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Viewing vs.Reading

The pace of reading, clearly,depends entirely upon the reader. He may read

as slowly or as rapidly as he can or wishes to read. If he does not understand

something, he may stop and reread it, or go in search of elucidation before


The reader can accelerate his pace when the material is easy or less

than interesting, and slow down when it is difficult or absorbing.

If what he

reads is moving, he can put down the book for a few moments and cope with his

emotions without fear of losing anything.




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My dear:

Please allow me to call you darling for the last time, as I have always

liked to do before. Surprise! Yeah, it was me. It was me writing to you, your

ex-girlfriend. Perhaps you feel very embarrassed or very indifferent, no other

meaning, I just want to write a letter to you, break up half a year to allow me

this trivial selfishness.

I know you are very happy now, but my sudden letter made you feel

unexpected. Last night, my sister and I saw you on the way home, as before the

skin is very white and clean wearing glasses, maybe love men will pay attention

to their own image, you are more neat and clean than before. Riding a bike, you

sit behind a girl. You are very happy, I want to call you, but I dare not, I how

bashful shout, stunned in, so all the way to see you from my line of sight more

and more far. I know, this county is too small, the crowd is too crowded and we

always meet by chance, dear, I love you very much but cant change the reality,

I love you too deep or your love is too shallow love is not firm. Now, only

wish, wish you happy. She, very simple, suitable for your other half. I know

well never be the same again. All I know is that a lot of couples dont make it

and then never get back in touch. But, my dear, if we cant be husband and wife,

cant we even be friends? I remember the first time I saw you, you are very

sunny, and I happened to be depressed at that time. Such me, even friends do not

want to do with you, with a depressed mood love ignore you. But you run every

day after running with me, even if I angry to say you only sad for a while and

then began to take a smile at me. Later in our life, we caught fish, caught

rabbits, visited the beauty of large rape, cherry blossom in the park in full

bloom and fell, I sat in the back of the car and spread my arms and said to fly,

you like to eat sesame ball and I hate it to death, the first time you kissed me

was I severely slap... Honey, I cry every time we turn around. Until the last

time because of the parents of both sides, I know is, you will relentlessly will

insist, but I was too confident, you did not. And I still silly in situ waiting

for you, you left me, give up this relationship, you go, you never look


Dear, I hear that there are five hundred people suitable for me in ones

life. Among them, I am no longer the only one for you. I know, I often say to

myself that it will be ok, as time goes by, our relationship will slowly fade

away. Maybe one day I will be as happy as you are now, dear, but this time is

very long, long trance in my life I think I will never meet the person I love

again, like love you. During the half year of separation, I learned to be used

to loneliness, to look at clouds and clouds, to look at the stars in the sky on

the windowsill at night, and in my spare time, I would hold my friends pet and

walk in the big temple behind your house... Darling, Im looking forward to

meeting you, but Im afraid. I am afraid that your happiness will make my eyes

blindfolded and can not see the world clearly, dear, I know you are very happy,

love a person is to make each other happy, you choose, I respect.

Happy Christmas Eve!

Bless you!



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我首先来到了李叔叔家,李叔叔是个农民,靠种植大棚蔬菜走上了财富之路。我恭祝他:“新春万事顺!蔬菜长得旺,价格一路长!”乐得李叔叔连忙塞红包,盛情难却,只好收了。我又来到了瓦工张叔叔家,他们一家正在喝茶,我祝他们:“身体健康!万事如意,钱财如砖砌墙,越摞越高!”王阿姨听了合不拢嘴,给了我满满一捧糖果。接着我又来到了杨奶奶家,祝她老人家“身体健康,万寿无疆!越活越精神 ! ”她一高兴竟然笑掉了假牙,我也跟着乐开了怀。就这样,我挨家挨户给乡亲们送上了新春的祝福。我的口袋里塞满了红包,带来的方便袋也都装的满满的。



My most anticipated day —— the Spring Festival finally came, because in this festival, we children have good food to eat, new clothes to wear, lucky money to spend, and little friends to play。 What makes me happy is to give the people a new year。

At the three or four oclock of the first day of the year, I could not wait to hurry Dad up。 Our custom is on the first day of the new year, when the owner of the family opens the door and sells the rice, so I cant wait to finish the reunion tea。 After that, I find several convenient bags and I cant wait to get ready to go。 Mom jokingly said: "the family bought so many delicious, you are not the only cat to eat!" Oh! Mom, how can you understand the mind of the son, I dont give the people a new year to give them a new years blessing! I went to the village of West swiftly, and had been waiting there buddy confluence, began to give folks pay New Years call。

