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Xiamen is Chinas first four special economic zones,it is

Taiwanese,southern Jiangxi,southern Hunan to the east to the sea,the Pacific Rim

will be developed into an international harbor.

"City at sea,the sea in the city," Xiamen is a graceful charm of the "Sea

Garden." Island,reef,rock,temple,flowers,wood backed each other,the hometown of

overseas Chinese customs,practices Fujian and Taiwan,coastal cuisine,exotic

blend of construction,year-round spring weather is more of the charm of the sea

icing on the cake.Beautiful scenery and pleasant weather,it can be said here is

the best environment for cities.Surrounded by sea water,broad sandy beaches,warm

sunshine,as a good ecological environment,Xiamens clean air,a habitat for

hundreds of thousands of egrets,Xiamen has formed a unique natural

landscape,since ancient times,Xiamen Egret is one of the major habitats,so

Xiamen Also known as "Lu Dao"; in addition to the beautiful natural

scenery,Xiamens urban environment is also very clean,is well-known tourist





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I am already 18 years old,but the memory of my childhood is still like an unforgettable sweet dream.

One day,all my family went to climb a mountain.There father told my elder sister and me that the first one to get to the top of the mountain would be given a toy.Hearing this,we began to run up.At first I kept ahead,but a few minutes later my sister was ahead of me.However,I didnt give up.That toy attracted me to run forward,In the end I reached the top first.

On the top we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and had a picnic.At dusk,we went down the mountain happily.I was the happiest one,because I not only got a toy train but also knew that one shouldnt give up readily.



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My best friend is Mary. She lives in a tall building. She lives on the fifth floor. Everyday she takes the lift up and down. She is twelve years old. She is tall and thin. She has short black hair,two big eyes and a small mouth. She is very cute. I like playing with her. We are in the same class. I like to read books but she likes playing games. She likes to eat popcorn and ice creams. I like them, too. Her favourite food is fish, so she is clever. She loves her cat. She often plays with her. The cat likes Mary,too. They are cute.




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Whenever I remember my grade school days, I tend to be wistful over. Though no more are those days, I will never forget now wonderful they were. I was efree in my school days and all the year round I lived happily. I was not a hardworking pupil. Every day I directed my attention not to study but to how to out to how to cut classes and class leader as I was. I did not act like one; instead, I even encouraged others to cut classes, too. of course. I was caught out and severely punished. Often in preparing for a test we pupils would work together to devise ways of cheating in the test room. Though I was poor at cheating in any test. I never gave up but would again and again, hoping t way I would get high marks. With the passage of time I have gradually cast off those bad habits I once had always feel embarrassed each time I think of my foolish behavior in 1the past, I owe what I am to all my teachers. Conscientious instruction. Had it not been for them, I would not be a useful member of society as I am today, My grade school days not only added to my experience as a boy but give me now something lasting to remember by. How I wish the past days could come back, for in retrospect they were so wonderful.



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Our class have had a discussion about whether we can use mobile phones.

Some students think it is good to use mobile phones because they can take

photos with them in our daily life. They can also listen to music to relax

themselves in free time. Besides, using mobile phones makes it easy to keep in

touch with their parents and friends.

But some others dont think so. They think students shouldnt use mobile

phones. Using mobile phones too much is bad for their eyes and its a waste of

time to chat with friends. Sometimes some students use mobile phones to play

games. It will have a bad effect on study.

In my opinion, I think wed better not use mobile phones. We should spend

more time on our study instead of using mobile phones.



