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Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. By tradition, Halloween begins after sunset.


Long ago, people believed that witches gathered together and ghosts roamed the world on Halloween.


Today, most people no longer believe in ghosts and witches. But these supernatural beings are still a part of Halloween.


The colors black and orange are also a part of Halloween. Black is a symbol for night and orange is the color of pumpkins.


A jack-o’-lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved on one side. Candles are usually placed inside, giving the face a spooky glow.


Dressing up in costumes is one of the most popular Halloween customs, especially among children.


According to tradition, people would dress up in costumes (wear special clothing, masks or disguises) to frighten the spirits away.


Popular Halloween costumes include vampires (creatures that drink blood), ghosts (spirits of the dead) and were wolves (people that turn into wolves when the moon is full).


Trick or Treating is a modern Halloween custom where children go from house to house dressed in costume, asking for treats like candy or toys. 欺骗或攻击是现代万圣节的风俗。孩子们穿着特殊的衣服走街串巷,讨取糖果和玩具之类的赏赐。

If they dont get any treats, they might play a trick (mischief or prank) on the owners of the house.


The tradition of the Jack o Lantern comes from a folktale about a man named Jack who tricked the devil and had to wander the Earth with a lantern.


The Jack o Lantern is made by placing a candle inside a hollowed-out pumpkin, which is carved to look like a face.


There are many other superstitions associated with Halloween. A superstition is an irrational idea, like believing that the number 13 is unlucky!


Halloween is also associated with supernatural creatures like ghosts and vampires.


These creatures are not part of the natural world.


They dont really exist... or do they?


Witches are popular Halloween characters that are thought to have magical powers.


They usually wear pointed hats and fly around on broomsticks.


Bad omens are also part of Halloween celebrations.恶兆也是万圣节庆祝活动的一部分。

A bad omen is something that is believed to bring bad luck, like black cats, spiders or bats.






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My favorite sport is swimming.

I learn swimming because I think swimming fun. The first class, I also wore a float, kick back plate and twirls, second class, I can not take kick board, but my action is not good, coach sternly said to me: "you how do bad? Is closed, turn over, push, clips, stop, how do you keep?" I was very angry, thinking: this is not meant to pick my fault? The coach then encourage me, and told me to practice before you go to sleep once a day, I practiced again and again, finally do. Coach let me just put back floating, not I boast, I really good swimmer, coach and I only wear twirls, I swim well. I dont wear anything offered to swim a circle, the coach had eight agreed. Unexpectedly, I swim very well, and also the coach high-five "yeah", my efforts are not in vain!

I learned to swim, I am so happy!






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My favorite animal is the dog, they not only cute, and very clever, very gentle. Very attractive. My little dog - "full". It is a squirrel dogs, brown body like a cha oil, neck hair round bloom, like a flower. Watery eyes like two glass beads. A thin tail kept shaking, really liked.

"With more than" a see me, have to jump down immediately. I walked over to it, it came to rush, have a smell of my body, its tail happily swaying, I use said touched its little head, it begin to add me by the hand, feel warm. Sometimes when I was eating, it also want to eat, but I didnt give it, it will make some strange sound to attract my attention.

It every time after the shower, I take a towel to embrace it, it seems to be a baby, lay quietly in my hands.






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Winter is a beautiful and cold season.

Heavy snow in winter,so I like go out with my friends to play snow

Winter, although very cold, but it has incomparable warmth and hope.

I like white, I love white snow,so I like winter. What a lovely winter!


It is cold and dry outside. the wind often blows strongly. the days are shorter and the nights are longer. many animals go to sleep. they will sleep for a long time till the spring comes. people don’t like to go outside. they have to wear heavy coats, scarves and gloves. but children like to be outside. because it often snows. there is snow around. there is ice on the ground. children can throw snowballs, make the snowmen. oh, look. what a surprise! do you see? the river is frozen! here come the boys, there come the girls, they are skating in the river happily.

oh! winter comes. it is really an interesting season. it has so much fun!



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I like small animals, like the small animals to count my little black dog.

My little black dog she is cute! In black, shiny hairs, eyes with two white spots, like two white beads. On the head and on his thighs hair is very long, like a horse head to the ground. Straight ear, as if time in listening to what passed around. Thick and long broom tail swing, from time to time as a cleaner for free! More funny is that it always speaks with a wet nose toward me, like a sick child, seems to be very poor, in fact, I know it really want to play with me. In the invitation to me!

The little black dog temperament is very docile, very human nature. I get along with it for a long time, in love, it seems very understand me. Whenever I am angry, it squatted beside me quietly motionless and seems to want to accompany me through the sad time. I am happy, it will run up to and around me, "an auf" cried, very agreeable.

