张的学生,可以要求他们背唱歌曲;而对于一些对自己没有信心、惧怕唱歌的学生则只要求他们唱准歌曲的节奏和音高。不同的学生在目标的实现过程中会逐步认识自我,意识到自己有能力唱好一首歌。这样,能使每个学生都感受到成功的喜悦,可以最大限度地发挥不同层次学生的唱歌潜能,使部分学困生和没有信心者减少对唱歌的恐惧,树立起唱歌的自信心。


情感是人们对客观事物的内心体验和态度。在教学活动中,情感直接 影响 着学生对教学活动的参与及内化。可以说情感是教学成功的催化剂,它具有引发、定向、激励和强化的作用。苏霍姆林斯基曾说:“在课堂上,教师不仅要想到所教的学科,而且要注意到学生的感知、思维、注意力和脑力劳动的积极性。”是啊,教学过程是师生情感的双向交流过程,教师要充分发挥情感的疏导功能,激发学生的学习情感,让自信扎根于学生的心灵。


教师应以民主平等的态度与学生保持同一水平线上的心理接触,不要总是以一副高高在上的威严姿态去面对学生。现在各行各业不都在提倡微笑服务吗?我们何不也将微笑带进课堂呢?课堂上,教师面带微笑,娓娓道来,学生如沐春风,心情舒畅。这样可消除学生对教师的惧怕感,增强其信心。也可缩短师生之间的距离,让老师更容易走进学生心中,让学生更喜欢上 音乐 课,喜欢唱歌。试想,学生带着一种紧张、压抑的心情来上课,能积极、主动吗? 研究 表明,少年儿童的 学习 积极性、创造性与自信心是和师生情感密切联系的。


教学过程其实就是一个人际交往、情感沟通的过程,师生情感的交流与教学是不可分割的。在唱歌教学中,如果教师只按自己的主观意志设计教学并按部就班地教完每一首歌,那他就大错特错,他的教学是失败的。我们要时刻注意观察学生的心理动向,细心留意每个学生的眼神、表情,及时发现 问题 ,用教师声情并茂的范唱或热情的语言、真挚的爱心帮助学生,使学生认识自我。教师只有研究学生情感,了解学生情感,及时捕捉学生的情感信号,才能有的放矢的帮助学生建立起自信而歌的信心。


新课程理念指出:义务 教育 阶段音乐课的任务不是为了培养音乐的专门人才,而应面向全体学生,使每一个学生的音乐潜能得到开发并从中收益。可是在实际教学中,教师往往特别关爱一些歌唱得好,乐理知识掌握得牢固,又爱表现自我的“特长生”。整个教学活动中,教师提问的是“特长生”,上台表演的是“特长生”,大部分学生则成为“特长生”的“陪读生”,结果这些“特长生”因为常常被老师关注而特别喜欢上音乐课,对自己也充满信心。其实学生都有希望获得成功的心理需求。我们何不也关注一下那些胆小、怕羞、性格内向、不爱表露自己的学生呢?如果我们更多地把最美的笑容留给他们,更多地把最深的关怀留给他们,更多地把无私的爱留给他们,用自己的健康情感去感染他们,让他们也感到老师对自己的偏爱,让他们也从心理上得到满足,并在这种满足中增加信心,从而热爱歌唱。


许多心 理学 家发现,同龄人之间的沟通比不同龄人之间的沟通更容易,他们之间的心灵界限更少设防。一些学生在教师面前很胆小,很拘紧,很自卑,但在同学面前却很大胆,很活泼,很自信。教师完全可以利用学生之间的特殊情感经常组织学生开展好朋友合作学习、小组合作表演等集体活动,努力为学生搭建充分展示自己的集体大舞台,让学生在集体活动中尽情地唱、忘情地奏、入情地演。教师要用“放大镜”找出学生的“闪光点”,多一些表扬,多一些鼓励,让一些自卑的学生觉得自己并不是一无是处,让他们从中找到自信的支撑点,让自信的光照亮每个学生的心灵,使他们由衷地唱出自信的歌!




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I am a middle school student in junior high school, now the second year, I just first of the first time, always have no confidence, downcast, but now I am full of confidence.

