描写冬天的英语作文5篇 作文怎么写【合集20篇】







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I like the flowers in full bloom in the spring, because of her beauty; like the sun like the fire, because of her enthusiasm; also like snowflakes flying in the winter, because shes lovely; but I love the fruit of the fall.

Fall to the harvest season is also coming, we came to the countryside orchard picking fruit.

Into the orchard, the first thing that catches the eye is the apple tree, one by one like a small ball so much apple red glowing, like a childs smiling face; pears like and Apple like the United States, one by one off the white coat , Exposed Huang Chengcheng body; persimmon is not far behind, clawed leaves, revealing the fat body, hanging on the branches, from a distance, like a light lantern; a string of golden banana like a necklace wear In the banana tree "neck", the banana tree dressed more beautiful. The most striking is the grapes, clusters of grapes, green and green, like a piece of agate like, shining charming glory, so you can not help but shed saliva. Went to the grapevine, tiptoe, take off a big grape, peel the skin, to see the transparent crystal like meat, people can not wait to put the meat into the mouth, gently a bite, that juice immediately Overflowing mouth, really sweet ah! People eat the first, but also want to eat second, third ... ...

At this time, the side of the children have picked up a basket full of fruit, I do not want to show weakness, learn their way, began to pick up, but I like everything, had to pick each fruit, the sky has been In the evening we are happy and happy.

Autumn orchard is really linger!




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Winter comes! Little snowflake fluttering to return to earth.

Oh, you see the snow on top of this tree, like the one after the other gulls stop on the branches; Several naughty children, the finish is not cotton candy high hung on the branches? Is grandma put small steamed stuffed bun on the limb?

I gently picked up a snowflake, you see: the six petals, glittering and translucent and bright. As winter grandpa do personally bookmarks, and sent to us, let us have a good reading. Like winter wind sister told us: an inch of time an inch of gold, an inch of gold will not buy inch of time, to cherish the time now, is to study well.

Winter morning, I cant help strolling on a narrow path in a snowy, when I walked slowly, step by step, only behind me deeply footprint seems alive one note. Snowflakes dancing in the wind, I stood in the snow, snow kissed my face, on my neck, fresh, intoxicating. I seem to become a snowball, rolling down from the top of the mountain, the mountain left a trail and a trace of snow. Snow is still flying, like a white fairy tale world. The patches of snow as if to say: "I dont make the mountain lonely; I let trees have cool and refreshing oasis, I love this world, I want to let the world of all things under my quilt meimei hibernation". At this moment, my heart seems to be washed in general, is so transparent, so white...

Once again I carefully took a snowflake, she really is a masterpiece of nature! She is so transparent, so white. But also do magic voice, voice came, the snow will gradually disappear, will once again usher in all things recovery, vibrant spring...

Ah! I love winter. All things on plating a layer of crystal, glittering, was full of praise. In winter, she is so white, is transparent like that!!









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1. 烟台市一个理想的境界,如果下点小雪,看吧,金沙滩的海里结了冰,一片亮闪闪的样子,好像天上的一片星星“下了凡”。岸边,一点点沙滩的黄,加上点白花,给岸边穿上了一带花纹的花衣;看着看着,雪停了,这件花衣好像被风儿吹动,叫你看见一点更美的肌肤。等到快日落的时候,微黄的阳光斜射在岸边,那点薄雪好像忽然害了羞,微微露出点粉色,花衣好像更美了。

2. 冰天雪地的冬天来了,上午,天上飘起了鹅毛大雪:有的像在空中飞翔的天使,有的像在天空自由自在飞舞的白蝴蝶,还有的像银色的外套披在地球妈妈身上,冬天的天气千变万化,刚刚天气晴朗,转眼间阴了,雪花纷纷飘了下来,像一个魔法师一样瞬间把我们的学校变成了银色的城堡。

3. 雪地旁,是一个花园,里面的菊花已被冰雪笼罩。在花坛里还有一棵雪松,雪松迎着刺骨的寒风傲然挺立。雪松四周挂满了冰条儿,犹如一朵朵银色的菊花,晶莹剔透。太阳出来了,阳光照射在冰条上,反射出夺目的亮光,美极了。