I first came to Uncle Lis house。 Uncle Li was a farmer, and he went on the road of wealth by planting vegetables in the shed。 I wish he: "spring maestro! The vegetables grow well and the price is long! " Uncle Li was hastily stuffed envelopes, shengqingnanque, had received。 I went to the Mason Zhang Shushu home, they are a cup of tea, I wish them good health。 "! Good luck in everything, money such as the brick wall, the more the higher the stack!" Aunt Wang was grinning, gave me a full of candy。 Then I went to Yang grandmother, wish her good health, a long life "! The more alive the more spiritual! " She was happy off teeth, I also follow the music open arms。 In this way, I sent my family from door to door to the people of the new year。 My pocket is full of red envelopes and all the handy bags are full。

After I pay New Years call, and buddies joined together at Home Xu Xu Grandpa, grandpa is an old revolutionary soldier, his four brothers are in the Anti Japanese war in the glorious sacrifice, he also because of the war and lost a leg, could not get married this year, 90 year old Xu Grandpa, lonely and helpless to sit down on the bed, and my buddies to him after, his money gave him a total of two thousand yuan。 We also classified the peanut melon candy in the bag and put it on Grandpa Xus bed。 Grandpa Xu was moved to tears and thanked us。 In fact, we should thank the old revolutionary soldiers such as Grandpa Xu, without their throwing head and blood, which has our life so stable and happy today。

The winter holiday was over, and the celebration of the Spring Festival was close to the end。 I think it was one of the most meaningful things I did during the Spring Festival。



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Dear owners

Happy Spring Festival!

In the twinkling of an eye, 2017 has gone quietly, and the steed of 2018

has stepped forward. All the past is memories, and the future is beautiful!

Throughout 2017, yianju foremen club has contacted thousands of owners

with decoration needs, constantly participating in and listening to your

decoration stories. Maybe some of our owners did not reach an agreement in a

short period of time, so they withdrew from your decoration stage. However, this

does not hinder yianju from sending you warm wishes for the new year and

keeping the same new house as you Happy mood; more owners have completed the

decoration tour of your home with the efforts of the eXcellent foremen of yianju

foremen club and the witness of yianju staff, which certainly contains

heartache, anger, joy and eXcitement. Of course, it is inseparable from your

hard work. Do you remember that our company staff asked the boss for leave to

facilitate you to go out and buy building materials? Do you still remember that

while you were out on business, you secretly went to the new house to "inspect"

the workers construction? Do you still remember that you were fined a days

salary because you didnt choose a suitable living room lamp for a whole

afternoon? Do you remember the quality problems and construction delay caused by

the workers disobedience and in accordance with his so-called "eXperience"? How

angry and mad you are! Ha ha, its all over. It doesnt matter. Whats important

is that your new residence has become better and better in various coordination

and communication, and has become the same as you imagine. All kinds of

happiness and unhappiness in the past 2-3 months have become memories, an

irreplaceable memory. In the future life, in which details, you will more or

less think of these eXperiences Will smile gently.

With your strong support, yianju foreman club has gradually completed the

transformation from ordinary decoration company to foreman club mode, adapting

to the home decoration mode of low gross profit and high output. While

maintaining good construction quality, it really gives the profit to the owner

and the foreman.

In this year, we also encountered the refusal to pay labor fees by

unscrupulous customers, many customers were "unconditionally" deleted in the

public comments, and malicious competition from peers... But fortunately, we

still have your support, so we have not stopped moving forward, which is better

than the special inspection mechanism of other companies, the proXimity

principle of convenient site management, and the home insurance given to

customers ... all this will only make us go better and farther! Because,

everything has you!

In the new year of 2018, the development principle of easygoing is still to

make profits, so as to benefit the decoration owners and the construction

foreman; to carry out practical decoration, it is really developing!

On the eve of Chinese traditional New Years Eve and Spring Festival, all

the staff and foremen of yianju foremens Club wish you and your family a happy

New Year! Happy family! Everything goes well!