I remember this incident in the second semester of the first semester.Because I see it all the time, or when I hear someone saying it in front of me.Or whispering.I always feel that I am too ugly for the reason, or what reason.I didnt have the confidence to go out again.Always in class, a person sitting in position reading or listening to music.But someone will say I am.Back at home, even my family looked down on me.I was even less confident.I was supposed to be told that at school, I would be happy to return to my family, but it was imagination, and the reality was cruel.But I found light in a composition.I have also heard the teacher say, "no matter what kind of difficulties people encounter, we should have confidence to go forward, go our own way and let others talk about it."I began to recover, dare to go out to play, even if the people point to point is not to see.

This is my beauty.Im sure Ill make people look up to me.



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First, you need to be sure of oneself , think that what thing self does being able to make it, only when the cognition arrives at the effort passing self, self definitely can achieve selfs aim. Self can make it from intelligent upper confirmation , self is encouraged by self. As long as having mentality prepare anastole , you cannot only be capable to do for one point is difficult. Believe that you are therefore likely to be full ofconfidence accomplishing a mission. The world is developing , the times is improving, person also wants to make progress with the times step. The target changes development of person also in happening from time to time. Set up self-confidence as long as you overcome an inferiority complex, act as self happy founder. What difficulty all can overcome as long as you havinghad self-confidence, what the thing all cannot beat you; Your selfs studies or cause only is capable to do success , you are a most promising young person.

You have owned ding-dang be confident , you havewanted to learn to make friends broadly too, only when being able to give you a kind of to comfort in utterance being loyal in friendship in friends, one kind of the chance speakingcourageously, a kind of takes your occasion exercise , lets you be not afraid of anybody, dare to express self idea orsuggestion , announce self view. Because of the friend can make your be far from lonely, ability melts to become a member of society but acquisition is happy.

Not having the friendly sentiment life is dim, will not have luster like the earth has lost the sun illuminating. Not having the friendly sentiment life is monotonous, will resemble fire of the hope having accepted the damp match , not having got life no matter how you conflict with , also ignite. The life not having friendly sentiment also is imperfect life. One people lives in in the world , does not have friends showing solicitude since not having a friend,how can understand real life delight?

Only when having been full of the friendly sentiment life is really full , have meaning. Have place sage say: Two peopleshares a agony , only has half agony; That two people share a portion happy , is happy have two share. Think that you are cornered , awkward when urgent, the sincerity getting a friend suddenly helps , is one conciliative even if only common , the utterance encouraging , your state of mind will be how? Being able to feel intelligent or not has got one kind of be gladrelease , has felt one strands of warm current rise deep down , has been full of confidence thereupon , has alive in every fiber? Ten thousand glad to think that you win out, time division, if when the sincerity blessing getting a friend, your state of mind meeting how? Whether feeling happiness or not. Therefore, strengthen your self-confidence , be therefore likely to remove an inferiority complex. You feel that self is to be confident what right away! You are therefore likely to ride on the crest of success in the field of ten time of self-confident at the same time job.




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Some people are born with the belief that they are masters of their own lives. Others feel they are at the mercy of fate.New research shows that part of those feelings are in the genes.

Psychologists have long known that people confident in their ability to control their destinies are more likely to adjust well to growing old than those who feel that they drift on the currents of fate.

Two researchers who questioned hundreds of Swedish twins report that such confidence, or lark of it, is partly genetic and partly drawn from experience.

They also found that the belief in blind luck-a conviction that coincidence plays a big role in life is something learned in life and has nothing to do with heredity.

The research was conducted at the Karolinska Institute-better known as the body that annually awards the Nobel Prize for medicine by Nancy Pedersen of the Institute and Margaret Gatz, a professor of psychology at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Their results were recently published in the United States in the Journal of Gerontology.

People who are confident of their ability to control their lives have an "internal locus of control,"and have a better chance of being well adjusted in their old age, said Pedersen.

An "external locus of control," believing that outside forces determine the course of life, has been linked to depression in latter years, she said.

"We are trying to understand what makes people different. What makes some people age gracefully and others have a more difficult time?" she said.

The study showed that while people have an inborn predilection toward independence and self-confidence, about 70 percent of this personality trait is affected by a persons environment and lifetime experiences.

Pedersens studies, with various collaborators, probe the aging process by comparing sets of twins, both identical and fraternal, many of whom were separated at an early age.

The subjects were drawn from a roster first compiled about 30 years ago registering all twins born in Sweden since 1886. The complete list, which was extended in 1971, has 95,000 sets of twins.




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LinHao, in face of so great a catastrophe, did not evade but gave his hands to hisclassmates. It was his confidence and calmness that gave others the secondlife. I am proud of him. To be honest, Lin Hao is my little hero in my heart.

