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The Spring Festival, people commonly known as "Spring Festival". So, what do people celebrate the do? That depends on the different parts of the customs.

In big cities, New Years eve, everyone is wearing new clothes, and then clean my own house, stick couplets, buying necessities and then put buy new flowers and plants. In the evening, every family prepare rich reunion dinner. After people eat the reunion dinner, on the provisions of sections with fireworks, or watch the Spring Festival gala on TV at home.

Country in the New Years eve is this: early in the morning, people got up. Put on new clothes, just in front of their own stick couplets, families of all hang the red lanterns in the yard. At night, every household lanterns are lit, thriving. Every door "beginning" is the firecrackers. Everybody from house to house visit everywhere, very lively.

On the first day, the people of the city and the country, with the necessities and some go to the temple shakily. Some relatives go to friend home happy New Year; Have a go out to play together.

This is the custom of the Chinese people the Chinese New Year.




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1. 祝您春节欢乐合家欢乐万事如意!新春新年新气象!

2. 送走旧年的时候,也送走一年的阴郁,迎来新春的时候,也迎来新的希望。给您拜年啦! 祝猴年新年欢乐!

3. 新年好!给您拜年了!过去的一年我们合作得都很愉快,谢谢您的关照,祝您春节欢乐!吉祥如意!心想事成!

4. 又是一年美好的开始,又是一段幸福的时光,又一次真诚地祝福您:领导过年好!

5. 一年一年开心过,开开心心,一生快欢乐乐,一世平平安安,一家和和睦睦,愿您生命中的每一个愿望全能得到实现!新春欢乐!。

6. 新年新事新开始新起点定有新的收获,祝朋友们事事如意,岁岁平安,精神愉快,春节好。

7. 祝新年行大运!仕途步步高升万事胜意!麻雀得心应手财源广进!身体棒吃饭香睡觉安,合家幸福,恭喜发财!

8. 新年好!新年到,好事全到了!祝您及全家新年欢乐!身体健康!工作顺利!吉祥如意!

9. 领导领导器宇不凡,英才伟略人人赞,驻守岗位不怠慢,业绩飙升不骄傲,带头表率争先进,体恤奖励得体到位,事物繁忙您最累,异口同声感恩在心,祝您春节吉祥,合家欢乐。

10. 堂堂正正做人,大公无私干事,毫不利己奋献,处处带头表率,丰功伟绩人赞,认人唯贤纳士。领导元旦别忙,策划下步工作,全家幸福安康,如意事业辉煌。

11. 新年到,愿您家兴业兴财源兴,人旺体旺精神旺;嘴巴整日乐歪歪,脑袋逍遥美晃晃;日子一日一日强,幸福一年一年长;青春常驻您身上,友谊永在万年长。

12. 愿领导:大财小财意外财,财源滚滚;亲情友情爱情,情情如意官运;福运财运桃花运,运运亨通。新春到来之际,送上我最真挚的祝福:春节欢乐!

13. 谢谢您的情,谢谢您的意,谢谢您的关怀和厚爱,新年来临之际,祝您全家新年欢乐,身体健康,万事如意!

14. 春节好!祝愿您吉祥富贵,新年欢乐,猴年进步,来年早生贵子!有空就来坐坐,我们都很惦记着您!

15. 春节祝福语来到,祝您在新年里:事业如日中天,心情阳光灿烂,工资地覆天翻,春节祝福语未来风光无限,爱情浪漫依然,欢乐游戏人间。

16. 送上我一份真诚的祝福,愿您在新的一年里,拥有更安康更欢乐的时光,祝您新年欢乐!

17. 感谢您的关怀,感谢您的帮助,感谢您对我做的一切……请接受我新春的祝愿,祝您平安幸福。

18. 欢欢喜喜迎猴年;万事如意平安年,大吉大利顺新年,事业成功辉煌年,合家欢乐幸福年,身体健康万万年。

19. 愿您享有期望中的全部喜悦,每一件微小的事物都能带给您甜美的感受和无穷的欢乐,祝元旦新年欢乐,万事如意!

20. 让我这份新年的祝福通过电波,跨过重重高山,越过滔滔江水,掠过高楼大厦,飞到您身边。猴年欢乐!

21. 无惊无险,又是一年,新年来临,衷心祝愿,银行存款,只增不减,美好未来,努力今天,人生目标,一直向钱!

