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Im in No.8 Middle School in Guizhong province.Because Im in Grade 9 now, I must compete with my classmates. So I have a busy school life.

I often get up at 6:30 to go to school every week day .I feel tired because I cannot have enough sleep.I have to burn the midnight oil at ningt because of too much homework and much books.I have 4 classes in the morning and 3 in the afternoon.I have 2 evening classes in the evening as well.I can have a nap at noon. I sometimes play sports with my classmates after class.But as usual,I go over my subjects in the classroom.

Though I have a busy school life,I did not make myself unhappy.I known I must put my heart into my study.There will be a very important exam in June next year.I will study hard for my bright future.




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Presently, a new lifestyle called low carbon life is spreading every corner of our country. The concepts of low carbon are low energy and no waste. It is such a significant project that I can’t wait to present my ideas on how to promote it.

On the first place, a no-car day is supposed to set up every week in our school. Because cars not only cause serious air pollution but also waste energy. On no-car day, neither students nor teachers are allowed to drive to school. Meanwhile, just walk, jump, cycle or run. Use our legs and enjoy the fun.

On the second place, we had best not use plastic bags any more. No one can stand the “white pollution”. So, it is wise to use bags which can be reused again and again.

Finally, one thing that we should keep in mind: every big thing comes from the subtle. Therefore, as students, we ought to turn out the lights the moment we leave, turn off the tap in time, and reuse our textbook and so on.

All in all, it weighs greatly for all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into practice. Just set our mind to these: no-car day, no plastic bags, and no waste. Let’s do it now.








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My university life has been one of the most colorful parts of my life. I will never forget the day when I first stepped into the university. At that very moment, I was impressed immediately by the beautiful campus, the enthusiastic students and the good learning atmosphere. I fell in love with the campus at once.

First, studying on the campus gives me lots of pleasure. After some very arduous military training, I became absolutely absorbed in my studies. Different from high school courses, the courses in university are specific and interesting. I can get information not only from teachers in class, but also outside of class, such as in the library, on the Internet and so on. These courses arouse my insatiable desire for knowledge and make me learn and digest as much as I can. To be frank, I had some difficulties in keeping up with my teachers at first, but later with the help of my teachers, I made remarkable progress. Learning is a long process, and I will continue to be a learner throughout my life.

Besides, social activities on campus provide me with more chances to learn. I will never forget the days I served as a volunteer at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. After some training in Chinese history and language skills both in Japanese and English, I endeavored to serve our distinguished guests from all over the world enthusiastically. I was a volunteer as well as a disseminator of our splendid culture. There was no doubt that I came across many difficulties at first, such as humid weather, language barriers and so on. Thanks to other volunteers’ help, I overcame those difficulties. When it was time to depart, I couldn’t help bursting into tears, because I had developed a deep friendship with other volunteers. This precious experience made me aware of the huge responsibility on my shoulders. Just as the old saying goes, “we make a living by what we get, and we make a life by what we give.”

In my opinion, university life has been the most splendid time in my life so far, and many students cherish this period of time and hope that in the future they may become outstanding members of society. But there are also some ignorant students who get together every day only to eat, drink, play computer games or date. They completely forget their mission as a college student and their responsibility to their family to do their best in school.

I want to say that although there are lots of difficulties or setbacks during our college days, we should set our goals and achieve them. I do hope we can try our best to become productive citizens of the country and make great contributions to the nation.



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I remember 9 months ago, I was in a hurry to prepare for the college exam. I was afraid I couldnt get to my favorite school at the time. But at last I realized my dream. Now I study Chinese in my favorite university, Hanoi University.

After going to college, my life didnt change too much. Because I live and study in Hanoi, so I dont have to leave the family or rent a house. My home is not far from school, just 15 minutes by bike. But, to be honest, I prefer to live away from home, because I can live on my own, and I can feel the feeling of homesickness.