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今年的春节我是跟随妈妈在天津老家过的。到家后,我看到很多家的窗户上贴满了各式各样的窗花,有人物、有花草、还有许多小动物……一个个形态逼真,好看极了。妈妈说,过年的时候贴这些,是 为了在新的一年里万事如意,幸福平安。还说在老家春节还有一项重要的事情,那就是逛古文化街,并答应第二天就带我去。

古文化街位于海河的西岸,这里街道不宽,入口处有一个很大的牌坊,上面写着“津门故里”四个大字。我不解的问妈妈,“津门”是天津的门吗?妈妈仔细的对我解释说,“天津”这个名字,是过去的 皇帝给起的,“津”是渡口,也就是坐船的码头,古代皇帝又称作“天子”,所以天津的含义就是天子渡河的地方。真是有意思,一个地名都有这么多的说法。

街道两边的各种店铺都是些仿古建筑,大多雕梁画栋、古色古香,中国味十足。有卖食品的、字画的、剪纸的,还有卖泥人和年画的,各色物品琳琅满目。妈妈看我对泥人张彩塑和年画很感兴趣,就对 我说,这些都是家乡有名的传统民间艺术,一块泥巴在师傅的手中能做出成千上万种的各色物品,很是神奇。年画上的内容也都有讲究,什么《五谷丰登》、《迎春接福》,表示的是过年的喜庆和家乡 人对生活的美好愿望。妈妈还说,等你长大了,去更多的地方,会懂得更多、更多… …




去年,我和爸爸妈妈回家过春节。春节那天早上,家家户户喜气洋洋,放鞭炮、挂灯笼、贴对联……忙忙碌碌。爷爷奶奶在杀鸡、杀鸭、蒸年糕、炸麻团,准备一些贡品去祠堂烧香祭拜祖先。我和爸爸 妈妈忙着贴对联、挂灯笼。

中午,全家人到娘舅家吃饭,爸爸给老太发压岁钱,我也收到了好几个红包,我开心极了。晚上,爷爷奶奶准备了一桌丰盛的晚餐,亲戚都到我家来吃年夜饭,大家聚在一起,有说有笑,非常热闹。吃 完饭,我们就一起放烟花,看着烟花在空中绽放,有红的、黄的、绿的、蓝的……五彩缤纷,光彩夺目,美丽极了!在烟花冲向天空的那一刻,我就开始闭眼许愿,我希望全家人身体健健康康的,每天 都快快乐乐的。

等到晚上十二点,外面就响起了噼里啪啦的鞭炮声,家家户户要打开大门迎财神爷。大年初一早上,我们全家都穿了新衣服,爷爷奶奶在家泡茶,接待来拜年的客人,有小孩来拜年就要发给小孩橘子。 我和爸爸妈妈出门拜年,回家时提了满满一袋橘子呢,我可高兴了!





除夕夜,那可是热闹非凡啊,大家准备一年最有意思的团圆饭,煮好饭,大大小小必须祭拜祖宗,最后长幼依序跪拜,呵呵,最快乐的时候,当然是放鞭炮了,一整夜,连续放。“啪啪啪”可热闹了 !家家放烟花,五颜六色,可美了。这晚,大大小小的,都在欢迎新的一天——正月初一!

正月初一,虽然没有除夕热闹,但是也挺好玩的。这天,家家户户,男女老少穿新衣,出去拜年。晚上,长辈得给小辈压岁钱。其实意味一年财源滚滚,健健康康。我们还要祝福所有亲戚朋友,美好 祝福。因为潮州人说过:“有心拜年,初一初二,没心拜年,初三初四。”所有亲戚朋友,都争先恐后祝福大家。

有趣的元宵,这天除了吃元宵,家乡那里可是好玩了,每当吃完饭,走在大街,你会看见有些人在开始舞狮了。舞狮由两个人合办一只大狮子,一个扮小狮子,则另一个扮武士,狮子那些可爱,好玩 的姿态,逗得大家笑了。千姿百态,妙趣横生,大家来不及鼓掌了。