22. 纲举目张治矿有方,疏而不漏有章可鉴,纪律严明要求高标,紧抓安全刷新产量,年终红包人人有奖。祝福矿长身体健康,春节愉快事业飙前。

23. 愿欢快的歌声,时刻萦绕您;愿欢乐年华,永远伴随您;愿欢乐的祝福,永远追随您。祝福您:春节愉快,身体健康,阖家欢乐,万事顺意!

24. 天增岁月人增寿,春满乾坤福满门。三羊开泰送吉祥,五福临门财源茂。恭祝新春欢乐,幸福安康!!

25. 无惊无险,又是一年,新年来临,衷心祝愿,银行存款,只增不减,美好未来,努力今天,人生目标,一直向钱!

26. 贴一副春联,写满如意美满;燃一筒烟花,绽放幸福和谐;挂一盏红灯,点亮温馨安康;送一份祝福,传递吉祥欢乐;春节到,愿您大吉大利,领导春节愉快!

27. 祝您春节欢乐合家欢乐万事如意!新春新年新气象跃马奔腾迎新年!

28. 天增岁月人增寿,春满乾坤福满门。三羊开泰送吉祥,五福临门财源茂。恭祝新春欢乐,幸福安康!!

29. 愿您新的一年:经济轻松解套,事业成功上道,感情甜蜜牢靠,家庭和睦热闹,生活幸福美妙,日子福星高照。衷心祝您及家人吉祥安康,新年欢乐!新年祝福短信

30. 薄薄的日历,长长的路途,多多的愿望,大大的梦想,红红的事业,棒棒的身体,甜甜的生活,漫漫的人生,小小的祝愿,浓浓的情谊,美美的心情。新年欢乐。

31. 愿您在新的一年里:抱着平安,拥着健康,揣着幸福,携着欢乐,搂着温馨,带着甜蜜,牵着财运,拽着吉祥,迈入新年,欢乐度过每一天!

32. 新年好运到,好事来得早!朋友微微笑,喜庆围您绕!花儿对您开,鸟儿向您叫。生活美满又如意!喜庆!喜庆!一生平安如意!

33. 今年大家一起经历了很多,很开心在您的带领下,我们终于获得了满意的成绩。不管来年有多困难,我相信:笑容是良药,音乐是秘方,睡觉则可以让您忘掉一切。呵呵,在新年之际,给您说声祝福:祝猴年大吉万事如意!

34. 今年大家一起经历了很多,很开心在您的带领下,我们终于获得了满意的成绩。不管来年有多困难,我相信:笑容是良药,音乐是秘方,睡觉则可以让您忘掉一切。呵呵,在新年之际,给您说声祝福:祝猴年大吉万事如意!

35. 春天的鲜花簇拥您,祝您新年事业顺;夏日的彩虹照亮您,祝您前途更光明;秋天的果实滋润您,祝您新年最健康;冬日的雪花陪伴您,祝您新年步步高!

36. 祝新年吉祥,前程似锦,吉星高照,财运亨通,合家欢乐,飞黄腾达,福如东海,寿比南山,幸福美满,官运亨通,美梦连连。!

37. 元旦佳节情意悠长,动笔写下思念几行;淡淡问候情义深长,要把祝福留您身旁;时光匆匆日月如梭,写尽惊艳珍惜过往;圣诞过去元旦来临,愿您马年有辉煌,坚强勇敢拥抱梦想!

38. 元旦送礼:一斤花生二斤枣愿您跟着好运跑;三斤桔子四斤蕉财源滚进您腰包;五斤葡萄六斤橙愿您心想事就成;八斤芒果十斤瓜愿您天天乐开花。

39. 祝您新的一年,工作忙中有闲,自己打牌赢钱,存折增加无限,口袋装满美元,美女挤满床前,精力充沛源源,情人又猛又甜。

40. 新春好,好事全来了!朋友微微笑,喜气围您绕!欢庆节日里,生活美满又如意!喜气!喜气!一生平安如意!天您忙得欢,兢兢业业带头干,未雨绸缪累心肝,只为大家多赚钱,喝水不忘打井人,春节向您拜个年,祝您猴年身体健,带领我们永向前!

41. 愿您天天顺,时时顺,分分顺,秒秒顺,月月顺,年年顺,爱情顺,事业顺,身体顺,生活顺,总之一切都能顺,最后还要祝您新年顺永远顺!

