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人生不能无希望,所有的人都生活在希望之中。假如真有人生活在绝望的人生之中,那么他只能是失败者。 一个人的危机与丧失积极向上心态的力量有极大关系,因为缺乏积极向上心态力量的人,身上就会缺少一根筋——“再拼一下”!实际上,对于那些优秀者,他们不光靠自己的聪明才智脱颖而出,而且靠“再拼一下”积极向上的心态的力量克服随时都有可能袭来的消极心态。 有位极具智慧的心理学家,在他的小女儿第一天上学的时候,教给她一个小诀窍,足以令她在学习生活中无往而不胜。而他告诉小女孩的,就是多举手。于是不论老师说的、所问的是否完全理解,或者是否能够完全答对,她总是积极举手。

随着日子一天天过去,老师对这个不断举手的小女孩自然而然印象极为深刻,不论她举手发问,或是举手回答问题,老师总是优先让她开口。这种不为人所注意的争先举手的发言习惯,竟使小女孩在学习成绩上,以及自我肯定的表现上,甚至在其他许多方面的进步上,都大大超过了不爱举手的其他同学。 多多举手,正是心理学家教给女儿在学习生涯中的利器。成功者是积极主动的,失败者则是消极被动的。成功者常挂在嘴边的一句话是:有什么我能帮忙的吗而失败者的口头禅则是:那又不关我的事。凡事多举手,多去协助别人,成功的路程将在此展开。

请学会向生活“多多举手”——获取一种的积极向上的心态力量。 许多同学也都熟知这个道理,只是无法顺畅地行动出来。其主要原因,还是心中积存的消极意识在作祟。而故事中那位小女孩之所以成功,是在于她单纯地接受父亲的建议,只是不断举手,并未深思自己是否能回答那个黑板上的问题;同时,她也不怀疑父亲的教导是否正确,所以她能毫不迟疑地举起手来,赢得老师的注意。 我们时常碍于面子问题,或恐惧被拒绝,或怕遭受批评,或因自己的热情总是遭对方冷漠的回应,而使得自己积极主动的力量逐日减弱。 令人担忧的是,积极力量削减一分,相对的,消极的力量便增强一分。此消彼长,再假以时日,真不敢想象我们会变成什么样的人。 幸而这个道理反过来也是相同的,只要我们多增强一分积极的力量,亦足以削弱一分消极的困扰。










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Youth is not just a stage of life, but it is also a state of mind. Being

young is so great and also the most cherrish moment in a life, as young men have

more energy and power to move forwards. Once we grow up more, we might lose

enthusiasm to propell our expectation. Nowadays, young men are looking for a job

to work. Work provides money to support our living and meaning of a life.

However, There are some young men who do not work, but the world is not proud of

them. Those who prefer not to work and would rather spend money from inherited

can be seen wandering on the street, speeding on the highway, or gathering as

gangsters. Many of them tend to become drog addicted after they got broke. They

expect good fortune surrounding forever. They don‘t know it is hard to sustain

money for a generation. Fortunately, our education system has influenced on the

majority of young people that we all recognive the importance of having a job.It

is believed that the more we work, and the more opportunitis and treasures will

arrive. Thus, The society will become harmony and peaceful.



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Many people cant think of exercise. In fact, the wrong type of exercise can be harmful to the body as well as the body, and few people know it, and few people really want to avoid it. Nowadays young people like to go to the gym, but there are also some typical mistakes. Heres a look.

If you like to go to the gym and you do it in this way, you must pay attention to the adjustment, or you will lose your health in the long run.

Myth 1: stretch your back

This is the most common gym workouts, but must know that this way of motion is only suitable for those who shoulder joint is more flexible, and is a professional sport knowledge, only they will be doing regular this movement.

So if youre not a professional personage, had better not do stretching back for a long time, may cause improper tensile shoulder muscle strain, tensile beam often encounter neck virtually will damage of cervical vertebra, and time is long, the whole spine will therefore deformation.

Fitness exercise myth 2: back weights

Weightlifting professionals like stretching back to back or shoulder joints, flexible, it is best not to ordinary people in the sport for a long time, it will strain shoulder muscles, causing back injury, also can cause spinal disease.