除夕到了,我们家早上就要洗澡,洗完澡后吃中饭。快到晚上时,我们要烧香拜佛,就是把菩萨放在桌子上,两旁放两个蜡烛,把蜡烛点燃,最后面对菩萨磕三个头就行了。拜完佛,我们家还要下 去为死去的祖宗烧纸,其实这种纸叫假钱,给祖宗烧纸,也就是给祖宗送“钱”。“这是老太太的,那是……”爷爷把“钱”一个一个的分好,就准备开始烧了。烧完纸后,就准备吃团圆饭了。晚饭开 吃了!团圆饭开吃了!20xx年最后的晚饭开始了!团圆饭的饭菜十分丰富,腊月下旬留得鸡鸭鱼肉大部分都展现出来了:肉丝(青椒肉丝里的肉丝)、大鱼、牛肉、鸡鸭……这么多菜,足够我的口胃了 。吃完饭,我开始放炮了,放完炮,等到十二点。为了迎接新的一年,我们全家下去放鞭炮,“轰——轰——轰——轰——……”到处都是这样的响声。鞭炮放完,我回家睡觉了。

过年有四天:除夕、初一、初二、初三。在初一初二初三里,大人几乎都在拜年,都在买礼物送给亲朋好友。而我们小孩,白天在家不是玩电脑,就是看电视 。而晚上,许多小孩跑到楼下放炮,什么 “调皮猫”呀,什么“疯狂坦克”呀……各种各样的炮,十分地好玩。




到了除夕,人们格外忙碌,家家赶做年菜,方圆十几里都能闻到酒肉的香味。有的人家正在做炸货,有的人家正在蒸年糕,有的人家正忙着买新衣服······ 在这天,人们在门外贴上了红 红的对联,屋里贴上了各式各样 的年画。处处洋溢着新年的气息。

除夕夜里 ,在外地工作的人们,不管回家的路程有多遥远,工作有多忙碌,都会回到家,与家人一起吃年夜饭,看春晚,等待新年的到来,那场面别提有多温馨了!

“噼里啪啦,噼里啪啦······ ” 天还没亮,家家户户就开始迎接新年了。家家洋溢着欢乐的笑声,大人们忙着包饺子,下饺子,小孩子们忙着穿新衣,放鞭炮。


瞧!刚上幼儿园的小弟弟,还没等大人们回过神来,已经给爷爷、奶奶磕起了头,嘴里还不停地喊着:“拜年喽,拜年喽!”爷爷奶奶高兴的掏出了压岁钱。小弟弟接过钱,忙转身,跑向老奶奶 ,“扑通”一声跪在老奶奶面前,大声喊着:“老奶奶,我给您磕头啦!”接着,磕个不停。老奶奶忙站起来,边扶小弟弟边说:“快起来,快起来,好孩子!”淘气的小弟弟好像没听到老奶奶的话一 样,继续在磕。老奶奶这才明白过来,忘了拿压岁钱了,忙转身,去拿早已准备好的压岁钱,小弟弟接过钱,高兴地跑了。看到这一幕,满屋的人哄堂大笑。




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Everyone has different hobbies.Some people like to paint and others like to play basketball.I have many hobbies because I like to do many things.Let me share a few of my hobbies with you.

To begin with,I really lie games,both indoor and outdoor.I like collecting cards and playing card games with my friends.But my favorite games are vidio games.I could play them all day long.On the other hand,I also like being outside in the fresh air and sunshine,so I play a lot of sports.I like riding and rollerblading very much,but swimming is my favorite sport.

In addition,I like to draw pictures and read comics,but please dont tell my parents because they dont approve.listening to music and singing songs are things I enjoy too,and Im learning how to play an instument--the guitar.Finally,I enjoy learning English because I like speaking with foreigners and I like watching Disney cartoons.

As you can see,my hobbies keep me busy and excited.Im always looking for new things to do!




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Mid-autumn festival is one of the most important festivals for Chinese

people. At that time, people will come back home and spend time with their

families. The meaning of this festival is to provide people a chance to get

reunion. Chinese people pay special attention to the family reunion. It is a

good tradition, which is inherited for thousands of years. Mooncake is the

classic food, which can represent this festival. The most exciting moment for me

is to appreciate the moon at the balcony and chat with my families. We eat some

snacks and talk so happily. Mid-autumn Festival is part of Chinese culture and

should be reserved forever.