After the study, everything here is very new to me. I study in a new environment, know a lot of new friends, learn a lot of new knowledge, and so on. At first I felt a little nervous. But now Im getting used to it. The classmates of our class are all very united, often help each other to learn, there is a collective activity, we all join. When I came to school, I felt that I was not very nervous, but more and more knowledge was needed to learn. People know that Chinese characters are very complicated and difficult to remember, so every day I work hard and I will ask the teacher where I dont understand. I think college learning is not the same as high school, because high school, we students often passive learning, but in the University, we mainly study. There is no teacher to remind you of your study. You will lag behind if you dont study.

When I went to college, I was impressed by the library. The library of my school is big and beautiful. There are all kinds of books and quiet. So every day after class, I go there to study and read. There is a big stadium in my school. Every afternoon, I will go there with my friends. For example, playing basketball, dispersing and so on, it feels very easy.

During college, I had only half a days class time, so I spent the rest of the time working to earn money to increase my experience. During the University, we can also participate in community activities except for study. It is very helpful to help others, because we are all hot blooded young people.

Learning not only studies knowledge at the University, but I can learn experience. I hope to study at college in four years can make me grow up.









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做一个人,不人的一生,到底在追求什么?是工作狂,不是为了虚荣的体面. 放松一点,开心一点。


这儿,有一个青年人,整日以沿街为小镇的人说唱为生;这儿,有一个华人妇女,远离家人,在这儿打工。 他们总是在同一个小餐馆用餐,于是他们屡屡相遇。 时间长了,彼此已十分的熟悉。有一日,我们的女同胞,关切地对那个小伙子说:“不要沿街卖唱了,去做一个正当的职业吧。我介绍你到中国去教书,在那儿,你完全可以拿到比你现在高得多的薪水。” 小伙子听后,先是一愣,然后反问道:“难道我现在从事的不是正当的职业吗?我喜欢这个职业,它给我,也给其他人带来欢乐。有什么不好?我何必要远渡重洋,抛弃亲人,抛弃家园,去做我并不喜欢的工作?” 邻桌的英国人,无论老人孩子,也都为之愕然。他们不明白,仅仅为了多挣几张钞票,抛弃家人,远离幸福,有什么可以值得羡慕的。在他们的眼中,家人团聚,平平安安,才是最大的幸福。它与财富的多少,地位的贵贱无关。

