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The winter is coming, the weather is cold and cold. The snow is great, you see, the roof, the ground, branches are covered with white snow. When the snow covered the earth, small animals do not want to play out. Even the birds who love singing do not go out at home. The frog is smarter, it dug a deep hole and hibernate in it! But the kids can not be afraid of the winter. They think the winter can be fun! Can fight snowballs, you can snowman ... ... I also love the winter, I would like to draw a beautiful picture for it.

You see, a few small sparrows in the snow twitter jumping, not a moment, white silver bright snow, leaving a dense small claw printed son. Deep and shallow.

The pine trees on the distant mountains live in red silver, flashing the catastrophe of the sun, silver shiny, bright, charming drunk eyes.

What a lovely winter!




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Dancing, happy, smiling in the sky, dancing, the wind play with her, in a short time, has been frost on the ground, she was falling from the sky, the ground is white, due to especially bright, put more fairly pale gray sky. She is snow.

Since the ancient times, the snow is praised by people. From "if not catkin Xie Daoyun because of the wind", the ts en-ts an "like night of spring breeze comes suddenly, thousand trees critics, pear flower open". Folk believes that snow is a good harvest of trillion, otherwise, "snow bumper harvest" come from?

Look! There are several children in a snowman, snowball fights, very lively and cheerful. They took a lot of things, a spade, carrots, etc. They build a light snow ball with the hand first, after the children with a spade snow, the rest of the children, the snowmans body with the hand. Made clasp, round stone in the snowmans body. After he made a snowball, part of snow on the snowmans body, let it into the snowmans head. With round stone for eyes and a carrot nose, with a small hand draw a line, do the mouth, doing his hat, with a small bucket with branches to do arm, scarf, a scrap of cloth. Suddenly, I heard the laughter of children, like streams of water. Turned out to be a child is covered in the snow snowball fights, everybody is a little laughing! After a while, the children all became "Santa"!

The elves of the snow, you are in the winter; You brought vitality to the land; You brought farmers harvest omen; You brought the children laugh.







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My favorite animal is a white rabbit, because they are white hair feels warm, like a warm quilt, red eyes, like two rubies, shiny, long ears, it seems Hearing very well, very cute.

When they eat, the teeth bite the food, very elegant, as long as they have food to eat, they will eat, eat very satisfied, but unfortunately they do not exercise, most are very fat, but also increase their cute The

Before my grandmother had raised a small white rabbit, once a grandmother busy, it ran away, harm my grandmother so sad Oh! Because I like the white rabbit, so I also have two small rabbit dolls, pretending Feed them to eat and accompany me to sleep and make my life add some fun.

I think the little white rabbit regardless of looks, eat, etc., are very cute, so I hope to raise them, but I hope they can survive in nature, the continuation of their children and grandchildren.



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In 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, Li Xiaopeng and his teammates were outstanding, winning gold in the prestigious mens team event, a first for Chinas gymnasts. Li Xiaopeng also won an inpidual gold medal in the parallel bars.

However, due to a severe foot injury, Lis performance in 2004 Athens Olympic Games was unsatisfying. China finished 5th in the mens team final and Li only got a bronze in parallel bars after he had been unbeaten since 2000 in major competitions. Li Xiaopeng was tortured by a long-time ankle injury and eventually had an operation in 2005.

In 2008, after suffering through yet another injury, this time in his toe, he came back to compete in the Chinese Nationals and took gold in parallel bars in two World Cups, thus surpassing Li Ning in the number of world titles.

If Chinese men gymnastics can regain mens team event? If Li Xiaopeng will win his second personal Olympic gold medals? I hope so!







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Some people like the high jump, long jump some people like, some people like to play badminton, shuttlecock was like, but I love jumping rope alone.

Skipping is a very good sport. Both to enhance immunity, enrich school life, but also to exercise, so I like to jump rope. There are many jumps rope skipping, such as: being able to jump, can rebound, can jump rope flowers, flower jump positive rope, rope ...... anti flowers of all kinds, to make people see dazzling.

Every time the bell rang, I would like Mustang, like outside the classroom, the teacher said, although a few times to keep the sprint on campus, but I still can not change, because interested in playing too high. Students threw me praise eyes, applause rang immediately. I am very happy, but I am proud that no one, other students are also taught how to dance more. Since then, I told the students a learning school, skipping a class.

Students, rope skipping is a good event, I hope the students after a lot of jump rope!





[英语作文 我最喜欢的运动



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The four seasons are all my favourite,but I only show my special partiality for spring; that is because spring signifies more than the other three.

First of all,spring is the beginning of the year,in which,as the saying goes,the whole years work depends on a good start.Spring is very much in the air and all living things are revived in,so we can observe them growing up from this season.