4. 树上披上了一件白色的纱衣,地上像铺上了一层厚厚的白棉被。大地变成了粉装玉砌的世界。啊!真美啊!我陶醉在这银装素裹的世界里!雪后我迫不及待的跑出家门观看那美丽的雪景。踏着软绵绵的积雪,听见脚下发出咯吱咯吱的声响。世界如此美丽。

5. 她又仿佛是一位穿着洁白的衣裙的仙女,她的裙袂所到之处,雪原静若处子,雪峰冷峻而挺拔,玉树琼花怒放,而空气却显得特别的温柔。在她温柔的抚慰下,所有的躁动都开始安静下来了,大地静谧而安祥,就像一个在母亲怀里睡熟的婴儿。在这个银妆素裹的世界里,这片耀眼的洁白使天空也黯然失色。在这片宁静的洁白里,我们还能有什么浮躁的心事放不下呢?

6. 看看远处连绵的高山,被雪蒙着身躯,如雪白的绸缎,云朵的影子如暗花绣在上面,好一个圣洁的山。

7. 像蒲公英的种子,慢慢的落了下来。雪花凉凉的,抓一把放在手里,就像握着一块冰,一会儿,雪花消失了,只在我手心里留下了一滩水。

8. 大雪随着寒冬来了,街道仿佛是银子铸成的,那么亮,那么有光辉,长长的冰柱像水晶的短剑挂在檐前,行人的呼吸也化作了一股股白烟。

9. 雾散之后,立即出现一幅奇景,那青松的针叶上,凝着厚厚的白霜,像是一树树洁白的秋菊,那落叶乔木的枝条上裹着雪,宛如一株株白玉雕的树,垂柳银丝飘荡,灌木丛都成了洁白的珊瑚丛,千姿百态,令人扑塑迷离,恍惚置身与童话世界中。

10. 我爱白雪,我爱雪景,我更爱冬天。冬天是心灵的年轮。冬天,虽然十分寒冷,但是它有着无可比拟的温馨和希望。

11. 一片片凋零的六角花在我眼前下落,破碎。我似乎看见我的心也和它们一样。散落着一片片花瓣。带着我的温度离开……

12. 晶莹透亮,好象出征的战士,披着银色的盔甲,又像是一片片白色的战帆在远航……

13. 还有圆的。大树穿上了洁白的衣裳,挺立在道路的两旁,像一个个军人。远远望去,大地铺上了洁白的地毯,穿着各色服装的人们走在上面,就像给地毯绣上了美丽的花。

14. 雾散之后,立即出现一幅奇景,那青松的针叶上,凝着厚厚的白霜,像是一树树洁白的秋菊;那落叶乔木的枝条上裹着雪,宛如一株株白玉雕的树;垂柳银丝飘荡,灌木丛都成了洁白的珊瑚丛,千姿百态,令人扑塑迷离,恍惚置身与童话世界中。

15. 轻轻地落在房顶上,落在草地上,落在山峰上。一会儿,大地一片雪白,好象整个世界都是银白色的,闪闪发光。

16. 当小雪花飘飘悠悠地落在地上,仿佛给大地盖上了毛毯;落在房屋上,想给房子披上了棉衣,它落在大树上时,想给树穿上了银装,它落在汽车上,像一层层白奶油。这情景沁人心脾,令人陶醉!四周白茫茫一片,银装素裹,真是美不胜收啊!

17. 雪下起来了。多么美丽的雪花呀。在初冬刚来到的时候,雪花就及时地报告了冬天的来临。

18. 瞧,冬姑娘把准备了一年的礼物送给了我们。那洁白无暇的六角片宛如一个个坠入人间的精灵。它们那轻盈娇小的身躯,再配上雪白的衣裳,好似一只只晶莹的蝴蝶在空中飞舞。它们以铺天盖地之势迅速笼罩了整个大地。一切都被染白了。

19. 雪中的景色壮丽无比,天地之间浑然一色,只能看见一片银色,好象整个世界都是用银子来装饰而成的。

20. 这雪花,像蝴蝶一样顽皮,一会儿落到树上,一会飞到坚强的梅花上,还时不时的落到放学回家的孩子可爱的脸上,你看,他们红扑扑的小脸都绽开了开心的笑容。

21. 严冬一到,寒流一来,高天滚滚寒流急,寒风卷起漫天飞雪。一时,大地银装素裹西石岛山,层峦起伏,宛若银蛇起舞。马路两旁是玉树琼枝。东海浪涛波涌,激起千堆雪;船只归港避风。整个港城是一幅洁净的冬雪图。