Exercise myth # 3: kick weights

This is the most common exercise in the gym, and there are also facilities in some residential buildings. What it does is it pushes a heavy instrument up from a lying position, and then back in place, and so on.

The biggest myth about most of this exercise is that you dont know that if you take back the leg less than 90 degrees, youre going to have an injury to the knee joint. If you really want to use this exercise to exercise your leg muscles, you will need to adjust the Angle of the reclining chair on your back.

Myth 4: treadmills

Many people go to fitness centers and they love running machines, even at home. Some people on the treadmill exercise like the chest directly on the machine, grip the handrail or use the elbow to resist devices, this method is very wrong, it will damage the joints, spine, and many other parts, so when using the treadmill, had better use hand handle, tall, eyes straight ahead, with rhythm, the exercise and not too fast.

Fitness exercise myth 5: local weight loss

Of some body parts appear to be too big, so want to through the motion to reduce fat a local parts, such as a lot of people are deliberately to cut thighs, abdomen, arms proud flesh, in order to achieve a goal at the time and money to the gym to exercise sweating, but to little effect.

Because with partial weight loss for the purpose of sports is not suitable in the gym, the gym equipment can help build muscle, in fact the situation is likely to lose weight is counterproductive, because the equipment and the sports meet will be localized fat sac sac proud flesh into a muscle mass, more strong and outstanding. So local weight loss is best not to blindly use gym equipment, especially girls who dont want a muscle on their body.

It may be difficult for some people to press their legs, but they cant keep it down. The persevering people are under pressure, but they often dont do the right thing. So how to press the leg, how to be the correct leg pressure method, the following with the small make up to understand the correct leg leg method!

The leg is a kind of motion that is not very high for the site requirement, as long as there is the place of lifting the leg, the railing, even the steps, the leg to the top of the lap, can begin the leg to practice.

When we first began to press our legs, we should not be too high, and the Angle between the legs should be suitable, and it would be easy to pull on the high rail. The legs can not only shape the legs, but also help open the ligaments of those who learn to dance. Do you know the right way to get your legs right?

The correct way of pressing the leg

1. Is leg press

Before the object of high prepare leg press, stand up, put your feet together, put the heels on the ribs, lift left leg up on tiptoe, tight ankle flexion, both hands on the left leg knee, feet a right Angle, are straight, and a waist, at the same time can also begin to bend, vibration do leg press downward movement forward, in turn with the elbow, forehead, and even lower jaw to contact tiptoe, according to oneself circumstance to do, cannot be forced.

2. After the leg press

The bodys back to support, legs erect, toes outward, with a hand to support the back table; Stand on your left leg, lift your right leg back, and put it on the back of the table. The back of your foot is straight and your knees cannot bend. Straighten your waist and then push back. Feel the muscles stretching to the waist and the front of the thigh. The left and right legs alternate, helping to exercise the hips, waist and neck.

3. The side leg press

Body side of rib support, such as wood of right leg support, toes slightly outward, raised his left leg is raised, the heel on the ribs, tiptoe evoked, ankle flexion, lift on his right arm, to stretch, back right palm on left chest, legs to shoulder after Fang Zhen pressure, until the tiptoe can access to the back of the head, also, your feet, waist are straight, to effectively exercise the waist and hips.

The correct way to press the leg: side leg

Studies have shown that jumping rope non-stop for 10 minutes is like jogging for 30 minutes. At the same time jump rope has certain exercise effect to the heart and lung system. Jumping rope is a low cost, high-energy sport. However, when you start to practice jumping rope, you might as well take a short break, but you may not take too long to break it, or it will affect your workout. Keep exercising for a long time and your legs will tighten.

Squatting is also good for lean legs, the lower squatting can focus on the lateral and medial muscles of the legs, and the MM of the pear shape needs more practice to squat. You can also watch TV or read a book to divert your attention when you are doing squats, which will not only make the exercise easier, but also save time. Squat for 20 to 30 minutes, and that will work. The lower squatting has high requirement for knee joint, the MM of related section injury should deliberate practice.

The simple way to thin legs

1. Standing lean legs

Stand on your feet first, then raise your heels. Then bend your legs, but keep your upper body perpendicular to your heel. Stand with your feet apart, then bend your knees and lean forward.