于是,小镇上的人,开始可怜我们的女同胞了。 中国山东,有这样一对夫妇。 刚刚结婚时,妻子在济宁,丈夫在枣庄;过了若干年,妻子调到了枣庄,丈夫却一纸调令到了菏泽。若干年后,妻子又费尽周折,调到了菏泽,但不久,丈夫又被提拔到了省城济南。妻子又托关系找熟人,好不容易调到了济南。可是不到一年,丈夫又被国家电业总公司调到重庆。于是,她所有的朋友,就给她开玩笑——你们俩呀,天生就是牛郎织女的命。要我们说呀,你也别追了,干脆辞职,跟着你们家老张算了。 但是,她以及公婆、父母,都一致反对。“干了这么多年,马上就退休了,再说,你的单位效益这么好,辞职多可惜。要丢掉多少钱呀!再干几年吧,也给孩子多挣一些。” 其实,他们家的经济条件已经非常优越。早已是中层阶级,但是他们仍然惦念着那一点退休金。 于是,夫妻两个至今依然是牛郎织女。 我们,是一个尚义轻利的民族。中国人一直是为了某种自己未必真正明白的主义而活着。 于是,中国人,不能在没有目标的生活中活着。而这个目标,可以是工作,可以是理想,可以是金钱,可以是孩子,可以是老人……但是,唯一不可能是的,就是自己。 中国人,可以很委屈的活着。可以是工作上的极不顺心,可以是婚姻上的勉强维持,可以是人际关系上的强作笑颜,可以是所有欲望的极端压制,可以是为了一个所谓的户口……哪怕牺牲自己一生的幸福,也在所不惜。 中国人,可以过异常艰难的日子,但并不能安贫乐道,他所遭受的一切不幸,必定有一个近乎玩笑的借口;中国人,可以把高官厚禄当作成功,中国人可以把身家百万当作理想,中国人可以抛却天伦之乐四海飘荡,但是,中国人唯一不认可的成功——就是家庭的和睦,人生的平淡。 于是,一个有着五千年文明历史的国度,把爱国、崇高、献身、成功、立业的情结推向了极致——他们要么在大公无私,其实是舍本逐末的漩涡里苦苦挣扎,要么在肩负重任,其实是徒有其名的怪圈里受尽折磨……唯一遗漏的就是自由和自我。 于是,在外国,妇孺皆知的道理;在中国,没人能整治明白。人的一生,到底在追求甚么?(ZT)有一个美国商人坐在墨西哥海边一个小渔村的码头上,看着 一个墨西哥渔夫划着一艘小船靠岸。小船上有好几尾大黄鳍鲔鱼,这个美国商人对墨西哥渔夫能抓这么高档的鱼恭维了一番,还问要多少时间才能抓这么多?墨西哥渔夫说,才一会儿功夫就抓到了。美国人再问,你为甚么不待久一点,好多抓一些鱼?墨西哥渔夫觉得不以为然: 这些鱼已经足够我一家人生活所需啦!美国人又问:那么你一天剩下那么多时间都在干甚么?墨西哥渔夫解释:我呀?我每天睡到自然醒,出海抓几条鱼,回来后跟孩子们玩一玩,再跟老婆睡个午觉,黄昏时晃到村子里喝点小酒,跟哥儿们玩玩吉他,我的日子可过得充满又忙碌呢!美国人不以为然,帮他出主意,他说:我是美国哈佛大学企管硕士,我倒是可以帮你忙!你应该每天多花一些时间去抓鱼,到时候你就有钱去买条大一点的船。自然你就可以抓更多鱼,在买更多渔船。然后你就可以拥有一个渔船队。到时候你就不必把鱼卖给鱼贩子,而是直接卖给加工厂。然后你可以自己开一家罐头工厂。如此你就可以控制整个生产、加工处理和行销。然后你可以离开这个小渔村,搬到墨西哥城,再搬到洛杉矶,最后到纽约。在那经营你不断扩充的企业。墨西哥渔夫问:这又花多少时间呢?美国人回答:十五到二十年。墨西哥渔夫问:然后呢?美国人大笑着说:然后你就可以在家当皇帝啦!时机一到,你就可以宣布股票上市,把你的公司股份卖给投资大众。到时候你就发啦!你可以几亿几亿地赚!然后呢?美国人说:到那个时候你就可以退休啦!你可以搬到海边的小渔村去住。每天睡到自然醒,出海随便抓几条鱼,跟孩子们玩一玩,再跟老婆睡个午觉,黄昏时,晃到村子里喝点小酒,跟哥儿们玩玩吉他?!墨西哥渔夫疑惑的说:我现在不就是这样了吗?人的一生,到底在追求甚么?



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When I was six years old, I began to go to school. The first school (which) I attended was a primary school. There were many subjects (which were taught in the school, such as Chinese, arithmetic, history, geography, drawing and so forth. Since I was (became) a student, I studied very hard. My parents were quite proud of me.

After I had studied there for three years, I entered a junior high school. When I was twelve years old, I became a student of a senior high school. I still studied very hard. Except on sick leave I was never absent from class. Everybody looked upon me as a model student.






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First I often listen to music ,then I take a showerahd have a breakfast,then I do my homework and have dinner.After I can taking a nap on 2 oclock.At 4 oclock ,I can play the computer and football.Last I have lunch and sleep.

On New Years Eve,all the family people get together to have a big dinner in the resturant.It make our family people get toghther.We enjoy ourselves and in the new year we all strive hard.