22. 马路边,白雪给人行道盖上了白被子,被子上又留下了人们一串串的脚印。白雪给树们披上了白披风,使它们变得更加威武了。

23. 那雪花洁白如玉,它是天宫派下的小天将,还是月宫桂树上落下的玉叶呢?雪花像美丽的玉色蝴蝶,似舞如醉,像吹落的蒲公英,似飘如飞,像天使赏赠的小白花儿,忽散忽聚,飘飘悠悠,轻轻盈盈,无愧是大地的杰作!只见眼前的雪花像蝴蝶一样调皮,一会儿落在屋檐下,一会落在树枝上,还不时飘在行人的脸上。

24. 哇,只见天地间下着细小而密集的雪花,并且越下越大,越下越密,好像无数的仙女向人间播撒花儿,传达着春天的祝福。过了半晌,雪慢慢的停了,只见平台和长廊的栏杆都覆盖着一层厚厚的白雪,花盆里花的枝干和叶子上都托着一团团的雪,晒衣架上的雪像一条弯曲的小路,红瓦屋顶上的雪像一排排钢琴键,一排红瓦一层雪,排列得那么整齐,令人赞叹不绝。

25. 晶莹透亮,好象出征的战士,披着银色的盔甲,又像是一片片白色的战帆在远航……

26. 烟台市一个理想的境界,如果下点小雪,看吧,金沙滩的海里结了冰,一片亮闪闪的样子,好像天上的一片星星“下了凡”。岸边,一点点沙滩的黄,加上点白花,给岸边穿上了一带花纹的花衣,看着看着,雪停了,这件花衣好像被风儿吹动,叫你看见一点更美的肌肤。等到快日落的时候,微黄的阳光斜射在岸边,那点薄雪好像忽然害了羞,微微露出点粉色,花衣好像更美了。

27. 我缩了缩手,抬头一看,发现到处都是雾的海洋,所有的景物都变得模模糊糊,好象披上了一层白纱。走到梧桐树边,我看到梧桐树叶全枯了,一片片飞舞下来,像小鸭子的脚,一步步往下飘。

28. 无暇的雪花,就像凡间的精灵。

29. 雪,是从遥远的国度飞来的白色精灵?是天使翅膀上落下来的白绒毛?还是严冬特意为大地准备的白被子?是的,雪,像芦花,像棉絮,像蒲公英那带绒毛的种子。她飘飘洒洒,她纷纷扬扬,她婀娜多姿……

30. 那雪花洁白如絮,在地上,像一床洁白的棉被,给大地妈妈来取暖。

31. 不过,最能让人们在家中就能最先感觉到冬的气息的是窗户上的冰花,有的像森林,富有神秘感,有的像小溪,仿佛在静静流淌,有的像圣诞老人,好像来给人们送礼物……

32. 一场雪过后,小兴安岭被洁白的雪盖住了,树上积满了雪,真是“千树万树梨花开”,树木的枝条,千姿百态,有长长的,绒乎乎的,像胖娃娃的手臂,有的缀满大大小小的绒球,似乎你大喊一声,它们就会“扑通扑通”滚落下来,这里简直成了一个童话世界。

33. 那一簇簇雪花,看起来向白绒毛扎成的小花。风一吹,玉屑似的雪末便飘飘洒洒,像一只只白蝶在翩翩起舞。一切是那样令人神往。

34. 雪,在下着,飘飘扬扬地从天上落下,落到屋顶上,落到地上,很轻盈,如小猫的脚步一般。雪中,有几块晶莹的冰块,在闪闪发光。树,被雪穿上了衣服,白帽子,白棉袄,白围巾,好一个纯白天地。