Your hips are up, but your back must be straight. Stand with your palms against the wall, your feet close together. One leg is raised back, trying to touch the hips.

We are in the exercise, often lack the correct scientific guidance, causes the fitness to have no effect, the effect rebound and so on the situation, below I come to talk about the top five mistakes.

Myth: stretching prevents sports injuries

Interpretation: all exercises need to warm up, as well as cramps. Muscles can also be damaged when the muscles are cooled.

Myth 2: exercise is divided into aerobic and anaerobic

Read: exercise to pay attention to five aspects, speed + stamina + strength + agility + flexibility. Aerobic exercise alone will not achieve health effects.

Myth 3: abdominal muscles reduce belly fat

Read: abdominal exercises can be reduced, the most important is reasonable diet and scientific exercise.

Myth 4: eating more protein and carbs will boost your muscles

Interpretation: both protein and carbohydrates can provide energy for exercise, but most diets contain these things, without having to add them.

Myth 5: Nopain, Nogain

Interpretation: pain makes no sense, pain makes no sense, exercise results should be appropriate, it is ache, not pain.

Strength exercises are only for men

Once upon a time, women thought that the only way to lose weight was to control the diet. Thankfully, we now know that getting your body to build beautiful muscles can actually help boost your metabolism and help you lose weight and body. In addition, strong muscles help prevent osteoporosis, avoid personal injury, and help maintain good health.

Practice makes perfect

Many people are used to finding a fitness program they like and stick to it. In fact, exercise is also a wonderful thing, and youre so familiar with the sport that its easy to be perfect, which means youre going to lose calories. Whats more, it will change your mental state and physical feeling when you exercise.

Although we dont need to stop doing sports, we can find a few sports that we might like, and dont keep our bodies comfortable. There are several sports and often swapping out the inertia of the body. You will find more love sports and enjoy different sports.

Conclusion: through the above article do we have a certain knowledge of the pitfalls of fitness, fitness there are a lot of misunderstanding, so if we cant be very good deal with may cause a lot of damage to our health, above these misconceptions you all understand?

Read on: excessive weight loss seriously harmed the movement or paralysis caused by running the method of thin leg chair exercises solutions to private parts of sedentary ache hyperkinesia incredibly have harm of these common fitness misunderstanding you



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Competition is a common phenomenon in our social life. We compete when we play games and when we try to do better than others in our study. There is constant competition for academic degrees, jobs, customers, money and so forth. In a sense, competition is one of the motive force to the development of society.

In fact, the only way our world reward people is to give laurels to the winners, not to the losers. What is more, by attempting to compete at different activities, we learn to win and lose, gain experience and know our strengths and weaknesses. Competition prepares us for the tough things in life.

To go ahead, to acquire possession, we should be competitive. To us, industriousness and ambition are positive values.

Whether in games, in study or in business alike, the aim is to win the game, the degree, the trophy, and the contract. Learning to be competitive is clearly the best preparation for life.



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new high school life is both exciting and challenging for me. first, im in a new environment with my new teachers and new classmates. many of them are all from top middle schools in the area. im so excited to meet them all. the new school building is designed creatively and attractively. i loved it . my new teachers are nice and them teach very weel. they are always willing to answer my questions at the end of the class. second, i have to take some new subjects and choose some subjects myself. i liked that because it gives students freedom and i can develop more in my areas of interest. third, im glad to join into some of the clubs and activities in my school. they are very interesting and i could learn more social experience through those activities. im proud to be in this new school and i wish that i can unleash my potential and achieve my best in this school.

The New Life A few months ago, I was a primary pupil. I had many good friends and teachers that I remember all the time. My new life is very exciting. I’m in Dongzhou Middle School. It’s famous in Jiangsu. It’s bigger and more beautiful than the primary school. I love it very much. I’m in Cla10, Grade 7. It’s a good class. The students are clever, nice, friendly and helpful. All my classmates study hard. They want to be on the top. I get up at 5:30. Sometimes I read English, sometimes I learn Chinese. Studying is very / interesting. I’m sure our clawill get better and better. I like my new class, the new school and the new life.