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A Fine Day——《美好的一天》

June 13th     Friday

It is a fine day today. There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining. Mr Jones is with his family. They are walking on the bridge. There are some boats on the river. Mr Jones and his wife are looking at them. Sally is looking at a big ship. The ship is going under the bridge. Tim is looking at an aeroplane. The aeroplane is flying over the river.






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English is familiar to most people, because nearly every student in school has to learn English. It is a compulsory course in most schools. Why we have to learn English?

First of all, English is a worldwide language.

Nearly every country is using it, including China. If we want to earn a good position in China, we need to learn English.

Besides, learning English can provide us more chances when finding jobs. With the development of China, we have more chances to work with or work for foreigners. What’s more, learning English is helpful to build our confidence. The more knowledge we know the more confidence we will have.





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I have many teachers now and I love them all,but my favorate teacher,I think she is my english teachter mis/miss gao.

She is tall and thin,in my eyes she is most beautiful teacher woman in the world,I love her sweet smile and attractive.SoI always feel free in her class.

I like her class very much,she often tell us interesting stories in her class,and she teaches us to play english games and english songs,too.since she become my english teacher,I have madel a lot of progess.

I like english,I like my english teacher.



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I am from Xian,the capital city of Shanxi province,which is considered as one of the cradles of Chinese civilization. The more than 1100 years history of thirteen feudal dynasties,from the Zhou Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty,leaves the city abundant historical and cultural heritages.When yo step out of Xian railway station,the world-renowned city wall,built in Ming dynasty,will come your view.Walking around this city,you can feel its profound history everywhere.

Qingqiang opera is quite popular in this area which is characterized by its straightforwardness and enthusiasm,so the people here are no exception.If you are in trouble,we will always come to help you as soon as possible.Besides good nature,we are strict with our work,persistently pursuing high quality.For example,the famous director,Zhang Yimou, attaches high importance to every detail of his works,including the theme,the actors and the frame.As a result,his works enjoy wide popularity and reputation.Growing up in such a beneficial environment ,gradually,I develop a spirit of integrity,diligence and earnestness.

Last but not least,we are extremely hospitable and so welcome to Xian.



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I am very familiar with my hometown, I was impressed by the clarity that is the bottom of the river because it has good memories of my childhood. There are many in the riverbed of the small fish and small stones, they are often hiding in a rock, then you can rock to hold down the small fish will swim in the future while you rock hands on just after the fish swim in your Your hands

Handy to be able to fish the arrested, but sometimes you encounter the clever fish grasp it, because you rock hands on it after the tour has been a long, so we devised a method: From the store,

Lane bought firecrackers to fish, but sometimes the fish will be killed, I will be arrested and a number of friends will come to fish with Charcoal. First of all, we will pick a piece of local fish would be a good pick if there is no fire and then we have to look around a number of stone

Head circumference of a circle, to find some of the fire burning matches, take a fish in the final tool to let the fish go, then garnish salt and MSG, the delicious baked fish at once, if we caught fish will not eat From home with some of the corn

, And some sausage to grilled vegetables. Since that fish every time we come here to play.

Each year we will be in a small river in the bamboo forest to play, we will hand with two bamboo, and then turned himself in the future, no one who is more than double the victor. Sometimes we will play with stones in the river bypass the requirement is up

Solid and often beautiful I always win, although I take a slow, but I use my patience to win the game.

I love you beautiful river!.



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The power of love

Love is the parents is the world‘s largest love, is in their minds share of family support them, let them come in the heart of the disaster sons and daughters.

Kitagawa, May 14, 2008, the parents who struggle with death more than 40 hours after the three-year-old girl Song Xin Yi finally rescued, rescue workers to feed her milk. Her parents live in the time, desperate to protect the fragile body of her, until both passing away, also maintained that posture. Parents touched by the love of God, let the children saved, small Xinyi Zaitianzhiling parents can comfort!






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Some people love to play badminton, some love to play football, others love swimming, but my favorite sport is basketball. It is very popular in China because of Yao Ming. Because of him, many boys in China get to know about basketball. He is so excellent that everybody wants to play like him. He is my idol.