42. 锣鼓敲,欢声笑,福星照,舞狮闹,祝福速速来报到。新的一年,希望您财富贼多,事业贼火,身体贼棒,家庭贼旺,一切贼顺,猴年贼牛!

43. 一轮圆月寄托不了我的哀思,一道霓虹淹没不了寂寞的孤独,一声叹息道尽漂泊的无奈,一条短信包含我无尽的祝福。祝您新年欢乐!美好如初!



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Today is new years thirty home, bustling, the whole family is bursting with happiness, while busy looking forward to a side of the dinner on New Years Eve.

Morning, Grandpa and I went to the market to buy special purchases for the Spring Festival. I asked, &ldquo, Grandpa, what are we going to buy? ” grandpa said: “ ready to buy some fish. ” go to the fish market, fishmonger to us: “ yellow croaker, carp, Taihu fish, Spring Festival preferential sell. ” my grandfather picked up a Taihu fish, weighing pay, fishmonger agile cleaning the fish. My grandfather and I went to the vegetable market and bought a lot of vegetables. People are busy with the final purchase at the end of the year, ready to meet new years Eve and new years arrival.

On the street, alley occasionally bursts of firecrackers, add a festive holiday. I played outside with my children all afternoon, and I protested to eat a years dinner, when I thought about going home right away. At the door, my father and I put up a couplet, put a hang of firecrackers, the big rice will start! Mom for a sumptuous dinner, I just want to pick up the chopsticks a clip, grandma said: “ so, we guess, see who can say the name in four words. ” I preempted the answer: “ this is called the annual surplus (FISH), that is diligent (Qin) fast, red hot, plain sailing, … … ” once said a few idioms, Granny satisfied with the praise of me. The clink of blessing, we began to enjoy a delicious.

All the dishes in the Spring Festival have an auspicious idiom, which symbolizes the harvest, blessing and expectation of the year. It is very interesting. I cant help exclamation the rich and diverse traditional culture of our country.







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Dear Rose,

How are you? Will you be free next Saturday? That day is my 14th birthday.

I am going to have a party at my home. I will be very happy if you can come.

Some of my friends are invited to come to my party, too. We will sing, dance,

play games and watch some wonderful DVDs at the party. It will begin at 5

oclock that afternoon. I am looking forward to your coming.









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the lunar new year

the lunar new year is a great occasion to the chinese people. it lasts  about the first four days of the year, during which people do not work except  for the workers on duty. students do not go to school, and shops are closed.

several days before the new year, people begin to prepare. farmers kill  pigs, sheep, cocks and hens. city dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables. houses  are cleaned; coupletsare posted on the doors. colourful lanterns are hung at the  gate.

on the eve of the new year, each family has its members gatherd together  and eats a family reunion dinner. after the meal they watch tv until the clock  strickes twelve. then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers  and other fire works to welcome the new year. on the first day of the new year,  almost everyone is dressed in his or her best. when people meet on the way, they  say to each other “happy new year”。 friends and relatives pay new year calls and  gives presents to each other. children indulge themselves in games.




前几天在新的一年,人们就开始准备。农民杀了猪,羊,公鸡和母鸡。城市居民买肉鱼和蔬菜。房子干净;  coupletsare门上张贴。色彩缤纷的灯笼挂在门口。




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To the Spring Festival, every family beaming, reunion. The Spring Festival has many customs, such as: stick Spring Festival couplets, light firecrackers and eat dumplings and so on. Lets learn about understand them together!

Posted goalkeeper almost every family New Years day is this to do, there is an interesting myths and legends about stick keeper: according to legend, in ancient times there is a dragon king always want to steal to eat tribute of the jade emperor, the jade emperor discovered severely punish it, but the dragon king still often teach not to change, so the jade emperor let two strong god to watch over the door, dont let the dragon king to rock the boat. But both god and the rest of us want to go to bed rest. So the jade emperor wanted to a good way to stick two portraits of the gods on the door, so from then on the custom of stickers door god down from generation to generation.

In the north of our country have a custom, is to eat dumplings, dumplings homophonic "jiaozi", expressed the people to the more old hand, a desire for the New Year auspicious rich. While southerners like to eat dumplings in the annual morning, means that we in the New Year festive, reunion. People also like to call a "shepherds purse" eat vegetables and dumplings a, "shepherds purse" is referred to as "money" means in the New Year, also come true.