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As time goes by,the importance of constructing a green campus is gradually executed in current society,not only for that the campus is the place which aimed at developing talents,but also for the campus is a symbol to a city.

The green campus not only refer to green environment,but also refer to a new idea about the ways of educating and managing the students,mainly letting them accept the knowledge and build up the spirit of loving nature and being responsible for the environment,also,letting them take an active part in the actions of protecting the environment and keep the idea of sustainable development in mind.

In order to construct the green campus,we should do from two aspects.First of all,we should make every effort to study hard,aimed at becoming the knowledgeable ones with high qualities as well.Secondly,we should make ourselves more comprehensive,doing from the team-work spirit,the environmental consciousness and so on.Besides,we should be concerned about society,our motherland and the whole world,as well as learning to innovate and actively practice.







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My father is busy all the time, he promises me that once he has the time,

he will bring me to the zoo. This week, he finally keeps his promise. I am so

happy, I see many animals, the monkeys impress me so much. They are so active

and they climb everywhere. My father and I have the good time in the zoo. I also

broaden my vision.



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There are two people watching outside the window. The first man can only see the rubbish, because he is a pessimist. He always complains about his life, as he always regards that God is not equal to him. While facing difficulties, hes always frightened. Therefore he often loses his chances to win. Reminding his old days, hes very regretful. Once his father had placed him at the entrance of the road and told him to be careful while choosing his life. But he has chosen the wrong way. Now he gets nothing from his journey but remorse and errors. He dares not to see his father in the haven. He often cries bitterly but in vain. No wonder he is a penniless failure.


However, the second man is different from the first. Through the window, he can see the beautiful stars. As an optimist, he always smiles to everything. While facing difficulties, he still keeps a sense of humor. He can defeat all the setbacks and stumbling blocks by his great determination. And he often finds his life so colorful and interesting as he overcomes all the difficulties. Whats more, hes very strong and powerful. Although life is very difficult outside, he still makes a great effort to overcome all the troubles. Hes very brave and confident. Hes so brave, brave enough to face the present life. Hes so confident, confident enough to challenge himself. Hes very easy-going and kind-hearted. He always helps others when they are in trouble. Thats why he always owns a good fame.


From the story, we know the fact that the second man has set a good example to us, so we must follow his good example.




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Generally speaking, life in high school is busy and fulfilling, due to the

ultimate goal---College Entrance Examination. Many people say that there is no

fun left but bored study and endless exercises. However, as a high school

student, I can’t agree with them. Personally, I live a fruitful but happy life

in high school. It can’t be denied that study is my priority that I must spend

most of my time and energy on it. Sometimes, study may make me frustrated or

even drive me crazy, but I still can adjust my mood to enjoy my life. Besides, I

can also get a sense of achievement when I do well in my study or make progress.

The most important is that my friends bring much happiness to me and my parents’

care inspires me to go on. I think friends in high school are my best friend

forever, because they know me a lot and witness all of my emotions. They are the

persons who grow with me. In addition, teachers in high school care much about

our students both in study and life, and classmates are always friendly to each

other. We build deep friendship together. All of these make up my fruitful life

in high school, which I will cherish forever.



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University, a place that people yearn for. There have their own space and time, after school can be the light of heart from care and your love shopping, can boldly go hand in hand to see the teacher also satisfied a smile in the campus, you can sleep in the class is not afraid of being punished teacher, can occasionally to the Internet in the dormitory, so the fairys life can not worth we yearn for it? The university is simply a human being.

I am envious when I hear such a student life, because I also yearn for this kind of life. Happy days came at last, and I jumped into my long - worshipped college life like a rabbit. Unfortunately, I was not there to find happiness, more disappointed and confused about life. A day may be one or two classes, no homework, no sooner or later self study. Twelve years of draconous and stressful life suddenly changed, like a tight rubber band that suddenly loosened. The result of such a sudden relaxation is to get up at night in the daytime, to accept the radiation of the computer and not to ask the teachers star knowledge. This kind of life is free, but how long can it persist? Enter the university are ambitious, in order to find a good job, but now lost to this temptation......