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每个人都有自己多姿多彩的童年。童年是柔软的沙滩,给予我们快乐;童年是浩瀚的大海,童年的我们就好比那一条条五彩缤纷的小鱼在海中畅游;童年是蓝 天,那变化多端的云儿是我们的身影……。在童年这段快乐的时光中,我们总会做出许多傻事,发生一些趣事。这些傻事和趣事就好比夜晚空中的星星,闪闪发光, 其中最亮,最大,最让我印象深刻的`要数种钱这件事了。

小时候的我特别喜欢吃糖,每当看到小卖部里的糖,我的眼睛就会发光,口水不知不觉就流了下来。一次,妈妈拿着一块钱,笑眯眯地对我说:“今天真乖,这 一块钱奖励给你,随便买点糖吃吃吧!”一听到妈妈说“糖”这个字,我的眼睛立刻就又闪闪发光了!我双手紧紧一握着那一块钱,贴在胸口想,我要买什么样的糖 呢?买二根棒一棒糖吧!我说干就干,可刚走到门口,又停住了脚步。我突发奇想:既然书上说,种一子发芽,长成大树,会开花结果,能有更多的种一子!那,我把一块 钱种下去,能不能发芽,开花结果呢?那样我的一块钱变成十块钱,十块钱变成一百块,岂不是发大财?对了!那种树好像叫“摇钱树”……!我继续想着我的“白 日梦”。

我来到陽台,拿出花盆,放进泥土,把我的“钱种一子”小心翼翼地种了进去,还给它浇水,让它晒太陽呢!妈妈见我一会儿拿个花盆,一会儿浇水,她很好奇地 问我:“你在干什么?在种什么花?”我装神秘说:“我在种你刚刚给我的让我买糖的东西!”她想了一会儿,突然哈哈大笑起来。我纳闷地说:“有什么好笑的! 我马上要发大财啦!有一大堆糖吃呢!”妈妈捂着肚子说:“小傻瓜,钱是不能种的,钱是靠赚的,只有植物才可以种!快点把钱挖出来!你还给它浇水,哈哈…… 笑死我了!”我不情愿地边挖边自言自语:“明明我可以发大财的!你非让我挖出来!”我在烂烂的泥里终于找到了这枚泥硬币!真难看,全是泥土!




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1. 童年像一场梦,使我快乐无比;童年就像一只飞在蓝天中的鸟儿,无忧无虑,自由自在;童年像天空中的彩虹,有着红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫各色不一,形态各不一样,其中有我的纯真,有我的可爱,有我的调皮,有我的懂事,有我的快乐,有我的失落,还有我的傻。这些美丽的往事,都使我无法忘记,我的童年像是在天堂的梦!(开头)



3. 童年的往事就像五光十色的贝壳,只要你打开它,就会发现它是那么可爱,有趣,让你回味无穷。(结尾)

4. 每个人都有一个童年,而童年趣事也就像海边那各色各

5. 童年是人生最宝贵的一笔财富,童年的游戏更是难得的宝石,童年无论是贫穷的还是富有的,在日复一日的岁月里它都会成为生命中最诱人的磁场。(开头)


6. 尽管世界很大很大,时光很快很快,在我心灵的一角始终有着不变的故乡梦,童年的苦,童年的乐,童年的脚步,还有那红日朝气蓬勃露出的笑脸,还有那不为人知的童年的秘密在飞沙走石,成败荣辱的人生里程中,童年的游戏是一道永驻心田的风景。(结尾)

7. 如今,奶奶已去世,可那满院的小兰花依旧开得那么艳,那么香,犹如奶奶的笑容一样,淡淡地,淡淡的……就像幸福的源泉让我不经意地露出那一抹微笑……(结尾)

8. 童年就像五彩斑斓的盒子,装满了糖果,装满了欢笑,也装满了笑声。现在回想起来,每一件事就像一颗颗晶样的贝壳,在海水的陪伴下闪闪发光,散发着五颜六色的光彩,数都数不完。而如今我的手上还握着那一颗最闪光的贝壳,那也正是我最难忘的一件童年趣事。(开头)

9. 小时候的快乐使我终生难忘,我的童年像一个彩色的梦,这场梦使我快乐无比!是个在天堂中的梦!我要将这个梦保留终生!(结尾)

10. 童年是一本书,记录着我们的点点滴滴;童年是一首歌,唱出我们的酸甜苦辣;童年是一幅画,渲染出了我们五彩缤纷的故事。(开头)