BernardShaw has ever said a word. "Those who have confidence can transformsmallness into greatness and make mediocre things look beautiful. In anotherword, self-confidence is the first step to success. Thus, no matter when andwhat, we do not allow ourselves to be discouraged. Lin Haos experience tellsus that confidence is very important to us. It also reminds me of my ownexperience during the first year of senior middle school. After I entered seniorschool, I found it really hard for me to learn math well. There were so manyproblems which I didnt understand that I did badly in exams. Both my parentsand math teachers believed that I couldnt learn math well. One day I met adifficult problem which took me nearly an hour to work it out. Nonetheless,I realized that I was the onlyone in my class to work it out! That really built up my confidence in math.Finally I became very good at math and my math teacher was surprised by my progress.It was confidence that helped me overcome the difficulty.

Ifa person wants to be successful, the first thing to do is to get confidence, assuccess is the body of confidence.



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Confidence is power--the power to attract, persuade, influence, and succeed. Imagine what your life would be like if you had an abundance of selfconfidence !

Confidence isnt an inherited trait, it s a learned one. This means that you can have an abun-

dance of self-confidence. Start here, right now.

Confidence starts in the mind.What you think of yourself very much influences the way you feel about yourself. This, in turn, affects the way you speak and act.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

The very first thing you have to do to create abundant self-confidence is to start thinking with confidence. Pay attention to your internal dialogue, and learn to notice when you allow negativity or doubt to control the course of your thinking.

Your environment has a tremendous influence on you. The books you read, the people you spend time with, and the music you listen to all influence the way you think and feel about yourself and the world around you.

In a nutshell, your environment can either build up your self-confidence or drag it down.

If youre in a situation where youre discouraged, such as an unhealthy relationship or a miserable job,you have to change that situation if you want your self-confidence level to grow.

Create an environment that supports you if your desire to have abundant self-confidence. Spend time with confident people.

Remember those, self-confidence can be yours. Take it!



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Some people say that self-confidence is the most beautiful. Confidence is a sense of certainty about their, no matter how others see you, treat yourself confident can never stingy. Self-confidence can you loose the burden in the heart, like a bird free flying, tell you not a little bird. More confident, life will be more beautiful.

May be destined to a persons character, it is not easy to change. But if everyone into confident on their own elements, their life will become more colorful, more open. You may ask why you are confident? I think: confidence + opportunity = success. So self-confidence is indispensable auxiliary conditions. Everyone thinks oneself from birth, fate dominate everything, all want to follow the path of destiny. If you have such idea, may be you are wrong. Destiny is master in your hand, opportunity is in your side. The you find place, it did not work. Dont let the chance to run out in front of you, the first to catch the opportunities, of course. However, get the opportunities, of course, is a good thing. But people have the opportunity to dont you will achieve success. Some people often suffer from failure tripping, overwhelm be heavy setbacks, let these people thought he was a mediocre person, chance on them. Success will become very slim. So have the opportunity is important, the most important thing is that you have confidence. Even if you get upset about my setbacks, as long as you have a good mood, have full confidence in myself. Believe that failure and frustration on you again, can also be solved. So self-confidence is very important for a person, even if you dont have too much talent, have the confidence you have into a big step away from success than others. Albert Einstein said, confidence is to take the first step to success. So people should have confidence, also need confidence in life.

The colour of life more and more beautiful. The reason is that everyone is different, look at the point of view of the world depends on your mindset. A bright and cheerful disposition, confident people tend to think the outside world is wonderful, instead you will feel it is all under the gray.

Living on his own shortcomings too persistent, this will give you self-confidence greatly diminished. Measure their feet well in my heart, you will find yourself actually also has advantages.

So life need confidence, because confidence makes you more beautiful.