Im just a freshman, I know a lot in this year, and I have learned a lot of things that I dont have in many books. Dont be addicted to the immortal life of the University. University is a good platform for development. Just because everyone is obsessed with this kind of life, students who study hard a little bit will have a good future. The life of the university is not easy, even more pressure than the pressure of high school life. Why do you say that? If universities want to realize their dreams, they cant relax themselves and enhance their self-control ability. When other students go online, they should stay in the study room or study in the library when they go shopping. And the university is also half a society, to have its own interpersonal relationship, and to speak the corresponding responsibility. If what position in the school, but also for the appreciation of their own to do some "small abacus." The parents who go to school are not around, and some things have to learn to take their own ideas. Like a flower growing in a greenhouse, it is now suddenly taken away to go through the baptism of rain and rain.

So, easy and comfortable college life is that those who have no pursuit will say it. I hope all of our college students are in the pursuit of the ideal road not to stand in the sight of the spectacle and forget where they are going.



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It has been two years since I first got to university. Some of my

classmates say that the college life is boring, because they have plenty of time

but do not know what to do. However, from my point of view, the campus life in

college is interesting and colorful as long as you make it meaningful.

In the first semester in college, I didnt relax and I still worked hard as

I was in the senior school. I usually spent two hours in study at night and I

went to the classroom forautonomous learning.But the difference is that I have

many extracurricular activities. For example, I went to the English Corner

regularly on Tuesday night, in which I could practice my spoken English and make

friends with common interests.

Besides, I join the Student Union of my department. In the Student Union, I

have a group of workmates who work hard together and support to each other.

Actually, it looks like a big, warm family that we can share our lives together.

During various activities, I realize the importance of team spirit that helps us

go further.

Finally, college is great stage to improve a student and show ones

abilities. In college, I know more about our society and get more channels to

explore the outside world. I realize that I am not only a student but also an

adult who is preparing to step into the society.

In short, I cherish my life in college campus and I will try hard to make

it colorful as well as meaningful.



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Usually, our family is always on the go, and they go to work in class. When they arrive at a holiday, they are very lazy. They are too lazy to say a word, hide in a warm quilt, and wake up naturally. Slow down the footsteps, listen to the relaxed music and taste the delicious breakfast, which is the beginning of the best happy time.

A rare holiday time, traveling with the family to experience the original life, my father is responsible for the tent, a fuss, sweating; mother fight a lone battle make lunch, come and help, sister pick vegetables I wash dishes, really good cooperation! A happy meal together.

Hiding in the comfort of the tent, the number of stars in the sky, all over the mountains and plains fireflies dance like diamonds, to illuminate the whole valley; crickets and frogs, the romantic night, the spectrum of lively symphony, a sound and a sound, let me enter sweet dreams.

Good family time, we need to work together to create, pace, work, busy work, all behind! Let us embrace the warmth of our family together, share the joy and happiness of each other, and wander in this world of laughter.







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My School life


My name is Beth.Im 14 years old,and I study in No.1 Middle School of Hangzhou.My school is very big and beautiful.Im very happy in the school.


I usually get up at 6:15 in the morning.Then I do morning exercises in the playground.At 6:40,I have my breakfast.You can see many students and teachers in the dinning room.After breakfast,I often read English with my classmates.


We have six classes every day.The first class begins at 7:50 am.I like all the classes for my teachers can make the classes lively and interesting.My favorite subject is English,so I join English Corner every week.I can speak English with many other students there.Its very interesting and exciting.I think its helpful for me to learn English well.After class,I always play games with my friends.We play soccer ball,basketball,volleyball,ping-pong and so on.They are very relaxing.


I like my lessons,my friends and my teachers.In a word,I love my school.I find my school life more and more meaningful and colorful.My school life is wonderful,isnt it?




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Yesterday, Qiingdao University College of automation engineering, Qingdao Youth Volunteer Association jointly launched a dust motes do, love “ ” public welfare activities, I as a youth volunteer association had the honor to participate in the fund-raising activities. The fundraiser is to raise money to sell things, activities carried out in the center of Qiingdao University campus. YVA volunteers were divided into 6 groups, each group of 10 people in general, green campus everywhere can see the figure of the workers to raise money. To tell the truth, when I wear work clothes of the volunteer listed south, I feel very proud and proud, I suddenly feel more of a mission, feel that they can for the society, for others to contribute to a force.