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The university is full of talent, learning, and a small stage and small society full of competition and challenge. Every one of us plays a different role on this stage, so why dont we try to play the best part of our role! As a college student, we are eager to positive rather than blind impulse, bold and not wantonly recklessly, dare to think and not utopian, but not like you think of?? let us grasp the youth, to exercise their own here! Leave your hard figure in the activities of the organization, show your most beautiful style in the community activities, and dedicate one of your strengths to volunteering. Here you get not only a kind of knowledge, but also the most valuable wealth of life. When we were young, in their prime, pointing Jiangshan jiyangwenzi. Let the flower of life give birth to the color of youth, and let the youth glow because of vitality. The university campus, not do not, only unexpected, let us give full play to our talents! There are few human beings, and the university is the most treasured. Lets not let the youth idle away, and load a little gain in every days life, so that a confident smile will float on your face, and I believe firmly that there will be rewards for giving and passionate excitement.

The university is the halls of every one of us. In order to come to this hall, we have experienced the wind and rain. Now that we have stepped into this threshold, let us sprinkle our personality in the hall of this dream.

The university is not a fantasy, not a dream, not a delusion, but a great ideal. As long as we fight for it, fight for it. One day we will return! You will hear the maple leaf flow boat at that time, you will see the Chrysopsis laughing, you can smell the fruit fragrance, for you to the harvest season!

When I wrote this article, I was a student of * * * University. When I was about to enter school, I stood at the beginning of the University, and looked forward to the four years study and life of University. I hope my university can be full and meaningful as expected. Freshman: lay down the foundation. The idea of "want me to learn" is "I want to learn" to learn basic courses well on the ground, especially English and computer. In the big plan, we should make a small plan, keep in mind the English words and practice the spoken English every day, and learn it unswervingly from the beginning of the year. According to the actual situation, consider whether to take a double degree or minor major in second major, and prepare for the information as soon as possible. Freshmens learning tasks are relatively relaxed. They can participate in community activities appropriately, take certain positions, improve their organizational skills and communication skills, and train soldiers for graduation job interviews.



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Hello,everyone! My Winter vacation`s life was so interesting.Do you want to know what I did during the Winter vacation? Well, at the first week, I did my homework,surfed the Internet,played computer games and watched TV. At the second week, I helped my parents with housewrk, so I did the dishes, washed lots of my parents` clothes and helped them take out the trash. At the third week, I chatted with my girl friend on mobile phone and we both had a good time.I had a happy Winter vacation`s life ! So how about you? What did you do during the Winter vacation?



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As the development of the world, there is more and more entertainment for people to kill time. Reading used to be an important amusement. But now there are less and less people fond of reading. But there are still a large number of people stand on the side of reading. For me, I think reading is very important. The reasons are as following.

First of all, reading can broaden our vision. The main way we learn the things happen long time ago is according to the book. People will try their best to write the things in their stage in their way. When we read books, we have the opportunity to learn everything. The content in the books contains the knowledge all over the world and every aspect. We can read the knowledge about biography, science, technology, culture, economic and so on from the book. It is hard not to broaden vision from reading.

Secondly, reading can cultivate our taste. I am sure that reading some elegant sentence or the beautiful things described in the book will make us feel relax and comfortable. And we all know that the more knowledge a person has, the better-behaved he will be. I think this is the charming of reading. If there are more people like reading, the world will become more civilized.

The importance mentioned above just a part of reading. It has so many advantages that I can’t list all in a short time. It is irreplaceable in human beings’ life.







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English is the most popular language in the world, and it is also most widely spoken of all the language. It is mother tongue in many important countries, such as the USA,England, Australia and so on. In India, Though it is not the mother tongue, it ‘sthe important offical language.

In China, English is spoken as an important and useful foreign language. The 2008 Olympics will be hosted in Beijing. Many foreigners will come to China. We should try our best to serve the Olympics. For example, we can help the foreign visitors if we learn English well.




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The earth is our home. As the master of the earth, we should protect the earth. Now the city is advocating civilized environment. As long as we do not pollute the environment, and not waste of energy, we can make the earth more green and more environmentally friendly.

Have the idea to have action. So, I and my parents began a low carbon life.

When the summer heat, I think the home is very hot, open air conditioning has too waste. For a while, I want to go swimming with my father. Dad said to me, “were going to ride a motorcycle.” I shook my head and said: “riding a motorcycle consumes energy. The swimming pool is not far from here.” Dad said: “good idea, you are really a good boy to save.”