Secondly,the word spring in English also means an elastic device,which regains its original shape after being compressed.That is to say,when spring comes,it can make us renew the heart and mind.

All in all,spring likes the source of a river and it is our lifespring.



其次,英语的spring 还有弹性设置之意,受挤压后仍能恢复原来的位置.这就是说,春天来临之际,它可以使我们的精神面貌焕然一新.




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Winter morning is dark and dark, no sunshine, open the door would feel a burst of cold, and that cold, like glue stick to you immediately. Soon after, began flying snowflakes in the sky.

At noon, the snow all over the sky, rain falling like a goose, watching, watching, I slowly intoxicated. Snow fell on the window, as if to say: "let me in, let me in!" I open the window, a lot of snow and squeezed in. The snowflakes fell on the hand, BingLiangLiang, after a while, melts away. If it is not my father afraid I catch a cold, I will meet more snow.

The snow fluttering spread outside, all over the ground, the foot is 5 cm thick, stepped down, squeaking voice, very nice.

In the afternoon, the snow stopped, I said happily: "make a snowman!" We first rolling a snowball, and rolled a light snow ball, snowball below, light snow ball in the above, we do with two coal eyes again, and a carrot nose, mouth, a piece of red cloth do have a beautiful hat crowned snowman, a scarf around the snowmans neck, and someone found two broom and make the snowmans hand. Look, its lovely!

Snow, brought us infinite happiness! I like winter!



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The Chinese sport shooter I like best is Wang Yifu who was in terms of Olympic medals one of the most successful sport shooters of all times. He specializes in the 50 m Pistol and 10 m Air Pistol events.

Wang won his first Olympic medal in the Los Angeles games at the age of 23. After this, the Air Pistol event was added to the program, and this is where he has achieved his greatest accomplishments. He won the 1992 gold medal only days after a new medal in the 50 m event. His three attempts to repeat the victory have provided impressive results and very tight duels:

In the 2004 competition, Wang scored 590 once more, but lost the Olympic record to Mikhail Nestruev who achieved 591. However, Wang Yifu chased quickly and eventually won by a margin of 0.2 points to get his second Olympic gold.

I like Wang Yifu, and I also like his great sprite.








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My favorite little animal is a kitten, our family has raised a kitten, it is sent by neighbors. Because now the kitten is dead, so I will often think of it.

The cat looks very beautiful, he has a white hair, claws under the pad can make him walk without a little bit of sound. The most unique is his eyes: one eye is blue, the other is green. Blue eyes like sapphire, green eyes like emerald.

Kitten is very greedy, and sometimes a pound of heavy fish soon "destroy" the. Once, my mother made a bowl of fish soup. Kitten jumped on the table, relish eating up. When I was eating, it was found by me, so I taught him a bitter meal. The kitten hung his head, as if to say: "I no longer dare." I immediately laughed.

Now that kitten is dead, since then, every time I see the kitten, and it should play some. Kitty, where did you go?



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喜欢冬,喜欢那令人食指大动的汤圆,每到冬至,我总是不厌其烦的搓揉着汤圆,有大有小,让人爱不释手,每当我正准备细细品尝那人间美味的汤圆时,我总是口水直流、垂涎欲滴,恨不得立刻大饱口福一番啊!“哇!真是独一无二的汤圆啊!”每当我轻轻咬下它时,可口的汤汁立刻钻了出来,有嚼劲的它,总让我赞不绝 口、齿夹流香,也让我把疲倦和烦恼抛到九霄云外、释放得干二净。

我喜欢冬,喜欢看到四处洋溢着圣诞的喜悦,踏进学校,轻快的圣诞歌在我耳际回荡,同学们的脸有如朵朵灿烂的花儿,每个人都像调皮的小猴子般,高兴的手舞足蹈,我与它们七嘴八舌的分享圣诞节的幸福,走进家门,数不尽的圣诞礼物节比邻次的排在圣诞树下,我插上插头,原本孤寂无光的圣诞树顿时五彩缤纷,七彩的颜色照亮我心房,我小心翼翼的拆开圣诞礼物,每当礼物拆开,彷彿中了头彩般的兴奋,拉开窗户,雪花仍在飘扬,此起彼落的欢笑声不绝于耳、明亮的灯火正努力的 发光。

我喜欢冬,喜欢漫山遍野的梅花,每到冬天,我总是穿着厚重的大衣来享受冬天这份绝无仅有的礼物,山上白雪皑皑,一珠珠的花团併在一起,一望无际的花海让人 恍如步入了银白世界,它们不畏寒风的吹拂,大雨的打击,反而在这冷飕飕的冬天抬头挺胸,它们好像在和寒冬生死搏斗,这种不屈不挠、勇往直前的精神,让我佩服得五体投地。

冬天,是我最喜欢的季节,虽然空气凝聚了寒冷,却温暖了我的心,它的美丽,它的幸福,以蓝天为纸,以海水为墨,也说不完,如果没有冬天,彷彿夜空少了繁 星,再也无法吸引人,亦彷彿月亮少了云彩,不能表现出柔美,所以我们应该多多注重全球暖化的问题,做好节能减炭的责任,让多采多姿的冬天能源源不绝。



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In so many animals inside, my favorite is the white rabbit. It is well-behaved and cute, two ears erected very agile and lively.