Walk in the green campus, kind of schoolmates everywhere, whenever we say that after the event, senior students can show their love. In fact, in my opinion the sums does not matter, as long as the heart is enough. A small trickle of love can also gather freely like love. As the song says: “ as long as everyone gives a love, the world will become a beautiful world

I dont think its necessarily a volunteer to be a volunteer, but not a volunteer. In my opinion, volunteering is just a term. Every one of us can do volunteer work anytime and anywhere in our daily life. For example: help the old to cross the road, pick up the fallen things for others, such as on the bus for the elderly seat, etc. and so on, as long as you are doing these things, you are a volunteer.

The most important thing to do as a volunteer is to have a heart, a heart that is willing to serve others and help others to solve the difficulties. Volunteers do not matter big or small points, the ancients said: do not be good for small and not for. And we do volunteer work is to small things on the line, do little things at all times, big event collective.

If we constantly through their own any behavior at any time to do their best to help others, to influence people, they participate in, to help t to others, we do volunteer work will be arriving.

Finally I wish Qiingdao University volunteer team more and more stronger.

Wish us Qiingdao University better and better

I wish the society more and more harmonious.











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I see a show about painting. An exhibition at a private art gallery is a way of introducing a new artist to the public .

The idea is to stage an event that will create interest in the artist and stimulate sales of his or her work. Exhibitions of painting , sculpture, and photography at public museums and galleries are different from private showings.

The works exhibited at public museums are by established, well-known artists. Many exhibitions include works from the museum’s permanent collection—that is, works owned by the museum.




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做一个人,不人的一生,到底在追求什么?是工作狂,不是为了虚荣的体面. 放松一点,开心一点。


这儿,有一个青年人,整日以沿街为小镇的人说唱为生;这儿,有一个华人妇女,远离家人,在这儿打工。 他们总是在同一个小餐馆用餐,于是他们屡屡相遇。 时间长了,彼此已十分的熟悉。有一日,我们的女同胞,关切地对那个小伙子说:“不要沿街卖唱了,去做一个正当的职业吧。我介绍你到中国去教书,在那儿,你完全可以拿到比你现在高得多的薪水。” 小伙子听后,先是一愣,然后反问道:“难道我现在从事的不是正当的职业吗?我喜欢这个职业,它给我,也给其他人带来欢乐。有什么不好?我何必要远渡重洋,抛弃亲人,抛弃家园,去做我并不喜欢的工作?” 邻桌的英国人,无论老人孩子,也都为之愕然。他们不明白,仅仅为了多挣几张钞票,抛弃家人,远离幸福,有什么可以值得羡慕的。在他们的眼中,家人团聚,平平安安,才是最大的幸福。它与财富的多少,地位的贵贱无关。