11. 童年啊童年,有了你,使我一生更加精彩!(结尾)

12. 童年趣事百无禁忌,常常荡漾在童年梦中的我真的好想像睡美人那样一睡不醒,如果让我形容童年趣事的话,我会把它比喻一朵花,一朵芳香四溢的花;一个盒子,一个装着许多秘密的盒子;一个葡萄架,一个长满了数不清葡萄的葡萄架……就让我们一起来享受那童话般的故事吧!(开头)

13. 哈哈!有趣吧!我的童年就是这样,傻事趣事一箩筐。像给雪娃娃洗澡,剃眉毛……也正是那么多趣事,傻事组成那七彩的童年,欢乐的童年,令人留恋的童年。虽然这段金色时光正慢慢离我远去,我已不那么傻,我相信童年趣事一定会成为我人生中最美的回忆。(结尾)



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This is my room.

A computer, a pencil case and some books are on the desk. The baseball is under the desk. My backpack is on the bed. look! Here is my watch. Its on the dresser. Where is my notebook?

Oh,Its under the bed.



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Easter is celebrated by exchange of Easter Eggs and other nifty gifts.Gift range may vary from anything between money,clothes,chocolate or go on holidays together.Some people make Easter bonnets or baskets,which have things like daffodils in them or mini eggs.Children sometimes go to a local community center to enter an Easter bonnet competition to see whose bonnet is the best and the winner gets an Easter egg.

The Easter bunny is very much a part of the Easter tradition in British.The shops are filled with thousands which people buy to give to each other.The Easter bunny hides the eggs in the houses and children on Easter Sunday search to find these treats.

Hot-cross buns are popular foods on Good Friday.These are sweet fruit buns with crosses on top.Some people still make these with yeast,but shops now sell dozens in the week before Easter.






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The Spring Festival  the most important festival in China.People usually decorate the doors and windows with red papercuts.becouse red means good luck.People usually clean house too.becouse they want to sweep away bad luck.Children can get some new clothes or presents from their parents and grandparents.On New Years Eve,family always have a big dinner.Everybody are watch TV and talk.In the midnight,there usually fairworks.On New Years Day,people usually put on their new clothes and vit their femily and friends.They usually say Happy New Years Day. The Spring Festival finhes at the Lantern Festival after two weeks.People usually eat a kind of rice dumpling called yuanxiao.It can take people good luck all the year round.



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【导语】我们的童年,都是无忧无虑的;我们的童年,更是自由自在的。下面是小编为大家整理的我的童年趣事初中作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 我的童年趣事初中作文篇一




啊,童年趣事如果能再次返回来,该多好呀! 我的童年趣事初中作文篇二








每当想起幼儿园的这件趣事,我还是会忍不住的笑起来。 我的童年趣事初中作文篇三










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童年是一个谜,混沌初开,稚嫩好奇 ;少年是一首诗,多愁善感,对月相思;青年是一匹马 ,撒蹄扬欢 ,心在天涯;中年是一壶酒,浓烈甘醇,回味良久;老年是一杯茶,平淡如水,落尽繁华。































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how to save environment? i think we should do the followings: first, it’s best to ride a bike to school, don’t take a bus or a taxi. second, i will remember to turn off the lights when i leave the classroom. third, in my free time, i will collect the empty bottles and waste paper for recycling. the fourth idea is turning off the shower when i ‘m not using it. fifth, it is imporment to save water and money. also, i won’t spend too much money on expensive things. last, we had better not cut down the trees, we have to take care of the trees . i’ll try my best to save the energy, i hope i can do something for our country.

the environmental protection is the most major problem which in the modern life the humanity faces. must solve this problem must start from foundation. first, must massively propagandize, enhances peoples consciousness with understanding, strengthens the environmental protection consciousness. next, must carry on waste recovery use, reduces to forest-trees felling. also must strengthen to white pollution processing, little uses the plastic product. finally, must make improvement to clean aspect. causes the citys appearance to be neater. for earths tomorrow, we must start from the now diligently, will want the well local constable to protect the environment. to this us proposes as follows suggests: implementation trash classification packed in bags. like this not only can reduce the environmental sanitation workers work load, but also can even better basically arrive makes use of waste, to reduce the pollution, saves the resources.



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1, spring to three minutes warm.

2. Spring has been frosted, when spring will rot.

3, the spring equinox has rain patient sparse.