The puppy experience dangerous also have several times. Is the first time fell into the river, fortunately, was found to pull up, feed it to take medicine, good soon. And on several occasions by poison poison dog several times, but also by early treatment, will have to escape. From then on, it can sniff out those toxic food, what food non-toxic. Later, our dog never in poison. It very sharp!

I love my dog. I hope it will stay with me, to accompany me joyful growth!








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winters in taipei are very cold during the evening and very windy during the daytime. i usually look forward to the lunar new years day and the winter vacation when i can go to the village where the climate is warmer during these holidays. also, i look forward to seeing my grandmother, great-grandmother, and my friends in the village; i like my grandmothers food very much. winter is the time everyone is in a festive mood. in the city, i usually do a lot of reading at home in the winter because of the cold weather outside.



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雪花悄然落在地上,我一个人独自漫步在街上,天很冷,但商店并没有关门,两个大音响飘出优美的歌声:“接受我的关怀,期待你的笑容,‘人’字的结构就是互相支撑……”不知为什么,听着听着,心中就想起了那件事。 Snow flowers quietly falling on the ground. I stroll alone on the street alone. It is very cold, but the store does not close the door."Accepting my care, looking forward to your smile, the structure of the word people is to support each other ..." I dont know why, listening to it, I think of that matter.







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Through the clear window, see the trees in the street, had very brave hits the trees standing there, now already very "tired", but also has been bending is not a sample.

Everyone remember the energetic people outside to play badminton or in the exercise, can now but didnt see it anymore...

Although the winter is a beautiful season with snow, but it is wanton spread of influenza has left many people ill in this season, even lost his precious life.

Winter, please dont spread the germ, dont let the green "sentry" is not a sample, or just let the snow you give me a memorable season!!!!







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Badminton is a racquet sport played by either two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles), who take positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court that is divided by a net. Players score points by striking a shuttlecock with their racquet so that it passes over the net and lands in their opponents half of the court. A rally ends once the shuttlecock has struck the ground, and each side may only strike the shuttlecock once before it passes over the net.

The shuttlecock (or shuttle) is a feathered projectile whose unique aerodynamic properties cause it to fly differently from the balls used in most racquet sports; in particular, the feathers create much higher drag, causing the shuttlecock to decelerate more rapidly than a ball. Shuttlecocks have a much higher top speed, when compared to other racquet sports. Because shuttlecock flight is affected by wind, competitive badminton is played indoors. Badminton is also played outdoors as a casual recreational activity, often as a garden or beach game.

Since 1992, badminton has been an Olympic sport with five events: mens and womens singles, mens and womens doubles, and mixed doubles, in which each pair consists of a man and a woman. At high levels of play, the sport demands excellent fitness: players require aerobic stamina, agility, strength, speed and precision. It is also a technical sport, requiring good motor coordination and the development of sophisticated racquet movements



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If someone asks me, Who do you love best? Ill answer withoutthinking, My mother! My mother is a village woman. She has very littleschool education, but she knows that knowledge is very important to youngpeople. She often teaches me how to get along wich my studies and encourageme to study hard.

My mother takes good care of me. She does not let me do any house-work, so that I can spend more time on study.

Once I heard she was seriously ill, I rushed home to see her. When Igot home at night, I found the light was still on and mother was sitting inbed, making new clothes for me. I was so deeply moved that tears came tomy eyes.

This is my mother, a kind and hard-working woman, Ill respect andlove her forever.

如果有人问我: “你最爱谁?”我会不加思索地回答: “我的妈妈!”我的妈妈是一位农村妇女。她只受过很少的学校教育,但她知道知识对年轻人非常重要。她总是教我如何搞好学习并鼓励我勤奋学习。






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There are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, autumn, winter. They are all so different, are very likable guy, but I only like white in winter.

Dancing after the autumn winter white wings to fly, it does not have the charactizing a fine spring, nor summer enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained, more no harvest the fruits of autumn, winter, it hang, also has brought people of laughter.

You see the air, the dance, the silver elves, where lithe and graceful, graceful walk, it is the spirit of winter snow. Glittering and translucent get rid of is appeared, angular, kaleidoscope.

Myriad elves fluttering spread down the earth, make the earth look brand-new, good pack turn white. Some like green, the elves fell on the branch; Some like brown, landed on the roof tiles; Others fell on my head, clothes, and I catch up the tag, to show her magic magic, become crystal clear water droplets; Others fell on the wheat seeding the babys body, as if for a thick quilt over the difference, the difference baby HanHanDe, sweet, beautiful fell asleep... Others fell on the campus, campus immediately from the laughter, it is the students make a snowman snowball fights in the playground! Others fell on the warm homes, house the old man of the smile looking at air landing elf, eyes drifting far away; Others fell on the kindergarten, the children peaceful watching...