于是,小镇上的人,开始可怜我们的女同胞了。 中国山东,有这样一对夫妇。 刚刚结婚时,妻子在济宁,丈夫在枣庄;过了若干年,妻子调到了枣庄,丈夫却一纸调令到了菏泽。若干年后,妻子又费尽周折,调到了菏泽,但不久,丈夫又被提拔到了省城济南。妻子又托关系找熟人,好不容易调到了济南。可是不到一年,丈夫又被国家电业总公司调到重庆。于是,她所有的朋友,就给她开玩笑——你们俩呀,天生就是牛郎织女的命。要我们说呀,你也别追了,干脆辞职,跟着你们家老张算了。 但是,她以及公婆、父母,都一致反对。“干了这么多年,马上就退休了,再说,你的单位效益这么好,辞职多可惜。要丢掉多少钱呀!再干几年吧,也给孩子多挣一些。” 其实,他们家的经济条件已经非常优越。早已是中层阶级,但是他们仍然惦念着那一点退休金。 于是,夫妻两个至今依然是牛郎织女。 我们,是一个尚义轻利的民族。中国人一直是为了某种自己未必真正明白的主义而活着。 于是,中国人,不能在没有目标的生活中活着。而这个目标,可以是工作,可以是理想,可以是金钱,可以是孩子,可以是老人……但是,唯一不可能是的,就是自己。 中国人,可以很委屈的活着。可以是工作上的极不顺心,可以是婚姻上的勉强维持,可以是人际关系上的强作笑颜,可以是所有欲望的极端压制,可以是为了一个所谓的户口……哪怕牺牲自己一生的幸福,也在所不惜。 中国人,可以过异常艰难的日子,但并不能安贫乐道,他所遭受的一切不幸,必定有一个近乎玩笑的借口;中国人,可以把高官厚禄当作成功,中国人可以把身家百万当作理想,中国人可以抛却天伦之乐四海飘荡,但是,中国人唯一不认可的成功——就是家庭的和睦,人生的平淡。 于是,一个有着五千年文明历史的国度,把爱国、崇高、献身、成功、立业的情结推向了极致——他们要么在大公无私,其实是舍本逐末的漩涡里苦苦挣扎,要么在肩负重任,其实是徒有其名的怪圈里受尽折磨……唯一遗漏的就是自由和自我。 于是,在外国,妇孺皆知的道理;在中国,没人能整治明白。人的一生,到底在追求甚么?(ZT)有一个美国商人坐在墨西哥海边一个小渔村的码头上,看着 一个墨西哥渔夫划着一艘小船靠岸。小船上有好几尾大黄鳍鲔鱼,这个美国商人对墨西哥渔夫能抓这么高档的鱼恭维了一番,还问要多少时间才能抓这么多?墨西哥渔夫说,才一会儿功夫就抓到了。美国人再问,你为甚么不待久一点,好多抓一些鱼?墨西哥渔夫觉得不以为然: 这些鱼已经足够我一家人生活所需啦!美国人又问:那么你一天剩下那么多时间都在干甚么?墨西哥渔夫解释:我呀?我每天睡到自然醒,出海抓几条鱼,回来后跟孩子们玩一玩,再跟老婆睡个午觉,黄昏时晃到村子里喝点小酒,跟哥儿们玩玩吉他,我的日子可过得充满又忙碌呢!美国人不以为然,帮他出主意,他说:我是美国哈佛大学企管硕士,我倒是可以帮你忙!你应该每天多花一些时间去抓鱼,到时候你就有钱去买条大一点的船。自然你就可以抓更多鱼,在买更多渔船。然后你就可以拥有一个渔船队。到时候你就不必把鱼卖给鱼贩子,而是直接卖给加工厂。然后你可以自己开一家罐头工厂。如此你就可以控制整个生产、加工处理和行销。然后你可以离开这个小渔村,搬到墨西哥城,再搬到洛杉矶,最后到纽约。在那经营你不断扩充的企业。墨西哥渔夫问:这又花多少时间呢?美国人回答:十五到二十年。墨西哥渔夫问:然后呢?美国人大笑着说:然后你就可以在家当皇帝啦!时机一到,你就可以宣布股票上市,把你的公司股份卖给投资大众。到时候你就发啦!你可以几亿几亿地赚!然后呢?美国人说:到那个时候你就可以退休啦!你可以搬到海边的小渔村去住。每天睡到自然醒,出海随便抓几条鱼,跟孩子们玩一玩,再跟老婆睡个午觉,黄昏时,晃到村子里喝点小酒,跟哥儿们玩玩吉他?!墨西哥渔夫疑惑的说:我现在不就是这样了吗?人的一生,到底在追求甚么?



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1995 I went into taizhou junior middle school.Totally we had 7 classes,I

was in class 4.The head-teacher of the class was a middle age woman.she was so

strict with us.for example, i was catched when i ate a big rabbit sugar during

class time,she asked me to buy that bland sugar one peice for everyone.in my

opinion ,she hated everyting except study,everyweekend ,she asked us to study in

school,sunday afternoon was just the free time for us.when she saw we played

football,she must get the ball back to her office.someone who was to be in love

was found by her,he would be punished just like a shit.luckyly,i was not found

by her.i liked the girl who was my Elementary school schoolmate during my junior

middle school.i didnt know she konwed or not.it ended when we graduated.but i

liked to talk with others during class time,everytime i was found by her,she

asked me to write 3000 words to explain why and how to do in future. nowadyas

every time i remeber what happened in my junior middle school,i deeply appreciat

her kindness.she is real a good teacher.

My junior middle school time has pasted ,but it will influece till the end

of my life.



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