可能一个人的性格是注定的,不容易改变的。但如果每个人在自己的身上都注入自信的元素,自己的人生才会变得更加精彩,更加的开阔。也许你会问人为什么要有自信?我认为:自信+机会=成功。所以自信是不可缺少的辅助条件。每个人都认为自己从出生开始,命运主宰一切,都要跟随这条命运之路走下去。如果你有这样的想法,可能你就错了。其实命运就掌握在你手上,机会就在你身旁。 踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费功夫。 别让这些摆在你面前的机会流走,首当其冲的当然要捉住机遇。不过,得到这些机会当然是件好事。可是拥有了机会的人可不一定会获得成功。有些人屡屡的遭受失败的绊倒,被挫折重重的压倒,让这些人以为自己是个碌碌无为的人,机会放在他们身上。成功就会变得很渺茫。所以有了机会固然重要,最重要的是你是否拥有自信。即使你被挫折打败了,只要你有好的心态,对自己有充分的自信。相信再多的失败和挫折在你身上,也能迎刃而解。所以自信对一个人来说是很重要的,即使你没有太多的才能,有了自信你已经比别人离成功进了一大步。爱因斯坦说过, 自信是向成功迈出的第一步 。所以人应该要有自信,生活中也需要自信。






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As we all know, Failure is the mother of success. to be a confidence people then you will get success ,but not everyone can be confidence , we should hold the idea that anything is possible. We should, or have to trust in ourselves.

In short, self-confidence is the spiritual pillar of a person as well as the inherent power, which is of great importance and value to a person.

Finally, I would like to use the following words as our mutual encouragement:If you think you can, you can.



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nothing is difficult to a man who wills


All things are difficult before they are easy.


Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.


Confidence of success is almost success.


Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.


Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.


Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.


Where there is a will, there is a way.


Nothing is impossible (or difficult) to the man who will try.


Nothing is impossible to willing mind (or heart).




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Currently,self-confidence has become the order of our life, which improves the theorythat nothing is more valuable than self-confidence.


Itis obvious that self-confidence means trust in one’s ability. If we are full ofself-confidence, we’ll have creative power to live and work, helping us successor dreams come true. On the contrary, if we have no confidence in ourselves,there will be little possibilities for us to win. We’ll always face failure.


What’smore, no one can deny another fact that self-confidence gives us light when wewalk in the dark and courage when we face stumbling blocks. Withself-confidence, we can achieve goals in our life.





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No one is perfect in the world, like me, often forget east west. So sometimes, I want to be a perfect person, but, everyone has flaws, so this is a difficult to achieve, but the inherent my material will be useful, so in the future I will become a useful person.

Everyone has shortcomings and advantages, and my advantage is that there are many friends; The disadvantage is that cry point is very low. For me, he shortcomings like a gecko, at any time with in my side, really clingy, suddenly appear, every day to hurt me in front of everyone shambolic, and because of the shortcomings, only to hurt me more and more small bile, dont dare to show in front of everyone. So, in order to overcome the shortcomings, I will self hypnosis, thinking: believe in yourself is great! And will be more and more great! Actually, I really good... , only occasionally make a mistake, but I prefer my strengths are, I also believe that these advantages make life become colorful wonderful!

I think confidence is very important to man, a man without confidence, his life was full of fear, his life is relying on their own to overcome obstacles, to become a happy and confident people.

I hope my faults can be quickly fixed, let oneself become more confident, dont be afraid. If you dont light head, it is good to do more to strengthen the training of the brain, as long as we are more than somewhere toward the positive thought, must be from a dislocated into a high-profile diamond, sending out light!


每个人都有缺点和优点,而我的优点是有许多朋友; 缺点是哭点很低。对我而言,缺点就像缠人的壁虎,随时跟在我的身边,可真缠人,每天都突然冒出来,害我在大家面前出糗,而且就是因为缺点,才害我越来越胆 小,不太敢在大家面前表演。所以,为了要克服缺点,我会自我催眠,心里想:相信自己超级棒!并且会越来越棒!其实,我真的很棒……,只不过偶尔会出错,但 是我还是喜欢我的优点,也相信这些优点让我的生活变得缤纷美妙!





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With the rapid development of our modern era, people are filled with the aspiration to succeed more and more strongly in life. As we all known,Self-confidenceis built to make correct evaluation on mastery of the knowledge of the self. Confidence contributes to success; self-confidence is also different from the ego.

Several ways can be easily found for this regard that confidence contributes to success. To begin with, in comparison, accounted for the most confident of success in someone is of extreme significance in the whole view. What’s more, what viewpoint more worth mentioning is that the more confidence you are in the childhood, the more easily you will get when you grow up. Additionally it is not dispensable that confidence is an excellent quality in the whole life the influence of the reason is beyond any doubt.

However, like everything has two sides, too much confidence can turn into conceit. Privately, conceited people unable to recognize themselves. On the contrary, confidence make you understand your strengths on the positive side. Generally, Confidence doesnt stop your step on the succeed rood, nevertheless, conceited will let you behind.