In the Spring Festival, we are more necessary to set off firecrackers to active the rejoiced at Chinese New Year atmosphere. Set off firecrackers in the folk has a legend: according to legend in ancient time, there was a monster named "year", every Spring Festival when they come out to scare people, so people will think of a way to, with bamboo tube light thrown at it, bamboo tube explosion made a lot of noise, scared away nian, the custom of setting off firecrackers is come down.

The custom of Spring Festival and many, many, it has enriched our knowledge, shortens the distance of people. It is the fine tradition of the Chinese nation, lets go to understand them!








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This is the first diary I’m writing in the youth summer camp.

Everything is new to me, new class, new teachers and new classmates. My

classmates are all good students and they can speak English well. I think I can

learn a lot from them, and I can make friends with them.

The teacher from china is full of emotion when giving a class. And her

class is very interesting. To my surprise our foreign teacher can speak chinese

very well, but in my opinion, her class is a little boring. She should have made

the class more active.

Compared to my school, Zhejiang University seems so big that it takes us a

few minutes to commute between the classroom and cafeteria.

I wish myself good luck and have a good holiday here!








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The term is coming to an end. The Spring Festival is coming. I am very excited. I have already planned how to use the Spring Festival. Now the Spring Festival, which is looking forward to it, is coming. Oh, I must be full and meaningful.

First of all, you have to buy a couplet ahead of time, put a few doors into the home, and let the home spill over the festival. Of course, fireworks and firecrackers are essential, and I particularly like the magnificent landscape of the rain when the fireworks fly into the sky. Dumpling is one of the indispensable food during the Spring Festival, mom made dumplings, very fresh, I must lead a person to endless aftertastes tongtongkuaikuai, meal, snack.

Next, you have to go to the family and friends home for a new year. A door, I want to "uncle, aunt long short" to call them, then mom and dad bought a gift for them, hee hee, relatives will entertain us warmly served delicious snacks, put candy, and I love the most is that Hunan tea bud, with sesame ramming. As long as the boiling water bubble, wow, aroma, make people unable to hide greeds, appetite.

Then eat dinner, mom do the dinner on New Years Eve can be said to be "a", the whole family sitting together, taste the delicious food, talking and laughing, enjoyable. The love is to see once a year the Spring Festival Gala, which shows rich and colorful, comic sketches, songs, wonderful performances, give a person to enjoy.

In the middle of my new years new year plan, my mother called me to write the homework. Hey, I love the spring festival you come soon.



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Spring Festival is the most important festival for Chinese people. The Spring Festival is very exciting, especially on the eve of the Spring Festival.


The Spring Festival lasts for 15 days, there would be starting on the first day, to the end of the January 15 Lantern Festival.it is the busiest time of the year for Chinese people. The arrangements they have to make for family reunions, buying necessities and preparing food keeps them busy throughout the holiday. Many of them travel back home and meet friends over dinner and drinks. The celebrations include decorating the house and setting off fireworks.But we are talking about a tradition that seems to be fading.


Spring Festival, as it is celebrated today, has undergone many changes, thanks to the country‘s economic development and globalization.


Yet no Spring Festival is complete without food. People could not get good food whenever they desired in earlier times, something that does not apply to society today. More often than not, people faced the risk of famine. The best time for people to celebrate was when food was available in plenty, and that was possible in spring, or the beginning of the lunar new year. That was the main reason why Spring Festival acquired such great importance among Chinese people.


But three decades of economic growth has ensured that people in China, except for those who are still poor, can enjoy a good meal whenever they want. Such has been the change in people‘s fortune that some have to be treated for obesity and other health problems associated with excessive eating.


In the past, celebrations were limited to events like song-and-dance duets in North China, dragon/lion dances in South China and fireworks, which required the joint efforts of the entire community. But economic development and urbanization seems to have weakened the social links among people. Many, especially those living in cities, are not interested in celebrating the festival with people they hardly know.


Many customs associated with Spring Festival have changed, too. In the past, people used to visit relatives and friends with gifts and lots of good wishes. Today, many people, especially the youth, use their cell phones or the Internet to send their good wishes and even "gifts" to their relatives and friends. Some may say this a sign that people have become less caring about their near and dear ones, but we should see this development as a time- and energy-saving exercise granted by the information age.