After school, I often play basketball with my friends. I am the tallest boy in my class, so I play as center. Playing basketball is not only good for our health, but also helping us to make friends. I hope someday I can be an outstanding player just like Yao Ming. Maybe in the future, I will go to NBA and win the champion.





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All say that their hometown is good, I am now grand to you to introduce my hometown. My hometown is in the beautiful Yaan Yucheng, she is a pearl of the Sichuan Tibet line, is a beautiful city, an ecological city, the hometown of pandas.

Yaan is located in the throat line of the Sichuan Tibet railway line. It is the main traffic route and the only way for the mainland to contact Tibet. Through the Sichuan Tibet railway line, a steady stream of various materials is sent to Tibet. The geographical position is very important.

Yaan is a very beautiful city. Here rich products, specialty tea, fruit and so on, the mountains here green faint, clear water, vegetation rich, lush trees, like the green ocean.

Yaans unique "Sanya" culture has attracted many foreign friends. "Three" refers to the rain Blair, respectively: female, ya ya, is not very interesting? Want to know, please allow me to say: Ya Yu is one of the characteristics of Yaan, Yaan rain throughout the year are drizzle, the ancient "Ya no three eyes", that is to say Yaan has three consecutive days are sunny, rain as much as can be imagined; elegant womans skin is very moist. Juicy juicy, and this is really about nvwaniangniang. The legend of Nuwa sky when there is a vulnerability, this vulnerability is the place in Yaan, so there are a lot of rain in Yaan, in the sky when the multicolored stone sprinkles water on the elegant woman, so the female skin is very juicy and moist; fish is one of the major specialties of Yaan, Yaan is also unique, it delicious, very rare.

Yaan is the worlds first giant panda discovery, and now in Yaans Bi peak scenic area perennial pandas living for visitors, and if lucky, you can also close contact with the little panda?!

Yaan is also a city with a long history, and the famous upper ancient town is located in Yaan. The houses in the ancient town are very old, and it is really an ancient town! The town also has a "Erxian bridge", all with stone. The legend of the two immortals walk over them, so called "Erxian bridge".

This is my beautiful hometown -- Yaan, a beautiful and ecological city.




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My Best Friend


Everybody has a best friend that they can share everything with. I also have a best friend. We met in school, and were in the same grade.


My best friend is a good student because he is very hardworking. I learn a lot from him. He helps me with math; I help him with English. We always help each other. Besides that, hes honest and reliable. I trust him completely and we share secrets all the time.


My best friend is a loyal and brave boy. When a bully teased me, he came to my rescue right away. He always remembers my birthday and he is fun to be with. He tells funny jokes and stories. He always makes me laugh. Finally, he is a very good listener and he knows how to cheer me up when Im down. I hope well stay friends forever.





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I like drawing. It does bring me happiness. As a kid I was keen on those

lines and curves drawn on paper made into animals and scenes.

It really could show beauty to people and express my feelings. And then I

took a course so that I could get close to it and see it well.

But at that time I just did it for fun. Years went by I got into a long

period of time filled with pressure in study. And I found it so good a way to


It did not any longer play an unimportant role in my living but bacame my

friend. Since that time I have felt it like a nice person deep in my heart who

can talk with me with true words and make me happy with life.

This is my hobby not just a hobby but also a true friend.



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I know many singers, such as Wang li-hong, Zhou jie-lun and Michael Jackson and so on.

But I like Michael Jackson best.

I recognized Michael Jackson on occassion. There was a poem recitation competition in my class. I had to look for a song about peace. Finally I found "Heal the World". I liked it at once when I first heard this song. I thought it was the best song that I had ever heard. Then I found the words of this song. "Heal the world, make it a better place, for you and for me, and the  entire human race." This song was Michael Jacksons famous work.

Since then I began to know more about Michael Jackson. I began to love him. He was named "King of Pop". He hold a Children Foundationg and wanted to make the world peace through the music.Although he was dead, he was still one of the most famous singers in the world. I love him, because he was not only a singer but also a loving person.



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