35. 下雪了,整个城市就变成了银白色的世界。当雪花飘飘落下,就像白色的蝴蝶在跳舞,充满了童话般的色彩。

36. 树上落满了雪花,就像是火树银花。

37. 冬天来了,小草没有了,草地上铺了条白白的雪被子。河里冻上了冰。

38. 不过,最能让人们在家中就能最先感觉到冬的气息的是窗户上的冰花,有的像森林,富有神秘感;有的像小溪,仿佛在静静流淌,有的像圣诞老人,好像来给人们送礼物……

39. 冬天,大雪纷飞人们好象来到了一个幽雅恬静的境界,来到了一个晶莹透剔的童话般的世界。松的那清香,白雪的那冰香,给人一种凉莹莹的抚慰。

40. 一场雪过后,小兴安岭被洁白的雪盖住了,树上积满了雪,真是“千树万树梨花开”,树木的枝条,千姿百态,有长长的,绒乎乎的,像胖娃娃的手臂,有的缀满大大小小的绒球,似乎你大喊一声,它们就会“扑通扑通”滚落下来,这里简直成了一个童话世界。

41. 冬天里的雪是都有的,家乡的冬天当然也少不了。那雪一下就是一整天,每一片都差不多跟鹅毛般大小。地上总是堆着一堆堆的雪,放眼望去就像连绵不断的山一样,耸立在马路边。

42. 冬天是首鲜明的小诗。

43. 雪地旁,是一个花园,里面的菊花已被冰雪笼罩。在花坛里还有一棵雪松,雪松迎着刺骨的寒风傲然挺立。雪松四周挂满了冰条儿,犹如一朵朵银色的菊花,晶莹剔透。太阳出来了,阳光照射在冰条上,反射出夺目的亮光,美极了。

44. 下雪的 时候,空中的雪花像亭亭玉立的仙女在空中翩 翩起舞,又像被风吹落的蒲公英一样飘飘洒洒地落到树上房上,把世界装扮的粉妆玉砌,像童话里的宫殿。落到田野里,就像给田野铺上 了厚厚的白地毯。

45. 看那雪花,玲珑剔透,洁白如玉。它像天宫派来的使者,像偏偏起舞的玉蝶,像月宫中桂树上落下的玉叶……

46. 大雪纷纷扬扬落下,那一片雪花在空中舞动着各种姿势,或飞翔,或盘旋,或直直地快速坠落,铺落在地上。

47. 落光了叶子的柳树上,挂满了毛茸茸亮晶晶的银条儿;冬夏常青的松树和柏树,堆满了蓬松松沉甸甸的雪球。

48. 秦城岁云暮,大雪满皇州。雪中退朝者,朱紫尽公侯。贵有风雪兴,富无饥寒忧。所营惟第宅,所务在追游……

49. 窗外一群孩子拿着蓬松松沉甸甸的雪球,正开心的打雪仗,一颗颗雪球飞来飞去,像他们的梦想一样自由飞翔。

50. 雪让人的感觉只有一个字——冷。大地一片银白,一片洁净,而雪花仍如柳絮,如棉花,如鹅毛从天空飘飘洒洒。

51. 漫天飞舞的雪花是那样的快乐,它们是天使的翅膀,是洁白的蝴蝶,是上帝不禁掉落的泪滴,是世间美好的祝愿……

52. 一阵大风突如其来,布满地下的雪花又飞上了天空。真像白色旋涡在空中飞着。真像一个云雾飘渺的世界,把我引入梦境。

53. 傍晚,大片大片的雪花,从昏暗的天空中纷纷扬地飘落下来。霎时间,山川田野村庄,全都笼罩在白蒙蒙的大雪之中。



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Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .

In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .

Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .

They can also get some money from their parents.This money is given to children for good luck .People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune.



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True friends always come to you when their help is in need.They try their best to help you without thinking what they can get from it. This invariably wins them love and respect from otbers, for they devote themselves to the happiness of others.

Up to the time of my writing this article, Aero has been helping me with my selecting the courses with great effort. He is a friendly and zealous guy. I think he has been liked by others since long ago because of his characteristics. He is always brisk,enthusiastic, energetic and he is smiling no matter when or where you see him. However, I like him for some other reason.It seems that between us there is a special way to communicate and its not the usual way through which we communicate such as words and gestures. He has always been a friend of mine be cause I like the way he acts and lives and the way we communicate.