In recent times, many people have started praying for a career promotion or more money instead of invoking God or the Buddha for a healthy and long life and the welfare of their family. But the number of such people is decreasing now, which shows that people are becoming more reasonable.




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风,是神奇的,它温柔。当春天光临大地时。风就会轻轻拂过,告诉大家“春天就要来了”。感觉着,她在抚摸着你的脸庞,如同慈母一般。风,又是粗暴的。当闪电雷鸣时,它那被激怒起的心情又会发出最可怕的怒吼,与雷电一同肆虐妄为。相比之下,我更爱温柔的风。云,“一朵,两朵,三朵……”无数朵像瓦片似的云,无数朵像丝带似的云,伴着风一同在空中飘浮。一朵云,如十八万张罗汉脸,姿态不一,微妙万千。在山顶上,云是一条龙;在山腰上,云是一只兔;在山脚下,云是一双鞋。在不同的时间,在不同的地点,所见到的云都不同,就如魔术师一般,令人难以猜测它的“庐山真面目”。真奇啊! 再低头看去,虽然离春天的到来还有待时日,但受温暖晴好天气的影响,田间麦苗逐步返青,已彰显出勃勃生机。极目望,杨柳不甘心一个冬天的寂寞,开始吐出新芽。举目观,蔚蓝的天空小鸟在自由的飞翔。

所有这些,都昭示着一个盎然的春天即将来临,美好的未来在向这里的山民召手。 衷心祝福他们狗年大吉,好运相伴!



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Spring Festival is my favourite festival. This years Spring Festival is in February 8th. On New Years Eve, everyone will wear new clothes. My parents and I will go to the Grandpa and grandmas home to eat Nian Yefan. This is the tradition of our family. At the dinner table, my grandmother will prepare a lot of dishes for us to cook hot pot. These dishes are very delicious. Everyone ate very happy. We have forgotten the troubles of the past year, happy to greet the new year. After dinner, I will go back home with my parents. In eight, I will be fireworks at the

threshold of our home. They are very beautiful. Doing this will make me feel very happy. After I put the fireworks, I will watch the Spring Festival Gala. The Gala adds a mood of celebration in the house as people laugh, discuss and enjoy the performance. At eleven, my parents gave me 200 yuan. This is my years new years money. 0 ocolck, the new years bell sounded, we have ushered in the new year. I made a wish. I hoped that that we could have a happy and healthy life next year and everyone in my family could be happy.

The first day of the new year, my father and I had the red antithetical Spring Festival couplets on our doors. Every Spring Festival, both urban and rural a

reas, each household must select a red couplets affixed to the door in order to increase the festive atmosphere. I also cleaned the room with my mom. After the event, I will visit friends and relatives with my parents. This is the custom of the Chinese people to celebrate the Spring Festival.

This is my Spring Festival holiday, I had a very happy. What about you






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I went to the Peoples Park with my family today. We had picnic in the

park. My mother and grandparents were preparing food, father was playing

badminton with his friend while I was reading under a tree.




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It is very hot in the summer.people dont like going out on summer afternoon because the temperature is high.

sometimes it is raining after sun,that is cool!maybe on a summer night,it is thunder and lightning.it is make people scary,and dangerous!so please dont go out when it is thunder.

Though the weather in summer is hot,but I think summer is interesting,because we can swim in the poor!that is great!






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live very happily today! in the morning, it is very fine! then i climb the

mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants

and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful.

in the afternoon, i go to friends home to play, the friend entertains me

warmly, show me a lot of books of his , has listened to his cd for me , then

also ask me to eat a sumptuous dinner.

coming back home in the evening, family and i sat and watched tv together,

we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy

and harmonious!







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China has always had a splendid traditional culture. There are Dragon Boat Festival, Qingming Festival and national day... I like the Spring Festival most.

Everywhere on the streets decorated, people are busy buying antithetical couplet, do special purchases for the Spring Festival, greeted the arrival of Spring Festival

At the time of the new year, our children wear new clothes and new caps, and the adults have a happy smile on their faces. Year thirty to eat reunion rice, happy to spend the year. At night, some adults play mahjong playing poker, and eating melon seeds, chatting words not like... Children like to put out fireworks. The timid child went to the fire, and the timid child looked behind. The fireworks are colorful... Play it like that! Have fun!