Little rabbit looks very cute. A white fluffy feel soft, really like Snow White. Two eyes red glowing, like a pair of rubies, a pair of rosy long ears, like corn leaves. Eyes below a small and short nose, the following there is a small and exquisite three petals. We all know that rabbits love to eat radish, but the mouth is not big, how to eat it? So the rabbit becomes a three petals.

I think the white rabbit should be nutrition experts, it is very nutritious food, there are carrots, white radish, vegetables, cabbage ... ... if you carefully observe, you can see it that short tail when eating Shake it

Little white rabbit gentle style, well-behaved, like easy to lie on the ground, very quiet when sleeping, the body shrink into a small snow group, that straight wind ear is also a bit bent. But sometimes and we are as naughty, the game will fight.

Cute little white rabbit, i really like you!



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My favorite superstar is Hu Ge ,he is 23 years old and vety hansome!Befor this time ,he is necovering from a traffic accident. So bad !Heneceived stitches for the wound on his forehehecud .Alittle days Hu waswent to America make his face.when I see it ,my heart all breaken!

"Oh god!" his fans say "We wish Hu Ge comback soon!"




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Who is your favourite person? I like Zhang Yining best. She is a famous ping-pong player. Now I will tell you something about her.

Zhang Yining was born on October 5, 1982 in Beijing. When she was 6, she began to play ping-pong. In 1991, she joined the provincial table-tennis team. In 1993, she entered the national team. She always worked hard, and she never gave up. So at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, she won the gold medal of Womens Singles. It was the hundredth gold medal that China got at the Olympic Games. Before this, she and Wang Nan won a gold medal together. She was the third player who obtained two gold medals at the same Olympics in ping-pong. Before her, only Deng Yaping and Wang Nan could do that.

So I think she is very great. We are all proud of her. We should learn from her. Dont you think so?



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The weather in winter is a set of all the phenomena in a given atmosphere at a given time. It also includes interactions with the hydrosphere.

The term usually refers to the activity of these phenomena over short periods (hours or days), as opposed to the term climate, which refers to the average atmospheric conditions over longer periods of time. When used without qualification, weather" is understood to be the weather of Earth.



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Everyone has his favorite teacher ,so do I. My favourite teacher is Miss Wei, our English teacher. We felt English very difficuit when we began to study English. Miss Wei had a good idea to solve the problem. One day, Miss Wei came into the classroom with some fruits, such as apples,bananas,and oranges. She said: “Today we are going to learn the names of the fruits. You can eat the fruits if you can tell me their names in English . ”All the students listened carefully and studied hard . Someone even stood up to answer questions. Class was over ,and the fruits were all eaten. From then on ,I am more and more interested in English, and I want to say from my heart: “ Thank you, Miss Wei!”



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Winter morning is very beautiful, not letter, please have a look at --

Pushed open the door to go out every morning, the bitter wind blowing, with coming to me from time to time. And, occasionally, there will be a naughty little snowflake swirl to fall down, just like dancing. Hexagonal snowflakes all kinds: some like silver needle, some like leaves, and as a scrap of paper... It looks good. Fall to the ground, as if the earth covered with a thick blanket; Fall in the trees, like putting on the silver; Fall in the car, like freshly baked fresh cream cakes. This beautiful snow makes people immersed in the fresh air. White everywhere, beautiful.

However, most can make people in the home can be the first to feel the breath of winter is the window on the ice, some like a forest, mysterious; Some like a stream, as if to flowing; Some like Santa Claus, as if to give people gifts... Winter girl is really ingenuity!

At the club, it is a sea of people, very lively. People wear thick cotton-padded clothes, like cotton. He (she) is accompanied by beautiful music, for morning exercise.

Artificial lake on a thick layer of ice, some naughty little classmate play combat on the lake, there were laughter from time to time, the surface of the lake. ......

In winter, very cold. To be honest, I do not want it to come, but it comes, but I have a strange feeling. Oh, I love winter, because winter "of the wind tests the strength", I love its character.