One morning a week ago, he came to me and asked if he could be of help. Actually I had been worrying about my course of this semester for days since I hadnt got any English courses yet! Still I was totally caught off guard by Aeros offer though he had always been kind. I thought it was my own business and it had never occurred to me that some other individual would offer to help with my selecting the courses. So I declined his kindness.  The very next day, I got a cough and it later turned out to be a four-day high fever. In those days, I was extremely weak and lay in bed all day long and hardly had any strength even to eat. I lost the power to keep an eye on the possible vacancies of the English courses ever since I got a high fever. I began to regret declining Aeros offer. Just at that moment, Aero called,asking about my health and told me to have a good rest, saying that he would shoulder the responsibility of selecting my English courses for me. Now I am writing this article as the homework of this writing course and Id like to re emphasize that it is all due to my friends effort that I have finally made it.

I was really grateful to him when he called and offered to help and it is hard to express my gratitude with words.  All I want to say about it is that at that moment, I realized that he had offered to help not because it made him feel he was important but because he meant business. Hes a man of integrity. I am proud of having such a friend.



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I like the spring of all things recovery, but also like the summer sun like fire, but also like the ice and snow in the winter, but I prefer the fruits of the fall everywhere.

Autumn girl marching light footsteps came to earth, she used her sleeve a brush, brush away the summer heat, brought the cool autumn. She gently blow, grass put on the golden clothes. The leaves are like a small plane, like a small butterfly dancing in the air. The leaves fell into the ground and turned into a yellow carpet. Maple forest in the maple red, overlooking it, it is like a fire of the ocean. The corn was lifted by the waves, the rice was over the waist, the corn was pleased to reveal its "gold ingot", to show people its style; soybeans happily shook the bell, it seems to tell people: "I Mature, come and take me home! "There are sorghum lifting the victory of the torch ... ... they let the farmer uncle bright smile. Garden chrysanthemum opened, it opened so bright, red, yellow, white, pink ... ... they red like fire, white like snow, powder like Xia, yellow like orange ... ... colorful, dazzling. Orchard Banana like a boat, like a curved moon hanging in the treetops; persimmon like a red little lanterns; orange like a small ball hidden in the leaves; grapes like a string of agate hanging in The pomegranate smiles out of the teeth; the apple is blushing and there are ...

Autumn is really beautiful! I love the colorful autumn.



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呢,白茫茫的一片,窗外映帘的梅也覆上了白沾,轻柔而不失典雅,沁然般,曼舞的身姿,与那飘然的雪交相映错,或是美吧。 Snow, white and white, the plums of the curtains outside the window are also covered with white stains, gentle but elegant, so quiet, Manwus bodyThe posture is wrong with the floating snow, or it is beautiful.













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Autumn, with a golden body, walked with light footsteps, quietly came to us.


Sky blue, blue like a sea, like a washed sapphire. After a white clouds, like a small fish swimming, really like a beautiful ink painting.


We came to the orchard and the apple opened its mouth as though it were welcoming us to taste the fruit. The aroma of pear caught our little feet and the pomegranate opened its mouth and revealed many rubies.


We came to the fields, where the girl of the autumn had cast it into gold, and the whole field turned into a golden sea. The corn showed a yellow jewel. Sorghum smiled and bent. The farmers uncle was reaping the rice, and the rice seemed to say, "Uncle farmer raised us from childhood. Thank you for bringing up their children.",


Now we can finally repay the farmer uncle, and the farmer uncle is also proud of his achievements.


Autumn is really beautiful! I love the enchanting autumn.



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Last night a strong wind "woo, woo" to scrap a whole night, until the early morning to stop. Morning, on the way to school, I found the sky was shaved blue, like the spring as translucent. Sky side of a red day, according to people in the warm, no longer like the summer so roast, giving a kind of feeling. A few snow white clouds dotted in which people look relaxed and happy.

The wind of the autumn is like a magician, and it blushes the maple leaves in a red, like a stamp, and gives the news of the autumn. It is ginkgo leaves shaved golden yellow, like a small fan, fan fan ah, to the people fan to the fall of the information. It is the cell door of the two rows of persimmon tree persimmon shaved Huang Chengcheng, like a small bowls of light, heavy bending of the branches, to the people sent the sweet autumn. It is the grandfather kind of gourd scraped into a yellowish, shook the wind shake, as if to say: "my treasure gourd hidden in a lot of autumn secrets?" Every time I go through it always want to pick a look Look inside what hidden secret.

The wind of autumn is warm, and it shines away from the heat of summer. It makes people out of the air-conditioned room, put on bright clothes to embrace nature. It let the grandfather grandmother out of the house, sitting downstairs empty field, basking in the sun, chatting parents in the short thing.