After a long time, I was reluctant to leave the friends and go home each other. I thought, "it would be good to have the Spring Festival every day."

An unforgettable 200 word composition for the Spring Festival



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"Oh, the new year, the New Year!" Li Xiang shouted, I also followed the booing: "the Chinese new year, today will happily play a day." At the same time, thinking again: "hee hee hee, finally have to have to pay the age of money, this time make sure to turn over, ha ha ha." I am happy with where Li Xiang like mice, cautiously without any noise came up to me, patted me on the shoulder, "ah" roared, my soul is scared to fly, Li Xiang said: "what, you go downstairs to play our music."

We played happily all morning, and it was easy to wait for the evening. Li Xiang and I ran out of the house with my sister and came to the yard of the district. Li Xiang and I saw, and immediately to a warm embrace, but my sister saw, but big tongue beside, provoked me two glaring eyes. After the dramatic scene, all of the people were playing with joy.

Maybe some people cant wait, and they dont start to put fireworks at nine oclock, and the noise is deafening. We do not care, take the start of flowers in the community dances, one after another, became a beautiful scenery in the community. We all jumped and jumped, and we had a good time. Li Xiang also has done a bad thing, that is to take the flowers to scare me, Im afraid backfired, hurried back again and again. Can still be a stumbling stone, all dirty, really mad at me, but they still smile over the days, really hateful! Later, Li Xiang and I picked up two empty fireworks and played with the tricks. Li Xiang whim, made a suggestion to me: "I have a" war ", with fireworks stick as a weapon, but not hurt......." Li Xiang says, we began a "battle of the century", I was in the past, Li Xiang a block, I stick into the nunchaku. Li Xiang hit me on the back while I was not paying attention and brainstorm, and then ran to me. When I looked back, he hit me again. I immediately returned the blow and hit Li Xiangs head. We both rose and ignored our sister, and she ran upstairs with anger.

Li Xiang and I spent a tremendous effort didnt pull her down, so heavy. I think: "if she should have a little fat, fat enough to attend the pageant qualification." Finally, in the US under my sister promised to join us on the halfway and swiftly disappear.

It was late. I said goodbye to Li Xiang and went upstairs with my father and mother to wait for the year of the tiger. With the sound of the new years bell, the sky was instantly stained with fireworks and beautifully painted canvases. It was beautiful and beautiful. Fireworks are intertwined, our life more beautiful, we wish a better tomorrow.



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The Spring Festival is one of the most important and traditional festivals in China.Our familiy members gather to celebrate the festival.We eat dumplings,were new clothes,playing firecrackers and send a greeting to frends and so on.Parents will give there children money for the new year coming.

Then we go to our frends or relatives home and says "happy new year!" .

In a word,the Sping Festival is very interesting very important festival.



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Some people say yes. The intemet helps students make many friends. Chatting on line, students can express their feelings and opinions more freely, and even get help with their foreign language studies.Others, however, think students should not make friends on line.They say it is a waste of time. besides, some students get cheated on line.

It is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other things. As for friendship, we can readily find it in our classmates and other people around us.





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The Spring Festival, Chinese New Year, is the most of important festival for all of us. All family members get together on New YearEve to have a big meal.At the same time, everyone celebrates to each other.At about 12 oclock, some parents and children light crackers.The whole sky is lighted brightly. We may watch the fireworks excitedly.How busy it is!

On the first early moring of one year, many senior citizen get up early and they stick the reversed Fu or hang some couplets on the front door. Some houses windows are sticked on red paper cutlings.

The Chinese New Year lasts fifteen days. So during the fifteen days, we always visit our relatives from door to door. At that time, children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and so on. The last day of the Chinese New Year is another festival. It names the Lantern Festival.

So the Chinese New Year comes to the end.







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The Spring Festival, also know as the lunar New Year, is the greatest traditional festival. It is usually a time between late January or early February, which means rest and relaxation between winter and spring after a years toil, and means celebration as well. Before the Spring Festival, people clean their house, put red coupletson their gates, and set off firecrackers, according to fairy tale, for driving a demon, named Nian away.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, a get-together banquet is a must, and the most popular food is Dumpling, which is supposed to bring good fortune. On the first day of the new year, everybody wears new clothes and greets relatives and friends with bows and congratulations wishing each other lucky during the new year.