4. Spring rush.

5It is easy to plow the fields in spring.

6After the beginning of spring, tidal currents increased.

7If it rains, it will rain until the morning. It is not rain, especially thunder.

8The vernal equinox day is twelve hours each day.

9. The rainy day of spring, wet and wet to clear.

10, the rain spring cattle head, seventy-seven forty-nine days of sorrow.

11A years plan is in spring.

12. Spring exposure, summer fog to make big water.

13. Spring thunder, ten piglets nine empty.

14Spring east wind, rain ancestors, summer east wind, an empty: spring if blowing east wind, it will be spring rain; If the wind blows in the summer, there will be a shortage of rain, which will bring harm to the growth of crops.

15. Spring sunshine, rain all.

16, the twelfth lunar month spring water early, the first month of spring water late.

17, the spring sunshine, the rain all.

18. Early spring evening.

19. Mother noodles after spring.

20In spring, when the temperature is low, it will be rainy. In winter, there will be less rain.

21One day in the spring, the ploughing is easy.

22, February 2nd thunder, rice heavier hammer.

23. After the spring, all vientiane spring, paddy fields, ponds and other water began to evaporate, express the world spring has come.

24, in the year of double spring rain water, the year of spring good farming.

25The spring equinox peony, to the old do not blossom: peony flowers in summer, the spring equinox is too slow.

26Spring cold rain if spring, winter and cold rain scattered.

27Fat is not the spring rain, but the autumn frost.

28In the spring, there is a lot of land, and in the fall there is a great stone valley.

29Ray hit the Spring Festival, the sting of the rain.

30The spring equinox peony, to the old do not blossom.

31In spring, the weather is sunny and the Pepsi crop is good.

32People get up early in spring, and the people in the autumn are full.

33Three days of spring is fine.

34, the spring equinox has rain patients thin: vernal equinox day if it rains, fewer patients.

35Spring is the first year of the year.

36The fog will clear up in the spring, and the fog will flood in the summer.

37, water in spring, farmers worry.

38It is like the mud of a sting.

39Time and tide wait for no man.

40The spring day, as in December, is called early spring. If the sowing is not too early, it is too late to do it by season.

41No one is old enough to have a spring in one day.

42Before the spring equinox, there is a good harvest of beans: this is the agricultural phenomenon in northern Taiwan, and the south is relatively early.

43Spring rain is as expensive as oil.

44Spring has frost, when spring will rot.

45After spring, the climate is very changeable.

46The lunar New Year spring.

47The rain is poured on a lamp, and the sun is shining.

48. The six animals are uneasy.

49The spring equinox before the good cloth field, after the spring equinox good beans.

50, spring rain to qingming.



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1. 参加英语角的益处;

2. 坚持写英语日记的作用;

3. 英文阅读网站(EnjoyReading)对你的帮助。

注意:1. 词数:120-150;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


As a high school student, I consider English a very important subject. In order to learn it well, apart from English class, I take an active part in English corner and other after-class English activities, which benefit me a lot.


In the English corner, I meet many friends, who share the same interest with me. Besides, sometimes some foreigners are glad to join us. By talking with them, my oral English improved a lot. I also find it useful to keep English diaries. I have been keeping on doing it for years and it is helpfl to my English. As a saying goes, practice makes perfect. Only by practice will we make rapid progress. Finally, EnjoyReaing contributes a lot of my improvement. Through the English website, I can read some classic English passages, poems and stories. What’s more, I can learn a lot, which play an important part in my study process.




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After I read the news, I felt very excited. Lei Feng was a good example all

the young people in our

country learned from in the 1960s and 1970s. But these years people seem to

have given up the ideas of Lei Feng. they dont care about public interests and

never think for others. All these have done GRE at harm to the society.

Now, we students have realized the seriousness of the problem, and have

decided to learn from Lei Feng. We are glad that Lei Feng has come back




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dear yanglang,

i’m really miss you , we can’t see about three months . are you ok? i hope you happy every day.

we have eight classes everyday , and only two classes are not english , another classes is listening , reading , speaking and writing english . some people think it is boring in the classes , but i think this is very enjoyable .

i love my life now . because i always feel fulfilled all day . i am so busy that i can’t play ping-pong . i think it is my desire to enjoy life.

i want to travel to mountain hua . three years ago i went there , but don’t go to the top , so i must go there when i have free time.

take care yourself!

love young!