Autumn wind is refreshing, it makes the grandmothers big flower dog, no longer like the summer spit tongue, breathing heavily, motionless lying on the ground. But jumping in the garden running around.

This is the wind of autumn, it is not as wild as spring, not as hot as the summer, not as cold as the winter. It is pleasant, it is warm, it is colorful, I like the wind of autumn



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Over the past 100 years, the national revival as the Chinese peoples pursuit. In Yanan, is the leadership of the Communist Party of China National Peoples war shrine, national revival of the leaders in this map out a strategy. Time of change has left a string of visible footprint: the fight against SARS, the ruling idea practice people-centered, leaders and people in distress, won the peoples love and support. Make a spurt of progress of the Chinese economy, important resolutions to improve the socialist economic system of some problems, the cornerstone of a national revival, let me realize the whole nation of truth, to realize the younger generation to shoulder the historical responsibility and the responsibility of national rejuvenation. Also let us see the hardships course of country forward, also see today a powerful china.



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Snow, fluttering leisurely shed, my heart, with it, also shed it. This snow, the next is very anxious, and soon, on the ground, the tree ... ... have become the site of the Queen of ice and snow. White playground, white roof, white trees, everything is so immaculate. Step up, soft, but also issued creaky sound, the ground seems to be covered with a layer of silver yarn, it seems that all of a sudden can pull up. On the roof, a touch of snow, a snow, a snowball. Wearing a silver hat of the tree stands in the snow; wearing silver yarn building stands in the sky snow, cute me, running in the white path. Thick snow, so that my soles of white; white snow, so I surging; pure snow, my day really open the heart; holy snow, let me wait in front of the snow before the door.

I walk in the white path, carrying a bag to go home and run quickly. I am eager to finish the homework early, to the snow once his style. And rounds.s.ithers. Refers to rounds.eredithers.ither nights calling roundsy swellsy swellas nights views L.



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it is true thatSummeris hot, very hot. but the wicked summer sun is nothing to me, for i dont usually go out. what i like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read. i love to read, but during the school year i could hardly find a free moment for reading. endless assignments press down upon me like a mountain. i feel confined and imprisoned. once the summer vacation comes, however, i have all the time in the world to read and read and read. i read everything i want to read. i read to my hearts content. my room maybe small, and the sun maybe hot, but im free, im happy, im really living! oh, how i love summer!



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My family has a lovely little cat. It is a pair of ears like space-time probe, all the time doing the mouse look like.

Little cats ability to fight is first class. One day I was fishing, the little cat was sitting by me. Suddenly, a shadow behind me stood, then, small cat "hissing" cried. I am a head back, turned out to be a puppy, the dog was scared a few steps. Small cat this can be fierce, and its front paw against the forward, mouth crack a crack, revealing sharp teeth. Puppy filled with fear to look like, its beard straight upturned, U-turn on the road to go, small cat jump forward, hind legs pedal, to the dog chase Can be a dog to the side of the road when the exposed phase, the original is the puppys "slow tactics," small cat frightened, quickly turned to me to run here, the dog can catch up, look fast catch up , A small cat aimed at next to a tree, suddenly jump to the right, puppy caught by surprise. Small cat with claws to seize the trunk, "wind whiz" to climb all the way, the dog had to go disappointed, see the dog away, the cat slowly crawl down. Also proud of "meow meow" to call it. As if to say: "hey, you are also a poor donkey."

Little cat cat scratch the ability of the mouse is also good. Once I was sleeping. Suddenly, a burst of "squeaky" sound woke me up. I and the light of a photo, ah! The original small cat and two rats are fighting it I saw the two big rats are turning eyes, do not know what they would think of a ghost idea. Suddenly, a big mouse ran behind the little cat, the cat was quick, and the mouse was held, and then the legs were bitten with sharp teeth, and another rat was shocked, and it ran desperately. Cow is willing to let go, running quickly, not a few mice were caught by small cat, and toss too half to death.

Cute little cat, i love you.



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chritmas is the day that jesus christ was born. people in the world celebrate and worship this day in his honor. the santa claus will come out and send presents for children. christmas cards and decorated trees are all over the place. the carolling of christmas songs echo through the air. i am not a chirstian, but i also enjoy the atmosphere of chrismas. i wish everybody have a merry chirismas.