So, we walked to the swimming pool, so not only exercise the body, but also save energy. Is this not shoot two hawks with one arrow?

One time, we go to the far away from home shopping, mom picked a small number of things, is ready to pay, the father stepped forward to stop, said: “shopping is too little, as far as possible to buy enough, a few times to shopping, but also save the car oil.” Mother said: “is a good way.” Therefore, we put the thing to buy a full time, which is really effort and time saving.

Usually, we always use water to recycle. My mother rice water to water flowers and plants, rice water for flowers and more nutritious than water. Thus, not only saves the water, but also the flowers and plants. Mopping the floor with washing water, then flush the toilet. Although much effort, but because of the use of water resources more fully, we always enjoy it. Leftover wine can wipe the TV screen, can be poured into the ink, the color deepened……

Low carbon life should start from electricity, water, carbon, oil, solar term this trifle. As long as we all go together, we can make our life less carbon and environmental protection, so that our common earth has a better tomorrow!










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Nature has given us everything, and our food and clothing cant live without it, so we should be grateful and look at nature with gratitude.

Gratitude it contains tolerance, but some people dont know the tolerance of natural, they only know by deforestation and killing of wild animals, only know to claim from the nature, but never written for nature to do what. The ancients of our country knew "the grace of the water of the people". But we still dont understand the true meaning of this sentence. When nature retaliates against us, we complain of nature and blame nature instead of tolerance. To know that nature hurts us much less than we do to it. The harm we suffer is nothing compared to the harm done to nature. Moreover, we have gained a lot from nature, and do not blame nature, let us treat nature with gratitude.

When the rising sun rises from the east, it brings light and warmth to us. He has never been stingy with what he has, giving us everything he has, like our selfless parents, who give their best to their children and never think of themselves.

When the rain falls on the earth, it moistens everything, gives birth to life, and gives the most sincere heart to people. It washes away the dirt from all things, and never complains that it is getting dirty. It is like the teacher who imparts knowledge, the hard work nourishes us, enables us to thrive without taking into account the dissipation of our energy.

When a breeze blows past you, it lifts the heat of the summer, and pays nothing in return. It always offers its most tender side to people, never to blame people easily. It is like an encouraging look in the distance, and when you fail, you touch your tired heart silently.

When a severe thunder comes, it seems to be a stern voice to your admonition, which may sound surprising, but it inspires and reminds you.

But now, the environment has been destroyed. The morning sun is not so soft; The rain is no longer pure; The breeze becomes violent and the air quality drops; The water became cloudy, even the atmosphere was empty, and the intense ultraviolet radiation hit the earth. Everything began to dry up and the environment began to deteriorate. Why is that? This is because humans do not appreciate gratitude, and do not appreciate nature. They keep taking away from nature, and impoverish the rich; To change the nature of goodness; To make the beauty of nature ugly. Now "blue sky white clouds float, white clouds under the horse run." The scene is gone, except that the smoke of the factory is dancing in the air to kill the chirping of birds. The effluent effluent flowing into the otherwise clean river has been able to extinguish the game of shrimp under the fish. Instead, the noisy sonatas of cars, the roaring symphony of factories... So nature is taking revenge on us, and in recent years, natural disasters have taken the lives of our loved ones, and we have suffered from the loss of our relatives. Its all because people dont appreciate nature and change nature, so now were going to save it and save ourselves, and the way to save it is to be grateful. Only every one have a grateful heart, to understand, to understand the true meaning of love, if we live in a world full of gratitude, full of love, then our life will be more beautiful, the sky will be more blue, pure, vast.

Let us be thankful for nature and love nature with our hearts so that we can live in harmony with nature.




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My new college life is going to start, so i cannot help feeling excited. How many times i have dreamed my beautiful and meaningful university life!

When my new life begin, i think the first thing i should do is to focus on my study. i will try my best to learn as many subjects as possible. besides, i think i will take part in some school activities to improve my comprehensive ability, such as communication ability and so on. At the same time, i am supposed to join some student unions or clubs to make my life colorful.