To end my arguments, talking all these factors into consideration, we can naturally come to the conclusion that suitable confidence is too

much beneficial to success. If it could be realized, our life would be full of success.



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As a famous saying goes that life is not a bed of roses,we will always encounter difficulties or troubles in our daily life.but what you should do when we are caught in difficult situations.

First we should keep an optimistic attitude.

Secondly,we should be clearly aware of our strengths and defects.

Thirdly,we should know well about our enemy,the difficulties.

Fourthly,when preparation work is ready,next we should put what we have planned into practice step by step.There go several pieces of advice.First of all,as a saying said that well begun is half done,so its better to start from the easiest part of the trouble.Then,when we have made some achievements in dealing with the trouble,we can move on to the harder part of it.

This way of handling trouble will be more effectively.After we conquer each high mountain of troubles,we will not only get new opportunities,but also make more achievements in the adventurous journey of our life.



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Recently, a large number of affairs about sexual assault were disclosed and reported by mass media. As far as I am concerned, people should get some enlightenment from these affairs, such as enhancing and strengthening education inSelf-protection awareness, especially for children and students.


Children and students are hurt most in this kind of affairs. As a result, to enhance and strengthen their self-protection awareness is indispensable. In addition, to strengthen the awareness of defending danger is also important. If they can realize the potential danger from someone or something before it happens, they can make some preparations to avoid the danger and reduce the rate of being hurt.


Therefore, I advocate that parents should help their children develop self-protection awareness from birth, such as designing some situation for them to cope with. In addition, parents should teach their children to recognize the danger and how to avoid and reduce the danger from outside. Besides, children also need to develop an excellent ability of observation.


In a word, to protect children needs both the effort of parents and children themselves.




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It’s normal that we all have our own interests and it’s various from people to people. Some people may be interested in sports and some others in music or literature. In short, it’s good for us to have our own interests or hobbies and it means a lot. For one thing, having some interests can bring us a sense of belonging, for it’s your own thing and no one can carry off from you. For another, interest is our best teacher. If you like something, you have the desire to go deep to it. Last, developing interest is a good way to make friends with who have something in common. You can share and be shared, which is an inspiring process and experience.



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Who in life doesnt experience setbacks?There are so many frustrations in life.Everyones destiny is different, you have different mentality to face this all.

When I was a child, I did my homework very late every day.Every time I quarrel with my mother.At that time, I was better than my classmates and saw other peoples achievements. Therefore, I developed an inferiority complex. I always thought I was not doing so well.

Later my mothers attitude changed, together with the teacher encourage me, I am confident, soon after, I began to self-confidence, composition and performance improved, every class I confidently answer the questions.

With self-confidence, we have the motivation to learn, to travel in the ocean of knowledge, and in life, we often encounter setbacks and to move forward with confidence.

Without it, Beethoven could not have composed the symphony of destiny.

If there is no confidence, there is no li Yang "crazy English";

Without confidence, there would be no "dream of red mansions" for cao xueqin.

Confidence is the condition of success, and there is no joy without it.



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What is confidence? Confidence is to trust yourself. Confidence is to look upon yourself. It is not to indulge in self-admiration. It is not to get extremely arrogant. It is not to get dizzy with success or to be opinionated. It is just to inspire yourself ahead of a quality of mind, in high spirit, full of energy. It is to meet the challenges of life in a positive mood. It is to overcome your inferiority, farewell, to get rid of the trouble of a a ready-made panacea.

Remember, I have just entered junior high school. In the face of the challenge of new environment, in the face of so many new courses and learning contents, I lost faith in my own and gradually developed a psychological sense of inferiority. Achievement glided ceaselessly. It is a teacher and mother who encouraged me and let me regain confidence. Gradually, my grades got higher and higher and everything began to go on well. Gradually I adapted to the life in middle school.





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On Confidence

As we all know,“Failure is the mother of success.” But I just want to say“Success is the baby of confidence.”

First of all, confidence makes us happier in our life. Life is like a wonderful song, a bright and colorful painting. If confidence is with us in our life, we will find that life really becomes richer and more interesting.

Then, confidence makes us brave and courageous. If we lack confidence in ourselves, how can we overcome difficulties we meet with? If we have no confideuce in ourselves, how can we succeed in developing ourselves in the future?Without confidence, nothing can be accomplished. That is to say, if you want to win, you have to believe in yourself.

Finally, I would like to use the following words as our mutual encouragement:“If you think you can, you can.”