Winter brings the earth beautiful, brought crops harvest, brought happiness to us.

This is my favorite white winter!



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There are so many kinds of fruit.My favourite fruit are bananas and pears.They taste very nice.When I eat them.I feel so happy and cool.I always invite my friends and my parents to enjoy them with me.They make me happy. So I love bananas and pears best.



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喜欢冬,喜欢那令人食指大动的汤圆,每到冬至,我总是不厌其烦的搓揉着汤圆,有大有小,让人爱不释手,每当我正准备细细品尝那人间美味的汤圆时,我总是口水直流、垂涎欲滴,恨不得立刻大饱口福一番啊!“哇!真是独一无二的汤圆啊!”每当我轻轻咬下它时,可口的汤汁立刻钻了出来,有嚼劲的它,总让我赞不绝 口、齿夹流香,也让我把疲倦和烦恼抛到九霄云外、释放得干二净。

我喜欢冬,喜欢看到四处洋溢着圣诞的喜悦,踏进学校,轻快的圣诞歌在我耳际回荡,同学们的脸有如朵朵灿烂的花儿,每个人都像调皮的小猴子般,高兴的手舞足蹈,我与它们七嘴八舌的分享圣诞节的幸福,走进家门,数不尽的圣诞礼物节比邻次的排在圣诞树下,我插上插头,原本孤寂无光的圣诞树顿时五彩缤纷,七彩的颜色照亮我心房,我小心翼翼的拆开圣诞礼物,每当礼物拆开,彷彿中了头彩般的兴奋,拉开窗户,雪花仍在飘扬,此起彼落的欢笑声不绝于耳、明亮的灯火正努力的 发光。

我喜欢冬,喜欢漫山遍野的梅花,每到冬天,我总是穿着厚重的大衣来享受冬天这份绝无仅有的礼物,山上白雪皑皑,一珠珠的花团併在一起,一望无际的花海让人 恍如步入了银白世界,它们不畏寒风的吹拂,大雨的打击,反而在这冷飕飕的冬天抬头挺胸,它们好像在和寒冬生死搏斗,这种不屈不挠、勇往直前的精神,让我佩服得五体投地。

冬天,是我最喜欢的季节,虽然空气凝聚了寒冷,却温暖了我的心,它的美丽,它的幸福,以蓝天为纸,以海水为墨,也说不完,如果没有冬天,彷彿夜空少了繁 星,再也无法吸引人,亦彷彿月亮少了云彩,不能表现出柔美,所以我们应该多多注重全球暖化的问题,做好节能减炭的责任,让多采多姿的冬天能源源不绝。



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Winter is coming, and the north wind is blowing. Its freezing cold. Large snowflakes falling down from the sky, like the fairy planted flowers. The snow stopped, the distant mountains turned white, the trees became white, and the whole world became white.


The children love the snow. Some of skiing in the snow, some ice skating, and snowball fights. My mother and I went to make snowmen. Mother rolled a big snowball, and when the snowmans body, I rolled a small snowball, when the snowmans head. I found the buttons, carrots, peppers to the placement of the snowman eyes, nose and mouth, mom to kegs, broom when the snowmans hat and hand. The snowman was piled up and my mother and I sat around the snowman singing and dancing.


The snow is beautiful in winter! The white snow brought joy to the world.



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For each person campaign is very important. As the saying goes: Life is movement. For example on me, and I like movement from childhood and I often run, but I love playing soccer very much, untill today I played football for more than 10 years. I join the school team, although Im very confident individual skills, but after a lot of market failure, I began to realize that football is a collective movement, we need to meet to obtain the final victory. Although some people think that playing soccer is to play football, but I understand it from a lot of life philosophy, really, I love football.



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ustin Bieber is my favorite singer. Born on March 1st, 1994, he becomes famous at the age of 15. When he had his first music album, the whole world is crazy for this young boy. His most famous song is baby, has more than one billion hit on the Internet. He is not only very talented but also very warm-hearted. He has names his perfume Someday, and he has donated large sum of money to the poverty. I love him so much, I wish I could see him someday.



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The News Report has always been my favorite TV program.

Almost everyday I turn on the TV at 6:30 p.m. and wait for the news program. This has become a part of my life.

The News Report contains a large amount of information from the international political situation to the latest football game. Because of its fast pace,which is the most important character of the news programs can contain much information in a short time. In my opinion, the News Report is more than a TV program. It is a way of communication. From this program, people can know and underst and world affairs.

The world thus becomes smaller and smaller. I especially appreciate this benefit of atching the news.