I know there are many differences between high schools and universities, so i will change my study habits. in high schools, it is the times of teachers forcing students to study, but in universities, we should arrange all the things by ourselves, so i will study by myself. i will make study plans such as time scheduel or something like that by myself.

of course, i will practice myself to be more independent. independence is a rather crutial ability for future development, so if there are any problems, i will do my best to solve it personally, and wont ask someone at first as before.

This is what i arrange for my new life, and hope it will start soon. i am ready for it!



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I think healthy habits are very important for us.All of us want to be healthy. First, we should get enough sleep during the night. We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad for our health. Second, we must have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. We should drink a lot of water. We should have healthy eating habits. Third, we should do more exercise to build up our bodies.Finally, we should wash hands before meals and brush our teeth twice a day. If we don’t feel well, we should go to see the doctor at once.




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During the winter vacation, nothing is different for my life. I wake up 11 o’clock Am everyday, after a washing, I have a good lunch with my parents. Next I play computer games till the time to have supper. After have dinner. I go on playing till 2 o’clock Am, and then go to sleep with tired. This is one dull day of my winter vacation.


But I haven’t bored all the time. Sometimes I read the books, sometime I listen to the music or the radio in the bed,because it was very cold outside and snowy all the day. And I also meat some of my good friends during the vacation ,we have a very long talk about the life of each other in the past year and play table tennis tegether .And I watched the spring festival party of the CCTV in the last seconds of the 2004 year! I think this is the thing most people of china doing at that time.


That’s all, all my dull, coldly and snowy winter vacation.




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In our daily lives, we have many choices to make, such as what to eat for supper,what clothes to wear, or what to do on weekends. At certain times in our lives, we need to make even more critical choices, such as which school to attend, what job to take or who to choose as husband or wife. Yes, life is a matter of choice. Seemimgly, it means a choice of tangible things. But in essence, it means choosing a way of life. Life is to be lived, savored, and enjoyed, not to be wasted or complained about.

Although we cannot choose our appearance, inborn gifts and even avoid unexpected disasters and adversities, we do have the privilege to choose to live optimistcally,to love our lives, to have dreams, and to cherish hopes.

Every morning when we get up, we have a choice of how we want to approach life that day. As for me, I choose to be cheerful.






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After passing the 2012 College Entrance Examination, I find my name in the enrolling list ofNanjingAuditUniversitywhich many young people dream of。 As a boy of 18, I am happy to go to such a famous university, so that I want to make my life colorful and fruitful in university。 Heres my plan for university life。




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Before I entered the middle school, I felt so worried about the life in

middle school, because my cousin told me that I would have to compete with so

many excellent students. Now I get used to the life, I learn many subjects from

Monday to Friday. Though I always meet the difficulties in learning the new

knowledge, I get help from my teachers and classmates. I am not afraid of the

middle school life again, I am so excited to learn new things every day. In the

future days, I will meet many challenges, I believe I can get over them. Life in

middle school has happiness and sorrow, they fulfill my life.



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As is revealed in the cartoon, a boy is contemplating(认为) the true meaning of happiness. It is indeed a tough question for him: what is happiness? Making a huge sum of money, or winning true love, or keeping good health, or what? The picture is fairly thought-provoking(发人深省), which intends to convey to us this message: Due attention should be paid to the constant topic of human—happiness.

We can easily recognize the significance of attitude in terms of happiness. On the one hand, some have suffered a great deal but generally remain happy. Take the victims of Wen Chuan earthquake as an example, they lost their families and even something more precious, but they eventually stepped out of the pain to rebuild their home. On the other hand, people who have a relatively easy and comfortable life, and yet are essentially unhappy. Without a positive attitude or the determination to find the little happiness of life, you are destined to(注定) be grievous, no matter what kind of situation you are in.

Considering all the points discussed above, it is advisable that we highly value optimism and apply it in our studies and work. We are, therefore, supposed to take a rational attitude. Happiness is an attitude, not a condition, which lies in the unswerving efforts(坚持不懈的努力) to complete one’s life.




